Fallout 3 – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide) – Revolution Arena [in English] (2024)

Table of Contents:


I. Introduction {INT001}

    1. Using this FAQ {INT002}
    1. Sequence of Events {INT003}
    1. Following Directions {INT004}
    1. Bobbleheads {INT005}
    1. Books {INT006}
    1. Items {INT007}
    1. Keller Family Transcripts {INT008}
    1. Quests {INT009}
    1. Schematics {INT010}
    1. Sheet Music Books {INT011}
    1. Super Mutant Behemoths {INT012}
    1. Random Loot {INT013}


II. S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attributes {SPC001}

    1. Strength {SPC002}
    1. Perception {SPC003}
    1. Endurance {SPC004}
    1. Charisma {SPC005}
    1. Intelligence {SPC006}
    1. Agility {SPC007}
    1. Luck {SPC008}
    1. My Personal Build, Attributes {SPC009}

III. Statistics {STA001}

    1. CND {STA002}
    1. RAD {STA003}
    1. EFF {STA004}
    1. LVL {STA005}
    1. HP {STA006}
    1. AP {STA007}
    1. XP {STA008}

IV. Skills {SKL001}

  • Base {SKL002}
  • Tag! {SKL003}
  • Leveling {SKL004}
  • Bobbleheads {SKL005}
  • Books {SKL006}
  • Min/Maxing {SKL007}
  • Breakdown of Skill Points {SKL008}
  • The Skills {SKL009}
    • Barter {SKL010}
    • Big Guns {SKL011}
    • Energy Weapons {SKL012}
    • Explosives {SKL013}
    • Lockpick {SKL014}
    • Medicine {SKL015}
    • Melee Weapons {SKL016}
    • Repair {SKL017}
    • Science {SKL018}
    • Small Guns {SKL019}
    • Sneak {SKL020}
    • Speech {SKL021}
    • Unarmed {SKL022}
  • Skills I Tag! (and why) {SKL023}
  • Skill Point Allocation {SKL024}

V. Perks {PRK001}

  • Level 2 Perks {PRK002}
  • Level 4 Perks {PRK003}
  • Level 6 Perks {PRK004}
  • Level 8 Perks {PRK005}
  • Level 10 Perks {PRK006}
  • Level 12 Perks {PRK007}
  • Level 14 Perks {PRK008}
  • Level 16 Perks {PRK009}
  • Level 18 Perks {PRK010}
  • Level 20 Perks {PRK011}
  • Level 22 Perks {PRK012}
  • Level 24 Perks {PRK013}
  • Level 26 Perks {PRK014}
  • Level 28 Perks {PRK015}
  • Level 30 Perks {PRK016}
  • Additional Perks {PRK017}
  • My Personal Build, Perks {PRK018}


VI. Hints & Tips {HNT001}


    1. Baby Steps/Future Imperfect {WLK001}
    1. Escape! {WLK002}
    1. The Intelligence Bobblehead {WLK003}
    1. The Power of the Atom {WLK004}
    1. The Wasteland Survival Guide, Super-Duper Mart {WLK005}
    1. The Wasteland Survival Guide, Minefield {WLK006}
    1. The Wasteland Survival Guide, The Tepid Sewers {WLK007}
    1. The Lockpick Bobblehead {WLK008}
    1. The Science Bobblehead {WLK009}
    1. The Sneak Bobblehead {WLK010}
    1. The Unarmed Bobblehead {WLK011}
    1. The Melee Weapons Bobblehead {WLK012}
    1. The Explosives Bobblehead {WLK013}
    1. The Speech Bobblehead/Strictly Business/Rescue from Paradise {WLK014}
    1. The Wasteland Survival Guide, Anchorage War Memorial {WLK015}
    1. The Wasteland Survival Guide, Arlington Library {WLK016}
    1. The Wasteland Survival Guide, RobCo Facility {WLK017}
    1. Blood Ties {WLK018}
    1. Big Trouble in Big Town {WLK019}
    1. The Superhuman Gambit {WLK020}
    1. The Small Guns Bobblehead {WLK021}
    1. The Barter Bobblehead {WLK022}
    1. Tenpenny Tower {WLK023}
    1. The Nuka-Cola Challenge {WLK024}
    1. Those! {WLK025}
    1. Following in His Footsteps {WLK026}
    1. Galaxy News Radio {WLK027}
    1. Rivet City/The Wasteland Survival Guide, Rivet City History/The Replicated Man {WLK028}
    1. Scientific Pursuits/Tranquility Lane {WLK029}
    1. The Waters of Life {WLK030}
    1. The Strength Bobblehead/Trouble on the Homefront {WLK031}
    1. You Gotta Shoot ‘Em in the Head/The Perception Bobblehead/The Agility Bobblehead {WLK032}
    1. The Endurance Bobblehead/The Big Guns Bobblehead/Fort Constantine {WLK033}
    1. The Charisma Bobblehead {WLK034}
    1. The Luck Bobblehead {WLK035}
    1. Oasis {WLK036}
    1. Head of State/Stealing Independence {WLK037}
    1. To the Ranger Compound {WLK038}
    1. Reilly’s Rangers {WLK039}
    1. Agatha’s Song {WLK040}
    1. Takoma Industrial {WLK041}
    1. The Capitol Building {WLK042}
    1. Into the Pitt/Unsafe Working Conditions/Free Labor {WLK043}
    1. Aiding the Outcasts/The Guns of Anchorage/Paving the Way/Operation: Anchorage! {WLK044}
    1. The Velvet Curtain/A Spoonful of Whiskey/The Local Flavor {WLK045}
    1. Plik’s Safari/An Antique Land/Walking With Spirits/Hearing Voices/Thought Control/A Meeting of the Minds/The Dark Heart of Blackhall {WLK046}
    1. Not of This World/Among the Stars/This Galaxy Ain’t Big Enough {WLK047}
    1. Picking up the Trail/Finding the Garden of Eden {WLK048}
    1. The American Dream/Take it Back!/Project Impurity {WLK049}
    1. Protecting the Water Way/Holy Water/The Amazing Aqua Cura!/Death From Above/Shock Value/Who Dares Wins {WLK050}



The portions of the FAQ listed below may contain spoilers if you read ahead. You’ve been warned.

(The Index for these sections are safe, though!)


VIII. The Companion Map {MAP001}

IX. Locations [Fallout 3] {LOC001}

    1. [Broken Steel] {LOC002}
    1. [Mothership Zeta] {LOC003}
    1. [Operation: Anchorage] {LOC004}
    1. [Point Lookout] {LOC005}
    1. [The Pitt] {LOC006}

X. Quests {QST001}

    1. [Broken Steel] {QST002}
    1. [Mothership Zeta] {QST003}
    1. [Operation: Anchorage] {QST004}
    1. [Point Lookout] {QST005}
    1. [The Pitt] {QST006}

XI. NPCs {NPC001}

XII. Enemies {EMY001}

    1. [Broken Steel] {EMY002}
    1. [Mothership Zeta] {EMY003}
    1. [Operation: Anchorage] {EMY004}
    1. [Point Lookout] {EMY005}
    1. [The Pitt] {EMY006}

XIII. Random Encounters {RND001}

XIV. Bobbleheads & Miscellaneous {BOB001}

XV. Keller Family Transcripts {KFT001}

XVI. Sheet Music Books {SMB001}

XVII. Books {BOK001}

XVIII. Equipment {EQP001}

    1. Apparel {EQP002}
    1. Big Guns {EQP003}
    1. Energy Weapons {EQP004}
    1. Explosives {EQP005}
    1. Melee Weapons {EQP006}
    1. Small Guns {EQP007}
    1. Unarmed {EQP008}

XIX. Unique Weapons {UNQ001}

    1. Big Guns {UNQ002}
    1. Energy Weapons {UNQ003}
    1. Melee Weapons {UNQ004}
    1. Small Guns {UNQ005}
    1. Unarmed {UNQ006}

XX. Schematics {SCM001}

XXI. Achievements/Trophies {ACH001}

    1. Quest Achievements/Trophies {ACH002}
    1. Karma Achievements/Trophies {ACH003}
    1. Behemoth Achievement/Trophy {ACH004}

Introduction {INT001}

Since I was collecting so much loot and putting all kinds of things into my character creation FAQ (things that really had no business being in a character creation FAQ in the first place), I decided to go and do a full FAQ/Walkthrough for Fallout 3. This was also in part encouraged by my increased experience in FAQ writing, which made me believe I could bother attempting to write a full FAQ on such a lengthy game. In particular my Baldur’s Gate and Mass Effect FAQs introduced new organizational methods that streamlined the process. They were also fairly significant endeavors in themselves, and if I could complete a FAQ on a game like Baldur’s Gate… well, the sky’s the limit. Of course I included my original and in-depth character creation FAQ inside of this one. After all, having a strong character to play with will make the rest of the game that much easier, right?

This FAQ was created with two goals in mind. First, to create a complete FAQ/Walkthrough that did more than just complete every quest. During the walkthrough you will visit just about every area in the game, collect all the unique weapons and apparel, complete all the quests, collect all the books/bobbleheads, as see just about everything there is to see in Fallout 3… or find/see everything that I have found/seen throughout my multiple playthroughs. You should get every achievement/trophy, and be relatively satisfied that you milked the game for all it was worth by the end of the Walkthrough. This is for the power gamer, the completionist, and the gamer who wants to know/see/do everything.

On the other hand I didn’t want to write a FAQ where all I did was hold the readers’ hand through the whole game. So I cut out the vital information as I played about the areas, quests, items, enemies, and whatnot, and put them into various lists, appendices, indexes, and sub-sections. This is for the gamer who wants to find a certain item, know about a certain place, or complete a certain quest without following the walkthrough in any specific order… if at all! For those of you who just want to play and use this FAQ to double check and make sure you didn’t miss anything, this FAQ is for you, too.

In short, this FAQ should have something for everyone, regardless of your play style. If you just want to make a strong character and find everything on your own… well, that’s what this guide was originally created for. Consult the ‘Character Creation’ section of the FAQ. If you want to just find a certain item, or check up on a quest or area as you play through the game in your own order, consult the ‘Lists’ section of the FAQ. If you want to find everything and have a complete and detailed guide through the game, consult the ‘Walkthrough’ section of the FAQ. Most of all, have fun with the game, and to that end, use this FAQ as little or as much as you must to achieve that end. And if the guide was helpful or useful to you, drop me an E-mail to say thanks. If you didn’t like the guide… then to hell with you. You obviously have no taste anyhow. And certainly E-mail me if you found something wrong or missing in this guide, anything that can make this guide better and more complete is welcome, indeed.

Using this FAQ {INT002}

Below I will list some of my quirks, organizational methods, and various other tidbits that will help you navigate this guide. For starters, during the main FAQ I’ll break up major story missions and guide with a large heading like so:

Large Heading

During the FAQ, I’ll break up different areas with a thick line:

Thick line

Multiple parts of a mission in the same area will be broken up with a thin line. This breaks up the missions into a series of steps, and limits how much unbroken text you’ll have to read at once. Nobody likes wordiness:

Thin line

Of course, I reserve the right to break my own rules during the FAQ… mostly due to being scatter-brained and working on the FAQ in shifts over the course of time. Life and all. So cut me some slack. Besides, this organizational scheme is mostly for consistency and ease-of-use.

Sequence of Events {INT003}
As I go through areas and complete quests I will list what I do sequentially. To help streamline the guide and make your life easier, I’ve included a list of steps at the beginning of each section, so you can see in what order I am about to do things.

Following Directions {INT004}
Fortunately in Fallout 3 finding things is easier than in any other Bethesda sandbox game. You get a nice little compass, an overworld map, an area map, and area/threat indicators to let you know when you’re getting close. It’s a FAQ writer’s dream! If I tell you to head east from Megaton, you know exactly what to do. When being specific, I’ll include landmarks, as needed.

Bobbleheads {INT005}
I will record when a Bobblehead is discovered during the walkthrough by listing it under the heading BOBBLEHEAD. This should ensure that by simply following along with the FAQ and paying attention you’ll find each one as we explore. Keep in mind, however, that if you want to make a perfect character you’ll have to leave the attribute Bobbleheads alone until AFTER you acquire the ‘Almost Perfect’ perk.

Books {INT006}
Like with bobbleheads, I’ll record when we find skill books in the walkthrough under the heading BOOKS.

Items {INT007}
Unlike many of my other guides, you will not see the ITEMS heading anywhere in this guide… that’s not what this entry is about, however. Here I just want to point out that during the walkthrough I will NOT be including every random piece of junk you can pick up in the game. There’s just too much to bother with, and it would be a waste of my time to write, and your time to read. I will, however, point out the locations of particularly rare or valuable items as we come across them in the walkthrough. So… to recap, I will not point out every Box of Detergent, Bent Tin Can, Bonesaw, or other bogus baggage.

Keller Family Transcripts {INT008}
Although they might not have the same significance as books and bobbleheads, since they are rare items that help you get access to some loot, I’ll record when we find a Keller Family Transcript under the heading KELLER FAMILY TRANSCRIPTS. Make sure to collect all five! Or at least #2 through #5.

Quests {INT009}
In this section I’ll list updates to your quests, mostly focusing on when you activate individual quests. They will be found under the heading QUEST. Note that this section will not include sidequests. If it doesn’t appear in big green (or whatever custom color you’ve chosen) letters when it happens, I won’t bother recording it in this section.

Schematics {INT010}
Like with books, I’ll record when we find schematics in the walkthrough under the heading SCHEMATICS. I will include ones we find from vendors, but schematics are spread around the game quite well… one even requires a random encounter to trigger, so alas, if you want them in a timely manner, or if you want to ensure you get all of them, you’ll have to do it on your own.

Sheet Music Books {INT011}
Throughout the game you’ll find several Sheet Music Books, which can be turned into Agatha for additional rewards. These are rare, but when they can be found in an area you’ll be notified via the presence of the SHEET MUSIC BOOK heading.

Super Mutant Behemoths {INT012}
With the expansions and the rise of Albino Radscorpions, Feral Ghoul Reavers, and Super Mutant Overlords, the Super Mutant Behemoth isn’t as imposing as it used to be. Why should it be, when there are several monsters that appear randomly that are just as strong as it? I still include them under their own heading when we encounter one. Everybody likes achievements, after all. Find them under the BEHEMOTH heading.

Random Loot {INT013}
Many containers and enemies will drop you random loot, which may vary from what I have listed. This is why I typically tell you to ‘loot the first aid box’ rather than tell you to ‘grab the two Stimpaks and the Purified Water from the first aid box’. Of course, sometimes I’ll mention getting ‘some chems and caps’ from some stash. Just remember that the minor loot you obtain from containers may vary, so take what I say in those instances with a grain of salt-like in most of my guides, listing loot more serves to give you an example of what you might get, rather than what you will get. Still, most items I’ll direct you to are fixed, so you don’t need to worry about it too much.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L Attributes {SPC001}

Your seven attributes are cleverly formed into the anagram ‘SPECIAL’, which stands for Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, Luck.

Attributes do a number of things for you-depending on what the actual attribute is, but they all give a 2 point bonus to their related skills for each point in that attribute. For example, if your Strength was 5 your base Melee Weapons skill would get a 10 point bonus. Luck is the exception, which gives a 1 point bonus for each two points in Luck to all your skills. This also means that when determining your skill points, each skill starts out with at least a +2 bonus (for your minimum of 1 in each attribute.) But.. more on that later.

You can get a Vault-Tec limited edition bobblehead that adds a +1 bonus for each of your attributes. You should plan on getting these (or at least the more important ones) and adjust your character’s attributes appropriately. Remember, if you’re planning on getting the ‘Almost Perfect’ perk, don’t pick up any attribute bobbles until you have that perk… or unless you already have a score of nine in that attribute, as the ‘Almost Perfect’ perk will not decrease an attribute score. Go to the ‘Perks’ section of the guide to find out more.

In the original Fallout 3, your attribute placement was vital, as you only had so many. In Broken Steel, the introduction of the level 30 perk ‘Almost Perfect’ enables you to boost all your attributes up to 9, 10 with the Bobblehead. This makes attributes somewhat moot, as all you have to do is get to level 30 to max yourself out. Appropriately the focus of this guide has changed. No longer are the attributes rated on which are the ‘best’ but now attribute allocation has more to do with getting the perks you want when you want them, and which attributes are more useful in getting you to level 30, since they are all rather moot after you get there.

Strength {SPC002}
Skills: Melee Weapons

Strength is a measure of your raw physical power. It affects how much you can carry, and determines the effectiveness of all melee attacks.

Strength determines the damage you do with melee attacks.. a whopping half a point of damage for each point of strength. Yes, 10 points of Strength gets you the same damage as the Iron Fist perk, wow! As far as the skill point bonuses go, Strength is the weakest attribute, factoring into only one skill. Five is good enough to get me Strong Back, and that’s all I’ll give it.

StrengthMelee DamageCarrying CapacitySkills

You can further increase your Strength by completing the quest ‘Those!’ and receiving the injection from Doctor Lesko.

Grade: **

Perception {SPC003}

Skills: Explosives, Lockpick, and Energy Weapons

A high Perception grants a bonus to the Explosives, Lockpick, and Energy Weapons skills, and determines when red compass markings appear (which indicate threats).

Perception’s big draw is that it increases the distance at which you notice threats—red marks on your compass. Granted this is only useful for avoiding said threats or ambushing/sneaking up on them. Still, if you are a ranged fighter, this is useful for letting you know where your enemies are before you engage. If tactical advantages don’t mean anything to you, obviously Perception shouldn’t be high on your list. Even without the threat markers (which I am personally fairly fond of), Perception gives a bonus to three skills… which makes it fairly useful by that simple virtue alone. Many good perks require a Perception score of six, so that’s where I start.


You can further increase your Perception by completing the quest ‘Those!’ and receiving the injection from Doctor Lesko.

Grade: ***

Endurance {SPC004}
Skills: Big Guns and Unarmed

Endurance is a measure of your overall physical fitness. A high Endurance gives bonuses to health, environmental resistances, and the Big Guns and Unarmed skills.

Every point of Endurance gives you 20 health, a fairly significant amount considering you gain 10 points per level (excluding the first) added on to a base of 100. This bonus is retroactive-should you gain more Endurance later, you’ll find yourself burdened with an extra 20 health. By ‘environmental resistances’ they mean Radiation Resistance. You’ll gain a 2% bonus for every point above 1, again retroactive. This is a fairly good attribute, and it gives bonuses to two skills, even though Big Guns kind of sucks. Since all the bonuses are retroactive, there’s no call to put more points into it when you begin than you absolutely need. I choose to start out with six.

EnduranceHitpointsPoison ResistanceRadiation ResistanceSkills

Grade: ****

Charisma {SPC005}
Skills: Barter and Speech

Having a high Charisma will improve people’s disposition of you, and give bonuses to both the Barter and Speech skills.

You won’t need one point of Charisma to make it through the game, and it’s just as much of a dump stat in the expansions as it was in the original. The only thing that’s changed is now if you reach level 30, you can enjoy all the perks of having a high Charisma, without having to suffer to get it. Start out with one point.


Grade: *

Intelligence {SPC006}
Skills: Science, Repair, and Medicine

Intelligence affects the Science, Repair, and Medicine skills. The higher your Intelligence, the more Skill Points you’ll be able to distribute when you level up.

Intelligence gives bonuses to three skills, and for every point of intelligence you have, you’ll get one extra skill point to distribute per level. This skill used to be one of the focal points of my build in the original… in the expansion, things have changed. On one hand, you have half again as many levels, so you don’t really NEED a super high intelligence to max all your skills out at 100. On the other hand, it’s the only skill that isn’t retroactive… In other words, it’s the only one that will suffer if you don’t have it high early. What it comes down to is simple: at level 30, Intelligence is useless. All the levels leading up to it are important. Ultimately, it’s only important in getting you to 100 in all your skills. In the end, I still go with 9, as there really just isn’t much else worth getting. This way, I can get the required skill levels for the perks I want and not even have to worry about the Educated perk. Keep in mind that you CAN get the bobblehead for Intelligence (or any other attribute) if you start out with a base of 9. The ‘Almost Perfect’ perk will not drop you down to 9 if you already have a 10.

IntelligenceSkill Points per LevelSkills

Grade: ***

Agility {SPC007}
Skills: Small Guns and Sneak

Agility affects your Small Guns and Sneak skills, and the number of Action Points available for V.A.T.S.

Small Guns and Sneak are both magnificent skills, and I live and die by V.A.T.S. in this game. You get a measly two points for each point in Agility plus a base of.. 65? Still, weapons just aren’t accurate at a range, and ammo is a commodity, so V.A.T.S. is good times. Besides, you are almost invulnerable while in V.A.T.S. so it’s something worth abusing. Even though most of the perks I really want require only six, by the time Nerves of Steel becomes available, I’m scraping the bottom of the perk barrel. I get up to seven just so I can have that perk. Plus, it’ll help to have a good Agility early on.

AgilityAction PointsSkills

Grade: ****

Luck {SPC008}
Skills: All skills

Raising your Luck will raise all of your skills a little. Having a high Luck will also improve your critical chance with all weapons.

Luck is a fantastic attribute. Every point gives you a 1% critical hit rate. A critical hit on an enemy’s head in V.A.T.S. with a combat shotgun is a GOOD thing. With 10 points of Luck, Finesse, and the best modifier from the Wasteland Survival Guide, you can get an 18% critical rate. That’s good times. As if that’s not good enough, Luck gives a bonus to all your skills, one point for every odd attribute point in Luck (1,3,5,7,9). That’s a total of 13 skill points for every other attribute point. At 6.5 per point, that’s a better skill bonus than any other attribute. I start out with six.

LuckCritical ChanceSkills

Grade: *****

You can further increase your Luck by possessing the Lucky 8 Ball. Like a bobblehead, this item just sits in your inventory and makes your life easier.

My Personal Build, Attributes {SPC009}
I count on getting all the Bobbleheads (which is much easier than finding all the books) and the Lucky 8 Ball. Also, I plan on getting the ‘Ant Sight’ perk. I play by using Stealth to sneak up on my enemies, typically with Small Guns. Sneak Criticals are good times, and my V.A.T.S. ensures I win my fights.

These following attributes will be enough to get me all the perks I want up until level 30. At which time I will get ‘Almost Perfect’ to bring my attributes up to nine. Note that this build will not come into its own until you hit level 30… at which point you can go around collecting Bobbleheads and become a phenom. It’s more than enough to survive the game though, and with some ease, until you hit level 30.

Suggested Starting AttributesScore

| |
| Statistics {STA001} |
| |
You could really look a lot of this up in the manual, but that’s too much for some folk… I’ll just assume you’re looking it up here for my expert opinions. Yeah…

CND {STA002}
Like the manual says, this screen has an outline of your poor little Pip Boy. The healthier he is, the happier he’ll look! Also, you can see the condition of all your body parts. This feature seems a little tacked on, and most of the time you’ll only take serious bodily harm from explosions, traps, or Robobrains. Getting crippled is a bad thing, obviously, and the effects range from occasionally losing focus and becoming temporarily blind to hobbling around at half speed. Using stimpaks on the injured member or sleeping in a bed will fix you up.

RAD {STA003}
This screen shows your current level of radiation exposure via the bar across the bottom. Your radiation level ranges from 0 rads to 1000 rads, with significant negative effects occurring every 200 rads, as follows:

200 rads: -1 EN
400 rads: -2 EN, -1 AG
600 rads: -3 EN, -2 AG, -1 ST
800 rads: -3 EN, -2 AG, -2 ST
1000 rads: Death!

You won’t lose maximum HP while suffering from radiation poisoning, so the endurance loss isn’t too bad. However, losing agility and strength kinda sucks. Fix yourself up with some radaway or prevent radiation poisoning by using rad-x. Just don’t become addicted!

As a side note, does anybody remember those old Terminator games made by Bethesda? Really, Skynet was the more popular one, but they were first person shooters made about a decade ago. Post-apocalyptic fps game, and I swear the geiger counter sound effect was exactly the same. I might be the only person who heard about Bethesda doing a Fallout sequel and not thinking it was completely out of place… but then again, I was also one of the few people who played the original Fallout games who didn’t bristle when they said Fallout 3 would be “Oblivion with guns.” Ah well… Tangents, sorry.

EFF {STA004}
If you’re suffering from radiation poisoning, or if you are in some other way buffed or impaired, that’ll show up here. This just lists the various status effects affecting you.

LVL {STA005}
This is, of course, your level. You start out level 1, and reach level 2 immediately upon exiting the vault. As of now you can reach a lamely low maximum level of 30. Each time you level up you’ll receive 10 HP, a perk, and 10 skill points + intelligence.

HP {STA006}
Hit Points, of course. When you run out of these, you die. Hit points are good, and since endurance is one of the best ways to get more of them, endurance is pretty good too. You start out with a base of 100 and receive 10 every level (sans the first). You also gain 20 more per point of endurance and possibly 30 from the Life Giver perk. That’s a maximum of 620 hit points.

AP {STA007}
Action points are all-important for my play style. The more action points you have, the more shots you can take in V.A.T.S., which is much more accurate, damaging, and during which, you’re invincible. If you’re too elite of an FPS shooter for V.A.T.S., just give yourself an agility of 1 and have fun. For the rest of us, V.A.T.S. is win. You start out with 65 and gain two points for every point of agility. With the Action Boy/Girl perk, you can top out at 110 (which I always do). There’s an argument that AP becomes redundant if you get the Grim Reaper’s Sprint perk, but in its defense, the more AP you have, the more shots you can take, the better your chance of killing an enemy and replenishing your AP. It’s good stuff people, trust me. I even get Nerves of Steel, since it makes V.A.T.S. that much more accessible. And really, there’s not a stellar selection of great perks left at level 26.

XP {STA008}
Your experience points rates your progress towards the next level. You receive anywhere from 1 to 50 experience (in normal difficulty) for killing an enemy, and you get a comparably whopping amount for completing the game’s quests. I’ll go ahead and say it here… there are plenty of chances to gain XP in this game. Killing enemies, completing quests, giving certain items (scrap metal, sensor modules, sugar bombs and the like) to certain NPCs, picking locks, disabling/disarming mines, hacking computers… Point is, you NEVER need perks that increase your XP… even if you might be forced into picking one at level three for lack of options…
| |
| Skills {SKL001} |
| |
Skills determine how good you are at various activities, anything from picking locks, hacking computers, attacking with various weapons, sneaking, interacting with NPCs and so forth. Your skills are every bit as important as your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes and your perks, with one exception… it’s entirely possible to create a character with a score of 100 in every skill.

Base {SKL002}
You start out with two points in each skill, and get an additional two points per S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute in related skills with the exception of Luck, which gives 0.5 point for each point of Luck (rounded up).

Tag! {SKL003}
You select three skills to tag during the G.O.A.T. test. Unlike the first two Fallout games, this doesn’t double your rate of skill point increase, it merely adds a 15 point bonus to those skills.

Leveling {SKL004}
You gain 10 skill points per level plus your Intelligence score. Getting the bobblehead from Rivet City early earns you extra skill points.

Bobbleheads {SKL005}
There is a bobblehead in the game for each skill, each of which increases your skill by 10 points. Free and easy skill points, you shouldn’t raise any skill above 90 until you have the bobblehead for that skill, or you’re wasting points.

Books {SKL006}
In addition to perks, leveling, intelligence, and bobbleheads, you can get skill bonuses from books throughout the game. These books each give you a one point bonus to a specific skill, depending on the book. This cannot increase your skill level above 100. In the game there are twenty-five of each skill book (except for ‘Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor, of which there are only twenty-three.) With the Comprehension perk, each book adds two points instead of one, so you should save all the skill books you find until you get Comprehension. Note that depending on where you choose to live, you may not be able to get all 25 of the books in the game. Different themes offer different books in Tenpenny Tower than in Megaton. Also, the ‘Lawbringer’ and ‘Contract Killer’ perks each allow you to obtain a book you normally couldn’t get, a Guns & Bullets and Lying, Congressional Style, respectively. On any given playthrough you will miss out on two to four books, depending on how you play. Adjust your build accordingly.

Min/Maxing {SKL007}
If you want to ensure you’ll max out all skills at 100, get every skill to at least 40 points. You’ll get ten more from the bobbleheads, and you can get 50 more points from the skill books if you have Comprehension. For Barter, you’ll need a minimum of 44 since there are only 23 books (Speech gets a 10 point boost from Yew’s Bear Charm.) Keep in mind that some perks require skills to be at certain levels, like Cyborg. You might want to boost such skills to the minimum level- and really strive to get your hands on the bobbleheads you’ll need early on. This approach is even more power-gamey than I like to play, but it’s an option. I don’t think it’s really all that valid now that you have an extra 10 levels and you might as well start out with a high Intelligence… but… hey, it’s out there. If you want to find ALL the skill books, you don’t even need Comprehension.

Breakdown of Skill Points {SKL008}
There are 13 skills in the game, each of which can be raised to a score of 100, for a grand total of 1300 possible skill points in the game… You will get skill points equal to (10 + your Intelligence score) for each level you gain. For my build that’s 19 at level 2, and 20 for the rest, since I’ll make a priority getting the bobblehead from Rivet City. From leveling alone, I will get a total of 579 skill points. Add that to the base two in each skill for an extra 26 skill points, or 605 total.

Add that to the three tagged skills for a total of 650. You will also hit a total of 10 in each attribute, adding 20 points to each skill. Luck will add an additional 5 points to all my skills for a total boost from attributes of 25 points. (25 x 13 = 325) Just from leveling up, getting the Almost Perfect perk, and all the attribute bobbleheads, my skill point total is at 975 out of the possible 1,300.

Now take into account the skill bobbleheads, each of which add 10 to their skill. That’s 130 more points, bringing me up to 1,105 points. From books, I need to find only 195 points worth of books. With Comprehension, that’s a measly 98 books out of 323, which is cake. But we’re not done yet. Yew’s Bear Charm gives you 10 points to Speech, and I will also get the Cyborg perk (+10 to Energy Weapons) and the Silent Running perk (+10 to Sneak.) So that’s actually only 165 points to go, which requires me to find only 83 books.

Base2 per skill, 13 skills
Attributes20 per skill, 13 skills
Luck5 per skill, 13 skills
Tag! Skills15 per skill, 3 skills
Level 210 + Intelligence (9)
Levels 3-3010 + Intelligence (10)
Bobbleheads10 per skill, 13 skills
Perks10 to 2 skills
Yew’s Charm10 to Speech

Total: 1,135 (87.3~ points per skill at level 30)
Needed: 1,300
Left for Books: 165
Comprehension: 1 book = 2 points, 82.5 (83 books)

Remember, you can get an infinite number of skill books for the Big Guns skill, so never put any points into that skill. Also, that makes the book total considerably lower than what is stated… If you plan on getting all of your Big Guns from books, you’ll have something more like this…

Base2 per skill, 12 skills
Attributes20 per skill, 12 skills
Luck5 per skill, 12 skills
Tag! Skills15 per skill, 3 skills
Level 210 + Intelligence (9)
Levels 3-3010 + Intelligence (10)
Bobbleheads10 per skill, 12 skills
Perks10 to 20 skills
Yew’s Charm10 to Speech

Total: 1,098 (91.5 points per skill at level 30)
Needed: 1,200
Left for Books: 102
Comprehension: 1 book = 2 points, 51 (51 books)

This is the ultra power-gamey version of the above build. Since Big Guns is a non-issue with this method, I simply ignore that skill entirely. Just be sure to return to the Bethesda Ruins once every couple of game days to get yourself another copy, and before you know it you’ll have a high Big Guns score.

The skills {SKL009}
Below I have listed and explained the skills. It seems more redundant than explaining S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes or perks, since you can easily max all of the skills, but this might help you choose which skill to tag and boost.

Barter {SKL010}
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute: Charisma
Book: Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor

The Barter skill affects the prices you get for buying and selling items. In general, the higher your Barter skill, the lower your prices on purchased items.

Like it is said in the manual, you gain an advantage on trade prices, which is fairly important. The more money you get for your loot, the more ammo you can buy. The more ammo you have, the easier your life will be. Being able to get your hands on more ammo, armor, and meds will make the game easier, obviously. There is, however, plenty of loot in the game, so while this skill helps, it’s not a skill you should lose sleep over.

Grade: ****

Big Guns {SKL011}
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute: Endurance
Book: U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes

The Big Guns skill determines your combat effectiveness with all oversized weapons such as the Fat Man, Missile Launcher, Minigun, and Gatling Laser.

The more points you have in Big Guns, the more damage they’ll do, and the better your accuracy in V.A.T.S. They already do a ton of damage, but that just means they’ll get that much better by focusing on Big Guns. Of course, this is a fairly specialized niche of weapons that have rather limited use and even more limited ammo. Granted, you’ll find more 5mm rounds than you can shake a stick at, but you’ll also burn through it like nothing else. I’ve managed to play through the game without using a single Big Gun. In fact, the only situation in which I found myself wanting one was against Super Mutant Behemoths, and there are very few of them in the game. Big Guns tend to be rather inefficient in V.A.T.S., as they take a lot of Action Points to fire, and interrupt the flow of firing manually, since many have a revving up time. They are also inaccurate at range, making them only really useful in situations where you have enemies at short to middle range with little cover. I don’t know… They seem to work better for the computer than they do for me.

Do not spend any points into Big Guns, EVER. In the Bethesda Ruins – Bethesda Offices East there is a raider with a flamer that drops a skill book for Big Guns. He will respawn, allowing you to get multiple copies of the book from him.

Grade: **

Energy Weapons {SKL012}
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute: Perception
Book: Nikola Tesla and You

The Energy Weapons skill determines your effectiveness with weapons such as the Laser Pistol, Laser Rifle, Plasma Rifle, and Plasma Pistol.

Energy Weapons… well, they’ve got pros and cons. As a general rule, in the main game, they aren’t very good. They’re rare, they cost tons of caps to maintain (and since they’re rare, you won’t be repairing them with other Energy Weapons until near the end of the game) and worst of all, their out-damaged by Small Guns. For example, the Plasma Rifle can deal up to 58 damage and is worth 1799 caps at max condition (a useful metric for repair costs). By comparison, the Combat Shotgun deals up to 68 damage and is worth a mere 200 caps at max condition. If you have vanilla Fallout 3, Energy Weapons are just not worth bothering with. In the expansions, however (especially Mothership Zeta) they get more interesting… mainly because of the fact that you can get much more ammo for weapons like the Alien Blaster, and a few unique Energy Weapons, such as the stand-out MPLX Novasurge. Still, they measure up poorly against Small Guns, so if anything Energy Weapons are a late-game conceit, if you have a few skill points to throw into it.

Grade: ***

Explosives {SKL013}
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute: Perception
Book: Duck and Cover!

The Explosives skill determines the power of any set mines, the ease of disarming any hostile mines, and the effectiveness of any thrown grenade.

Explosives aren’t very useful. They do good damage, but they come in extremely limited quantities. They’re annoying to aim, and they take too long to detonate. I know, I know, “aim better!” Most situations in which one could be used I found it easier to simply use a gun, or a missile. Some people suggest using Frag Mines against Mirelurks, but I found it simpler to just go downhill from them and put an end to them with a shotgun. And about the ‘ease of disarming hostile mines’, they mean mines will take longer to detonate after they become live. It’s not a big deal, however, except with the quest ‘The Power of the Atom.’ Even then, your skill doesn’t have to be very high. Seriously, 25 in Explosives to disarm a tentative and malfunctioning nuclear device? It also allows you to disarm explosive traps, such as the baby carriage and grenade bouquet. Not essential, but not bad.

Grade: **

Lockpick {SKL014}
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute: Perception
Book: Tumblers Today

The Lockpick skill is used to open locked doors and containers.

Every 25 points in this skill allows you to pick a more difficult lock. It also increases your chance to force locks (wee…) There are plenty of locks in the game, so this skill becomes useful simply because of how often you’ll need to use it. It is one of the few skills you should level up quickly (the faster you get it up in ranks, the sooner you’ll be able to pick more difficult locks.) It’s a good candidate for a Tag! skill.

Lockpick SkillLock Difficulty
0Very Easy
100Very Hard

Grade: *****

Medicine {SKL015}
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute: Intelligence
Book: D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine

The Medicine skill determines how many Hit Points you’ll replenish upon using a Stimpak, and the effectiveness of Rad-X and RadAway.

More potent Stimpaks, Rad-X, and RadAway? Not bad. I don’t tend to use them often, but when I need them, they come in handy. I wouldn’t fret about this skill, but the higher it gets, the more potent your meds will be, and everybody can be happy with that.

Grade: ***

Melee Weapons {SKL016}
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute: Strength
Book: Grognak the Barbarian

The Melee Weapons skill determines your effectiveness with any melee weapon, from the simple lead pipe all the way up to the high-tech Super Sledge.

I’m not sure what’s ‘high-tech’ about a Super Sledge, but it sure does pack a wallop. Melee weapons are inferior to Small Guns in damage and range, but they do have one great perk-they require no ammo. That makes life easier in the early going. And there are tons of them in the game. Super Mutants and Raiders will carry them liberally, so you should never be hurting for melee weapons. That said, you can mow down enemies with melee weapons before they ever get close to you, and it shouldn’t be a surprise that the bad guys can return the favor. There’s no point in rushing a Super Mutant with a missile launcher. Of course, since skill points are so plentiful in this game there’s no reason you should focus solely on melee weapons. They have their place, but that place is mostly for early on, when ammo is scarce(ish). You’d think that would make this skill worthy of an endorsem*nt for early leveling, but frankly, the sooner you get your Small Guns up, the sooner you’ll get to ditch Melee Weapons entirely. Despite the fact that you’ll need to invest several Perks into it, Paralyzing Palm makes Unarmed the much better melee combat skill. Sorry Melee Weapons, you really just can’t compete.

Grade: **

Repair {SKL017}
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute: Intelligence
Book: Dean’s Electronics

The Repair skill allows you to maintain any weapons and apparel. In addition, the higher your Repair skill, the better the starting condition of any custom-made weapons.

This skill is surprisingly good. The better a weapons’ condition, the more damage it does, irregardless of what weapon type it is. This skill allows you to do more damage with ALL weapons. Not only that, it keeps armor in tip top shape as well, improving its damage reduction. Another benefit of Repair is the higher your Repair skill, the more low quality weapons you can combine to make higher quality weapons. This frees up inventory space, and generally makes looting easier. Why tug around several crappy suits of Raider armor when you can carry around one good suit? Definitely a tag-worthy skill.

Grade: *****

Science {SKL018}
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute: Intelligence
Book: Big Book of Science

The Science skill represents your combined scientific knowledge, and is primarily used to hack restricted computer terminals.

Just like Lockpicking, but for computers! Granted, hacking is less useful in many ways. A great deal of computers unlock safes, and many others just disable turrets. Still, it’s experience, and there are plenty of situations in which it is useful. Some of which are even exclusive to Science. Keep in mind you also need it for the excellent Cyborg perk. It’s a consideration for a tag skill, although I’d consider Lockpick more useful early on.

Science SkillHack Difficulty
0Very Easy
100Very Hard

Grade: *****

Small Guns {SKL019}
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute: Agility
Book: Guns and Bullets

Small Guns determines your effectiveness with all conventional projectile weapons, such as the 10mm pistol, BB Gun, and Combat Shotgun.

Small Guns are plentiful and powerful, useful in close range (shotguns), medium range (assault rifles), and long range (sniper rifles). They comprise a variety of ammo including BBs, 10mm rounds, .32 caliber rounds, .44 rounds, 5.56mm rounds, .308 rounds, and of course, shotgun shells. This is a huge variety of weaponry to fall under one skill. In fact, you don’t even need another weapon skill other than Small Guns. It’s not just the most varied, and composed of the greatest library of ammunition (by far), but possibly the most powerful. In particular the 10mm Submachine Gun, the Chinese Assault Rifle, and the Combat Shotgun are all extremely powerful, especially in V.A.T.S. The fact that the Combat Shotgun has such a large clip size (12 rounds) and deals as much damage as it does makes it overwhelming. This is the most versatile weapon skill in Fallout 3, and regardless of what else you want to fight with, you should make sure you’ve got Small Guns covered. Certainly worth considering for a Tag! skill.

Grade: *****

Sneak {SKL020}
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute: Agility
Book: Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual

The higher your Sneak skill, the easier it is to remain undetected, steal an item, or pick someone’s pocket. Successfully attack while undetected grants an automatic critical hit.

Sneaking allows you to pick your fights, and with a high Perception, it allows you to situate yourself in a position that makes surviving a firefight easier. Picking off that Super Mutant with the missile launcher will make your life easier, as will avoiding that group of Talon Company Mercenaries. Also, stealing stuff is great. It’s a fine way to get some better guns early on, or to just nab some stuff to sell. Karma smarma. Good guys need money too. And automatic critical hits? Critical hits are devastating in Fallout 3, and a critical sneak attack headshot will just about end anything you’ll come up with. Especially with a combat shotgun. In the face. Yeah… Oh, and the Better Criticals perk just makes the situation all the better. Of course, Sneak won’t get you any experience, and it will only help so much if you can’t fight your way out of a wet paper bag, so while it’s extremely useful, it’s worth focusing on after you get some other skills a little higher. Plus, like in Oblivion, Sneak seems to be an all or nothing skill. It’s incredibly hard to sneak near enemies with a sneak below the 70’s. If you’re trying to just avoid fights in open terrain, you’ll only need about 50, but for combat purposes, look higher. And dammit, don’t forget to turn your Pip-Boy light off! Am I the only one who didn’t notice your Pip-Boy had a light until the third play-through? Nah, I’m sure I’m not… Also, with a high Sneak score and Chinese Combat Armor, the game breaks in the same way Oblivion does- enemies simply cannot respond to your attacks. So long as you don’t run into them, and you use Unarmed or Melee Weapons, that is.

Grade: *****

Speech {SKL021}
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute: Charisma
Book: Lying, Congressional Style

The Speech skill governs how much you can influence someone through dialogue, and gain access to information they might otherwise not want to share.

Speech allows you to interact with characters better. Any time a Speech option comes up, you’ll get a chance to radically alter the course of the conversation. Failure usually only deprives you of the benefit of succeeding—you rarely suffer penalties for trying. Success will convince NPCs to do things without a hassle, give you more money, or tell you about cool loot. If you have a high Charisma, you might not need this skill, although I’ve found very few instances where Charisma actually comes up at all. Also, you get experience for successfully using Speech, unlike with having a high Charisma. You typically only get one shot at making a Speech check for an NPC about a specific subject, so I’d suggest you save and reload. If you want to do quests off the bat, you should boost your Speech to get as much out of the quests as you can… a score of 50ish should minimize save/loading (although it’s by no means going to eliminate it). If you level first, you can put Speech off a bit. Saving and reloading will allow you to succeed at any Speech check… eventually, a higher Speech skill just cuts down on the bother. It’s good, but it can wait. Also, in Oasis a little girl named Yew will give you an item that permanently increases your Speech by 10 points, which is nice.

Grade: ***

Unarmed {SKL022}
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute: Endurance
Book: Pugilism Illustrated

The Unarmed skill is used for fighting without a weapon, or with the few weapons specifically designed for hand-to-hand combat, like Brass Knuckles, or the Power Fist.

I was a little rude to this skill in the previous version of the FAQ, but I will maintain my position… this skill is ass pre-expansion(s). Can it be good? Yes. Is wasting three perks on Iron Fist worth it in the end? No. Not compared to the V.A.T.S. enhancing skills you could buy with those perks. Now that you have 10 extra levels though… why not? Some of the unique power fists (like Fisto!) and the Deathclaw Gauntlet can do some downright wretched damage later on. I mean, rivaling Combat Shotgun damage. And with Robotics Expert, machines you attack in melee won’t know what to do! So, melee can be good—especially with Paralyzing Palm. In fact, Paralyzing Palm is the easiest way to deal with stronger enemies like Albino Radscorpions and Feral Ghoul Reavers, making this skill easily the second-best weapon choice in the game. Get Iron Fist early on, put on some knuckles or get a Power Fist, and you’ll make your life very easy by doing some good damage without fretting over ammo. Heck, in my latest playthrough, I didn’t even start using Small Guns regularly until around level 15 or so… by then I had plenty of Combat Shotguns and almost 1000 rounds of ammunition.

Grade: *****

Skills I Tag! (and why) {SKL023}
I typically choose from the following skills to tag.

They both unlock goodies, and they both will get you experience for using them. I choose Lockpick, since a lot of computers simply open locks, while no locks make computers redundant. Plus… you’ll just find a lot more locked objects (doors, safes, lockers… more doors that lead to lockers) than hackable computers.

Small Guns/Repair/Sneak
Small Guns allows you to kill things easier, hence making your ammo go further. Repair allows you to kill things easier, hence making your ammo go further, and it allows you to combine gear, giving you more potent, compact versions, which just makes life easier. Sneak allows you to steal loot to sell or use, and can help you avoid tough encounters early on—or allow you to get the drop on enemies… allowing you to do more damage and make your ammo go further. These three skills make your killing easier, which will in their own ways maximize your experience earning and money making. Pick which one (or two) you prefer the most. Keep in mind that Sneak early on won’t allow you to Sneak past stronger foes, and it certainly won’t let you steal with impunity. Sneak is kind of an all-or-nothing skill, and even then, only if you have Silent Running and avoid line of sight. Still, Sneak is a key skill, and getting a 15-point boost to it just means you’ll be more competent, faster.

Barter/Speech (honorable mention)
While both are good, you can do without at the beginning. If you don’t plan on doing quests right off the bat, ignore Speech. Even if you do, you can tough it out and save/reload until it works. With Barter, you can get money from one of the above skills. These two skills are good, but there are better early game skills.

I pick Lockpick, Repair, and Sneak.

Skill Point Allocation {SKL024}
I try to keep my skills somewhat equal as I level… obviously paying favor to the more useful skills first. Getting Lock Pick, Repair, Science, Small Guns, Sneak, and Unarmed up to the 50’s early on is a good idea. Unarmed is good for lower levels, as you’ll be able to find and afford spiked knuckles earlier than you can get copious amounts of ammo. Once I get all my skills to 50 (60 if they have the bobblehead) I make the next incremental improvement and get Lockpick and Science to 75, and generally work on getting all my skills into the 80’s. By this time, I’m keeping track of Bobbleheads, perk bonuses, and the fact that when I get Almost Perfect my skill points will jump. Here’s how I go about things… that’s right, another breakdown.

Level 10
Get your more important skills to a decent level early on. You can do some of these quicker by getting the bobblehead… but don’t kill yourself trying to get to Bethesda before you’re ready. Here are some (rough) examples of what I mean.
Barter: 30
Lock Pick: 50
Repair: 50
Science: 50
Small Guns: 50
Sneak: 50
Speech: 30+ (Depends if you want to quest early)
Unarmed: 50

Level 20
Get ALL your skills to 50 (60 with the bobblehead). I make sure to get certain skills up faster to meet perk requirements, as listed below.
Energy Weapons: 60 (for Concentrated Fire)
Medicine: 60 (for Cyborg)
Science: 60 (for Cyborg and Robotics Expert)
Small Guns: 60 (for Concentrated Fire)
Sneak: 50 (for Silent Running)
Unarmed: 70 (for Paralyzing Palm)

The Last 10 Levels
Get all your skills up as high as you can… this is where I really try to equalize my skill values out for good, with a few exceptions. If you don’t want to wait for Lockpick/Science to hit 100 at level 30, go ahead and max ’em out. Also, make SURE to get Melee Weapons and Sneak up to 80 BEFORE you hit level 29 to get the Ninja perk. It’s the most skill-intensive perk out there, and if you don’t have it by level 29, you’d have to sacrifice Almost Perfect to get it. Also, I try to not use any skill books until I’m at this point, so I know what the TRUE values of my skill are. Obviously if I find and use 5 Dean’s Electronics, I can’t count on finding as many. This issue is largely resolved in the expansion by the fact that you’ll get all your skills easily into the 80’s with this build… If you can’t find 10 or so of each book… well, you’re just not looking hard enough.

Perks {PRK001}

In Fallout 3 you gain a perk every level (starting at level 2, which you attain automatically upon leaving Vault 101). Perks are separated by their level prerequisite, with every even level opening up more perks. Prerequisites for perks may also include S.P.E.C.I.A.L attributes or skill points. (For example, the Entomologist perk requires that you be level 4, have Intelligence 4, and Science 40.)

The name of the game has changed somewhat. Now that you have 10 more levels to gain, you have an extra 50% base skill points to get just from leveling. You were already easily capable of maxing out all your skills before, now it’s even easier. This changes some things. Skill perks are even more useless. If you’re familiar with this guide, you know why I think they suck. They suck worse now. Also, you no longer need Educated at all to get more skill points than you need. Mostly the Broken Steel perks are ways to either correct something you previously couldn’t fix (like bringing Dogmeat back) or radically altering your character if you needed to (changing your alignment from one extreme to another). Most of them just save you time or effort, which I still consider a waste of a perk. Also keep in mind the term ‘build’ is somewhat redundant. Your character has more perks than ever to get, you no longer need to really worry about doing a V.A.T.S. build, or a critical hit build, or a melee build. Do them all. It’s not like there are so many great perks out there vying for your attention.

At level 30, you can get the “Almost Perfect” perk, which raises all your deficient attributes to 9. With the Bobblehead, that’s 10 in all attributes. Any perks that add to attributes are therefore useless. All those Intensive Training perks? Not worth a thing. Now any perk that offers a bonus, no matter how menial, might as well take their place. Intensive Training will simply be over-ridden by Almost Perfect, whereas even something like… groans… Lady Killer… will be better. At least it will do SOMETHING at level 30. And that’s really what matters, right? How much of a juggernaut you are at the end? That’s what I thought too.

Horrible Nobody should pick this perk.
Bad Generally this is a low-end perk. Sometimes they provide just enough of a benefit specific to a character to be worth it, but most characters will not find this perk useful.
Average This perk is good simply because of the lack of competition, or there is a good, but not overwhelmingly good reason to pick it. It might look good on its own merit, but compared to truly great perks, it doesn’t measure up.
Good A good perk for anybody to pick, or a perk that is absolutely essential to a specific build.
Great A perk everybody should get. Period.

Level 2 Perks {PRK002}

Black Widow/Lady Killer
Req: Level 2
Ranks: 1

In combat you do +10% damage against male/female opponents. Outside of combat, you’ll sometimes have access to unique dialogue options when dealing with the opposite sex.

You won’t use this perk much in dialogue… it just doesn’t have all that many uses. And what few it has, you can get the same results from other methods. Still, the +10% damage to the opposite gender is… well, something, which is more than can be said for the other level 2 perks.

Grade: ***

Daddy’s Boy/Daddy’s Girl
Req: Level 2, Intelligence 4
Ranks: 3

Just like dear old Dad, you’ve devoted your time to Intellectual pursuits. You gain an additional 5 points to both the Science and Medicine skills.

Devote yourself to a real intellectual pursuit and skip this perk. Even though it might be tempting from a story aspect to pick this up, +10% to your skills is never worth a perk on its own. Especially when one of them is Medicine.

Grade: *

Gun Nut
Req: Level 2, Intelligence 4, Agility 4
Ranks: 3

You’re obsessed with using and maintaining a wide variety of conventional firearms. With each rank of the Gun Nut perk, you gain an additional 5 points to the Small Guns and Repair skills.

Another skill perk. At least both of the skills are useful this time.

Grade: *

Intense Training
Req: Level 2
Ranks: 10

With the Intense Training perk, you can put a single point into any of your S.P.E.C.I.A.L attributes.

In the original Fallout 3, Intensive Training was one of the few ways to raise an attribute. Now that you can get Almost Perfect, Intensive Training is just a waste. Don’t bother.

Grade: *

Little Leaguer
Req: Level 2, Strength 4
Ranks: 3

Years as the Vault little league MVP have honed your hitting and throwing. With every rank, you gain 5 points of Melee Weapons skill and 5 points of Explosives skill.


Grade: *

Swift Learner
Req: Level 2, Intelligence 4
Ranks: 3

With each rank in the Swift Learner perk, you gain an additional 10% to total Experience Points whenever Experience Points are earned.

You could get this, to level faster. Or you could just kill more, pick a lock or two, succeed at a Speech check, or hack a computer. This is a useless perk. It’s almost insulting that they offer three ranks of it. Unfortunately, since there’s nothing better to pick at level 3, I end up getting this perk… the skill point perks I will have no use for whatsoever, but the extra 10% experience… well, it’s still useless, since there’s nothing else to pick at this level, at least it gets me to where I’m going faster. Some more consolation for you, at least the game rounds up, so you’ll always get some bonus experience with this perk. If you kill something worth one point of experience, you’ll get two, kill something worth twenty five, and you’ll get twenty eight. Also, if you have multiple bonuses to experience gained, they don’t combine, they stack separately. If you’re well rested and you have swift learner, you’ll get seven experience for killing something worth five, sixty one experience for killing something worth fifty, and so on.

Grade: *

Req: Level 2, Agility 2, Perception 4
Ranks: 3

With each rank of the Thief perk, you gain an immediate bonus of 5 points to both the Sneak and Lockpick skills.

At least these are good skills. Still. Yuck.

Grade: *

Level 4 Perks {PRK003}

Child at Heart
Req: Level 4, Charisma 4
Ranks: 1

The Child at Heart perk greatly improves your interactions with children, usually in the form of unique dialogue options.

So… you can have a few extra dialogue options with the handful of kids in this game who have something to do with quests. Don’t waste your perk.

Grade: *

Req: Level 4, Intelligence 4
Ranks: 1

With the Comprehension perk, you gain one additional skill point whenever a skill book is read.

Let’s see. Almost 25 skill books per skill, 13 skills… that’s a potential of 325 extra skill points. That is the biggest pool of skill points in the game, even better than all the skill points you can get from intelligence. This is one of the must-have perks. This perk is pretty much in a league of its own in terms of usefulness, seeing as how it can potentially remove the need for an entire attribute.

I must say, however, that with the new build, I found my characters reaching an average of 80~ or so in all their skills by the time they hit level 30… not including Big Guns, which gets ignored because it’s a waste to put skill points into it. This is counting the bobbleheads and the +10 to Speech you get from Yew’s Bear Charm, and of course, the few perks I pick that raise skills (incidentally, of course). This is NOT counting the boosts from Almost Perfect, so keep in mind that’s easily maxing out my Barter and Speech, and giving some substantial (4-8 points) boosts to my other skills… I have to wonder if you even need comprehension any more, as I find more than enough books on an average play-through without having to use them all… Pick Comprehension if you don’t think you’ll bother finding five to ten of each book… and of course, with Big Guns you’re going to need to do the Bethesda run about… seventy times?

Grade: ****

Req: Level 4, Intelligence 4
Ranks: 1

With the Educated perk, you gain three skill points every time you advance in level. This perk is best taken early on, to maximize its effectiveness.

Now that you have an extra ten levels to gain, getting this perk is over-kill on the skill points. You’d think that with 10 extra levels, this perk would be even MORE useful… and technically it is. Previously you could get 48 extra skill points from this perk. In Broken Steel you can get 78 points… But the fact that you’ll get a flat extra 110+ (200 for this build) skill points for the extra levels kinda makes this perk moot. Relying on finding a lot of books is a pain, but finding a third of them is not, which is all this build requires you to do. Don’t bother with this perk in Broken Steel.

Grade: **

Req: Level 4, Intelligence 4, Science 40
Ranks: 1

With the Entomologist perk, you do an extra 50% damage every time you attack a mutated insect, like the Radroach, Giant Ant, or Radscorpion.

I must admit, the lack of competing perks and the emergence of Albino Radscorpions sheds a little new light on this perk. Still, they’re rare enough, and they are manageable, if not mindlessly easy like the rest of the bug-category monsters. You still don’t need this perk, but it does deserve a more favorable mention in the expansion… I guess…

Grade: **

Iron Fist
Req: Level 4, Strength 4
Ranks: 3

With the Iron Fist perk, you do an additional 5 points of Unarmed damage per rank.

Five points of unarmed damage is HUGE. It’s the same damage bonus you’d get from 10 points of strength. If you decide to try and play with your fists, these perks are essential. If you don’t want to go melee, don’t bother with this.

Grade: ****

Req: Level 4, Charisma 4
Ranks: 3

Take the Scoundrel perk, and you can use your wily charms to influence people—each rank raises your Speech and Barter skills by 5 points.

Another 10 skill point perk. Yuck.

Grade: *

Level 6 Perks {PRK004}

Bloody Mess
Req: Level 6
Ranks: 1

With the Bloody Mess perk, characters and creatures you kill will often explode into a red, gut-ridden, eyeball-strewn paste. Fun! Oh, and you’ll do 5% extra damage with all weapons.

Okay, the aesthetics are cool, but that’s no reason to get a perk. 5% damage against everything is nice, though. Considering the fact that other damage increasing perks only affect certain weapon types, or certain enemies, a pure, honest, damage boost is special. There’s also the nostalgia factor, for us old school Fallout players.

Grade: ****

Demolition Expert
Req: Level 6, Explosives 50
Ranks: 3

With each rank of this perk, all of your explosive weapons do an additional 20% damage.

20% damage with explosives is a fairly big increase to damage. If you’re a nut about the grenades and mines, this is a great perk. Frankly, I’ve never cared too much about explosives in this game. Missile launchers fall under the Big Guns category, and so does the Fat Man. Still, you might find a situation in which an opportune grenade will be handy, and with the extra levels in Broken Steel, it’s worth considering. Note that this perk does NOT improve damage dealt with Nuka-Grenades, which is mind-boggling for many reasons. I guess they thought that 800 damage hand grenades would be too much? (But 800 damage mines are okay.)

Grade: **

Fortune Finder
Req: Level 6, Luck 5
Ranks: 1

With the Fortune Finder perk, you’ll find considerably more Nuka-Cola caps in containers than you normally would.

More caps. Yay. You’ll get plenty of caps killing things and selling their loot.

Grade: *

Req: Level 6
Ranks: 1

While using a pistol (or similar one-handed weapon), your accuracy in V.A.T.S. is significantly increased.

If you plan to use one-handed ranged weapons-and V.A.T.S.-you should definitely pick up this perk. Personally I choose to get both this and Commando, since I use Small Guns of all sorts.

Grade: ****

Lead Belly
Req: Level 6, Endurance 5
Ranks: 1

With the Lead Belly perk, you take 50% less radiation every time you drink from an irradiated water source.

You shouldn’t have to drink from too many irradiated water sources, even though it can sometimes be effective. In any case, Rad-Away will heal 100 Rads, and it’s cheap enough to get from Rivet City. Also, paying 100 caps will get you fixed up from any doctor. This is a waste of a perk.

Grade: *

Req: Level 6, Endurance 5
Ranks: 1

With the Toughness perk, you gain +10% to overall Damage Resistance, up to the maximum of 85%.

10% permanent damage reduction is good for everybody. You’ll be taking a lot of damage in this game, and this is a good way to mitigate some of it.

Grade: ****

Level 8 Perks {PRK005}

Req: Level 8
Ranks: 1

While using a rifle (or similar two-handed weapon), your accuracy in V.A.T.S. is significantly increased.

With Commando and Gunslinger, all my V.A.T.S. attacks are boosted with nearly any weapon I use. Since I am a V.A.T.S. abusing Small Guns loving sneaker, these skills are vital for me.

Grade: ****

Impartial Mediation
Req: Level 8, Charisma 5
Ranks: 1

With the Impartial Mediation perk, you gain an extra 30 points to Speech so long as you maintain a Neutral Karma level.

Gaining 30 skill points isn’t a bad bonus for a perk—unfortunately, it’s alignment conditional. You really don’t need the 30 points into Speech, especially considering there are plenty of other fine perks out there to put you in a good way skill-point wise. Still, it’s definitely better than a 10 skill point perk.

Grade: **

Rad Resistance
Req: Level 8, Endurance 5
Ranks: 1

Rad Resistance allows you to—what else?—resist radiation. This perk grants an additional 25% to Radiation Resistance.

25% is a fairly large amount of radiation resistance, but there are plenty of environmental suits in the game, and of course… Rad-X. You can take a perk to permanently gain resistance, or take a pill to get the resistance when you need it. Besides, plot areas that are blocked by radiation will spike up so quickly it’ll kill you anyways. Taking 25% of 700 rads/second will end you regardless. Oh, and also, you can always buy a “My First Infirmary” for your house and simply remove all rads any time you wish, which really makes rad resistance more obsolete. The only time you’d need rad resistance is if there were some area in which you were in danger of dying from radiation poisoning without being able to a) cure your rads with rad-away, b) up your rad resistance with rad-x, or c) get back to town to heal at your house or by paying a doctor. Think of any? No? Okay then.

Grade: **

Req: Level 8, Luck 5
Ranks: 1

With the Scrounger perk, you’ll find considerably more ammunition in containers than you normally would.

Or you could just buy ammo. Really, I’ve had more than 1000 rounds of ammo for some guns by level 10, and past that point your ammo-to-kill ratio is greatly in the positive.

Grade: *

Size Matters
Req: Level 8, Endurance 5
Ranks: 3

You’re obsessed with really big weapons. With each rank of this perk, you gain an additional 15 points to the Big Guns skill.

Another skill perk, but this time 15 instead of 10. Still yuck.

Grade: *

Strong Back
Req: Level 8, Strength 5, Endurance 5
Ranks: 1

With the Strong Back perk, you can carry 50 more pounds of equipment.

This perk adds the same amount of carrying capacity as 5 points of Strength. It really helps with bringing in loot and carrying all the essential gear you’ll need. Sure as hell beats dropping 5 points into Strength. The only real reason I get my Strength to 5 is for this perk. No, it doesn’t make your character a better killer, but it sure as hell makes life easier, and pretty much drowns out the need for high strength if you’re not making a melee build. Even if your Strength will raise to 10 with Almost Perfect (and the bobblehead) 50 extra pounds of carrying capacity will help you out… Power Armor is heavy!

Grade: ***

Level 10 Perks {PRK006}

Animal Friend
Req: Level 10, Charisma 6
Ranks: 2

At the first rank of this perk, animals simply won’t attack. At the second rank, they will eventually come to your aid in combat, but never against another animal. This perk affects the Dog, Yao Guai, Mole Rat, and Brahmin.

Mole Rats and Brahmin can be melee’d to death without taking any damage, the dog isn’t very dangerous, even in packs of five, and with my build I kill Yao Guai with a shotgun shot to the head or two.. without getting a sneak critical. This is a totally useless perk. But those Brahmin.. the two mad Brahmin you’ll see in this game can be dangerous.. If you fall asleep playing.

Grade: *

Req: Level 10
Ranks: 1

With the Finesse perk you have a higher chance to score a critical hit on an opponent in combat, equivalent to 5 extra points of Luck.

An extra 5% chance to critically hit sure fits into my game plan. Actually, I can’t imagine anybody not having a use for an extra 5% chance to critical. I’d rather take a sure damage increase any day, but this is still a good perk. Think of it this way, taking Strong Back is good because it gives you the best part of having five points of Strength. Finesse does pretty much the same thing, but with Luck, a far superior attribute.

Grade: *****

Here and Now
Req: Level 10
Ranks: 1

The Here and Now perk immediately grants an additional experience level, complete with all the advantages that brings.

Or you could just level up like normal. If you’re like me, you hit level 30 well before you finished the game. This is a waste of a perk.

Grade: *

Mister Sandman
Req: Level 10, Sneak 60%
Ranks: 1

With the Mister Sandman perk, when you’re in Sneak mode, you gain the option to silently kill any human or Ghoul while they’re sleeping. And, all Mister Sandman kills earn bonus XP.

First, if they’re sleeping, you can probably just whack them in V.A.T.S. anyways. Second, when enemies are sleeping, they seem to have a greater ability to detect you. Hell, half the time I get detected it’s by sleeping characters. Third, most enemies you’ll want to kill won’t be caught sleeping, so this is mostly useful for assassinating NPCs. And finally-how much XP are you really going to be getting from this in the long run? Don’t waste your perks.

Grade: *

Mysterious Stranger
Req: Level 10, Luck 6
Ranks: 1

You’ve gained your own personal guardian angel… armed with a fully loaded .44 Magnum. With this perk, the Mysterious Stranger will appear occasionally in V.A.T.S. mode to lend a hand, with deadly efficiency.

This perk is actually kind of fun. Your Mysterious Stranger-unlike in the first two games-is actually fairly strong. And he won’t die. Still, it’s a luck-based skill, so you can’t count on him when you need him.

Grade: **

Nerd Rage!
Req: Level 10, Intelligence 5, Science 50%
Ranks: 1

You’ve been pushed around long enough! With the Nerd Rage! perk, your Strength is raised to 10 and you gain 50% to damage resistance whenever your Health drops to 20% or below.

Your Strength raises to 10 (which is only useful in melee or unarmed) and you take 1/2 the damage you originally did (if your DR is under 35%, 85% is the cap, so anything else is wasted.) You become powerful in melee combat.. but you’re almost dead. What a bunch of crap. Get something else. I guess if you’re a Science-heavy smart unarmed character it could provide some interesting circ*mstances.. but mostly it would get you killed.

Grade: *

Night Person
Req: Level 10
Ranks: 1

When the sun is down, a Night Person gains +2 to both Intelligence and Perception (up to a maximum of 10). This perk directly affects your “internal clock” and remains active both inside and outside.

The best part of this perk is the skill bonuses you’d receive from the stat increases. If you get the extra skill points from the Intelligence when you level up at night.. maybe. But still, having a bonus half of the time.. eh. I mean, it’s not like it adds to your combat abilities, it lets you see threats further (at night) and gives you some extra skill points. There’s better out there.

Grade: *

Level 12 Perks {PRK007}

Req: Level 12
Ranks: 1

With the Cannibal perk, when you’re in Sneak mode, you gain the option to eat a corpse to regain Health. But every time you feed, you lose Karma, and if the act is witnessed, it is considered a crime against nature.

If you want to be truly despicable, you can go ahead and get this perk. If you’re looking for any gameplay advantage, look elsewhere. There is plenty of water around if you need healing, and stimpaks, and beds. The only reason to pick this perk is to commit a crime against nature, for what that’s worth.

Grade: *

Fast Metabolism
Req: Level 12
Ranks: 1

With the Fast Metabolism perk, you gain a 20% Health bonus when using Stimpaks.

Or you could raise your medicine skill, which over the course of your play time will raise your benefit from Stimpaks, RadAway, and Rad-X. If this perk gave a 20% bonus to all medicine you administered.. eh.. it still wouldn’t be worth it, especially considering your base stimpak healing rate won’t reach 100. 20 extra points of healing from a stimpak isn’t worth a perk.

Grade: *

Life Giver
Req: Level 12, Endurance 6
Ranks: 1

With the Life Giver perk, you gain an additional 30 Hit Points.

Considering that you gain 20 hit points for a point of Endurance, this perk is pretty much on the same level as an Intensive Training perk spent on Endurance-minus the bonuses to resistances and the skills, neither which I personally care all that much about. Life Giver can constitute a good bit of your end hit points, and unlike Intensive Training, it wasn’t made redundant by the expansion.

Grade: ***

Req: Level 12, Explosives 60%
Ranks: 1

With the Pyromaniac perk, you do +50% damage with fire-based weapons, like the Flamer and Shishkebab.

A +50% damage boost is quite a bit of a boost, but for two weapons? If you absolutely love the Flamer and the Shishkebab, go ahead, but it’s a very specific selection of weapons you’re limiting yourself to. Still, with +50% damage, nearly anything can be useful. Especially consider that there simply aren’t a whole lot of other useful perks to choose from…

Grade: ***

Robotics Expert
Req: Level 12, Science 50%
Ranks: 1

With the Robotics perk, you do an additional 25% damage to any robot. But, even better, sneaking up on a hostile robot undetected and activating it will put that robot into a permanent shutdown state.

There are a number of robots in the game, including the Protectron, Robobrain, Mister Handy and Mister Gutsy, and of course, the Sentry Bot. 25% is a decent damage bonus against a number of enemies that, while mostly being nuisances, you’ll certainly encounter more than bugs. The shutdown ability is extra nice, too, especially for the kind of character I play. If you use stealth, that’s an extra consideration for this perk. With the oodles of extra perks you’ll get in the expansion, this perk is a more than welcome addition to the build.

Grade: ****

Silent Running
Req: Level 12, Agility 6, Sneak 50%
Ranks: 1

With the Silent Running perk, you gain an additional 10 points to Sneak, and running no longer factors into a successful sneak attempt.

I disregard skill perks, and so I would disregard this one.. except for the fact that this perk greatly improves your sneak ability. Since I play a stealthy character, I take this feat. Sneak attack criticals pretty much spell out the end of any bad guy I meet. If you want to play stealthy, I’d suggest this feat, if not, it’s completely a waste.

Grade: ****

Req: Level 12, Perception 6, Agility 6
Ranks: 1

With the Sniper perk, your chance to hit an opponent’s head in V.A.T.s. is significantly increased.

Headshots are the best way to take out fire ants, super mutants, raiders, and talon company mercs. If it has a head, chances are it’s a good idea to shoot it there. If you use V.A.T.S., you’re probably going to want this perk.

Grade: ****

Level 14 Perks {PRK008}

Adamantium Skeleton
Req: Level 14
Ranks: 1

With the Adamantium Skeleton perk, your limbs only receive 50% of the damage they normally would.

Your limbs don’t take much damage throughout the game, unless you step on a mine or take a glancing blow from a missile launcher. You won’t see much in the way of hit point preservation with this perk, if anything, you’ll just get crippled less. Even though under the normal 20 level cap of the original, I wouldn’t even consider this perk, with 10 more perks to choose, it becomes an option. Of course.. there are always stimpaks, and by now you should know how I feel about a perk that can be dismissed by popping a chem..

Grade: **

Req: Level 14, Medicine 60%
Ranks: 1

With the Chemist perk, any chems you take last twice as long.

There are few instances in the game when you will need to take chems, in fact, the most useful chemical in the game is Rad-x. You’ll find plenty of chems in your travels, enough that you can just take two instead of having this perk.

Grade: *

Contract Killer
Req: Level 14
Ranks: 1

Once you have the Contract Killer perk, any good character you kill will have an ear on their corpse. This ear can then be sold to a certain person (whose identity is disclosed when you take this perk) for caps and negative karma.

It’s easy to lose karma, and it’s easy to get money. You’ll never need this perk. The only reason to choose it is for role-playing purposes. Since I don’t rate role-playing bonuses (at least ones that don’t have any tangible positive effect on survival) this perk is needless. If you pick this perk you’ll gain access to the Office building in the Scrapyard, where you can obtain a copy of Lying, Congressional Style that you otherwise could not get.

Grade: *

Req: Level 14, Science 60%, Medicine 60%
Ranks: 1

You’ve made permanent enhancements to your body! The Cyborg perk instantly adds +10% to your Damage, Poison, and Radiation Resistances, and 10 points to the Energy Weapons skill.

If you like energy weapons, this is a great perk, certainly more than just a skill perk. In fact, this is a skill perk with Toughness tacked on, and extra resistances to boot. In fact, this perk is worth three lesser perks. Anybody who uses energy weapons, who hates taking damage, and likes being resistant to poison and radiation has reason to take this perk. Frankly, I’m not too fond of energy weapons, but I’m very fond of damage reduction and resistances. This is a fantastic perk, even if the requirements are rather high.

Grade: *****

Req: Level 14
Ranks: 1

Once you have the Lawbringer perk, any evil character you kill will have a finger on their corpse. This finger can then be sold to a certain person (whose identity is disclosed when you take the perk) for caps and positive karma.

Same as Contract Killer, but for good folks. Just as needless, too. Once you pick it you’ll get the ‘Regulator Headquarters’ area added to your map, where you can find a copy of Guns and Bullets underneath the bed on the top floor, in the room where Sonora Cruz stands.

WarMECH gives us a little bit more information on the Lawbringer Perk:

On the way to the Luck Bobblehead, if one choses the Lawbringer perk, there is a corpse of a Regulator with bounty information for Junders Plunkett, who has taken up residence in the same house as that bobblehead. His finger is worth 1000 caps, but this is the only instance I’ve found of this type of situation. He has Plunkett’s Valid Points, a special type of bladed brass knuckles that aren’t worth wasting a perk. I had hoped that this was more often the case with so many of the seemingly random named characters all over the place, that with Lawbringer or Contract Killer they would be worth something. Apparently, and disappointingly not.

Grade: *

Light Step
Req: Level 14, Agility 6, Perception 6
Ranks: 1

With the Light Step perk, you’ll never set off an enemy’s mines or floor-based traps.

Land mines are pretty common. Fortunately, they’re also obvious, they don’t do a huge amount of damage (in the grand scheme of things) and you can disarm them with a simple button click. Not only that, you get experience and the mine itself when you do! Be observant, and you won’t need this perk.

Grade: *

Master Trader
Req: Level 14, Charisma 6, Barter 60%
Ranks: 1

When you take the Master Trader perk, the price of every item you buy from a vendor is reduced by 25%.

Just like with every other money making perk, you can just kill more, and loot more. You’ll find no great need of this discount throughout the game, money becomes plentiful as you become more powerful. Choose something better.

Grade: *

Level 16 Perks {PRK009}

Action Boy/Girl
Req: Level 16, Agility 6
Ranks: 1

With the Action Boy perk, you gain an additional 25 Action Points to use in V.A.T.S.

Action Boy comprises nearly a quarter of the potential action points you can get in this game. If you plan to use V.A.T.S., get Action Boy. If for some reason you just refuse to use V.A.T.S., well, then I don’t really know what you’re spending your perks on.

Grade: ****

Better Criticals
Req: Level 16, Perception 6, Luck 6
Ranks: 1

With the Better Criticals perk, you gain a 50% damage bonus every time a critical hit is scored on an opponent.

Your critical chance is determined by your luck-1 point of luck equals a 1% chance of landing a critical hit. This doesn’t increase your chance of landing a critical hit, instead Better Criticals improves the damage you deal when you do land a critical hit. Therefore the usefulness of this perk is directly related to how high your luck is. With sneak attack criticals, the Sniper perk, or the Finesse perk, Better Criticals becomes greatly useful, but it really depends on your build. No character is hurt by having high luck however, so it stands to suggest that most characters could benefit greatly from this perk.. And since you need a luck of 6 for this perk, if you can get it, you might as well.

Grade: *****

Chem Resistant
Req: Level 16, Medicine 60%
Ranks: 1

Having the Chem Resistant perk means you’re 50% less likely to develop an addiction to chems, like Psycho or Jet.

First, why you would ever need to use Psycho or Jet is beyond me. Secondly, addiction isn’t a big deal. You can always get your addiction cured at a hospital, or you could just reload. If doubling the duration of chems didn’t appeal to you, this shouldn’t either.

Grade: *

Req: Level 16
Ranks: 1

The Tag! perk allows you to select a fourth Skill to be a Tag skill, which instantly raises it by 15 points.

Okay, it’s not quite a 10 skill point perk.. it’s a whopping 15 point perk, and you get to choose any skill to boost you want. With Educated and Comprehension, you shouldn’t really need this perk, especially if your intelligence is high.

Grade: *

Level 18 Perks {PRK010}

Computer Whiz

Req: Level 18, Intelligence 7, Science 70%
Ranks: 1

Fail a hack attempt and get locked out of a computer? Not if you’re a Computer Whiz! With this perk, you can attempt to re-hack any computer you were previously locked out of.

Words can hardly describe how useless this perk is. Okay, yes they can. This perk is damn near worthless. A 10 skill point perk seems fantastic by comparison. Here’s a way to get the benefits of this perk without wasting your perk pick on it: before you hack a computer, save. If you get locked out, reload. Bam, no need for this perk. And considering 90% of the computers you encounter in this game lock a door (which you can pick) or disable turrets (which you can destroy) there’s no great fear of getting locked out of a terminal in any case. Don’t waste your perk.

Grade: *

Concentrated Fire

Req: Level 18, Small Guns 60%, Energy Weapons 60%
Ranks: 1

With Concentrated Fire, your accuracy to hit any body part in V.A.T.S. increases slightly with each subsequent hit on that body part.

Obviously, if you don’t use V.A.T.S. you don’t need to bother with this perk. This perk becomes even more useful with Sniper and Action Boy, as the bonus to headshots will stack, and the more shots you take in V.A.T.S. the higher your accuracy will raise. This perk is most useful with small arms—the more shots you take with your weapon in V.A.T.S. the more beneficial this perk will be. I decided to go with another Intensive Training perk pre-expansion, but now that Broken Steel is in the mix, I am more than happy to welcome this perk back into the build. Where it really shines are those mid-to-long range V.A.T.S. shots that have a middling percentage to hit. Like say against a Super Mutant Overlord’s tri-beam laser rifle. Getting an extra 5%, 10%, 15% chance to hit on those last three shots can really help.

Grade: ***


Req: Level 18, Perception 7, Lockpick 70%
Ranks: 1

With Infiltrator, if a lock is broken, and can’t normally be picked again, you can attempt to pick it again one more time. This includes locks previously broken by a “Force Lock” attempt.

This perk sucks for the same reason Computer Whiz sucks. Why anybody would be forcing locks in the first place is a mystery, and if you are going to bother forcing locks, why wouldn’t you save first? Save and reload, and save a perk.

Grade: *

Paralyzing Palm

Req: Level 18, Unarmed 70%
Ranks: 1

With Paralyzing Palm, you will sometimes perform a S.P.E.C.I.A.L. V.A.T.S. palm strike for 30 seconds. Note that in order to perform the Paralyzing Palm, you must be completely unarmed.

If you built your character for unarmed combat, then this perk is an absolute must-have, and even if you haven’t, you ought to get it. There is really no excuse not to have it with the extra 10 levels you get in Broken Steel. This is the best way to deal with all of the game’s hardest enemies, although it can be somewhat less useful against enemies you’ll find in groups, say, Enclave soldiers or Raiders. Still, against Albino Radscorpions, Feral Ghoul Reavers, and Super Mutant Overlords this is the BEST way to deal with them.

Grade: *****

Level 20 Perks {PRK011}


Req: Level 20
Ranks: 1

When you choose the Explorer perk, every location in the world is revealed on your map. So get out there and explore!

You can find all the areas on the map by yourself. You even get little icons that will guide you to them when you’re close. Along the way, you’ll get to explore the wasteland, which is the meat of the game. You’ll find skill books, get experience, and score loot. Also, it must be noted that this perk doesn’t make your character stronger in any way. Download a world map and search for places yourself, save yourself a perk.

Grade: *

Grim Reaper’s Sprint

Req: Level 20
Ranks: 1

If you kill a target in V.A.T.S., all your Action Points are restored upon exiting V.A.T.S.

If you’re an action point junky, or rather if you use V.A.T.S. at all, this perk is for you. This perk turns your character into a juggernaut of destruction, and it makes every V.A.T.S. perk more powerful. The only negative is if you don’t finish off your enemy in V.A.T.S., your action points don’t replenish. Of course, so long as the finishing shot is in V.A.T.S., you’re good to go. This perk is great for anybody who doesn’t delude themselves into thinking Fallout 3 is a strict FPS by shunning V.A.T.S.

Grade: *****


Req: Level 20, Sneak 80%, Melee Weapons 80%
Ranks: 1

The Ninja perk grants you the power of the fabled shadow warriors. When attacking with either Melee or Unarmed, you gain a +15% critical chance on every strike. Sneak attack criticals do 25% more damage than normal.

This perk used to get outshone by Grim Reaper’s Sprint, but now that you have Broken Steel, there’s no reason to not pick it, too! +15% critical chance is equal to the amount of critical hit chance you can receive in the game from Luck and Finesse. This can raise your critical hit rate up to 30%. This is an excellent perk, especially when mixed with Iron Fist, Better Criticals, and Paralyzing Palm, but not so much without those supporting it.

Grade: *****

Solar Powered

Req: Level 20, Endurance 7
Ranks: 1

With the Solar Powered perk, you gain an additional 2 points to Strength when in direct sunlight, and slowly regenerate lost Health.

Why bother with two points of strength when you’ll get 10 at level 30? Who needs health regeneration, limited at that. Use Stimpaks. I’m sure you can find SOMETHING better. If you pick this perk, the only real bonus you’ll get is some health regeneration… during the day… Or there are always Stimpaks.

Grade: **

Level 22 Perks {PRK012}

Deep Sleep

Req: Level 22
Ranks: 1

You sleep deeply no matter where you are. You get the Well Rested benefit of +10% XP for eight hours no matter what bed you sleep in.

Really? This is a level 22 perk? Huh. Okay. Seriously, get Swift Learner at level 2. It’s just like this, but gives you a +10% XP bonus ALL THE TIME. Now if it let you heal anywhere, like on Oblivion… then I’d be intrigued, but it just gives you the XP bonus to any bed, instead of just ones you own. How disappointing. Even if this perk was offered at level 2, it would be a waste, but 22?

Grade: *


Req: Level 22
Ranks: 1

With the Puppies! perk, if Dogmeat dies, you’ll be able to get a new canine companion from his litter of puppies. Just wait a bit, and you’ll find your new furry friend waiting outside Vault 101.

Okay, this perk is worthless… but it’s nostalgic. I never let Dogmeat into combat, because he’d become… well… Dogmeat. But in a more dead sort of way. Still, Dogmeat is great, and we all remember struggling to keep him alive through the super mutant base in Fallout 1, so it gets an extra * for nostalgia and treating Dogmeat right.

Note: Mr. Rose informs me that because of the massively scaling health of NPCs, it’s almost impossible for one to be legitimately killed… at least if you have Broken Steel installed. Of course, I don’t use any allies whatsoever, so the fact that this perk is, indeed, useless (as I said above) doesn’t change the equally useless two-star nostalgia rating.

Grade: **

Quantum Chemist

Req: Level 22
Ranks: 1

You have unlocked the secret to creating Nuka-Cola Quantum. With this perk, every ten Nuka-Colas in your inventory is immediately converted into a Nuka-Cola Quantum.

Nuka-Cola Quantums are rare, Nuka-Cola is not. But, Nuka-Cola Quantum is also fairly… well… do you really even need it? I mean, really? Okay, they’re the only way to make Nuka-Grenades, but is that really that important? If you love grenades, this is the only way to ensure that you have unlimited access to Nuka-Grenades, and frankly, if you’re not chucking a Nuka-Grenade, you might as well use a Missile Launcher or Fat Man. Note that this perk only converts Nuka-Colas, not Ice-Cold Nuka-Colas. To be fair, ensuring that you can always create Nuka-Grenades is more useful than all three of the Demolition Expert perks combined. Think about it, a Frag Grenade is around 100~ damage, +60% equals 160~ damage. A Nuka-Grenade can approach 500~ damage.

Grade: ***

Level 24 Perks {PRK013}

Devil’s Highway

Req: Level 24
Ranks: 1

When you choose the Devil’s Highway perk, your Karma is instantly set to Very Evil.

I could understand getting Escalator to Heaven a bit, but getting a perk to become evil? Find any computer terminal that you’re not supposed to be messing with, and keep interacting with it. Steal stuff. Useless stuff. It doesn’t matter. You do not need a perk for this.

If you want to get the level 30 karma achievements, save your game right before you level up. Pick the perk that corresponds to the karma achievement you want and finish. You’ll unlock the achievement, and you can just reload and pick another-better-perk.

Grade: *

Escalator to Heaven

Req: Level 24
Ranks: 1

When you choose the Escalator to Heaven perk, your Karma is instantly set to Very Good.

Or you could give some beggars water. This is not hard, and you don’t have much of a reason for alignment changes anyways. Really. Could you want to hire so-and-so so badly that you need to change your alignment? Giving Purified water away makes you a good boy. Simple. To be fair this is the hardest of the alignments to swing, but it’s not that hard.

If you want to get the level 30 karma achievements, save your game right before you level up. Pick the perk that corresponds to the karma achievement you want and finish. You’ll unlock the achievement, and you can just reload and pick another-better-perk.

Grade: *

Karmic Rebalance

Req: Level 24
Ranks: 1

When you choose the Karmic Rebalance perk, your Karma is instantly set to Neutral.

See the two above, this is the exact same thing, but only half-assed. If you’re good, be bad until you’re neutral. If you’re bad, be good until you’re neutral. Ta-da.

If you want to get the level 30 karma achievements, save your game right before you level up. Pick the perk that corresponds to the karma achievement you want and finish. You’ll unlock the achievement, and you can just reload and pick another-better-perk.

Grade: *

No Weaknesses

Req: Level 24
Ranks: 1

When you take the No Weaknesses perk, all S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats that are less than 5 are instantly increased to 5.

When me and my fiancé saw this, our jaws dropped. “No way!” we exclaimed… and began our eager chittering and planning on how to best manipulate this perk to our devious ends. Then we saw Almost Perfect, and this perk became as useless as Intensive Training. If it wasn’t for Almost Perfect, we’d tout this perk highly… but as it is, it will be rendered useless at level 30.

Grade: *

Level 26 Perks {PRK014}

Nerves of Steel

Req: Level 26, Agility 7
Ranks: 1

With the Nerves of Steel perk, you regenerate Action Points much more quickly than you normally would.

So, it increases your Action Point regeneration. If you have Grim Reaper’s Sprint, it’s not really worth much, since you can get a full boost after you kill anything. But, for those times when you’re caught with your pants down, out of AP, it’ll help. Besides, there really isn’t anything better out there.

Grade: ***

Rad Tolerance

Req: Level 26, Endurance 7
Ranks: 1

Although you are still notified when you get Minor Radiation Poisoning, you do not suffer any ill effects from it.

Minor Radiation poisoning is no big deal, and can be cured cheaply and instantly with chems. The only use for this is in conjunction with Rad Regeneration, which… oh wait, that’s ADVANCED radiation poisoning. Never mind, this perk is wholly useless. Had ya going there for a second, eh?

Grade: *


Req: Level 26, Intelligence 7
Ranks: 1

You’ve figured out on your own how to build all the custom weapons! With the Warmonger perk, all custom weapon types become available to you without the schematics.

How lazy can you be? You BUY a lot of these! This is a useless perk, trying to get you to play the game less. Fight it. The custom weapons aren’t anything special, so the schematics for them are even less special. But to further dissuade anybody from picking this perk, I will include all the schematics in the game in this guide. It wouldn’t be much of a guide if I didn’t include ways for you guys to avoid picking useless perks. Damn you are all lazy…

Grade: *

Level 28 Perks {PRK015}

Party Boy/Girl

Req: Level 28
Ranks: 1

You are such a Party Boy that you no longer suffer the withdrawal effect from alcohol addiction.

The second highest tier of perks… gotta have something good here, right? Right? You… no longer… suffer withdrawals from alcohol addiction? How many times does this even come up?! The only time I EVER drank in this game was when I was carrying too much crap, and I needed to drop some weight/gain some Strength. How utterly useless. If it applied to ALL chems, it would still be useless. Blah. This perk makes me feel like angry-typing gibberish on my keyboard… but I’ll spare you. But as a plus, we do gain some insight from this perk. Bethesda thinks all good frat-boys are level 28 characters in Fallout 3. When I attended the Reason Rally a few years back, I heard from some dude on a train that some of the Bethesda folks liked to party, so maybe this perk is an inside joke? Maybe a bit of personal reflection on their indulgences? Yes, random guys on trains are totally trustworthy. And besides, it’s easier for me to accept the existence of this perk if I believe the folks up at Bethesda were typically drunk. It would also explain why their games are so buggy… and horse armor DLC…

Grade: *

Rad Absorption

Req: Level 28, Endurance 7
Ranks: 1

With the Rad Absorption perk, your radiation level slowly decreases on its own over time.

Now this is more like it. You lose radiation over time. This might change how the game plays a bit. Radiation is no longer to be quite so feared… But, right, then again… you have Rad-X and Rad-Away. But at least this perk seems like a serious one… so we’ll give it that. If you’re too lazy to carry around weightless chems you can make in your house for free, you can get this perk.

Grade: **

Level 30 Perks {PRK016}

Almost Perfect

Req: Level 30
Ranks: 1

Take the Almost Perfect perk, and all S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats are instantly raised to 9.

A perk which sets all your attributes to 9. What can I really say? It makes all perks that add to attributes utterly obsolete. It makes the old build obsolete. It makes old perks obsolete. It makes caring about your attributes, well, less important. This is the definitive perk of the expansion, and it changes the game. Getting a 9 in all attributes is better than any number of Intensive Training perks, it’s better than No Weaknesses, it gives you bonuses to everything the attributes do… obviously, it raises them all to 9! What can you really say? You’d be an utter fool not to get this perk at level 30. Enjoy your near perfection.

Keep in mind that if you get a bobblehead, it counts as if said attribute had been raised. For example, if you have a base of 6 Endurance, and you get the bobblehead, the game will count your Endurance as a base of 7, not 6 + 1… like with items. When you get the Almost Perfect perk, it will raise your Endurance up to 9. If you get your bobblehead AFTER you get the Almost Perfect perk, you can raise your attribute up to 10, if you get your bobbleheads BEFORE you get the Almost Perfect perk, you will not be able to get up to 10. So get Almost Perfect, and then find the bobbleheads. Also, keep in mind the large jump in skills you’ll get when you get Almost Perfect. I tend to start with a Charisma of 1, so bringing my Charisma up to 10 will give me 18 points into both Barter and Speech. Just keep in mind how your skills will change if you want to conserve points.

Grade: *****

Nuclear Anomaly

Req: Level 30
Ranks: 1

With the Nuclear Anomaly perk, whenever your Health is reduced to 20 or less, you will erupt into a devastating nuclear explosion. Note that any allies in the vicinity will also suffer the effects of the blast!

When you drop to 20 Health or less? That’s cutting it awful close, don’t you think? Anyways, why bother? It doesn’t stop you from getting shot, if the enemies are far away. It can kill your allies, townsfolk, and the like… So let’s think reasonably here… if you let this explode during a bad time and lose a friendly NPC or piss off story characters, will you really even save the game? No, you’d reload, if you even live to bother. This perk sucks. Oh, plus it’s competing against the best perk in the game. At least Bethesda is making the choice easy on you.

Grade: *

Additional Perks {PRK017}

Additional perks are quest-based perks that you can get for completing specific quests specific ways. These are entirely missable, so they bear planning for BEFORE you start the quest. I won’t grade them, as they are bonus perks-having them is a benefit in itself, and there really is no downside to having any of these perks. <———————————————————————->

Ant Might

Benefit: 25% resistance to fire, +1 bonus to Strength.

You’ll get to choose one of two injections as a reward from Doctor Lesko for completing the objectives he gives you during the quest ‘Those!’. You only get one, so choose what fits your character and play style best. <———————————————————————->

Ant Sight

Benefit: 25% resistance to fire, +1 bonus to Perception.

You’ll get to choose one of two injections as a reward from Doctor Lesko for completing the objectives he gives you during the quest ‘Those!’. You only get one, so choose what fits your character and play style best. <———————————————————————->

Auto Axpert

Benefit: You’ve become an expert with the Auto Axe. You do +25% damage whenever you use it. Vroom.

You get this perk when you collect 10 steel Ingots. I don’t know about anybody else, but I didn’t really need any other weapons for The Pitt other than the auto axe. Getting 25% extra damage on these excellent melee weapons is a very welcome perk indeed. <———————————————————————->


Benefit: 5% damage reduction

Finish the quest ‘Oasis’ by completing Harold’s objective. It beats the other rewards. <———————————————————————->

Booster Shot

Benefit: Radiation Resistance +10%

Complete the quest “Free Labor” in the Pitt. <———————————————————————->

Dream Crusher

Benefit: -50% chance to suffer a critical hit.

You can get this perk by convincing Moira to stop working on the Wasteland Survival Guide.

I don’t suffer many critical hits in this game already, and overall, they don’t seem to creep out of nowhere and ruin your day like in Fallout 1 & 2. Still, if you think it’s for you… look at the reward for finishing the quest first, then decide. <———————————————————————->

Ghoul Ecology

Benefit: +5 damage against ghouls.

You get this perk from reading Plik’s Journal in the Coastal Grotto. Normally, I would think this perk is kinda balls. Ghouls, even glowing ones, aren’t enough of a threat that you’d need the extra damage. With Feral Ghoul Reavers added into the game though, any help is welcome. And hey, it’s free. What’s even better is the fact that the game apparently applies this damage to everything, and not just Ghouls. Another +5 damage perk from Point Lookout that doesn’t work right-to your benefit. Its effects stack when dealing with rapid-fire weapons, causing guns like the 10mm Submachine Gun and the Chinese Assault Rifle to present damage totals that are simply silly. <———————————————————————->


Benefit: You can drink a Blood Pack to get healed for 20 Hit Points, instead of the usual 1 Hit Point. You can also sell Blood Packs for 15 caps.

Complete the quest ‘Blood Ties’ by making a deal between the ‘vampires’ and Arefu. This… perk is of limited use, but still, why not? <———————————————————————->

Junior Survivor

Benefit: varies

  • Normal: +5 Hit Points
  • Smart: +2 Medicine, +2 Science
  • Tough: +2 Damage Resistance
  • Sneaky: +2 Sneak, +2 Speech
  • Snide: +1% Critical Hit Rate
  • Always: +2% Poison and Radiation Resistance

Okay… When you complete quests for Moira, you’ll get several answers to choose from depending on your stats. If you do few or none of the side quests, or if you lie to Moira at any point, you’ll end up with the Junior Survivor perk, which is the worst of the bunch. Try and do ALL of her side quests for the best benefits. You may have to do some drugs to raise your attributes if they’re not high enough. Buffout to raise Strength, or Mentats to raise Intelligence, for example, before you talk to Moira. I believe that acting tough or being a smartass are the two best ways to go. Damage Resistance is always nice, and so are Critical Hits. You’ll just have to choose whether you’d like x% Damage Resistance or x% critical hit. You’ll always get the poison and radiation resistance, no matter how you answer. If you complete a certain number of Moira’s optional objectives, you’ll get a better version of this perk. <———————————————————————->

Pitt Fighter

Benefit: Damage and Radiation Resistance +3%

Complete the pit fighting portion of the Pitt. An extremely easy quest, and an extremely rewarding one. <———————————————————————->

Power Armor Training

Benefit: You can wear Power Armor.

After the quest ‘The Waters of Life’ is complete, you can get Elder Lyons to give you permission to receive the training. Talk to Paladin Gunny in the Citadel to receive this perk.

Sigh Okay, I can admit to being wrong. Power Armor is cool… so long as it’s the Enclave kind. Get, wear it, love it. Do the whole sci-fi black knight thing. You know you want to. <———————————————————————->

Punga Power!

Benefit: Boosts radiation recovery from eating Punga Fruits.

You get this perk for completing the Walking with Spirits quest in Point Lookout. <———————————————————————->

Rad Limb Healing

Benefit: You’ll regenerate crippled limbs when you are suffering from Advanced Radiation Poisoning (400+ rads).

During the quest ‘The Wasteland Survival Guide: Get Radiated!” if you meet the sub-objective of suffering from Advanced Radiation Poisoning (600+ rads) you’ll get this perk.

Okay, well, granted there aren’t all that many opportunities for you to use this perk—ideally you don’t want 400+ rads—it’s still handy to get. Keep in mind that if you choose to be a Dream Crusher, you can’t, obviously, get this perk. <———————————————————————->

Superior Defender

Benefit: +5 damage and +10 armor when standing still.

Get this perk by completing ‘The Local Flavor’ quest in the Point Lookout DLC. Despite its misleading language, you are almost always standing still, as far as the game is concerned, especially if you V.A.T.S. often. You can count this as a flat bonus to damage and armor, and a hefty one. This is a rather ridiculously strong perk. <———————————————————————->

Survivor Expert

Benefit: varies

  • Normal: +10 Hit Points
  • Smart: +4 Medicine, +4 Science
  • Tough: +4 Damage Resistance
  • Sneaky: +4 Sneak, +4 Speech
  • Snide: +2% Critical Hit Rate
  • Always: +4% Poison and Radiation Resistance

Like Junior Survivor, but better. You completed some, but not all of Moira’s objectives. If you complete ALL of Moira’s optional objectives, you’ll get the best variant of this perk. <———————————————————————->

Survivor Guru

Benefit: varies

  • Normal: +15 Hit Points
  • Smart: +6 Medicine, +6 Science
  • Tough: +6 Damage Resistance
  • Sneaky: +6 Sneak, +6 Speech
  • Snide: +3% Critical Hit Rate
  • Always: +6% Poison and Radiation Resistance

You’ll get this perk if you complete ALL of the optional objectives for Moira in the quest ‘The Wasteland Survival Guide’. This is the best version of the perk reward, certainly better than Dream Crusher. <———————————————————————->

Wired Reflexes

Benefit: V.A.T.S. accuracy improved by 10%.

After completing the quest ‘The Replicated Man’, talk to Dr. Zimmer and reveal everything you discovered about the android’s identity. Keep in mind you can get the android to let you kill Dr. Zimmer before talking to Zimmer and receive the unique Plasma Rifle. You can then sell the android out and receive the Wired Reflexes perk. If you still want to be a good guy, it’s good fun to slip a Frag Mine into Dr. Zimmer’s pants as he walks away. Wait, that’s good? It’s Fallout 3. Moral relativism rocks. <———————————————————————->

Xenotech Expert

Benefit: 20% extra damage with alien weapons.

In the ‘Mothership Zeta’ expansion, in the Weapons Lab area. Find the firing range (which is to the north of the room where you find the Drone Cannon Ex-B, you’ll also find the Destabilizer in the firing range.) And activate the northern-most ‘Control’ near the Healing Arch. A number of Raiders will warp in along with a random strong enemy—such as an Albino Radscorpion, Deathclaw, or Sentry Bot. Kill whatever gates in, then activate the ‘Control’ to teleport some more in. Keep killing enemies (or letting them kill each other) and you’ll get this perk.

My Personal Build, Perks* {PRK018}

Swift Learner
Black Widow/Lady Killer
Comprehension** (or Entomologist)
Iron Fist (1)
Strong Back
Bloody Mess
Silent Running
Robotics Expert
Better Criticals
Action Boy
Life Giver
Paralyzing Palm
Grim Reaper’s Sprint
Concentrated Fire
Iron Fist (2)
Iron Fist (3)
Adamantium Skeleton?/Entomologist?/Quantum Chemist?
Nerves of Steel
Demolition Expert (1)
Demolition Expert (2)
Demolition Expert (3)
Almost Perfect

*Note: These perks are not necessarily listed in order of selection.

**For a more power-gamey approach, you can dispense with Comprehension if you a) start out with 10 Intelligence, b) spread your skill points out evenly from leveling up, and c) plan to get most of the books in the game. Comprehension is not necessary in the expansions, but it does make it much easier to get all your skills up to 100.

Bonus Perks

I also try and get all the other bonus perks from questing, including the Damage Reduction version of the ‘Survivor Guru’ perk, and ‘Ant Sight’, because I find Perception more useful than Strength… although since ‘Almost Perfect’ and the attribute-boosting Bobbleheads raise your stats to 10 eventually, it’s rather moot. If you plan to get the Bobblehead – Strength early on (i.e. you want to live in Tenpenny Tower but you don’t want to wait until level 30 to safely do so) wait until you’re level 30 to get the ‘Ant Might’ perk to ensure you get 10 Strength.

Questionable Perks

Keep in mind that in the expansion, there’s really more room for versatility, so I’m much less adamant about my build this time around. If you really like another perk, go for it. I don’t use many explosives myself, but if for some reason I do decide to chuck a grenade, I’ll be able to do it well. The only real question to that end is whether it’s better to get a third rank of Demolition Expert (20% extra damage with all explosives) or get Quantum Chemist, which allows you to make the most powerful grenade in the game—the Nuka-Grenade.

Entomologist is only really useful against Albino Radscorpions, and if you’re willing to trust in Paralyzing Palm when you fight them, you’ll see you don’t really need it. You never really need Adamantium Skeleton. Quantum Chemist isn’t great… but it’s about your only chance of ever being able to get enough Nuka-Grenades to make using them feasible. But of course, you could always just use Mini-Nukes, which can be purchased from Flak & Shrapnel pretty reliably. Also note that Explosives like Frag Grenades will struggle to surpass 100 damage, while the Nuka-Grenade does in the area of 500. Each Demolition Expert perk is going to give a Frag Grenade 20~ damage. Simply put, Demolition Expert is going to give much less damage potential than a steady supply of Nuka-Grenades… if you even care about grenades.

If you don’t like Iron Fist, Demolition Expert, or Pyromaniac, don’t get them… if you can find something better. Frankly, I couldn’t. I should have covered the perks well enough that you won’t pick any of the one-star perks… or failing that, common sense will intervene. With the new versatility in perk choices, some gamers will pick perks like Educated just to make the trip to level 30 easier, or will eschew my Swift Learner pick in order to grab one of the skill perks… I mean, they’re both going to be useless by level 30 anyways, so why not? I still prefer picking perks that are going to give me bonuses—no matter how minor—at level 30, and I’m pretty comfortable with my choices of about 26 of the 30 perks.

Some people will argue that there’s not much point in having both Gunslinger AND Commando—pick one type of gun and use it—but I prefer flexibility… and besides, it’s an awfully long game, some variability in weapon choice can be a breath of fresh air after 100 hours… If I want to use a 10mm Submachine Gun from time to time, or a Scoped .44 Magnum, I’d prefer to be able to do it well.

Why have Grim Reaper’s Sprint and Nerves of Steel? Doesn’t having the former make the latter obsolete? Not really. Big bad guys like Albino Radscorpions, Feral Ghoul Reavers, and Super Mutant Overlords might not get affected by my Paralyzing Palm in one V.A.T.S. session, and getting another one quickly can make a difference. Certainly, they won’t be killed by one V.A.T.S., and if there are multiple threats, it’s nice to be able to paralyze one foe and then focus on another.

So… it’s my hope that my build allows me to use almost every weapon with some skill, regardless of how often I use them. Clearly, two-handed Small Guns and Unarmed are the best weapon categories in the game, but I’d rather use perks that cater to all weapons than something like Adamantium Skeleton or even Rad Absorption, both of which provide an arguably useful field benefit, but can be cured with a cheap (and weightless) chem or a trip back home.

Hints & Tips {HNT001}

I always have to start these things out with token ‘save your game’ advice, so here goes: Save your game! Save it often, save on multiple, ideally rotating slots, and make hard saves you won’t overwrite at convenient checkpoints. Seriously, it’s a Bethesda game, and Bethesda means bugs, instability, locking up, and corrupted saves. Do yourself a favor and save.

Speaking of bugginess, objects (items, dead bodies, etc.) can clip into the scenery/through the floor. It’s happened to me on every system—PC, Xbox 360, and PS3, although the latter seems to be the glitchiest. This goes with that whole ‘save’ thing I said earlier—if something is clipping into the floor, or otherwise making itself inaccessible (perhaps by vanishing entirely!) you can reload before you entered the area and give yourself another shot.

The Wasteland can be a rough place, especially for a kid fresh out of the Vault. Healing is rare and usually involves a trade-off of some sorts—caps for Stimpaks, or Rads for food and water. You can visit doctors for healing, or rent beds, but again, that costs money. Finding a bed is the best way to recover lost health, and free beds can be found earlier on—obtaining the house in Megaton or suite in Tenpenny Tower being the most obvious way.

If you’re out on the field and need some healing, but don’t want to expend Stimpaks (which should only be used in combat) or run back to a bed, find a fire hydrant, water tower, drinking fountain, or sink. You’ll catch some Rads, but the Hit Point-to-Rad ratio is generally pretty good. Your Radiation Resistance will cause the exact numbers to vary, but typically you’re looking at a 6:1 ratio. Since the max rads you can accumulate before dying is 1000, and you’d be lucky to reach 600 Hit Points, you can safely heal quite a bit before suffering any serious handicaps. If your Rads start to creep up on you, a single doctor visit—costing a mere 100 Caps—will remove all your Rads. Much cheaper than using Stimpaks. On the other hand, standing, stagnant sources of water tend to be much less appealing as sources of healing, so avoid them.

Watch your Karma! Not only do certain potential allies only join characters with a specific Karma, but when traveling around the Wasteland you might find yourself hunted by groups of Talon Company Mercs (if you have good Karma) or Regulators (evil Karma). These guys are stronger than the toughest Raiders, and typically show up when you load an area somewhere in the Wasteland—usually after fast-traveling or exiting a location.

Karma is pretty malleable in the Wasteland. While specific events and encounters change your Karma, it can be easily manipulated in more mundane ways. Stealing anything—no matter how useless—will lower your Karma, as will picking locks or hacking computers. In fact, trespassing on an unlocked terminal can lower your Karma (the computer’s name will be red if it’s a prohibited terminal). Simply interact with the computer and exit to drop your Karma—repeat as you desire. To get an endless stream of positive Karma, simply give Purified Water to beggars—you can find one outside of Megaton and Rivet City. Purified Water can be purchased, or it can be collected from your Mr. Gutsy butler robot once every several days.

If it bleeds, you can kill it. You can kill it much faster if you perform a sneak attack critical. Raise your Sneak skill, sneak around everywhere you may encounter hostiles, and, with a decent Perception score, you should be able to score the first strike. While long ranged combat is… less than reliable in this game, you’d be surprised how far away a Combat Shotgun remains lethal…

You’re new to the Wastelands, and after a few encounters you realize that killing things can be EXPENSIVE! Ammo isn’t plentiful at the beginning of the game… or rather, your kill-per-ammo ratio isn’t going to be very good. So use weapons that don’t require ammo, like Spiked Knuckles and Baseball Bats. It might not be as elegant, but it’s effective, and it will result in you accumulating ammo. If you have Broken Steel installed, and invest in a few Iron Fist perks, you can dominate the Wasteland until your level is in the teens without even carrying a gun on you.

The Unarmed skill is great for the beginning of the game… and it only gets better as you level up. Grab Paralyzing Palm at level 18 and there is a good chance any foe you attack in V.A.T.S. will be paralyzed—if they survive your V.A.T.S. onslaught, that is. It’s the best way to deal with Albino Radscorpions, Super Mutant Overlords, and Feral Ghoul Reavers.

Unarmed can get you through the game, but ranged attacks come into their own once you accumulate enough ammo and Skill Points to make them effective. Why try rushing into a cave full of Deathclaws to engage them in melee when you can pick one or two off with a sneak attack critical from a distance? Also, some foes are just in hard to reach places, or they have ranged weapons themselves and… you know, they won’t oblige you by walking into your fists? In these situations, a ranged option is invaluable.

Fallout is fun because of some of the goofy weaponry. Sadly, quirky Energy Weapons are much more expensive to maintain than mundane Small Guns. As fun as it can be to turn a Super Mutant into a puddle of green plasma, when it comes time to repair your Plasma Rifle, you’ll wish you’d been using a Combat Shotgun, instead.

Save before talking to NPCs and hacking computers. Who knows, there might be a Speech challenge you can attempt. Save/load until you succeed. Same goes for hacking. Screw up a hack and get locked out of a computer forever… or just reload. Which seems more appealing to you?

You gotta shoot ’em in the head! I’d have made a “go for the eyes!” pun, but since you can’t target the eyes of foes in Fallout 3 (unlike the first two Fallout games) the head will have to do. Head shots tend to deal more damage. You know, critical hits, vulnerable spots, all that good stuff. Often times it’s better to provoke a foe into charging you, only to activate V.A.T.S. before they reach you so you can score some point-blank head shots than it is to try and shoot them to death at range. Wait… isn’t the whole purpose of a gun to kill things at a distance? Yeah, in the real world, but Fallout 3 is goofy that way.

While it’s always fun to shoot things in the head, sometimes there are better targets. See that Raider about to lob a Frag Grenade at you? That Super Mutant Overlord causing you grief with that Tri-Beam Laser Rifle? Shoot the weapon. Not only is it pretty badass to snipe a grenade or missile in mid-flight, but if you disarm an enemy with a powerful weapon (or deplete the durability of said weapon) they’ll only have their fists to rely on… and most foes aren’t anywhere near as competent in melee as the Vault Dweller can become.

Hotkeys. Use them. Keep a melee, a ranged weapon, and Stimpaks on hotkeys and the game will become much easier.

V.A.T.S. has a much farther range than your Perception score will grant you, and it will pick out foes even if they’re camouflaged. Hit the V.A.T.S. key periodically as you explore and there’s a good chance you’ll spot creatures in the distance well before they spot you.

Don’t just run stupidly through the Wasteland—that’s a good way to become some Deathclaw’s dinner. You have a Sneak skill, use it. Even if it’s low, enemies that are far away probably won’t notice you (especially at night) and even if they do, the [HIDDEN] text will change to [CAUTION], and then [DANGER], which will at least give you a heads-up that something is coming.

When hacking terminals, look for common suffixes/prefixes, such as CON-, -TION, and -ING. If you can confirm a word has — or doesn’t have — one such prefix or suffix, you can eliminate around half the password options.

Prologue: Vault 101

Vault 101 (Toddler) o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK001}

  1. You’re SPECIAL!
  2. Indoctrination 21:6
  3. Pip-Boy 3000
  4. Amata’s Gift
  5. The Sweetroll Confrontation
  6. Ditching the Party
  7. Dad’s Gift
  8. Killing the Radroach
  9. Bobblehead – Medicine
  10. Amata versus the Tunnel Snakes
  11. The G.O.A.T.

QUEST Baby Steps

  1. Afterwards you’ll get a little tutorial on how to walk. You’ll be left to your own devices shortly. When you are, open the gate and toddle over to the “YOU’RE SPECIAL” book on the floor and activate it. Flip through the pages and assign all your attributes. When you reach the end of the book you’ll get a chance to assign them all at once. If you’re following my build, you’ll want the following attributes:

Suggested Starting Attributes | Score Strength | 5 Perception | 6 Endurance | 6 Charisma | 1 Intelligence | 9 Agility | 7 Luck | 6

If you mess up somehow, don’t worry about it too much. Like with Oblivion, you’ll be able to change everything about your character before you get into the ‘meat’ of the game. <———————————————————————-> 2) When you’re done, your dad will come back and show you the Bible passage Revelation 21:6, which plays a fairly prominent role in the game. A religious scientist? Sure… no wonder mom died. Probably relied on the power of prayer instead of proper medicine. Anywho… When he’s done yammering, follow him out into the hall and time will fast-forward.

Vault 101 (10-Years Old) o======================================================================o QUEST Growing Up Fast

  1. You’re now ten years old. The setting? Your birthday party. I wonder how many times all those party favors have been reused? Whatever, as a ‘gift’ the Overseer will give you a Pip-Boy 3000, an indispensable part of Vault life. I wonder why the Vaults in the D.C. area get Pip-Boy 3000’s, whereas the California Pip-Boys were 2000’s… ah well. You can check out your Pip-Boy by pressing the “B” button [Xbox] or “circle” [PS3]. Hold down the same button to toggle the Pip-Boy’s light on and off. From here you can look at your Stats, including your Status, S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes, Skills, Perks, and General information, your Items, divided into Weapons, Apparel, Aid, Misc, and Ammo, and finally Data, which includes Local Map, World Map, Quests, Notes, and Radio. You’ll be messing around with this little device quite a bit. <———————————————————————-> BOOKS Grognak the Barbarian
  2. When you’re done fiddling around with your Pip-Boy, walk forward and talk to Amata. It doesn’t really matter what you say/do here… she’ll hand over a Grognak the Barbarian comic book, which you should hold onto… don’t read it yet. <———————————————————————->
  3. Ignore the Overseer, who plays the role of the authoritative douche rather well, and instead talk to Old Lady Palmer, who is sitting down across from the Overseer. She’ll give you a Sweetroll, no matter how much of a brat you are. Which is fortunate, since behind us our friendly robot Andy is busy destroying our birthday cake. This prompts Butch, one of the incorrigible little rascals attending your party, to threaten you for your newly acquired Sweetroll. You can try to be a sissy, diplomatic, crude, mean… or meaner. If you provoke Butch, he’ll come after you. Just run around the tables until he is stopped by Officer Gomez. You can talk to Gomez and some of the other kids attending, but there’s really no point. Amata will talk to you about Butch after the confrontation is over. <———————————————————————->
  4. Next talk to Stanley, who is sitting beside your dad. He’ll tell you a bit about the Pip-Boy, and you can fish a Kid’s Baseball Cap off of him. Eventually your dad will get up and get a message from Jonas. He’ll tell you to duck out of your own party. On the way out you’ll be bothered by a lady named Beatrice, who will give you a… poem… for your birthday. What a lame party, eh? <———————————————————————->
  5. Exit the door where your dad is and head down the tunnel to the north, then west, then down some stairs to the north. If you look around, you might find Officer Kendall in the hallways… who really doesn’t have anything interesting to say. You can sneak by pressing the left analogue button, and if you’re lucky, you can lift two Stimpaks off of him… although since you don’t get to keep them, there’s really no point. Anyways, at the bottom of the stairs you’ll find Jonas, the man in the lab coat. He’ll tell you to wait around for your dad, who will be arriving shortly. When your dad arrives, he’ll give you what is by far the best present yet—a BB gun! Hey, I remember how awesome it was when I got my first BB gun… it’s just an experience all kids should have, whether they’re an army-brat growing up in Germany, or a kid in an underground fallout shelter two hundred years after nuclear holocaust.

WEAPON INFO BB Gun (Small Guns) Maximum Damage: 14 AP Cost: Average Ammo: BB Clip Size: 100 (1 Round/Shot)

BB Guns suck, and rightfully so. It’s almost laughable that one does half the damage of a 10mm Pistol. You won’t really ever use it at all. At least, not if you’re seriously trying to kill something. <———————————————————————-> 8) Follow your dad and Jonas into a room to the south, talking to them both on your way past. Go to the far end of the room and hit the right trigger [Xbox] or “R1” [PS3] to draw your equipped weapon (in this case, the BB Gun). The same button also shoots/attacks. The “X” button [Xbox] and the “square” button [PS3] will also draw your equipped weapons, and, if you hold the button down, will sheath/holster/lower them. Your goal here is to shoot the three targets to the south… Yes, you can shoot Jonas and your dad, but there’s not really any point. Shoot the three targets beyond the locker until a Radroach crawls out. Hit the left bumper button [Xbox] or “R2” [PS3] to enter V.A.T.S. mode if you want to get the hang of using it. Once the Radroach is dead, dad decides he wants a picture. Go up to him and Jonas will oblige… and your childhood vanishes in another flash of light…

Vault 101 (16-Years Old) o======================================================================o QUEST Future Imperfect

BOBBLEHEADS Bobblehead – Medicine

  1. You’ll return to the game being examined by your dad. Your goal for this part of the game: take the G.O.A.T., a ‘career’ test that’ll determine your future in the vault. No pressure. Question good old dad, if you want, and he’ll spin some pro-vault rhetoric. Outside bad, inside good, the Overseer is a tyrant, but… well, he’s the bossman, so put up with his sh*t. Notice how dad dances around certain confirmations—”it’s what the Overseer says, isn’t it?” isn’t a direct answer to the question we ask. He also seems to know how much the outside world sucks. Hmm… When you’re done talking with the old man, take the Bobblehead – Medicine from his desk. You can also go look at his computer for a few tidbits of information… but there’s nothing essential there. Still, who can resist peeking at the medical histories of their fellow vault dwellers? <———————————————————————->
  2. Head out the doors and take a right to find Butch and his gang picking on Amata. Either choose to help her or not. If you help her, talk to Butch. You can be mean to Amata, and help Butch pick on her, or tell Butch to leave her alone. The best option is to succeed at a [Speech] check, but with a Charisma score of 1, that’s not this character’s strong point. If you succeed you’ll get some Karma and experience… so, either reload until you succeed, or get on with your life—there’s an infinite amount of experience and karma waiting for us. <———————————————————————->
  3. Head into the classroom and talk to Mr. Brotch. You can opt out of the test by picking the last option, and then pick the first option to choose what skills you want… or you can have Brotch do it for you, and just tell him what you’re interested in… or you can go and take the G.O.A.T. While taking the G.O.A.T. you’ll be asked random questions and be given four seemingly random answers. How you answer determines what job Brotch says you qualify for… and Tags! three of your skills. Talk to Brotch and you’ll get the option to change any of those tagged skills… that’s all the G.O.A.T. is for. If you didn’t read my section on Skills earlier, and you don’t care for a lot of advice, pick the Lockpick, Repair, and Sneak skill. As you leave the classroom after (or if you opted out, perhaps during) the test, the present will fade away in a flash of white light, and the prologue is finally over…

Vault 101 (19-Years Old)

Sequence of Events: {WLK002}

  1. Dad’s Gone!
  2. Kendall and the Radroaches
  3. Save Butch’s Mom!
  4. Avenge Grandma Taylor
  5. Incinerator Andy
  6. Vault Gun-Down
  7. Pencil Picking!
  8. The Upper Level
  9. Loot Floyd
  10. Confront the Overseer
  11. Loot Jonas
  12. To the Entrance
  13. The Capital Wasteland

QUEST Escape!

BOBBLEHEADS Bobblehead – Medicine (it will still be in your Dad’s lab if you didn’t take it earlier.)

BOOKS Grognak the Barbarian (technically the one Amata gave you… but you must take it from your dresser before you go!)

  1. You’ll be awakened by Amata, who frantically tells you to get your ass in gear. Apparently dear old dad left Vault 101 and the Overseer has gone fascist, ordering that Jonas be killed. Allow Amata to give you the handgun, then take your BB Gun, the BB’s, and the Baseball Bat off the table. Search the First Aid Kit for Med-X and 10 Stimpaks, which will come in handy, and finally and most importantly, search your Dresser for a number of extra Vault Suits and your copy of Grognak the Barbarian. You don’t want to waste precious ammo at this juncture, so equip the Baseball Bat and head out into the hallway.

WEAPON INFO 10mm Pistol (Small Guns) Maximum Damage: 20 AP Cost: Very Low Ammo: 10mm Round Clip Size: 12 (1 Round/Shot, semi-auto)

They have a paltry zoom and do poor damage. In fact, the cost of the ammo versus the damage output these guns do really isn’t worth it. I’d advise you against using a 10mm Pistol unless you absolutely have to. For example, if you’re being chased by a number of melee-wielding Raiders in the beginning, maybe use it to trim them down, but that’s about all you should expect out of this gun.

WEAPON INFO Baseball Bat (Melee Weapons) Maximum Damage: 25 AP Cost: Low Ammo: None Clip Size: N/A

Well, what can you say? It’s a bat. It does more damage than a Pistol, and it has excellent durability. You’ll probably want to use this to smash your way out of the Vault and all the way to the Citadel. <———————————————————————-> 2) Take a right and you’ll meet Officer Kendall, who will be attacked by a trio of Radroaches… you never know what’ll come out when you turn out the lights! Let them duke it out. If Kendall survives, he’ll turn on you. Don’t be afraid to use V.A.T.S. to whack him with your bat in melee combat. Hit the right trigger [Xbox] or “R1” [PS3] to swing your bat, and hold the same button to perform a more powerful attack. Block with the left trigger button [Xbox] or “L1” [PS3]—this causes you to sustain less damage… just like the controls in Oblivion! The roaches drop Radroach meat, and Kendall will drop a suit of Vault 101 Security Armor and a Vault 101 Security Helmet, which offer greater protection than your normal Jumpsuit, so it may be worth wearing.

WEAPON INFO Police Baton (Melee Weapons) Maximum Damage: 20 AP Cost: Low Ammo: None Clip Size: N/A

Not as powerful as the Baseball Bat, and not as satisfying. Still, it’s probably a better alternative than the 10mm Pistol at this point in the game. <———————————————————————-> 3) Head down a hallway to the west from the intersection where Kendall fought the Radroaches. You should run into Butch at the end of the hallway, and ironically enough, it seems Butch isn’t quite so… butch. His mother is being attacked by Radroaches, and he’s afraid of the critters, so naturally he needs our help. If you confirm that he’s afraid of the bugs (pick the second dialogue option twice) you’ll get a shot at a pair of [Speech] challenges, where you can either convince Butch to either abandon his mother, or to man up. Alternatively, you can also give him your BB Gun (after failing a [Speech] challenge), which… well, guns turn cowards into fighters, in reality and in Fallout. The best option is to simply agree to help him, however… especially since a) who wants to give away our BB Gun, and b) even when armed, Butch is usually too incompetent to save his mother.

Follow Butch down to the end of the hallway, then turn south and enter the first door on the right. Butch’s mother is in the second (northern-most) room, and sure enough, she’s being assaulted by several Radroaches. Promptly smash the Radroaches, and Butch’ll thank you, even giving up his treasured Tunnel Snake Outfit (as well as returning your BB Gun, if you lent it to him). Grab the Vodka lying around as well, as its 20 to 1 value to weight ratio makes it worth holding onto. If you’re sneaky you can steal another bottle of vodka from Butch’s mom, and from Butch you can steal three Purified Waters and a Switchblade. If you took—or later take—any damage, the bathrooms that occupy the space between Butch’s quarters and yours have a number of sinks and toilets you can drink from to replenish your Hit Points free of charge… there’s absolutely no reason you should have to use a Stimpak while escaping from the Vault. <———————————————————————-> 4) From Butch’s quarters head down the hallway to the north and take a left, then a right. Enter the first room on your right to get to the cafeteria wherein your 10th birthday party was held. Inside you’ll find a trio of Radroaches and the body of Grandma Taylor. Kill them and leave, ignoring the passage to the left as there is nothing but inaccessible doors down there. You’ll be discovered by Officer Gomez, who is not nearly as homicidal as Officer Kendall was. When you’re done talking to him, continue up the stairs.

WEAPON INFO Switchblade (Melee Weapons) Maximum Damage: 21 AP Cost: Very Low Ammo: None Clip Size: N/A

These puppies can do respectable damage and take less Action Points than Baseball Bats. If you want to slash people up instead of whacking them with a Baseball Bat… it’s mostly an aesthetic choice. <———————————————————————-> 5) At the top of the stairs take a right. You’ll run into the robot Andy, who shows off his Radroach torching skills. He’ll head into the infirmary, where Stanley will begin repairing him. Search the room and pick up the two Stimpaks on the ground, and perhaps the Scrap Metal from the Toolbox. If you’re really tricky, you can lift a Vault 101 Utility Key off of Stanley. If you continue north you’ll reach your father’s office, which has long-since been sacked. Note that the framed Revelation 21:6 quote is locked [Average]—following my build, you won’t yet have a high enough Lockpick skill score to even attempt to unlock this yet… don’t worry, however, perhaps we’ll get a chance to tinker around with it later? When you’re done, leave the room and take a left, entering the door that leads to Vault 101 Atrium.

Vault 101 Atrium o======================================================================o 6) When you reach the Atrium go into the large central room and head left. You’ll see two Vault dwellers chatting; Tom and Mary Holden. Tom will decide to make a run at two guards, who promptly shoot him down. Follow on his heels so they’re busy shooting at him rather than you, and when you get close enough V.A.T.S. one of the guards, which will kill him with any luck. Kill the other and take both of their pistols, as well as any ammo they might have been carrying. Since you have no way of picking a [Very Hard] lock at this juncture, you’re not going through the nearby door. <———————————————————————-> 7) Head into the small room north of the large one and loot it. Be sure to pick up any pencils you find! They weigh nothing and can be sold… for a bit, so why not? Also take any Scrap Metal you find, as it can be traded for caps and experience later on. Other crafting materials lie around, but since we currently don’t have a way to stash our loot, we might want to be picky about what we… pick up. <———————————————————————-> 8) Return to the large room to the south and head through the door being propped open by a locker (also to the south) and up the stairs, killing any Radroaches along the way. Atop the stairs turn east, then north to reach the walkways running over the large room we were in earlier. Continue west, ignoring some dink yelling at you through a window and through a doorway marked ‘Admin’. Beyond you’ll find Security Chief Hannon, who needs a dose of death. Search near a console to find a dead engineer—Floyd Lewis—who can be looted. <———————————————————————-> 9) Continue west through another doorway marked ‘Admin’, turning north when you must. Enter the first room to the left (marked ‘Security’) where you’ll find Officer Mack, Amata, and the Overseer. If you’re sneaky, you can get near enough to Officer Mack to sneak attack him in V.A.T.S. Amata will run off, and the Overseer will sit around calling for guards. You can chat with him, but there’s no point in killing him yet. When you’re done talking, search the lockers for a Stimpak, 32 10mm Rounds, and two of the following: a Police Baton, Vault 101 Security Armor and Security Helmet. Search the desks for some Pre-War Money and Shotgun Shells. If you need healing, go into the back room and drink from the sink. Before you leave, try and steal the Overseer’s Office Key and the Overseer’s Terminal Password from the Overseer. <———————————————————————-> 10) Leave the guard station and head to the left. Enter the room at the far end of the hallway to the right. Inside you’ll find Jonas, who has some Eyeglasses, a Note from Dad, a Stimpak, and a Vault Lab Uniform. Open up your Pip-Boy and head to the Data section. Your Dad’s note is under the Notes section, listed as ‘Note from Dad’. Search the desks for some more Pre-War Money. You can head into the room to the left to talk to Amata, who will be thankful you didn’t kill her dad, or you can head to the right to get to the Overseer’s Office, which you can unlock by picking it [Very Easy] for some experience, or with the Overseer’s Key.

How the unlocking mini-game works, you ask? Well, as the wonderful screen will tell you, you rotate the bobby pin with the (LS), and apply torque with the (RS). Essentially, you rotate the bobby-pin around and very gently push the (RS). If the lock turns, slowly ease the (RS) until the lock ‘catches’ on the bobby pin. If it catches long and hard enough, the bobby pin will break, which is gay. If it catches, simply reposition the bobby pin and try another area. If the lock turns, it means you are close… the more it turns, the closer you are. So if the lock turns a bit, don’t rotate the bobby pin very far. If it catches immediately, try somewhere a good distance away. The best places to try are typically at 10, 12, or 2 (as if the circle of the lock were clock). If you’re in the right spot, the lock will turn fully, and the object will open. You’ll get the hang of it.

Search his lockers for a whopping 120 10mm Rounds, two Mentats, the Overseer’s Terminal Password (if you don’t already have it), and three Stimpaks. Explore his terminals while you’re here for some more information. You’ll hear about a town called Megaton, which was explored presumably by the previous Overseer—Anne Palmer—some thirty years ago. Also note that the message from Dr. Braun refers to the vault inhabitants as the ‘control group’. Veterans of the first two Fallout games will recall that Vault-Tec took quite a few liberties with the salvation of mankind, usually in the form of social experiments. And of course, make sure to open the Security Tunnel so you can continue on your way. Kill any Radroaches down here and continue forward until you find the door leading to the Vault 101 Entrance.

Vault 101 Entrance
11) Flip the electrical switch in front of you and head into the large room and activate the Vault Door Security Control. Amata will follow you. Chat with her one last time before heading out. As the door opens… slowly… you’ll be harassed by two Officers. Ignore them and head out the door. Use their unwillingness to cross the boundary to the outside world to your advantage and beat them to death. When they’re dead, go through the previously locked door they opened (opposite the exterior Vault door). Enter the room to your right and loot it. Now’s as good a time as any to set the standards for looting… If it has a Value-to-Weight ratio of 5-to-1 (5 caps for one pound of weight), I typically consider it worth hauling off and selling. If not… I typically leave it behind. Some items, however, are worth more than their simple cap value—typically components for various weapons you can craft or items certain NPCs need (and will reward you for).
12) Speaking of loot, let’s go get some, shall we? From the room with the vault door, head west through a doorway (the door the two guards we just beat to death came through). In this room are three new doors. To the west, you’ll find a door that’ll eventually take you back to the Atrium. To the south is another door that leads to a room unexceptional save for the locked first aid box on the wall [Very Easy]. Finally, to the north is a storage room wherein you can score two toolboxes, three bottles of Purified Water, and six Bobby Pins.
13) Now that you’re done, exit the Vault, past the cheerful skeletons and their angry, angry signs. Let’s hope they weren’t the two ‘ambassadors’ that left the Vault some 30 years ago. Go to the Door to The Capital Wasteland. You’ll hear the ominous screech of the Vault Door closing behind you. Save your game and keep a save at this spot, as when you activate the door you’ll get a chance to change nearly anything about your character. If you have buyer’s remorse when you reach the Capital Wasteland, you’ll be able to backtrack here and change yourself.

The Capital Wasteland

Sequence of Events: {WLK003}

  1. Wasteland Orientation
  2. To Megaton
  3. Rivet City Tips
  4. Sewer Waystation
  5. Wilhelm’s Wharf
  6. Scavenger Stealing
  7. Citadel
  8. Brotherhood Burglary
  9. Divin’ for Treasure
  10. Pirate Pely’s
  11. Super Mutant Smackdown
  12. To Rivet City!
  13. Acquire the Bobblehead – Intelligence

The Capital Wasteland, From Vault 101 to Megaton

  1. As the blinding glare from the sun dies down (your first bath in natural light—so long as you didn’t escape during the night, that is!), you’ll see the ruined world sprawled out before you. As the game promises, you’ve got free reign of the place, to go after Dad… or not. For me, it’s typically a lot of not… and since I don’t like doing quests before I have an adequate Speech score, I tend to mess around a long time before seriously pursuing the main story. Head out to the ‘Scenic Overlook’ and view the ruins of Springvale. No matter what you intend to do with this game, the first thing that needs to be done is for you to acquire the Intelligence bobblehead. It’s a long and dangerous journey in itself, which can be made even longer and more dangerous by random encounters. First things first though, you’ll get to level yourself up. Note that if you have less than a 9 Intelligence and you want to get up to 10 Intelligence with the Almost Perfect perk, you will NOT want to get the Intelligence Bobblehead. Of course, getting a 10 Intelligence AFTER you hit level 30 is almost purely aesthetic, and starting with anything other than a 9 Intelligence is highly discouraged by this FAQ-writer.. I mean, it’s really the ONLY attribute whose starting score matters, except for those which meet pre-requisites for perks. If you do not wish to grab the Bobblehead – Intelligence at this time, skip this section and continue on with the Megaton section.

Spend your points on whatever you wish… Repair, Sneak, and Speech are all good first level choices. Typically I’d get myself something like Repair, but since I know I’ll be questing right off the bat this time around, I get points into Speech. I buy the Swift Learner perk for the extra 10% experience. It’s a useless perk, as are all perks which won’t give me any benefits once I reach level 30, but almost all the level 2 perks are, with the exception of Black Widow/Lady Killer. I won’t need that perk as much as I’d rather have the +10% experience from the get-go, so Swift Learner it is.

Level 2
HP: 230
AP: 79
Barter: 7
Big Guns: 17
Energy Weapons: 17
Explosives: 17
Lockpick: 32
Medicine: 33
Melee Weapons: 15
Repair: 38
Science: 23
Small Guns: 19
Sneak: 34
Speech: 15 + 19 = 26
Unarmed: 17

Now to explain how things will work for the rest of this guide. First thing we need to do is to find dad, and that means following his trail. Logically, that would make our first stop Megaton, and so it will be. Instead of exploring it, however, we’ll take an excursion to Rivet City, to boost our Intelligence and nab us 28 extra skill points over the course of the game. Not bad, right? This is, of all my deviations from the straight story-line, the most important. Then we’ll return to Megaton, get us a house, and do some quests around town.

If you have the expansions installed, you’ll get messages introducing the new quests, and with Broken Steel installed you’ll get a message that indicates the level cap has been raised to 30.

Following in His Footsteps
Aiding the Outcasts (Operation: Anchorage Expansion Only)
Into The Pitt (The Pitt Expansion Only)
Not of This World (Mothership Zeta Expansion Only)
The Local Flavor (Point Lookout Expansion Only)

  1. Check the compass at the bottom left of your screen… just below your Hit Point bars. You’ll want to head towards the solid green arrow pointing south-east. Navigate the terrain carefully, as falls DO hurt. When you reach Megaton you’ll meet a robot named Deputy Weld and a poor beggar named Micky. Enter the town and exit to ensure you have it on your map. Now that we have that done with, we can head on to Rivet City. If you’re overloaded with crap, wait around outside Megaton for a few hours at a time and eventually some merchants will show up. It’s as good a place as any to unload any extra Security Armors you’ve found. We’ll talk about these merchants in greater detail later, but for now, just sell off junk. Keep your Baseball Bat, your 10mm Pistols, a copy of each Vault 101 outfit (if you hoard outfits like I do), your copy of Grognak, all your chems, your Nuka-Cola, and your Purified Water.
  2. Now.. for all intents and purposes there are two ways to get to Rivet City. One involves going east to Greyditch, avoiding Fire Ants, an annoying kid, some Raiders, and crossing under a bridge patrolled by Super Mutants.. one of which will certainly have a heavy weapon with which to cause you pain. The other way involves heading south-east, past the Arlington Library to the Citadel. On your way you’ll have to skirt away from a group of Talon Company Mercenaries (excuse me if I call them Black Talon mercenaries, I’ve been writing a Baldur’s Gate FAQ and, well, things get jumbled) some Raiders, and you’ll have to sit and watch some Super Mutants duke it out with the Brotherhood of Steel. The top option is appealing because it involves crossing a bridge that probably is crawling with Raiders, while the Citadel approach involves swimming the river and catching some Rads. Either way, once you’re across you’ll have to avoid the Jefferson Memorial and another outpost, both of which are crawling with Super Mutants, to make it to Rivet City. I never said it would be easy, did I? Hey, if I can do it with no guide on my first-and five subsequent-playthroughs, you can do it with one! Below are some handy pointers to help you make it to Rivet City:
    Avoid fights when you can. Use the Sneak skill to move about. It slows you down, and getting within a mile of anything will probably give you away, but the least it’ll do is tell you whether you’re [HIDDEN], whether an enemy has heard you [CAUTION], and if you’re being pursued or attacked by something [DANGER]. The higher your Perception, the easier it’ll be to see and avoid danger. The higher your Sneak, the better your chances of avoiding a fight.
    Keep multiple save slots so you can back-track if you need to. Saving right before you accidentally find the Death Claw random encounter will spare you a lot of trouble.
    Keep in mind that healing is NOT going to be as easy to come by anymore. In fact, healing will be one of two evils for a while:
    1) prohibitively expensive, as using a Stimpak is the equivalent of swallowing 25 caps, or 2) a trade off, as food and water sources that replenish Hit Points will in turn give you Rads. A full Rad bar can be expunged with one 100 cap doctor visit though, so it is cheaper in the long run to just soak up the Rads.. just be economic about it. Drinking from a fire hydrant is going to give you a much better Hit Point to Rad trade off than, say, drinking from a toilet. Of course, you can’t suck on a hydrant while you’re being shot.. or at least, not to any effect, so use Stimpaks in combat if you must.
    If you must fight, fight like a sissy. Get up to them in melee and V.A.T.S. them, so you’ll do some damage while being immune yourself. Once V.A.T.S. is done, run until you get more AP. Rinse, wash, repeat. It won’t save you from overwhelming firepower, but it will allow you to pick off Raiders.
    Hit the right bumper [Xbox] or “R2” [PS3] occasionally to try to V.A.T.S. Often times you can pick out a foe in V.A.T.S. long before you can see them. This can alert you to enemies that might be hard to see against the background… Dogs, Mole Rats, Bloat Flies, etc.

The Capital Wasteland, From Megaton to Rivet City

  1. Here I will chronicle my journey to Rivet City.. yours probably won’t be exactly the same, but it will at least give you a point-to-point reference as I crawl tentatively across the world. First I head mostly east to the Sewer Waystation. If you find Super-Duper Mart, you’re too far north. I vanquish a Mole Rat and a Bloat Fly on the way.
  2. I head east some more until I find Wilhelm’s Wharf. Here you can find Grandma Sparkle if you need to sell off some more stuff you find. If you find Greyditch, you’re too far south (or not far enough!) Seriously, avoid the Fire Ants. You can probably kill a number of them, but it’s prohibitively costly to do so with your ammo reserves. And melee is not an option.. if you want to see why.. well, save the game and try it. On the forums in the first weeks of the game’s release, it was a fairly frequent topic to see people talking about their first Fire Ant experiences. Grandma Sparkle will tell you about people looking for you, depending on your alignment (at this point in the game, it’s almost certainly Talon Company Mercs.) You can steal some .32 Caliber Rounds from her if you feel lucky. IF you get caught by some annoying ass kid named Bryan Wilks, he’ll try and get you to start the quest ‘Those!’. We’re in no position to do this quest yet (see the Fire Ant comments above). You should strive to succeed at two Speech challenges with the kid to score some extra loot.. which will be very difficult at this point in the game. If he catches you.. just reload and try to avoid him.
  3. Head south-east down the road, past the sign that says ‘Anchorage War Memorial’, and especially past the bridge that leads to it. It’s covered in mines, and while easily disarmed, I’d rather wait until I’m less concerned about leveling up. Keep following the road and, if it’s the right time of day, you might find a Scavenger sitting on a dock. If you can, rob the Scavenger, as they’ll likely have all manner of loot for you. I’m able to steal 16 5.56mm Rounds, 19 5mm rounds, 173 Caps, 30 Energy Cells, 3 Frag Grenades, a Laser Pistol, Med-X, Rad-X, and 13 Shotgun Shells. Now I’ll admit, I never ran into this guy before, he was around the docks at 5:00 PM, and I probably went a bit overboard with the looting. If you find a Scavenger here too, keep in mind that there’s a lot of save/loading involved in getting that gear.

Frag Grenades (Explosives)
Maximum Damage: 115
AP Cost: Low
Ammo: Frag Grenades
Clip Size: 1 (1 grenade/shot)

Eh, they have their uses. They do great damage, but they can be somewhat inaccurate out of V.A.T.S., and somewhat temperamental in V.A.T.S. If you see a sweet group of baddies just begging to be maimed, you might as well use ’em, but I’d prefer a Missile Launcher any day.

Frag Mines (Explosives)
Maximum Damage: 115
AP Cost: N/A
Ammo: Frag Mines
Clip Size: 1 (1 mine/shot)

Supposedly useful for setting up tactical ambushes, I really don’t see the point. You can’t use them in V.A.T.S., which makes sense, since you’re not lobbing them at enemies, but that almost makes them more or less useless in close range scenarios. Dropping a live mine at the feet of a bad guy isn’t just impractical, it’s dangerous. I have heard it advocated that setting up a line of mines for Mirelurks to run over is a good way to kill them… but I’ll stick to Combat Shotguns and Fisto!, thank you. Much cheaper, much more successful, and much less likely to blow myself up.

Laser Pistol (Energy Weapons)
Maximum Damage: 23
AP Cost: Very Low
Ammo: Energy Cell
Clip Size: 30 (1 round/shot, semi-auto)

The Laser Pistol is the weak Pistol of the Energy Weapons family, although it does appreciably more damage than a 10mm Pistol. Its ammo is more expensive, and repair costs are high and frequent… All in all, it’s probably better to save the Energy Cells for a better gun, rather than use a Laser Pistol at all.

  1. Continue down the road to the south and you’ll see a ruined bridge in front of you. Take the road leading up to the intact portion on the same coast you’re on. The threat icons you see on your compass (the red dashes) are Raiders that live in the area under the bridge. Avoid staying away from the openings in the bridge. Once on top of the bridge sneak up to the west, away from the river. At the end of the bridge where rubble prevents further exploration part of the railing has been destroyed. Jump down to onto a pile of rubble and safely head to the huge building across from the bridge with the crane over it. You’ll still want to stay up west, away from the river until you reach the building, as you can still be bothered by Raiders within the bridge. Go up the stairs to reach the building’s foundation and search garbage cans for goodies. Soon enough you’ll get a message saying you’ve discovered the Citadel. A few minor enemies so far, and one Raider camp easily skirted… not so bad, right?
  2. You’ll come to the front of the building, where some guys in Power Armor are standing guard, along with a Sentry Bot. You don’t want to pick a fight here. You can talk to Paladin Bael, but there’s not really any point to it just yet. If you’re an idiot, like me, you can nab some 5mm Rounds from Bael, and some 5.56mm Rounds from his buddy. If you head to the far southern end of the building you’ll see a Super Mutant, a Centaur, and a Super Mutant Master (or Overlord, if you have Broken Steel installed) in a fire-fight with the Citadel Defenses. Normally, the Brotherhood cleans house, but the Overlord and his Tri-Beam Laser Rifle are just too much. Don’t get any stupid ideas, stay away from them. You don’t have the faintest chance of winning. You might see Brotherhood of Steel patrols walking about. I was able to steal a Laser Rifle and 43 Microfusion Cells from one who had carelessly put his weapon away. I’m sure he won’t need it. The Brotherhood patrollers might have different loot for you, and it’s not essential that you steal anything at all… it just depends on how much time and patience you’re willing to spend trying to steal guns you can afford to use yet. You can typically steal 10mm Pistols from all the Knights carrying heavy weapons… but it’s up to you to decide if it’s worth the hassle.

Laser Rifle (Energy Weapons)
Maximum Damage: 34
AP Cost: Very Low
Ammo: MF Cell
Clip Size: 24 (1 round/shot, semi auto)

Ah, much better than its pansy pistol cousin, the Laser Rifle has much higher damage (about twice as much) and a similar AP Cost. It is, however, expensive to maintain. Its ammo is among the most expensive, and if you should ever be cursed with the need to repair the gun… you might just cry.

  1. Head to the front of the Citadel, opposite the gate Bael was guarding and go down by the coast. Search until you find a dock with some crates and two locked [Very Hard] personal footlockers on it. Dive into the water by the sunken ship and search inside the cabin. By the skeleton you’ll find some RadAway, Rad-X, a Stimpak, some Caps, and the Captain’s Key. Also, in a submerged ammo box you’ll find 8 .44 Magnum Rounds. Now open the personal footlockers with the Captain’s Key. In the left one you’ll find 8 10mm Rounds, 4 Caps, a Chinese Pistol, and a Power Fist. In the right one you’ll find 9 Caps and another Power Fist. Keep both fists and don’t combine them.. even if they break. We’ll find a better use for them later. And by all means, don’t be afraid at all to strap them on.. they’re so much better than the Baseball Bat.

Chinese Pistol (Small Guns)
Maximum Damage: 14
AP Cost: Very Low
Ammo: 10mm Round
Clip Size: 10 (1 round/shot, semi auto)

If you were sitting around thinking… Gee, the Pistol sucks, and the BB Gun sucks worse… if only there was a gun in between the two, sort of a moderation point between suck and extra suck… Well, you’re in luck! Here it is, the Chinese Pistol. Inferior in every way to the 10mm Pistol. If you’re using up 10mm Rounds… why not fire them out of a better gun?

Power Fist (Unarmed)
Maximum Damage: 38
AP Cost: Average
Ammo: None
Clip Size: N/A

Powerful and pleasing to use, it’s like punching somebody with a hydraulic punching glove! Much fun. Also, it uses your Unarmed skill, meaning it’ll skyrocket in damage as you get Iron Fist perks. If you plan on getting Paralyzing Palm and Ninja, Power Fists are for you. They greatly amplify your Unarmed damage and keep all the perks. When these break, don’t sell or repair them… keep them on hand (nyuk, nyuk) to repair unique Power Fists like Fisto! and The Shocker.

  1. Now leap off the dock and into the water and swim south-east to reach shore and climb up the ridge. To the south will be a bridge leading to the Jefferson Memorial. Ignore it. Head past the rubble east, north-east to find a sign reading “Pirate Pely Boats & Bait”. If you want to explore it, do so. Inside you’ll find a Radroach, some loot, namely the boozes in the fridge, the Pre-War Money in the register, and the meds in the first aid box. Also there will be a computer [Average], and a locked safe [Hard] that we just can’t do anything about yet. If you need healing, the water fountain in the corner has a 24/5 Hit Points to Rads rate, which is as good as you’ll find out here.. better than the 20/8 rate for drinking from the river.
    Lying, Congressional Style
  2. From the Pirate Pely’s sign you’ll want to head due east. Go up some stairs and continue east until you hit a road. Follow it south-east until you hit a fort. You’ll notice the stacked cars and sharpened stakes as you approach. Make sure you’re sneaking and undetected as you head down some stairs in front of the fort, taking you to a lower area near the shore. Loot some garbage cans. If you look across the water you might just be lucky enough to see some Super Mutants milling about on the structures around the Jefferson Memorial. If you’re unlucky, they might just see you. Head east, staying near the coast until you come to a road leading down from the fort. It is possible for the following events to happen: The fort to the north might be unoccupied, or it might be crawling with Super Mutants, possibly including a Super Mutant Brute with a Minigun (which is typical for this fort). Or, if you’re lucky one of the merchants may have got into a scuffle with the Super Mutants and killed them for you. Most of the Super Mutants will have Nail Boards and Hunting Rifles, and are entirely manageable singly or in pairs if you have a Power Fist. If you’re feeling frisky, clear out the base. There are numerous ammo boxes to loot, as well as gore bags, and of course the Super Mutants themselves. If you are hurt from the fight, take a nap on the makeshift bedding. At the ‘top’ of the fort, near the bedding and some ammo boxes you’ll find a Lying, Congressional Style book. Also on the platform with the fire on top (possibly where the Super Mutant Brute was) you’ll find a hostage. If you’re nice, you’ll let them go. You can ask them to give you stuff, but it’s usually junk and not worth it. For some reason there were two dead Raiders near the fire.. I don’t remember them usually being here, but one had a Tire Iron and the other had an Assault Rifle. Anyways, when you’re done killing, looting, and resting, continue east. We’re almost there!

Assault Rifle (Small Guns)
Maximum Damage: 90
AP Cost: Low
Ammo: 5.56mm Round
Clip Size: 24 (1 round/shot, full auto, fires 3-round bursts in V.A.T.S)

The Assault Rifle is an average mid-to-short range gun that is best fired in bursts, as holding down the trigger for full auto will cause it to become woefully inaccurate. It does good damage, and it can really cause some pain in V.A.T.S. Still, it’s inferior to the Chinese Assault Rifle, so you should save that 5.56mm ammo for the latter, instead.

Hunting Rifle (Small Guns)
Maximum Damage: 37
AP Cost: Low
Ammo: .32 Caliber Round
Clip Size: 5 (1 round/shot)

Anybody who played Fallout 1 & 2 likely remembers struggling along with a Hunting Rifle at some point or another… and it has the same niche in Fallout 3. A poor mid-ranged weapon with a slow reload and rate of fire, it still does enough damage, has cheap enough ammo, and simply out-ranges all other early guns to make it a great choice for a fresh character. Until you can afford to toss around .308 ammo, you’ll be sticking with the cheaper .32 for long-ranged engagements.

Minigun (Big Guns)
Maximum Damage: 232
AP Cost: Average
Ammo: 5mm Round
Clip Size: 240 (has brief warm-up time but very rapid fire thereafter, fires 8-round busts in V.A.T.S.)

A great short-ranged weapon, it quickly loses potency as the range increases. It’s made to chop baddies to mulch, but frankly, it just works better for them… you know, because they have no ammo. For you, you’ll easily go through a hundred rounds to kill anything big, and you’ll need thousands of ammo to even consider bringing it into a large fight. Its ammo is cheap and plentiful, however. I just never found a use for this gun. There are smaller guns that deal better damage at better ranges, and although there is a certain macho appeal to this monstrous machine gun, it’s more gimmicky than useful.

Nail Board (Melee Weapons)
Maximum Damage: 24
AP Cost: Low
Ammo: None
Clip Size: N/A

Pretty much a hunk of wood with nails in it… what’s not to like? It’s about as effective as a Baseball Bat.

Tire Iron (Melee Weapons)
Maximum Damage: 22
AP Cost: Low
Ammo: None
Clip Size: N/A

Its damage is comparable to a Switchblade, but it’s very, very slow, even slower than a Baseball Bat. Since it’s weaker and slower than a Baseball Bat, and much slower than a Switchblade there’s very little to recommend this as a melee weapon.

  1. Follow the road and head up a ramp, you’ll see a metal sign with the beautiful “Rivet City” on it. Huzzah! Like Megaton, merchants will occasionally gather outside of Rivet City, so if you need to rest up to trigger a merchant, by all means. Or you could waddle inside and sell your gear to some of the best vendors in the game. Head up two rusty ramps and past the beggar Carlos and activate the security intercom. The bridge to Rivet City will extend, and you’ll be coolly greeted by Harkness on the other side. When you’re done talking, head through the door leading to the stairway. You can buy pretty much anything in the Rivet City Market. Flak & Shrapnel sell guns, Seagrave Holmes sells, well, a little bit of everything, Gary Staley sells food, Cindy Cantelli sells drugs, and Bannon sells clothes. I’ll go into more detail about Rivet City when we come here to do quests.
    Bobblehead – Intelligence
  2. Circle around go through the door leading to the Midship Deck. Follow the signs to the ‘Science Lab’. Head down the hallway and take a right. At the end of the next hallway take a left, and go through the door leading to the Science Lab. Go down the stairs to the main floor and look on the table by the lockers. You’ll see the Bobblehead – Intelligence near a coffee pot. Run down and grab it without talking to anyone. We’ve no need to bother with these quests yet.

Now our great crusade for the Intelligence Bobblehead has ended, it’s time to head back to Megaton.. by fast traveling via your Pip-Boy, of course. By now we’ve got some decent gear.. weapon anyways, even if we can’t afford to use them. It would certainly be nice to have a place to store it all, eh? First things first, by now you should be near level 3. If you’re not, go kill some things until you are.

I get my Explosives up to 25 so I can get a home in Megaton, and I get the Black Widow/Lady Killer perk as well.

Level 3
HP: 240
AP: 79
Barter: 7
Big Guns: 17
Energy Weapons: 17
Explosives: 17 + 8 = 25
Lockpick: 32
Medicine: 35
Melee Weapons: 15
Repair: 40
Science: 25
Small Guns: 19
Sneak: 34
Speech: 26 + 12 = 38
Unarmed: 17


Sequence of Events: {WLK004}

  1. Merchant Caravans
  2. The Power of the Atom
  3. Help Walter
  4. Blood Ties
  5. Mister Burke
  6. Leo’s Addiction
  7. Decide Megaton’s Fate
  8. Home Sweet Home
  9. Jericho’s House
  10. Moriarty
  11. Moriarty’s Task


Schematic – Nuka-Grenade (Doc Hoff)
Schematic – Rock-It-Launcher (Crazy Wolfgang)
Schematic – Shishkebab (Lucky Harith)

  1. Now, for a word about the merchant caravans that rove the wastes. There are four of them, each selling a variety of goodies. Crazy Wolfgang sells junk, if you need a Tin Can, Crutch, or some other component for a Schematic, he’s your guy. Note that although Crazy Wolfgang sells Pre-War Books the type of book he sells is different than the type Scribe Yearling will be looking for (see the Arlington Library.) For one, Wolfgang’s books are worth 5 Caps each, not one, and their icon is the junk icon, not a bunch of books. Crow sells armor and clothes, Doc Hoff sells drugs, and by drugs, he means anything that can be consumed. Finally and most importantly, Lucky Harith sells guns and ammo. They wander the wastelands, making stops at Canterbury Commons, Paradise Falls, Evergreen Mills, Agatha’s House, Megaton, and Rivet City. In Canterbury Commons, you can talk to Uncle Roe and invest in their caravans, expanding their inventories and available caps, which is in every way beneficial for you when you start hauling in Gatling Lasers, Enclave Power Armor, Tri-Beam Laser Rifles, Plasma Rifles, and other expensive toys. Also, they’ll give you gifts for investing in them! That’s a ways off, however, as we have nowhere near the money nor the need to invest in anything other than our immediate survival. They also sell a number of Schematics, as listed above, when you can afford them. Be warned, however, that the expansion is not nice to these merchants. A single Albino Radscorpion can easily kill one, its Brahmin, and any bodyguard they might have. Make it a priority to get those Schematics off of them while they’re still around. You don’t want to get to level 30 only to find out Doc Hoff has been killed and there’s no way you can get his Schematic for the Nuka Grenade.


The Power of the Atom

  1. When you arrive inside you’ll be greeted by Lucas Simms. He’ll tell you some information about Megaton. Ask him about the bomb and offer to disarm it. He’ll offer you 100 Caps, but you can get him to raise it to 500 with a successful Speech challenge.. and you might as well, the 400 extra Caps will come in handy. At my puny state, I had only a 16% chance of success (with 36 Speech), so it might take a while if you’re low leveled. That’s what save/load is for, right? Also, if you agree to help him you can ask him about your dad.. he’ll be more forthcoming now and send you to Moriarty for more information.
  2. Head west, past the Sheriff’s house, and up a ramp to the Water Processing Plant. Inside during the day, or outside at night you can often find an old man named Walter. Ask him what you can do to help, and he’ll tell you to go around looking at pipes for leaks. Now that you have that quest, head back to the entrance of town and go down the ramp leading south. On your left, you’ll find the first leaky pipe, and you’ll need a Repair skill of 30 or more to fix it, which is nothing for me. Now head south and go around the left of the bomb when you reach it and up some stairs to the south-east.. stairs, not a ramp. Along the stairs to your right, you’ll find the second leak. The final leak is much trickier to find, as it’s on the roof of the Children of the Atom building. From where you are, head up the stairs until you reach the wall of Megaton, then follow it around to the west. Go past Moriarty’s and the Men’s Restroom and down the stairs leading to Craterside Supply. From the door to Craterside supply, head east and look below the Power of the Atom globe. You should see the leaky pipe merrily spewing water just under it. Save your game and jump from the Craterside Supply platform to the roof the pipe is on and fix it. Whew! Now head east and go to the lower roof, and finally down to the ramp. Sure beats jumping down, eh?

Go back to Walter and tell him you fixed the pipes. You’ll get a whopping 100 experience points and 200 caps for your trouble, and he’ll offer to trade money for any Scrap Metal you find. This is by far the best perk of completing his quest, as he’ll give you caps for what is otherwise garbage, and you’ll also get five experience for each piece of Scrap Metal you bring him. Now head over to Moriarty’s Saloon.

Megaton – Moriarty’s Saloon

Blood Ties

  1. You’ll hear Gob complaining about the GNR network, and-depending who is around-Nova and Jericho chastising him for it. Go talk to Lucy west, the blonde girl sitting to the right of the door. She’ll ask you to deliver a message to her family in Arefu, which triggers the quest Blood Ties.
  2. Further to the right, you’ll find a man in white named Mister Burke. He’ll chat you up if you get too close and ask you to do the opposite of what Lucas Simms asked you to do-detonate the bomb in the middle of Megaton. All you have to do is connect a Pulse Charge to the bomb, and you’ll get paid. You can make a Speech attempt to scrounge 500 extra caps off of him, like with Lucas. If you have the Black Widow perk you can bypass the Speech check, or convince Mister Burke to simply leave the poor town alone. You should try to succeed at the Speech challenge just for the experience, and once done, ask Burke what to do if you can’t set the charge. He’ll tell you about Leo Stahl. So take a trip to the Water Treatment Plant at night.

Megaton – Water Treatment Plant

  1. Go find Leo Stahl sitting by a desk in the back room at night. Pick the first option multiple times to get a Speech check, which shouldn’t be hard compared to Mister Burke and Lucas. Convince him to get off drugs and you’ll get a 100 experience point reward, and he’ll give you the key to his stash, which is a wonderful treasure trove of meds and over 100 Caps.
  2. Now to deal with the bomb.. you have three options:

Option #1: Tattle on Mister Burke
Now, you have a few choices. If you run back and tell Lucas, he’ll get riled up and come to deal with Mister Burke. Naturally, he puts Mister Burke under arrest, and just as naturally Mister Burke decides to shoot Lucas with a Silence 10mm Pistol as soon as his back is turned. You can pre-empt Burke by shooting him in V.A.T.S. as he’s preparing to shoot Lucas.. but if they both die, you’re not getting any reward. If Lucas lives, you can disarm the bomb and claim your reward as usual.. and get Mister Burke’s Scoped .44 Magnum and his nifty clothes. The best way, as far as brute reward goes, is to use Speech to get Burke to pay you extra, then go get Leo Stahl off drugs, tattle on Burke and kill him before Lucas bites it, and then finish the mission.. This approach gets you Burke’s gear, Leo’s drugs, and a good bit of extra quest experience. It also should be noted that if you go against Mister Burke, he’ll send a squad of Hitmen after you later on in the game (which will take the form of a random encounter.) These are just Talon Company Mercenaries, and nothing to get worried about.

Silenced 10mm Pistol (Small Guns)
Maximum Damage: 19
AP Cost: Very Low
Ammo: 10mm Round
Clip Size: 12 (1 Round/Shot, semi-auto)

Much like the 10mm Pistol, the Silence 10mm Pistol is slower in V.A.T.S., but is otherwise identical to the normal 10mm Pistol. What the silencer does, I’m not sure. If it is supposed to make it easier to do sneak attacks, I’m at a loss, as anything you shoot with it will go hostile and be aware of you… and you’re certainly not going to perform one-hit-kills with this thing.

Option #2: Disarm the Bomb
If you just disarm the bomb, Mister Burke will be none too happy. Talk to Lucas Simms for your reward of 100 caps (or 500, if you used Speech to get him to give you more) and 300 experience. Also, you’ll get your own cozy hovel in Megaton.

Option #3: Plant the Pulse Charge
If you go along with Mister Burke, you can tell him you don’t think you’re up to the task and he’ll tell you to see Leo Stahl about getting something to help you out.. by this he means drugs. If your explosives skill is under 25, go see Leo in the Water Processing Plant. You can convince him to sell you drugs, or if your Speech is high enough you

can get him to quit and take his stash. Put the Pulse Charge on the bomb and go meet Burke in Tenpenny Tower, which is far to the southwest of Megaton. Once you get there, ask to see Mister Burke, go up the elevator to reach the Penthouse Suites, let the guard open the door to Tenpenny’s room and go through the double doors to the balcony. Talk to Mister Burke and then activate the remote detonator, and watch one of Fallout 3’s more iconic scenes. Best if viewed at dusk. You’ll get the standard main quest reward of 300 experience, 500 Caps, or 1000 if you used Black Widow or Speech on Burke, and your very own Penthouse in Tenpenny Tower. If you do it this way, I’d suggest waiting a bit until you’re done with all the Megaton quests.. and ideally until after you have the Strength Bobblehead, but that’s an awfully long time to wait for a house, no? If you do it early and grab the Bobblehead, don’t do the quest ‘Those!’ until you have the Almost Perfect perk. Then you can choose Ant Might and bring your Strength up to an honest 10.

Despite getting the most caps for blowing the city up, I actually like Megaton better. It’s just more convenient to get into your home. Regardless, I’ll continue the guide as if you’d disarmed the bomb.. or at least as if you hadn’t blown up Megaton (yet). If you want to get the suite at Tenpenny, you should put it off until you’re done with Megaton. Craters don’t make for much questing. I drop off the excess gear I had been accumulating since my run to Rivet City. Excess gear at this point includes everything but my Power Fists, Hunting Rifle, the armor I wear, and any weightless gear (like meds). You should now also hit level 4.

I get my Speech up to 50, which will be enough for a while, and start raising my Lockpick skill. I get Iron Fist as a perk.. I’m nowhere near ready to start reading books, and I figure having the extra five damage added to my Power Fists will make leveling up further that much simpler.

Level 4
HP: 250
AP: 79
Barter: 7
Big Guns: 17
Energy Weapons: 17
Explosives: 25
Lockpick: 32 + 8 = 40
Medicine: 35
Melee Weapons: 15
Repair: 40
Science: 25
Small Guns: 19
Sneak: 34
Speech: 38 + 12 = 50
Unarmed: 17

My Megaton House… or Tenpenny Suite

Big Book of Science (Tenpenny Tower Only)
Lying, Congressional Style
Nikola Tesla and You (Megaton Only)

  1. There are several things you should know about your new home before you continue:

You can buy upgrades for them from a vendor in the town your home is in, (you’ll be told who sells it to you) including themes, (which typically come with useful goodies), aesthetic items, like Nuka-Cola dispensers, and truly useful items, like the My First Infirmary. These things are expensive however, and the Infirmary should be on the top of your list.

The ‘My First Infirmary’ heals you fully, removes all your Rads, and fixes injured body parts. Absolutely essential for making Rads a non-issue.

‘My First Laboratory’ freely creates one random drug a day, including Buffout, Jet, Rad Away, Rad-X, Stimpaks, etc. It also cures any addictions to drugs you might have. Pretty nice.

The Workbench allows you to create items from Schematics. Of course, you can do this at any Workbench in the game, like the one in Craterside Supply, or… well, there are lots of them. Still, it’s more convenient to have it at home, where you can store all your components.

In both houses, you’ll get a Mr. Handy robobutler, who can perform a variety of tasks… Firstly, he’ll tell you where you can buy more stuff, in case you forget. Secondly, he can dispense five bottles of Purified Water every couple of days for free… apparently from his ‘condensation unit’. You now have infinite Purified Water to heal yourself with, sell, or give away to beggars to raise your karma. Thirdly he can give you a haircut, allowing you to change your hairstyle/color at any time. And lastly, he can tell jokes. There aren’t very many, and they’re all science-themed, but they’re worth a listen.

You now have a bed, which you can… you guessed it… sleep in! Return home when you’re hurt and restore all your health and get rid of crippling wounds for free. Best of all though, sleeping in your own bed will give you the temporary well-rested perk, which gives you a 10% bonus on all experience earned for eight hours. This stacks with Swift Learner, and is in every way favorable.

If you buy the Vault theme for your house, it’ll look… well, like a vault the next time you go in. It’ll have a bunch of useless machines, some food, and a 10mm Pistol upstairs, but nothing to go crazy about.

The Raider theme will get you a good bit of blood, guts, and corpses on meat hooks. You’ll also get some Beer, Med-X, Whiskey, an Assault Rifle, a 10mm Pistol, and some Frag Grenades.

With the Wasteland Explorer theme you’ll get some skulls, a motorcycle, a picnic table, plenty of Pork N’Beans, Beer, Whiskey, two 10mm Pistols, and a Hunting Rifle.

The Science theme will get you some mechanical junk strewn about, very similar to the Vault theme. In Megaton, you’ll get a copy of Nikola Tesla and You, and in Tenpenny Tower you’ll get a Big Book of Science.

With the Pre-War theme, you’ll get a nice little household with furniture, rugs, and some knick-knacks like an Intact Garden Gnome and tricycle. You’ll also get a bunch of food.

The Love Machine theme will put some entwined figures hanging from the ceiling, a tree wrapped in holiday lights, clothes, Whiskey, Vodka, and every variety of glasses in your house. You’ll also get some drugs upstairs, and a copy of Lying, Congressional Style on the desk in your room. If you get the Tenpenny Tower Suite, you’ll get a Lying, Congressional Style from this theme, too.

Most importantly, you have places to store your loot! I typically separate weapons and armor into one container, and all my aid and misc. items into another. I’m a pack rat, and I store much more junk than I could ever hope to use. This is a list of items I store, and in parentheses, why:

Abraxo Cleaner (Nuka-Grenade)
Blood Pack
Books (Skill Point Books for later use)
Cherry Bomb (Bottlecap Mine)
Conductor (Rock-It Launcher)
Crutch (Railway Rifle)
Deathclaw Hand (Deathclaw Gauntlet)
Firehose Nozzle (Rock-It Launcher)
Fission Battery (Railway Rifle)
Lawn Mower Blade (Shishkebab)
Leaf Blower (Rock-It Launcher)
Leather Belt (Deathclaw Gauntlet)
Lunchbox (Bottlecap Mine)
Medical Brace (Deathclaw Gauntlet)
Motorcycle Gas Tank (Shishkebab)
Motorcycle Handbrake (Shishkebab)
Nuka Cola (Used to make Nuka-Cola Quantums with the Quantum Chemist Perk)
Nuka Cola Quantum (Nuka-Grenade, Give 30 to Sierra Petrovita in Girdershade)
Paint Gun (Dart Gun)
Pilot Light (Shishkebab)
Pre-War Book (Give to Scribe Yearling at the Arlington Library for 100 Caps)
Pressure Cooker (Railway Rifle)
Purified Water
Radscorpion Poison Gland (Dart Gun)
Scrap Metal (Give to Walter in Megaton for 10 Caps)
Sensor Module (Bottlecap Mine)
Stealth Boy (Useful for sneaking)
Steam Gauge Assembly (Railway Rifle)
Sugar Bombs (Give to Murphy for 15 or 30 Caps in the Northwest Seneca Station)
Surgical Tubing (Dart Gun)
Teddy Bear (Bring them to Sandra or Midea in The Pitt for 30 Caps each.)
Tin Can (Nuka-Grenade)
Toy Car (Dart Gun)
Turpentine (Nuka-Grenade)
Vacuum Cleaner (Rock-It Launcher)
Wonderglue (Deathclaw Gauntlet)

When you’re done with your house… if you got it… head east over to Jericho’s house, it’s the one right next to yours. Makes you feel safe, living right next to him, eh?

Megaton – Jericho’s House

Grognak the Barbarian

  1. Jericho is a former raider who spends most of his time drinking in Moriarty’s Saloon and getting turned down by Nova. You can recruit him as a party member if your karma is low enough. Go into his house and grab the Grognak the Barbarian on the floor by a teddy bear. I can’t speak for you, but this is the height of Jericho’s involvement in my game. Now head over to Craterside Supply.

Megaton – Moriarty’s Saloon (cont’d)

  1. Now talk to Moriarty (he’ll be in the bar during the day) and ask him about your dad. He’ll remember you from when you were a kid and tell you that your dad was here. Succeed at a Speech challenge and he’ll tell you more about your dad. He’ll tell you headed southeast into the city and that he was heading for Galaxy News Radio. There is a more lucrative alternative, however.

Instead of Moriarty, you can talk to Gob, and if you’re nice to him, you can use Speech to get him to tell you about Moriarty’s terminal in the back. The terminal is locked [Average], but you can get his password from the locked [Very Easy] cabinet in his office. Still too hard? Geeze… pickpocket Moriarty’s Office Key from Moriarty or Gob first then. Even better still, go ask Nova about the terminal after using Speech on Gob, and she’ll give you the password if you succeed at yet another Speech check. You should look at Moriarty’s terminal regardless of what you do to get info on people in town. This is another way to find out Leo is a junkie if you didn’t get Mister Burke to tell you.

If you fail at the Speech check with Moriarty, he’ll ask you for 100 caps for the information. If you pay him, he’ll tell you. If you say you don’t have the money, he’ll ask you to do a job for him and get the money from a junkie out in Springvale named Silver. If you bug him again before doing his job, he’ll raise the cost to 300 caps, and you’ll have to succeed at a Speech check to lower him back down to 100.
Pugilism Illustrated

  1. If you go deal with Silver, head over to Springvale and follow the solid green arrow on your compass to find her house. On your way there, don’t be afraid to loot around Springvale, especially make sure you get the Pugilism Illustrated in one of the mailboxes. Go inside Silver’s ranch and talk to her. She’ll tell a bit of a different story than Moriarty did. You can use Speech to get her to give you all the caps she earned (400) or you can just ask her for the caps and she’ll give you 300. Or you could just kill her and take the caps. Either way, return to Moriarty and pay him 100 caps for the information. This way you can do multiple Speech challenges (Gob, Nova, Silver) and cash in 300 caps. You can still (and should still) take a gander at Moriarty’s terminal when you get back. When you have Moriarty’s information, head over to Craterside Supply.

Megaton – Craterside Supply

Sequence of Events: {WLK005}

  1. Moira
  2. Radiation Poisoning
  3. Super-Duper Scavenging
  4. Ruined House
  5. Sam Warrick
  6. Bridge Shelter
  7. Raider Initiation
  8. Super-Duper Smackdown
  9. Finding the Food
  10. Finding the Medicine
  11. The Pharmacy
  12. Returning to Moira

Wasteland Survival Guide

Schematics – Rock-It-Launcher (Moira Brown)

  1. Talk to Moira Brown, and she’ll ask you to write the forward to her book. Ask about the Vault suit and she’ll offer it up if you help her with her book. Give her a forward and she’ll give you the Armored Vault 101 Jumpsuit, then she’ll ask you to help with research. By all means, help her. It’s one of the most involved quests in the game, and if you do well, it gives you one of the best perks out there. You’ll have three quests to choose from at this point, to get food, to handle radiation sickness, or to play with landmines. The radiation one is by far the easiest, as it doesn’t even require you to leave Megaton. Of course, if you don’t want to spend the effort… you know… playing the game… you can talk Moira out of her crazy idea and get the Dream Crusher perk. This is in every way inferior to the perks you’d get otherwise.

Note: I received a little more info from Mr. Rose about this quest… or namely, failing this quest and the benefits it brings: “In the Wasteland Survival Guide quest, the Dream Crusher perk is listed as the only reward for foregoing completion of the full questline, but Moira’s repair ability will actually jump from 24 to 54 if you go that way (prices will NOT go down, however, as erroneously stated on the wikis). Again, not better than all you accumulate doing the quests, but still worth mentioning for speedrunners.”

Speedrunners can die. This FAQ is not for them. On a slightly more cheerful note, all the merchants that travel around the wastelands will have good repair scores once you invest in their caravans. Just use them, instead. -N

  1. You’ll be asked to get enough radiation to suffer from radiation sickness, 200 Rads to be precise… but if you want the good perk at the end, you’ll have to go above and beyond for Moira, and get yourself 600 Rads. Head outside and stand in the irradiated water near the bomb and drink up. You’ll get 18 Rads a drink, as well as 2 Rads/second for being in the water. Once you get 600 Rads, head back up to Moira. Since I’m trying to get the ‘tough’ responses for the bonus Damage Resistance, I make sure to buy some clothes that add to Endurance (like Wasteland Settler Outfits) and I pop a Buffout before talking to Moira, ensuring that despite my radiation poisoning I still have an Endurance of 7. When I talk to Moira. She’ll remove all your Rads and you’ll get the Rad Regeneration perk and some meds.
  2. Now that’s done, I ask her about gathering food. Seems she wants you to go down to the Super-Duper Mart and see what you can scavenge. For the best perk at the end of the quest, you must also find medicine in the Super-Duper Mart. So, let’s head to the Super-Duper Mart! And explore the surrounding areas while we’re at it.

The Capital Wasteland, From Megaton to Super-Duper Mart

Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual

  1. Super-Duper Mart will be marked on your map, and is due east of Megaton… if you were errant in your pilgrimage to Rivet City, you might have already found it. If you passed by the Sewer Waystation, you were certainly in sight of it. On route, if you see a water tower look around for a rusty silo. Head over to the silo and look for a ruined house north of the silo. Inside the house on a bookshelf is a Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual, as well as some other loot scattered about. Once you’re done, continue on to Super-Duper Mart.
  2. Now that we’re out and about around Megaton (and because this is when and where I encountered him) you might find a man wandering about by the name of Sam Warrick. I don’t recall finding him before installing the expansions… but in any event, he is not your friend and will shoot at you with a Sniper Rifle should he find you. He’s not hard, just run up and kill him when you find him. It’s entirely possible you may have found him around Megaton on your way to Rivet City, or even on your first trip to Megaton! If that’s the case, kill him and be one sniper rifle richer.

Sniper Rifle (Small Guns)
Maximum Damage: 52
AP Cost: High
Ammo: .308 Caliber Round
Clip Size: 5 (1 Round/Shot, semi-auto)

The Sniper Rifle is a decent long-ranged weapon, and it fills a niche that few guns are capable of competing for. They do good damage, but their reload is unbearably slow, and frankly, I’ve always found them to be temperamental with aiming. They’ve never struck me as nearly accurate or powerful enough for what I need them to do, but until you get another weapon that has this kind of range, you might as well consider keeping one at hand. Its ammo is on the expensive side, but it’s a limited-use weapon, so it’s not likely to be costing you a fortune to maintain… unless you just HAVE to snipe every Bloatfly and Mole Rat you see.
Duck and Cover!

  1. Time for another detour before we reach Super-Duper Mart. From Super-Duper Mart head north to the river, or more specifically a small bridge running over the river. Go down under the bridge and follow it to the opposite bank. You’ll find a little shelter built under the bridge with a shopping cart and a ‘Do Not Enter’ sign in front. Disarm the landmine on the ground behind the cart (this might be easier if you click the (RA) button to ‘grab’ the cart and move it out of the way.) You’ll find some grenades and, most importantly, a Duck and Cover! book. Also, note the bed for your sleeping pleasure, should you need to heal any.
  2. Outside of Super-Duper Mart you’ll find the random encounter ‘Raider Initiation’. I know it’s not quite so random when it seems to occur here so dependably, but since it can occur randomly elsewhere… anyways, many of them have melee weapons, but a few have guns, so you shouldn’t run into the thick of them. Take a shot (or a few shots) at them to get their attention and slink around the corner. Use a Power Fist to nab them when they chase you. When they’re all dead and looted head inside Super-Duper Mart. Don’t be squeamish about heading back to town to stash your well-won Raider loot.

Super-Duper Mart

  1. This place is crawling with Raiders, so you might want to be sneaky. Clear the Raiders out however you wish and be sure to loot around. Save the back of the store for last. Be warned that these are some of the tougher Raiders out there, they’ll have good weapons, like Assault Rifles, 10mm Submachine Guns, and Combat Shotguns… you shouldn’t be expecting a bunch of bums with Nail Boards and Hunting Rifles. Don’t explore the southwest corner of the store just yet.

10mm Submachine gun (Small Guns)
Maximum Damage: 93
AP Cost: Very Low
Ammo: 10mm Round
Clip Size: 30 (1 Round/Shot, full-auto, fires 4-round bursts in V.A.T.S)

A much better way to waste your 10mm ammo, the 10mm Submachine Gun is an excellent close-ranged weapon that rivals the Assault Rifle in damage. Considering its ammo, it’s cheap to use, too, even though any use outside of V.A.T.S. is going to eat up your supply of 10mm Rounds. Like the Assault Rifle, it quickly becomes inaccurate at mid-to-long range and on full-auto, but it sure beats the 10mm Pistol any day.

Chinese Officer’s Sword (Melee Weapons)
Maximum Damage: 26
AP Cost: Average
Ammo: None
Clip Size: N/A

Surprisingly it’s not much stronger than the humble Baseball Bat, and slower on the swing. Still, if you really need that Oblivion nostalgia, this is the next best thing to actually popping that game in.

Sawed-Off Shotgun (Small Guns)
Maximum Damage: 63
AP Cost: High
Ammo: Shotgun Shell
Clip Size: 2 (1 Round/Shot, semi-auto)

While it does respectable damage, it only stores two rounds before you have to reload. This and the fact that it costs a good bit of Action Points to fire it in V.A.T.S. makes it a significantly less useful weapon than it could be. It is totally out-classed by the Combat Shotgun, which is just-if not more-common than a Sawed-Off Shotgun.

Combat Shotgun (Small Guns)
Maximum Damage: 68
AP Cost: Low
Ammo: Shotgun Shell
Clip Size: 12 (1 Round/Shot, semi-auto)

A relatively fast fire shotgun with huge damage and a great clip size, it’s one of the best guns in the game. It really takes off when your Sneak score gets high enough for you to get close and pull off sneak attack criticals, and even though it’s a close-ranged weapon, you’d be surprised at how far away things can be when picking them off with sneak attack criticals. Its ammo is moderately expensive and the gun itself wears out fast, but it’s not as expensive to repair as, say, an Energy Weapon. Other than its lack of durability, the only real problem with the Combat Shotgun is that in V.A.T.S., if an enemy is too close you’ll paradoxically miss most of the time, dealing little or no damage.

Spiked Knuckles (Unarmed)
Maximum Damage: 26
AP Cost: Very Low
Ammo: None
Clip Size: N/A

Better than whacking things with your fists, Spiked Knuckles augment your unarmed damage. Before I knew about the Power Fists right in front of the Citadel, I was more than happy to pummel bad guys with these. They’re fast, strong, and with Iron Fist, even stronger!

  1. You can find what you’re looking for either in the closed-off area in the front corner of the store opposite the bathrooms or in the back, both of which are fridges labeled ‘Food Storage’. Loot them and keep looking, you still have medicine to find. Also of note are the two Laser Pistols and two Stimpaks in the front of the store. When you’re ready go through the door in the back.
    Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor
  2. Go past the door to your left first, and go right. Loot the area, if you don’t have a 25 Science or a 50 Lockpick, pick up the Super-Duper Pharmacy Key in the metal crate, if you do have enough Science/Lockpick, might as well get the experience, right? Head back through the neglected doorway and grab the various loot strewn about, including the Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor. Either hack the computer and unlock the door [Easy], or pick the lock [Average] and head into the backroom. Some Raiders will come on the intercom and smell something fishy. When you come out, the store will be repopulated with Raiders. Now to explain Hacking…

It’s really quite simple, you pick a word, and if any of the letters match the letter placement on the actual password, it’ll tell you. For example, let’s go through this terminal together… note that yours won’t be the same, this is just an example. I have four attempts to guess the password, and throughout all the random junk are words. For example, these are my first two lines:

‘}?”^-CONTE Notice the word CONTENTS clearly amidst the jumble of NT$./”^)-|? nonsense. I highlight CONTENTS and select it and get…

CONTENT sigh So I’m not much closer to getting through, but Entry denied I do know that one of those seven letters is the correct 1/7 correct. letter in the correct spot. These are the rest of the words in my hack.

One of these words is the correct password, and I know that CONTENT has one letter in the right place… if a word has no matches, or more than one, it is clearly not the password, which brings up a process of elimination.

BARRENS X two matches, not the password
SERVING ? one match, possible password
SOMEONE X two matches, not the password
STATING X two matches, not the password
SALVAGE X no matches, not the password
SKETCHY ? one match, possible password
CALLING X two matches, not the password
STAYING ? one match, possible password
WANTING X three matches, not the password
SANCTUM ? one match, possible password
BEATING X two matches, not the password
SUCCEED ? one match, possible password
SIPHONS ? one match, possible password
TALKING ? one match, possible password
STAMINA ? one match, possible password
SERMONS X four matches, not the password
SETTING X two matches, not the password

That’s a lot of possible passwords. I just don’t know enough right now. If my Science skill was higher, or the password was less difficult, the number of letters in the word would be lower, and there would be fewer passwords. So, let’s guess some more. I’ll guess SERVING next.

SERVING Well, I at least know that the correct password has Entry denied one letter in common with both CONTENT and SERVING, so 1/7 correct. let’s see how that affects the field when I put the surviving passwords up against SERVING.

SKETCHY ? one match, possible password
STAYING X four matches, not the password
SANCTUM ? one match, possible password
SUCCEED ? one match, possible password
SIPHONS X two matches, not the password
TALKING X three matches, not the password
STAMINA X three matches, not the password
SERMONS X four matches, not the password

Whew, and then there were three. But I only have two guesses left, so it’s still not a done deal. If you’re ever running low on guesses, there’s one more trick up your sleeve. Some lines have closed brackets of the same type on them, for example, the last two lines on the second column of my screen:

NG)|<:#-?(‘) (‘ ) <– Notice the closed brackets of the same type? ;;?{/@^(!; If you highlight one of those three objects, the entire selection will highlight as if it were a word. Selecting these have one of two beneficial effects. It will either clear out a dud password or replenish your allowance fully. This makes hacking much easier when you find them… and you’re more likely to find them the higher your Science skill gets. Mind you, they must be closed on BOTH sides, and they must be the SAME type of bracket. (‘( will not work, neither will

(‘}. Scroll each line until one of these brackets highlight, it’s not that hard and doesn’t require you to pay that much attention. After scrolling for these brackets, I got my allowance replenished, and three duds removed including SUCCEED. I now have four guesses left, and only two possible passwords are left.

SKETCHY Eat my ass.
Entry denied
1/7 correct.

Exact Match!
Please wait
while system
is accessed.

If you’re ever nearly out of guesses and you don’t have any more brackets to use, just give up and log out. The password will change, but you’ll get all your guesses back. It’s better to try again than it is to get locked out of a computer for good. And of course, there’s always save/load. Never get locked out of a computer!!

  1. Once inside, loot around the place. You really want the Mini-Nuke, and the Nuke-Cola Quantums, and the meds, and, and, and everything! Take all you can carry and open the Pharmacy Supplies on the wall. Now that you have all Moira wants, all that’s left is to sneak out. If you want to distract the bad guys outside, grab the Office Employee ID on top of the computer and hack the automated maintenance console [Very Easy]. This will start the Protectron in the pod, who will go around the store bothering the Raiders. He will last all of two seconds, but it might be enough distraction to get away, or to kill the Raiders. Now, you should level up after killing all these delicious Raiders… or sometime during the killing. Anyhow, welcome to the next level.

Lockpick improves to 50 so I can tackle average locks, and I start building up Science as well. I get Comprehension as my perk for this level. I can now use books on a whim.

Level 5

  • HP: 260
  • AP: 79
  • Barter: 7
  • Big Guns: 17
  • Energy Weapons: 17
  • Explosives: 25
  • Lockpick: 40 + 10 = 50
  • Medicine: 35
  • Melee Weapons: 15
  • Repair: 40
  • Science: 25 + 10 = 35
  • Small Guns: 19
  • Sneak: 34
  • Speech: 50
  • Unarmed: 17


  1. Now it’s time to return to Moira. Again, if you need to pop some drugs to get your attributes high enough to answer Moira the way you want to, do so. I take a Buffout and tell her the good news. She’ll give you a Food Sanitizer, which makes your food give you less Rads when you eat it… but since you have a bed, you can sleep for free and not gain any Rads. Why carry around the seven-pound hunk of junk? Stash it and ask for your next assignment. Now she wants you to go to Minefield, a supposedly haunted town. Your task? Reach a playground in the middle of town and return with a disarmed mine. Minefield is to the northeast of Megaton, and it might just be your furthest expedition afield yet.

Megaton to Minefield

Sequence of Events: {WLK006}
1) Springvale School
2) Springvale Elementary School
3) Springvale School Lower Level
4) Big Town
5) Red’s Clinic
6) Moonbeam Outdoor Cinema
7) Fordham Flash Memorial Field
8) Riverside Raiders
9) Hallowed Moors Cemetery
10) Meresti Trainyard
11) Agatha’s House
12) Scrapyard
13) MDPL-13 Power Station
14) Fisto!
15) Arkansas
16) Looting Minefield
17) Chapter 1 Completed

  1. Head north from Megaton to find Springvale School. It’s an unnecessary stop for us, but since it’s along the way I might as well include it. Outside you’ll find three Raiders of moderate strength for your killing pleasure. Loot around outside and head up the stairs to enter Springvale School, not the lower door to Springvale School Lower Level.

Springvale Elementary School

Duck and Cover!


  1. Go forward and kill the Raider in the next room. Then head south and east into a room with a Nuka-Cola machine in it. Over to the south is a cage with a Nuka-Cola Quantum on top, so jump over, grab it, and jump back. Now head to the rooms east of where you entered the school and kill some more Raiders, one of which will have the Springvale School Key, which unlocks the doors leading east [Easy]. Through the doors you’ll find another Raider who has the Springvale Basem*nt Key and a note ‘Springvale Raider Mining Log’, which gives you the insight that these Raiders were trying to tunnel into Vault 101. Search the desk to the south to find a copy of Duck and Cover! and activate the terminal to find out more about these Raiders. Looks like life was about to get a lot more complicated in Vault 101. Search the lower levels, which are mostly uninteresting with one exception: search the southeastern most classroom to find a Sheet Music Book, which lies on an overturned metal desk. You can find two staircases down in the northeastern part of the level… both take you to roughly the same area.

Springvale School Lower Level

Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual

  1. Go through a locked door to the east using the Springvale Basem*nt Key to find a hole leading to some caves. The place is filled with Ants, but nothing that you can’t handle with ease. Keep going east until you come to a large open chamber. Go up to the north to find a bunch of Ant Egg Clutches and some dead bodies. Some more Ants will come out to attack you. Slay them and loot the northern passage, which contains an Assault Rifle, Jet, some Stimpaks, and a Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual hidden under one of the dead Wastelanders. Once you’re done here, leave and head northwest.

Big Town

Big Trouble in Big Town

  1. You’ll probably discover Big Town on your way northwest. A man named Dusty will bother you, and warn you about Super Mutants. Go across the bridge. You can talk to Flash to find some more information about the town. He’ll even tell you where the Super Mutants dragged their victims in the last raid, getting you the map marker for the Germantown Police HQ in the north, and he’ll tell you about Little Lamplight, far to the west. We’ll get to those all in good time. You can also find Pappy, Kimba, and Bittercup around, but they have more of the same to say. Talk to Bittercup and find out she dated Pappy, Flash, and Timebomb, which will allow you to get into a Speech challenge with Pappy. Head over to Red’s Clinic.

Red’s Clinic

D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine

  1. In Red’s Clinic you’ll find Timebomb. You can fix him up if your Medicine skill is high enough, or you can put him out of his misery. If you don’t have a high enough Medicine to fix him, you might as well just leave him alone for now. You’ll get Medicine aplenty on your way to the Cyborg Perk. On a desk in the back room is a note ‘A free man… a new man…’, and on a table in the kitchen is a D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine. This is as much as we need to explore Big Town at the present. We’ll discover two areas around Big Town so we have them on our maps (even though they’re not very interesting) it’ll make fast traveling near Arefu easier… and since we’re already out here, we might as well discover them since they’re nearby.

Moonbeam Outdoor Cinema

Pugilism Illustrated

  1. Head north along the road outside of Big Town to find a ruined truck, inside of which is a Super Mutant with a Missile Launcher. If you close you should be able to prevent it from firing too much. Kill it and loot. Nearby you’ll also find the Moonbeam Outdoor Cinema, which doesn’t have very much of interest save a copy of Pugilism Illustrated on top of some junk books on a picnic table.

Fordham Flash Memorial Field

  1. Head west a little ways to find Fordham Flash Memorial Field. There will be a Raider with a Baseball Bat nearby, and some baseball items around the field, but nothing special. Now to get back on track.


  1. Cross the river by heading over a bridge northeast of Arefu. You’ll see some shacks with Raiders across the river as you go, and a church across the bridge as you make your way north. The Raider shack has a good bit of loot in it, mostly sellable items like Cigarettes and some drugs.

Hallowed Moors Cemetery

Big Book of Science
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine

Keller Family Transcript (2 of 5)

  1. Continue along the road to find the Hallowed Moors Cemetery, which is crawling with Super Mutants. Inside you’ll find a Wasteland Captive you can free for some karma. On a bookshelf you’ll find a D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine. You’ll find some ammo boxes on a bench, and three Frag Grenades hidden behind a wooden crate behind the bench. There’s a Chinese Assault Rifle on one of the beds, and on the pulpit you’ll find Keller Family Transcript (2 of 5) and a Big Book of Science. There’s also a Mini Nuke in a wooden crate near a Ham Radio.

Meresti Trainyard

Tumblers Today

  1. Head southeast to find the Meresti Trainyard. Again, there’s no need to be here yet, as we’ll come back as part of a quest, but finding it now allows us to save time by fast traveling here. You’ll find a random encounter here as well, which can be any number of things (see the Random Encounters section of the FAQ for more information.) Head southeast of the Meresti Trainyard to find a destroyed city. In one of the ruined houses, in a bathtub, you’ll find a copy of Tumblers Today. Now head north until you find Agatha’s House.

Agatha’s House

Agatha’s Song

  1. Chat with Agatha. She’ll eventually get around to asking you to find a violin for her. If you succeed at a Speech challenge she’ll offer to give you access to her ammo box [Hard], or you could just come back and pick the lock later. We’ll deal with this quest… eventually, but for now, it’s enough that we have it started. She’ll tell you where the Vault-Tec Headquarters is, which is where you’ll start looking for Vault 92. Now head east to find the Scrapyard.


Grognak the Barbarian
Guns and Bullets
U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes


  1. The Scrapyard has a bit of junk you can loot. Inside you’ll find Dogmeat, whose owner gets wasted by some Raiders. Some of the Raiders actually have pretty nice loot, including a Scoped .44 Magnum. Near the stairs of a destroyed bus near a red boxcar you’ll find John’s Treasure Box [Hard]. If you get the random encounter where you find John’s Key you’re good to go, if not, we’ll have to wait to get its contents. Inside the box are three books, a copy of Grognak the Barbarian, Guns and Bullets, and U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes. If you pick up Dogmeat, you should probably drop him off at your house, or near Vault 101, or somewhere else safe where you’ll remember him. Taking an NPC dog through a town full of mines just doesn’t seem like a good idea to me. Continue north and slightly west to Minefield.

Scoped .44 Magnum (Small Guns)
Maximum Damage: 47
AP Cost: Average
Ammo: .44 Round
Clip Size: 6 (1 round/shot, semi-auto)

The Scoped .44 Magnum is a very powerful handgun… perhaps the strongest type of single-handed Small Guns in the game. The 10mm Submachine Gun has it outclassed in pure short-ranged stopping power, but the magnum’s scope gives it the ability to kill enemies at mid-to-long range better than any weapon besides a Sniper Rifle. It’s a handy addition to any arsenal… once you can afford to start shooting it.

MDPL-13 Power Station – Power Substation

Schematics – Railway Rifle

  1. When you get near Minefield pass it by and head north until you find the MDPL-13 Power Station. Go into the western-most building, the Power Substation first for some loot. Inside you can find the Schematics for the Railway Rifle. The computer [Hard] and locked safe [Hard] will have to wait. When you finally get enough Science or Lockpick, come back and open the safe for 57 Caps, a Chinese Pistol, some Pre-War Money, a Baseball, and 10mm Rounds.

MDPL-13 Power Station – Derelict Power Plant

  1. Now exit and head to the larger building, the Derelict Power Plant, to the east. Be careful in this place, radiation abounds and it is FILLED with ghouls… but it’s better than coming here later, when Feral Ghoul Reavers start appearing. Play defensive, let them come to you, and don’t be afraid to let loose with a 10mm Submachine Gun or Combat Shotgun. Search the place for your prize: upstairs on a desk with a locked terminal [Average] you’ll find a unique Power Fist… Fisto! It’s got more power in its punch, and if your old Power Fists are starting to break (mine sure were!) save them for when Fisto! starts to wear out. There’s also a locked safe [Average] on the floor. I hit level six in the Derelict Power Plant. When I’m done here, I head due south to Minefield.

Fisto! (Unarmed)
Maximum Damage: 43
AP Cost: Low
Ammo: None
Clip Size: N/A

It’s everything you love about a Power Fist, but better. There’s no reason you shouldn’t carry Fisto! about until you’re completely weaned onto Small Guns, and even then, if you need to get a Paralyzing Palm to work—with an extra bit of violence for good measure—Fisto! is there. This weapon stays with me for the rest of the game, and if there was any weapon that was essential in this game, Fisto! would be it.

Now I can tackle average locks and hacks, but there are plenty of hard ones about, so I keep marching with Lockpick and Science… getting the bobblehead for those two will be something to think about sooner or later, but getting them to 65 first can’t hurt. It’s a race between Toughness and Bloody Mess for perks… I decide to go defensive for now, and grab the Toughness perk.

Level 6

  • HP: 270
  • AP: 79
  • Barter: 7
  • Big Guns: 17
  • Energy Weapons: 17
  • Explosives: 25
  • Lockpick: 50 + 5 = 55
  • Medicine: 35
  • Melee Weapons: 15
  • Repair: 40
  • Science: 35 + 15 = 50
  • Small Guns: 19
  • Sneak: 34
  • Speech: 50
  • Unarmed: 17


  1. Approaching from the north down a long slope you’ll find a mostly ruined building to your left. Be wary of frag mines… they are all over the place, and they’re worth five experience for every one you disarm, which can be substantial in numbers. Plus you get the mine! On the building is an old man named Arkansas, who has a mean disposition and a Sniper Rifle. If you approach through the city from the south he loves to shoot nearby cars and cause them to explode, making the whole affair a tentative walk through a city covered in mines with a loony sniper blowing sh*t up around you. From the northern slope, however, you have a chance to beat him at his own game and possibly snipe him while hidden. If not, just make a dash for his house and kill him in a more conventional manner. Of course… if you want to do the quest ‘Strictly Business’, he’s one of the guys that the slavers of Paradise Falls wants captured. In which case, you’ll just have to ignore him, and not get close enough to provoke him. I typically do NOT do that quest, as it eliminates Flak & Shrapnel’s shop in Rivet City, which is a good place to stock up on ammo… especially if you’re unlucky enough to have Lucky Harith get killed. I was fantastically lucky during the playthrough during which I wrote this FAQ, managing to shoot his Sniper Rifle out of his hands without using V.A.T.S. Sure, I was aiming for his head, but who’s complaining? Then it was just a matter of rushing his position and blowing his head off with a Combat Shotgun… very refreshing. You’ll get the Ridgefield Gate Key from him, which will open every house in Minefield.

D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine
Grognak the Barbarian
Pugilism Illustrated
Tumbler’s Today

  1. Now search Minefield, which has—other than a treasure trove of live mines—a number of houses with various treasures inside of them, including many Pre-War Books. There’s a Tumbler’s Today in the Gibson House, along with a lock [Very Hard] ‘Model of Home’ with some Buffout and Pre-War Money inside. There’s a D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine in the Benson House, the Gillian House has—aside from a Radroach problem—a copy of Grognak the Barbarian, and finally the Zane House a copy of Pugilism Illustrated. Four books in one quest, it’s a good thing.

Brass Knuckles (Unarmed)
Maximum Damage: 23
AP Cost: Very Low
Ammo: None
Clip Size: N/A

Like the Spiked Knuckles, but more brassy, and less… spikey? They’re weaker versions, but otherwise identical… so much so that you can use the inferior Brass Knuckles to repair the superior Spiked Knuckles. Everything has a purpose. Except Chinese Pistols. Those just suck.


  1. Now return to Moira again and respond however you wish. She’ll give you some Frag Grenades and some Stimpaks for completing the first chapter. Now you have three more quests to choose from, investigating Mole Rats, handling injuries, and spying on Mirelurks. The Mirelurk one is the most difficult, being that it takes some substantial sneak and a few… toys… to pull off, so we’ll save that one for last. We’ll do the Mole Rat one first, and if we’re lucky, we might even get injured enough to complete the injury one, too! You’ll have to travel to the Tepid Sewers and use a chemical repellent stick on ten or more Mole Rats. The Tepid Sewer is just across the river from Wilhelm’s Wharf, so fast travel there and go across the bridge south of the Wilhelm’s… you know, the one covered in landmines? By now you should have some practice disarming them. Other than that, there shouldn’t be too much drama in getting there.


Stick (Melee Weapons)
Maximum Damage: 17
AP Cost: High
Ammo: None
Clip Size: N/A

Very poor damage and very, very poor AP consumption, this stick is… shall we say… dynamite, when used on Mole Rats. Unfortunately, Mole Rats were never much of a threat. Still, it’s a useful stick for when beating rats is called for.

Wilhelm’s Wharf to Tepid Sewers

Sequence of Events: {WLK007}
1) Super Mutant Tent
2) Super Mutant Shoot-out
3) Mirelurk Eggs
4) Feel-bad sensation
5) Kill Rocksalt
6) Raider Den
7) Finishing the Tepid Sewers
8) Georgetown West
9) Radiation King
10) Grocer
11) To Riverside
12) Georgetown North/South
13) Townhome
14) Disarming Personality
15) Georgetown East
16) La Maison Beauregard Lobby
17) Return to Moira

Pugilism Illustrated

Keller Family Transcript 5 of 5

  1. Once across the landmine-infested bridge head past the Anchorage Memorial and across the shore to the north. You’ll come across a Centaur and a leveled Super Mutant (most likely just a Super Mutant Brute at this point). Kill them and loot the Super Mutant’s fort. Inside one of the trucks you’ll find, among other things, a copy of Pugilism Illustrated. In the tent you’ll find a captive and Keller Family Transcript (5 of 5).

Sledgehammer (Melee Weapons)
Maximum Damage: 37
AP Cost: High
Ammo: None
Clip Size: N/A

More damage than the baseball bat, but slower. It’s a decent melee weapon, but at a weight of 12 pounds, it’s a hefty one. Frankly, I’d rather take along a Chinese Officer’s Sword if I needed to hit something in melee… or just use Fisto!, which is doing twice as much damage at this point.


  1. If you are feeling frisky, head up the coast to the north a bit. You’ll find three Raiders on your side of the river, two of which should be on a lower platform. If you go down to mess with them two Super Mutants will show up across the shore, one of which usually comes with a Minigun. Needless to say, it becomes a dangerous venture fairly quickly. Still, to the victor come the spoils. If you use the water to shield you from the fire, you can let the two sides duke it out, and when they (the Raiders) are dead, go mop up the Super Mutants. I end up hitting level 7 at this point.

Once I get a 65 in both Lockpick and Science it’ll be high time to go find those Bobbleheads, but I’m not quite there just yet. I pick the Bloody Mess perk. My enemies will no longer die boring deaths with all their limbs intact!

Level 7

  • HP: 280
  • AP: 79
  • Barter: 7
  • Big Guns: 17
  • Energy Weapons: 17
  • Explosives: 25
  • Lockpick: 55 + 10 = 65
  • Medicine: 35
  • Melee Weapons: 15
  • Repair: 40
  • Science: 50 + 10 = 60
  • Small Guns: 19
  • Sneak: 34
  • Speech: 50
  • Unarmed: 17


  1. On your way south to the Tepid Sewer you might find some Mirelurk Eggs. If you mess with them, chances are you’ll be attacked by Mirelurks. Also, you can discover Dukov’s Place, but there’s no point in paying Dukov a visit just yet.

Tepid Sewers

  1. In the room to your right or left you’ll find Mole Rats, and you can easily get your three kills in here without even getting your feet wet. Whack them with Moira’s Repellent Stick and watch that ‘feel-bad sensation’ at work! Go down some stairs to find a locked computer [Average], which controls the turrets up ahead. If you want to just get them out of your way, disable them. I generally prefer to disable them when they’re a bother, and reactivate them later to destroy them manually for the experience. Ahead of you will be a Raider (most likely still alive) and a number of slain Mole Rats, along with a turret, if you didn’t disable it. At the northern end of the hallway you’ll find a door leading deeper into the sewers. Right and left of this door you’ll find stairs taking you to a room with some living Mole Rats milling about. Kill them, taking our count up to six.


  1. Go through the northern door at the end of the turreted tunnel and you’ll eventually come into a subway tunnel crawling with Raiders and their landmines… although these are nowhere near as well hidden as the ones in Minefield. One Raider, named Rocksalt, will have a key on his body.

Dean’s Electronics

  1. Between two of the Raider bunkers to the west you’ll find some stairs leading up. Go up the stairs and take two lefts to reach a room with a leaky steam pipe. Over by a turbine, near a toolbox, you’ll find a copy of Dean’s Electronics. You’ll also find the Raider’s resting area, which has a number of goodies and beds, should you need to rest. On the floor near some of the beds you’ll find a safe that can be opened with Rocksalt’s Key.

Lead Pipe (Melee Weapons)
Maximum Damage: 25
AP Cost: Low
Ammo: None
Clip Size: N/A

A melee weapon with stats almost identical to a Baseball Bat.


  1. Continue north past the second bunker to find a room with more Mole Rats. You should now have your seventh Mole Rat, but let’s finish these sewers off before heading back to Moira. (Note that the optional ‘kill seven Mole Rats’ completed message does not show up until you kill ten, which is what Moira actually tells you to do… might as well stick it out and ensure that the objective is marked as completed, eh?) You’ll come to a room where two Raiders and some Mole Rats are fighting it out. There’s a terminal [Easy] in this room that can unlock a locked door… or you could just use Rocksalt’s Key, either way. Inside is Rocksalt’s stash, which includes a number of Frag Grenades and a Power Fist. Exit the room by heading west and up some stairs to find the last batch of Mole Rats. There are more rooms with some minor loot in them, and the exit to Georgetown. Now that we’ve come all the way through these sewers you have two options of egress, either go back through them, or exit to Georgetown and travel back.

Georgetown (East, North, South, and West)

Grognak the Barbarian

  1. Georgetown is crawling with Super Mutants and you’ll probably get ambushed by some Talon Company Mercenaries if you go there, but it will get you the map marker, allowing you to fast travel back here at any time. Also, the Talon Combat Armor would be a significant improvement over what you’re probably wearing at this point. Let the Super Mutants and the Talon Company Mercs fight it out, but don’t be afraid to jump on the Mercs if you get the chance. After all, you don’t want to have to fight all three of them at once. When they’re all dead, loot the building in front of you. On a shelf on the second story you’ll find a variety of goodies, namely a Stealth Boy and a copy of Grognak the Barbarian. If you don’t care to explore Georgetown West at this point (and besides looting, there’s no real reason to) skip to step #17. We can, at least, discover all the areas that comprise Georgetown, for future reference.

Radiation King

  1. Head north to find a store called Radiation King. Inside a Scavenger has made themselves at home. Search the wooden crate on the toilet to find some Stimpaks. Other than that there’s some Scrap Metal. Leave and head west to find a Grocer.


  1. There’s numerous food items to be had in this store, all guarded by a sorry pair of Radroaches. Behind the counter is a first aid box and a locked floor safe [Average].


  1. Leave the grocer and head west to find an alcove with a Pulowski Preservation Shelter, inside of which you’ll find plenty of beer and a Nuka-Cola Quantum. Go back to the Tepid Sewer entrance and head south to find a river. You can go across a bridge to find a first aid box, an ammo box, and an Assault Rifle on the far side of the river. Go down some stairs to reach the riverside, where you can find a door leading to DCTA Tunnel 014-B Potomac. We’ll explore this area later, much later, and from the other side.


  1. Go east up a ramp to find Georgetown North, a metro station that leads to the Foggy Bottom Station. Head south to find a Townhome. If you continue south you’ll eventually find Georgetown South, which leads to Georgetown/The Mall Metro. Again, these are places I’m not exploring yet. I’m content for now just to discover locations around Georgetown.


Lying, Congressional Style

  1. Grab the Lying, Congressional Style on the table next to a camera. It’s a promising way to start this place out, eh? Loot the rest of the house, which is much less interesting. There’s a terminal in the room to the north with which you can activate a Mister Handy. You can have it perform a variety of tasks, the most interesting, and chilling of which is to have it read a bedtime story.


  1. Head east around the house to find another house. Disarm the pressure plate in the doorway and head inside. Don’t run outside, as there is a leveled Super Mutant with a Missile Launcher on high ground across from the house. It can’t shoot you through the window, but it will surely try. Disarm the bear trap by the entrance to the house and be wary of landmines. There are two good ways to deal with this Super Mutant. Shoot the Missile Launcher out of its hands, retreating back in the house if you miss so you can let your V.A.T.S. recharge, or just let the damned thing keep shooting until the missile launcher breaks. The former tactic is especially nice if it’s a Super Mutant Master or Overlord. Once it’s disarmed, there’s nothing it can do. Being on top of an unreachable platform is a double-edged sword. If you don’t have any good ranged weapons, you can find a dead Raider upstairs with a Sniper Rifle, although the upper level is much more vulnerable to missile splash damage than the lower level.

Missile Launcher (Big Guns)
Maximum Damage: 189
AP Cost: High
Ammo: Missile
Clip Size: 1 (1 round/shot)

It’s slow but powerful weapon, and frankly, I find it to be in every way preferable to chucking a grenade. Its ammo is rather expensive and they need frequent repairs… fortunately, many enemies enjoy having these and shooting missiles at you, so you should rarely be hurting for launchers. It’s just too bulky, unpredictable, and expensive to take about on every little expedition, however.


  1. North of the house you’ll find a tree with numerous Gore Bags around, and on the far side of the tree, several ammo boxes and a pair of Stimpaks. Turn south to find Georgetown East, which leads to the Penn. Ave/Georgetown Metro. Travel south some more to find La Maison Beauregard Lobby.

La Maison Beauregard Lobby

U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes

  1. This area contains a pair of Super Mutants, one of which occupies higher ground and carries a Missile Launcher, so some care is suggested with these enemies. Behind the counter to the north you’ll find some Beer and a copy of U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes. Up the ‘ramp’ to the east where the Missile Launcher-bearing Super Mutant was you’ll find a bar with some alcohol, a fridge, a .32 Pistol, and a Nuka-Cola Quantum near it. Over to the north is a pool table with some Missiles, Stimpaks, a Stealth Boy, and a Mini-Nuke on top. Now we can head back to Megaton. Yes, I realize we spent as much time doing extra exploration as we did doing the quest we set out to do. That’s what this guide is all about, baby.

.32 Pistol (Small Guns)
Maximum Damage: 17
AP Cost: Very Low
Ammo: .32 Caliber Round
Clip Size: 5 (1 round/shot, semi-auto)

It’s less powerful than a 10mm Pistol and has a smaller clip size than both the 10mm Pistol and the Chinese Pistol. It does, however, fire fast, and it uses the .32 Round instead of the 10mm Round. Still, I have to ask the question… why bother? I suppose if you like the aesthetic of the almost-six-shooter…


  1. Talk to Moira and get your reward for the Mole Rat repellent… “It’s like explosive whack-a-Mole Rat. Can I get it in bullet form? For people?” Priceless. Anyways. She’ll give you some leftover chems… two Jet and two Psycho… no wonder their heads exploded. Agree to pursue the injury quest. In reality, it’s time to take a break from Moira. We’ll go gather some skill bobbleheads, now that we have better armor, weapons, and more importantly, a home base to return to. If we get injured (you need a crippled limb for the optional requirement of this quest) we can return to Moira and continue her quests, although the Mirelurk portion calls for some… finesse… we don’t yet have. It’s time to get the Lockpick Bobblehead, so let’s head on over to the Bethesda Ruins. If at any time you get a crippled limb and get yourself down to less than 50% of your health, go visit Moira to complete the injury portion of the guide… a lot of this exploring is to provide us with such an opportunity. You’ll find the continuation of the Wasteland Survival Guide quest in {WLK011} if you want to read on about injury portion’s completion. I will assume you got the three Bobbleheads and did Blood Ties when I officially continue with the Wasteland Survival Guide. If you’re uber elite and having a tough time getting hurt, find a Robo Brain and let it blast you with its mind ray whatsit by getting close to it. This will give you a crippled head, and is a much safer way to get injured than, say, stepping on a landmine. If you get crippled and need a way to get injured, you can always jump off a high place… save your game first. Fallout ‘high’ isn’t the same as Oblivion ‘high’. You will not survive a 200-foot fall in this game.

Bethesda Ruins

Sequence of Events: {WLK008}
1) The Bethesda Ruins
2) Bethesda Offices West, Part 1
3) Bethesda Offices West, Part 2
4) Bobblehead – Lockpick
5) Finishing the Bethesda Offices
6) Bethesda Underworks
7) The Raid Shack

  1. The Bethesda Ruins are northeast of Megaton, past the river. North of Springvale School there is a highway crossing the river to the east, which leads right through the Bethesda ruins, just follow the green line on your Pip-Boy 3000 World Map. It’s not too terribly far away, and it is populated by strong Raiders. Still, with a little caution and a lot of Fisto! they shouldn’t be a problem. While clearing the Ruins of Raiders I hit level 8. Note that if you get seriously injured there are fire hydrants about you can use to heal yourself. This is a good place to go if you want to level up, as Raiders here are plentiful and powerful. It’s quite easy to get 300+ experience per run, and there’s the added benefit that a Raider inside Bethesda Offices East has a U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes book on him, and he will endlessly respawn with it. When you’re done outside, head into the Bethesda Offices West building.

Combat Knife (Melee Weapons)
Maximum Damage: 23
AP Cost: Very Low
Ammo: None
Clip Size: N/A

About as powerful as a Baseball Bat, but faster. It’s one of the few Melee Weapons we’ve found so far that’s appreciably better than the first thing we used to kill our enemies in melee.

Just as I said, once our Lockpick and Science are at 65 it’ll be time to get some Bobbleheads for them. I round out some other skills I’ve been using as well, and select the Strong Back perk, to make all future looting easier and more lucrative.

Level 8

  • HP: 290
  • AP: 79
  • Barter: 7
  • Big Guns: 17
  • Energy Weapons: 17
  • Explosives: 25
  • Lockpick: 65
  • Medicine: 35
  • Melee Weapons: 15
  • Repair: 40 + 10 = 50
  • Science: 60 + 5 = 65
  • Small Guns: 19 + 1 = 20
  • Sneak: 34 + 1 = 35
  • Speech: 50
  • Unarmed: 17 + 3 = 20

Bethesda Offices West

Big Book of Science

  1. Immediately inside you’ll be too close for comfort to a Mark V Turret. If you hustle around the wall in front of you and hack the terminal [Average] you can disable it and deal with the Raiders in this room. In the third room on the left you’ll find a Stealth Boy in one of the wooden crates. We should now have two of them, allowing us to safely finish the Mirelurk part of the Wasteland Survival Guide. Next to the Turret Control System terminal is a Big Book of Science. Be careful near the stack of crates at the southern end of the room, as there is a Frag Mine on one of the crate, and an air canister behind it, which will also explode. Ever see Jaws? Once you’re done looting, go up the stairs to the southeast.

Dean’s Electronics

  1. Clear the room to the west and go up more stairs to find another, larger room. Be wary of the pressure plate by the door, as there are three Combat Shotguns rigged to it. Do NOT go down the hole in the middle of the floor, as two Grenade Bouquets are sitting there… Unless you think you can weather six Frag Grenades. You can find another Stealth Boy on one of the shelves, and a Dean’s Electronics in a wooden crate on a desk. Under the wooden crates by the freezer full of… parts… you’ll find a Mini Nuke. When you’re done looting, take the door leading to the Capital Wasteland to get to the bridge one of the Raiders was on earlier. Loot the ammo boxes and head into the eastern offices.

Knife (Melee Weapons)
Maximum Damage: 20
AP Cost: Very Low
Ammo: None
Clip Size: N/A

A fair step down from the Combat Knife, it does less damage and is slower in V.A.T.S.

Bethesda Offices East

Bobblehead- Lockpick

U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes

  1. Go east until you find a room with a turret and some raiders. You can disable the turret by hacking the computer [Average] on a desk by the door. One Raider will always have a Flamer… as well as a U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes book. This Raider will respawn with the rest and will always have this book. So… unlike the rest of your books feel free to read these at will. You’ll also get a Safe Key from him, which unlocks a safe above some desks. Near the desk where you found the Turret Control System computer will be another desk with the Bobblehead – Lockpick on it. We can now tackle hard locks. Near a bathtub full of dirty water you’ll find a Chinese Assault Rifle, as well.

Chinese Assault Rifle (Small Guns)
Maximum Damage: 101
AP Cost: Low
Ammo: 5.56mm Round
Clip Size: 24 (1 round/shot, full auto, fires 3-round bursts in V.A.T.S)

Pretty much the same thing as the Assault Rifle, but about 25% stronger. Why use an Assault Rifle when you have access to Chinese Assault Rifles?

Flamer (Big Guns)
Maximum Damage: 180
AP Cost: High
Ammo: Flamer Fuel
Clip Size: 60 (Continuous fire, fires 3-round gout in V.A.T.S.)

This weapon is worthless in V.A.T.S., but otherwise it’s an effective close-range weapon. It eats up its ammo, but it does a good bit of damage, even though it can be hard to maintain an effective, continuous stream on a mobile enemy. It’s more fun than anything else, but I’d wait for the Heavy Incinerator before letting loose any pyromaniac tendencies.

Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual

  1. Exit the room and take two lefts to reach another office room. On the desks to the right you’ll find a Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual near some Missiles. Search around the place and leave. Now that the Bethesda Offices are clear, let’s deal with the Bethesda Underworks, which are north of the Bethesda Offices.

Bethesda Underworks

Grognak the Barbarian
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor

  1. Kill all the Ghouls and head north and then east to find a large room. You’ll find a copy of Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor on a bucket on top of a concrete bench. Go down the stairs and find a door leading west in the southern part of the metro. Follow the tunnel until you get to a sewer area. The sewer path surrounds a small room filled with many goodies, including a Stealth Boy, a Nuka-Cola Quantum, and a copy of Grognak the Barbarian on the metal shelf. Move the wooden crate to discover a Mini Nuke. Continue south, where you’ll find a skeleton near some radioactive barrels that have a Chinese Assault Rifle and some drugs nearby. Leave the Bethesda Underworks to do one more entirely optional little run before we go after the Science Bobblehead.

The Raid Shack (unmarked)

Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor

  1. From where you entered the Bethesda Underworks follow the road to the southeast until it starts to curve to face south. Instead of following it south follow another badly damaged road up a hill to the northeast and continue to follow the road to the east past the four-way stop. Straight to the east you’ll find the Raid Shack, which is unmarked, but it does have Raiders outside of it to distinguish it. Kill the raiders and loot the trailer and a table for some drugs and ammo boxes. Now enter the Raid Shack and clean up in here as well. On one of the Raiders inside you’ll find a unique Combat Knife called ‘Stabhappy’. A more appropriate name for a knife I cannot imagine. You’ll also find the typical Raider loot… components, drugs, food, cigarettes. Of note, there’s a copy of Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor upstairs in the northeastern room. Now it’s time to go after the Science Bobblehead. Head back to Megaton, take care of business there, and head out to the northwest, past Vault 101.

Stabhappy (Melee Weapons)
Maximum Damage: 26
AP Cost: Very Low
Ammo: None
Clip Size: N/A

A good upgrade from the Combat Knife, Stabhappy is about 20% stronger than a normal Combat Knife with no downsides. You’ll find another unique Combat Knife with identical stats later on… which makes me wonder why you need two unique Combat Knives that are essentially the same? Who knows. Although this is a ‘unique’ weapon, it suffers from the same issue that the U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes book in Bethesda suffers from: It’s a unique item on a normal, respawning character. You can get as many Stabhappy’s as your little heart desires.

From Megaton to Vault 106
Sequence of Events: {WLK009}
1) To Vault 106
2) An Abandoned Vault?
3) To the Living Quarters
4) Nickola Tesla and You
5) Bobblehead – Science
6) Overseer’s Office
7) The Lower Level
8) To the Science Labs
9) Science Labs
10) Observation Room
11) Tumblers Today
12) Seeing Ghosts

  1. North west of Vault 101 you should come across a bridge crawling with Raiders, both weak and strong. One Raider typically has a Sniper Rifle, while another has a Flamer, but plenty of them should have melee weapons as well. Its proximity to Megaton and its relative abundance of enemies makes this a fairly good leveling spot. Keep heading north west from here.

Pool Cue (Melee Weapons)
Maximum Damage: 19
AP Cost: Low
Ammo: None
Clip Size: N/A

Much weaker than a Baseball Bat, and slower too. The Pool Cue leaves little to recommend it, aside from the novelty of the fact that it is, after all, a Pool Cue. I think everybody has hit somebody with one of these at some point in their lives, right?

Vault 106 Entrance

  1. You should notice something is wrong as soon as you open the door to Vault 106.. by the fact that it actually opens. Inside you’ll notice that this Vault is somewhat more.. weathered, than Vault 101. Explore the rooms north and then east. There will be a locked door [Very Easy] to the south. Behind the locked door is a room with two skeletons with Laser Pistols nearby and a Security Terminal [Average].
  2. Continue back to the room where the locked door branched off from and go through the eastern door. You should come to stairs leading north and south. Either way you go, you’re soon to encounter some of the Vault 106 citizens, who try to maul you with melee weapons. You will also get ghostly images of.. life in the Vault before whatever happened? Your screen will blue-tint and you’ll see people walking around for a few moments. Spooky. Explore the place, you should find a suit of Recon Armor and a suit of Combat Armor in lockers on this level. You can find your way further into the Vault by taking the southern staircase and following the hallway until you reach a door leading to Vault 106 Living Quarters.

Vault 106 Living Quarters

Nickola Tesla and You

  1. You’ll be attacked by two more Insane Survivors when you enter this area. They shouldn’t be causing you too much trouble with Fisto!, especially if you block their attacks (LT). In the room to the east there will be a desk with a number of wooden crates stacked on top. In the bottom crate, under some Tin Cans, you’ll find a copy of Nickola Tesla and You.
    Bobblehead – Science
  2. Next head south to enter the room south-east of the entrance to this level. Go through another door and down a hallway until you come to another room with a single-and very outclassed-Insane Survivor. Kill it and search the room. On the eastern side of the room is a metal shelf with Bobblehead – Science standing there as plain as day. Scoop it up and head back to the room leading to the Entrance.
  3. Now go into the south western edge of the room (where the lights are) and loot the counters for a bunch of Beer and a Frag Mine. To the south is a locked [Hard] door, which is just the upper limit of our lockpick ability. Pick it and continue on until you reach the Overseer’s office. Loot around and hack his computer [Average], which will give insight to the fact that whatever happened in Vault 106, it was no accident. Head back to the main room and go through the western door.
  4. Follow the tunnel down some stairs and you’ll come to some shelves full of loot-goodies. Go through the next door to get to the lower floor of the room with the door to the Entrance in it. Go south to find a storage room worth looting, and south some more to find a locked [Easy] door that will lead down to the Science Labs. To the north are the actual living quarters. It’s not very rich pickings up there, but I’ll assume you go north just to complete the Vault.
  5. Head through the north door, where you’ll get a fairly lengthy flashback. The two rooms off to the side are uninspiring, and down the stairs will be two more Insane Survivors. Make the second part of their name incorrect and keep going through another door. Go down some more stairs, have another vision, and keep going until you reach some side doors. To the west are some rooms, the most notable of which has the note “Feel The Love Man” on a desk. Search the east if you wish and continue south. You’ll get to another branching path, the east and west doors lead to bathrooms which have little in them. Head down the stairs and go through the locked door [Average], the room beyond which has a locked [Hard] safe that needs opened. When you’re done here, backtrack and head down to the Science Labs.

Vault 106 Science Labs

  1. Head down some stairs and take a fork in the tunnel, the left path leads up some stairs, while the right path leads into a room. Explore the room and kill the Insane Survivors. You’ll find some Recon Armor in a locker and .308 Caliber Ammo lying about. Now go up the stairs and kill a few more Insane Survivors. Go through the door that takes you back up to the Vault 106 Living Quarters.

Vault 106 Living Quarters

  1. You’ll find a Security Terminal in front of you, and on the table next to it the Vault 106 Master Key. As the terminal indicates, the Vault staff was testing some chemical on its residents. Apparently survival just isn’t enough for Vault-Tech. Head back down to the Science Labs continue down the tunnel opposite the stairs that lead back up to the Living Quarters.

Vault 106 Science Labs (cont’d)

Tumblers Today

  1. Take right and go down some more stairs, taking another right when the opportunity presents itself. Inside this room you’ll find some lockers to loot, and in the back corner on a collapsed metal object, you’ll find a copy of Tumblers Today. Head back into the main tunnel and continue north.
  2. Follow the tunnel and ignore the side room, going down some stairs when you reach them. You’ll eventually come to a door, on the far side of which is a Survivor. That’s right, not a crazy, just a hostile gal in a lab coat. When you attack her, the screen’ll go blue and you’ll have to fight the Tunnel Snakes from Vault 101, obvious phantoms, and when her health is below 50% she’ll go invisible (as if she had used a Stealth Boy.) She’s a bit tougher than the other Vault 106er’s, but still not up to snuff. In a cubby to the west you’ll find some ammo boxes and a Mini Nuke.

Your rampage through Vault 106 is now complete, but there are a couple more Bobbleheads I want to get before I return to questing, namely the Explosives, Melee Weapons, Sneak, Speech, and Unarmed Bobbleheads. There are still traps I can’t disarm (grenade bouquets come to mind) and I’d like to change that. Also it never hurts to have higher Speech checks and Unarmed damage.. the Melee Weapons Bobblehead is mostly.. well, because we’ll be over in the area, and because the Dunwich Building is crawling with Ghouls, which will become a real pain if we level up too much. Note that this is going to be a rather lengthy expedition, and serves just as much to level us up and (hopefully) get us a crippling injury for Moira as anything else. You should have leveled up at some point in Vault 106, especially if you killed those Raiders north west of Vault 101.

I pump up Unarmed (time to get all the good skills to 50!) and get myself the Commando Perk, since I hope to be switching to Small Guns soon enough. I COULD have increased my Small Guns skill as well to mark this shift, but frankly it’ll be a while before I’m fully weaned off of Fisto!, so I make a little progress with both, since using Small Guns exclusively is still cost prohibitive. Note that with the Iron Fist, Paralyzing Palm, and Ninja Perks this build picks you’ll never entirely abandon Unarmed weapons, but when you start getting range-raped by Super Mutants and Enclave soldiers you’ll understand why switching to Small Arms as your primary weapon type becomes a good idea.

Level 9

  • HP: 300
  • AP: 79
  • Barter: 7
  • Big Guns: 17
  • Energy Weapons: 17
  • Explosives: 25
  • Lockpick: 75
  • Medicine: 35
  • Melee Weapons: 15
  • Repair: 50
  • Science: 75
  • Small Guns: 20
  • Sneak: 35
  • Speech: 50
  • Unarmed: 20 + 20 = 40

Vault 106 to Yao Guai Tunnels
Sequence of Events: {

1) Kaelyn’s Bed & Breakfast
2) Patrick’s Farewell
3) VAPL-58 Power Station
4) Ghoul Wastelander Shelter
5) Jalbert Brothers Waste Disposal
6) Ghoul Wastelander Town
7) Rockbreaker’s Last Gas
8) Mountain Shack
9) Five Axles Rest Stop
10) Abandoned Car Fort
11) Internment Orders
12) MDPL-05 Power Station
13) Corpse and Cars
14) SatCom Array NW-07c
15) Shalebridge (South Tunnels)
16) Shalebridge (North Tunnels)
17) Broadcast Tower KT8
18) Everglow National Campground
19) To the Yao Guai Tunnels
20) Yao Guai Tunnels
21) Yao Guai Assassination
22) Clearing out the Tunnels
23) To the Yao Guai Den
24) Leaving the Yao Guai Tunnels

Kaelyn’s Bed & Breakfast

  1. North west of Vault 106 you’ll find Kaelyn’s Bed & Breakfast, which is crawling with Raiders. They can be pretty rough, and there’s more of them under a bridge north of the house, but again, you should be able to handle them with just a little temperance. Grab the loot strewn about the floor of the house and keep going west, north west. You can discover Arefu up north, but we don’t need to go there just yet, if you’re near there, you want to head more west.
  2. From the western side of Kaelyn’s Bed & Breakfast (the side opposite the side facing the bridge) head south west up a hill. Once on the cliffs turn west and follow the edge of the cliffs until you find a ‘scenic overlook’ sign. On your world map, this is more or less due south of Arefu and due west of Kaelyn’s. Near a tree by the edge of the cliff you’ll spot a motorcycle. In a metal box at the very edge of the cliff you’ll find the note ‘Patrick’s Farewell.’ If you’re good at hugging the edge of the cliff, you can ride this one down safely and survive where Patrick did not. On his body is a Switchblade, for what it’s worth. (Later in the game, once the Broken Steel expansion has started you’ll find a wastelander camp, complete with beds, Wastelanders, and the note ‘Wastelander Holotape #1’.) Continue west, either from the top of the cliff or the bottom, it doesn’t matter-and you’ll find a metal shack near the VAPL-58 Power Station which has some goodies worth grabbing.

VAPL-58 Power Station (and Power Substation)

Dean’s Electronics
U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes

  1. Since we’re so close to the VAPL-58 Power Station we might as well loot it, as it has a Dean’s Electronics inside. There’s also a U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes book on the roof. On the main floor there’s a hackable computer [Very Hard] and a locked safe [Very Hard], neither of which we can really do anything about just yet. When you have 100 Lockpick or Science, come back and get that safe open and take your 60 Caps, Silenced 10mm Pistol, and your slew of drugs. Make sure you grab the Nuka-Cola Quantum and the Stealth Boy while you’re here.
    Keller Family Transcript (1 of 5)
  2. From the VAPL-58 Power Station head north, following the line of electrical towers until you find one with a shelter built under it. It’s the third one up from the fenced area near VAPL-58. Inside the shelter you’ll find two Ghoul Wastelanders who need some death and a bit of loot. The best of this loot is a Pre-War book and Mini Nuke which are on two of the cement supports for the electrical tower. There’s also a Keller Family Transcript (1 of 5) on a bookshelf, which is really the reason to even come here. Come back when you have 100 Lockpick to get the loot in the personal footlocker [Very Hard].

Jalbert Brothers Waste Disposal

D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine

  1. Head mostly west and you’ll find the Jalbert Brothers Waste Disposal site. Either Unlock the gate [Easy] or go into the Office building to the west (or both). Inside it a terminal [Average] which you can use to open a locked safe [Very Hard]. Inside is a 10mm Pistol, some ammo, and some money. On top of the shelf near the first aid kit is a copy of D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine. Go down some stairs and smite some Radroaches. In a metal shelf [Average] you’ll find a number of goodies, including two Radiation Suits. There’s also a First Aid Box [Easy] on the wall. Go up some stairs and get the Nuka-Cola Quantum on the desk, then leave the office out the door you came in. There’s nothing but Rads in the actual disposal area. Drums of hazardous materials and green water is not your friend.
    Duck and Cover!
    Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor
    Tumblers Today
  2. North-east of Jalbert Bro’s you’ll find an (unmarked) settlement full of Ghoul Wastelanders. They’re hostile, but armed with weak weapons. In fact, one hit of Fisto! should do them in. Loot their town and their Abandoned Shacks. The southern-most shack shows signs of barricading, and the skeletons on the floor give us the impression that these ghouls weren’t the original inhabitants of the town. There’s a Combat Shotgun and Laser Rifle on the floor, both in lousy condition. Also there’s a locked [Average] ammo crate, a Mini Nuke, and a copy of Duck and Cover! In the western shack you’ll find a Combat Shotgun and a locked [Easy] ammo crate, and outside of this shack you’ll find an overturned fridge with a Tumblers Today inside. In the northern shack you’ll find a Stealth Boy and a copy of Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor on a desk. I manage to hit level 10 enroute to the next destination as well. South west of the ghoul town you’ll find an overturned truck, and a Nuka-Cola Quantum on the ground.

I bring up Unarmed to 50, where it will remain until I’m ready to get Paralyzing Palm. I also start to bring Sneak up, as I’ll want it to reach 50 by level 12 so I can get Silent Running, which will actually make sneaking a viable option. Finesse is, without a doubt, the Perk to get this level. No other level 10 Perks are even worth considering.

Level 10

  • HP: 310
  • AP: 79
  • Barter: 7
  • Big Guns: 17
  • Energy Weapons: 17
  • Explosives: 25
  • Lockpick: 75
  • Medicine: 35
  • Melee Weapons: 15
  • Repair: 50
  • Science: 75
  • Small Guns: 20
  • Sneak: 35 + 10 = 45
  • Speech: 50
  • Unarmed: 40 + 10 = 50

Rockbreaker’s Last Gas

  1. North west of the Ghoul town you’ll find Rockbreaker’s Last Gas. Out in front of two Nuka-Cola machines is a dead Wastelander with some food and a 10mm Submachine Gun near her. She won’t be needing it anymore. If you go along the road leading west and look up at the mountain to the west, north west you should see a shack on top of it. That’s where we’ll go next. Yeah, it’s a detour, but it’s a worthy one.
    Deans Electronics
    Guns and Bullets

Keller Family Transcript (4 of 5)

  1. Head south west to find a path leading up to the shack. Inside you’ll find some captive Radroaches, one named Jitters and another more appropriately named Fluffy. Loot the place, particularly take the copy of Dean’s Electronics hidden in a wooden crate on the workbench the Keller Family Transcript (4 of 5) on the workbench, the Pre-War Book on the bedside table and the copy of Guns and Bullets underneath it. Also loot the ammo box [Average], the safe [Hard], and.. the locker [Very Hard] will have to wait. When you finally have 100 Lockpick, be sure to come back and open this locker to claim the Victory Rifle. Once you leave you’ll most likely be attacked by Talon Company Mercenaries (or Regulators), depending on your alignment. Either way, it can be a bit of a fight. You can also expect a patrol of Super Mutants to appear at the bottom of the mountain. At this stage in the game they can be pretty rough.

Victory Rifle (Small Guns)
Maximum Damage: 52
AP Cost: High
Ammo: .308 Caliber Round
Clip Size: 5 (1 round/shot, semi-auto)

I can’t really see a difference between the Victory Rifle and a normal Sniper Rifle. I guess I could, you know, use it and see, but frankly, there are much better guns out there.

WarMECH has more insight:

…that brings me to one last detail regarding one of my key weapons of choice: the Victory Rifle. Any critical hit with this weapon will knock the enemy off their feet for a five to ten seconds, including sneak attack criticals. While the stun time isn’t nearly as long as the aforementioned maneuver [Paralyzing Palm], it provides the perfect opening to rush in without any risk from that target to apply it.

Five Axles Rest Stop

U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes

  1. Head mostly north and slightly east until you find the Five Axles Rest Stop. As you approach the ring of trucks, be wary of landmines. In the back of one of the trucks will be three Raiders and their beds. Kill them and loot, in the back of this truck is a copy of U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes. There’s also another truck with tires in it that is worth exploring, as it has a partial CB Radio backup note inside of it.

Abandoned Car Fort

Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor

  1. Go north until you find a bridge, an old highway, to be more precise. Get on it and follow the road over the river until you find the Abandoned Car Fort. There’s plenty of ammo, some beds, and a copy of Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor nearby.
    Pugilism Illustrated
  2. Now continue to head north, north west along the highway until you come to a broken down truck, in the back of which you’ll find a note ‘Internment Orders.’ If you look at the note you’ll notice the names are all obviously Chinese. The dead body outside with the 10mm Pistol nearby indicated that ‘non-lethal’ force was not the kind used, but who can guess if this happened before or after news of the bombs falling came. There’s plenty of food, Purified Water, a copy of Pugilism Illustrated, and two First Aid Boxes (one locked, [Hard]) in the back of the truck as well. Note that on the highway to the south you’ll see a jack-knifed red truck, in the back of which you’ll find some drugs, a surprisingly intact Laser Rifle, and a Mini Nuke, if you feel like taking the time to go over there. Time for a somewhat long detour, but it’ll result you you nabbing a Schematic and a book, so why not?

MDPL-05 Power Station

Dean’s Electronics

Schematic – Dart Gun

  1. Further down the road in the back of a bus you’ll find some Frag Grenades. Ignore the satellite towers to the south west for now and follow the road. When it forks head north, not west. Past some electrical towers you’ll find the MDPL-05 Power Station and a random encounter (see the random encounters section to see what this could be.) If you’re clever, save before you get too close to the MDPL-05 Power Station (ideally before you discover it) so you can ‘spawn’ random encounters to get one you want. For example, if you want to get the Firelance Alien Blaster or the Deathclaw Schematic. Just a thought. Around the station are two locked gates [Hard].. or you could just go around the side where the fence is broken. Inside is a skeleton, and near him you’ll find the Schematic – Dart Gun and a copy of Dean’s Electronics. In his toolbox you’ll find the MDPL-05 Power Station Key, which unlocks the gates.. but I choose to pick them for experience.
    Duck and Cover!
  2. Now it’s time to back track, but even in this we’ll be profitable. Our goal is to reach the SatCom Array NW-07c we bypassed earlier. Head through the wasteland going due south, south east. Keep an eye out for Mirelurks, but more importantly, look for a group of cars in a line. It can be tricky, as there are plenty of broken down cars around. The ones we’re looking for, however, have a skeleton, two grenade boxes [Average], and an ammo box near them. On the ground near the skeleton is a copy of Duck and Cover! Once you’ve found it turn south west and head towards the large satellites in the distance.

SatCom Array NW-07c

  1. When you find SatCom Array NW-07c enter the Satellite Facility to do what little looting there is to do. When you’re done there, head south west to find the collapsed bowl of another satellite, which has been cleverly converted into a shelter. Steal everything you can find. Sure, you’ll lose karma, but you’ll get plenty of loot! If you head south west you may just find another random encounter.. but you really want to head south east until you find Shalebridge.

Shalebridge (Shalebridge Tunnels, South)

D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine
Big Book of Science

  1. Shalebridge consist of two ant hills, one in the north and one to the south. First off, east of the tunnels you’ll find some irradiated land. Near an Ant Egg Clutch you’ll find a D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine and a Stealth Boy. They blend in surprisingly well, but they’re there. Enter the southern most one first, which is full of neutral Forager Ants. Some Invader Ants will be around attacking them. Kill the big mean ants and help the small nice ones! In the northern part of the tunnel you’ll find a dead Ant Researcher, who has a Big Book of Science in his inventory. There’s also a Hunting Rifle and some ammo around. Also, if you investigate a large ant egg clutch you can use a Stimpak to help the ant pupae grow. When you’re done, leave and head over to the northern ant hill.

Shalebridge Tunnels, North

  1. This place is crawling with Giant Ants of all sorts. Navigate through and kill any you find. During your exploration you can grab some Metal Armor and a Scoped .44 Magnum. Your goal is to find the Giant Ant Queen, who can be a pain due to her high health and damage output. Instead of getting in a shootout with her, get up close and stay away from her head. You can strafe around her more quickly than she can turn. With Fisto! you can pretty safely pummel her to death. Loot her chambers for various guns and ammo strewn about the bones. When you’re done, leave and continue south.

Broadcast Tower KT8 (Radio Signal Sierra Romeo Drainage Chamber)

Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual

  1. You should eventually find Broadcast Tower KT8, which has a fair number of Super Mutants around it. Still, they shouldn’t be too rough for you. Go up to the tower and activate it to discover Radio Signal Sierra Romeo. Head north east off the cliff to find a Drainage Chamber. In a room to the east you’ll find an Encryption Key on the desk. Pick it up and activate the working terminal, using it to open the secure hatch. You’ll find a pair of dead Chinese Remnant Spies. In this secure area you’ll find a Mini Nuke and a copy of Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual. Leave the Drainage Chamber and head south east.

Everglow National Campground

Guns and Bullets

  1. You should pass by a heavily irradiated area with Super Mutants to the south. Don’t even bother trying to get past the radiation.. it’s a killer. Head south east until you find Everglow National Campground. You’ll find Raiders and Super Mutants fighting it out. Kill both groups and loot. While in one of the trailers Super Mutant and Raider reinforcements will arrive.. much stronger ones than the originals. In one of the trailers you’ll find a great number of Sugar Bombs and a copy of Guns and Bullets. I hit level 11 while dealing with the Raiders and Super Mutants.

The best thing about level 10 Perks is the fact that it’s easy to pick what perk you’ll get at level 11.. namely, NOT another level 10 perk. Finesse is really the only good one, so I pick another Iron Fist.

Level 11

  • HP: 320
  • AP: 79
  • Barter: 7
  • Big Guns: 17
  • Energy Weapons: 17
  • Explosives: 25
  • Lockpick: 75
  • Medicine: 35 + 15 = 50
  • Melee Weapons: 15
  • Repair: 50
  • Science: 75
  • Small Guns: 20
  • Sneak: 45 + 5 = 50
  • Speech: 50
  • Unarmed: 50
  1. Go south west until you find Little Lamplight. We won’t explore it now, but it might come in handy to have it on your map. You can loot the buildings outside for some minor loot. Now head to the south west until you find the Yao Guai Tunnels. Yao Guai are pretty dangerous, as you’ve doubtlessly discovered. However, if we’re careful not to get entangled fighting more than one at once we should be fine. Use Fisto!, V.A.T.S. alot to ignore the damage they deal and quickly inflict pain on them, and most of all, when you’re not in V.A.T.S., make sure to block their attacks. It significantly reduces the damage they deal and leaves them open to a counter-attack. Oh, and if you’re sneaking, popping them with a Combat Shotgun can be devastatingly effective, even at a surprisingly long range!

Yao Guai Tunnels

  1. Head east, you’ll pass a picnic table with some food and loot on it. Continue east, then north to find some shelves with more loot.. Apparently somebody was making a go at living in these caves. Continue east through a narrow tunnel and you’ll see a Yao Guai run in front of you. Loot this room as well, especially the book shelf, which has a variety of ammo on it, and the cabinet, which has a Laser Pistol inside. A little further to the east the path will split four ways. To the east is a room full of minor loot and to the south is a Yao Guai guarding an area that is mostly uninteresting.
  2. Sneak up to the north and you’ll find a large room. A Yao Guai will push through a barricade in front of you. If you’re quick with a Combat Shotgun you can blast it before it even knows you’re there. That one shot was all it took to kill it, which is an optimal way of dealing with Yao Guai. Too bad we’re not quite good enough at Sneak to put it to use all the time, eh? Grab the Nuka-Cola Quantum on the table and continue east.
  3. You’ll find a chamber with three Yao Guai about, but with any luck only two will be close enough to threaten you at any one time. Get a sneak attack critical on one with a Combat Shotgun and eliminate the other with Fisto! When that’s done hunt down the third and final Yao Gui. You’ll find some ammo boxes which will help heal your Shotgun woes. Head south, then east to find the door to the Yao Guai Den.

Yao Guai Den

Bobblehead – Sneak

  1. Go forward down the tunnel until you find a dead Wastelander, who can be looted for some drugs. Continue on until you find a lone Yao Guai, whom is easily sneak attacked. Continue on to the south, where a large chamber will open up. You should proceed with some caution and try to sneak attack all the Yao Guai you can see, especially if there’s only one nearby. There are three in total, so make sure to get them all before you start looting. Search the Dead Settler in the Water to get the Yao Guai Den Note, and with it, better understanding on what happened. From the water where the note was head north until you find a metal box, on top of which you’ll find the Bobblehead – Sneak. Now our Sneak score is up to 60. We could have left Sneak at 40 and allowed our Bobblehead to get us up to 50 for Silent Running, but we’ll be needing Sneak as part of our combat scheme shortly, and besides, Ninja requires 80 Sneak anyways.
    Grognak the Barbarian
  2. Continue down a tunnel to the south, then west, and kill another Yao Guai foolish enough to be alive near you. Loot the dead Mercenary and continue west until you find a door back to the Tunnels. Head north off the ledge down to the ledge with the Raider, who has a copy of Grognak the Barbarian near him. Take it and cheese it out of the Yao Guai Tunnels. This is the single longest section of the Bobblehead hunt. There’s plenty more to do, but no single Bobblehead will take as much exploration to find.

Yao Guai Tunnels to Rockopolis
Sequence of Events: {WLK011}
1) Rockopolis

Bobblehead – Unarmed

  1. Alright, to get to Rockopolis, an unmarked area on the map, you’ll need to follow my directions exactly. It’s not far, but it can be easy to miss. From the Yao Guai Tunnel entrance head south, south west along the trail past three trees that are close together. To your south east you should see another tree. Run to it, and past the cliff face that it is next to. From here you should see three trees close together. Run to them, down a small hill. Directly south you should see three branchy trees and one tree stump. Run over to the tree stump and turn south east. You should see a rock formation at the edge of a cliff ahead of you. Run over and jump up on them to get a good vantage point of the area below you. Right in front of you (again, to the south east) you’ll see another large rock formation that is partially obscuring a tree. Again, directly to the south east. The tree you’re looking for is a thin one, not a branchy one. Jump down the cliff face and jump on this new, lower, rock formation. Head down this cliff face as well, still going due south east. Once you’re on the ground by the tree that was half-hidden turn around. You should see a large rock with party flags hung over it, with one tree on the right and two trees on the left. If you’re not sure this is the place, check the Local Map on your Pip-Boy 3000, which should indicate that it is indeed Rockopolis. Search the stone to find the door to Rockopolis. You won’t find much inside besides the note ‘Rollings — We’re Done’ and to the north the body of Argyle, from the GNR program. Near Argyle is the Bobblehead – Unarmed, on the floor.

If that was too difficult, there’s another method that might help. Look at your World Map on the Pip-Boy 3000 and zoom in so all you can see is the grid square the Yao Guai Tunnels is in and the adjacent and two lower grid squares. Notice how the Yao Guai Tunnels are halfway down the grid square it is located in, and far to the right? Rockopolis is in the grid square diagonally down from it, near the dead center of the square. Here’s a little diagram that’ll hopefully help illustrate what I mean.

--------------------- ***KEY***| | |1: Yao Guai Tunnels| | |2: Rockopolis| 1 | || | || | |---------------------| | || | || | 2 || | || | |--------------------- 

Get in the right area and run around, checking your Local Map until it shows up. I don’t know why, but I had a hard time finding Rockopolis a few times (even after I knew where it was!) so hopefully this is enough information to help you not have the same problems I did.

Rockopolis to Dunwich Buildingo======================================================================oSequence of Events:{WLK012}1) Girdershade2) The Nuka-Cola Challenge3) Jocko's Pop & Gas Stop4) Radio Signal Sierra Victor5) VAPL-66 Power Station6) F. Scott Key Trail & Campground7) The Dunwich Building8) Jaime's Testament9) Lootin' and Killin'10) Forsaken Dunwich Ruins11) To the Virulent Underchambers12) Jaime13) Bobblehead - Melee Weapons***QUESTS***Nuka-Cola Challenge1) From Rockopolis head south until you find Girdershade. This lovely'town' conists of two homes. Head into Ronald Laren's Home and loot itwhile he's not around, then go to Sierra Petrovita's Home. Talk to herand play nice to take the Nuka Cola tour, at the end of which you'll getan Ice-Cold Nuka Cola. She'll ask you to get her some Nuka-Cola Quantum,30 in all. If you succeed at a Speech challenge she'll tell you aboutthe special prize for getting her all the Quantum she needs: theSchematics for a Nuka-Grenade. Ask her about the surrounding area andyou'll get the map marker for Evergreen Mills. You'll also get themap marker for the Nuka-Cola Plant, where you'll need to look to findthe shipping manifest to find where all that Quantum went. If you want,you can go on a Nuka-Cola stealing spree in this house and get quite afew bottles.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->2) When you get out you'll be confronted by Ronald Laren, who will notso kindly ask what you were doing with 'his woman'. He'll ask you tobring the Nuka-Cola Quantum to him instead of her so he can reap therewards for bringing it all to her. If you succeed at a Speech checkhe'll pay you double for each bottle. If you have the Black Widow Perkyou can convince him to go looking for the Quantum for you. It's not ajourney he's likely to return from, however, as his Sawed Off Shotgunwill fail to impress any Giant Radscorpions and Yao Guai he happens tocome across. Hell, a Protectron is almost enough to kill him! Anyways,whatever your answer, we'll continue collecting Quantums throughout thegame, so don't pay this quest any mind yet. Note that Ronald Larencarries the unique Sawed-Off Shotgun, 'The Kneecapper', if you want tokill him to obtain it, in all its useless glory. Also note that if youuse [Black Widow] on Ronald and he runs off into the wastes, you canfast travel to the Nuka-Cola Plant, where you'll find his body inside,near the doors. Ah, poor guy... kinda feel sorry for him. All he wantedwas to get laid... Anyways, moral of the story, don't expect a horndogwith a small shotgun to provide for you. He just won't get the jobdone.***WEAPON INFO***The Kneecapper (Small Guns)Maximum Damage: 89AP Cost: HighAmmo: Shotgun ShellsClip Size: 2 (1 Round/Shot, semi-auto)It does about 50% more damage than a normal Sawed-Off Shotgun, but thatdoesn't save it from being inferior to the common Combat Shotgun. Atwo-round clip still makes this an unenviable weapon to take into a large-scale firefight.Jocko's Pop & Gas Stopo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Nikola Tesla and You***Schematics***Schematic - Bottlecap Mine3) Okay, enough sexual puns, time to continue explore the wasteland.From Girdershade head east and slightly south to find Jocko's Pop &Gas Stop. There's a Nuka-Cola Vending Machine outside, and minor fooditems and Tin Cans inside. In a metal bucket near the counter is aStimpak, and on the counter is a copy of Nikola Tesla and You. It that'snot enough, there's a Schematic - Bottlecap Mine on the work bench, anda Nuka-Cola Quantum on a shelf behind the counter. Radio Tower Sierra Victor Drainage Chambero======================================================================o***BOOKS***Duck and Cover!4) Leave Jocko's and head east up a hill to find a radio tower. Activatethe electrical switch and you'll recieve Radio Signal Sierra Victor. Gosouth east over a collapsed metal tower to find the entrance to aDrainage Chamber. Head south and deactivate two pressure plates, thenjump over some metal cabinets. Be VERY careful, as there is a trickygrenade bouquet right behind the metal barrel, and if you push thebarrel into the grenades.. well, you'll wish you hadn't. Head south through a door. There's a rigged computer you can disarm, and a wholebunch of loot. You'll see the remains of the occupant, who was apparently working on another trap that went awry. Serves them right.Grab the copy of Duck and Cover! off the table. VAPL-66 Power Stationo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Dean's Eelctronics5) Head west (or south west) to find the VAPL-66 Power Station. Enterthe Power Substation to find some minor loot. On one desk you'll find agood haul of drugs, a copy of Dean's Electronics, and some Sugar Bombs.Next to the table you'll find a Mini Nuke. When you leave you'll getattacked by some Raiders. No big deal.F.Scott Key Trail & Campgroundo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Duck and Cover!***SCHEMATICS***Schematic - Deathclaw Gauntlet6) Travel south-west until you find the F.Scott Key Trail & Campground. Be careful, as there is often a Deathclaw nearby. In one of the campersyou'll find a Schematic - Deathclaw Gauntlet. On a picnic table outsideyou'll find a copy of Duck and Cover!.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->7) Head south until you find the Dunwich Building at the far south western edge of the Capital Wasteland. Of all the Bobbleheads we'reafter, this is the least useful one, but it's more a matter of futureconvenience that we get it now. Right now the most powerful thingyou'll likely have to face are Glowing Ones, which aren't all thatbad.Dunwich Buildingo======================================================================o8) Enter the building. To you left will be a room with a table, upon which are five portions of Jaime's Journal. On the wall there's an Eat'o'Tronic with three Stimpaks inside. Ahead of the door are ammo boxes with some 5.56mm Rounds and five Frag Grenades. Already a somewhat worthy trip, eh? Go down the hallway and take the door to the left. There will be some Ghouls in here, and on a desk in the southwest corner is Jaime's Personal Journal Entry 06. Make your way back tothe main hallway.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->9) Go to the room across the hallway to the east now and take a leftinstead of going up the stairs to the right. You'll come to a poorlittle barricade. Take the Assault Rifle, the ammo, and the Nuka-ColaQuantum. You'll also find plenty of Frag Mines in the mine boxes. Explore the upper level, looting and killing Ghouls as you go. You'llfind some stairs down in the north western corner of the building. Takethem and head through the door to the right. You'll find Jaime's Personal Journal Entry 07 on a desk. Continue on into the ForsakenDunwich Ruins.Forsaken Dunwich Ruinso======================================================================o***BOOKS***Dean's Electronics10) As you head forward into the large open room ahead you'll get a flashback of when the building was more.. lively.. You'll probablyprovoke a number of Ghouls in and near this room. When they're dead,pick up Jaime's Personal Journal Entry 08 next to the computer [Easy].If you read the logs you'll get some text recordings of some.. well,something unwholesome. Go south and head up the stairs, following theonly path you can until you find a door to the right. Go inside andloot, particularly the Dean's Electronics on the metal shelf. On thetop level, in the room with the broken floor head to the north eastcorner and pick the locked [Average] door. You'll come into a smallroom with some ammo boxes, a Chinese Assault Rifle on the floor, anda computer [Very Easy]. <---------------------------------------------------------------------->11) Head to the north western corner of the room to find your way to thenext area. Follow the hallways and you'll find yourself in anotherroom that has a less that ideal floor situation and plenty of Ghouls.If you can jump your way into the bathroom in the north western cornerof the room you can score some Jet in the toilet, and if necessaryheal yourself from the sink, which has a low Health-to-Rad ratio. Goto the bottom level and head south through a door to the VirulentUnderchambers.Virulent Underchamberso======================================================================o12) On a desk right in front of you you'll find Jaime's Personal JournalEntry 09. Your task now is to descend down the levels of the DunwichBuilding while scoring as much loot as possible as you do. Also use theGhouls lack of ranged weapons against them by unmercifully blastingthem. On the bottom floor head through the door to the south and downsome stairs until you find a staircase leading up. Instead of goingup the stairs, go through the door under the staircase to the northuntil you find a natural rock cavern. Head down inside until you findJaime and a number of Ghouls nearby. Jaime isn't too tough, but he doeshave a Chinese Assault Rifle. Get the drop on them in a big way with asneak attack from a Combat Shotgun. I gained enough experience fromslaying my way through the Dunwich building to hit level 12.***LEVEL UP***Medicine goes up to 60, ensuring I'm prepared for the Cyborg Perk. Istart to raise Barter too, so I can start selling the loot I've beenaccumulating. It might seem strange that I'm not building up morecombat skills, but honestly, you don't need them very high at theselow levels. Fisto! works just fine. I get the Silent Running Perk. Usingsneak attack criticals to begin combat is now a fairly viable option.Level 12HP:330AP:79Barter:7 + 10 = 17Big Guns:17Energy Weapons:17Explosives:35Lockpick:75Medicine:50 + 10 = 60Melee Weapons:25Repair:50Science:75Small Guns:20Sneak:70Speech:50Unarmed:60<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOBBLEHEADS***Bobblehead - Melee Weapons13) Now go back to the south and take the stairs up we neglected earlier. You'll come across a room with Tins Cans and Empty Soda Bottles on the floor. The Bobblehead - Melee Weapons is standing innocently in the midst of the debris. Take the door to the Dunwich Building. You'll be in an area above where you could previously reach. Drop down and leave the Dunwich Building. When you're ready to continue the great Bobblehead hunt head back to SatCom Array NW-07c.Dunwich Building to WKML Broadcast Stationo======================================================================oSequence of Events:{WLK013}1) Raider House2) Explosive Experimentation3) Broadcast Tower KB54) Mount Mabel Campground5) Dickerson Tabernacle Chapel6) WKML Broadcast Station7) Bobblehead - Explosives***BOOKS***Tumblers Today1) Go east from the SatCom Array NW-07c under the bridge to cross theriver without swimming. Be wary of Mirelurks as you scale the cliffs.When you get to the top you'll find a ruined house with plenty of Raiders lurking about. Kill them and loot their house. In the southeastern corner you'll find a metal shelf with drugs and a copy ofTumblers Today on it. In the north eastern corner you'll find some ammoboxes, and in the tub you'll find a Mini Nuke.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Big Book of Science2) From the Raider House go south west until you see a highway. Get onthe highway closest to the Raider House and head north west. When youget near a truck with a wooden ramp there will be an exposion fromwithin, which will eject the body of a Scientist. Dumbass. Go find hisbody (or pieces of it) to claim a Big Book of Science. Maybe they shouldhave done less science and more reading about science, eh? Ah well, hisloss, your gain.Broadcast Tower KB5 (Drainage Chamber)o======================================================================o***BOOKS***Tumblers Today3) Head south east up a hill until you find Broadcast Tower KB5, whichhas a random encounter near it. Activate the electrical switch to findRadio Signal Alfa Lima and head south east to find a Drainage Chamber.In the Drainage Chamber you'll find a skeleton in front of a door witha copy of Tumbler's Today near it. Do what it couldn't and unlock thedoor [Average]. Beyond this door is an untouched trove of goodies for your looting pleasure.Mount Mabel Campgroundo======================================================================o4) When you're done you can go east a wee bit to discover the DeathclawSanctuary. I'd suggest sneaking past and staying on high ground. Wedon't need the Endurance Bobblehead yet, and won't for a long time. Andunlike most enemies, Deathclaws only get easier with time. Head mostlysouth until you find the Mount Mabel Campground. From there head southeast some more until you find the Dickerson Tabernacle Chapel.Dickerson Tabernacle Chapelo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Guns and Bullets5) This place is the resident of one major douchebag, a Drifter whohides up on some planks and snipes at everyone he can see. He's annoying, but if you circle around the chapel and approach from thewest you can catch him more open, instead of getting into a firefightwith him through an elevated window. Get right under him and take potshots at him with a Combat Shotgun or a 10mm Submachine Gun. I don't recommend getting into a snipe-fight with him, as at this point in thegame it's just hard to fight anything at range effectively. Inside thechapel on the floor you'll find a number of ammo boxes, a Combat Shotgun, and near a group of three ammo boxes you'll find a copy ofGuns and Bullets. In a wooden crate under some Detergent you'll findtwo Stimpaks. Search the Drifter for the Reservist's Rifle.***WEAPON INFO***Reservist's Rifle (Small Guns Guns)Maximum Damage: 52AP Cost: AverageAmmo: .308 Caliber RoundClip Size: 3 (1 round/shot, semi-auto)It's not any stronger than a normal Sniper Rifle, and it is only marginally faster in V.A.T.S. On top of that, it actually has a smallerclip size, so what's the catch? Well, it fires slightly faster than a normal Sniper Rifle. It's not a huge improvement over the ordinary Sniper Rifle, but its something.WKML Broadcast Stationo======================================================================o6) Now head east towards the large towers in the distance. Yourdestination isn't too far off. If you want to explore this area, circle around some until you find stairs leading up. At the top of the stairs you'll find the WKML Broadcast Station, and antoher random encounter atthe top. You should enter the Radio Tower Complex and activate the Electrical Switch on the wall. This will cause you to pick up Radio Signal Kilo Bravo.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOBBLEHEADS***Bobblehead - Explosives7) Leave the Radio Tower Complex and head south over the edge of thecliff. Search around the cliff face until you find a 'Drainage Grate toSealed Cistern.' If you get close enough by accident without actuallyspying it, you should be able to locate it on your Local Map on thePip-Boy 3000. It is directly south of the Radio Tower Complex on yourLocal Map. Inside you should find some drugs, Purified Water, aStealth Boy, and of course, the Bobblehead - Explosives. Now that we'veexplored a great bit of the western wasteland we finally have what weset out for. There are still Bobblehead prizes to be scored, however.Namely one we can easily pick up on our way back back to Megaton..(Not that we couldn't-and probably haven't been-fast travelling backthere all along to rest and stash loot..) And in a fashion typical forthis FAQ, we'll go exploring a bit out of the way while we're at it.Get used to it. Onward, to Paradise Falls! (Eventually.)WKML Broadcast Station to Paradise Fallso======================================================================oSequence of Events{WLK014}1) The Silver Lining Drive-In2) Faded Pomp Estates3) Roosevelt Academy4) Radroach Ruse5) Down the Hallway6) Nurse's Office7) Administration8) Roosevelt Academy Stash9) To the Excavation Tunnel10) Bouquet11) Split Decision12) The Library Path13) Exploring the Center14) Arts and Athletics Hall Path15) Roosevelt Arts and Athletics Hall16) Lobby and Auditorium17) The Upper Levels18) Roosevelt Library19) MDPL Mass Relay20) Drowned Devil's Crossing21) Strictly Business22) Lock and Load23) Slaver Barracks24) Escape From Paradise25) Eulogy's Pad26) Freeing the Slaves27) Return to MegatonThe Silver Lining Drive-Ino======================================================================o***BOOKS***Grognak the Barbarian1) From the Sealed Cistern head due east until you find a small shack.On a table, on top of some other books, you'll find a copy of Grognakthe Barbarian. Head east a wee bit more to find The Silver Lining Drive-In, which has nothing unique about it.Faded Pomp Estateso======================================================================o***BOOKS***Pugilism Illustrated2) To ensure we finish up as much as we can while we're out here, headsouth from the Silver Lining Drive-In to discover the Faded PompEstates. Not much to do here but move among the ruined buildings and loot. Not everything we do needs to be a chore. I suggest working yourway from the north down to the south until you reach Roosevelt Academy.One of the houses has a safe [Easy] inside of it, as well as numerousother lootable containers. East of the house with the safe is anotherhouse with a copy of Pugilism Illustrated on top of a Small Burned Bookin front of a chimney.Roosevelt Academyo======================================================================o3) We really might as well do Roosevelt Academy now. We're here, and ifwe do it now we won't have to worry about this side of the map againuntil we're level 30. Remember that Deathclaw place we wisely chose toskip for now? Yeah. Roosevelt Academy will be much nicer with SuperMutant Brutes rather than Super Mutant Overlords. There are three placesto explore here, Roosevelt Academy, Roosevelt Arts and Athletics Hall,and Roosevelt Library. Let explore Roosevelt Academy first. I enterthe northern of the two doors.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->4) To the east you'll find a Bathroom with a couple of Radroaches in it.This will be a common nuisance when dealing with Super Mutants, they'lltypically have Radroaches around, leaving you to wonder if you'll runinto some Radroaches or Super Mutants around the next corner. Loot theDead Settler and continue east to find a Nuka-Cola Vending Machine. Nowhead back west and loot a supply room. Don't bother going up or down anystairs just yet, instead head south down the locker-lined hallway opposite the door you entered.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->5) Explore the classrooms to the left, taking care to disarm the tripwire in the door and avoid a Grenade Bouquet. Continue to the south,looting as you go until you come to a large open room. A corpse willfall from a hole in the ceiling as you approach. Welcoming.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine6) To the west you'll find the Nurse's office, which has several firstaid boxes about, and typical medical equipment like Crutches, MedicalBraces, and some drugs. On a desk you'll find a D.C. Journal of InternalMedicine. You'll also find a locked safe [Hard] that can be opened byhacking a terminal [Hard].<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Pugilism Illustrated7) Go east to find the Administration wing. Check out the men's restroomon this side of the building to find a dead Wastelander, some CherryBombs, and a dead Raider, next to which is a copy of Pugilism Illustrated. Loot the desks in the administration office, and searchthe Headmaster's office. On the desk is the Headmaster's Terminal[Very Easy] and a Pre-War Book. All you can really do with the terminalis activate a Protectron, which is pretty much just a waste of time.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->8) Go back up the stairs and through a doorway to the east to find somestairs. Go up them until you're in a hallway heading west. Go through adoor to the right to find more Super Mutant occupied rooms. These roomshave some minor loot, and will eventually wrap around to some stairsdown to near where we entered. Head down the hallway west from the stairs, then turn left to find a room which is missing much of itsfloor. Above you are some Super Mutants, which I found easy enough todispose of which sneak attacks. Sneak around the edge of the room andgo through the door on the opposite side. Go up some stairs and acrossa wooden bridge to find a room with three ammo boxes, two metal boxes,and a locked cabinet [Average].<---------------------------------------------------------------------->9) Now drop to the ground floor.. not all in one go, mind you, firstdrop to the level below then drop to the ground level. Now you'll be back between the administration and nurses office. Head north up thehallway on the upper level-the one you haven't explored yet. It'll takeyou back near where you entered the level. Go down two flights of stairsto reach the Maintenence and Evacuation Tunnel.Maintenence and Evacuation Tunnelo======================================================================o10) Go down the tunnel to find a lot of dead folks and sports gear. Ata turn in the tunnel will be some refrigerators. Be careful jumpingaround here, as there's a grenade bouquet behind the metal drum, and anylittle bump will knock it loose. Disarm it or set it off and continueon.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->11) You'll arrive in a large room with a metal shelf full of supplies.You can now aim to go to two places by going through the door to southin order to reach Roosevelt Arts and Athletics Hall or to the west toreach Roosevelt Library. Of course, the two paths link up many times, sowe might as well just explore this area in entirity before making achoice.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->12) Go to the west and through a door [Very Easy] to find a WastelandCaptive. Go south to find a maintenence room with a fence surroundingthe center of the room. Go south some more to find a sewer, and beyondthat you'll arrive at tunnel with a metal shelf in an alcove. Flip theelectrical switch above the metal shelf to open a door at the top ofthe stairs to the south. Up some stairs to the south you'll find a doorleading to Roosevelt Library.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Pugilism Illustrated13) Backtrack to the sewers by heading north to find a locked door[Average] just south of some radioactive barrels. Unlock the door andhead inside. Loot the metal shelf nearby to find a copy of PugilismIllustrated. If you head north you'll eventually loop around to thefirst room we entered in the level, if you head north, then east you'llfind an alternate way to reach the same area you'd reach if you justhead east.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->14) Go east up some stairs then take a right to find an alcove with ametal shelf full of goodies. Continue east and take another right to find some stairs down terminating at a locked door [Very Easy]. You'llfind another Wasteland Captive behind the door. Now continue to the eastto find the door to Roosevelt Arts and Athletics Hall. Whether you wantto explore the Roosevelt Library or Roosevelt Arts and Athletics Hall first is entirely up to your preference.Roosevelt Arts and Athletics Hallo======================================================================o15) Head up the stairs and go down the hallway to the west, searchingboth the rooms on the right for, among other minor treasures, a Pre-WarBook. Ignore the first door on the left and continue to the end of the hallway, entering the second door on the left. Go down the hallway tothe south, again ignoring the first door on the left, but searching thesecond to find a closet with some drugs inside. When the hallway endshead left to reach a lobby.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***SHEET MUSIC BOOK***16) There are two curved desks occupying the middle of the lobby, anddoors leading to bathrooms, stairs up to the east, a door leading tothe Capitol Wasteland, and doors to the north leading to an auditorium.Search the bathrooms and lobby and ignore the stairs, heading into theauditorium instead. Grab the Sheet Music Book on the floor of the stagenear some music stands and head through a door to the north to returnto the first tunnel we explored.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Tumblers Today17) Go up the stairs to the north, following them up several flights until you come to a room leading west. Go through the western-most door to the south to find a small office room with two desks with a fair bitof loot around. Loot the first aid box and the wall safe [Easy] behindthe one desk before heading east into a larger room with a more suspectfloor. Navigate across the holey floor to find another office room tothe west on the southern side of the room. Loot the first aid box, ammoboxes, the wall safe [Average], and grab the copy of Tumbler's Today onthe desk behind the ammo boxes before heading into the hallway tothe south. Whichever staircase to the south you go down really doesn'tmatter, as they'll both take you to a fairly empty room above the lobby.Head back to the Maintenence and Evacuation Tunnel and enter theRoosevelt Library.Roosevelt Libraryo======================================================================o18) Roosevelt Libary is a smaller area than the previous three locations, guarded by a single Super Mutant on high ground. In a bathroom to the south you'll find a Stealth Boy on the floor near atoilet. In the central room you'll find a desk on the ground floor withseveral ammo boxes near it, a Nuka-Cola Quantum and a Stealth Boy ontop, a first aid box, and a wall safe [Very Easy] behind it. Also grabthe Sawed-Off Shotgun from the desk. Upstairs the Super Mutant will havea key unlocking the front door, sparing you the trouble of heading backthrough the Maintenence and Evacuation Tunnel. We're now done with theRoosevelt Academy. Head south to find the MDPL Mass Relay Station.MDPL Mass Relay Stationo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Guns and Bullets19) Approach the MDPL Mass Relay Station from the cliffs to the northand pick the Raiders off at your leisure, as the rocks give you amplecover and they're rather unlikely to find their way up to you. Loot thedwellings they've built on top of the Power Station for some minor lootbefore heading inside. Head north through a door and smite any Raidersyou find, one of which will have a Flamer and wear the unique RaiderArcl*te Helmet 'Torcher's Mask', which is a fine item for people wholike fires and things that go boom. On the table by the door you'll finda copy of Guns and Bullets, as well as a 10mm Pistol and 10mm Rounds.Loot the gun cabinets, footlockers and grab all the other random lootaround. There's also a terminal [Very Hard] that unlocks a safe[Very Hard], which we'll just have to come back for. Inside of my safewas a single Nuka-Cola Quantum.Drowned Devil's Crossingo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Tumblers Today20) To be a completionist and score some loot head north a bit, youshould see a bridge and a ruined truck off in the distance. Get closeenough and you'll discover Drowned Devil's Crossing. Some truly epicrandom encounters can spawn here sometimes. Ever want to see a group ofSentry Bots fight it out with Deathclaws? This is just about the onlyplace I know of where that'll happen. Hop into the back of the truck andloot. In the back of the truck you'll find a locked safe [Average] andon the ground near it a copy of Tumblers Today. On your way out of thetruck you'll notice some Raiders have returned, and are none too happythat you've been rummaging through their stuff and killing their guards.***LEVEL UP***I bring Barter up to 37 with the ultimate goal of hitting 50 soon. Ipick Sniper as my Perk as well. Fighting robots is going to be incidental and infrequent for a while yet, and it won't be long beforeSmall Guns gets itself some points. I promise.Level 13HP:340AP:79Barter:17 + 20 = 37Big Guns:17Energy Weapons:17Explosives:35Lockpick:75Medicine:60Melee Weapons:25Repair:50Science:75Small Guns:20Sneak:70Speech:50Unarmed:60Paradise Fallso======================================================================o***QUESTS***Strictly Business21) From Drowned Devil's Crossing head south east along the road untilyou come to Paradise Falls. When you get near a slaver named Grousewill stop you. If your karma is evil you can make a karma check to getinto Paradise Falls. If you're good or neutral, you'll have to succeedat a Speech challenge to bribe Grouse with 500 Caps. Failing that, youcan always do a job for him and capture a VIP slave to get in. Eitherway, if you talk to Grouse he'll try and get you to help him with hisjob and capture some specific slaves. If you accept he'll give you theMesmetron, and tell you how to catch slaves with it. This starts thequest 'Strictly Business.' If you need to buy more ammo it'll costyou 200 Caps for 10 rounds. The Mesmetron works like any other gun, youaim and fire, then, while the target is 'mezzed' you talk to them andget them to put a collar on. On the ground near where Grouse usuallysits is a Holotape with information pertaining to 'The Replicated Man'quest. Note that once the quest 'The Replicated Man' is started you'llbe approached by a woman named Victoria Watts, who is trying to helpliberate enslaved Androids. She'll give you a component of the andriodand tell you to show it to the people looking for it, and say that itwas killed. This is in every way less profitable than actually doingthe work and completing the quest. Besides, she gets all religious andpreachy. I tell her to take a hike when she shows up.***WEAPON INFO***Mesmetron (Energy Weapons)Maximum Damage: 11AP Cost: Very HighAmmo: Mesmetron Power CellClip Size: 5 (1 round/shot)This gun does almost no damage, but then again, its job is to stun, notkill. Use it on any NPC, even hostile Raiders, and you can interact withthem and make them put a slave collar on. If you want to be a slaver,you're going to need this gun.To complete the quest 'Strictly Business' you have to enslave Red, fromBig Town. Flak, from Rivet City, Susan Lancaster from Tenpenny Tower,and Arkansas from Minefield. Note that to get Red back you need to complete the quest 'Big Trouble in Big Town'. I typically do not do 'Strictly Business' in a normal playthrough, as I'd rather have the Flak& Shrapnel's store open in Rivet City. If Flak is captured, Shrapnel tends to become unpredictable. When trying to capture somebody, you have to make sure nobody else is in sight.. mezzing somebody will naturally make nearby NPCs hostile, and in a place like Rivet City or Tenpenny Tower that can really suck. So be sneaky and try to get them alone.WarMECH offers some more insight into this quest:Once you capture the targets in Strictly Business, you can free them ifyour explosives skill is high enough to disarm a collar and you either wait for them to clear out of the area or leave Paradise Falls before they are detected escaping by the slavers. Apparently they will only attack them if you are in the area, so don't be; after all, everyone is immune to damage when you aren't around. (I actually escorted the slaves to the memorial once. It took almost six actual hours, and it was oftentimes difficult to keep them all alive. How little did I realize. I still don't know why in the Nine Hells they had to go to Andale to get there.) However, once Flak is back in Rivet City, he willexpress his gratitude for freeing him, but will not sell, acting like any other unnamed NPC you don't actually have any dialogue with. Youwould have to wait for Shrapnel to do business after 1 pm.Paradise Falls - Lock and Loado======================================================================o22) Head up to Paradise Falls and a slave named Carter will run by. His escape attempt is short-lived however, as you'll see. Continue up into Paradise Falls and go east into "Lock and Load". Go talk to Pronto andoffer to get him twenty Chinese Assault Rifles. It sounds like anexpensive proposition, and it is, but you can bring him any piece ofcrap Chinese Assault Rifle, regardless of the condition. It'll give hima much better inventory, and more Caps to trade with if you followthrough.Paradise Falls - Slaver Barrackso======================================================================o23) Next head into the Slaver Barracks, which has plenty of stuff tosteal. Who cares about stealing from Slavers anyways? You don't evenlose karma for it. On a shelf on the bottom floor is a note 'Burn thisGoddamn Jumpsuit', and next to it is a Vault 77 Jumpsuit. Might as wellmake them yours.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***QUESTS***Escape From Paradise24) Go over to the bar to see a man in metal armor named Ymir kill a bartender named Frank. Back over by Eulogy's Pad you can find a uniquePool Cue on a pool table named 'The Break'. Grab it and head south to the slave pens. Talk to a boy named Sammy, who will try to orchestrate abreak out with you. If you get him to tell you a plan, he'll get hisfriend Squirrel, who will tell you that you need to connect their computer to the Paradise Falls secure network. There are other ways tocomplete this quest, but since they involve buying the kids or stealingthe key and killing every slaver in the city, we'd probably better justdo it their way.***WEAPON INFO***The Break (Melee Weapons)Maximum Damage: 22AP Cost: LowAmmo: NoneClip Size: N/AIt's a Pool Cue that's marginally better than a normal Pool Cue.. whichmeans it's still a pretty sucky weapon.Eulogy's Pado======================================================================o***BOBBLEHEADS***Bobblehead - Speech***NPC***Clover25) Head north east to Eulogy's Pad. Don't be afraid to rob him blind.You should probably get Eulogy's Hat which is in a cubby west of hisbed, the Holotape on the table in the south eastern corner, and of course, the Bobblehead - Speech. The Holotape is one way to start thequest 'The Replicated Man', which we'll get to when we explore RivetCity. Grab the loot out of his safe [Average] including the Stealth Boy.Also, behind the staircase you'll find a treasure trove of Nuka-Cola Quantum for the stealing. And of course, you should talk to Eulogy Joneswhile you're here. If you have evil karma you can try to buy Clover offof him for 1000 Caps. I'd have to say that I can't imagine her beingworth the cost, but it's up to you. If you're really looking to be badyou can talk to him about getting a kid from Little Lamplight as aslave. Lastly, you can offer to buy the kids from Little Lamplight offof him, but it'll cost you 2000 Caps to do so. You can make a Speechcheck to lower the price to 1200 Caps.. but you can just break them outfor free, so why bother? Hack the Paradise Falls Main Terminal andUpdate Network Connections before heading back to the slaves.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->26) Go talk to Squirrel to get the next part of the plan. You're going tohave to lure Fourty away from the pens in order for the kids to make abreak for it. Find Fourty and talk to him. If you succeed at a Speechcheck you can get him to go bother Eulogy about a raise. While he's gonego talk to Squirrel again. He'll tell you that they're all ready toleave.. once you convince Penny to go. If you succeed at a fairlydifficult Speech challenge you can convince them to leave Penny behind.If not, ask what needs to be done. Apparently Penny wants to know thata friend named Rory is safe before she'll go. Sammy and Squirrel takeoff, leaving you to deal with Penny. Again, if you succeed at a Speechchallenge she'll forget about Rory. If you can't get her to go, you'llhave to steal a Paradise Falls Box Key from either Fourty or Eulogy..or you can grab the Paradise Falls Box Key from the table near Eulogy'sbed. If you let Rory go, he's pretty much toast unless you kill every Slaver first. Whether he lives or dies Penny'll leave. Go meet them outside of Paradise Falls for your quest reward. <---------------------------------------------------------------------->27) Now we have a good number of Bobbleheads, it's time to return backto Megaton and continue on with the Wasteland Survival Guide. We couldgo grab the Bobblehead - Barter from Evergreen Mills, but it's a bit involved, as there are lots of Raiders that need killing and a special encounter with a Super Mutant that isn't for the faint of heart. Before I go bug Moira though, I turn in all the Scrap Metal I've been accumulating for Walter. At 74 pieces, this nets me 448 experience and 740 Caps, which in addition to the quest reward from Paradise Falls isenough to level me up to 14. Now it's time to report back to Moira.***LEVEL UP***I get Barter up to 50 and start working on Small Guns. Cyborg is theobvious go-to Perk for this level.Level 14HP:350AP:79Barter:37 + 13 = 50Big Guns:17Energy Weapons:27Explosives:35Lockpick:75Medicine:60Melee Weapons:25Repair:50Science:75Small Guns:20 + 7 = 27Sneak:70Speech:60Unarmed:60Note that since my Barter is 50 I decide to buy all the Schematics fromthe merchant caravans, and from Moira. You never know when Crazy Wolfgang is going to suck and get decapitated by a Deathclaw, so I makesure to get those Schematics while I can. I also now seriously considerbuying items for my house.. besides the My First Infirmary, anyways.Megaton - Craterside Supply (cont'd)o======================================================================oSequence of Events:{WLK015}1) Continuing the Wasteland Survival Guide2) Anchorage Memorial3) Chapter 2 Completed4) Back to Anchorage5) Anchorage Memorial Facility6) The Anchorage Memorial Stash1) Go back to Moira with your proudly earned injuries. For the record, I was crippled by a Robobrain I encountered north of the Ghoul town, ifanybody is wondering just when I did this quest. She'll patch you up,good as new and give you an Environmental Suit and three Med-X's. Thisis a good suit for exploring places like.. the Jalbert Brothers WasteDisposal, for example. She'll give you the next task as well, to hidea scanning device in a Mirelurk lair. On top of that, she wants you tonot kill any of the Mirelurks while you're at it. That means one of twothings. Either you trust your stealth enough to sneak around, or youmake a mad dash, plant the sensor, and get out. Either way doesn't soundgood, so now's a good time to use some of those Stealth Boys we'vebeen finding, and I've been purposely telling you to collect. Why didwe take a break from the Wasteland Survival Guide? To get those StealthBoys. Also hitting level 12 and getting the Silent Running Perk helps.Now is also a good time to buy that Infirmary, if you haven't already.Especially since we now have a decent Barter skill. It's still expensive, but it does answer that annoying Rad problem quite nicely. Also you can ask her about the escaped andriod now that we've started 'The Replicated Man.' Anyhow, onward to the Anchorage Memorial.Anchorage Memorialo======================================================================o2) Head over to the south eastern side of the island the memorial ison and enter through the Memorial Service Entrance [Very Easy]. Enterstealth mode and use a Stealth Boy. Head straight down the tunnel andcontinue going east when the path branches four ways. To either sideof you will be a Mirelurk guarding an egg clutch. Plant Moira's observerright in any of the egg clutches, turn around, and leave. There, thatwasn't so bad, was it?<---------------------------------------------------------------------->3) Return to Moira and claim your reward for this quest. You'll getfive Stealth Boys and the Shady Hat, which is a nifty little item thatraises your Sneak and Perception, while looking fashionable. Now chapter2 is completed, you'll get three more quests to do. She wants you tofind out about Rivet City's history, go to the RobCo factory and figureout how to harness old technology, and visit your local library. TheLibrary is the least annoying of the three, so lets start there. Thiswouldn't be much fun if we didn't do any exploration on our way therethough, now would it? First, however, it's time to clear out theAnchorage Memorial. Now that the Wasteland Survival Guide questinvolving it is over we can kill as many Mirelurks as we damn well please. Time to put that Sneak skill to good use getting sneak attack criticals on Mirelurks.Anchorage Memorial Facility Bayo======================================================================o4) This time enter through a door [Average] at the bottom of a staircase on the south western end of the island. Kill whatever Mirelurks you find and loot the body of a Mercenary. On his body you'll find the note 'Merc's Orders'. Work your way down stairs and go through the doorleading to the Anchorage Memorial Facility.
Anchorage Memorial Facilityo======================================================================o***BOOKS***D.C. Journal of Internal MedicineDean's Electronics5) Search the upper level for minor loot. Downstairs you'll find the body of Ted. Search it for the 'Note For Ted' note. Play with the computer [Average] and select the 'Unlock Secure Medical Safe' option. In the room to the west you'll find a floor safe under one of the tables. Loot it for a Door Component and a copy of Dean's Electronics. On another table in this room is a D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine. Go through the door on the lower floor to reach the Anchorage Memorial Facility Bay. Head down to the Memorial Service Entrance-the same place you placed Moira's observer. You could explore the Memorial FacilityOffices.. but there's not really much there besides Mirelurk's and theireggs.Memorial Service Entrance (cont'd)o======================================================================o***BOOKS***U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes6) Go to the northern end of the tunnels and find the locked door (whichwould be the north eastern most door). With the door component and atleast 35 points of Repair you'll get it open. Inside is a pretty goodstash of loot. Take the Nuka-Cola Quantum, the U.S. Army: 30 HandyFlamethrower Recipes. Also grab the Anchorage Stash Key, the AnchorageWar Memorial Stash note, and the unique sledgehammer, 'The Tenderizer'.Head back into the eastern part of the level (not the sewer portion)and go downstairs as far as you can. You'll come into a room with deadMirelurks and meat hooks. One of the fridges in this room contains theAnchorage Stash, which contains 360 Caps, some Mirelurk food-products,and the Recipe - Mirelurk Cakes. We're done with the Anchorage Memorial,the completion of which got me to level 15. Time to head back to Megaton to stash loot and get ready to head towards the Arlington Library.The Tenderizer (Melee Weapons)Maximum Damage: 47AP Cost: HighAmmo: NoneClip Size: N/AIt does about 50% more damage than a normal Sledgehammer. If you use aSledgehammer, you might as well use the Tenderizer.***LEVEL UP***Small Guns gets all the attention this level, it's beyond time we becomegood at shooting things. For the perk, we'll go with Robotics Expert.We didn't get that Science skill all the way up to 75 for nothing, afterall. We got it so high to hack computers and stuff.. but also for Robotics Expert!Level 15HP:360AP:79Barter:50Big Guns:17Energy Weapons:27Explosives:35Lockpick:75Medicine:60Melee Weapons:25Repair:50Science:75Small Guns:27 + 20 = 47Sneak:70Speech:60Unarmed:60Megaton to Arlington Libraryo======================================================================oSequence of Events: {WLK016}1) Car Dealership2) Scavenger Bridge3) Red Racer Factory4) Factory Floor5) CEO Offices6) Raider Shack7) Nuka-Cola Plant8) Nukalurk!9) Through the Glowing Blue Water..10) Winger Mercier's Mission11) Obtaining the Formula12) Pulowski Preservation Shelter13) Flooded Metro14) Raider Fort15) Raider Building16) Alexandria Arms17) Talon Company Camp18) Arlington Public Library Lobby19) Follow the Brotherhood20) Arlington Library Media Archives21) The Archive22) Arlington Library Children's WingCar Dealershipo======================================================================o***BOOKS***U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes1) Arlington is fairly far south on the map, just a ways south of theCitadel. Since we haven't 'officially' explored down there, we mightas well do so on our way to the Arlington Library. Head to the SewerWaystation. You should see (on your World Map) a highway that runs between the Sewer Waystation and Super-Duper Mart which runs south around Arlington. Get on that road and follow it. Over the road you'll see a bridge with a chain fence on it. Get up to that bridge and followthe road to the west. It'll turn south and west again, but you'll finda Car Dealership (unmarked) across from a water tower. Go inside andjump on the car to the east. Then jump on the raised platform east ofit. On a generator you'll find a copy of U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes next to an Empty Soda Bottle. Leave and head eastto get back on the main highway leading south.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training ManualDuck and Cover!Grognak the Barbarian2) You'll discover another bridge with a chain fence around it. Go to that bridge to discover a Scavenger and their shack. On one of the shelves in the Scavenger's shack you'll find three books, a Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual, a Duck and Cover!, and a Grognak the Barbarian. Be sure to steal them all before continuing south.Red Racer Factoryo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Grognak the Barbarian3) Continue to follow the road until it goes under another bridgeleading east. Follow the road east until it leads you to the Red RacerFactory. In the bed of an over-turned truck filled with radioactivebarrels you'll find a copy of Grognak the Barbarian. Continue into thefactory.Red Racer Factory - Factory Flooro======================================================================o***BOOKS***D.C. Journal of Internal MedicineDean's Electronics4) Go through the door to the north to find a room with a conveyor belt,above which is a large tricycle with a Teddy Bear on top. Go around theconveyor belt machine to the west to find some metal drums. Jump on themand use them to get up on top of the conveyor belt machine housing.You'll find a copy of Dean's Electronics near a tool box. I met my first Feral Ghoul Reaver during this exploration, and I must say, it wasn't asunpleasant an experience as I had feared. In a straight fight, these things are some of the toughest enemies in the game. Of course, they canbe neutralized with a Paralyzing Palm, but that's still a few levels away. The only solution I've struck upon for dealing with Reavers Paralyzing Palm is to sneak attack them. Popping a Psycho before hand certainly helps.. and maybe a Jet. In the eastern part of the factory, in a room north of the room that protrudes furthest to the east you can find a D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine. It's against the easternmost wall, and the only way to reach the ledge it's on is to jump down from the railing above. There's a Sledgehammer, a Wrench, a Hammer, and a step ladder on the ledge you need to reach, so you should recognize it when you see it. The book is hidden under a bucket between two pieces ofmachinery, near a tool box. Get to the upper levels and head to the CEO Offices.Red Racer Factory - CEO Officeso======================================================================o***BOOKS***Nikola Tesla and You5) In the first room to your right you'll find a Chip Broadcast Terminal[Average] which you can use to find out why everything's head exploded.Across the hallway you'll find another door [Average] with some ammoboxes behind it and a copy of Nikola Tesla and You on a shelf. Continue west and kill whatever Super Mutants you find. To the south you'll find some uninteresting bathrooms, and to the north you'll find a storage room with a computer [Average]. Read the notes to find out that some wacky Surgeon character has been capturing Ghouls and Super Mutants to experiment on. Go back to the room with the stairs and head up to find the Surgeon. Kill the Surgeon and take the Surgeon's key and unique lab coat. You'll find another one of the Surgeon's terminals [Average], which talks about Stefan like he's something special. Use the Surgeon's Key to unlock the wall safe and the safe on the floor for some goodies.In Stefan's cell you'll find a Nuka-Cola Quantum. <---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Guns and BulletsU.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes6) Exit the Red Racer Factory and head east up a ramp. Keep going eastbetween two buildings to find a Raider camp, where a lone Raider andits Raider Guard Dogs will be waiting. Kill them and loot. Near someammo boxes by the bed you'll find a copy of U.S. Army: 30 HandyFlamethrower Recipes. On a counter nearby you'll find a copy of Gun andBullets as well.Nuka-Cola Planto======================================================================o***BOOKS***Dean's ElectronicsU.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower RecipesTales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor7) Head back to the large road you were following south and continue tofollow it. Make sure to hit the diner west and a little south of theRed Racer Factory to find a copy of U.S. Army: 30 Handy FlamethrowerRecipes, which is on a table behind the counter. Go west along the roada bit more to find a truck, in the back of which is a copy of Dean'sElectronics on a footlocker. But now we're getting awfully close toAndale, and hence, off track.. but not too off track to grab one morebook. Head north from the truck to find a ruined building behind a fence. Use the term 'building' and 'fence' loosely. Up a ramp in a blueshelter you'll find a copy of Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor near abed. Head back east to the main road and follow it south until you find the Nuka-Cola Plant, which you might as well explore, since we're passing so close. We'll likely get enough Nuka-Cola Quantums to never need to bother exploring the Nuka-Cola Plant, but one can never have enough swag, right? Search around the building for some loot before heading inside.Nuka-Cola Plant - Factory Flooro======================================================================o***BOOKS***Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training ManualDean's Electronics8) Go over by the counter in the middle of the first room and look up. You'll see a hole in the ceiling with a filing cabinet stretching the gap. Search the filing cabinet to obtain a copy of Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual. How sneaky! Head to the east to find a room witha number of refrigerators. On the L-shaped counter in the middle of theroom you'll find a copy of Dean's Electronics. To the north of the room you entered into you'll find a very enticing door [Very Hard], as well as less locked routes to the east and west. Head west to find a small mostly looted room, then head east. You'll find a number of intact research terminals that catalogue the creation of Nuka-Cola Quantum. I guess they never heard of test monkeys? There's a safe on the wall we can't open yet, so head north into a factory room. Head north through another door to find a Nukalurk!.. Odd. Continue on to find a door leading to the Storage and Mixing Vats.Nuka-Cola Plant - Storage and Mixing Vatso======================================================================o9) Go around a corner and dispatch some Nukalurks. On a counter you'llfind a Laser Pistol, some Energy Cells, and a terminal [Very Easy]that you can use to activate a Protectron. Why you would bother I haveno idea, as the Protectron won't last a second against a Nukalurk. Thereare also some Pulse Grenades on a metal shelf. Continue down some stairsinto some awfully bright blue water. You'll enter into a large room withplenty of Nukalurks. Bear in mind that even though they are all calledNukalurks, some are stronger than others. Go up the second flight ofstairs you find and jump down to an area to the north. Head east up somestairs to reach the Offices.***WEAPON INFO***Pulse Grenades (Explosives)Maximum Damage: 22AP Cost: LowAmmo: Pulse GrenadesClip Size: 1 (1 grenade/shot)They do a pittance of damage against living creatures, but they workwonders against Robots. For this reason, you'll typically find them kept as counter-measures against machines. Frankly, I'd rather use aMissile Launcher to a Frag Grenade, and a Frag Grenade to a PulseGrenade. Why carry around a bunch of (cumulatively) heavy grenades thatonly really affect robots? Unless you're going to the National GuardArmory, there's no real point. Also, if you have Robotics Expert, thisbecomes even more moot. Why chuck a grenade when you can just sneak upon them?Nuka-Cola Plant - Officeso======================================================================o***BOOKS***Big Book of ScienceLying, Congressional Style10) There are plenty of Radroaches about, who do what they do best-showup as red threat markers and distract you from the real enemies. On theeastern edge of the level, above the staircase leading up to the secondfloor you'll find a locked door [Hard]. The most interesting thing inthis room is the note 'Help Me', which is preposterous in its absurdity.Head upstairs, turning around the corner to the north, then taking thefirst door on the right. Once inside this room take the door leadingnorth to find a safe near a working terminal. Loot the safe and grab acopy of Lying, Congressional Style on top of the safe. Head back outinto the hallway and go west until you find a door on your left. Insidewill be a room with a large hole in the floor.. another room with a large hole in the floor. Go around the hole to find the body of WingerMercier, on him he has the note 'Finding the Formula', which talks aboutfinding the formula for Quantum at this plant, then reporting to theRed Rocket Tricycle Factory (Red Racer). Head into the room to the northand grab a Big Book of Science off the desk. Now head back to the stairsand head up through a door to the Factory Floor.Factory Floor (cont'd)o======================================================================o***BOOKS***Tumbler's Today11) Go east and Head down the stairs to find a robot named Milo, Shipping Foreman. He'll ask for some information you don't have. You can use [Robotics Expert] to turn off his security programming, or succeed at a Speech check to lie. Ask him for the shipping manifest to get a computer passcode, and ask for the key to the Research Safe to get into that safe we found near the beginning of our exploration. Go into the room Milo was in and access the terminal to find out where all that Nuka-Cola Quantum was shipped. We've already hit Paradise Falls and the Super Duper Mart, that only leaves the Old Olney Grocery, which is crawling with Deathclaws. Open the door in the room to find a closet with a safe [Easy] and a copy of Tumblers Today on a bookshelf. Among the loot in the safe is a Stealth Boy. Head back up the stairs andcontinue along the walkways to find a bottling room to the east, whichis significant only in its lack of loot. Follow the walkway south tofind another uninteresting bottling room. Head downstairs and through adoor to the west to come into the room that connects to the lobby, solong as you can pick the locked door [Very Hard].. that or hit theelectrical switch near it. Now go to the room west of the lobby and openthe previously unaccessible safe to get the Nuka-Cola Clear Formula. Ifyou travel back to the Red Racer factory you'll be bothered by GoalieLedoux and his gang. You can either get into a fight, or sell theNuka-Cola Clear Formula for 250 Caps.. 400 if you succeed at a Speechchallenge. Of course, we all know what the best option is, don't we?Sell them the formula, get their Caps, then kill them. On the Goalieyou'll find Ledoux's Hockey Mask, which gives you a bonus 25 ActionPoints while you wear it.. which is pretty awesome, really.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual12) Get back on the highway and continue following it as it turns east. You'll likely have to fight Raiders along the way, but by now Raiders should be nothing. Keep going until you find the Flooded Metro, outside of which you'll find a random encounter. More importantly there's a Pulowski Preservation Shelter with a few Stimpaks, a Pulse Grenade, and a copy of Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual. Head into the Flooded Metro.Flooded Metroo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Guns and Bullets13) Head east, then north down a tunnel, then east through a sewer, thennorth again through a door and into a room. To the west, past some stairs you'll see a pillar. Follow the blood trail around it to finda skeleton with a Scoped .44 Magnum, some Jet, some .44 Magnum ammo,and a copy of Guns and Bullets. Explore the Flooded Metro. At the bottomof the metro you'll find a Wastelander's shelter and a unique PowerFist called the Shocker. You'll also find a Nuka-Cola Quantum down there. Far to the west you'll find the exit to the Mason District. You might as well discover the location, even if were won't explore it yet.***WEAPON INFO***The Shocker (Unarmed)Maximum Damage: 38AP Cost: LowAmmo: NoneClip Size: N/AIt's inferior to Fisto! in raw damage, but it's supposed to do extradamage against robots. Frankly I'd just prefer to keep Fisto!, whichdoes extra damage against everything.***LEVEL UP***Small Guns reaches a natural 50, and I start working on Explosives,which needs to get to a 60 due to the Bobblehead we found for it. It'stime just to get everything up to 50. I pick the Action Boy (or Girl)Perk to give my action points a huge boost.Level 16HP:370AP:104Barter:50Big Guns:17Energy Weapons:27Explosives:35 + 17 = 52Lockpick:75Medicine:60Melee Weapons:25Repair:50Science:75Small Guns:47 + 3 = 50Sneak:70Speech:60Unarmed:60<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Pugilism IllustratedTumblers Today14) Head south east of the Flooded Metro to find a rather large Raiderfort. One Raider has a Missile Launcher. Don't get shot at while you'reon the highway, as the numerous cars nearby will detonate, and make yousad. On a counter in the fort you'll find a copy of Pugilism Illustrated, and in a wooden crate you'll find a Nuka-Cola Quantum. Upby where the Raider with the Missile Launcher was you'll find its pad,a bed, some ammo boxes, a first aid box, and a copy of Tumblers Today.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->15) Continue east along the road to find Arlington Library. You'd thinkthat by finding the place, our trip would be nearing completion.. yeah.Go across the highway to the north west until you find a Raider hidingin a bombed-out building. There are numerous landmines and traps inand around his building, so proceed with caution. He's got a number ofsafes to loot, two of which include Scoped .44 Magnums, and plenty ofdrugs.Alexandria Armso======================================================================o***BOOKS***Duck and Cover!Guns and Bullets16) East of the Raider house you'll find Alexandria Arms. Inside are abunch of Raiders, which you can easily dispose of. In a room in the southern edge of the Local Map you'll find a copy of Duck and Cover! ona bookshelf. You'll also find a copy of Guns and Bullets in the upstairs portion of the Alexandria Arms, just east of the middle of the map. The book is on a counter near some ammo boxes. Use the terminal [Average] orpick the lock [Average] to get into a small storeroom. Among its manytreasures you'll find a Nuka-Cola Quantum.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Nikola Tesla and You17) Go to the Arlington Library and from the entrance head south untilyou find a road heading east between the library and another devastatedbuilding. You should come across some Talon Company Mercenaries. Killthem and keep heading south east. You'll eventually come across aTalon Company camp, with a Mark V turret and Sentry Bot included. You'll also have the pleasure of coming across a merc with a Missile Launcherand a Sniper Rifle, so it can be quite a fight. Once they're all deadloot the camp. On the top level you'll find a copy of Nikola Tesla andYou and a Stealth Boy on a small table. If you follow the road eastfrom the Talon Company camp you'll find a door leading down to a Sewer.Inside are several Raiders, and you can score a few ammo boxes andother loot while down here, if you're so inclined. Now it's time to head back to Arlington Library.Arlington Public Library Lobbyo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Guns and Bullets18) Go around the western side of the building until you find aPulowski Preservation Shelter. Inside will be a copy of Guns and Bulletsfor your looting pleasure. Now head inside. You'll immediately be bothered by Scribe Yearling from the Brotherhood of Steel. She'll askyou to find and bring her Pre-War Books, for which she'll pay you verygenerously. You have been holding onto them, right? She'll also give youthe note 'Arlington Library Password'. Activate the computer and access the card catalogue to complete one of Moira's objectives. Now it's time to hunt for the archives.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Big Book of Science19) Head upstairs and grab the Stealth Boy off the counter. In a roomin the north western corner of the level you'll find a Big Book ofScience on a desk. When you're done exploring upstairs.. besides thelarge room full of books to the west.. head back to the lobby andexplore the ground floor. Go through the door opposite the entrance tofind some bathrooms. Follow the hallway to see a pair of Brotherhoodsoldiers sneaking about. They'll go into the large western room and getinto a fight with some Raiders. I prefer to let the Brotherhood takecare of business. After they're done they head into the ArlingtonLibrary Children's Wing. Loot the room for some ammo boxes and Pre-WarBooks and head through the door to the Arlington Library Media Archive.Arlington Library Media Archiveso======================================================================o***BOOKS***Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor20) Go up some stairs to find two Brotherhood Paladins fighting someRaiders. They should clean up pretty well. Follow them south past thepitching machine, around a corner and through a door and up some stairs.At the top of the staircase head east, then north to get to the northwestern corner of the level. Inside the room is a turret, a Pre-War bookon a printing press, a box of 'Restoration Supplies', and some FragGrenades on a table. Wee. I let the Brotherhood guys lead the way. If they kill everything, just as well. If they die, then I get to steal their juicy Power Armor. It's a win-win. Once the fighting is over lootthe lower levels, we aren't skipping all that loot, just keeping up withthe Brotherhood long enough for them to absorb most of the punishmentdown here. Make sure to explore the room to the west of the stairs wecame up (it's a room with a pool table and a Nuka-Cola Vending Machine.)In this room you'll find a copy of Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor ona table in the north west corner.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Tumblers Today16) When you're done looting the downstairs head upstairs and keep searching until you reach the south western corner of the map. You'll find a large room with several Raiders inside, with the middle roped offwith barbed wire like in the turret room downstairs. Search one of the desks on the perimeter of the room to find a copy of Tumblers Today. Also on the perimter you'll find a small round table with a wooden crate and two skulls on it. Behind the crate is a Nuka-Cola Quantum. And most importantly, search the middle of the room to find a desk with a Pre-War book on it, and the terminal 'Arlington Public Library Public Terminal'. Select the 'Transfer Library Archives' options, and you're done with this quest. First, however, head through the door nearby that leads tothe Children's Wing.Arlington Library Children's Wingo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Guns and BulletsLying, Congressional StyleLying, Congressional Style***SHEET MUSIC BOOK***21) Head south and grab an ammo box, then go west over a collapsedbookshelf to find another, more vertical bookshelf. On it you'll find acopy of Guns and Bullets, three Pre-War Books, some Shotgun Ammo, Stimpaks, and a Sawed-Off Shotgun. Now drop to the floor below and lootthe safe [Average], before dropping down to the next, and lowest level.Kill the Raiders and loot. Head north out of the room and turn east orwest, depending on the door you went through to find an eating area,replete with coffee machines, a Nuka-Cola vending machine, and anEat'o'tronic. On the counter between two coffee machines you'll find acopy of Lying, Congressional Style. In one of the rooms to the westyou'll find a booby-trapped terminal and a Pre-War Book. In the sameroom you'll find a Sheet Music Book lying on the floor next to a musicstand. Now head back to Megaton. Moira will give you 450 Caps and a copy of Lying, Congressional Style. Nice. I also leveled up trekkingthrough the library. I choose to do the RobCo factory quest next. Moirawants you to head over to the RobCo Factory and connect a widget to themainframe to get control of the factory's robots. Don't be smart anduse your [Robotics Expert] to answer the section yourself.. just go anddo it.***LEVEL UP***Explosives reaches a natural 50, with the Bobblehead making it 60. Ishouldn't be troubled by any more traps in the game. Also, we'll need agood Lockpick score soon enough, so it's time to get it within strikingdistance of 100. Also, I get myself up to 70 Unarmed in anticipation ofParalyzing Palm. I pick the Better Criticals Perk to make my main sneakattack tactic that much more effective.. 50% more, to be exact.Level 17HP:380AP:104Barter:50Big Guns:17Energy Weapons:27Explosives:52 + 8 = 60Lockpick:75 + 2 = 77Medicine:60Melee Weapons:25Repair:50Science:75Small Guns:50Sneak:70Speech:60Unarmed:60 + 10 = 70Megaton to RobCo Facilityo======================================================================oSequence of Events:{WLK017}1) Fairfax Ruins2) Fairfax Metro3) Fort Independence4) Casdin's Trust5) Fort Independence, Lower Level6) Andale7) Overlook Drive-In8) Raider Outpost9) Yao Guai Cave10) Raider Outpost, Cont'd11) Cliffside Caverns12) Tinker Joe13) RobCo Facility14) Activate the MainframeFairfax Ruins (Utility Tunnels)o======================================================================o1) Head south west until you find the Fairfax Ruins, which is crawlingwith Raiders. You can score a good bit of loot and experience rummagingaround these ruins and killing Raiders. There are also some UtilityTunnels around that have more loot and Raiders in them. You'll have tobe careful aruond here, as there are plenty of landmines lying around.While you're here, you might as well explore the Fairfax Metro.Fairfax Metroo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual2) Head east into the metro, taking care to avoid landmines. Down in thelarge open metro hub disarm the rigged shotgun in the ticket booth andloot the ammo boxes and first aid boxes inside. Head down the stairs andsearch the rubble to the south east, where you can find a Chinese Army:Spec. Ops. Training Manual on the ground. Leave the Metro and head westuntil you find Fort Independence.Fort Independenceo======================================================================o3) Head down under a bridge. Fort Independence is where the BrotherhoodOutcasts are based, and one will yell at you when you approach. You'llsee the Outcast defenses take out some Raiders fairly easily. DefenderMorgan will talk to you again. Ask her how to sign up and she'll letyou meet Protector Casdin, whom, if you talk to him, will offer to tradetechnology for .556 ammo, Grenades, Stimpaks, or Rad-Away. I've neverreally bothered with this, as high-tech devices are something that I'drather have for myself, rather than hand over to Outcast goons. If youbreak into Fort Independence, you'll turn all the Outcasts hostile, sowe won't be doing that yet. Gaining access is a work in progress whichwill be much easier later on in the game, but if you shovel togetherenough junk you'll get yourself admittance. For the sake of continuitywe'll cover Fort Independence in its entirity here.You don't want to turn in any energy weapons you find, as they'd bebetter off serving you. Also, you can typically use even the crappiestof energy weapons to repair others. Even a Laser Rifle in lousy condition is worth more sitting in your home rather than being traded.Also you don't want to trade in Power Armor... for obvious reasons.Trading Outcast Power Armor is an extra bad idea, as they'll just confiscate it. Once you start dealing with the Enclave and can readilyhunt them for their armor and weapons you might consider being moregenerous-after all, by then what do Caps really matter? Note that whenyou trade him Enclave Power Armor, he'll shamelessly equip it right infront of you! In my eyes the easiest things to trade (besides EnclavePower Armor, when it becomes abundant) are Sensor Modules, and it alsogives the best rate of return for how much they are worth. Below is alist of all the items that Protector Casdin is interested in, and therewards you'll get for turning them in:o=======================o=======o===============o=======o==============o|Trade Items:| 5.56mm| Frag Grenades|RadAway| Stimpaks |o=======================o=======o===============o=======o==============o|Alien Blaster x1| x484 | x20 | x20| x20 ||----------------------------------------------------------------------||Alien Power Cell x12| x240 | x11 | x11 | x11 ||----------------------------------------------------------------------||Enclave Power Armor x1| x240 | x11 | x11 | x11 ||----------------------------------------------------------------------||Enclave Power Helmet x1| x48 | x3 | x3 | x3 ||----------------------------------------------------------------------||Laser Pistol x1 | x24 | x2 | x2 | x2 ||----------------------------------------------------------------------||Laser Rifle x1| x96 | x5 | x5 | x5 ||----------------------------------------------------------------------||Plasma Pistol x1| x48 | x3 | x3 | x3 ||----------------------------------------------------------------------||Plasma Rifle x1| x144 | x7 | x7 | x7 ||----------------------------------------------------------------------||Power Armor x1| x192 | x9 | x9 | x9 ||----------------------------------------------------------------------||Power Helmet x1 | x48 | x3 | x3 | x3 ||----------------------------------------------------------------------||Sensor Module x1| x12 | x1 | x1 | x1 ||----------------------------------------------------------------------||Tesla Armor x1| x288 | x13 | x13 | x13 |o=======================o=======o===============o=======o==============oAfter you give him enough stuff you'll earn the trust of the Outcasts,for what it's worth. After you earn their trust you can steal the'Fort Independence Access' key from Casdin, or pick the locked door[Hard]. You could do this before, but as I previously said, it wouldturn all the Outcasts hostile. Once their trust has been gained, however, you can break in without them caring too much. I sense thatthere's a trigger missing-inside the Brotherhood Outcasts talk asthough you've been given access to Fort Independence, and aren't justbreaking in. "Casdin says you're clear." Anyways, the important thingis that you're in now.Note: SquallZeens gave me some insight about Fort Independence, andlike all good ideas, it deserves to be shared. Here's his own words:"I'm at the point where you discover Fort Independence. I thought itmight be helpful to add that if you're low on Stimpaks, give ProtectorCasdin Sensor Modules, and then pickpocket them back as a quick way togain a few. I did this with 7 Sensor Modules at a time, and got about30 Stimpaks in 5 minutes. A lot of saving and loading involved, butit's fast.Note that you *might* be able to gain access the same way, but I'm notpositive. I didn't have enough material to gain access, and didn't havethe patients to find more, so I stole his key and broke in. Moreover, Iactually stole his key, shot him in the head, then broke in. I love mesome Power Armor! Looted the whole place."Fort Indpendence (Interior)o======================================================================o4) Although the place isn't as lively as the Citadel, you can still score plenty of components (as could be expected.) In the eastern room you can find two locked safes [Easy], and a 'Field Reports' terminal from which you can download the notes 'Fort Independence Field Report 1' and 'Fort Independence Field Report 2', which talks about the Outcasts' feud with the Raiders over in Fairfax. In the central room there's a Nuka-Cola Quantum, and in the western room there's not really much notable loot besides a first aid box. Take the stairs down to the Fort Independence Lower Level to get at the real loot. Fort Independence Lower Levelo======================================================================o5) You either have to hack the 'Door Terminal' [Hard].. or grab the 'Fort Ind. Terminal Access Password' from the nearby desk. Continue downthe stairs to the bottom (there's a door along the way, beyond which issome rather uninspiring loot). Go through a door to the south andeventually the path will split with stairs going up to the left, and stairs going down straight ahead. Upstairs you can find the 'TurretControl System' terminal [Average], which might be handy if you'reassaulting the place. Since we're not, go down the stairs and enter theroom to the west and break into a locked footlocker [Easy] to obtainthe 'Fort Ind. Storage Key'. The room to the east is an infirmiry,where medical components and drugs can be found. Finally, in the second room to the west you'll find all the 'Research Terminals' you could ever ask for, each of which will give you a note on a specific weapon oranother. Go through the locked door [Hard] to the south which can bealternatively opened with the key we found earlier. Inside you'll finda Minigun in perfect condition, six ammo boxes (two of which containAlien Power Cells), three first aid boxes, a Plasma Rifle, a Laser Rifle, two Mini Nukes, and the unique Missile Launcher, Miss Launcher.***WEAPON INFO***Miss Launcher (Big Guns)Maximum Damage: 241AP Cost: HighAmmo: MissileClip Size: 1 (1 round/shot)At first, this might seem like a pretty cool gun. It weighs five poundsless than a normal Missile Launcher and does 25% more damage. Unfortunately, it's called 'Miss Launcher' for a reason, and it ain'tno lady. As the Research Terminal in Fort Independence noted, aftertinkering with this Missile Launcher it's just not right anymore. Instead of the long-ranged trajectory of a normal Missile Launcher,the Miss Launcher has about the trajectory of a Fat Man. It's horriblyinaccurate, and nearly useless as a Missile Launcher... but it doessomewhat function like a short-ranged grenade launcher of sorts.Andaleo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Grognak the Barbarian6) Head south from Fort Independence/Fairfax until you find Andale, anice, quiet little town consisting of three houses, the Smith's House,the Wilson's House, and Old Man Harris' House. Go into the Smith's House and talk to them. They're definately weird people.. Steal theAndale Basem*nt Key from the bedside table and go explore the Wilson'sHouse. You'll find that they are just as weird. Take the Andale Shed Keyfrom the bedside table and go bother Old Man Harris. Old Man Harris hasa bit of a different take on things.. he seems to know what century helives in, first of all, and tells you to get out of town while you stillcan, and that the others are cold-blooded killers. Also note he's theonly one that doesn't have Strange Meat in his fridge. Your spideysenses should be tingling. Go explore the Garden Shed and you'll find quiet a few skeletons inside, along with fridges with more Strange Meatand a selection of Combat Knives. When you leave you'll be confrontedby the adults of Andale. If you succeed at a Speed check they'll letyou go, if not you'll have to fight them. Kill the cannibals and report to Old Man Harris, who will tell you that he's taking in thekids. If you want, explore the basem*nt of the Smith's house to finda scene similar to that of the Wilson's shed. Make sure to grab theRippers and the copy of Grognak the Barbarian on the floor of theSmith's House Basem*nt near some bloodstains before leaving Andale for good.***WEAPON INFO***Ripper (Melee Weapons)Maximum Damage: 47AP Cost: Very HighAmmo: NoneClip Size: N/AThere's no doubting that the Ripper is a very powerful melee weapon..even stronger than a Super Sledge! It's not too expensive to maintain,but it's useless in V.A.T.S. Still, it's not really a V.A.T.S. weapon.Get up to somebody and hold down the fire button and rip them to shreds.The Overlook Drive-Ino======================================================================o7) Head west until you find The Overlook Drive-In, which has severalRaiders milling around it. If you want to kill them in style, causeone of the cars to explode, which will start a chain reaction thatdestroys everything. Of course, then you have to search for pieces toloot, but it's good fun as long as you're not caught in the blast. Headnorth west until you find a Raider Outpost, by which I mean a cave. Youwill have to pick the lock to a gate [Hard] to get in.Raider Outposto======================================================================o***BOOKS***Grognak the Barbarian8) There are plenty of landmines ahead, but fortunately most of themare in plain sight. Go west until the cavern opens up. Keep going west over a wooden bridge to reach the first platform, where you'll see agenerator with some lights pointing at it. Circle around behind thegenerator to find a copy of Grognak the Barbarian lying on the groundnear it. You might be wondering where all the Raiders are. Answer that question by heading north when the paths splint, instead of heading west. You'll eventually come across a Yao Guai, and later on, an entrance into the Yao Guai Cave.Yao Guai Caveso======================================================================o***SCHEMATICS***Schematic - Nuka-Grenade9) Head down the tunnel and disarm the Frag Mines that are still there.This is going to work alot like our trek through the Yao Guai Tunnels,sneak around and blast every stupid mutated bear you see with yourCombat Shotgun. Maniacal laughter optional, but encouraged. There'slittle reason to be down here, but make your way to the ground leveland search the north western corner of the large central chamber tofind the Schematic - Nuka-Grenade. Once you gained this item, returnto the Raider Outpost and continue on with the western path.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual10) continue west into the lower portions of the cavern. Kill theRaiders you meet in the circular room when you reach the lower level.You'll now get a fork in the road, one path leading south east andanother heading north east. Take the north path first, as the south justleads back into the Capital Wasteland. You'll come across a woodenplatform with two beds on top, which is guarded by two Raiders, one ofwhich has a Missile Launcher. Kill them and grab the Chinese Army:Spec. Ops. Training Manual that's on top of the wooden dresser. Try notto let the Missile Launcher guy shoot nearby, as there's a good chancehe'll blow the book somewhere unreachable.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->11) Follow the tunnel and kill the Raiders until you find a tent filled with loot, the best of which is a Mini Nuke. Now head back the way you came and explore the south eastern route. Stop to grab the Nuka-Cola Quantum on the table near the generators before continuing into a tunnel to the south. These tunnels will eventually lead back to the Capital Wasteland, where you'll discover the Cliffside Caverns. From here head north to find the RobCo Facility. Sure, we picked a round-about route to get there, but the important thing is.. well, that we got there, eventually.***LEVEL UP***I get Lockpick up to 87. With my build, if I pop a Mentats I can raisemy Perception up to 10 (four points) which will give me an eight bonusbonus to all Perception-related skills, including Lockpick. That bringsit to 95. If I strap on a Vault 101 Utility Jumpsuit, my Lockpick scorewill go up to 100 just long enough for me to do any Lockpicking I needto do. Getting an 87 Lockpick will work just fine until we hit level 30,at which point our S.P.E.C.I.A.L. increases and new Bobbleheads willbring it up to 97 (Perception + Luck), which is good enough, as weshould already have four Tumblers Today anyways. I likewise get Scienceup to 85. I can't increase it with Mentats, but I can always put on TheSurgeon's Lab Coat to get a +5 boost. I pick the Paralyzing Palm perk, so I have an answer for Super Mutant Overlords and Albino Radscorpions.Level 18HP:390AP:104Barter:50Big Guns:17Energy Weapons:27Explosives:60Lockpick:77 + 10 = 87Medicine:60Melee Weapons:25Repair:50Science:75 + 10 = 85Small Guns:50Sneak:70Speech:60Unarmed:70RobCo Facilityo======================================================================o***NPC***RL-312) Outside of the facility you'll occasionally find Tinker Joe standingabout. He'll sell a variety of nifty things.. pretty much anything youcould find in a tool box. If he has any, you should be keen to buy anyScrap Metal or Bobby Pins off of him. Remember that we trade Scrap Metal in Megaton at a rate of 10 Caps per Scrap Metal, so paying a Capper Scrap isn't a bad deal. You can also recruit RL-3 from him if youhave the right karma.RobCo Factory Flooro======================================================================o***BOOKS***Big Book of ScienceLying, Congressional Style13) On the counter directly opposite the door you'll find a copy ofLying, Congressional Style. Behide that, you'll find a bookshelf with aPre-War Book on it. Loot the western half of the level then go throughthe doors to the east. Go north east through a door near a bookshelf andsome metal lockers and take the first east. On a bunch of machinery you'll find a Big Book of Science and a Pre-War Book. Other than thatthis level is pretty boring. There are Radroaches and Mole Rats aplenty,and some decent looting, but nothing terribly special. When you'reready go up the ramps to find the door to the Offices and Cafeteria.Offices and Cafeteriao======================================================================o***BOOKS***Big Book of ScienceD.C. Journal of Internal MedicineNikola Tesla and You14) Loot your way around to the south and east. Eventually you'll cometo a room on the southern side of the map opposite the entrance to theFactory Floor. On one of the desks in this room you'll find a StealthBoy, and on another, near a first aid box you'll find a D.C. Journal ofInternal Medicine. Keep going around the perimeter of the level untilyou come to a room just west of the room you entered into. On a bookshelf you'll find another Stealth Boy, and on a table near a filingcabinet you'll find a copy of Nikola Tesla and You. Head south and go upsome stairs. Once on the higher level go through the door just oppositethe stiars. In this room you'll find a Stealth Boy and a Pre-War Bookon a table. You'll also find the RobCo Production Mainframe, your goal.Activate it and install the processor widget. All the machines anddefenses in the facility will activate and turn hostile, so promptlyhack the terminal [Average]. Select the 'Cease Total Liquidation'command to make the robots friendly, and select the 'Initiate PestControl' option to set the robots and defenses to attack any Radroachesand Mole Rats you may have missed. The 'Initiate Stress Testing'command will make the robots attack each other. Either way, you're donein the RobCo Factory, so book it back to Megaton. Moira will give yousix Pulse Grenades and a Big Book of Science. Now it's time to do thelast little bit of the Wasteland Survival Guide, which involves ourformal exploration of Rivet City. But before that, lets finish off somecore quests around Megaton and ensure that we're ready to focus on theeastern edge of the world. This involves completing the quests 'BloodTies', 'Big Trouble in Big Town', 'Following in His Footsteps' 'TenpennyTower', 'The Superhuman Gambit', 'Those!' and grabbing the Bobblehead - Barter, Bobblehead - Repair, and the Bobblehead - Small Guns. We'll turn in our Nuka-Cola Quantums and finish 'The Nuka-Cola Challenge' when we have enough of them.Megaton to Arefuo======================================================================oSequence of Events:{WLK018}1) To Arefu2) Arefu3) Bobblehead - Repair4) Grocery Stealin'5) Northwest Seneca Station6) Meresti Service Tunnel7) Meresti Metro Station8) The Way of the Vampire9) Alan's House1) We've explored an awful lot of wasteland up around Arefu, so that getting there isn't really a problem. Fast travel to Fordham FlashMemorial Field or the VAPL-58 Power Station or somewhere nearby andhead up the elevated highway to find Arefu. All that useless explorationin the past comes in handy for the present!Arefuo======================================================================o***QUESTS***Blood Ties2) As you approach Arefu you'll be explosively greeted by one Evan King.He'll reveal that the town is under assault of sorts by a group of thugscalled the 'Family'. Succeed at a Speech challenge and he'll admit thatthey creep him out. Offer to help and he'll ask you to check out thehouses around town to make sure everybody is okay. Ask him about theFamily and he'll give you several locations where they might be.Moonbeam Outdoor Cinema (where we know from experience they aren't here), Hamilton's Hideaway (they're not here, either), and the NorthwestSeneca Station (hmm..).<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOBBLEHEADS***Bobblehead - Repair3) Go check out the houses. Inside the Ewers house you'll find Ken Ewers, who is a prick, and his wife Brailee Ewers, who is crazy andthinks she lives in yesteryear. Seems to happen alot. Next go check onthe Schenzy residence. Inside, Karen Schenzy complains about Evan Kingas much as she does about the Family. Next go check out Evan King'sHouse [Average], you know.. just in case, right? On a table near the door you'll find the Bobblehead - Repair. Loot upstairs as well, asEvan King has plenty of ammo boxes going to waste up there. Finallycheck the West residence-the only place not locked. Inside you'll findthe desicated corpses of the Wests. Check them. With a high Medicine you can determine more about what killed them, but alas, our Medicineskill is only high enough to give us some of the information. With ahigher Medicine you'll notice that there is blackish residue on thebodies, like the kind found in trainyards. In any event, all thatmatters is that you find out that they are dead. Report back to EvanKing with the news. He'll tell you about the Wests' son Ian, and askyou to find the Family. The only place remotely promising to us rightnow is the Northwest Seneca Station, so head north find it. Bonus pointsif you're brave enough to jump off the bridge into the water to get downfaster.Northwest Seneca Station (Grocer)o======================================================================o4) You should easily be able to find the entrance to the Seneca Station,but first explore the Grocer nearby. There are minor treasures within,and only a pair of Radroaches to stop you. A few Nuka-Colas, Whiskey,Beer, Tin Caps, Sugar Bombs, and Abraxo Cleaner make up your haul.Behind the counter you'll find some Pre-War Money and a first aid box.You'll also find a terminal [Easy] and a safe on the floor [Easy]. Nowexit the Grocer and enter the Seneca Station. You'll probably get attacked by either Talon Company Mercenaries or Regulators, dependingon your alignment. If anything, this makes the looting all the sweeter.Northwest Seneca Stationo======================================================================o5) Go to the west to find a Nuka-Cola Vending Machine, an Eat-o-tronic,and a Plasma Grenade in the back of one of the toilets in the bathrooms.Head east and you'll find a Ghoul named Murphy, along with his bodyguard. He'll tell you that he's trying to create a new form of Jetcalled Ultrajet, which is twice as potent. He'll ask you to help him
gather some of the ingredients.. namely Sugar Bombs. He'll offer you15 Caps a box. Succeed at a Speech challenge and get him to raise it to30 Caps to make it even worth your while to bring them here. Ask himabout the family and he'll tell you they live east of here, he'll alsotell you that you can reach them through this metro. If you look onyour World Map you'll discover that of the four closest areas east of here, Hallowed Moors Cemetery, Meresti Trainyard, Agatha's House, and the Scrapyard, we've explored three of them. This leaves Meresti as theonly area east of the Northwest Seneca Station that could house theFamily. Steal what you can from them and head through the door to the west, past the radioactive barrels, and down the manhole to the MerestiService Tunnel.***WEAPON INFO***Plasma Grenades (Explosives)Maximum Damage: 169AP Cost: LowAmmo: Plasma GrenadesClip Size: 1 (1 grenade/shot)Plasma Grenades are a much better alternative than Frag Grenades, asare about 50% stronger. Anything that applies to them applies to FragGrenades. The only downside to Plasma Grenades is that they are evenmore expensive (double the price) of Frag Grenades, and much more rare. Sugar Bombs are normally worth 5 Caps each, and aren't normally worth any more than any other food item.. but with Murphy paying 30 Caps perbox, that changes everything! I have a measly 38 boxes, but I give themall to Murphy for an easy 1140 Caps. Once you've given him a good dealof Sugar Bombs you can buy Ultrajet from him.. very few of them, butstill. They're expensive, but they are what they're advertised to be,twice as potent as Jet.Meresti Service Tunnelo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Tumblers Today6) It's time for us all to get reacquainted with our good friends, theMirelurks. Make your way north until you find a long tunnel that startsto slopep. The path ahead is liberally strewn with traps, so keep youreye out for pressure plate, trip wires, and landmines. Take the firstleft you find and move between subway cars and you'll eventually comeupon a man named Robert behind a barricade. You can bribe him, succeedat a Speech challenge, or show him the letter from Lucy West in order toget past. He'll tell you to talk to somebody named Vance. Head pastRobert and steal everything you can, but especially grab the copy ofTumblers Today from the table near the fridge. As of now, I have no wayto access the 'Meresti Trainyard Station Entry Terminal [Very Hard].Whenyou're done head north past Robert's little shack and enter the Meresti Metro Station.Meresti Metro Stationo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Lying, Congressional Style***SCHEMATICS***Schematic - Shishkebab7) First things first, run up the stairs to the balcony and jump down onto the northen traincar. On top of it you'll find a wooden crate, which you can turn over in order to find a copy of Lying, Congressional Style. You can find out where Ian is by talking to just about anybody inthe Family. Justin will tell you if you succeed at a Speech challenge,Karl/Brianna will spill the beans if you use [Black Widow]/[Lady Killer], and likewise , but you should talk to Vance himself to get anything done. If you fail your first Speech challenge with him, Vance will give you the password to the computer in the commons area so you can 'learn' about what they are. Either succeed at the Speech challenge or read up about the Family and identify that Vance is teaching these cannibals that they're vampires, and that they shouldn't eat human flesh. It's not much better, but Vance does seem to be imposing a semblence of order on them. Ask about Ian and convince him to let you speak to him. Up the stairs and to the south you'll find a locked door. Activate the nearby terminal and enter the password to get access to Ian. Talk to the little cannibal and either show him Lucy's letter or succeed at a Speech check to get him to leave. Go back and talk to Vanceand discuss Arefu with him. You can either succeed at a Speech challenge, make two [Medicine] checks, or an [Intelligence] check. Get them to defend Arefu in exchange for Arefu donating Blood Packs. Vance will agree and give you a proposal to take back to Evan King. Tell him that Ian left the Family and he'll give you the Schematic - Shishkebab as well. Now that you're done in Meresti, loot everything that's not nailed down. In Vance's room you'll find a locked sword cabinet [Hard] that has the Vampire's Edge inside. As for 'The Family's Terminal' [Very Hard] (if you didn't get the password from Vance), and 'Vance's Terminal' [Very Hard], those will just have to wait. <---------------------------------------------------------------------->8) Head back to Evan King and tell him about the arrangements with the Family. We'll get ourselves a quest reward, which is more than enoughexperience to level me up. Also, visit the Wests' house and deliver Lucy's letter to Ian, who has taken up living in Arefu again. Go back toVance with the news that Evan King accepted the proposal. Ask him to teach you the ways of the vampire and you'll get the Hematophage perk, which allows you to drink Blood Packs in order to restore 20 health. There's no real point to do so.. Stimpaks are weightless and they heal for more, but hey, free perk, right? ***WEAPON INFO***Vampire's Edge (Melee Weapons)Maximum Damage: 31AP Cost: AverageAmmo: NoneClip Size: N/AIt does 25% more damage than a normal Chinese Officer's Sword and weighsmerely a pound, so if you just need to stab things, this is the way togo.. at least until you complete the expansion 'Operation Anchorage',but that's going to take a while.***LEVEL UP***I get my Science to within striking range of 100 so I can go and hackall those Very Hard computers out there.. provided I put on The Surgeon's Lab Coat. I get Sneak to 80 and Melee Weapons to 30.. it'stime to start working towards the Ninja perk. I pick the Life Giver perk to boost my hit points considerably.Level 19HP:430AP:104Barter:50Big Guns:17Energy Weapons:27Explosives:60Lockpick:87Medicine:60Melee Weapons:25Repair:60Science:85 + 10 = 95Small Guns:50Sneak:70 + 10 = 80Speech:60Unarmed:70In case you were wondering, here's a list of all the Very Hard locksand hacks we've passed by during this FAQ so far, so you can go backand take care of them.. if you wish.In the Gibson Home in Minefield there's a [Very Hard] Model of Home.VAPL-58 Power Station has a [Very Hard] safe and a [Very Hard] computer.The Ghoul Wastelander Shack north of VAPL-58 has a [Very Hard] locker.The mountain shack near Rockbreaker's Last Gas has a [Very Hard] locker.The Meresti Trainyard has three [Very Hard] terminals.Most of the items you'll get are junk, and Meresti is only really goodfor the experience, but this'll ensure there are no lingering doubtsin your mind.Alan's Houseo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Pugilism Illustrated9) You'll notice that, now that peace has been made with Arefus and theFamily there are new Brahmin outside of town, more importantly, liveBrahmin. Check the house near them to find out that Alan now lives there. Head inside to find some loot and a copy of Pugilism Illustratedon a table by the door.Big Town to Germantown Police HQo======================================================================oSequence of Events:{WLK019}1) To Germantown2) Germantown Police HQ3) Ruined House4) Train Camp5) Police HQ - Top Floor6) POlice HQ - Ground Floor7) Police HQ - Basem*nt8) Defending Big Town1) Now, we could go complete the Wasteland Survival Guide, but there'sone more quest around Megaton we should do first. Remember when westopped off at Big Town on our way to Minefield? Lets finally go andgive them a hand with their problems. If you haven't yet, go help Timebomb over at Red's Clinic, then travel north to the GermantownPolice HQ. If you're still in Meresti, it's due north of where you areat.Germantown Police HQo======================================================================o2) The area outside of Germantown is crawling with Super Mutants, whichare fortunately not too close together. Go through the gate and killany Super Mutants you find. You'll discover a terminal on the desk,which, while not having any gameplay advantages, is one of the moreinteresting accounts made by survivors after the bombs fell. I alwaysgot a bit of a chill when I disconnect user: N Kroydon, but I'm a bitof a goof. It's one of the readings in this game that reminds me themost of Fallout 1. Head around the western side of the build to find adoor to the Police HQ - Ground Floor [Very Hard]. If we really wanted,we could get in there, but I prefer to circle around back and go throughthe door to the top floor anyways. We'll start at the top and blast ourway down, just like Robot Jesus intended. First, however, theGermantown Police HQ will serve as a hub for some book gathering.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Duck and Cover!3) First head south out of the gates, past a barricade of sandbags anddown a heavily damaged road until you reach an intersection runningeast-west between two destroyed houses. Take the new road west untilyou find a ruined house near a billboard. Inside the house, on a woodenshelf, you'll find a copy of Duck and Cover!<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Duck and Cover!4) Now head back to Germantown and head north east until you find somesuspended railroad tracks. Follow them east until you find a collapsedtrain. Some of the cars are shaped like a 'V', into the crux of whichhas been built a Raider camp. Kill the Raiders and grab their loot,including a copy of Duck and Cover! which is on the ground near a bathtub. Return to Germantown again, but this time, to explore it.Police HQ - Top Flooro======================================================================o***BOOKS***D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine5) In the room to the south there's an Impound Information terminal[Very Hard] which contains some amusing stories, if nothing useful. The room to the north has two Super Mutants scheming about their captives from Big Town. A few well-placed shotgun shells will take them down. In the south eastern most room you'll find a terminal [Easy] and asafe [Easy], also on the desk next to the computer will the be the note 'Password for Lockdown Computer'. Grab it and go to the room north of this one, carefully disarming the landmine by the door. It tends to blowthe D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine on the table away, making it a hassle to find. Grab the book and head to the room in the north easterncorner of the level, which has several items worth looting on some tables. Now take the stairs down to the ground floor.Police HQ - Ground Flooro======================================================================o***BOOKS***Lying, Congressional Style6) Head down the stairs and disarm the landmine at the landing. Youhave to be wary on this level, as Radroaches make it hard to determinewhere the Super Mutants are. The strongest Super Mutant on the level,(typically either a Master or an Overlord, depending on your level)will have the Germantown Jailors Key on him. In the classroom just eastof the jail cells you'll find a copy of Lying, Congressional Style ona half-buried desk. In the south-western corner of the level you'llfind a Police Station Terminal [Very Hard] and a locked door [Hard]. Inthe 'contraband closet' you'll find some guns, plenty of drugs, andsome ammo. In the north western corner near the exit to the Wastelandyou'll find the jails, and in one of those cells you'll find poor Red.She'll tell you that another person named Shorty was dragged downstairsto the kitchen a short time ago. Tell Red to stay behind-it's safer forher anyways-and go find the exit to the basem*nt. Make sure to grab thePre-War Book by the computer in the jail.Police HQ - Basem*nto======================================================================o***BOOKS***Tumblers Today7) Go down the hall and take the first left to find the firing range forthe police HQ. There's a door to the north [Average] that has somegoodies behind it, namely a Fat Man, some ammo, and a copy of TumblersToday. Head to the west now, kill the Radroaches, and continue untilyou see a Super Mutant talking to Shorty. Kill the Mutant before hekills Shorty and loot the closet in the far south western corner, whichcontains a Nuka-Cola Quantum. Now talk to Shorty and get him to followyou. You could give him a weapon.. but they shouldn't be fightinganything anyways. Go back to the downstairs area, gather up Red, exitGermantown, and fast travel back to Big Town.***WEAPON INFO***Fat Man (Big Guns)Maximum Damage: 1701AP Cost: Extremely HighAmmo: Mini NukeClip Size: 1 (1 nuke/shot)A Fat Man works just like a Missile Launcher, except you launch Mini Nukes instead of Missiles. I think this is an incredibly stupid weapon,as I can't imagine how a small bomb could create a localized mushroomcloud of miniature size. The whole reason such weapons create mushroomclouds is because the external debris and smoke cool faster than theinner cloud, which creates a pillar of faster-moving, hotter materials.I'd imagine any bomb of sufficient heat and magnitude would create one,regardless of the source (atomic, nuclear, etc.), so the mushroom cloudproperty is caused by the magnitude of the explosion, not the materialthat caused the explosion. In short, if the weapon were to cause amushroom cloud, it would do well more damage than they do, and wouldhave a much greater area of effect. But I'm no physicist, so correct meif I'm wrong. In any case, these weapons do a great deal of damage..even if the cost of Mini Nukes are high enough to be prohibitive. Ican't imagine what you'd need to use a Mini Nuke on, except perhaps aSuper Mutant Behemoth or a cluster of Feral Ghoul Reavers, if you everfind more than one at once.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->8) Once back at Big Town talk to Red for your reward. If you succeed ata Speech check you can get her to pay you an extra 200 Caps, but you'lllose Karma for it. Offer to stay around and help defend them, yourskills will determine what you can teach them. For example, a highExplosives lets you teach them to set up a minefield, a high Sciencewill get them robotic defenders.. I prefer to teach them how to useSmall Guns to defend themselves, personally. It seems like the long-termsolution to their problem. Head out back with the Big Town folks wherethey'll wait for you to show them how to survive. Shoot at the stackedtargets and they'll follow suit. After a while, they'll run out todefend the town against Super Mutants. The Super Mutants will arrive intwo groups of two, so stand on the bridge and smite them. Note that theyare all called Super Mutants, although some might actually be leveled. Talk to Shorty when you're done saving Big Town, and he'll give you the Lucky 8 Ball, which increases your Luck by one so long as it's in your inventory. Now Big Town is done, lets take a trip that has been for toolong delayed.. no, not the trip to Rivet City, wise guy, the trip toCanterbury Commons! Scrapyard to Canterbury Commonso======================================================================oSequence of Events:{WLK020}1) Chryslus Building2) Chyrslus BUilding Reception Area3) Mutant Exterimination4) Guidance to Guns and Bullets5) Chryslus Building Lower Offices6) Useless Rooms7) In the Business of Killin' and Business is Good8) The Lower Level9) Chryslus Building Basem*nt10) Wheaton Armory11) The Wheaton Armory Stash12) Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual13) Canterbury Commons14) Super Sleuthing15) Robot Repair Center 16) Thanks Frank17) Deactivating Sector A18) Deactivating Sector B19) Mechanist's Forge20) Anhilliate the Antagonizer21) Canterbury Tunnels22) The Antagonizer's Lair23) Superhuman PaydayChryslus Buildingo======================================================================o1) East of Super-Duper Mart you'll find the Farragut West Metro Station,and north of this you'll find the Chryslus Building. Make your way there, where it has the honor being our first stop on the way to Canterbury Commons. Outside you'll probably find Talon Company Mercanries and Raiders.Chryslus Building Reception Areao======================================================================o2) You'll realise right away that this place is heavily occupied bySuper Mutants, and there are good numer of them on the level above you.This is not a good posistion, so sneak over to the south into a hallway.Head up the hallway to the west, sneak attack killing Super Mutant asyou go. This is yet another instance where our build shines, as guerilla tactics and stealth works well to minimize the threat posedby multiple-yet spread out-enemies. Go through a door to the left tofind a room with several bookcases in it and go through a hole in thewall to the east to find a mostly-collapsed room. Under the desk in thisroom is a wooden crate with a Nuka-Cola Quantum inside.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->3) Continue up the hallway to the west and follow it when it turnsnorth. You'll find a staircase on the left, which will get you up to thestill-contested upper level. Once you kill these Super Mutants you'refree to loot the rest of the upper level and the middle part of thelower level at will. Ignore the locked door [Very Hard] on the lowerlevel for now, instead explore the northern half of the lower level.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Guns and Bullets4) You will find a locked door [Hard], which you can pick, or unlockvia a terminal on the wall [Average]. In the middle of the room, on awell-lit table you'll find an ammo box, a Scoped .44 Magnum, and a copyof Guns and Bullets. It's almost like somebody WANTED us to find it.Head west to reach a door leading to the Chryslus Building Lower Offices.Chryslus Building Lower Officeso======================================================================o5) This level starts off relatively quiet, so take your time looting thewealthy room you start out in and head east down a hallway. You'll findthat all the doors are locked [Very Hard]. You could pop a Mentat andwear the Vault 101 Utility Suit and pick all the locks (and it's a greatway to net experience, even at the cost of aggravation) but if you justwant to get through head into the large room to the south to find aleveled Super Mutant with a Minigun. Kill it to receive the ChryslusBuilding Master Key and head back north.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->6) In the eastern rooms to the north you'll find some Vicious Dogs.. maybe being kept for food? You'll also find a bin full of Pre-War Money and some drugs, but otherwise nothing worth locking behind a [Very Hard] lock. The northern door to the west has some Rotting Dead Brahmin behindit, and the door to the south is similarly bereft of meaningful loot, save a Pre-War Book. All it really does is wrap around to the room where you fought the key-bearing Super Mutant. Since the northern part of thelevel is a bust explore the large room where you found the key.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Pugilism Illustrated7) This room is some kind of Super Mutant processing area. We've seenthat Super Mutants take captives and often hold them for a while, doingterrible things to some and who knows what to those that don't end upin gore bags, but we've not seen any where near the scale of this place.Due to the structural integrity of the floor the Super Mutants havesmashed holes in the floor of this room and made containment pits out ofthe rooms below.. so in other words, they've changed the appearance butnot the nature of an office building. Whatever they do to people here,you can tell business is good due to the number of skeletons and gorebags around the place. There are three recognisable parts of this roomwhere walls used to better divide the place. In the north eastern cornerof the middle part you'll find a counter with numerous bins on top.Inside one of the bins is a copy of Pugilism Illustrated.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->8) South of the large central room you'll find more, weak, Super Mutants. Loot the room and head down the stairs, you'll find a SuperMutant standing on the staircase just begging to be shot with a sneakattack critical. For me, if the Super Mutant died on the stairs theywould vanish from the game shortly thereafter. Odd. In a room to thesouth west (the only one down here with a closed door) you'll find aStealth Boy on the table. Head through the door leading to the ChryslusBuilding Basem*nt.Chryslus Building Basem*nto======================================================================o***BOOKS***Big Book of Science9) To the east and south east you'll find offices with minor loot inthem. To the west you'll eventually find a room with numerous dead bodies, including some Rotting Brahmin Corpses, some Wastelanders, and aRaider. Continue to the west to find the building's broiler room. On ametal shelf in this room you'll find a Big Book of Science. Now headinto the room to the north to find a kitchen, loot, and go through ahole in the wall to reach another room. There's a Stealth Boy on top ofa locked safe [Easy] and in the far eastern edge of the room is awall safe [Easy], which can alternatively be opened via a wall terminal[Easy]. Head back to the room to the west and go up some stairs to thenorth to eventually reach a door to the Chryslus Building ReceptionArea, and thus, egress.Wheaton Armoryo======================================================================o10) Now head north past the Bethesda Ruins to find Wheaton Armory. Note that this is a fine opportunity to score another book from the Bethesda Ruins.. since we're going right past it and all. You'll not find a larger collection of Raiders anywhere in the game.. except perhaps Evergreen Mills. There are also plenty of things to loot around outside the armory. Make sure to hit the back of the semi, shack by the south gate, the southern most shack inside the gate which has a safe inside, and the ammo dump on the top level of the mostly collapsed building.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes11) Head inside the armory when all the Raiders are dead and proceed with caution, as the place is heavily irradiated in areas. You should certainly consider popping a Rad-X for the trip. Head down some stairs until you find a passage leading north, with a ridiculously strong Mark VII Turret at the end of the tunnel. There's a room to the left where you can activate a terminal to shut down the turret [Average] as well some ammo boxes and a first aid kit. The big cache awaits beyond alocked door [Very Hard], which can be unlocked by hacking a terminal [Very Hard]. Find a way inside and a great reward is yours, including two Missile Launchers, a Minigun, two Sniper Rifles, four Assault Rifles, two Radiation Suits, three Combat Knives, several Pulse Grenadesand Pulse Mines, several Frag Mines, and no less than eleven ammo boxes.On the table next to the Missile launchers is a copy of U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes. While playing around in Wheaton Armory I also hit wonderful level 20.***WEAPON INFO***Pulse Mines (Explosives)Maximum Damage: 22AP Cost: N/AAmmo: Pulse MinesClip Size: 1 (1 mine/shot)I generally view mines as less useful than grenades, and since I viewPulse Grenades as less useful than Frag Grenades.. you can guess wherePulse Mines end up in the hierarchy. These are extra silly, since allrobots have ranged attacks. There's really no guarantee any given robotwill feel compelled to move over your mine.***LEVEL UP***All my attention goes to Melee Weapons, drawing myself ever closer tothe Ninja perk. It goes without saying that I pick Grim Reaper's Sprintas my perk for this level. This marks my final change from an Unarmedcharacter to a Small Guns character. I have the Caps, the ammo, anda way to keep myself in V.A.T.S. almost exclusively in combat,especially if I can start out fights with a sneak attack critical.. Istill use Fisto!, but mostly against stronger enemies that need to beparalyzed to take down. Note that I exclude the one point bonus I'm getting to all my skills from the Lucky 8 Ball. Even though it's a'permanent' bonus, anything you can unequip shouldn't be considered permanent. That's right, the expansions made the Lucky 8 Ball optional.Level 20HP:440AP:104Barter:50Big Guns:17Energy Weapons:27Explosives:60Lockpick:87Medicine:60Melee Weapons:25 + 20 = 45Repair:60Science:95Small Guns:50Sneak:80Speech:60Unarmed:70<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual12) North of Wheaton Armory, along the raised highway you can find atruck with a bunch of electrical equipment in the back. On a table neara Ham Radio you'll find a copy of Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual. There are also minor goodies in the back of the truck.Canterbury Commonso======================================================================o***QUESTS***The Superhuman Gambit13) Head north east to find Canterbury Commons. When you approach you'llsee two goofy people, one named the Antagonizer and another named theMechanist. They'll banter, then the Antagonizer's ants will attack theMechanist, and get decisively destroyed by his Sentry Bots. When thecarnage is over, they'll both flee and a man named Uncle Roe willgreet you. Offer to help with his superhero problem and Roe will offerup 200 Caps. Succeed at a Speech challenge to double it. Question himabout the superheroes and he'll tell you to consult his nephew, Derek. The big thing to do here is to invest in merchant caravans. Ask Roe about the caravans, and if your Barter is high enough (and if you're following this FAQ, it is) you can get the merchants to specialize in their field.. long story short, you pay money, the merchants expand their inventories. This gets them more Caps to trade, which will really help when you start hauling in expensive gear. We're about at that point, and you know what they say: You gotta spend Caps, to make Caps. Or something like that. You can expand each merchant's inventory twice, the first upgrade costs 200 Caps, and the second costs 500 Caps. That's 700 Caps per merchant, with four merchants to upgrade. By now I have more than enough Caps to drop 2800 on merchant upgrades, so I do so. Below is a list of rewards you'll get for your generosity.Crazy Wolfgang:6 Stealth BoysCrow:Crow's Eyebot HelmetDoc Hoff:7 StimpaksLucky Harith:1 Mini NukeAs you can see, Crow has the most unique gift, albeit the most uselessone, and Crazy Wolfgang has what is by far the most expensive gift..Six Stealth Boys is almost worth the brute investment price!<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Dean's ElectronicsGrognak the Barbarian14) Talk to Derek, who will tell you a bit about the Antagonizer andthe Mechanist. He'll tell you it was him who told the Mechanist tobecome a super hero, and that Joe Porter has some info about theAntagonizer. While you're at it, pick-pocket a copy of Grognak theBarbarian from him. That'll teach him to go around telling unstablepeople to become superheroes. Talk to Joe, and he'll say that there was a girl whose family was killed by Ants named Tanya Christoff. Meh. Starting to sound as silly as a real comic book here. Once you're done chatting people up, you can loot Dominic and Machete's House, and Earnest "Uncle' Roe's House. In Dom's House you'll find a Tire Iron called "Highwayman's Friend" on a metal shelf. There's also a copy of Dean's Electronics on one of the desks. There are a number of ways to approach this quest, but the real consideration is how to get the best loot from them, right? Both have a unique weapon, but you can only get one. And of course both of them have their super hero outfits, which can be obtained in a number of ways. If you want the Anatogonizer's weapon, a knife called Ant's Sting, you'll need to go find her and side with her against the Mechanist (Steps 11-12), if you want the Mechanist's laser pistol called Protectron's Gaze you'll have to side with him against the Antagonizer (Steps 5-10). Frankly neither one is terribly great, but the Ant's Sting is exceptionally lousy, being little better than a normal Knife (not Combat Knife mind you, just a Knife.) It does some poison damage, if you've got the time to wait for it to do its work.. but overall, the Protectron's Gaze is a much more worthy prize.***WEAPON INFO***Highwayman's Friend (Melee Weapons)Maximum Damage: 26AP Cost: LowAmmo: NoneClip Size: N/AIt does a little more damage than a normal Tire Iron for the same ActionPoint cost. If you love hitting things with Tire Irons, this is the oneto do it with. Note that it also weighs more than a normal Tire Iron.Robot Repair Centero======================================================================o15) If you've got a good Lockpick skill you can end this quest prettyquickly by going north and picking the door to the Mechanist's Forge[Hard]. If not, follow the steps below to reach the Forge by goingthe long way around.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->16) In the room to the west you'll find a terminal that talks about astash of Pulse Grenades. Go to the south western corner of the room andeither grab the key from behind the computer or unlock the metal box[Average] to score a half-dozen Pulse Grenades, which will help with thebots milling about. Naturally, however, there's a robot in this room.With a high Sneak and Robotics Expert I'm able to put it down withouta fight.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->17) Head north and find a locked door [Average], which opens into a large room. Avoid or destroy the turret and head up the stairst to thewest and go into the room at the top. You should now be in a room witha terminal called 'Sector B Security Terminal' [Easy]. Shut down thesecurity to make the robots east of here stop being hostile. <---------------------------------------------------------------------->18) Go through the southern door leading west and head to the south western corner of the room to find a small security room. Pick the locked safe [Easy] on the table and grab the Sector A Encryption Key.Now activate the terminal 'Sector A Emergency Terminal' and eithershut down the turrets in Sector A, or activate the emergency pulse explosion, which will destroy all the robots in the room. You can alsosneak along the ground to the north to find the Sector A Terminal [Easy]in a room under the platform the Turrets are on, but I've always found it easier to just sneak up to the upper floor.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Nickola Tesla and You19) Now you can go through the door nearby to the Forge, but since you've spent the time to make your way through all this security, why not loot the place first? There's a copy of Nikola Tesla and You on the bottom floor of this room (Sector A, or the westernmost room on this level.) It's on a table, near a deactivated Protectron. When you're done, head through the door to the Forge.The Mechanist's Forgeo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Lying, Congressional Style20) On a desk to the south will be a copy of Lying, Congressional Style.Activate the Coffee Brewer to open a secret door, giving you access tothe Mechanist. I've always liked this door.. it's so typically over thetop. You have three real choices now, either use [Black Widow] on theMechanist to get him to give up his suit and quit causing problem. Picka fight with him and kill him. Or join him in his fight against the Antagonizer. If you join him the Anatagonizer will attack, and the Mechanist will rush off to fight her. Head downstairs to partake in the scuffle and either way for the Mechanist to get killed so you can get both their suits, or kill the Antagonizer and then kill the Mechanist yourself. Or, if you're a truly loyal sidekick, kill the Antagonizer and then talk to the Mechanist. He'll want her suit back, which, if you giveit to him and don't end his 'super hero' spree is considered an evilact. He'll give you the Protectron's Gaze for it, though. If you use[Black Widow] you'll get him to stop being the Mechanist, and he'll giveyou his suit. If you want both suits AND Protectron's Gaze you'll haveto give the Mechanist the Antagonizer's suit, then kill him and loothim for both suits. If you're having trouble keeping the Mechanist alivethrough the fight, don't kill the lone ant in front of the elevator.This will keep him on the top floor while you go down and deal with theAntagonizer.***WEAPON INFO***Protectron's Gaze (Energy Weapons)Maximum Damage: 35AP Cost: Very LowAmmo: Energy CellClip Size: 20 (1 round/shot, semi-auto)The Protectron's Gaze is a Laser Pistol that does over twice the damageas a normal Laser Pistol. It's got the same Action Point cost, but aclip size of 20, instead of 30. Still, for that kind of damage I'd takeaway a third of my clip size. It does more damage than a Laser Rifle,and is much cheaper to repair!Canterbury Tunnelso======================================================================o21) Beware of traps in this level, as the Antagonizer has made the veryun-antlike choice to place defenses all around.. or maybe these trapsare here to keep the Antagonizer in? Either way, continue on and go downsome stairs, after which the path will split, one route goes west andthe other goes south. Head south first and disarm the Frag Mines. Thereis a Stealth Boy on a metal shelf you should grab before backtrackingand heading down the west path. Activate the electrical switch to openup a staircase which will lead to a sewer, and from there, to a caverncomplex. Keep going until you find the door leading to the Antagonizer'sLair.The Antagonizer's Lairo======================================================================o22) Head forward until you find the Antagonizer on her throne. If youfound out her name, you can try to convince her to stop by succeeding ata Speech challenge. You can also provoke her into a fight. Or, you canjoin her side against the Mechanist, in which case the Mechanist willshow up with several Protectrons. Kill him and give the Antagonizer theMechanist's uniform to recieve the Ant's Sting. After which, you canalways kill her and take her, and the Mechanist's costume. Or, afterdefeating the Mechanist you can talk her out of being the Antagonizer.Make sure to grab the Nuka-Cola Quantum by the Antagonizer's throne,whatever you decide.***WEAPON INFO***Ant's Sting (Melee Weapons)Maximum Damage: 20AP Cost: Very LowAmmo: NoneClip Size: N/AWell, it's a knife. It has crappy damage, but it's relatively fast. Theonly noteworthy thing about it is that it deals some poison damage.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->23) When you're done, return to Canterbury Common and tell Uncle Roeabout your success. He burdens me with 600 Caps and the questexperience, which gets me another level increase. Now we're done withall the quests we've set out to do at this point, it's time to gocollect a few more Bobbleheads. This will require us to travel to Evergreen Mills and the National Guard Depot. Both of which have sometough encounters, but nothing we can't handle by now. Lets deal withthe National Guard Depot first, which requires us to grab one moreitem. Head north west until you find the Temple of the Union.***LEVEL UP***I put all my points into Melee Weapons again so that next level I canget Ninja. We're going to get to the point where the good perks we canbuy are few and far between.. that means you'll need to start thinkingwhat optional perks you want. I grab the third-and last-Iron Fist perk.Level 21HP:450AP:104Barter:50Big Guns:17Energy Weapons:27Explosives:60Lockpick:87Medicine:60Melee Weapons:45 + 20 = 65Repair:60Science:95Small Guns:50Sneak:80Speech:60Unarmed:70Canterbury Commons to National Guard Depoto======================================================================oSequence of Events: {WLK021}1) Temple of the Union2) The Roach King3) Abandoned Farm4) Relay Tower KX-B8-115) Grisly Diner6) Ghoul Drainage Chamber7) Dumpster Diving8) Corvega Factory - Entrance9) Corvega Factory10) Rock Creek Caverns11) Friendship Heights12) National Guard Depot13) Depot Training Wing14) Depot Offices15) To the Armory16) The National Guard Armory17) The National Guard BunkerTemple of the Uniono======================================================================o***QUESTS***Head of State1) Once you get near the Temple of the Union, an unfriendly lady namedSimone Cameron will question you. Belay your desire to smite her andshe'll open the gate for you. Apparently some one named Hannibal is theone to talk to, so go find him. He'll ask you to promise not to betrayhim and his fellow slaves to the slavers at Paradise Falls. If you makethe promise, you'll get the the 'Temple of the Union Key'. Offer to helphim with his plans of setting up a haven in the Lincoln Memorial andyou'll get the area's map marker and start the quest 'Head of State.'He'll aslo ask you to talk to Caleb, who has some needs of his own.He'll ask you to find a picture of Lincoln's head in the Museum ofHistory, whose map marker you'll also get. We'll deal with these questswhen we have a reason to travel to the Mall part of D.C. You can grabsome decent loot if you don't mind robbing from slaves. There's aPre-War Book in Caleb's Home, and the Storeroom [Average] has all kindsof food and some ammo. <---------------------------------------------------------------------->2) Head west from the Temple of the Union to find the Roach King,enthroned and surrounded by his insectoid court. I don't know what wasup, if it was my game, or what. The Roach King had a man's face but afemale's body. The head was white but the body was black. All in all,it was one weird creature. Loot the rocket behind the Roach King's 'throne' for a Mini Nuke and some Dirty Water. Now head back to theTemple of the Union.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Guns and Bullets3) From the Temple of the Union head to the north east, up a large hilluntil you see a farm in the distance. It's vacant, of course, but inside the farmhouse you'll find a terminal that details some of the farmer's activities. Near the farm is an outside, inside of which is a copy of Guns and Bullets.Relay Tower KX-B8-11o======================================================================o***BOOKS***D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine4) Head north and slightly west to find a radio tower in the distance,this one is marked as Relay Tower KX-B8-11. Flip the electrical switchto pick up Radio Signal Oscar Zulu. This time it's a dialogue loopinstead of Morse code. Head to the south east to find the entrance toa drainage chamber. Seems like bomb survivors just loved climbing intothese things, eh? Once inside head south and to the west to find thatyou are much too late to provide any assistance. Sorry Bob. Take all thefood and drugs and head across the tunnel to the east to find RadioSignal Oscar Zulu on a table. Near it you'll find a Pre-War Book and aD.C. Journal of Internal Medicine. There's also some Purified Water on the floor.Grisly Dinero======================================================================o***BOOKS***Tales of a Junktown Jerky VendorU.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes***KELLER FAMILY TRANSCRIPTS***Keller Family Transcript (3 of 5)5) Head west until you find the Grisly Diner. Either head around to theback or be prepared to deal with a lot of landmines. Once inside thebuilding a trio of Raiders will show up to delay your looting. Once theyare dead, grab the copy of Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor from themetal shelf from behind the counter. Behind the building is a metalshelf with a Chinese Assault Rifle, a Missile Launcher, and severalammo boxes near and on it. Also in the back you'll find Keller FamilyTranscript (3 of 5) on a desk. From the Grisly Diner follow the roadnorth until you come across the ruined remains of half a bus. Insideyou'll find a copy of U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes on thefloor. Now that we have what we've come for, head back down to Canterbury Commons and continue south.Drainage Chamber (unmarked)o======================================================================o***BOOKS***Grognak the Barbarian6) South of Canterbury Commons you'll see a radio tower standing allby itself in the wastes. Go to it and flip the electrical switch tofind Radio Signal Yankee Bravo. Head west over a cliff to find a drainage chamber. Inside are a number of ghouls, which are responsiblefor the curious.. sounds.. coming from the radio. In the room to thesouth you'll find a copy of Grognak the Barbarian.Corvega Factoryo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Big Book of ScienceChinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training ManualU.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes7) Continue south and you'll find the Corvega Factory. South of thefactory you'll find a truck bed with a Big Book of Science inside. Theonly way to reach the inside of this truck is to go up the the cliff tothe south and drop down into the back. Grab the book and use the barrelsto jump out. Even more to the south you'll find a red rocket structure.From it head south east to find a road with an over-turned truck. Insideis a table with a Mini Nuke, some Stimpaks, and a copy of U.S. Army: 30Handy Flamethrower Recipes. There's also a locked [Very Hard] footlockerwith yet another book inside, a copy of Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual. Three books around the factory, what a haul! There's noway the factory itself could do as well, right?Corvega Factory - Entranceo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Big Book of ScienceLying, Congressional Style8) On the desk to the south is a copy of Lying, Congressional Style. Goup the stairs to the west and loot the Talon Company Merc. A femaleTalon Company Merc? That's rare. Head across the level to the east andsearch the room in the north eastern corner of the map. On a desk you'llfind a Big Book of Science. Vanquish any ants you see and move southuntil you find the door leading deeper into the Corvega Factory.Corvega Factoryo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Dean's Electronics9) Go through the factory, smiting ants as you go. To the south westyou'll find an Ant Queen, which can be easily killed with Fisto! byflanking it. In the south-most room in one of the buildings you'll finda dead Mercenary and a dead Wastelander. On a desk you'll find a fewStimpaks and a copy of Dean's Electronics. Leave the Corvega Factory andhead south until you find Rock Creek Caverns. Well, we're not going tofind another excuse to explore here, so we might as well.***LEVEL UP***I get my Melee Weapons up to 80 so I can get the Ninja perk. Oh. Right.And I get the Ninja perk. I start to raise my Energy Weapons up to 60 soI can get Concentrated Fire.Level 22HP:460AP:104Barter:50Big Guns:17Energy Weapons:27 + 5 = 32Explosives:60Lockpick:87Medicine:60Melee Weapons:65 + 15 = 80Repair:60Science:95Small Guns:50Sneak:80Speech:60Unarmed:70Rock Creek Cavernso======================================================================o10) What's there to say? There's a bunch of Mirelurks around that need to be slain. Keep going through the level until you come to some naturalcaverns. In a chamber to the eat of the first large cavern you'll findsome loot, the best of which is a Stealth Boy in a safe [Easy]. Continueto the north east, killing as you go. In the far north eastern corneryou'll find the 'Mirelurk King's Treasure.' A bunch of dead people, twofirst aid boxes, and a locked safe [Easy]. You'll find two Laser Rifles,which make up most of the loot. Leave the Rock Creek Caverns and headsouth west to find Friendship Heights.Frienship Heightso======================================================================o11) Just south of Rock Creek Caverns you'll find a not-so-random encounter. A pair of Raiders with Missile Launchers will engage a pairof leveled Super Mutants, typically Super Mutant Masters with Minigunsor Super Mutant Overlords with Gatling Lasers, depending on your level. At Friendship Heights you'll find several Raiders, one of which typically has a Missile Launcher. They also have a ton of loot around, although none of it is exceptional, you will find a fair amount of ammo and drugs. Now head back east to find the National Guard Depot. Inside is a treasure trove of weapons and other loot, especially if you have all five of the Keller Family Transcripts. And of course, the Bobblehead - Small Guns, which we've been wanting for a while now.***WEAPON INFO***Gatling Laser (Energy Weapons)Maximum Damage: 298AP Cost: AverageAmmo: EC PackClip Size: 240 (1 round/shot, full-autofires 8-round bursts in V.A.T.S.)Now we're talking. These things are hugely powerful, hugely expensive,and they guzzle EC Packs. They are very precise weapons that are capableof absolutely obliterating lesser enemies at close-to-mid range, and inmy opinion, a Gatling Laser beats a Minigun any day. If you want to usea really big two-handed gun, use this.National Guard Depoto======================================================================o***BOOKS***Nikola Tesla and You12) Outside you'll find two Protectrons. Kill them and head inside.This level is crawling with robots, and you'll really be thankful foryour Robotics Expert perk in here, if you have it. Head to the southeast corner of the level, go down some stairs, around a corner, andthrough a door to find a small store room. On one of the metal shelvesyou'll find a copy of Nikola Tesla and You. To the west is a UtilityDoor [Very Hard], beyond which is the cache(s) we seek, along with ourBobblehead. By all rights we should be able to pick the lock, as it is[Very Hard], but if you try it'll simply tell you the door is activatedelsewhere. If that's the case, why not say [Inaccessible], or [RequiresKey] like all the other doors you can't pick? Ah well, that's oure goal,and we'll have to trudge through the entire depot to open it. Head backup the stairs you came down (the stairs in the south eastern corner)and up another flight of stairs to a level above the one you entered on.At the top the staircase you'll find a bookcase with two Pre-War Books on top. Go west through some offices until you find a corridor with turrets at the end. Go south down the corridor and down some stairs. Then head east until you find the door to the Depot Training Wing.Depot Training Wingo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor13) Head north through what's left of a door to reach a hallway with aturret on the western end. Across the hallway is a room with a terminal[Average] which can deactivate the turret. Go down the tunnel to theeast when the turret is dealt with, along with whatever roaming robotthat is guarding the chamber. Go up some stairs and you'll come to a room with a copy of Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor on the desk. Thereis also a locked cabinet [Very Easy], and a wall safe [Average]. Abovethe safe is a Pre-War Book, and near it is another cabinet with a Scoped .44 Magnum inside. What a generous little room! Head back downstairs and head down the tunnel to the west and go around the corner tothe north until you find a door to your right. Behind the desk you'llfind a nice little weapons' cache, which includes four Combat Helmets,six Assault Rifles, six 10mm Submachine Guns, and a bunch of 10mm and32 Calibur Rounds. Sure, it's all in crap condition, but that's what repair is for. As nice as this cache is, however, it's nothing comparedto the one we're here for. Head through the door to the north and thenthrough another to the east to find a firing range. There are a few robots here, and a few guns in the shooting partitions. At the far eastern side of the room you'll find a door leading south. In this roomthere are a few ammo and grenade boxes worth looting before you head to
through the door leading to the Depot Offices.Depot Officeso======================================================================o***BOOKS***Duck and Cover!14) Through a door to the south will be several offices, two roomsseparated by a middle partition with cubicles on either side. Over theelevated central partition near the southern wall are two turrets. Thereshould also be a pair of robots milling about, but sneak attack criticals keep me out of nearly all trouble in this room. Loot the eastern cubicles and explore the ground level until you find a door[Average] leading to a room under the central partition. Inside is theterminal [Average] which controls the turrets. Explore the western sideof the room then head up the stairs to the top of the partition and gothrough a door to the south, under where the turrets were. Head throughthe door, up some stairs, and to the west. In this room you'll findcubicles to the north and south, and a large wooden counter in themiddle of the room, upon which is a copy of Duck and Cover! In the farwestern edge of the room where the roof is collapsed will be a SentryBot (at least, I've never encountered anything else, but I've alsonever come here at a low level.) Kill it and explore the upper level byclimbing a ramp the collapsed roof makes. Notice the square pillar inthe middle with the shelves on it? Circle around to the east and onthe side opposite the ramp you'll find three Pre-War Books on a shelf.Hey, that's 300 Caps from the Brotherhood babe at the Arlington Library.Head up the ramp and continue east, taking the door back to the NationalGuard Depot.National Guard Depot (cont'd)o======================================================================o15) You're now in an office above where you previously explored. On awall near the a desk is an electrical switch. Activate it, as this iswhat we just trudged through robot hell to reach. Security lights willpop on. Head past the desk and other debris onto the ledge to the westto get a better look at what you just did. Go by the surprisingly intactcouch and look down over the ledge facing north. The utility door wecouldn't open is, surprise, opened, and a Sentry Bot will be lurkingaround down there somewhere. Kill it and go into the room you couldn'tpreviously enter and activate an electrical switch on the wall. Go downthe stairs and through a door to reach the National Guard Armory.National Guard Armoryo======================================================================o***BOBBLEHEADS***Bobblehead - Small Guns16) Go through a door to claim your treasure, a wonderful bounty ofglorious guns and goodies. There's a Missile Launcher, ten Missiles, four Assault Rifles, seven Purified Waters, four Stimpaks, four PoliceBatons, four Combat Knives, four Pulse Grenades, four Pulse Mines, fourCombat Helmets, two suits of Combat Armor, two 10mm Pistols, twoRadiation Suits, four Frag Mines, two 10mm Submachine Guns, 84 roundsof 10mm Ammo, four Frag Grenades, two Buffouts, three RadAway, fourRad-X, a Minigun, five ammo boxes, and a number of metal boxes to loot.There is also the Bobblehead - Small Guns on a shelf. <---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes17) Now head south to find the 'Bunker Access Terminal', which requiresthe code obtained by the Keller Family to get in. There's no negotiating, no hacking, either you have the code or you don't. Insidethe bunker will be a Glowing One, the only guardian of the loot within.There are a number of goodies on the shelves, and a locked safe [Average] near them, but the real catch is on a table to the east. You'll find five Mini Nukes, the Experimental MIRV, a copy of U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes, and under the table in a bin, a Nuka-Cola Quantum. Leave, head back to your home and get ready to headwest from Megaton. It's time to get another Bobblehead. Note that whenyou leave the National Guard Depot there's often a Brotherhood OutcastPatrol wandering around.***WEAPON INFO***Experimental MIRV (Big Guns)Maximum Damage: 1701AP Cost: Very HighAmmo: Mini NukeClip Size: 6 (6 nukes/shot)The only appreciable difference between the Experimental MIRV and anormal Fat Man is that the MIRV launches six Mini Nukes at once. Notethat MIRV is an acronym for M(ultiple) I(ndependently targeted) R(eentry) V(ehicle). There's not much aiming involved, so long as you are in a VERY wide open space and you fire nowhere near you. Of course,the cost of firing six Mini Nukes (about 1500 Caps worth of ammo) iscrushingly prohibitive, and I doubt you'll ever find anything worthexpending that kind of ammo on, it is fun for a laugh. Really, this gunis so limited in use, so expensive, and so powerful that there's reallyno need to ever use it, except for giggles.Megaton to Evergreen Millso======================================================================oSequence of Events:{WLK022}1) Highway Hike2) Gold Ribbon Grocers3) Hank's Electrical Supply4) Radio Signal Oscar Tango5) Jury Street Metro Station6) Jury Street Tunnels7) Crater Robbing8) Something Wicked This Way Comes..9) Evergreen Mills10) Guard House11) Northern Shack12) Southern Shack13) Evergreen Mills Foundry14) Evergreen Mill Bazaar15) Bobblehead - Barter16) Brothel Raid1) Head west of Megaton to find a highway. Continue along a side-roadwest and north. Don't follow the south road, as that'll take you to theFairfax Ruins. Follow the road and you'll find a military truck with some metal boxes in the back, and some ammo boxes outside near a barricade. Continue along the roads lead north, north west until youfind the back of an overturned truck with radioactive barrels contaminating a local water supply. The road then turns west. Go past anoverturned bus to find the Jury Street Metro Station. Before we hit theMetro Station, there are a few things to do first. There is the GoldRibbon Grocers north west of the metro, Hank's Electrical Supply west ofthe metro, and a Drainage Chamber south, south west of the metro.***LEVEL UP***All my points go into Energy Weapons so I can get the Concentrated Fireperk. I pick the Gunslinger perk for this level. It's been long overlooked and isn't terribly necessary, but it ensures I can use any onehanded gun just as well as I can use any two-handed gun.Level 23HP:470AP:104Barter:50Big Guns:17Energy Weapons:32 + 20 = 52Explosives:60Lockpick:87Medicine:60Melee Weapons:80Repair:60Science:95Small Guns:60Sneak:80Speech:60Unarmed:70Gold Ribbon Grocerso======================================================================o***BOOKS***Nikola Tesla and YouTumblers Today2) Follow the arrows to find a pressure plate. The other traps in thisplace won't be as easy to find. In particular there's a bear trap leading to the register, a grenade bouquet near the coffee machine, aand a pitching machine in the corner opposite the counter. There areplenty of Tin Cans, a few Nuka-Colas, and some Sugar Bombs. Now, for thereally stupid stash. In the north eastern corner of the shop you'll finda generator. Shoot it to blow it up and the resulting explosion willcause a skeleton to fall through a hole in the ceiling. With it you'llfind a Mini Nuke, a Missile, a copy of Nikola Tesla and You, and a copyof Tumblers Today. When you're done looting head to Hank's Electrical Supply. Although there are two entrances, I'll assume you're polite and use the front door.WarMECH gives us another note on the Gold Ribbon Grocers:Ah, yes. Gold Ribbon Grocer at Jury Street. That pressure plate is the one trap you do NOT want to disarm. Stepping on it sets off a chain of events that blows open that section of the ceiling, and all you have to do is watch safely from that plate. Of course, knowing where all the traps are should help you appreciate the setup. You really should see it properly at least once.Note: I could not get the skeleton-and all his wonderful loot-totrigger in the PS3 version of the game.Hank's Electrical Supplyo======================================================================o3) Hank's Electrical Supply is home to several Raiders, one of which isarmed with a Missile Launcher. There's some minor loot here, includinga full condition Sledgehammer and Baseball bat, as well as some ammoboxes and first aid boxes. In the back is a safe with a Stealth Boyinside. There's also a terminal [Easy], but what it unlocks I have noclue. You can climb a ladder in the north eastern corner of the map toreach the roof, but there's really no reason to. When you're done headsouth to find a radio tower.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Big Book of Science4) The radio tower is behind a locked gate [Easy]. Coerce it open andactivate the electrical switch to find Radio Signal Oscar Tango. Headnorth to find a Drainage Chamber. Once in the Drainage Chamber followthe tunnel to find a room with some goodies on it. On a desk is a BigBook of Science, and near it is a Pre-War Book. Hit an electrical switchto open up a staircase in the floor. At the bottom you'll find somealcohol and corpses, and you might get attacked by Raiders while you'redown there. When you're done, head to the Jury Street Metro Station.Jury Street Metro Stationo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Dean's Electronics5) Head west into the metro tunnel. Behind a partition you'll see aWork Bench, on which is a copy of Dean's Electronics. Head down thestairs and go south into some tunnels. You'll find a bunch of beds forthe Raiders milling about. Loot the ammo boxes and take the drugs off the table before continuing south. Pass by a door leading to the JuryStreet Tunnels, past a derailed train. When you get to a break in thefence head to the other side of the tunnel and travel north. You'lleventually come across a table and shelf with goodies on it. When you'vetaken everything you want, head back south and go through the southernmost door to the Jury Street Tunnels.Jury Street Tunnelso======================================================================o***BOOKS***Lying, Congressional Style6) Head east, looting the chems on the desk and the metal boxes on theshelf. Go east some more until you reach a tunnel leading south. Lootthe ammo boxes before continuing south, killing the Raiders you findbefore turning east, the south, then east again. Go into the first roomyou find to your right. You'll eventually come into a room with RyanBrigg's Terminal [Very Easy], which contains information about Ryan'sexperiments with Mole Rats. Continue until you meet back up with themain tunnel and head across the rails to the north into a natural cavern area. Continue north up a ramp to find another section of themetro. Turn west and loot some ammo boxes behind a concrete barrier andhead north up the western tunnel. You'll find plenty of dead Mole Rats,some triggered bear traps, and Raiders behind a barrier. Go through thedoor behind the barrier and continue up the next tunnel heading north.Take the first door on the right when you see it to find Ryan Brigg andhis research room. You'll find a Nuka-Cola Quantum by Ryan Brigg'sTerminal [Easy]. In the middle of the room you'll find a bunch ofMole Rat Meat, some Mole Rat Wonder Meat, and the 'Wonder Meat Maker',where you can combine a Wonderglue and Mole Rat Meat (worth 10 and 4Caps, respectively) to make some Mole Rat Wonder Meat (worth 20 Caps.)It's a minor increase in value, but honestly, I'd rather keep theWonderglue for schematics. In the corner you'll find Ryan Brigg's safe[Hard], which you can pick or open with Ryan Brigg's Safe Key. RyanBrigg also has a Bandana on him.. a somewhat difficult item to find,surprisingly. On top of Ryan Brigg's safe you'll find a copy of Lying,Congressional Style. Head north west to find the exit back into themetro station and leave Jury Street.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->7) From the Jury Street Metron Station head north west until you findthe ruins of a bombed out town. You should find a huge crater in theground with numerous radioactive barrels inside. Down at the bottom isa dead Wastelander, a locked safe [Easy], a personal footlocker [Easy],and an overturned army truck. On the ground under the truck is a treasure trove of Alien Power Cells. I was able to collect no less than96 of them.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BEHEMOTH***8) Make sure you've got plenty of health and ammunition on you beforeyou head south to the train tracks, perhaps bring some Jet, Med-X, andPsycho. You'll see the birds circling in the air.. That has to be a goodsign, right? Loot around a bit and grab what you want. Eventually athreat marker will appear. A Super Mutant Behemoth has arrived. Now,Paralyzing Palm works just fine on them, but if it fails you'll have togo about it the old fashioned way, and expend a whole bunch of ammo intoit. When it dies, loot it for a veritible inventory-full of goodies.Head along the train tracks to the south west.Evergreen Millso======================================================================o***BEHEMOTH***9) Ah, Evergreen Mills. You'll find some landmines scattered along thetracks, and plenty of Raiders milling around. This place isn't horriblydangerous at your level, but you should still take care not to provokemore than a handful of Raiders at a time. And you still need to be waryof taking incidental damage. Although any one Raider isn't likely tokill you, they can wear you down over time. Make your way throughEvergreen Mills, killing all the Raiders you find. There are some thingsyou can do before you head into the Evergreen Mills Foundry. First, tothe north of the train tracks you can free some slaves by picking somelocked gates [Average], or by using the Evergreen Mills Slave Pen Keyyou can get from a Raider. There's also a Super Mutant Behemoth in alarge electrified fence. Yeah, two this close together. Crazy. You canshoot the generator outside of the door to turn off the electricity andfree the Super Mutant Behemoth. This is always fun if you do it from thecliffs south of Evergreen Mills, which allows you to watch as theBehemoth goes on a rampage, slaughtering plenty of the Raiders. Surprisingly, however, the Raiders tend to win the war of attrition. Iprefer to leave it alone until the Raiders are dead, then safely shootit through the fence so I can claim the experience for killing it. Also,if you don't actually kill the Behemoth you might not get credit towardsthe achievement, so you're better off just putting it down yourself.Go up the ramps near the slave pen to reach the Guard House on thenorthern cliffs.Guard Houseo======================================================================o10) Inside the Guard House you'll find the typical Raider goodies.Ammo boxes, meds and junk hidden in wooden crates, a fridge full offood, and in a locker in near a bed the Evergreen Mills Slave Pen Key,if you didn't already get one. You can also sleep in the bed to healyourself if you've taken a beating.Northern Shacko======================================================================o11) When you're done in the Guard House head down the cliffs to thesouth west to find the Northern Shack. Inside are two Raiders in a bed,one of which is wearing Sexy Sleepwear. Making baby Raiders, no doubt.At least somebody can get it on in the world of Fallout 3. And no, thatthing with Nova doesn't count. Loot the place and leave. Southern Shacko======================================================================o***BOOKS***U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes12) There's one more shack on the southern side of Evergreen Mills,aptly named the Southern Shack. Inside is a rather aggressive Raiderwith a Flamer. In addition to the typical Raider loot you'll find acopy of U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes on a shelf, and aMissile Launcher on the bed. Now head into the Evergreen Mills Foundry.Evergreen Mills Foundryo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Duck and Cover!13) There are plenty of Raiders in here, too. Kill the Raiders that arean immediate threat and loot the ground level. There are several refrigerators, a safe [Average], and plenty of Turpentine and Tin Canslying around. When you've got it all head up the stairs north of thedoor to the Evergreen Mills Bazaar. On the first door to the rightwill be two Raiders in a room with some minor loot. Kill them and keepheading on the ramparts until you find another door to your right.Inside will be a Raider with a Missile Launcher. Head west to find aroom with a safe in the wall [Average] with a Stealth Boy inside. There's also a Nuka-Grenade on the work bench, and in the bucket nearby are several Frag Grenades. In the desk you'll find the Storage Room Key,which opens the door to the east [Average]. In the storage room you'llfind some drugs on the shelf by the cabinet. In the gun closet will bea surpsingly well-maintained Laser Rifle. There's also a first aid box,ammo box [Easy], wall safe [Very Easy], and a Fat Man lying on thecounter. Leave the storage room and continue east to grab the last bitof loot in this level. Now head back down the stairs enough to spot ametal roof beneath one of the stair cases (along the western wall). Jump down from the staircases above to land on the roof to find a copyof Duck and Cover! next to a multilated body. When you're done, head through the door on the ground level that leads to the Evergreen Mills Bazaar.***WEAPON INFO***Nuka-Grenades (Explosives)Maximum Damage: 536AP Cost: LowAmmo: Nuka-GrenadesClip Size: 1 (1 grenade/shot)The big daddy of the grenade world. Nuka-Grenades double the damage ofPlasma Grenades, and are actually easier to get ahold of, in a lot ofways. At least, if you have the Quantum Chemist perk. If you LOVEgrenades, this is what you should aspire towards. I would actuallyrather have a Nuka-Grenade to throw, than a missile to fire.. which issaying a lot, really.Evergreen Mills Bazaaro======================================================================o14) If you thought there were a lot of Raiders outside over Evergreen Mills..well..you were right, but there are just as many in the Bazaar.Go down a ramp and head east, up another ramp and explore the bar. Ina wooden crate behind the counter you'll find a Nuka-Cola Quantum. Continue up the ramps until you find two paths splitting near a pooltable, one leading east into a tunnel, and one continuing along thewooden bridges north west. <---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOBBLEHEADS***Bobblehead - Barter15) Head east and dispose of some Raiders, one of which will have a Missile Launcher. You'll find a Raider store. I mean, they must be ableto trade all that loot they raid for something, somewhere, right? The store is run by a Raider Trader (yeah, you read that.) named Smiling Jack. He'll trade with you, and it's a good way to unload some loot. Healso has the unique shotgun 'Terrible Shotgun' on him, but you have to kill him to get it. Granted, he sells nice ammo, but how often are you going to come all the way out here? You'll also get the Smiling Jack Vendor Key, which lets you loot his store inventory. In the north westcorner of his shop you'll find the Bobblehead - Barter on a bookshelf. There's also a safe behind the counter near the bobblehead [Average] with a Stealth Boy inside. Note that the contents of his locker aren't exactly the same as his inventory. For example, he'll typically have drastically reduced ammo in the locker. If you're really smart and evil, buy everything from him (this will be expensive) and have him repair EVERYTHING in your inventory to as high of a condition as he can. Then kill him and grab his key. All the Caps you traded will be in his locker, earning you a huge profit. The only tricky part will be lugging all that loot out of here!***WEAPON INFO***The Terrible Shotgun (Small Guns)Maximum Damage: 94AP Cost: LowAmmo: Shotgun ShellClip Size: 12 (1 round/shot, semi-auto)The Terrible Shotgun is.. well, it's name isn't entirely a good thing.It's heavier than a normal Combat Shotgun, for one, and it is about 50%less accurate in V.A.T.S., all but negating its usefulness as a rangedweapon. Unless you intend to get VERY close to everything, it's actuallyless useful than a normal Combat Shotgun. It does, however, deal a goodbit more damage than a normal Combat Shotgun. I'm not sure if TheTerrible Shotgun has a wider spread, but more 'shot' per shot, or what,but even outside of V.A.T.S. you'll notice a marked decrease in theeffective range of the weapon. A Combat Shotgun can reliably kill manyenemies with a sneak attack critical at, say, 50 feet or so? While TheTerrible Shotgun will struggle.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Nikola Tesla and You16) Continue to the north west/west until you find some stripper pole.These Raiders REALLY know how to party! There's plenty of beer and foodaround for your looting. Up a ramp to the west you'll find a buildingwith more Raiders inside. Kill them and loot them to find the Madame'sKey on one of the females. Apparently the Raiders were using this placeas a brothel.. which explains the naked Raider behind the locked [Easy]door. There's a locked safe [Average] and a register [Average] withsome minor goodies inside. In the locked room where the Raider lady was,you'll find a copy of Nikola Tesla and You on one of the beds. We arenow thankfully done with Evergreen Mills. Time to return home, rest up,stash loot, and prepare for one more voyage to the south west, this timeto Tenpenny Tower. All of you evil kids may have already opted to gohere, if that's the case, it's time to quest around Tenpenny.***LEVEL UP***Energy Weapons gets up to 60, which is enough for Concentrated Fire. Nowit's just a matter of rounding out skills until we hit level 30. I putpoints into Repair as well, since it's unquestionably one of the moreuseful skills in the game, and one that's not going to raise much whenI hit level 30.Level 24HP:480AP:104Barter:60Big Guns:17Energy Weapons:52 + 8 = 60Explosives:60Lockpick:87Medicine:60Melee Weapons:80Repair:60 + 12 = 72Science:95Small Guns:60Sneak:80Speech:60Unarmed:70Jury Street Metro Station to Tenpenny Towero======================================================================oSequence of Events:{WLK023}1) Raider Church2) Book Hunting3) VAPL-84 Power Station4) Willy's Grocer5) Tenpenny Tower6) Tenpenny Lobby7) Tenpenny Suites8) Penthouse Suites9) Warrington Trainyard10) Warrington Tunnels11) Warrington Station12) Lucky's***BOOKS***Lying, Congressional StylePugilism Illustrated1) Fast travel to Jury Street and stand outside the Gold Ribbon Grocerand look south west. You should see a church in the distance. When youapproach the door you'll see a burning Wastelander run around the corner and die. Kill the Raider with the Flamer nearby and head into thechurch, taking care to disarm the trip wire in the doorway. More Raiderswill appear outside and approach the church. Deal with them and loot thechurch. On the podium you'll find a copy of Lying, Congressionaly Style,as well as plenty of ammo and items scattered about, including a MiniNuke. In the corner by a sink you'll find a copy of Pugilism Illustrated.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Nikola Telsa and YouU.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes2) Head south from the church and search the ruined buildings. In theback of one you'll find a safe [Hard] with, among other things, aStealth Boy inside. In the house south of the one with the safe you'llfind a copy of Nikola Tesla and You on a shelf. Now only one more thingto do before we head south some more. Follow the road between thebuildings east to find a truck, in the back of which are some containers, ammo boxes, and a copy of U.S. Army: 30 Handy FlamethrowerRecipes. Head south until you find the VAPL-84 Power Station.VAPL-84 Power Stationo======================================================================o3) Near VAPL-84 you'll find a truck, inside of which are metal boxesand some items on the floor, the best of which is a Mini Nuke. Therealso tends to be Yao Guai wandering around. Head south to findTenpenny Tower. You really can't miss it on the horizon. First, howeverwe've got some books to grab.Willy's Grocer (unmarked)o======================================================================o***BOOKS***Tales of a Junktown Jerky VendorTumbler's Today4) East of Tenpenny Tower you'll find Willy's Grocer. It's got a nicelittle haul of Nuka-Colas, Tin Cans, Beer, and a copy of Tales of aJunktown Jerky Vendor on the counter. All of this is guarded by a fewRadroaches. There's also a safe [Hard] behind the counter. Leave theGrocer and head east into a ruined building. Go up a ramp to the northor go upstairs and drop down on the level with the skeleton by thewooden shelves. Near the skeleton are some Stimpaks, a Scoped .44 Magnum, and an ammo box [Average]. There's also a copy of Tumblers Todayon the shelf. Now head north west to find Tenpenny Tower.Tenpenny Towero======================================================================o***QUESTS***Tenpenny Tower5) Outside of Tenpenny Tower you'll find an angry Ghoul named RoyPhillips. He want to get into Tenpenny Tower-Mr. Tenpenny doesn't wantzombies inside-the Ghoul and a security guard argue over an intercom.Roy Phillips leaves after threatening the Tenpenny folks, leaving youfree to activate the security intercom and recieve a wave of abusedirected at Roy. Don't insult the security guard, or you'll be paying100 Caps to get in. Say you're here to see Mr. Tenpenny and succeed ata Speech challenge to get in for free. Once inside you'll be threatenedby Chief Gustavo. Talk to Gustavo and offer to take care of his Ghoulproblem. You can try to work something out to get the Ghouls a place inTenpenny Tower.. but lets just say that's not entirely healthy for theTenpenny residents. As snotty as they tend to be, they can at least betalked into cooperating, which is more than can be said for Roy Phillips. Offer to take care of his Ghoul problem. He'll offer for 500Caps, succeed at a Speech check to get him to raise it to 700 Caps. Hewill also give you a Chinese Assault Rifle, some 5.56 Ammo, and tellyou the Ghouls are in the Warrington Metro Tunnels. You've now startedthe quest 'Tenpenny Tower'. You can talk to people outside, and barterwith Gustavo, who has some armor, weapons, and ammo to sell. He'll headinside and sit behind a desk in the lobby, which is where he'll spendmost of his time when he's not being a butt-nutter by the intercom outside. We should really explore Tenpenny Tower fully before we go tothe Warrington Station.Tenpenny Tower Lobbyo======================================================================o***SCHEMATICS***Schematic - Dart Gun6) You can steal Allistair Tenpenny's Suite Key from Gustavo, if youwish. You can also steal Tenpenny Resident's Keys from nearly everynamed person living in Tenpenny.. hell, there's all kinds of stealingto do here. The person to talk to in this area is Herbert "Daring"Dashwood, a character from the same GNR show as Argyle the Ghoul. If youtell him the fate of Argyle he'll give you Dashwood's Safe Key. You canbuy the Schematic - Dart Gun from Lydia Montenegro, which you might as well buy. You can also take a trip to the Metro Access & Generator,where you'll find a few Tin Cans and some other loot, as well as a locked door [Very Hard] leading to the Warrington Station. When you're done stealing head up stairs to find the door to the Tenpenny Suites.Tenpenny Suiteso======================================================================o***BOOKS***Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor***SCHEMATICS***Schematic - Bottlecap Mine7) These apartments are typically better off than the ones downstairs.In the one in the north east corner you'll find a copy of Tales of aJunktown Jerky Vendor on a desk near a Love Letter. In the north westerncorner you'll find Dashwood's Suite, which has significantly more goodies inside than most of the other apartments. Years of Wasteland exploration paid off. In his safe are 50 Caps, some drugs, a Mini Nuke, a Stealth Boy, five Stimpaks, and the Schematics - Bottlecap Mine. You should also check out his 'Exploration Database', which is interesting, if nothing else. In the south east corner is Michael Hawthorne's suite, which has plenty of alcohol inside. In the Wellington suite, in the south west, you'll find a locked safe [Average]. Head back down to the lobby and take the elevator up to the Penthouse Suites.Penthouse Suiteso======================================================================o***BOOKS***Lying, Congressional Style8) You can use Speech to get your way past Tenpenny's Guard, or wait forhim to walk around to pick the locked door.. or steal the key to thedoor on the table next to him. In his suite you'll find a copy of Lying,Congressional Style on a desk. When you're done looting take the doorto the outside to find Tenpenny on his balcony. Talk to the old buggerand fast travel down to the ground, the RobCo Facility is close enough,and it saves us the bother of walking back through Tenpenny Tower. Nowit's time to find the Warrington Trainyard, which is to the west.Warrington Trainyardo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Duck and Cover!9) West of Tenpenny Tower you'll find a number of houses with some minorloot in them. On a bookshelf in one of the houses you'll find a copyof Duck and Cover!, hidden under another, more useless book. Keep heading west to find the Warrington Trainyard. There will be Ghouls, and you'll catch some Rads. Search the metal structures for some ammo boxes,and a Sniper Rifle. On one of the metal walkways you can jump onto you'll find some skeletons with a Missile Launcher, some grenade boxes, and drugs nearby. When you've searched around head into the Warrington Tunnels.Warrington Tunnelso======================================================================o10) Head east into the train tunnel, grabbing the Assault Rifle and5.56 rounds by the skeleton. Follow the tunnel south east and kill someGhouls, until you find a door to the north. Go through the rooms to thenorth, killing Ghouls and looting until you find a tunnel leading east,north east. The tunnel will connect to another tunnel leading north andsouth. Head south to catch some Rads and find a locked door [Average]leading to a storage closet full of goodies. Now go north until you finda door leading to the Warrington Station.Warrington Stationo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Big Book of ScienceDean's ElectronicsPugilism Illustrated11) Head east until you are accosted by a Ghoul named Michael Masters.He'll tell you that Roy is planning to kill the residents in TenpennyTower. Don't threaten to kill him, he won't respond friendly like. Upthe stairs to the east you'll find a few things to rob, and to thesouth you'll find access to the Capital Wasteland via the WarringtonStation, but the area you need to explore is on the lower level to theeast. Head through the first door to the right, continuing until youfind a room where Roy Phillips and Bessie Lynn are. Bessie doesn't havemuch of anything interesting to say, so talk to Roy. Roy's plan is to get past the subway access door leading to Tenpenny Tower and get tothe Metro Access & Generator, which connects to Tenpenny Tower. If youtry to do things peacefully and talk the residents of Tenpenny Towerinto letting the Ghouls in, Roy will go ahead and let the Feral Ghoulskill them anyways. If you want to help Roy out with his plan to kill allthe Tenpenny Residents, steal the 'Key to Tenpenny Generator Room' fromChief Gustavo and head around to the back of Tenpenny Tower to find adoor leading to the Metro & Generator Access area. Once inside, eitherhack the DCTA Emergency Access Terminal [Easy], or shoot one of thegenerators behind the fence. By doing it Roy's way, he'll reward you with the Ghoul Mask, which isn't very defensive, and certainly not pretty, but it will keep Ghouls from attacking you. Since Roy isn't on the level and wants to kill all the Tenpenny folks anyways, I decide togo ahead and get rid of Roy. Kill Roy, Bessie, and Michael to complete the quest. Loot around in this room for a variety of toys. Between two metal boxes you'll find a Nuka-Cola Quantum, and in a wooden crate on a shelf you'll find a copy of Pugilism Illustrated. Head out a door to the north, down some stairs to the east, and into a small store room to the north. You'll find a copy of Dean's Electronics on a metal shelf. Now there's just one last thing to get, in the room with the door to the Metro Access & Generator you'll find a Big Book of Science on the desk. Head back to where you first met Michael in the west and head out to the Capital Wasteland.Lucky'so======================================================================o***BOOKS***Pugilism Illustrated12) You're now at the Warrington Station south west of Tenpenny Tower.Head south into a red brick building. Inside is a bunch of loot guardedby one Scavenger. Steal the Scavenger's stuff or kill them if they are causing you too much trouble. In one of the freezers in the back is a Nuka-Cola Quantum. In a plastic bin you'll find several missiles. Behind the counter is a copy of Pugilism Illustrated. And there's a terminal [Hard] you can use to access a safe [Hard]. Inside the safe is a Stealth Boy. Last but not least grab the Lucky Shades off the mannequin in thenorth west corner of the store. They're not anything amazing, but with+1 damage resistance and +1 Luck.. it's not bad. Besides, unless you'rewearing a helmet, what else are you going to put on your face? Now go back to Tenpenny Tower and talk to Gustavo for your reward. Now lets turn in the 30 Nuka-Cola Quantums to complete the Nuka-Cola Challenge. By now you should have more than enough.Girdershade (cont'd)o======================================================================oSequence of Events:{WLK024}1) The Nuka-Cola Cash-In***SCHEMATICS***Schematic - Nuka-Grenade1) If you give Ronald 30 Nuka-Cola Quantums he'll pay you and you'll lose karma. You can now go watch Ronald give the Quantums to Sierra andwatch him strike out. Frankly, however, I prefer to give the Quantumsto Sierra. I have 30,000 Caps, so Ronald isn't really helping the causemuch. And a Schematic is just worth more, especially the Schematic forthe Nuka-Grenade. Also consider the fact that with the v.3 Schematicyou'll get three Nuka-Grenades per Quantum.. yeah.. it's just not worthit to give the Quantums to Ronald. The quest reward is more than enoughto level me up. You can talk to Sierra and find out her recipe forMississippi Quantum Pie, which you can have her make if you bring herthe ingredients.. Hmm.. a Quantum Pie, or three Nuka-Grenades? Which isbetter? Now there's just one more quest to do around-and I use ther term'around' loosely-Megaton. Let's go explore Greyditch.***LEVEL UP***I get Repair up to 80 and Barter up to 70. Barter and Speech will betwo of my most improved skills when I hit level 30, so 70 is goodenough for both of them (we'll get 10 more points into Speech from Yew'sCharm, later.) We've hit our first crap level of perks since level 3,so now choose from a short list of less-useful perks, namely Entomologist, if Radscorpions are bothering you, Demolition Expert ifyou like explosive weapons (grenades, really) or Quantum Chemist if youwant to make Nuka-Cola Quantums, and by extension, Nuka-Grenades. I pickthe Quantum Chemist perk.. yeah, I know Entomologist is good for AlbinoRadscorpions, but picking a perk that's helpful against just onemonster? Especially when paralyzing palm works so well against them?I'd rather have somewhat unlimited-if expensive-access to Nuka-Grenades.Level 25HP:490AP:104Barter:60 + 10 = 70Big Guns:17Energy Weapons:60Explosives:60Lockpick:87Medicine:60Melee Weapons:80Repair:72 + 8 = 80Science:95Small Guns:60 + 2 = 62Sneak:80Speech:60Unarmed:70Megaton to Grayditcho======================================================================oSequence of Events:{WLK025}1) Talon Company Camp2) Sewer Waystation3) County Sewer Mainline4) Rivet City Run Alternate Route5) Gallo6) Raider Bridge7) Grayditch8) Ghoul Outpost9) Ghoul Sewer10) The Wilks House11) The Brandice House12) Abandoned Home #113) Abandoned Home #214) Recently Built Shack15) Marigold Metro Station16) Grady's Key17) Naughty Nightware!18) Lesko's Request19) Ant Queen Hatchery20) A Home for ByranTalon Company Campo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Tumblers Today1) Head south east of Megaton to find an unmarked Talon Company Camp.It's not immediately noticable so I'll spend the effort to describe itslocation in detail to prevent any hair-pulling and controller throwing.The building is south west across the road from the Sewer Waystation.If you continue south down this road far enough you'll find a bridgerunning over the road, which leads to Greyditch. The building with theTalon Company Camp is before this bridge, it's the building withsandbags in front of the stairs leading up to a door. Inside are a trioof Talon Company Mercenaries. Make them dogfood and loot the place. Inthe south eastern room (the room with the chemistry equipement) you'llfind a copy of Tumblers Today on a metal shelf.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->2) Now travel to the Sewer Waystation, one of the first areas we foundoutside of the Vault. It's just north west of Greyditch. Let's exploreit, now that we have an excuse to come back.. especially now that we'renot quite so weak. In the first room you'll find a skeleton in a fridge,and next to it will be a Nuka-Cola Quantum. In the room to the eastyou will find some assembly lines with Teddy Bears on them. Wait, isn'tthis a Sewer Waystation? Whatever. Up some stairs you'll find a manholeleading to the County Sewer Mainline.County Sewer Mainlineo======================================================================o3) Head south to find a Ghoul munching on a dead Mercenary. You'll findtwo paths leading west. One up a slope and the other goes straight. Thestraight path will eventually lead out to an area near the Citadel, andit is a perfectly acceptable alternate route on the Rivet City run. Ifyou're interested in explore the straight route west, or you're on theRivet City run, read Sequence #3.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->4) Head to the west and kill some ghouls munching on a dead Wastelander.Grab the ammo and Frag Grenade on the floor and continue on until youcome to a door which will lead to a room split by a gap and a fence. Head around the southern side to find you way to the other half of theroom. Unlock the gate [Average] leading to the computer in the centerand grab a Big Book of Science and two Pre-War Books on the table.Activate the terminal and open the storage door, which will open thedoor to the south west. The room has some ammo and drugs inside. Nowhead back to the south and go down some stairs, heading through thisroom and through another door to the east. You'll find a maintenenceroom with a bit of loot in it. Head back to the stairs you came downand go east to find more stairs down. Go through the door to the south,and head down a tunnel to the west. You can explore the bottom floor,but there's not much down there other than Ghouls and Radroaches.Follow the tunnel south, then west as it turns. There's a skeleton onthe ground with a 10mm Pistol, some 10mm Rounds, and a Stimpak nearby.Go past the irradiated water and into a small store room, where you canloot an ammo box, and pick up a 10mm Pistol and some more 10mm Rounds.Follow the tunnel south some more until it ends by intersecting anothertunnel. Go through the door to the south and search the eastern corner.You'll find a terminal [Average] which will open a floor safe [Average].There are also some items by and on some metal shelves. You can eitherbacktrack and go down the unexplored tunnel east and south, or continuedown the stairs, either way you'll end up near an exit to the CapitalWasteland, which will take you north of the Citadel. I don't reccomendthis route, however, as it forces you to fight a lot of Ghouls and putsyou dangerously close to a nest of Raiders.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor5) Head up the ramp and disarm a trip wire. Up at the top you'll find a bear trap, and above it is a grenade bouquet. Turn north and deactivate the pressure plate on the four-way bridge. To the north is a locked door[Average] behind which is a storeroom full of loot. In addition to theobvious items there's a Stealth Boy on one of the shelves, hidden undera wooden crate. When you're done looting head through one of the doorsto the west, where you'll find a rather clean abode containing onehostile Ghoul named Gallo. Kill and loot him for a copy of Tales of aJunktown Jerky Vendor.. one of the few books found on an enemy. It's ashame he won't respawn like the Raider up by Bethesda will. On the metalshelf by his bed you'll find two Pre-War Books, and in a footlocker youcan nab Gallo's Storage Key. You'll also find a terminal [Easy] whichunlocks a safe [Easy]. In the safe is a Nuka-Cola Quantum. Now if youwant, we can go smite those Raiders under the bridge north of theCitadel.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->6) Remember these guys? We skulked past them in our Rivet City run, butnow we're ready to deal with them. Sure, we're drastically off coursefrom Greyditch, but when else are we going to find even the most remoteexcuse to kill them? Under the bridge you'll find their hideout, whichcontains alcohol, drugs, and a safe [Average]. From here head northwest where you can find another Flooded Metro. Discover it, but don'texplore it yet. It's the shortest route to the Arlington Cemetary,which we'll become more interested in reaching once we hit level 30 andwish to complete our Bobblehead collection. Go west around a buildingto find Grayditch.Grayditcho======================================================================o7) Grayditch is crawling with Fire Ants, and do they mean Fire Ants!This quest isn't terribly hard, but in the early going you need tospend a good bit of ammo killing these ants, which we really didn't haveto lose. Also, due to their fire-breathing, getting close to them inmelee wasn't really an option. You'll probably be approached by a littledickhe*d named Bryan Wilks, whose need to harrass you with his stupidquest in the begining of the game and his horrible voice-acting makeshim one of the most annoying NPCs in the game. The fact that you can'tkill him only makes matters worse. Succeed at two Speech checks to gethim to cough up the Greyditch Dumpster Key. Go find the diner and headaround back to find a locked trash bin, which this key opens. Inside isa .32 Pistol, some .32 Caliber Rounds, twelve Frag Grenades, and someRad-X. Search around Greyditch, exterminating Fire Ants as you go. There's the Wilks' House, Brandice's House, and two Abandoned Homes tosearch. There's also a 'Recently Built Shack' [Hard] west of the Wilks House. Before we mess around with the quest, however, lets explore afew more short areas around Grayditch.Outposto======================================================================o8) From the diner follow the road to the south through-and out of-Grayditch. Go up a ramp and when the road ends turn west to find an'Outpost'. Inside are a trio of Ghoul Wastelanders, who have apparentlycaptured a Super Mutant Brute, who will escape and kill them, eventually. Kill all the hostiles in the outpost and loot around. Thereare some ammo boxes (one of which is locked [Hard]), a Mini Nuke on a metal shelf, a Nuka-Cola Quantum in a wooden crate, and a rigged computer. There's also a cell [Very Hard], which is entirely profitlessto open.Sewero======================================================================o9) South of the Outpost is a sewer, which is filled with gas, Ghouls,and traps. Head up the tunnel to the north, where a well-placed grenadecan set off the gas, trigger the grenade bouquets, and injure or killthe Ghouls. Along the eastern tunnel you'll find a dead Wastelandernear some grenade boxes (one of which is locked, [Easy]) and at thefar northern end of the tunnels you'll find another dead Wastelandernear an ammo box, a first aid box, and a gun case [Very Easy]. As younear the northern end of the sewers, more Ghouls will respawn near theentrance, forcing you to fight your way back out. Once out, return toGrayditch and enter the Wilks' House.Wilks' Houseo======================================================================o10) In the Wilks House you'll find the body of Fred Wilks. He's better off dead with an annoying kid like Bryan. On his body you'll find theShed Key and on a shelf you'll find a Chinese Assault Rifle and some 5.56 ammo. Loot the house and head across the street to the Brandice'sHouse.Brandice's Houseo======================================================================o11) Upstairs you'll find W. Brandice's terminal [Easy]. You'll find someinfo about the Brandice's, as well as the location of a gun hidden behind the fridge, in a tool box. It's a .32 Pistol, so don't get tooexcited. He'll aslo talk about Lesko, Navarro, and some other thingsfrom Fallout 2. Go up to the Pulowski Preservation Shelter and tellBryan the bad news. Also ask him about the family's around. He'll talkmore about Dr. Lesko, making his shack the next obvious place to go..for the quest, anyways. Explore the two Abandoned Homes next. First goto the one east of the Brandice's House.Abandoned Home #1o======================================================================o***BOOKS***Guns and Bullets12) There are some drugs about, and a 10mm Pistol on the shelf in theliving room. Also there's a copy of Guns and Bullets in a wooden crateon the same shelf. In the cabinet upstairs you'll find some alcohol, andin a wooden crate near the bed you'll find Pre-War Money and some Jet.Abandoned Home #2o======================================================================o13) Leave and explore the house south of the Brandice's House. You'llfind some Psycho on a shelf, Tin Cans scattered about, and a ChinesePistol in a cabinet upstairs. Hardly worth the effort, but at leastnobody can say we didn't look. Head to the Recently Built Shack next tothe Wilks House.Recently Built Shacko======================================================================o14) Grab 'Doctor Lesko's Password Recording' off the table and accesshis computer. You'll be able to discover that Lesko was messing withthe ants, and is presumably responsible for their mutation into Fire Ants. You'll also discover that he was working out of the MarigoldStation. The Marigold Station is just a bit south east of here.Marigold Stationo======================================================================o15) To take care of the Fire Ants in this area I rely soley on sneakattack criticals and my trusty Combat Shotgun. It really makes these ants a non-issue. Head south then east, there are two ways to get to where you're going. Through the door to the east you'll find some rooms, the first of which has some grenade boxes, and the second has more loot.If you go south you'll enter into the large metro tunnel. Go inside theticket booth to find a skeleton, some .32 Rounds, a .32 Pistol, and thenote 'Grady's Last Recording.' The recording will tell you to look fora key in a fire hose box in a maintenence closet. Once you have the keyyou should look for a room marked by a 'spinning light', once you havethe package, take it to Ronald in Girdershade. Right. <---------------------------------------------------------------------->16) There are now two tunnels to the east you can take, the northern one leads to the Falls Church area of Arlington and to the completion of this quest, so lets head south first. At the area where the two tunnels connect you'll find a Nuka-Cola machine, an ammo box [Easy] and a Silenced 10mm Pistol and some 10mm Rounds in a locker. Past a door to the south you'll eventually come to a storage closet with Grady's Fire Hose Box on the wall, inside of which is Grady's Safe Key. There are also some drugs, boxes, and other things for you to grab while you're here. If you continue south, you'll go through another room with someloot in it, and exit at the end of the same tunnel the northern tunnelleads to.
<---------------------------------------------------------------------->17) By heading down the northern tunnel you'll eventually come to afork. The path east leads to the Fall Church area, so head south. Ifyou stick to the left side of the tunnel you'll discover a door [Easy]near a flashing light. Go inside and loot the ammo box, first aid box, metal box, mine box, tool box.. boxes of every shape and size. Also grabthe Ripper from the shelf and search Grady's Safe, which contains thefabled 'Naughty Nightware'. That Ronald dude is trying too hard. ARaider named Lug-Nut will arrive and threaten you for the clothes. Succeed at a Speech check and he'll go away. Kill him and he'll go awayforever. Personally I like doing both. If you take the Naughty Nightwareto Ronald in Girdershade you can get him to pay you 200 Caps for it, or 300 Caps, if you succeed at a Speech challenge. If you just give it to him you'll earn some karma. Keep in mind that if you give him the Naughty Nightware you'll never get it back, even if you kill him. <---------------------------------------------------------------------->18) Keep going until the tunnel end, then turn west to find a connectingtunnel Near a generator is the corpse of William Brandice, who has a fair amount of equipment on him, including his key. Continue heading south down the new tunnel and go through the door on the left. You'll find Doctor Lesko, whose voice is.. way.. over done. Offer to help him continue his experiment, and be sure to ask him to pay you for the endeavor, in which case he'll offer to give you a mutagenic enhancer as well as his old lab coat. He'll ask you not to harm the Ant Queen in anyway, but to eliminate the Nest Guardians near her. If you have enough Science you can get him to admit that he used FEV to speed up the ants mutations. For those of you who haven't played Fallout 1 & 2 yet, FEV is short for 'F(orced) E(volutionary) V(irus), the same stuff that makes Super Mutants. Head through the door to the east and head down the stairs to the Queen Ant's Hatchery.Queen Ant's Hatcheryo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Big Book of Science19) Go around killing the Nest Guardians, which are about as strong asa Fire Ant Warrior. If you hadn't guessed, there are five of them. Tothe south you'll find the Ant Queen's hive, which is occupied by, ofcourse, the Ant Queen. You'll find Doctor Lesko's Portocomp [Average] ona desk. Before you go grab the Big Book of Science nearby and the Nuka-Cola Quantum. Now head back to Doctor Lesko, who will offer to give you a Mutagenic Bioenhancer injection, which will give you either the Ant Sight or Ant Might perk. If you opted to live in Tenpenny Tower and blew up Megaton (whether you grabbed the Bobblehead - Strength first or not) you should wait until you have Almost Perfect. That way you can at least get 10 Strength. He will also give you his old lab coat if younegotiated for it. Once you get your perk you can go back and kill the Ant Queen, and Doctor Lesko, for that matter. On Lesko's body you'llfind Lesko's Portable Terminal Access. If you destroy the Mutagen Sampleyou'll gain some karma. Now there's only one thing left to do: return toBryan Wilks and find out what to do about him.Grayditch (cont'd)o======================================================================o20) Go back to Bryan and ask if he knows anywhere else he can stay.He'll mention a cousin Vera, who lives in Rivet City. Rivet City, yousay? That's right, yet another reason to go there. We've explored almost everything in the south west of the Capital Wasteland and left atrail of resolved conflicts in our wake. Now lets do a little somethingfor ourselves and, for the sake of continuity, make our way to GalaxyNews Radio. Head over to the Farragut West Metro Station, just acrossthe river from Super-Duper Mart.Farragut West Metro Station to Galaxy News Radioo======================================================================oSequence of Events:{WLK026}1) Farragut West Metro Station2) Tenleytown/Friendship Station 3) Enroute to Chevy Chase4) Chevy Chase5) GNR Under Siege6) Galaxy News Radio7) Three Dog***BOOKS***Nikola Tesla and YouU.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes1) Enter the Metro station and head north west down the tunnel, turningsouth west around a corner and through a door to the north west. Headnorth east through some rooms and go down a tunnel to the north west.You'll come to a more weathered part of the metro. Go up some stairs,where you'll find some Ghouls behind a locked gate [Very Easy]. It'seasy enough for us to bypass, but impossible for the Ghouls. I save myself the trouble of fighting a Feral Ghoul Reaver by simply shootingit to death through the door. Cheap, but effective. Opposite the lockedgate you'll find a door leading to a well maintained room. Grab the lootaround the room and access the MDCTA Service Access Terminal, which canunlock the safe [Average] behind the deck. In the safe you'll find someCaps, the note 'DCTA Laser Firearms Protocol', a Laser Pistol, and acopy of Nikola Tesla and You. Go through the gate and down into a pit.You'll find a locked door [Average] to a storage room, where you'll findseveral Missiles, three Pre-War Books, two 10mm Pistols, an AssaultRifle, two Frag Grenades, a Baseball Bat, and a copy of U.S. Army: 30Handy Flamethrower Recipes. Go up the stairs and through another lockeddoor, up some stairs, and through a door leading to the Tenleytown/Friendship Station.Tenleytown/Friendship Stationo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Grognak the BarbarianLying, Congressional Style2) To the north east you'll find plenty of Ghouls, many of which areguarding various dead Mercenaries, Wastelanders, and Raiders. It alsoleads to the Friendship Heights area of the Capital Wasteland, a placewe discovered on our way to the National Guard Depot. Head along the tunnel to the west and follow it when it turns north. There will be atunnel to the right, were some Ghouls are squatting over a dead Mercenary. The Mercenary has Leather Armor and a Laser Pistol. You'llalso find some Conductors, Steam Gauge Assemblies, and Fission Batterieson a metal shelf. There's also a copy of Lying, Congressional Style ona metal shelf. Keep going north through a large metro hub room until youfind another tunnel to the east. Kill more Ghouls and loot another deadMercenary, who has some Frag Mines near him and a Laser Rifle. Now headsouth into the large metro room and go up some stairs. East, past a deadWastelander you'll find a Nuka-Cola Quantum on a bench. Continue to the east, then turn north, heading into a room to the left. You'll find a dead Raider at the doorway, and a dead Mercenary in one of the rooms.In the room to the south you'll also find a computer [Average] which can unlock a wall safe [Average]. There's also a copy of Grognak the Barbarian on the upper left shelf of the left-most locker. It's veryhard to see, being that it's above you, but it's there. You can exterminate some Radroaches in the bathrooms on the other side of the hall, and the exit to Friendship Heights area is to the north.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->3) Head south from the door to the Farragut Station to progress towardsGNR. When you get near the southern metro hub you'll find a Super Mutantchasing a Radroach. I give him a shotgun surprise and clear the room ofGhouls. Note that there are some abnormally large metal boxes in one ofthe corners of this room.. Anyways, head up the stairs and travel eastinto a tunnel. Continue until you find a gate leading to Chevy Chase.Note the Brotherhood symbol painted on the floor in front of the gate.'To GNR Outpost' indeed.Chevy Chase (North and East)o======================================================================o4) You'll soon discover Chevy Chase North. Wee. North of the stairs leading to the metro you came out of you'll find an Assault Rifle and some ammo. Go over to the Pulowski Preservation Shelter and disarm the landmine, inside the shelter is some Purified Water, a Teddy Bear, and aLead Pipe. To the east you'll find Chevy Chase East and a gate leadingto the Metro Junction.GNR Building Plazao======================================================================o***BEHEMOTH***5) To the south you'll find some Super Mutants and some Brotherhood ofSteel Paladins, led by Sentinel Lyons. She'll chat you up if you get tooclose, and you can find out that her squad is heading to relieve thegarrison at GNR. Follow her around a building to find the rest of hersquad. Loot the dead Initiate Jennings then follow the squad west intoan old school absolutely crawling with Super Mutants. You can eitherhelp the Brotherhood out, or let them and the Super Mutants tangle.Continue through the school through the south to find the GNR Plaza,which is under attack by Super Mutants. After they're all dead the squad will split up, and a Super Mutant Behemoth will show up from theeast and kill Initiate Reddin. To make this fight easy run back intothe school and shoot the helpless Behemoth to death. Just in case,however, one of the dead Brotherhood of Steel Paladins near the fountainwill have a Fat Man and some Mini Nukes on him, in case you need them.When the Behemoth falls loot it, and any dead Brotherhood Paladins youfind lying around. Go up to the door to the GNR building an talk to theintercom and you'll be allowed in.Galaxy News Radioo======================================================================o6) You can loot around and talk to the Brotherhood characters around,but they have little of interest to say. They don't mind if you grabeverything of value, so help yourself to the ammo boxes and first aidboxes behind the sandbag. When you're done looting, head up stairs andgo through the door to GNR Studios.GNR Studioso======================================================================o***BOOKS***Big Book of Science***QUESTS***Galaxy News RadioScientific Pursuits (one of many ways to start this quest)7) Three Dog isn't as generous with his stuff as the Brotherhood ofSteel is, so if you want any loot you'll have to steal it. Some notesbefore we talk to Three Dog. If you kill Three Dog you can grab hisHeadband and Glasses, the first of which is actually somewhatinteresting.. but seeing as how all your attributes will be 10 at level30 you don't need the +1 Luck and +1 Charisma. Also if you kill ThreeDog GNR is hosted by Agatha instead, who just plays music. Three Dog will say he's seen your dad, but before he'll cough up his location hehas a task for you. I suggest you succeed at a Speech check instead, inwhich case he'll tell you that your dad was heading to Rivet City. It'snot an easy Speech challenge, and some reloads may be in order. This isthe way you should finish Following in His Footsteps in order to get theexperience reward. Talk to him again and this time he'll ask for yourhelp in exchange for telling you about a hidden weapons cache. He wantsyou to find another relay dish for GNR, one of which happens to belocated in the Museum of Technology. You'll get two notes, 'Virgo IILunar Lander', and 'Washington Monument Access.' This starts the questGalaxy News Radio, and you'll get the map marker for the Museum of Technology. Before you leave loot around, how much is entirely up toyou, but at least grab the Big Book of Science on the desk in the central room. Now head downstairs and to the north until you find a doorleading to the Dupont Circle. Along the way through the horde of SuperMutants around GNR I leveled up. We'll solve Three Dog's problem in caseyou didn't use Speech on him and take the long route through D.C. toreach Rivet City. A little exploration now will make it easier for uslater.***LEVEL UP***Small Guns goes up to 80 and I start spending a few points into Unarmed,to get it up to 80 as well. I grab the Nerves of Steel perk, the lastof the decent perks left. Level 26HP:500AP:104Barter:70Big Guns:17Energy Weapons:60Explosives:60Lockpick:87Medicine:60Melee Weapons:80Repair:80Science:95Small Guns:62 + 18 = 80Sneak:80Speech:60Unarmed:70 + 2 = 72Dupont Circle to The Museum of Technologyo======================================================================oSequence of Events:{WLK027}1) Dupont Circle2) Collapsed Car Tunnel3) Dupont Circle Station4) Metro Central, 1st Level5) Metro Central, 2nd Level6) Metro Central, 3rd Level7) Museum Station8) To the Mall9) Museum of Technology, Atrium10) Museum of Technology, West Wing11) Delta IX Rocket Display12) The Lunar Lander13) Jiggs' Share14) Planet-arium!15) The Mall16) The Washington Monument17) Hamilton's Hideaway18) The Weapon's Cache19) Your Number's Up, Prime1) Go down the floors of the ruined building. As Three Dog promised,it's a one way trip, a fact that's deadened a bit by your ability tofast travel. To the east across a bridge you'll find an unmarked entrance to Metro Junction. To the south you'll find a picnic tablewith an Assault Rifle on it, and some ammo boxes and a first aid boxnearby. Head down the lowered area and go south to find a door leadingto the Collapsed Car Tunnel.Collapsed Car Tunnelo======================================================================o2) More Ghouls. Joy. You can go west to find the exit to Dupont Circle,but to reach the Mall we need to go through the Dupont Circle Station toMetro Central. Head south, then through a different door west, slayingGhouls as you go. If you want to explore Dupont Circle now would be thetime to do so, but like Georgetown it's completely ancillary. UnlikeGeorgetown, however, it's not really that rewarding to explore. Take the door from the Collapsed Car Tunnel to the Dupont Circle Station.Dupont Circle Stationo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Lying, Congressional Style3) Head south into a room where you can activate a metro Protectron.Really though, these opportunities are useless, as the Protectronusually just gets wasted by the enemies in the Metro. There's a copy ofLying, Congressional Style in a plastic bin on one of the desks. Gothrough a door and head east to find the gate to Dupont Circle, aroundwhich you'll find two Super Mutants lurking. Head west through a door and follow the tunnel until you reach a train tunnel leading south. Kill a Raider and head around a corner to the west to find the Raider's abode, which has some loot around in, particularly the ammo boxes. Head south to find a door to the west and go down the tunnel a short way, kill a Raider, and loot their cubby to the north which contains a bunch of drugs. Continue south down some stairs to find a Raider outpost. You can hack a terminal [Average] and turn their turret on them for good fun. Head through the Raider tunnels and activate an electrical switch and go through a Utlity Door. Now we're in sewer tunnels. You'll find some dead Ghouls and Raiders. Grab the ammo boxes, the Frag Grenades behind the ammo boxes, and whatever loot the deadies have. Go up a tunnel to the east and disarm a tripwire and grab the grenade bouquet above it. You'll find a door leading to Metro Central.Metro Centralo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Pugilism Illustrated4) Metro Central is a bit of a hub (hence the name, Metro CENTRAL), andit's just one way we can reach the Mall. Head south and you'll find someGhouls and Raiders fighting. On a table you'll find some Frag Grenades,Stimpaks, and a 10mm Pistol. You'll also find an Assault Rifle nearby,and three ammo boxes under the table. Head through a door to the southto reach a metro train tunnel and continue south to reach a large openmetro hub area. The way to the Museum Station is south through some moretrain tunnels, down the western tunnel. Near the door you'll find someammo boxes and a dead Raider. In the tunnel to the east you'll find apack of Vicious Dogs guarding a locked door [Average] behind which aresome drugs, some components, and a copy of Pugilism Illustrated. Sincewe're here, and I hate to leave areas half done, lets explore the restof Metro Central. <---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Dean's Electronics5) Head back north and go up the stairs to the next level of the metro. If you go up the stairs to the west you'll come across the door to the Foggy Bottom Station. In the room leading to the Foggy Bottom Station door you'll find some ammo boxes, and outside the room you'll find a dead Talon Company Mercenary. Also nearby, to the east of the room leading to Foggy Bottom you'll find a locked gate [Easy], behind which you can find a copy of Dean's Electronics on a table. If you go up the stairs to the east you'll find the entrance to the Freedom Station. To the south of Freedom Station you can find a pile of bodies, amongst which are the remains of another Talon Company Mercenary, along with some Stimpaks, Assault Rifles, 5.56mm Rounds, and a Chinese Assault Rifle. <---------------------------------------------------------------------->6) From the second level (the level on which the Foggy Bottom and Freedom Station entrances are found) head up the stairs to the north andcontinue north. You'll find some bathrooms, in one of which is askeleton with a Chinese Assault Rifle, some 5.56 Rounds, and someStimpaks. You'll also find the entrance to Pennsylvania Avenue, so ifyou want to check out the 'ol White House, here you go. When you're donehead through the door to the Museum Station.Museum Stationo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Grognak the Barbarian7) Loot the room you're in and head east, flip an electrical switch, andgo up some stairs. In this room you'll find a bunch of alcohol and poolballs, and on a table you'll find a copy of Grognak the Barbarian. Gothrough a door to the east to find a metro train tunnel. To the northyou'll find a Raider camp with little loot. To the south you'll find alarge metro hub with more Raiders in it. In the south-east corner ofthe hub room you'll find their camp, which has some ammo boxes to grab.You can continue south to find the Anacostia Crossing Station, but we'llget there soon enough.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual8) Head up the stairs in the large metro hub. You can now either go eastor west. East takes you to right outside the Museum of Technology, butwest is more profitable, so go west first. You'll find two bathrooms,in the men's room you'll find some Buffout in the sink, some Jet on atoilet seat, and a dead Wastelander. In the ladies restroom you'll findRad-X on a sink, a Cherry Bomb in a toilet, and in a wooden crate bya skeleton you'll find Buffout, Jet, and a copy of Chinese Army: Spec.Ops. Training Manual. Now head over to the east to score some drugs,ammo boxes, and about fifty Tin Cans. Exit the metro and head southeast a short distance to find a door leading to the Museum of TechnologyAtrium.Museum of Technology, Atriumo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Nikola Tesla and You9) First things first, kill the Super Mutants in this level. On themain floor you'll find a Stealth Boy in the south west corner, and aterminal south of the desks labeled 'Museum Information'. Activate theterminal and selection option #000 to find a letter from a guy namedPrime to somebody named Jiggs. You'll have to find terminals throughoutthe Museum to get access to Jiggs' loot. Leave the terminal and selectit again to find the entry #000 replaced with #001. When you select ityou'll get four number, #9, #19, #30, and #49. You want to select #19,which is, of course, the prime number there. When you're done with theterminal head through a door to the east to find a door past two bathrooms. Go up some stairs to find a room with two terminals. Near the Museum Maintenance console you'll find a copy of Nikola Tesla and You.Head back out to the main room and go up the stairs north of the desks.Head through the first door to the east to find two Stealth Boys onstands, then head through the Vault Tour. Life in a Vault.. how romantic! When you're done with the tour continue until you find thedoor to the Museum of Technology West Wing.Museum of Technology, West Wingo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Guns and Bullets10) To the west you'll find two terminals, the westernmost of the twohas the #002 entry on it. Select it to bring up four numbers, #24, #38,#53, #88. Anybody who wasn't born under a rock and who possesses (Iassume) the mental facilities to make it through a text-based FAQwithout a single pretty picture realizes that the only even-number thatis prime is 2. Pick #53 and continue through a door to the south towind up at the Delta IX Rocket display, which is crawling with SuperMutants. Note there are three ways to reach the Lunar Lander, one bygoing downstairs through the Planetarium, and the other two by going through the Delta IX Rocket display. What kind of guide would this beif we didn't explore them all? First, however, head up to the top ofthe stairs. You'll notice that in the south western corner of the roomis a balcony that we can't reach, it's directly south of a Vault-Tecbanner on the wall. The only way to reach it is to jump down from thestaircase above to land on the ledge, where you'll find a room to thesouth. You'll find some skeletons on a matress on the floor in a veryquestionable position.. why does one have a knife? Anyways, there's acopy of Guns and Bullets of the table, and some Nuka-Cola, Purified Water, and a Stimpak in the fridge.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->11) Go down the stairs in the Delta IX Rocket display room until youreach the bottom, stopping to search another terminal on the northernwall. Activate #003 to get four numbers, #99, #105, #111, and #113.Pick #113 and the entry will change to #Get Passcode. Select it to getPrime's note to Jiggs, which will tell you to get some loot in asecurity office safe upstairs. It also tells you to meet him in a dinernear the Jury Street Metro Station. Will do. You'll get the note'Earned Your Share.'<---------------------------------------------------------------------->12) Headupstairs now, ignoring the passage to the west. Yes, it leads tothe room with the Lunar Lander, but we'll get there soon enough. At thetop of the stairs you'll find a door [Average]. Go through the door,down some stairs, and loot a desk to find a Key - Custodian Key for TechMuseum. Continue through a door opening to the north, around a walkway,and down some stairs to find the Lunar Lander. Relieve it of its coveted Virgo II Communications Dish, now we just need to get to theWashington Monument.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->13) Go north through a door way and through the first door on your left.Go up some stairs until you reach a door leading to a security room,much like the one you found in the Atrium. There's a terminal [Average]which controls the deactivated turrets outside, a safe you can't open,and a Museum of Tech Security terminal. Activate the terminal and, ifyou did all the steps of Prime's terminal game, you'll have the optionto #Unlock Safe. Open the safe for 200 Caps, a Gun Locker Key, and twoJets.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->14) Head back downstairs and continue through the passage to the northuntil you reach the Planetarium. The Planetarium should spring to lifeand begin regailing you with idealistic nonesense about space travel..until it screws up and loops. Two Super Mutants should also enter intime, approaching from the south. Kill them and search about the roomfor what meager loot it has, then head through a door to the east.Inside you'll find a Nuka-Cola Quantum on a shelf, and a gun cabinet[Very Hard] that you can open with Prime's Key. There's also a Planetarium Terminal [Easy], but what it's purpose is, I have no clue.Now make your way out in any way you find convenient. It's time toexplore the Mall!The Mall (and Bunker)o======================================================================o***BOOKS***Duck and Cover!15) This place is Super Mutant Central. From the Washington Monument tothe Capitol Building spans a Super-Mutant sized trench system. I'llleave the specifics of the initiative and the specifics of the exploration up to to you. In the trench you'll find-besides plenty ofdelicious Super Mutants-some Ammo Boxes scattered about, and the odddead Brotherhood character. Be wary of Grenade Bouquets, as the SUperMutants are not above booby-trapping their own fortifactions. You'll also find the entrance to a Bunker in the trenches. If you want to explore it, be wary, as Super Mutants will spawn in the trenches if you do so. Inside you'll find a copy of Duck and Cover! some Super Mutants,and two trip-wire traps. Across the Mall to the north you'll find the National Archives and the Museum of History, two places you'll be visiting at some point. You'll also find the Washington Monument to thewest. To the east you'll find the Capitol Building, where a titanic war between the Talon Company Mercenaries and the Super Mutants is erupting,so only travel there if you're itching for a fight. I encountered no less than four Super Mutant Overlords near the Capitol Building at thispoint in the game.. which allows me to introduce a pair of wonderful newweapons.. if you didn't already encounter them, you will in the Mall.***WEAPON INFO***Tri-beam Laser Rifle (Energy Weapons)Maximum Damage: 89AP Cost: LowAmmo: MF CellClip Size: 24 (1 round/shot, semi-auto)It is what is says it is, a triple Laser Rifle, it's got over threetimes the damage and three times the ammo consumption of a normal LaserRifle. Oddly enough, it doesn't seem to have the same value.. Still ifyou're going to use any energy weapon.. well.. it's as much of a mixedbag as any other energy weapon. It's expensive to maintain, and iteats through ammo, all in all, you might as well just use A3-21'sPlasma Rifle.***WEAPON INFO***Super Sledge (Melee Weapons)Maximum Damage: 42AP Cost: HighAmmo: NoneClip Size: N/AI've never ceased being unimpressed with Super Sledges, they alwaysseem to eat up AP and deal out much less damage than Power Fists. InFallout 2, at least Power Fists used up energy cells, but in this game,you've got no excuse NOT to use a Power Fist. Still, if you want to hitsomething with a sledgehammer, you might as well go super.The Washington Monumento======================================================================o16) Head over to the Washington Monument and access the WashingtonMonument Security Terminal to open the gate. Go through the door to theWashington Monument, activate the Elevator Control, and ride the elevator to the top of the monument. Once on top click the Galaxy NewsRadio Relay and 'Install the Virgo Dish and activate the relay.' Wee!Now you can listen to Galaxy News Radio anywhere in the CapitolWasteland. Time to head back to Three Dog and get him to live up to hisend of the bargain. He'll give you the note 'The Weapons Cache', andtell you that it is hidden in Hamilton's Hideaway. You'll also get theWeapons Cache Key. Who is Copperhead? Anybody's guess. It just so happens that Three Dog levels me up.. well, him and the Mall. Head over to the Moonbeam Outdoor Cinema, as Hamilton's Hideaway is to the north.Head down a path with some wooden 'steps' leading down to find somedocks, on and near which you'll find some ammo boxes. Let your perception guide you to Hamilton's Hideaway.***LEVEL UP***Unarmed gets up to 80 and I put the rest of the points in Medicine.We are really just getting most everything up to 80 in anticipation ofhitting level 30. Pick another perk that tickles your fancy, Entomologist, Demolition Expert, Pyromaniac, Adamantium Skeleton, andRad Absorption being the best of the remaining perks. I personally pickDemolition Expert.Level 27HP:510AP:104Barter:70Big Guns:17Energy Weapons:60Explosives:60Lockpick:87Medicine:60 + 12 = 72Melee Weapons:80Repair:80Science:95Small Guns:80Sneak:80Speech:60Unarmed:72 + 8 = 80Hamilton's Hideawayo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Duck and Cover!17) Sure, we could have come here earlier when we were messing aroundwith Arefu, but since we couldn't score the weapons cache here I didn'tsee a point. Head northeast along the metal platform and turn northeast along another platform when you get the chance. You'll come to afour-way split in the path. To the south east are some rooms with precious little loot inside, the best of which is probably a BottlecapMine on a workbench. The other two paths will eventually both lead toa dead Wastelander, on which are some drugs. From here there are twopaths to take, but like the previous two paths that led here, they endup in the same place. Head down the western path to get to a room filledwith goodies including a copy of Duck and Cover! and a Nuka-Cola Quantum. On some shelves nearby you'll score some drugs. Any Raidersthat might have been here previously had been wasted by the Radscorpionsto the north.. particularly the Albino one I was unfortunate enough toencounter. ***WEAPON INFO***Bottlecap Mines (Explosives)Maximum Damage: 536AP Cost: N/AAmmo: Bottlecap MinesClip Size: 1 (1 mine/shot)The Bottlecap Mine breaks the rules for the mine-grenade relationship,dealing massive damage, much more than any other explosive weapon. Infact, the only thing that really can challenge it is a Fat Man. Nowthat's something. And they are much easier to make than Nuka-Grenades,too. They require three fairly common items (Cherry Bombs, Lunchboxes,and Sensor Modules) and 10 Caps. That's MUCH cheaper than the 10Nuka-Colas a Nuka-Cola Quantum, and hence, a Nuka-Grenade takes to make.Unfortunately, as mines, they lack versatility. Still, if you are goingto set down mines, make sure they're Bottlecap Mines. After all, whymaim when you can kill?<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Guns and Bullets18) Speaking of which, head north through a door and down a tunnel,exterminating Radscorpions as you go. Down at the far northern end ofthe tunnel, where rubble impedes further progress turn to the left(west) to find a hole in the wall. Inside is a cell door that can onlybe opened by the Weapons Cache Key, beyond which is your payday. You'llfind a locker, two footlockers, about seven ammo boxes, two first aid boxes, a Mini Nuke, a Stealth Boy, four Frag Grenades, an Assault Rifle,and a copy of Guns and Bullets on a footlocker. It's not the best cachewe've scored, and it might not even have been worth all the trouble toget it, but it's something. Now lets head over to Jury Street MetroStation to meet Prime.Jury Street Metro Stationo======================================================================o19) Just opposite the metro entrance you'll find your diner. Go into thediner and around to the serving side of the counter to find what's leftof Prime. On him you'll discover 500 Caps, two Buffout, three FragGrenades, two Jet, two Mentats, a Merc Cruiser Outfit, two Psycho, andthe unique Xuanlong Assault Rifle. Hell, this was more rewarding thanHamilton's Hideaway! Now it's time to finish off Rivet City and to findDad.***WEAPON INFO***Xuanlong Assault Rifle (Small Guns)Maximum Damage: 123 AP Cost: LowAmmo: 5.56mm RoundClip Size: 36 (1 round/shot, full auto, fires 3-round bursts in V.A.T.S)The Xuanlong has several improvements over the normal Chinese AssaultRifle. First of all, it's about 25% stronger, and second it has a 50%larger clip size. You'll find few better ways to waste your 5.56 Roundsthan with this gun.Rivet City Marketo======================================================================oSequence of Events:{WLK028}1) Rivet City Market2) Muddy Rudder Bar3) Midship Deck4) Bannon's Blackmail5) Capital Preservation Society6) Science Lab7) Doctor Li8) Upper Deck9) Bridge Tower10) Broken Bow11) Pinkerton12) The Replicated Man13) Hot Pants!14) Suicidal Ideations15) A Rivet City Wedding16) Tying up Loose Ends17) Jefferson Museum and Gift Shop18) Memorial Sub-Basem*nt19) Jefferson Memorial Rotunda1) Head into the Rivet City Market to find a variety of vendors. Askthem all about Rivet City's history and Pinkerton. Most folks will referyou to Vera Weatherly or Bannon. Talk to Bannon and ask him about thecity's history. Succeed at a Speech challenge and he'll tell you totalk to Belle Bonny about the city's history. If you ask him about thecouncil he'll ask you to find some evidence that incriminates SeagraveHolmes. Talk to Seagrave and he'll tell you about Pinkerton, who leftafter having a spat with the science team a decade ago, and he pointsyou to the broken bow as well. You might also find Tammy and JamesHargrave. She's a real treat. If you're naughty you can convince Jamesto run away with a successful Speech challenge. Now that you're donecausing trouble you have several leads. Talk to the people in thescience lab, bother Belle Bonny, or talk to Vera at her hotel. If youfind Mei Wong talk to her. She'll tell you that she's an escapedslave, and that a new person on the ship, Sister, is a slaver. You'llget a note from her, and she'll ask for some help. If you give her 25Caps for a gun she'll tell you the location of the Temple of the Unionand you'll get some karma. Head off to the Muddy Rudder, which can belocated by going to the bottom of the Stairwell.Muddy Rudder Baro======================================================================o2) Talk to Belle Bonny and ask about Pinkerton, and she will mention thebroken bow as well. Ask about the history of the place and tell herBannon says he started it. She'll confirm that not only is Pinkertonstill around, but he is certainly still in the broken bow of the ship.Succeed at a difficult Speech check and she'll simply refer you toPinkerton again. You can steal a bunch of alcohol from the bar, and inthe bouncer's room there's plenty of food. Now head up two flights ofstairs and enter the door to the Midship Deck.Midship Decko======================================================================o***QUESTS***Stealing Independence3) You can break into a lot of houses and deal a lot of minorlyvaluable stuff, but I'll leave most of the individual looting up to you.The Cantelli's house has a good bit of drugs you can loot. If you findPaulie Cantelli you can give him some Psycho for some bad karma.. butthis tends to earn the demise of Paulie Cantelli.. filthy addict that heis. You can talk to Father Clifford in the 'church' on this level, but like most priests, he's useless. You can lie and say Diego and Angela are getting it on, which will make the good father kick Diego out of the church. Diego will then propose to Angela. <---------------------------------------------------------------------->4) More importantly, search Seagrave's room to find the note 'Seagraves Incriminating Letter' under his bunk. You can also hack his computer [Average] to learn a bit about him. If you confront Seagrave he'll ask you to tell Danver that Bannon is blackmailing him, and to not hand over the note.. Bannon, on the other hand will ask you to give the note to Danvers and not implicate him. They both seem fairly sleazy, so moralityisn't an issue.. But what is the most rewarding option? If you give Bannon the note you'll get a discount at his store, which isn't all thatuseful, but he'll also give you the Schematic - Deathclaw Gauntlet. Seagrave will just give you the discount. So when we find Danver it would be more sensible to sell outSeagrave and be Bannon's buddy. Ifyou have two or three Deathclaw Schematics, it'd be a great time to craft one.. actually, well past time to craft one, but that's besides the point.***WEAPON INFO***Deathclaw Gauntlet (Unarmed)Maximum Damage: 38AP Cost: LowAmmo: NoneClip Size: N/ALike Fisto!, but better. Why is it better? It's not the damage, at aglance, but the Deathclaw Gauntlet has the hidden benefit of ignoringarmor. Against some some of the more powerful enemies in the game, thiswill make the Deathclaw Gauntlet much more useful than Fisto!.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->5) Go into the room with the airplane hanging from the ceiling, the 'Capitol Preservation Society', and talk to Abraham Washington. Offer tofind the Declaration of Independence for him, and bug him about the reward until he offers to give you the Schematic - Railway Rifle. Ask him for the map location to get the map marker added. Don't worry, we'll get to the Mall soon enough. You can succeed at a Speech challenge to get him to reveal his source and ask him about the history of the document, which is somewhat amusing. Lastly, you can loot his room and hack his computer [Average] to learn more about his Declaration Expedition, and about some artifacts of Lincoln's in the Museum of History. Now head through the door to the Science Lab.Science Labo======================================================================o***QUESTS***Scientific PursuitsThe Replicated Man6) You'll be approached by Dr. Zimmer, who will try to hire you to findhis runaway android. This is the appropriate way to begin the quest 'TheReplicated Man', and Dr. Zimmer is the first person to offer you areward for finding the android.. I mean a real reward, not the love ofGod crap that slave-loving technophile offered. Accept to look for hisandroid and you'll get the note 'Missing Android' and 'Self determination is not a malfunction'. Ask Dr. Zimmer for more informationhe'll refer you to Dr. Preston, who is aboard this ship somewhere. Ifyou keep bugging him he'll eventually tell you more about this escapedcyborg, this A3-21. If you've been talking to people, you should by nowbe able to tell Dr. Zimmer that Pinkerton did the android's face job andmemory wipe, for what it's worth. <---------------------------------------------------------------------->7) You can also talk to Doctor Li, who will recognize you as James' child. You can ask her about Project Purity, the reason your father apparently left the Vault and abandoned you. If you ask about where yourdad went, she'll tell you he went to the old lab, in the Jefferson Memorial. If you succeed at a Speech check she'll give you five Stimpaks to help you out. There are a few other people to talk to here,but they don't have anything interesting to say. Head up some stairs to the east and go to the Upper Deck.Upper Decko======================================================================o8) Through the first door to the left you'll find Doctor Preston.. or atleast his hospital. He doesn't have much to tell you about Pinkerton orthe history of the place, but he could give you more information about'The Replicated Man' if we already didn't get enough information fromMoira earlier. You can steal some drugs from his hospital, and hack hiscomputer [Average] to find out about the medical problems of some of theresidents. You'll also find a good bit of ammo in Flak & Shrapnel'sroom, as would be expected from gun shop owners. In the Weatherly Hotelyou can talk to Mister Buckingham, whom you can conduct business with.Also you'll find Vera, whom you can make Speech challenges with to learngossip. If you ask about Rivet City's history she'll refer you to Seagrave. In Docter Li's room you can hack her computer [Easy] to findout about her work in Rivet City. Also grab the Project Purity Journals# 1, 3 and 5 on her desk. Head out into the Stairwell and go up some stairs to reach the Bridge Tower.Bridge Towero======================================================================o***SCHEMATICS***Schematic - Rock-It Launcher9) This is where most of Rivet City Security hangs out, so be on yourbest behavior. Inside you'll typically find Commander Danvers, who ishanging around here during the day. Show her Seagrave's incriminatingnote, and if you got James Hargrave to run away you can ask her aboutthat, too. Otherwise, she's not very interesting. On one of the higherlevels you'll find Security's Terminal [Very Easy], which contains a bunch of useless information. You'll also find a robot named PrivateJones, who's mostly just there to keep you honest. If you have [Robotic's Expert] you can disable him, if you want to have any chanceat looting. There's an ammo box [Hard], two footlockers [Average], and aChinese Assault Rifle on a shelf. There's also a locked door [Very Hard], behind which is an armory guarded by a turret. If you want accessto the armory you'll have to disable Private Jones and very carefullydestroy the turret, and make absolutely sure that the Rivet Citysecurity doesn't turn hostile on you. Inside you'll find the Schematic -Rock-It Launcher, some guns and ammo, some locked ammo boxes [Average],and many locked Armor Cases [Very Hard]. If you wanted a buttload ofexperience from picking [Very Hard] locks, here's your chance. Theycontain Combat Armor and Combat Helmets, and generally looting them isn't worth the aggravation. When you're ready go west of Rivet City to find the Broken Bow.Broken Bowo======================================================================o10) To get into the Broken Bow you either need to go across some rampsover the water and open a locked door [Very Hard]. If you can't, thenyou'll have to swim. From the door swim east, then around to the southuntil you're between the two halves of the ship. Swim underwater to finda door leading to the Broken Bown down a short tunnel. I'd suggestsaving before doing this, as it can be somewhat disorientating doingthis the first time. Swim west into a room and surface near the ceilingto get some precious oxygen. Open a door underwater to the west and swim into the next room. Swim until you find a doorway to the left andfind sweet air at the top of a staircase. Make your way up another flight of stairs and head north to find the door to the outside. Youcan hit an electrical switch near the door to ensure you won't have toswim out of here. On a table near the door you'll find a landmine anda Scoped .44 Mangum. There will be a Mirelurk or two wandering about,but they should be more annoying than a threat. Head to the south tofind a door with a trip wire next to it. Inside the room by the tripwire you'll find a pressure plate with two rigged shotguns triggered toit, and a Frag Mine on the counter. Don't set off traps here, or thegas in the air will give you extra punishment. Keep heading to the southwest corner of the Local Map to find Pinkerton and his lab. You have tohit an electrical switch to open the door leading to him. <---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Big Book of ScienceD.C. Journal of Internal MedicineDean's Electronics11) Talk to Pinkerton, who is a treasure trove of information. Ask him about Rivet City's history, and he'll tell you that he founded the science lab around which Rivet City grew. Keep poking and he'll give you some records proving his was at the first council meeting. You'll get the note 'Rivet City Council Minutes', which is all the evidence you need to finish up the Wasteland Survival Guide. Notice the names? Horace Pinkerton needs no introduction, but Annette Holmes (related to SeagraveHolmes, no doubt) and Brad Danvers (related to Commander Danvers) standout. Ask about the android. Pinkerton is all too eager to tell you abouthis work, and will reveal that Harkness is the android. He'll also giveyou the password to his computer to find proof of his surgery, andhe'll give you the note 'Pre-Harkness Audio Recording', and two photos,'Harkness before Picture' and 'Harkness after Picture'. Keep talking andhe'll give you a code to bring back Harkness' memories, so you can prove it to him as well. Go access Pinkerton's computer to get all the infoyou'll need. You'll get the note 'I'm brilliant', 'Mem chip' and 'Harkness.' Now loot Pinkerton's lab. He's got a number of Stealth Boyson the desk opposite his operating table. There are also three books about, a D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine behind the gurney with the corpse on it, and a Big Book of Science and a copy of Dean's Electronicsacross the room on the desk and metal cabinet, respectively. Also, hecan do facial reconstruction on you, which is a wonderful feature if youwanted to change the appearance of your character. Head back to Rivet City and pay Harkness a visit. He's usually in the Market at day time.Rivet City Market (cont'd)o======================================================================o***SCHEMATICS***Schematics - Deathclaw Guantlet (Bannon)12) Talk to Harkness and show him the evidence. What'll eventuallyhappen is you'll get the prompt to use his memory override code.. thisis a scene that really calls for a cutscene, rather than a melodramatic"aaaaugh!" from Harkness. Ask him what he's going to do about Zimmer.Ask him to let you kill Zimmer and he'll give you the A3-21 PlasmaRifle. While you're here go talk to Bannon, who will give you a discountto his store and give you the Schematic - Deathclaw Gauntlet. Now headback to the Science Lab.***WEAPON INFO***A3-21's Plasma Rifle (Energy Weapons)Maximum Damage: 63AP Cost: LowAmmo: MF CellClip Size: 12 (1 round/shot, semi-auto)It's about 10% stronger than a normal Plasma Rifle, but about 25% moreexpensive to maintain. Whether the potency is worth the cost is up toyou.Science Lab (cont'd)o======================================================================o13) Talk to Dr. Zimmer and tell him that his android is Rivet City'ssecurity chief. He'll give you a combat module which gives you theWired Reflexes perk, a very nice bonus for all us V.A.T.S. users. Youcan now just leave well enough alone, or do Harkness a favor and killDr. Zimmer. My prefered method for killing him is to plant a FragGrenade on him, which will get you the Psychotic Prankster achievementif you're on the Xbox 360. Zimmer and Armitage tend to be close enoughthat one grenade'll kill them both. Before we leave Rivet City behind,lets deal with two freeform quests. They're not rewarding, but for thesake of completionism, I might as well mention them.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->14) Any time during the day you can find Angela Staley in the Market.Talk to her and ask about Diego, and she'll mention that she has acrush on him. Encourage her to use her feminine wiles to seduce him,and she'll mention Ant Queen Pheromones, which will give her an unfairedge in that department. Now, if you want to sabotage the poor girl,head to the Midship Deck and find Saint Monica's Church. Inside you canfind Diego, who will chat a bit about souls, saints, and other fairytales. If you threaten to tattle on him, he'll resolve to stop seeingAngela at all.. although nothing seems to come from this resolution.You can also talk to Father Clifford and lie to him about seeing Angelaand Diego doing what priests and little boys normally do. At the thoughtof anything so impure as heterosexual relations, Father Clifford willexpel Diego from the clery.. resulting in him persuing Angela inearnest. If you want to actually pursue the pheromone route, talk toCindy Cantelli in the market and tell her about Angela's crush. Shejust so happens to sell Ant Queen Pheromones, which will set you bakcsomewhere in the area of 100~ Caps. Go back to Angela and ask her aboutDiego again and give her the Pheromones. Wait a day, ask her how itwent, and, well.. they're getting married. Ask about the wedding andshe'll tell you it's the next day, at 3:00. Head up to the wedding tosee.. well, what counts as a wedding in Fallout. You'll get some karma,which just goes to show that Bethesda agrees with me. Drugging a guy sothat he gets laid is a good thing if it spares him a wasted life fullof frustration and mindless obedience to space daddies. Don't get angryat me, you saw the karma!<---------------------------------------------------------------------->15) Once you're done drugging people, it's time to perform one more gooddeed. If you find Mister Lopez wandering around the city, talk to himand he'll give you a sad-sack reply. Afterwards, talk to Father Cliffordabout it and suggest that Mister Lopez might be suicidal. Cliffordacknowledges your astute observation, but hopefully remarks that he'stalked Mister Lopez down to merely one hour of death-wishing per day.Head to the Stairwell and go up to the Bridge Tower. Go to the top ofthe Bridge Tower and exit a door leading outside to 'Rivet City' toreach the observation tower, which overlooks the flight deck. At 3:00(what is it with that time?) you'll find Mister Lopez, standing along
the edge of the tower. Talk to him and pick option #1 to shove him off,pick option #2 to tell him that suicide is for cowards, and succeed ata Speech check to talk him out of his suicidal thoughts, or pick option#3 to convince him to jump. The reward? Negative karma for the firstand third options, positive karma for the second option.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->16) Now lets tie up some loose ends. Head back to Grayditch and tell Bryan that Vera will take him in. You'll finally get your quest rewardfor completing 'Those!'. Return to Moira in Megaton and tell her aboutyour success in Rivet City. She'll give you some Mentats and tell youthat you'll get a discount from the traders in Rivet City. Wee. Ask herabout being complete with the last chapter. She'll give you a Mini Nuke,and you'll get either the Junior Survivor, Survivor Expert, or SurivorGuru perk, depending on how well you completed the quests. You'll alsoget a copy of the Wasteland Survival Guide. Completing three quests in amatter of minutes gets me enough experience to level up. Now head overto the Jefferson Memorial.Jefferson Museum and Gift Shopo======================================================================o17) Head west of Rivet City, past the broken bow, to find the JeffersonMemorial, which is crawling with weak Super Mutants. Enter the doorleading to the Jefferson Museum and Gift Shop. There are turrets andSuper Mutants around, but these ones are poorly matched against oursneak attack shotgun prowess. Head west and waste any Super Mutants yousee until you find a door to the Memorial Sub-Basem*nt.***LEVEL UP***Medicine gets up to 80 and Energy Weapons goes as high as it can. I picka second rank of Demolition Expert as my perk.Level 28HP:520AP:104Barter:70Big Guns:17Energy Weapons:60 + 12 = 72Explosives:60Lockpick:87Medicine:72 + 8 = 80Melee Weapons:80Repair:80Science:95Small Guns:80Sneak:80Speech:60Unarmed:80Memorial Sub-Basem*nto======================================================================o18) Again, this level is crawling with Super Mutants, but none of themshould be overly threatening to us. Head down some stairs and to theeast, taking your first left to find a surgical room. On a table you'llfind Project Purity Journals #7 and #8. Head east and go down somestairs, then continue through a room to the west until you find a fourway tunnel. The north and west tunnels connect, and there's not much tosee, so head south, turning west to when more paths open up to find adoor leading to a small room. Take the note 'Better Days' from thetable, and on another table you'll find the note 'Project PurityPersonal Journal', as well as Project Purity Personal Journal Entry: #1,#2, and #3. Note that these 'Personal' journals are different from theones you found in Doctor Li's room in Rivet City. Listen to them, asthey contain the recent words of your dad. This was apparently his roomwhile he was working on Project Purity, heck, your character might havebeen concieved on that very bed! Creepy. Head back to the JeffersonMuseum and Gift Shop and take a door to the Jefferson Memorial Rotunda.Jefferson Memorial Rotundao======================================================================o19) There are a few more Super Mutants around. Kill them and on top ofthe stairs you'll find the Auxiliary Filtration Input, on top of whichyou'll find the Project Purity Personal Journal Entry: #5, #8, and #10.Listen to them to find out that dad went off in search of Vault 112,which is in some kind of garage west of Evergreen Mills. This is yetanother way to complete 'Following in His Footsteps' and start up thequest 'Scientific Pursuits.' Lets head to Jury Street, since EvergreenMills is probably swarming with Raiders again, and since it's enclosedon the western side we'd just have to walk around it anyways.Jury Street to Smith Casey's Garageo======================================================================oSequence of Events:{WLK029}1) Fort Bannister2) Commanding Officer's Quarters3) Barracks and Med Bay4) Commander Jabsco5) Fort Bannister Bunker6) Fort Bannister Main7) Charnel House8) Radio Signal Papa November9) Military Tent10) Smith Casey's Garage11) Vault 11212) Tranquility Lane13) Make Timmy Neusbaum Cry14) Break up the Rockwell's Marriage15) Kill Mabel Henderson16) Become the Pint-Sized Slasher!17) Chinese Invasion18) Dear Old DadFort Bannistero======================================================================o1) Time to make one more lengthy-but profitable-diversion head west fromwhere you are until you find Fort Bannister. Approach from the north andenter through a hole in the fence. Storming the well guarded southern and eastern sides is not recommended. Head west along the fence until you spy a tent. If you're quick, you can pop in there and smite a Talon Company Mercenary with a Missile Launcher before he even knows what hit him. Continue sneaking west by the fence until you find some rocks, then turn south. You'll pass a door [Very Easy] leading to Fort Bannister Main. Keep going south past some tents and past another door [Very Easy] to Fort Bannister Main, and head east to a turned over truck. Immediately east of you is a stand with another Missile-Launcher carrying Talon Company Mercenary. If you exterminate him, you rid yourself of a considerably headache. Attacking from the east allows him to stand up in his little tower and range-rape you with that Missile Launcher. The surviving garrison outside of Fort Bannister are more your usual fare of Talon Company Mercenaries. It is entirely possible to sneak attack kill every Talon Company Mercenary outside of Fort Bannister with very little bother with this approach. Now for the looting. In the south eastern corner you'll find some mine boxes, afirst aid box, and a Sniper Rifle. West, past the door leading to theFort Bannister Bunker [Very Hard] you'll find a Chinese Assault Rifle,a Stimpak, and two ammo boxes under the tower where the Missile Launcherbearing mercenary was. By the barricade near the tents you'll find twofootlockers, an ammo box, a first aid box, and a Combat Shotgun. Thereare also some goodies in the tents. In the tent where we popped ourfirst mercenary you'll find a manhole leading down to the CommandingOfficer's Quarters.Commanding Officer's Quarterso======================================================================o***BOOKS***Nikola Tesla and You2) Right around the corner you'll find a turret, and down the tunnelfrom the turret will be a Talon Company Mercenary with a Missile Launcher. If you can get a sneak attack critical on the turret you canlure the mercenary around the corner and kill him at close range.Continue down through a door and down some stairs, killing turrets andTalon Company Mercenaries as you go. At the bottom of the stairwellyou'll find a door leading south. First, however, you need to get upto the roof over the staircase directly above the door, which you cando by climbing the stairs and dropping down onto the roof. Once there,you'll find a copy of Nikola Tesla sitting in plain sight.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->3) In the room to the south you'll find the barracks, with plenty ofbeds, should you need to rest. Search the footlockers and cabinets forsome laser weapons and a couple of Stealth Boys. There are also severalammo boxes waiting to enrich your life. There's also some minor loot inthe bathroom nearby. Leave the room and head back into the hallway andhead up some stairs to the north. There's a shelf you can loot at thetop of the staircase, and to the east is a medical room. Loot thecorpses on the gurneys for some loot and loot the safe [Easy] under thetable.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->4) Now go back to the barracks and head down the stairs north to reach aroom with two turrets in it. You'll probably provoke some Talon Company Mercenaries while you're destroying the turrets. Head west to another tunnel and explore the western room for some loot. When ready head south up the stairs. You'll find three different paths you can take, one to the north, one to the west, and one to the south. To the north you'll find a storage room, you just need to hack the computer [Average] or unlock the door [Hard]. You'll find two lockers, two first aid boxes, and several ammo boxes, as well as some Jet on the floor. The door to the west leads to the bunker, so head south. There's a terminal [Average] that can disable the turrets ahead, which you might as well use, or better yet, turn on the Talon Company Mercenaries within. In the room ahead you'll find Commander Jabsco, who is armed with a Missile Launcher for ranged combat, has a high damage resistance, and a lot of health. He's a bit of a fight, unless you nab him with a paralyzing palm. when he dies, loot him for Jabsco's Key and a unique Combat Knife,'Occam's Razor'. He also has the only Talon Combat Helmet I've seen in the game. In the room where Jabsco was you'll find some stairs leading down. Loot around for some goodies. In the south eastern corner you'll find a safe [Hard], and to the west you'll find a footlocker [Hard] witha Stealth Boy inside, and a Nuka-Cola Quantum behind it. Now head back and enter the bunker.***WEAPON INFO***Occam's Razor (Melee Weapons)Maximum Damage: 26AP Cost: Very LowAmmo: NoneClip Size: N/AOccam's Razor is everything a unique weapon should be. Purely morepowerful than the original with no damn downsides.Fort Bannister Bunkero======================================================================o***BOOKS***Guns and Bullets5) Disarm the two pressure plates in front of either door and grab therigged shotguns. Head either way you want, the level just loops around,and both paths are characterized by similar features: plenty of TalonCompany Mercenaries and precious little loot. You'll get a good amountof loot and experience just wasting the mercenaries. In the easternmost room search the gun cabinent along the southern wall, on top of which is a copy of Guns and Bullets. When you're done take the exit to the Capital Wasteland, which has several traps near it. When you're backon the surface head west into Fort Bannister Main.Fort Bannister Maino======================================================================o***BOOKS***Big Book of Science6) Guess what? More Talon Company Mercenaries. At least they're killingthem is lucrative, eh? Loot the metal boxes to the west and head up thestairs. At the top you'll find a path to the east and a path to thenorth. Go east into a room, which has a few items lying about, and twolocked safes [Average]. Head back and go north down some stairs untilyou come to a door [Average]. Beyond is a storage room with a Fat Man,a Mini Nuke, a Big Book of Science, some ammo boxes, metal boxes, andother toys strewn about. Charnel Houseo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Duck and Cover!7) Now that we're done with Fort Bannister head west and slightly south to find a house with a Scavenger inside. You'll find a woodencrate with some Nuka-Cola's and a Nuka-Cola Quantum. There are also twoPre-War books on a table. Now head south to find Charnel House, whichhas a few Raiders around it, and landmines galore. Kill them and lootthe place. On the top floor there are some ammo boxes by a chair, anda copy of Duck and Cover! on the floor.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Pugilism Illustrated8) From Charnel House head west up a hill towards a radio tower, you'llcross a road when you're close, and two gates enclose the radio tower,although you don't need to open them to get to it. Activate theelectrical switch to pick up Radio Signal Papa November. From the towerhead north east through the gate and over a cliff to find a DrainageChamber. On the floor right by the ladder you'll find a Pre-War Book anda copy of Pugilism Illustrated. You'll also find some food around. Yum.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->9) Go back up the cliff to the road running by the radio tower andfollow it south until you find a tent, a barricade, and two militarytrucks along the road. You'll find some goodies in the metal boxes andammo boxes around, and a Laser Rifle on a table inside the tent. Continue south along the road to find Smith Casey's Garage.Smith Casey's Garageo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Tumblers Today10) Clear out the Radroaches and Mole Rats so you can loot in peace.Once done there's a Nuka-Cola Quantum in the north-eastern corner ofthe first room on the floor by a bin full of Tin Cans, bent and otherwise. Behind the counter is an opened safe, inside of which is acopy of Tumbler's Today. Go into the back room and flip and electricalswitch near a metal shelf to open up some stairs. Go down some stairsand kill Mole Rats until you reach a door leading to Vault 112. I guessthis one didn't need a huge cog-like wheel door.. Perhaps they thoughtbeing hidden under a garage was safety enough against atomic bombs?Vault 112o======================================================================o***QUESTS***Tranquility Lane11) Go down some stairs until you find the formely absent Vault Door.Now that's more like it. Go through the find that the Vault is,astonishingly, intact. Head through a pair of doors to the east untilyou meet a Robobrain. It'll tell you that you're 202.3 years late, andgive you a Vault 112 suit. Might as well put it on and go through thedoor to the south. Go down some stairs and take a right, going throughthe first door on your left. You'll reach a large open room with the'tranquility loungers' below you. Keep going south until you find somerooms to your right which have some minor loot inside. On the floo withthe tranquility loungers you'll find a terminal [Hard]. Hack it andselect the 'Open Vault-Tec Access Hatch' option to open the doorn to theright. Inside you'll find some drugs, a first aid box, three FragGrenades, three Pulse Grenades, an Assault Rifle and some 5.56 Rounds,a Laser Rifle and Microfusion Cells, and the note 'Overseer's RoomPassword.' To get to the Overseer's Room exit the tranquility loungerroom to the south, follow a tunnel, go up some stairs and and go leftwhen you get a chance to find a terminal near a door. Access it andselect the 'Open Vault-Tec Access Hatch' option to get into the Overseer's Room. Inside you'll find a locked safe [Easy], with someminor loot inside, not nearly as good as the room we hit downstairs. When that's done go back to the room with the tranquility loungers and get in one of them.Tranquility Laneo======================================================================o12) You'll find yourself in Tranquility Lane, a virtual reality world ofyesteryear! You can go around and talk to people, but they'll mostlyjust refer you to Betty, and talk about crazy old lady Dithers. If you find Old Lady Dithers talk to her. She's the only one who seems torealise this is a simulation, and she'll tell you about 'Betty', who isreally a scientist named Braun who is manipulating the virtual world forhis own amusem*nt and playing god. She'll tell you to find the failsafe,which is in the abandoned house. Well, lets give Betty a try. Head to the playground in the middle of town and talk to Betty. She's.. a rather mean little girl, who will give you a variety of tasks, all of them are.. well, they're not nice. The first thing he asks you to do is to make Timmy Neusbaum cry. Now you have to decide whether you're goingto 'play' with Betty and do her.. his.. its bidding, or find thefailsafe. Karma is the only big difference between the two. Oh, and attacking Betty is not a good idea, unless you like dying. To followBraun follow steps #13-16, to be nice, follow #17. Note that there'snothing stopping you from following Braun's instruction, then ruininghis game.. just to show him that you're bad enough to not only torturepeople at his behest, but to torture him as well.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->13) The best place to find Timmy is in his house, or in front of it.Firstly, you can succeed at a Speech challenge to tell him his parentsare getting a divorce. Another thing you can do is grab the MilitarySchool Brochure from the kitchen table and give it to him. Or, if you'refeeling violent you can simply hit him. What a freakin' cry baby. Now gotalk to Betty/Braun, who will let his facade slip and answer a singlequestion of yours. If you ask him where your father is, he'll make a pun that gives it away.. if you're clever enough to put two and twotogether. Before he tells you anything else he'll ask you to put an endto the Rockwell's marriage.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->14) The easiest way to do this is to simply succeed at a Speech challenge with Janet. If you talk to Mabel, she'll tell you that there was some tension over Martha Simpson a year ago. After this you can go talk to Martha and-if you succeed at a Speech challenege-get her to talk about her and Roger. Now if you go into the Simpson Residence you'llfind some Lacy Underwear on the bed upstairs. Go to the RockwellResidence and head down to the basem*nt. In the north west corner you'llfind Roger's desk. Activate it to plant the Lacy Underwear there, thengo find Janet and tell her that there's something she needs to see inthe basem*nt.. Lead her down there and show her the underwear, then talkto her and say whatever you wish. She'll confront Roger about his.. uh..indulgence, and then run off to the Henderson Residence. Go report backto Betty, this time he asks you to kill Mabel Henderson. This time ifyou ask about Dad he'll be a little more revealing. Anyways, it's time to find a creative way to kill Mabel.. head over to the HendersonResidence.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->15) By talking to people around town you'll find out that Mabel likes tobake, and you'll hear about her robot. Go to her house. One thing you can do is activate the Mr. Handy terminal in the kitchen and select the option 'Disable Security Screening' followed by 'Initiate SecurityProgram'.. but keep in mind, this makes the Mr. Handy just as dangerousto you as it is to Mabel. You can also sabotage the pilot light fixtureon the oven. Lastly, you can turn on the radio in her living room, andwhen she gets near it drop the chandellier on her. Either way, as long as Mabel dies without you hitting her, it's gold. Return to Betty, whowill be quite pleased with you. Complete one more task, and Braun'llgrant you whatever you wish. He'll tell you to go into the dog houseby the Abandoned House and become the Pint-Sized Slasher.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->16) This is pretty straight forward, just go activate the doghouse toget a knife and a crazy hat, then go kill everybody in town. For somestupid reason, this does not include Timmy.. but Mabel was back alive,at least briefly. When they're all dead go talk to Betty one last time.He'll activate the exit to Tranquility Lane, and a large door will showup in the middle of the playground. Neat.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->17) If you want to stop Braun in his game and let the residents ofVault 112 finally die after 200 years of virtual torture, go into theAbandoned Home. In the living room you'll see several objects you canactivate, a Broken Radio, a Glass Pitcher, a Cinder Block, a GardenGnome, and an Empty Nuka-Cola Bottle. Active them in this order:Broken Radio, Glass Pitcher, Garden Gnome, Glass Pitcher, Cinder Block,Garden Gnome, Empty Nuka-Cola Bottle. On the southern wall the 'Vault112 Auxiliary Command Terminal' will appear. Activate it to read up onwhat Braun has been putting these people through. To put an end toBraun's game click the 'Access "Chinese Invasion" Program' and thenselect 'Initiate "Chinese Program" Failsafe. Braun will be somewhatupset when a mob of Chinese Commandos appear and kill all his playmates,leaving him trapped in his virtual reality world alone for all time.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***QUESTS***The Waters of Life18) When you leave the simulation, your dad will come talk to you. He'lltell you about the G.E.C.K., or G(arden of) E(den) C(reation) K(it) forthose of you unfamiliar with Fallout 2. His goal is to return to RivetCity and enlist Madison to help him restart Project Purity. You shouldget a huge amount of experience, probably for finishing both 'ScientificPursuits' and 'Tranquility Lane'. Those two quests, along with Fort Bannister, was more than enough to level me up. Another quest 'The Waters of Life' will start up. You could follow Dad to Rivet City.. or just fast travel there. Dad'll convince Madison to come work on ProjectPurity with them, and they'll set off to get the laboratory in theJefferson Memorial up and running again. Good thing we cleared it outalready, eh? ***LEVEL UP***Explosives goes up to 80 and I pick a third rank of Demoliton Expert.Almost there now.Level 29HP:530AP:104Barter:70Big Guns:17Energy Weapons:72Explosives:60 + 20 = 80Lockpick:87Medicine:80Melee Weapons:80Repair:80Science:95Small Guns:80Sneak:80Speech:60Unarmed:80The Jefferson Memorialo======================================================================oSequence of Events:{WLK030}1) Flood Control Pumps2) Fuses and the Mainframe3) The Enclave Arrives4) Back to the Rotunda5) Defiance6) Taft Tunnels7) Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual8) Taft Tunnel9) Garza's Heart10) Enclave on Higher Ground11) Nikola Tesla and You12) Side Tunnel13) Ghoul Assault14) The Citadel15) Locating the G.E.C.K.16) Lyon's Den17) Barracks18) Hospital19) Scribe Jameson20) Squire Maxson21) Solar22) Looting the Laboratory23) Vault 871) Head to the Memorial Rotunda, if you Dad is too slow, wait until hecatches up. Talk to him to get the note 'Revelation 21:6'. He'll asloask you to get to the Flood Control Pumps to pump out water that hasseeped in over the years. Head through the Jefferson Museum and GiftShop and reach the Memorial Sub-basem*nt. Once there head to thesouthern-most part of the level to find the Flood Control Power Switchon a wall near an intercom. Remember, you can always use your mapmarkers to find out where to go. Activate the switch and Dad'll tell youto come back and get some fuses. Enjoy being a monkey much?<---------------------------------------------------------------------->2) Return to the Rotunda and talk to Dad to get your fuses. Head back tothe Sub-basem*nt and head to the north western corner of the level tofind the Auxiliary Power Fuse Box on the wall. Activate it and Dad'lltell you to go to the Mainframe. Head back to the first room you enterin this level when you come from the Jefferson Museum and Gift Shop. Tothe west you'll find the door to the Mainframe. Go in the room andactivate the Mainframe Power Switch. Head over to the Intercom on thewall and talk to Dad, and he'll tell you to drain the intake pipes.*Sigh*<---------------------------------------------------------------------->3) So head back to the Jefferson Museum and Gift Shop and go to thenorth eastern part of the level to find a grate leading to the PumpControl. Kinda smokey and ominous, huh? Head down the pipe until youfind a door leading to the Capital Wasteland. Go through and continue onuntil you find the Pipe Controls, which you should activate. Stay amoment and look up through the fence and you'll see a Vertibird landon the railing outside of the Memorial. The Enclave has arrived. Headthrough the door to the Sift Pump, which is now unlocked. Go down thepipe until you reach a door leading back to the Memorial Sub-basem*nt.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->4) Note that there are now Enclave Soldiers wandering about. Despite thefact that they have shiney power armor, it doesn't save them from asneak attack critical with a combat shotgun. Head through the leveluntil you reach the Jefferson Museum and Gift Shop, which is alsooccupied. Kill as many as you please and take their neat armor andvaluable weapons, they sure as hell aren't your friends. Make your wayto the Jefferson Memorial Rotunda and be sure to pick up everything youwant out of the Memorial. <---------------------------------------------------------------------->5) In the Rotunda you'll find Dad talking to some man in a trench coat, who is referred to as a "Colonel". When your Dad doesn't comply the Colonel will shoot Anna Holt, one of Doctor Li's researchers. Your Dad will seem to comply before there's an explosion near the control console. The room floods with radiation and your Dad tells you to run. Talk to Doctor Li, who will explain what happened. She'll also tell you that you can escape through some abandoned tunnels. Follow Doctor Li back to the Jefferson Museum and Gift Shop to find a manhole to the TaftTunnels.Taft Tunnelso======================================================================o6) I strongly suggest talking to Doctor Li and getting her to wait whileyou go on ahead, clearing any Enclave Soldiers you find. They'll just get themselves killed and blow your cover if they're nearby. Head downthe tunnel to the west and destroy an Enclave Eyebot nearby. It's nothostile, but I'm in no mood for Enclave shenanigans. Go down the tunnelto the north west, as the south west is simply full of rads. You'llcome across a door to the south which leads to a room with a bed in thesouthern corner. It's as good a place as any to leave your followers fornow.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual7) Head through two doors to the west to reach more sewers, where an Enclave Eyebot will be roving about. Head to the north and follow thetunnel until you find a room to the south near a terminal [Very Hard].We could use the terminal to take a short-cut, but it's more fun-andrewarding-to kill Enclave guys. Note that unless you splatter theEnclave guys in the room to the south you won't be able grab their loot.In the south west corner you'll find a bunch of Chinese gear on a desk,including a Chinese Spec. Ops. Training Manual. When you've dealt withthe Enclave in the room the door to the west will open.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->8) Go west and kill some Ghouls. Ghouls. Wonderful. To the west you'llfind an irradiated room with a workbench. Go north to find a door leading to the Taft Tunnel. Not the Taft Tunnel(s), just the TaftTunnel. I guess they couldn't come up with a better name.Taft Tunnelo======================================================================o9) Doctor Li will bother you now, and tell you about Garza, whoapparently has a heart condition. Wonderful. Ever get the feeling thatsome people just aren't supposed to be alive? You can either fork oversome Stimpaks to Doctor Li, succeed at a Speech challenge to give himBuffout, or succeed at a Speech challenge to convince Li to leave Garzabehind.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->10) Go west, then through a door to the north. You'll eventually cometo a door leading west, which opens into a room with metal platforms,in the center of which is a couch. How cozy. Unfortunately there areEnclave Soldiers on another metal platform above the door, and like theones earlier if you don't get at least a piece of them to ground levelyou won't be getting their loot. When they're dead continue through theroom to the west, going up stairs, through a room, and up more stairsuntil you come to a tunnel, one path leading south, and the other to thenorth. <---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Nikola Tesla and You11) To the south you'll find a room with some desks and a medical table.You can find some drugs about, and Turpentine. Head to the north, upsome stairs, and then to the west until you find another sewer running north and south. To the south you'll find a Nuka-Cola Quantum on a table, and on the same table behind the generator you'll find a copy ofNikola Tesla and You. Now head up north. You can loot a small room tothe west, and past it go west again to find a door which can be openedby flipping an electrical switch on the wall. Before we go there, wemight as well continue to the north and go through a door on the right.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->12) Continue down a passage to the east until you find another door toyour right. You'll find a room with stairs leading down. To the southare some metal supports with stuff on them.. one has Beer and anotherhas an Ammo Box, which you'll have to jump to reach. Go downstairs andthrough a door to the south. You'll have to kill some Ghouls, which atour level is never a fun thing to do. Head east until you find a lockedsafe [Average]. Once you're done looting head back to the room with thedoor which can only be opened by activating an electrical switch.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->13) Inside you'll find a Brotherhood Paladin. Once you make progressinto the room a host of Ghouls will attack.. at level 29 this includedfour Feral Ghoul Reavers. The Paladin probably won't last long, butfortunately they have leveled turrets backing them up. I stronglysuggest you attack the Reavers while they're occupied with the turrets,as they'll give them especial attention. Thier radioactive globs aren'tvery damaging to the turrets, but give them time and they'll win, andif you get three or four Feral Ghoul Reavers against you.. I don't knowhow you're going to win that. At least not without pumping yourself fullof drugs. Grab the ammo, guns, and drugs on the metal shelves and head up a tunnel to the north, then west and you'll find a ladder leading to the Capital Wasteland.The Citadel - Courtyardo======================================================================o***QUESTS***Picking Up the Trail***NPC***Star Paladin Cross14) You'll surface near the Citadel. Follow Doctor Li and she'll use a little persuasion to get the Brotherhood to open the gate. Might as wellfollow her in and see what's up. Doctor Li will talk to an old mannamed Elder Lyons. You'll also see your old friend Sentinel Lyons, fromyour assault on Galaxy News Radio. Doctor Li will come talk to you whenshe's done with Lyons. Now go talk to Elder Lyons yourself. You can askhim what to do with Brotherhood Holotags you find about, about the Outcasts, the Enclave, the Brotherhood of Steel, the Super Mutants, andmost importantly, for permission to learn to use Power Armor. He'llrefer you to Paladin Gunny for Power Armor training. Go find PaladinGunny walking around and talk to him. Ask him to train you to use PowerArmor. We could have done this a lot earlier.. but I feel Power Armor issomething that should be earned, not like in the previous two Falloutgames. Now that we're here, we might as well explore the Citadel beforemoving on. Doctor Li will have mentioned someone named 'Rothchild', withwhom you're supposed to speak in order to gain access to pre-war computers, presumably to find out where a G.E.C.K. is. First thingsfirst though, we've got to explore the Citadel properly. Since there'snothing out in the Couryard, head through a door to A Ring.The Citadel - A Ringo======================================================================o15) To the south you'll find two terminals. One, the Maxson ArchiveTerminal, talks about the founders of the Brotherhood of Steel, namelythe Maxson family. In the John Maxson entry you'll get one of the veryfew mentions of the 'Vault Dweller', your character in the very firstFallout game. The Diaries of Roger Maxson are text straight from thefirst game as well. You can also look at a Vault-Tec Terminal, which hasinformation on all the Vaults. In the Vault 87 entry you'll find that italone had been issued a G.E.C.K. You'll also discover that many of theVaults, particularly Valts 106 and 108 were decidedly NOT designed forpreserving the lives of the inhabitants. This bypasses the 'talk to Rothchild' part of the quest, we no longer need to ask him for computeraccess.. we simply helped ourselves! When you talk to him later tellhim what you've found. To the east you'll find a Pentagon Library terminal, which talks about a UFO and the government's plans to use FEV as a bio-weapon. If you go east some more you'll eventually find B-Wing.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Guns and Bullets16) East of the courtyard entrace you'll find the Lyon's Den, wherevarious members of the Lyon'S Pride'll meet. Many of them haveinteresting, if not useful things to say. If you find Paladin Glade youcan ask him about Gallows' name. If you go back and find Gallows youcan ask him what his name is. Succeed at a Speech challenge to get himto reveal it to you, then go tell Glade the name to claim the pool, afat 1000 Caps. You can also find a copy of Guns and Bullets by one ofthe beds in the Den. Now head into B-Wing.The Citadel - B Ringo======================================================================o17) Search the barracks. If you couldn't find a certain Paladin orKnight earlier, they're probably here. The footlockers have some ammoand other minor loot in them. Also be sure to check out the CitadelPersonnel Terminal and the Citadel Information Terminals.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->18) North of the barracks you'll find the hospital, run by one Mr. Handynamed Sawbones. Activate the robot and it'll damage you. You'll now getthe option to make a [Science] check to fix the stupid thing. It willnow be able to heal you at will. There's a terminal [Very Hard] and asafe [Very Hard] in this room, so pick your poison. The terminal hassome.. robot poetry? You can use the terminal to access the medicalstorage safe, which isn't as well stocked as you might hope.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->19) You should be able to find Scribe Jameson wandering around, eitherin A Wing or B Wing. She's pretty chatty about the Brotherhood, and ifyou talk to her about the Brotherhood Holotags you've been finding shewill offer to take them off your hands for you. She'll give you 100 Capsfor each one, which.. well, what else are you going to do with them?<---------------------------------------------------------------------->20) East of the exit to A Ring you'll find Squire Maxson's room. Hackhis terminal [Very Easy] and look at the entry 'Guns and Bullets' tofind out about a copy of the book hidden under Vargas' bunk in the LyonsDen. In the A Ring, head to the room with the sign 'The Den' outsideof it and go into the room with four beds. The book is on the floor bythe southern-most bed.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->21) South of Scribe Maxson's room you'll find a room marked 'Solar',which is the living quarters of Elder Lyons. Solar? What is he, the sun?In his room in the back you'll find the note 'Elder Owyn Lyons -- Personal Log 1', as well as a terminal [Very Hard] and a safe [Very Hard]. In the safe you'll find the note 'Elder Oywn Lyons --Personal Log 2', 300 Caps, and the unique Laser Pistol 'Smuggler's End.'Now head back to A Ring and go down the stairs to the Laboratory.***WEAPON INFO***Smuggler's End (Energy Weapons)Maximum Damage: 29AP Cost: Very LowAmmo: Energy CellClip Size: 30 (1 round/shot, semi-auto)It's pretty much identical to the normal Laser Pistol, but with 50%more damage and it weighs one pound less. What's not to like? TheProtectron's Gaze still shows it who's boss, though.The Citadel - Laboratoryo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Duck and Cover!22) Besides the random looting there is to do you can talk to ScribeBowditch, who will chat you up and repair your gear. You'll also find Doctor Li, Agincourt, Garza, and Dargon, if they all survived. They arethankful, if not helpful. In the bathroom to the east you'll find acopy of Duck and Cover! in a wooden crate on the floor. There's plentyof food in the Mess Hall and Citadel Lab Terminals worth glancing at.Upstairs in a room to the east you'll find some Power Armor, anddownstairs in a room to the north you'll find a Plasma Rifle. Also youcan find Knight Captain Durga, who will sell you stuff if you get permission to trade from Elder Lyons. And you can, of course, look atthe Liberty Prime Operations terminal to find out about the giant freakin' robot the Brotherhood has.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->23) When you're done messing around talk to Rothchild, who will help youlocate Vault 87. Unfortunately it seems there's a little radiation issue, and the only way through to Vault 87 would be through Lamplight.That's where we'll go to continue the main story.. eventually. We haveour goal.. officially, but there's still plenty to do before we rush offto Vault 87.Before we continue with the main quest, I really prefer to completeEVERYTHING else out there. That means all the other expansions and theremaining quests from the main game. That way the rest of our struggleswith the Enclave will be contiguous. Before any of that though, it'stime to hit level 30. Go back to your home and collect all the ScrapMetal and Pre-War Books you have and turn them in. This in addition tothe quest reward for 'The Waters of Life' and all those Enclave soldierswe killed should be enough to put us at level 30. If not.. go do someBethesda Ruins runs until you're level 30. Once we're 'Almost Perfect', we should also go pick up the attribute Bobbleheads, which will be ourfirst goal. I like to call this the great Bobblehead hunt.. sort of likethe one we already did, although perhaps not quite as great. One thingto note before we head off is the fact that the Enclave is now in town.They'll have set up camps all over the Capital Wasteland (which I havemarked on the Companion map with an 'E'.) Whereas you may have met one by some fluke, you'll now reliably be able to encounter several reliably. So, I might as well talk about the weapons the Enclave will be bringing to bear on you.***WEAPON INFO***Heavy Incinerator (Big Guns)Maximum Damage: 150AP Cost: HighAmmo: Flamer FuelClip Size: 24 (1 round/shot, full auto)Now this is what I'm talking about! This critter puts the Flamer toshame. It's still not a V.A.T.S. weapon, but it deals hefty damage at agreat range. It's indirect-fire, so it might take some getting used tobefore you can reliably hit far-off targets with it, but since it doesslash damage and continual fire damage, even near-misses count. It'srelatively cheap to maintain, and since it sparingly uses the verycheap Flamer Fuel, you'll never worry about ammo.. even if you arepumping out dozens of shots every fight.***WEAPON INFO***Plasma Pistol (Energy Weapons)Maximum Damage: 37AP Cost: Very LowAmmo: MF CellClip Size: 16 (1 round/shot, semi-auto)Typically used as side-arms by the Enclave Officers and some EnclaveSoldiers (typically Hellfire Soldiers), it's a decent pistol. It hasabout the same range as a Plasma Rifle, a better clip size, and doesmore than half the damage. The big seller is that it's much cheaper tomaintain, even if it does pack less of a punch.***WEAPON INFO***Plasma Rifle (Energy Weapons)Maximum Damage: 57AP Cost: LowAmmo: MF CellClip Size: 12 (1 round/shot, semi-auto)Much stronger than a Laser Rifle, the Plasma Rifle is strong and fast,even if it's clip size isn't too enviable. It's the Energy Weaponsequivilent of the Combat Shotgun, but with much better range. The onlyproblem is that it's ridiculously expensive to maintain, and even itsammo won't come cheap. If you're fine with smiting enough Enclave guysto keep your gun repaired, then it's not a bad weapon at all.***LEVEL UP***I put ten points into Repair and Medicine, my two lower Intelligence-related skills to ensure that I'll have no problem getting them up to 100 with books. I pick Almost Perfect as a perk. Note that we'll needto get all the attribute Bobbleheads to become truly perfect, and wemight as well hold off on skill-point allocation until we've done so.Why waste books, even if we already have more than we need? Level 30HP:600AP:108Barter:70Big Guns:17Energy Weapons:72Explosives:90Lockpick:87Medicine:80 + 10 = 90Melee Weapons:80Repair:80 + 10 = 90Science:95Small Guns:80Sneak:80Speech:60Unarmed:80Megatono======================================================================oSequence of Events:{WLK031}1) Bobblehead - Strength2) Trouble on the Homefront3) Back to Vault 1014) Threat to the Rebellion5) The Overseer6) Vault 101 Living Quarters7) Butch's Plan8) Amata's Request9) Andy's New Job10) The Future of the Vault1) Let the great Bobblehead hunt begin! First things first, lets grab the Bobblehead - Strength from Lucas Simms' house [Average]. The Bobblehead is upstairs on a desk in a room in the south eastern cornerof the house. Well, that wasn't so hard, now was it? If you want to livein Tenpenny Tower, you can now safely blow up Megaton. If you alreadygot the Bobblehead and blew up Megaton, just go complete the quest 'Those' and get Lesko to give you the Ant Might perk. Either way, we nowhave the Strength and Intelligence Bobbleheads. We can complete almost everything left in the main game with one arching sweep through the neglected northern part of the Capital Wasteland, grabbing the Enduranceand Big Guns Bobbleheads, completing the quests 'You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head,' 'Oasis', and 'Agatha's Song', then grabbing the Perception, Agility, Charisma, and Luck Bobbleheads. First, however, lets complete alittle quest that should have popped up about now. When you return tothe Megaton area after 'The Waters of Life' you'll get a new radio frequency, a 'Vault 101 Emergency Frequency'. We worked too hardclearing this area out to have new quests pop up behind us! Head over toVault 101 to see what's up.Vault 101o======================================================================o***QUESTS***Trouble on the Homefront2) Turn on the radio on your Pip-Boy 3000 and listen to the 'Vault 101Emergency Frequency'. Amata will say that her dad went mad with power.After you've listend to the message you'll get the password to the doorand the quest 'Trouble on the Homefront' will begin. Open the Vault doorto get back into the place you used to call home. Inside you'll see proof that things have definitely made a turn for the worse. You'll findthe bodies of Jim Wilkins and Steve Armstrong, on the latter of which isa Stealth Boy. Head through the door to the west to find Officer Gomez.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->3) He'll tell you that people thought James had the right idea when he left the Vault, and the Overseer, naturally, didn't like any thought ofan option that effectively took away his precious Overseer position.Officer Gomez is smart, as usual, and doesn't try to get in your way,but he does present you with some options. We need to go see Amata, butwe can also go visit the rebels who want to open the Vault. Of course,we can always just leave and let them sort things out for themselves,but what fun would that be? Head to the west down some stairs to reachthe Vault 101 Atrium/Upper Level.Vault 101 Atrium/Upper Levelo======================================================================o4) You'll come across Freddie, a Tunnel Snake, and the elderly OfficerTaylor in a confrontation. Officer Taylor shoots at Freddie, who runsoff, then talks to you. Go through a door to the south to get up to theupper level and head west through another door through the red-lit room.You might get attacked by an Officer Wilkins on your way. Eventuallyyou'll come to the Jail. Search the lockers to find the note 'Jail Cell Password' and check out the terminal to find out just how serious thingsare getting in Vault 101. Unlock the cell door [Average] to find yourold teacher, Mr. Brotch. He'll tell you that the guards are indeedplanning to attack the rebels.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->5) Continue west and go through the door on your right to find the roomwhere Jonas was killed and keep going until you find the Overseer's Office. The Overseer will chat with you, and he's just as unpleasant ashe ever was. You can either side with him and go chat with the rebels,or succeed at a Speech challenge to convince him you can't remain in theVaults forever. This is the good route, and he'll run off to tell Amatathat she's the new Overseer. Before we settle on a decision though, weshould talk to the rebels. Head back out to the hallway to find thedoor to the Vault 101 Living Quarters.Vault 101 Living Quarterso======================================================================o6) Follow the stairs to the bottom until you get two tunnels you canfollow. Ignore the northern tunnel that leads to the Vault 101 Sub-Levelfor now and continue east until the path splits again. To the southyou'll find the cafeteria and plenty of neutral vault residents to talkto, such as Ellen DeLoria, Pepper Gomez, and Wally Mack. Where youreally want to go is up the stairs to the north.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***NPC***Butch7) You'll be confronted by your old pal Butch. He generally agrees thatgetting out the Vault is better than staying inside. I wonder if he'dfeel the same while he was getting mauled by Super Mutants? Butch wantsto force the issue for both sides by sabotaging the Vault's reactor. Ifyou want to do this, head down to the Vault 101 Sub-Level and access theVault 101 Maintenance Terminal [Hard]. To sabotage the vault select the'Begin Water Chip Service' option, then the 'Begin Manual Service'option, and lastly the 'Run Systems Purge' option. The Overseer willshow up, rather upset. You can convince him that a rebel sabotaged thereactor with a Speech challenge, and he'll decide to go down with theship, as it were. Head up to the Vault Entrance and Amata will talk toyou. You can convince her it was the Overseer's fault with a successfulSpeech challenge. You can now leave the Vault, knowing that most of thepeople your age are doomed out in the Wasteland, and those who aren't,can no longer really make a go of it out in the Vault.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->8) Head east over to your Dad's old clinic to find Amata, who has madeher rebel headquarters here, fittingly enough. She'll come talk to youwhen you get near and ask for your help with resolving the situation inthe Vault. If you succeed at a Speech challenge (a much easier one thanwith the Overseer) she'll capitulate and tell you to tell the Overseerthat the rebels will stop trying to get out of the Vault.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***SCHEMATIC***Schematic - Rock-It Launcher9) In the room south of the clinic you'll find your Dad's old office.Inside is a very bloody Andy, and a very dead Beatrice. Talk to themalfunctioning robot to find out what happened to Beatrice. Creepy..While you're here, search the framed quote on the wall [Average], good old Dad's favorite Revelation 21:6. Inside you'll find 300 Caps, thenote 'Home Sweet Home' and the Schematic - Rock-It Launcher.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->10) Now it's time to make a choice. If you convince the Overseer to openthe Vault you'll get a Modified Utility Jumpsuit from Amata. If you convince Amata to give up the rebellion, the Overseer will give you adifferent reward depending what you ask for. Ask for food and ammo andyou'll get 15 Cram and 355 5mm Rounds, or the Modified Utility Jumpsuitif you ask for technology. If you sabotage the reactor everybody will disperse and leave the Vault. You won't get a reward, but you can now find Butch at the Muddy Rudder bar in Rivet City, recruitable as an NPC if you have neutral karma. No matter what you do, you won't be able to stay in the Vault.. as if we'd want to play a game that took place soley in there anyways. Time to say good-bye to Vault 101 again. We met someold.. uh, people, and got a trinket or two, but at least it's done with.Oh, and one more important note. Before you leave Vault 101, be absolutely certain to have everything you want from it. If you do notget the Bobblehead - Medicine now, you're never going to. And make sureto get that Schematic if you need it!
Now it's time for our northern trek.. First, however, we've one questto complete before we head off to the north, a little.. let us say, incentive? You know, in case the massive amount of loot and Bobbleheadswasn't incentive enough. Head to the Museum of History in the Mall. Youcan just fast travel there, but to make things interesting I'll coverthe Anacostia Crossing route north of Rivet City.Anacostia Crossingo======================================================================oSequence of Events:{WLK032}1) Anacostia Crossing2) Museum of History3) The Underworld Concourse4) Paradise Lost5) Underworld Residents6) The 9th Circle7) Carol's Place8) You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head9) The Chop Shop10) Mister Crowley's Angle11) Museum of History Lower Halls12) Museum of History Offices13) Lots of Lincoln14) Ted Strayer's Key15) Dukov's Key16) Raider Fort17) Car Shelter18) Chaste Acres Dairy Farm19) MDPL-16 Power Station20) The Republic of Dave21) The Republic of Dave Capitol Building22) Presidential Elections23) Bobblehead - Perception24) Bushing the Elections25) Avoiding Old Olney26) Greener Pastures Disposal Site27) Books in the Dump28) Recon Craft Theta29) Dealing with Tenpenny***BOOKS***Pugilism Illustrated1) Ah, Anacostia, so close to home, yet until now unexplored. If you haven't been attacked already, you'll likely find some Talon CompanyMercenaries or Regulators near Anacostia. And if you got James Hargraveto run away, he'll be here with C.J. Head down the tunnel until youcome to large vaulted metro hub room, wherein many a Raider lurks. Iactually managed to blast two with one shot from my Combat Shotgun, nojoke. But then another one inexplicably required two sneak attackcriticals, thus evening the karmic shotgun balance. Head to the northto find a copy of Pugilism Illustrated on a table. Go down to the bottomlevel and head north, following the right-most tunnel as it turns eastuntil you find a door leading to the Museum Station, which we shouldhave cleared already. Note that Anacostia also connects to Seward Square, from its top level, an area deep inside D.C. From here, head on to the Mall.Museum of Historyo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Nikola Tesla and You2) Head over to the Museum of History, in front of which you'll find aGhoul named Willow. She'll tell you about Underworld. Wee. Once insidego search the ladies bathroom to find a copy of Nikola Tesla and You onthe floor in one of the stalls. Why do the ladies rest rooms always havebetter things inside? It's true, as somebody who has cleaned bathroomsbefore, the ladies always have nicer bathroom fixtures.. even if they are messier to clean up. And in Fallout 3, they get all the books! Ah,the things we do to survive through college.. Head to the north to findThe Underworld Concourse, past the mammoth and dinosaur remains.The Underworld Concourseo======================================================================o3) As soon as you enter a Ghoul named Wintrhop will talk to you. He'lloffer to give you Stimpaks in exchange for five pieces of Scrap Metal.Think about it, Walter gives you ten Caps per Scrap Metal, compared toWinthrop's offer. You could buy two Stimpaks by trading in five ScrapMetals to Walter, making that the best way to spend your Scrap Metal. Hecan also repair your items, but he has no real skill at it.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Lying Congressional Style (Paradise Lost)***SCHEMATICS***Schematic - Railway Rifle4) Over to the east you'll find a store called Underworld Outfitters.Talk to Tulip, who will sell you a variety of things, including theSchematic - Railway Rifle. She'll also give you some copies of ParadiseLost, a book that I'm currently in the middle of reading, actually. Thecopy of Paradise Lost functions just like a copy of Lying CongressionalStyle. That's right, Milton increases your Speech in Fallout 3. How's that for posterity? <---------------------------------------------------------------------->5) You can find Patchwork, the town drunk about, but he's not really, uh, all put together. Then there's Snowflake to the south who will offer to cut your hair. You can also find a Mister Handy named Cerberus, who is.. uh.. interesting.. You can reprogram him to go hostile if you have [Robotics Expert], but why you'd want to I have no idea. Then there'sQuinn, who doesn't have much interesting to say. When you want to continue on, head into The 9th Circle, which is up the stairs to theeast.The 9th Circleo======================================================================o***NPC***Charon6) Inside you'll find Ahzrukhal, whom you can talk to about Charon. Youcan find out that Charon is brainwashed to serve whomever holds hiscontract. If you want Charon as an NPC, question Ahzrukhal aboutCharon's contract. You can pay 2000 Caps for it, succeed at a [Barter]check and pay 1000 Caps, or work out a deal with Ahzrukhal. To get himCap-free you'll have to kill Greta over at Carol's Place. You can ofcourse, buy booze and drugs from Ahzrukhal as well. Ahzrukhal also hasa terminal [Very Easy] you can hack and use to get access to his notesabout people around town, and open his safe [Very Hard], which has aStealth Boy and some Caps inside. Now head back to the UnderworldConcourse and go west to Carol's Place.Carol's Placeo======================================================================o7) Talk to Carol. You can ask her about Gob, the Ghoul working forMoriarty over at Megaton, Greta, and the Underworld. As one of thesurviving pre-war characters in the game, she actually has a story totell about living through armageddon. You can also rent a room from her,if you have any inclination to do so. Talk to Greta, who will sell youfood.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***QUESTS***You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head8) The real interesting character to talk to is Mister Crowley. Don'tinsult his Ghoulness, as he's rather touchy about it. Pick the dialogueoption 'Easy now. I've got nothing against Ghouls.' then pick 'All true,except for the part about the mutants, the water, and the whor*.' He'llgive you a list of Ghoul-hating bigots, people he wants you to kill witha head shot. He'll give you 100 Caps for each one you kill with a headshot, and 25 Caps if you just kill them some other way. Agree and he'llgive you a Sniper Rifle, 5 3.08 Calibur Rounds and ask you to bring backa Key from the victims, save Tenpenny. This starts the quest 'You GottaShoot 'Em in the Head'. <---------------------------------------------------------------------->9) Before you go off on a killing rampage, however, go talk to Carol andask about Crowley. Succeed at a Speech challenge and she'll tell you about some fortune he'll make when he finds a Wastelander to do his dirty work for him. Oh really? Go back and talk to Mister Crowley, who will admit that he doesn't care about about killing anybody but Tenpenny, he just wants their keys. He'll offer you an extra 100 Caps toseal the deal. Note you can also find out about Mister Crowley's deception from Quinn, Tulip, Ahzrukhal, Wintrhop.. just about every unique Ghoul in this place. Now head back into the Underworld Concourse and go south on the ground floor to find The Chop Shop.The Chop Shopo======================================================================o***QUESTS***Reilly's Rangers10) Talk to Doctor Barrows, whom you can get to heal you if you need it.You can also ask him about Mister Crowley. Investigate the woman namedReilly on the bed and Barrows will talk to you, and tell you that she'sgoing to be out a while. He'll tell you about Reilly's Rangers and give you the location to the Ranger Compound. If you succeed at a Speechchallenge or you have a high enough Medicine skill you can get Reillyrevived. She'll tell you that her Rangers were mapping Vernon Square when they got ambushed by Super Mutants, and were pressed into Our Ladyof Hope Hospital and through there into the roof of the Statesman Hotel.She'll ask you to go try and save her Rangers. Get her to offer you something for your efforts and she'll offer to give you either a suit of Ranger Combat Armor or a unique Minigun, both of which are rather niceprizes. Agree to do it, it'll be a while before we get around to it, butwe might as well activate the quest while we're already here. You'll begiven the map marker to the Statesman Hotel. Keep talking and she'll give you access to the Ranger Compound and give you a note telling youwhere Theo's body is, one of the Rangers who was carrying an ammo box.All in all you'll get a total of five notes from Reilly. Now head backinto the Museum of History and go south west to find the door to theMuseum of History Lower Halls. While we're here, we might as wellcollect the Lincoln Memorial picture for Caleb.The Museum of History Lower Hallso======================================================================o***BOOKS***D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine11) And.. it's crawling with Ghouls, what did we expect? In a room tothe east you'll find a safe [Average] with a Scoped .44 Magnum inside.South of the entrace will be a large cafeteria. Go through the door behind the eastern counter to find a D.C. Journal of Internal Medicineon a metal shelf. There's also kitchen-y stuff to loot in here. Headeast into a tunnel and explore to the south, taking care to spot anddisable the bear traps laid around. By two Nuka-Cola Vending Machinesyou'll find a Nuka-Cola Quantum in a wooden crate under a table. Inthe men's bathroom on the western side of the room you can find someRad-X in the back of one of the toilets. Now head upstairs to find aTurret Control Terminal [Average]. By now you know the drill. When theturret is neutralized go south into the larger room to find a doorleading to the Museum of History Offices.Museum of History Officeso======================================================================o12) This level calls for some real shotgun sneak attacking. It's reallynot explorable until you smite the Ghouls that roam the halls. Head upthe stairs. The lower level you're now on is essentially hallwaysencircling a central room. From the door leading to the stairs take aleft and go past a locked door [Very Hard]. Opposite the locked door isa room with an Eat'o'tronic 3000 and a Nuka-Cola Vending Machine. Gosouth a bit and go into a room to the left with a bunch of bookcases in it. There's a hole in the wall to the north that allows you to getbehind the locked [Very Hard] door without having to pick it, insidethis would-be locked room you'll find some ammo on the floor, a firstaid box, a grenade box, and ammo box, and a gun locker. You'll alsofind a terminal [Average] that messes with the turrets to the south andlocks the doors to the south [Very Easy]. While not a problem to getthrough, you can pick locks, Ghouls, on the other hand, cannot. It's away to lure Ghouls into the turret room and have the friendly turretsblast the Ghouls to hell. There's a locked safe [Average] in the corner,and best of all, on a desk is an Action Abe Action Figure.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual13) Head south through the locked [Very Easy] doors to find the roomwith the turret in it. By now it should be a Mark VII Turret, which aswe know all too well are quite potent. Go up the stairs to find a holein the wall to the north, and doors to the east and west. There are alsotwo desks up here, one of which has the Lincoln Memorial Poster on thewall, and the other has a little device called Lincoln's Voice. Go eastand into the first room on the right to find an Antinque Lincoln CoinCollection on a bookshelf. Now go into the room in the middle of thelevel to find a display case near the body of a dead Raider. Inside youwill find the unique gun 'Lincoln's Repeater'. Grab it, and grab theChinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual on the desk nearby. You cansell all this Lincoln stuff to Abraham Washington back in Rivet City,or to Leroy Walker and his slavers at the Lincoln Memorial, but frankly, I prefer to just keep them about my house as keepsakes. You can either give the poster to Caleb back at the Temple of the Union ortravel to the Lincoln Memorial and sell it to Leroy Walker.. we'll dealwith it later, when we tackle the quest 'Head of State' {WLK037}.***WEAPON INFO***Lincoln's Repeater (Small Guns)Maximum Damage: 63AP Cost: LowAmmo: .44 Magnum RoundClip Size: 15 (1 round/shot)Lincoln's Repeater is a great gun with a fifteen round clip, damagerivalling a Combat Shotgun, and much better range. A target at mid-rangemight have a 20% to hit with a Combat Shotgun, but a 56% to hit withLincoln's Repeater. It fires a bit slower than the Combat Shotgun, andit might not serve you as well outside of V.A.T.S., but otherwise it'san alternative with much better range. It's base value and the cost of.44 Rounds is a bit higher, but by now we can afford a little luxury.The prominence of this gun has diminished a good bit due to the expansions, particularly Point Lookout. The introduction of Lever-ActionRifles in particular dull Lincoln's Repeater, as they are common, yetslightly less powerful versions that use the abundant 10mm Round insteadof the more expensive .44 Round.Rivet City - Midship Decko======================================================================o14) Now it's time to go get those keys for Mr. Crowley. Head over to Rivet City and look for Ted Strayer, who is typically in the MidshipDeck in the common room. He'll tell you that his dad travelled withMr. Crowley, and that he was supposedly dead. Ask for the key and you'll either have to make a [Toughness] check, a Speech check, orjust pay him 25 Caps. You can, of course, always steal it from him orkill him as well.Dukov's Placeo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Pugilism Illustrated15) Head over to Dukov's Place, which is near the Tepid Sewer. We couldhave gone here much earlier in the game, but now we have an excuse tobe here. Dukov is a.. colorful character. He'll reinforce Ted's story byalso saying that Mr. Crowley died when they were exploring FortConstantine, and will even tell you where this Fort Constantine is if you succeed at a Speech challenge. To get his key you can use [Black Widow], succeed at a Speech challenge, or pay him 200 Caps, along with murder and larceny. In addition to the key, there are plenty of alcohol and drugs to steal, as a copy of Pugilism Illustrated and a Nuka-Cola Quantum on the shelf behind the bed upstairs. Talk to Cherryand find out that there's trouble in Paradise. Succeed at a Speechchallenge and she'll agree to go with you to Rivet City, a safe placewhere she can get away from Dukov. This'll get you some good karma, ifnothing else. <---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Duck and Cover!16) Now that we're done with Dukov's head south along the river to finda Raider Fort. Inside of which you'll find lots of food, drugs, and alcohol scattered around, as well as a copy of Duck and Cover! on table by bunk beds.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->17) The next place we should visit is the Republic of Dave, way in thenorth eastern corner of the map. This gives us the chance to explore further north than we've previously bothered, and the trip will net ustwo shiney new Bobbleheads. Head somewhere nearby like Relay Tower KX-B8-11 and head north west until you find a shelter made out of carsnear a radioactive mud pit. Inside you'll find some Nuka-Colas, a Nuka-Cola Quantum, and some locked ammo boxes [Average].Chaste Acres Dairy Farmo======================================================================o***BOOK***Grognak the BarbarianPugilism Illustrated18) Continue north until you find Chaste Acres Dairy Farm, which ispopulated by Raiders.. although you'll often fight Death Claws and other'animals' nearby, which may very well have killed the Raiders before youget here. On the second story of the barn you'll find a copy of Grognakthe Barbarian near a mutilated corpse. Enter the Silo and you'll find acopy of Pugilism Illustrated near a latern.MDPL-16 Power Stationo======================================================================o19) Head east until you find the MDPL-16 Power Station and enter thePower Substation. On a work bench you'll find a Nuka-Cola Quantum, andon a desk you'll find a locked safe [Average] with Caps, drugs, anda 10mm Pistol and ammo inside.Republic of Daveo======================================================================o20) North east of the MDPL-16 Power Station you'll find the Republic ofDave. When you approach the gate an annoying kid named Flower willquestion you. Be nice and she'll take you to meet 'President Daddy'over at the Republic of Dave Capitol Building.Republic of Dave Capitol Buildingo======================================================================o21) Talk to Dave, who is a pompous blowhard who seems to think his wivesand family somehow count as a foreign country. Succeed at a Speechchallenge to impress him with your manners. Ask him about Mr. Crowleyand he'll tell the same story Ted and Dukov told. Ask him for the keyand he'll pretend the key is some treasure. Succeed at more easy Speechchallenges to claim the key. Again, you can always steal it or killDave for it. Make sure to grab the Nuka-Cola Quantum in the room downstairs and loot the safe to get the unique Hunting Rifle 'Ol Painless.***WEAPON INFO***'Ol Painless (Small Guns)Maximum Damage: 42AP Cost: LowAmmo: .32 Calibur RoundClip Size: 5 (1 round/shot)This rifle is a superior version of the Hunting Rifle, doing about 20%more damage and firing much faster. If we already hadn't found the farsuperior Lincoln's Repeater, I'd say this is a decent gun you mightwant to keep around.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->22) Since we're here we might as well do all we can do. Ask Dave ifanything is going on here and he'll tell you about the election. Hegraciously made this land a Republic after seizing power from his tyranical father. He'll offer to pay you some Caps if you go tell theadults to hurry up and vote to get this farce of an election over with.Go find Jessica, Rosie, Bob, and Shawna, the first two of which can befound in this very house. You'll find out that this isn't much of anelection, as Dave is the only one running. Jessica is rather stupid, andshe can't be swayed, but if you succeed at a Speech challenge you canconvince Rosie to run, for all it's worth. Bob can be found outside, andhe can be convinced to run for president too, aspiring despot he may be.Museum of Daveo======================================================================o***BOBBLEHEAD***Bobblehead - Perception23) Go to the Museum of Dave, where you can typically find Shawna duringthe day. She won't run in the election, and she will only vote for Dave,but you can succeed at a Speech challenge to get her to buy 'artifacts'of Dave you discovered out in the wilderness. Tell her to vote and lootthe building. You'll find various Chinese weapons, two Pre-War Books,and the Bobblehead - Perception.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->24) Head back into the house after getting the four able-bodied adultsin the Republic of Dave to vote. Talk to Dave and tell him the votes arein and he'll give you 25 Caps. Even if you got Bob and Rosie to run, itis still three votes for Dave, one for Bob, and one for Rosie. If youwant Dave to lose, you'll just have to Bush it. Follow him to the BallotBox and when Dave opens it immediately loot it and grab the pro-Davevotes out, leaving either a vote for Bob or a vote for Rosie. If anybodybut Dave wins, Dave will go off to form a new Republic of Dave in OldOlney. Unless he plans to rule from inside a Deathclaw's belly, he is going to be disappointed with things.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->25) Speaking of Old Olney, we could head west and explore it now, butsince it's right near Vault 92, lets wait until we go get the SoilStradivarious for Agatha. We're here to get Bobbleheads, and to finish the quest 'You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head', so lets stay focused on that for now. Head south west giving Old Olney a wide berth until you find Greener Pastures Disposal Site.Greener Pastures Disposal Siteo======================================================================o***BOBBLEHEAD***Bobblehead - Agility26) A more misleading name for a toxic waste dump you'll be hard pressedto find. Unless by 'green' they mean glowing toxic ooze green. This areais fairly spread out and has several things to find. First make your wayto the Office, which is the recognizable structure that makes up theGreener Pastures Disposal Site. And it's also a fine landmark forfind the other areas of interest in this dump. In front of you you'llfind two desks, on top of the eastern one will be the Bobblehead - Agility. There's also a locked safe [Average] and a hackable terminal[Average]. Grab the Nuka-Cola Quantum on the floor by the western deskand leave.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Big Book of ScienceD.C. Journal of Internal Medicine27) Head south east until you find a truck. Search inside the bed to find a Big Book of Science lying on the floor. From this truck headnorth, north east until you find a Makeshift Shack. Inside will be aWasteland Recluse, some minor loot (mostly drugs) and a D.C. Journal ofInternal Medicine under the bunk.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->28) From the Makeshift Shack head due west until you pick up theRecon Craft Theta Beacon. Keep going west and you'll find a house, andstart catching some rads. A little ways west you'll find a crashed UFO, and in a fashion mimicing the first Fallout, you'll find a deadAlien, the Alien Blaster, and a bunch of Alien Power Cells. No potraitof Elvis though. Shame. Grab what you can and get out of the heat.***WEAPON INFO***Alien Blaster (Energy Weapons)Maximum Damage: 115AP Cost: Very LowAmmo: Alien Power CellClip Size: 10 (1 round/shot, semi-auto)This gun is massively powerful, much more so than the Firelance. Exceptfor the difference in brute damage and the Alien Blaster's lack of paltry fire damage, the guns are fairly identical.[Note: If you have Mothership Zeta installed, getting close to the shipwill result in you getting abducted, so you'll have to skip this stepuntil you ready to deal with that expansion-which is quite a while, asfar as this guide is concerned.]Tenpenny Towero======================================================================o29) It's time to pay Tenpenny a visit. Go to Tenpenny Tower and go upto the top to find Alistair, who is usually sitting around on hisbalcony. He'll admit to hiring five mercenaries, including Mr. Crowley,to go scavenge Fort Constantine. If you threaten to kill him he'll offeryou double Crowley's wage to let him live. Succeed at a Speech check fora clean 300 Caps, 200 of which you'll be paid if you go back and killMr. Crowley. I've had issues where the quest wouldn't resolve aftercollecting my money from Tenpenny, so I prefer to just kill him forMister Crowley. Note that Tenpenny is one of the few characters in thegame you GAIN karma for killing. Return to Mister Crowley with the keysand with Tenpenny dead to get your reward. Nothing stops you from lyingto Crowley about killing his targets and collecting the higher reward.Whatever you do, be sure to get those keys back from Mister Crowley after completing this quest! If you do not, you won't be exploring thedepths of Fort Constantine, and will miss out on a lot of good look. Either kill him, or steal them back. You have been warned.Now we're done with 'You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head', and the nextlogical place to go is to Fort Constantine. And so we shall. But whilewe're going up there, we might as well explore all of the north westup until we reach Fort Constantine. We won't get better incentive to doso, and we'll pick up the Bobblehead - Endurance along the way. Makesure your Vault Dweller is well armed and armored, and head over to theDeathclaw Sanctuary we neglected to explore earlier.Deathclaw Sanctuary to Fort Constantineo======================================================================oSequence of Events:{WLK033}1) Deathclaw Sanctuary2) Bobblehead - Endurance3) Vengeance4) Mason Dixon Salvage5) Abandoned Tent6) Outcast Shack7) SatCom Array NN-03d8) SatCom Array NN-03d-A9) SatCom Array NN-03d-B10) SatCom Array NN-03d-C11) MDPL-21 Power Station12) Northern Pond13) Fort Constantine14) Personnel Offices15) To the Roof16) CO Quarters17) Launch Control Bunker18) Bomb Storage19) The Western Rooms20) T-51b21) SatCom Array NW-05a22) Raider Docks ***BOOKS***Duck and Cover!1) You may wish to fast travel to an area near the Deathclaw Sanctuaryinstead of fast-travelling right to it. Broadcast Tower KB5 works justfine. If you fast-travel right to the Deathclaw Sanctuary you might justrun into a group of Deathclaws you can't fight your way out of. Also bewary of the Enclave camp to the east if you're later on in the story.You'll find a locked footlocker [Average] on the ground in front ofthe door with some treats inside, including a copy of Duck and Cover!.Note the numerous skeletons lying around. Thus is the price of failure.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOBBLEHEADS***Bobblehead - Endurance***BOOKS***Nikola Tesla and You2) Inside the Sanctuary it's dark and spooky, and despite the fact thatthere are numerous Deathclaws hiding in the shadows, don't turn on yourPip-Boy light. The sneak-attack Combat Shotgun tactic works wonders here, and individually Deathclaws aren't too terrible. Unfortunatelythey have an advantage here they tend not to have, numbers. Keep yourwits about you and don't start any fights you can't finish. Head southdown a ramp and around a pillar, on the far side you'll find the corpseof a Brahmin and a round metal object, on top of which is the Bobblehead - Endurance, a Mini-Nuka, and a copy of Nikola Tesla and You.We can technically run in here, grab the Bobblehead, and leave withoutany fuss. For those brave among us, however, we can press onwards toclaim greater loot. There's a pile of bodies nearby with some minorequipment and a Nuka-Cola Quantum on the floor.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->3) Work your way through the Deathclaw Sanctuary, sniping Deathclawswhen you find them. Watch out for wrap-arounds and high ledges, as thisplace was designed in several areas to give Deathclaws high ground fromwhich to spot you. You'll find several more pile of corpses with lootappropriate for the deadite. This only gets better this late in the game, as an Enclave body is generally thrown into the mix, showing thatfor all their bluster, the Enclave doesn't win against Deathclaws.To thesouth east you'll find a unique Ripper, 'Jack' on a dead Enclave Officer. Further to the south east, in the far south easter corner of the level you'll find a bloody pool filled with bodies and parts of bodies. Beyond the pool is the unique Gatling Laser, 'Vengeance'. Once we have this weapon, we can leave the Deathclaw Sanctuary.***WEAPON INFO***Jack (Melee Weapons)Maximum Damage: 47AP Cost: Very HighAmmo: NoneClip Size: N/AEven though it appears identical to a normal Ripper (albeit with twicethe value) it is much more lethal in combat. Perhaps it 'attacks'faster? I'm not sure what the case is, it's the same on paper, but testJack out against enemies. You'll find that it kills about twice as fastas a normal Ripper. I wonder why it's named Jack, though.. Jack.. theRipper? Heh.***WEAPON INFO***Vengeance (Energy Weapons)Maximum Damage: 349AP Cost: AverageAmmo: EC PackClip Size: 240 (1 round/shot, full-autofires 8-round bursts in V.A.T.S.)It's a Gatling Laser that deals a good bit more damage than normalversions, what more do you need to know? If you want a big gun, use aGatling Laser, and if you use a Gatling Laser, use Vengeance. This guncan even whittle down big'uns like Super Mutant Overlords and AlbinoRadscorpions.Mason Dixon Salvageo======================================================================o***BOOKS***D.C. Journal of Internal MedicineNikola Tesla and YouTumblers Today4) Head east until you find Mason Dixon Salvage, which is north ofDrowned Devil's Crossing. This place can be rough, as it has numerousSuper Mutants in a very small area. At my level it included threeOverlords, a Master, and a Brute. Just one more fight that convinces methat Paralyzing Palm is essential for the expansion. There are twoAbandoned Shacks nearby, a northern one and a southern one. In thenorthern one you'll find a copy of Nikola Tesla and You on a table neara first aid box, and a D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine on the floor ontop of a Large Destroyed Book, near the metal shelf and a bucket. In thesouthern one you'll find a locked footlocker [Average] with some loot inside, and a copy of Tumblers Today on the floor near it. There are also some ammo boxes in the corner worth looting. At least it was worth the trouble of killing all those Super Mutants, eh?Abandoned Tento======================================================================o***BOOKS***Nikola Tesla and You5) Now head north east until you find an Abandoned Tent south of SatComArray NN-03d. Inside you'll find some Nuka-Colas on a table, someammo boxes, and a copy of Nikola Tesla and You on the metal shelf nearan ammo box. On a table next to a ham radio you'll also find a Nuka-ColaQuantum.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***SCHEMATICS***Schematic - Shishkebab6) Go north west so you're just west of SatCom Array NN-03d to discovera Brotherhood Outcast shack. It's unexceptional, only notable because ofthe Brotherhood Outcasts that are typically nearby. On a table in one ofthe shacks you'll find a Schematic - Shiskebab on the table, yours forthe taking. Also note that on the corner of the roof is a Nuka-ColaQuantum. It's a shame you can't reach it.. if you only had some sort ofprojectile you could use to knock it down..SatCom Array NN-03do======================================================================o7) Now head up to SatCom Array NN-03d, being mindful to stay out of thesight of the Raiders who have made it their home. No need to get into arange-war with enemies that have higher ground, cover, and who don't pay for their ammo. There are several SatCom towers you can explorehere, towers A, B, and C. I head inside SatCom Array NN-03d-A first.SatCom Array NN-03d-Ao======================================================================o8) Inside are about a half dozen Raiders, and by now, what chance dothey really have? I stayed in the entrance hallway and used the doorto good effect, opening it, popping a Raider with my Combat Shotgun,and closing it. Then, when the next brave Raider opened the door to getafter me I shot them in the face too. Repeat as needed for an amusing,if macabre game of peek-a-boo. In this tower you'll find typical Raiderloot, including plenty of drugs and ammo. Head up to the top of theSatCom Array, where you'll likely have to fight more Raiders along theexterior of the other SatCom towers. Continue up until you're on thedish and head north-east to find some wooden planks leading over tobooze-littered roof of SatCom Array NN-03d-B.SatCom Array NN-03d-Bo======================================================================o9) These Raiders are a little more soft and sophisticated than the others, as you can tell by their Teddy Bears. They even have their ownchemisty set! There's also a chessboard with miniature bottlesof alcohol, garden gnomes, and ammo units serving as chess pieces. Verywin. Head down the structure to the bottom to find a tunnel leading toSatCom Arraw NN-03d-C.SatCom Array NN-03d-Co======================================================================o***BOOKS***Pugilism Illustrated10) Again, there are about a half dozen Raiders inside. These Raiders are the real bad news, with plenty of alcohol lying around and a number of occupied coffins to hint at their professions. Behind the stairs leading up are a number of toilets, on one of which you'll find a copy of Pugilism Illustrated. Continue up the SatCom Array, again with thegoal of reaching the dish at the top. On the dish you'll find atraining dummy with Mini Nukes for hands. Grab your prize for trudgingthrough the SatCom Arrays and make your way back down.MDPL-21 Power Station (and Power Substation)o======================================================================o***BOOKS***Nikola Tesla and You11) Head east from SatCom Array NN-03d-C to find the MPDL-21 PowerStation. Enter the Power Substation to find some minor loot. In thenorth western corner you'll find a Terminal [Hard] that opens a lockedfloor safe [Hard]. On the opposite side of the room is a Workbench witha copy of Nikola Tesla and You on it. You'll probably be attacked byeither Talon Company Mercenaries or Regulators when you leave.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine12) Now for some extra loot. Head north north east from the MDPL-21Power Station.. it might be easier to go east around the mountains untilyou can go north. Eventually you'll come to a pond with radioactivebarrels in and around it, and a half-submerged truck bed. Swim over tothe truckbed and go behind it to find a cubby with a bed and a table.There's plenty of RadAway lying around, as well as a D.C. Journal ofInternal Medicine on the table. There's also locked save [Average].Fort Constantineo======================================================================o13) Now backtrack west past SatCom Array NN-03d to find Fort Constantine. Fort Constantine consists of several areas, includingBomb Storage, Personnel Offices, and CO Quarters. Kill off of the robotsin the area, loot around, and enter the Personnel Offices.Personnel Officeso======================================================================o14) This area is patrolled by robots, and is littered with the bodiesof those who came before you and failed. In the men's bathroom you'llfind an Assault Rifle and some 5.56 Rounds, and in the woman's bathroomyou'll find a dead Raider. Go up the stairs to the west and into a roomto the north west to find a cafeteria with typical kitchen loot inside.South of this room will be a storage room with a dead Raider, who iskind enough to have left his 10mm Pistol and some 10mm Rounds for us.On the ground floor head through a door to the east, past someunremarkable offices, and go down a tunnel to the left when you getthe chance.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Grognak the Barbarian15) Take another left to find some stairs and a locked door [Hard],behind which some real goodies lie. You'll find various high-techcomponents and other lower-end loot, as well as a copy of Grognak theBarbarian on the counter. Head up the stairs and loot the shelves atthe top. Take three lefts to find a door to the right with a pair ofgun cabinets inside, one of which contains a Stealth Boy. You'll alsofind the Turret Control System [Average] up here, which is useless,since by now you're already dealt the the turret downstairs. You cannow loop around to the cafeteria, or go up some more stairs to reachthe roof, and deal with the pesky robots thereoupon. On the roof you'llfind some loot on a metal shelf and some ammo boxes in the north western corner. Head over to the CO Quarters. Fort Constantine CO Quarterso======================================================================o***BOBBLEHEADS***Bobblehead - Big Guns***BOOKS***Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training ManualGuns and Bullets16) Smash the robot and get to looting. On the bookshelf in front of youis a Pre-War book and in the kitchen you'll find some Nuka-Colas in awooden crate and a Nuka-Cola Quantum in what's left of the fridge. Onthe mysteriously owned Queen-Sized Bed you'll find a copy of Guns andBullet and on the desk with a phone on it is another Pre-War Book. Headdownstairs to find a dead Wastelander with plenty of Pre-War Money andCaps near him. On a cinder block nearby will be a Stealth Boy and a copyof Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual. Best of all, in the alreadyopened safe you'll find a 10mm Pistol, some 10mm Rounds, some Caps, theFort Constantine Launch Codes, and the Bobblehead - Big Guns. Now ifyou have all of the keys you were supposed to steal for Mister Crowley(Dukov's Key, Ted Strayer's Key, and Dave's Key) you can open the doorto the Bunker, which requires Ted Strayer's Key. Don't be shy, wondrous loot awaits!Launch Control Bunkero======================================================================o***BOOKS***Big Book of ScienceDuck and Cover!17) Go down some stairs and through a closed gate to find a desk withsome ammo boxes, 5.56 Rounds, and an Assault Rifle on it. Head eastdown some stairs, loot the room you find, and head down some more stairsto the east until you reach a hallway with a locked door [Average] anda terminal [Average]. Once you're done looting this room head souththrough a door to find an intact office with a copy of Duck and Cover!on a table near the Fort Constantine Launch Terminal. On another deskto the east you'll find a Big Book of Science. Continue down some stairsto the.. you guessed it.. to the east to find a room with bunks in it.On a desk to the west you'll find a Pre-War Book and a Stealth Boy. Godown some stairs.. you know the direction.. to find a door leading tothe Bomb Storage.Bomb Storageo======================================================================o18) Go through a door to the south to find a room with two doors to thewest [Very Hard] along with two terminals [Very Hard], and to the eastwill be a door with the dead body of Tara outside, which can only beopened with one of your keys. Tara has the Warhead Storage Key on her,which will open the door you'll find if you go up the stairs throughthe southern door. <---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Guns and Bullets19) Pick the lock/hack the terminal to get into the north western room where you'll find numerous guns on the metal shelves along the southernwall, as well as a 10mm Pistol, 10mm Rounds, and a copy of Guns and Bullets on a table in the middle of the room. The south western roomcontains numerous ammo boxes.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine20) Loot Tara and go through the door she's in front of to find aperfectly preserved room containing a Fat Man, two Mini Nukes, and a D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine on a table, some lockers, and the ArmorR&D Terminal. Activate the terminal to find the T-51b Power Armor, arguably the best suit of Power Armor in the game. And really, how doyou beat damage resistance 50, rad resistance 25, with a helmet that hasdamage resistance 10, rad resistance 8, and +1 Charisma? Well, EnclaveHellfire Armor is pretty much as good as T-51b.. but.. T-51b is specialbecause it's rare, so there. Head south up some stairs to reach the above ground portion of the Bomb storage area, where you'll find morerobots, and more minor loot, but besides a Mini Nuke it's nothing toogreat. We are now done with Fort Constantine. Stash your loot and head over to Vault 108, where we can grab the Bobblehead - Charisma fairly quick-like. First lets discover the one last area in the north westerncorner of the map.. The Pitt expansion notwithstanding.SatCom Array NW-05ao======================================================================o***BOOKS***Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual21) Now that Fort Constantine is done and looted head south west to findSatCom Array NW-05a. Be sneaky to get inside without drawing theattention of the Talon Company Mercs outside. No need to range war aguy with a Missile Launcher. Inside is a Talon Company Mercenary, aleveled turret, and a Ghoul Scientist who is up to no good. Read theterminal on the ground level to find out what our Ghoul friend was upto. On the desk nearby you'll find a copy of Chinese Army: Spec. Ops.Training Manual. Search the Ghoul's body for the following notes:'Highwater Trousers' Activation Code, SatCom Array NN-03d Coordinates,and SatCom Array NW-07c Coordinates. <---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Nikola Tesla and You22) Head west where you may run afoul of an Enclave Camp if you're lateenough in the game. You'll eventually find water, near which is a groupof Raiders who've made themselves a home of sorts on some docks. Killthem and loot their docks for some food, drugs, ammo, and a Mini-Nukewhich is on a shelf. South west of the Raider docks is a blue boat thatis partially submerged. Go to the cliffs nearby and jump on the boat toscore a copy of Nikola Tesla and You which is on the roof.Vault 108o======================================================================oSequence of Events:{WLK034}1) Vault 1082) Living Quarters3) Cloning Lab4) Cleaning Up***BOOKS***Tumblers Today1) Vault 108 is north east of the Corvega Factory, and there's no needto go on some grand campaign to reach it.. because we've already explored everything over there! Anyways this first level is really justto get you introduced to this Vault. As you'll see, it's opened to theworld, and doesn't look any better for wear than Vault 106 did. Go westthen south to reach a room with a door to Vault 108 Living Quarters. Inthe north western corner of this room you'll find a Stealth Boy on atable in front of two computers. South of this room you'll find Gary 42.Huh. Keep going east south and you'll find the reactor room, which hasa door leading to Vault 108 Cloning Labs. Go in the room to the east andjump on the yellow crates to reach a hidden Nuka-Cola Quantum on a stepladder in the southern end of the room. Sneaky. There's also a copy ofTumblers Today under the step ladder, but since a step ladder counts asa three-dimensiona solid 'block', I have no idea how you're supposed toreach it. (The step ladder doesn't have gaps through which you can moveobjects, even though there is 'space' at the back and between the steps.The book is effectively entombed in the step ladder. Without using aconsole cheat on the PC, I don't know how you'd get this book.) You can go into either door, the Cloning Lab is where the good stuff is, and theLiving Quarters are mostly just there for bonus looting. If you've been following this guide at any length, you know where we're going to gofirst.Living Quarterso======================================================================o***BOOKS***Pugilism Illustrated2) Go west down some stairs and into a large, two-storied room, just like the Vault 101 Atrium. There's minor loot in the four rooms, inthe room to the north west you'll find a copy of Pugilism Illustratedon the edge of the counter. If you go up the stairs to the west you'llreach the upper level of the atrium, with three more rooms to loot. Oneof which has a locked safe [Easy]. Now go down the stairs on the groundfloor of the atrium to reach a room with a locked safe [Easy] and somelockers to loot. Beyond this is just another entrance to the Vault 108Clining Lab.Vault 108 - Cloning Labo======================================================================o***BOBBLEHEADS***Bobblehead - Charisma***BOOKS***Lying, Congressional Style3) More Vault 108, more Gary. You know, out of all the Vaults we've beenin, Vault 101 might have just been the most sane. Now that's scary. Gosouth, then east to find a medical room with a partition closing part ofthe room off, inside of which you'll find a Gary messing with a deadWastelander. Head west, then south around a corner to find another pairof rooms. Go into the door to the north to find a room with beds andmore Gary clones. On a table to the south you'll find a copy of Lying,Congressional Style, and on a table to the north you'll find theBobblehead - Charisma.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->4) Now go through the room to the south and into a hallway. If you backtrack to the west you'll find some poor loot, and a note "Cloning Log" on the floor by a skeleton in the room with the locked safe [Very Easy]. If you go east you'll find some slightly less poor loot,and the exit to the Vault 108 - Entrance we neglected earlier. We'renow done with Vault 108, so head back home and drop off whatever youdon't need. It's time to get the Bobblehead - Luck, and end our greatBobblehead hunt. We have to get to Arlington National Cemetery, whichcan be done pretty expediently by going through the Flooded Metro southof Wilhelm's Wharf. Flooded Metro to Arlington National Cemeteryo======================================================================oSequence of Events:{WLK035}1) The OTHER Flooded Metro2) Arlington National Cemetery3) Mama Dolce's4) Mama Dolce's Food Distribution5) Chinese Remnants6) Tunnel to Tumblers7) The Ultimate Weapon8) Mama Dolce's Loading Yard9) Mama Dolce's Processed Foods10) Finishing Up Mama Dolce's11) Arlington/Falls Church Metro12) Falls Church North13) L.O.B. Enterprises14) Glowing Goodness15) L.O.B. Enterprises - Archives16) L.O.B. Enterprises - East Wing17) R&D Operations Terminal18) Zhu-Rong v418 Chinese Pistol19) Office Building20) Paladin Hoss' Request21) Saving Initiate Pek22) Falls Church/Mason Dst Metro23) Franklin Utility Metro24) The Turret Path25) Ghouls Galore26) Burnmaster27) There and Back Again28) Mason District29) Hubris Comics Publishing30) Reign of Grelok31) To Hubris Comics Printing32) Mad Johnny Wes33) Hubris Comics Utility Tunnel1) This is a pretty uneventful metro. Make your way south, looting andkilling whatever Ghouls you find until you reach a door leading to theArlington National Cemetery. Now that was easy, eh? South of ArlingtonNational Cemetery North you'll find the entrance to Arlington Utility, aplace we'll explore later.Arlington Houseo======================================================================o***BOBBLEHEADS***Bobblehead - Luck***BOOKS***Big Book of Science2) Head west and kill some Raiders and follow the road south past a fountain. When the road split against head south west to find theArlington House. By the bathroom door is a locked cabinet [Very Easy],and in the kitchen you can find a Big Book of Science on a table in thecorner. Upstairs there's a safe [Easy] behind a dresser, and in the basem*nt you'll find a locked safe [Very Easy], a locked first aid box [Very Easy], the Bobblehead - Luck on a shelf, and a creepy shrine toLincoln. We are now quite done with our Bobblehead hunt, and if you wantto continue on to the next part of the guide, feel free to do so. Iwill now cover the rest of Arlington Library, and the 'return' tripout of Arlington, which will cover the Falls Church and Mason Districtareas, for my fellow completionists out there.Mama Dolce'so======================================================================o***BOOKS***Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor3) Head south east to find Mama Dolce's, a place where we will finda good bit of loot. North of Mama Dolce's is a blue truck with plenty offood in the back, and north of that is an overturned truck bed. Thereare numerous radioactive barrels around, but none of them will give youany rads. In the truck bed is the body of a Wastelander, and near themyou will find a copy of Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor. Now to exploreMama Dolce's. You can enter either the Food Distribution area or theProcessed Foods area, it doesn't really matter which you do first. I'llstart out in the Food Distribution area.Mama Dolce's Food Distributiono======================================================================o4) Loot the room in front of you, including the personal footlocker[Very Easy] and the ammo boxes to the west. You should find a TurretControly System terminal [Average] on a table, along with a Stealth Boy.Deal with the turret as you please and head down the stairs into thelarger room to the south.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->5) You'll likely encounter some Chinese Remnant Soldiers.. who arereally just well-armed Ghouls. I guess they don't know the war is over.Dispatch them how you wish and head through the noodle-laden room,
through a smaller room, and into another large room. Go up the stairsin the southern end of the room to reach the upper levels where you'llfind a Chinese Remnant Captain, who possesses the 'Mama Dolce's Encryption Key'.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->6) If you go west you'll come to a door leading to the Mama Dolce'sLoading Yard area.. of which there are several in this area. You'll alsofind stairs down which, if you explore you'll eventually discover a roomwith a large hole in the floor leading down into a cavern. Explore thetunnel a short ways to find two locked safes [Hard] and [Average], anda copy of Tumblers Today near a skeleton.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->7) If you go east from where you found the Chinese Remnant Captain you'll find a room with plenty of loot, including two wall safes [Easy]and [Average], and a Nuka-Cola Quantum and Pre-War Book on the desk.Continue through the door to the north along the ramparts to find another room, with another exit to Mama Dolce's Loading Yard. You'llalso find a Rolling Pin on the table. ***WEAPON INFO***Rolling Pin (Melee Weapons)Maximum Damage: 19AP Cost: LowAmmo: NoneClip Size: N/AHow can you NOT love this as a weapon? It's a freakin' rolling pin, theweapon of choice for feminine-aggresive domestic abuse in every cartoon!You simply must kill an enemy with one of these, then laugh at it forsucking.Mama Dolce's Loading Yardo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training ManualGuns and Bullets8) This area consists of two balconies connecting Mama Dolce's ProcessedFoods to Mama Dolce's Food Distribution, and a central loading areacrawling with Chinese Remnants. On the eastern balcony (the side we'reon) you'll find a Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual on the ground near a stool, and on the western balcony is a copy of Guns andBullets. There are also bad guys on the balconies, so it might be a good idea to stealth-kill the guards up here, then sneak around to the otherside to kill those guards. Once everybody up top is dead you can liberally pick off the people on the ground, which is what I inted todo.Mama Dolce's Processed Foodso======================================================================o9) In this room you'll find a Pre-War Book on the table. Head through adoor to the north and go down some stairs into a large room. To thenorth through some double doors you'll find a room with some decent lootinside, including a Stealth Boy on a table near the doors as well as theexit back out into the Arlington National Cemetery. To the south you'llfind a door leading back to Food Distribution. <---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Dean's ElectronicsGuns and Bullets10) Go up some stairs in the south east corner of the rooom and you'll find a four-way hallway beyond a door to the Loading Yard. To the west you'll find the woman's bathroom, wherein you can discover a copy of Guns and Bullets on the floor near the toilet in the stall. To the north is an uninteresting room over some water, and to the south lie some stairs. On the first landing you'll find a metal shelf with a copy of Dean's Electronics on it. Continue up the stairs to eventually reach a door leading to the Loading Yard, where you can complete this area. Killthe sniper, and with the captured Sniper Rifle kill the people on the ground. Grab the Guns and Bullets, loot the ground floord of the LoadingYard, and head back out into Arlington National Cemetery.Arlington/Falls Church Metroo======================================================================o***BOOKS***U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes11) From Mama Dolce's head west until you find the Arlington/FallsChurch Metro, our next stop in our journey to gut Arlington. Head southinto the metro station, where you'll notice the bed of a truck to thesouth west. Jump on in there to find a copy of U.S. Army: 30 HandyFlamethrower Recipes on a chair. Continue to the south to find the gateleading to the Falls Church area.Falls Church Northo======================================================================o12) Head up some stairs to discover Falls Church North. This place isheavily occupied by Super Mutants, especially the building across thestreet to the south. Still, nothing a little sneak-attack shotgunningcan't fix with wondrously lethal anonymity. East of Falls Church Northyou'll find Falls Church East, which seems to mark the location of L.O.B.Enterprises rather than a metro.L.O.B. Enterpriseso======================================================================o***BOOKS***Pugilism Illustrated13) In the front office you'll find a L.O.B. Enterprises Front DeskTerminal, which is amusing if nothing else. To the south are some fairlyuninteresting bathrooms, and up the stairs to the west are some fairlyuninteresting offices. So let's head north. Work your way to the eastafter going through the door to the north and you'll eventually come toa room full of metal shelves, on one of which is a copy of PugilismIllustrated.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->14) Loot your way to the west until you come to a room with more metalshelves. You'll have passed some stairs down to L.O.B. EnterprisesArchives, but in the rooms to the west you'll find another exit. Headinto the room west of the room with the metal shelves to find a Nuka-Cola Quantum glowing in plain sight on a table. Go down the stairsand enter the Archives.L.O.B. Enterprises Archiveso======================================================================o***BOOKS***Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual15) Head north into a room and down some stairs. This area was heavilyguarded by Sentry Bots in my game, there were six of them in the level,and three in this one room. It's a good thing there wasn't much room forthem to bring their weapons to bear. At the bottom of the stairs you'llfind a large room with plenty of loot in it. Head to the north, thengo up the side fo the room to the east, where you'll pass numerouslocked containers on the right. Turn south and go through a door toreach a small cafeteria, within which you'll find the typical food itemsand a locked safe [Average]. Continue to the east past two bathrooms(within the toilet of one you'll find five Cherry Bombs) to reach amaintenence room with numerous components on metal shelves, including aStealth Boy. Head back east and search the far eastern room for someminor loot, and a Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual which is neara terminal on a desk. Now head back up to L.O.B. Enterprises via thesame route you entered this level and head upstairs to reach L.O.B.Enterprises East Wing.L.O.B. Enterprises East Wingo======================================================================o16) Head north and check out the 'Security Operations Terminal' to theright, where you can see more of L.O.B.'s activities and-more importantly-grab a Stealth Boy from a desk near a non-operationalterminal. You can continue north into a larger room with an collapsedceiling for some minor loot, and through another door to reach somestairs leading to the upper level, but we'll get there soon enough.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->17) Instead head around a corner and to the west. Explore the rooms tothe north and south to find a way past the rubble-blocked hallway. Atthe end of the hallway you'll find a door to the south leading to somestairs. Continue east down the hallway and you'll find an office to thenorth, containing, among other things, two Pre-War Books and the 'R&DOperations Terminal' [Very Hard]. The terminal talks about someincendiary weapon L.O.B. was creating. Before you get all excited,however, keep in mind that the production prototype used 10mm Rounds,which means it can't be very powerful.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Tumblers Today18) Head back into the hallway and go east some more. To the south is alocked door [Very Hard], and to the north is another office. Go throughthe office and to the east to reach the upper level of the room with thedestroyed ceiling. Creep along the ledge to the east and go through a doorway to find yourself at the far end of the rubble that blocked thehallway we were just in. Ahead of you is a much less locked door leadingto more offices. Explore the first one, then head to the west to findthe CEO's office, which contains a fair amount of loot including acabinet [Easy], a first aid box [Average], a copy of Tumblers Today,and the L.O.B. Enterprises Secure-Case [Hard], inside the latter ofwhich you'll find the Zhu-Rong v418 Chinese Pistol. In the desk you'llfind the L.O.B. Enterprises CEO Key, which will unlock that pesky [Very Hard] door for you.***WEAPON INFO***Zhu-Rong v418 Chinese Pistol (Small Guns)Maximum Damage: 23AP Cost: Very LowAmmo: 10mm RoundsClip Size: N/AAs I recall, Zhu Rong was a Chinese fire goddess. A descendent of hers,also named Zhu Rong, was the wife of the Nanman king Meng Huo. In anyevent, this explains the Chinese nature of the gun, and the incendiaryqualities of it as well. All things considered, it's fairly powerful asfar as pistols go, and it can set people on fire, which is alsointeresting. Despite what the R&D terminal said, this gun doesn't sufferfrom any rate of fire problems.. at least, not in V.A.T.S.Office Buildingo======================================================================o19) Once you're done with L.O.B. Enterprises head west through the SuperMutant occupied building until you reach a playground on the other side.South of this playground is an office building for your exploring pleasure. Go east up some stairs and explore the bathroom, disarming thetrip wire at the door at taking the rigged shotgun in the garbage can.Go south into an office room to find two dead Super Mutants and two deadBrother of Steel Initiates. No telling which side won in the end, butneither will need their loot anymore. Continue on until you find somestairs leading down to an exit back to Fall Church.Falls Church Metroo======================================================================o20) Head west until you find Falls Church Metro, where you'll find that there's a heated fire-fight between two Brotherhood of Steel characters and a significant number of Super Mutants. This late in the game you really have to baby sit the Paladins, as they seem mindlessly incapable of surviving even against Super Mutants with Hunting Rifles. After the Super Mutants are dead talk to Paladin Hoss, who will tell you that they were attacked during an exercise and were cut off from one of their initiates. Offer to help and head south to the building where the initiate fled to. Chances are you had to clear these Super Mutants out already, as fighting near the Paladins tends to draw more Super Mutants into the fray.Officeo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Tumblers Today21) Mutants, Mutants every where. And unlike the ones outsides, thesewill level all the way up to Overlord.. or at least one of them might.Head through the door to the west then go through another door to thenorth to find a room with three Super Mutants inside. Make sure to killthem decisively, but sylishly for bonus points. I use the term 'room'loosely, as this was several rooms at one point, but through time andperhaps some Super Mutant remodeling many walls are now gone. In thesouthernmost 'room' you'll find a desk with a copy of Tumblers Todayon it, and a safe [Easy] underneath it. Continue north until you findInitiate Pek in a room by himself, unarmed. If you have a high enoughSmall Guns skill you can make a check to repair his weapon, giving himthe ability to tickle any Super Mutants he might encounter with his 10mm Pistol. Go return the inept Initiate to Paladin Hoss, who will nowaccompany you throughout the Falls Church Area.Falls Church/Mason Dst Metroo======================================================================o***BOOKS***D.C. Journal of Internal MedicineDuck and Cover!22) Now head into the Falls Church/Mason Dst Metro, where you'll beattacked by a number of Raiders. Kill them and head east to find themetro station, where a formidible seeming Raider fort stands. On the toplevel, however, you'll notice the place has been overrun by Ghouls,likely stemming from the Franklin Metro Utilty in the east. In a ticketbooth you can find a missile, a first aid box, and a copy of Duck andCover! In a diner you'll find a Pre-War Book on a table and a StealthBoy on the back of an oven. If you continue to the east you'll findthe exit to the Franklin Metro Utility [Easy], an area that can beexplored by the brave and the greedy. If you go north past some bathrooms (one of which contains a D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine resting on top of a first aid box on the wall) you'll find the exit to the Mason District.Franklin Metro Utilityo======================================================================o23) This place is absolutely wretched at a high level. I'll go on therecord and say that I encountered no fewer than eleven Feral Ghoul Reavers here. There's a good bit of loot in this place, but you have todecide if you're up to killing that many Reavers and catching adecidedly unhealthy amount of rads. In the very first room you'll finda haul of components by the computers and in the lockers, including twoStealth Boys. On another metal shelf to the east you'll find twoPre-War Books. Search the upper area and kill your first Ghouls. You'llprobably get enough loot that you'll want to head back and stash it!<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Tumblers Today24) There are now two ways out of this room, to the east you'll findsome stairs leading to a small room with a deactivated turret in it. This route can be a little dangerous, as there are many Ghouls millingoutside the door by the turret, although you can hack the turret [Hard]and get it to fire on the Ghouls, it's just as likely to shoot at you,given its location. In the fenced-off area in the turret room you'llfind a stash of loot, including a copy of Tumblers Today on an ammo box.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Guns and Bullets25) The other way down is to the north, where you'll find some stairsleading down. Either way, both routes lead you to a large room with afenced-off central area. Kill the Ghouls surrounding the fence (for methis was a mix of Feral Ghoul Reavers and Glowing Ones) and loot thenorth and south ends of the room before exploring the fenced-in area. Ona table in the middle of the room you'll find a Combat Shotgun, a Stealth Boy, and a copy of Guns and Bullets.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->26) Head into a sewer to the east where you'll find some RadAway.Normally harmless drug finding is just there for looting, but in thiscase take it as a warning of radiation to come. Continue heading throughthe sewer until you find a flooded tunnel. Swim east into the submergedarea a short ways to find a pile of radioactive barrels behind a Radiation Suit Case, on top of which is a Mini Nuke. Take the AdvancedRadiation Suit and swim back west, which you may want to equip. Swimthrough a hole in the wall until you reach dry land on the other side.Continue up a natural ramp leading east and you'll find yourself inanother metro tunnel. Continue east through a tunnel full of radioactivebarrels to find a truck, within the back of which lies a unique Flamer'Burnmaster', a Nuka-Cola Quantum, some drugs, and no less than fiveammo boxes.***WEAPON INFO***Burnmaster (Big Guns)Maximum Damage: 236AP Cost: Very LowAmmo: Flamer FuelClip Size: 60 (Continuous fire, fires 3-round gout in V.A.T.S.)It's about 50% more powerful than a normal Flamer, and yet has thesame value.. Ah well, pyromaniacs delight.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes27) Head west over the hole leading to the flooded area and continue upa tunnel. Stop in front of the barricades long enough to loot some toolboxes and metals shelves, on one of which you'll find a copy of U.S.Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes. Continue west and loot some moremetal shelves, then loot a defunct connection tunnel, and finallycontinue on until you discover a room to the south that has variouscomponents inside, including two more Stealth Boys. Instead of walkingall the way back, classily drop through the hole in the floor to land ina garbage bin back near the entrance. Now it's time to explore MasonDistrict.Mason Districto======================================================================o***BOOKS***Dean's ElectronicsGuns and Bullets28) You'll surface near the Hubris Comics map marker. As usual, when yousurface you'll probably spawn some Regulators/Talon Company Mercenaries.There are also plenty of Super Mutants to the south. First loot thePulowski Preservation Chamber and grab the copy of Dean's Electronics within. In the center of the playground south of Hubris Comics you'llfind a truck bed with some ammo boxes and several Chinese Assault Riflesinside. In a building overlooking the playground to the south you'llfind a Sniper Rifle, some ammo boxes, a 10mm Pistol, two Frag Grenades,and a Stimpak, along with a copy of Guns and Bullets. Other than that,you can find some more ammo boxes and Chinese Assault Rifles in a ruinedbuilding some ways to the south, and you can discover the far end of theFlooded Metro which will return surface near Arlington Library. Tofinish off this area.. and with it everything in the southern half ofthe map save D.C., head into Hubris Comics.Hubris Comics Publishingo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor29) In Hubris Comics you have to be wary of two things: traps and Ghouls. Past the receptionist desk is a barricade, consisting in partof a bookshelf, upon which is a Pre-War Book. There's a trapped toiletin the bathroom to the west, and one of the terminals on thereceptionist's desk is rigged. Above this rigged terminal, on a shelf,is a copy of Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor, so try not to blow up theterminal. If you go through the door to the east you'll find the Hubris Comics Utility Tunnels, if you go north over the barricade you'll continue deeper into the building.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->30) Go north over the barricade and east down a tunnel. Break the tripwire and deactivate the rigged baby carriage. You'll come to a doorleading south which simply connects to another tunnel east thatterminates in a north-south fork. Head south to find an office roomnear a Nuka-Cola vending machine. Inside are numerous desks to loot,some stairs leading down, and a large hole in the floor, overwhichlooms a Grenade Bouquet. Down on the lower level you'll find more desksto loot, some ammo boxes and first aid boxes in the south westerncorner, and a terminal with the game 'Reign of Grelok' on it. To myknowledge there's no reward for playing it, other than the glory ofplaying a game within a game.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->31) Now head up north to find a large room with numerous desks and ahole in the floor on the eastern side of the room. On the bottom floorare several Ghouls which are unable to close with you. Like shootingfish in a barrel. There is little reason to explore the lower level. Ifyou go through a door to the east you'll find another route to the Hubis Comics Utility Tunnels, and if you go the west down a hallway(disarming the trip-wire rigging up three pitching machines) you'lleventually come to a door leading to Hubris Comics Printing.Hubris Comics Printingo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Grognak the Barbarian32) Just to the south you'll find a large room, wherein you'll find MadJohnny Wes, his (leveled) turret defense, and some Ghouls. It is muchbetter to simply let the two sides kill each other off before makingyour presence known. Why deal with Mark VII Turrets, a pyscho with aMinigun, and Feral Ghouls all at once if you don't have to? Once theGhouls are dead head into the printing room, go up the the east side,head down some stairs to the lower level, and continue across to thesouth. Go through a doorway and head down a hallway to the west pastsome pitching machines. Up some stairs you'll find a locked door[Average], beyond which is Mad Johnny Wes. Kill him and his turretsbefore looting his three ammo boxes, three first aid boxes, and stealing his Nuka-Cola Quantum and copy of Grognak the Barbarian.You can mess with the printing press, but doing so doesn't seem to doanything other than draw your attention to the skeleton jamming up theworks. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why we avoid machinery whileit's being operated. There is now only one area left to explore beforewe are done with our glorious sweep of Arlington, the Hubris ComicsUtility Tunnels. I'll assume you entered via the door near the entranceto Hubris Comics, just to set a standard for navigation.WarMECH comments:At Hubris Comics, activating the jammed presses cause them to smoke, and this shuts down the turrets. I like the idea of how this place is supposed to work, but being able to snipe the crazy guy and destroy the turrets really makes it too easy to lose what I assume the programmer's intentions were.Hubris Comics Utility Tunnelso======================================================================o***BOOKS***Dean's Electronics33) Another series of pre-war tunnels filled with components and teemingwith Ghouls. By now we've been through areas just like this a dozen times or more. Go around the fencing to find a skeleton near a grenadebox, two ammo boxes, and a first aid box. To the north you'll find awith a Turret Control System terminal [Average] nearby, which, if youbother, can activate a Mark I Turret. Continue north, then east untilyou come to a four-way split. To the east you'll find the other entranceto Hubris Comics Publishing, and south is a dead end, so head north upsome stairs. You'll immediately come to.. another split! Go east to finda room where a dead skeleton lies amidst Caps, 5.56 Rounds, an AssaultRifle, a Stealth Boy, and two first aid boxes. Now head west to find aroom with several Ghouls in it. On a desk in this room is a copy ofDean's Electronics. Continue through a door to the north, up some stairs, and into a short sewer to find the exit to the Capital Wasteland. You'll exit near Wilhelm's Wharf. The great Bobblehead huntis over, and so is our exploration of Arlington. Before we tackle D.C.fully, lets complete the north central part of the Capital Wasteland,once done we'll really only have D.C. left to explore. Our next targetis the Reclining Groves Resort Homes, which is north of Germantown.Reclining Groves Resort Homes to Oasiso======================================================================oSequence of Events:{WLK036}1) Reclining Groves Resort Homes2) Warrens3) Montgomery County Reservoir4) Broadcast Tower LP85) Clifftop Shacks6) The Southern Shack7) The Northern Shack8) Oasis Ho!9) The Rite of Purification10) The Grove11) Talking to Treeminders12) Oasis Caverns13) Sunken Chambers14) Spelunking15) Harold's Heart16) Damp Cave17) Resolution***BOOKS***Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training ManualTales of a Junktown Jerky VendorU.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes1) East of the Reclining Groves Resort Homes you can find a barn (laterin the game this is perilously close to an Enclave camp.) On the secondfloor of this barn is a personal footlocker [Very Hard] inside of whichyou can find a copy of Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual. Justwest of this barn is a ruined house with a copy of Tales of a JunktownJerky Vendor on a bookshelf. Still not good enough for you? Head back tothe barn and go up a hill to the north east, where a number of Bloatflysare hovering about. Near a tree surrounded by Tin Cans you'll find a copy of U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes.Warrenso======================================================================o2) From the Reclining Groves Resort Homes head east along the road until you find a cave door which is mostly boarded up leading to theWarrens. It's populated with Vicious Dogs, and there's not much to loothere, but I figured I'd rather mention it rather than look sloppy. Neara skeleton you'll find some Stimpaks, and at the end of the warrens you'll find a Mercenary and a Wastelander with loot on them.Montgomery County Reservoiro======================================================================o3) North west of the Reclining Groves Resort Homes you'll find theMontgomery County Reservoir, home to a number of Raiders. Beyond that,there's a barn to the north west with some ammo boxes on the top floor,a silo with a first aid box, and a shack with some more ammo boxes.Broadcast Tower LP8 (and Sealed Cistern)o======================================================================o***BOOKS***Big Book of Science4) From the Montgomery County Reservoir head north east until you findBroadcast Tower LP8. You know the drill, flip the electrical switch toget the Radio Signal Echo Foxtrot. Head over a cliff to the north eastto find a sewer entrance to a sealed cistern. Inside you only have togo a short ways to find your loot, which includes some Purified Water,a Big Book of Science, and some food.. somebody liked Salisbury Steaks!Pick the locked safe [Easy] for some more loot.Clifftop Shackso======================================================================o5) Before we go to Oasis, lets explore one last area in the northernpart of the map. Head north east around the 'mountains' to find aSuper Mutant camp marked as the Clifftop Shacks. Kill the Super Mutants,free a prisoner, loot gore bags, the typical stuff. There are now twoabandoned shacks to explore, one to the north and one to the south. Isanybody else getting deja'vu?<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Pugilism Illustrated6) In the southern shack you'll find a Super Mutant ready to do somedastardly things to a Wasteland Captive. Kill it and free the captive ifyou wish. As a funny note, one time when I fought this Super Mutant itsSuper Sledge was knocked from its grasp by Fisto!, went flying throughthe air, and killed the captive. If anybody asks me what defined nextgen consoles like the PS3 and Xbox 360 compared to the PS2 and Xbox,I'd have to say it's the great things that could occur with the physicsengines.. the great, the akward, and in this case, the hilarious. Thereis a copy of Pugilism Illustrated on a shelf and a locked safe [Average]with more loot inside. On the floor you'll also fing the unique NailBoard, 'Board of Education'. Har har.***WEAPON INFO***Board of Education (Melee Weapons)Maximum Damage: 28AP Cost: LowAmmo: NoneClip Size: N/AI can't fathom why Bethesda would put a unique Nail Bat this far away,but here it is. Surely if you can bother getting this weapon you can get Fisto!. In any case, it's a little stronger than a normal Nail Bat,about 20-25% stronger, nothing to write home about.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Grognak the Barbarian7) The northern shack is less busy. Grab the Pre-War Book off the tableby the bed, loot the ammo box at the foot of the bed, and open the locked safe [Average] under the bed. On a metal shelf you'll find a copyof Grognak the Barbarian on top of a Small Ruined Book.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->8) Oasis is to the east.. but it's pretty much in its own self-contained 'island' of rock. There's a narrow path leading up to theentrance, and the only way to reach Oasis is by approaching from thewest. You can go east across a bridge, then down the face of a cliffand around the rock 'island' that is Oasis if you wish. You'll know youare on the right track when you start seeing grass.. or moss.. whatever,it's green and NOT glowing.Oasiso======================================================================o***QUESTS***Oasis9) When you arrive, some old man named Tree Father Birch will approachand ask you to come meet 'Him'. Oh boy. He'll tell you about the Treeminders and ask you to follow him into Oasis. Outside you can findBranchtender Maple, who doesn't have anything intersting to say. FollowBirch, and when he reaches his destination he'll speak to you. Longstory short, 'He' wishes to meet you, and you need to drink some sap inorder to be purified in order to meet 'Him'. Activate the 'Basin ofPurification' to continue on with this nonesense. They'll speak somefoolishness and you'll wake up in another area.The Groveo======================================================================o10) There's really only one thing to do here, head south east and talkto the Talking Tree. It's our good friend Harold, from the previousFallout titles. He's looking a little bushed, though. Something musthave sapped his strength. It's good he managed to branch out fromCalifornia and spread roots in the D.C. area. He's really turning over anew leaf. He'll tell you that Herbert.. or rather Bob (his tree-friendfrom Fallout 2) has grown, and apparently taken Harold for the ride.Harold is a font of information and nostalgia from the previous titles,although it's all extenous now. Keep talking to him and he'll ask youto help him by finding his heart and destroying it, thus freeing himfrom his immobile life surrounding by zealous hippies. Even if itweren't Harold, nobody deserves that kind of an existence!Instead of going down into the Oasis Caverns and finding Harold's heartyou can decide to take an easier, more practical approach to this quest.Although the best reward for this quest is obtained by doing what Haroldwants, if you get a Flamer you can quite literally immolate Harold and'Bob'. This is probably one of the most wicked things you can do in thisgame, and it won't earn you any friends amongst the Treeminders. You canfind out about Harolds fear of fire from Sapling Yew.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->11) Now return to Oasis and chat people up. Near the entrance to the Oasis Caverns you'll find Birch and Laurel arguing about what Harold means. They want you to take decidedly different approaches, either limiting or accelerating the growth of Oasis by tampering with Harold's heart. With these two optional alternatives to destroying Harold's heart, go talk to Cypress in order to get the key to the Oasis Caverns.Oasis Cavernso======================================================================o12) Head down a tunnel until you find a dead Branchtender, where you canscore an Assault Rifle and some spiffy Oasis Villager Robes. This placehas plenty of Mirelurks inside of it, but by now they're easy prey forsneak attack criticals with a Combat Shotgun. The area is made eveneasier by the abundance of water, most of which gives a good hit pointto rad rate of return. Really, the only thing you need to worry aboutis catching too many rads, and that's not much of an issue, either.Continue on until you find a large room mostly filled with water. You'll have to swim through an underwater passage to the south. Once you're onthe other side follow the linear tunnel until you find a door leading tothe Sunken Chambers.Sunken Chamberso======================================================================o***BOOKS***D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine13) Head down the tunnel to the north, taking the first left you see tofind a small camp, complete with a bed should you need a nap. There'sa Silenced 10mm Pistol on the table, some 10mm Rounds, a Stealth Boy, a Pre-War Book on the trunk, and a D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine in awooden crate.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->14) Continue following the main path until it gradually turns east pasta small body of water. Under the water you can find a dead Wastelanderand a dead Raider, as well as a Mini Nuke. Once you're done spelunkingcontinue east where the path will split. Right in front of you is a skeleton with a Chinese Assault Rifle near two ammo boxes [Easy] and[Average]. On top of the [Average] ammo box you'll also find a StealthBoy.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->15) Since the path to the north ends in a dead-end, head south until thetunnel splits again. Take the northern path to find another skeleton with a Missile, a Blood Pack, a Stimpak, some RadAway, and PurifiedWater near it, then turn back south. Go up a slope past some lambentgreen mushrooms to find Harold's Heart, the humongous organ lies amidsta cascade of roots. Now to make your choice, which I didn't cover beforesince the alternatives (aside from lighting Harold up) all involved making it to this location. You can choose one of the three followingoptions upon interacting with the heart (with the rewards in parenthesis):Destroy Harold's heart.(Barkskin Perk, Yew's Bear Charm)Apply Birch's Sap to stop Harold's growth.(Missile, Maple's Garb, Yew's Bear Charm)Apply Laurel's Liniment to accelerate Harold's growth.(Linden's Outcast Power Armor, Poplar's Hood, Yew's Bear Charm)Generally if you do either Birch's or Laurel's optional assignmentyou'll get a scattering of gear from various Treeminders, as denoted bythe name on the item. These items are fairly useful, but in the grandscheme of things they just aren't as good as having the Barkskin perk.Maple's Garb is decent for its weight, but it's not a killer item,there are many better suits of Power Armor out there, and Poplar'sHood is pretty much the same thing as the Shady Hat. Why get a bunch ofitems you probably won't even use when you can get permanent 5% damageresistance?Once that's done continue on until you find a door leading to the DampCave.Damp Caveo======================================================================o16) Travel north until you find a small bit of loot overlooking a ledge,including a Paint Gun, Missile, and Leaf Blower. Drop down the edge ofthe cliff and obliterate any Mirelurks you find lurking in the mire.There are two bits of loot to grab down here. To the east you'll find askeleton near an ammo box with a Sniper Rifle, Combat Knife, Stimpak,RadAway, and two Fission Batteries nearby. To the north you'll find another skeleton with a 10mm Pistol, some 10mm Rounds, Buffout, aStimpak, two Nuka-Colas, a Nuka-Cola Quantum, a Conductor, and aLunchbox nearby. Once you've score that loot swim underwater to thenorth west to find a door leading back to The Grove.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->17) Talk to either Laurel or Birch, who will be standing in front ofHarold (depending on who you chose to aid.) Once you've talked to themthe quest Oasis will end, and you can collect your loot. As long as youdidn't set Harold on fire you can grab Yew's Bear Charm by talking toher. It's been a long time in coming, but we've got our ten-point bonusto Speech.Now it's time to finish up all the remaining non-story quests in the game, which involves heavily exploring downtown D.C. Really though, what's left to do? We've got Head of State (which we practically have done already), and Stealing Independence, both of which take place in the Mall. Then there's Agatha's Song, for which I plan to trek to the Vault-Tec Headquarters (if for no better reason then to have a feeble excuse to explore it). Finally there's Reilly's Rangers, by far the most complicated quest left to do, during which I will take three treks, an alternate route to the Mall which will bring us out near the LincolnMemorial and allow us to nab some more books, one to reach the Ranger Compound initially, and the other to reach The Statesman Hotel. The route I will follow on each trip is listed below. There are many ways toreach each location, but as far as I could figure these routes force us to explore the most locations. Once we're done with Reilly's Rangers we'll explore the Capitol Building and Takoma Park, which will ensure that we kill (or at least encounter) all the Super Mutant Behemoths in the game.Again, if this is too rigorous for you, or if you wish to find yourown path or complete the quests in a different order, by all means.My order and path just ensures we do as much as possible in this gamewhile actively persuing a goal.The Mall Alternate RouteIrradiated Metro --> L'Enfant Plaza --> Hazmat Disposal Site L5 -->The Mall Reilly's Rangers Ranger Compound RouteMetro Central --> Freedom Street --> Penn. Avenue --> Seward Square -->Ranger CompoundReilly's Rangers Statesmans Hotel RouteArlington Utility --> DCTA Tunnel 014-B Potomac --> Foggy Bottom -->Dupont Circle --> Metro Junction --> Vernon Square --> Our Lady of Hope HospitalIrradiated Metroo======================================================================oSequence of Events:{WLK037}1) Irradiated Metro2) L'Enfant South3) The Capitol Post4) Store5) Enclave vs. Super Mutants6) Hazmat Disposal Site L57) Mirelurk Nesting Hole8) Lincoln Memorial9) Siding with the Slavers10) Slaying the Slavers11) The Emancipation Migration12) When the Slaves Are Away, the Raiders Will Play..13) National Archives14) Super Mutant Smiting15) The Library16) Sub-Basem*nt Detour17) Archives Sub-Basem*nt18) Gas and Super Mutants 19) Defending the Rotunda20) Archival Secure East Wing21) Bypassing the Utility Door22) Bill of Rights23) Magna Carta24) Archival Strongroom25) Selling Independence***BOOKS***Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual1) Head over to the Irradiated Metro, which is across the river fromthe Citadel (you may have discovered it on your Rivet City run). Fromthe entrance head through the short metro area and through a doorwayto the south. Continue through another doorway to the south and go downtwo flights of stairs and through yet another doorway to reach a largemulti-leveled room. Turn west and search the consoles along the railingto find a Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual. Now clear out thelevel as you see fit. To get to L'Enfant Plaza head through a doorwayto the west, and follow it around to the far side of the large chamber.Traverse the chamber and go through a door to the east, which willlead you down some tunnels until you reach L'Enfant.L'Enfant Southo======================================================================o2) L'Enfant Plaza is no picnic. You'll probably be attacked by eitherRegulators or Talon Company Mercenaries when you enter the Plaza, andby super Mutants shortly thereafter. Head up the stair and go northeastto find a grave in front of a house. Search it to obtain the note'Search Party Log 1'.The Capitol Posto======================================================================o3) North west from the Irradiated Metro entrance you'll find theCapitol Post, which is inhabited by some Radroaches. If you wanted toread those newspaper articles you see when you're loading, you can search the terminals here for them. On the front desk you'll find aterminal [Average] which unlocks a safe built into the side of the desk[Very Hard]. Down along the western side of the front room you'll seethat the floor has collapsed conveniently as to build you a naturalramp. Head down and loot the body of one Gibson, who has seen betterdays. You'll get Gibson's Key and the note 'Gibson's Scrap of Paper'.This key opens the miniature house [Very Hard] inside the Gibson House,which will get you some chems, caps, and other loot which is-by now-not very noteworthy.Storeo======================================================================o4) Leave the post and head down the ramp to the west, then turn northand continue until you reach a diner. From the diner, head down analley to the west, left of Besnik's Barber Shop. Be cautious of thetrip wire nearby, less you get some grenades coming down chutes at you.Go around the back of the buildings and into a 'Store'. You'll find someminor loot down here, including a locked safe [Hard] that can be openedby hacking a terminal [Average].<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Big Book of ScienceU.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes5) Exit the store and continue going north behind the alley. If you'relate enough in the game (which we are) a Vertibird will land and dropoff some Enclave Soldiers to the north. A titanic struggle between theinvading Enclave and the native Super Mutants will ensue. After thedust has settled, pick off the survivors and continue until you reachthe four way intersection. Turn west and walk until you see some stairs to your right. Go up the stairs and open the Pulowski Preservation Shelter to find a Big Book of Science inside. Return to the four way andturn north, continuing until you reach a tunnel blocked by rubble. To the northwest is a small shelter built into the rubble, wherin you canfind a bed, two ammo boxes, and a copy of U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes.Hazmat Disposal Site L5o======================================================================o6) Head north west up an earthen ramp and go through a destroyedbuilding to reach a large square dominated by a pyramid. Kill the SuperMutants around the area and head west to find the entrance to HazmatDisposal Site L5. Yeah, nothing about this area sounds good, and nothingabout it is good. It's filled with Ghouls and there's not a singlebook to be found. Continue through the metro area until you reach sometrain tracks, where you'll find a large hole in the floor to the north.Going down will deposit you in a large natural chamber filled withradioactive barrels. You'll catch some rads, but we've suffered-and willyet suffer-worse. Go through the chamber to the north until you reachan artificial chamber at the far end. Hack the Turret Control Terminal[Hard], activate the turrets, and take off the targeting parameters toset some Turrets on the Ghouls in the room to the west. Some Mark VIITurrets will take care of any Ghoul problem you might have had. Head through the door to the west, up some stairs, and through a sewer to thewest. You'll come to a metro area which will exit out to the Mall inthe north western corner of the Local Map.Mirelurk Nesting Holeo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual7) Before we mess with ol' Abe, head up the stairs to exit the metroarea and promptly turn east. Continue along the road until you find achasm which contains two sewer pipes, one of which leads to the MirelurkNesting Hole. Once inside, head south down a rocky slope, then when youreach a split head down the south western pass, past several leakingpipes. Keep going south until you reach a large southern chamber. Thepath will have turned east by now, and you'll have to drop off a cliffto continue going. Do so, and turn south, continuing until you see ametal structure in the wall. North of this structure is a ramp of sortsthat leads to a ledge containing a Rotting Brahmin Corpse and a deadMercenary. Get up to that ledge and stand along the western side,pretty much on top of the dead Mercenary. Turn north west and walk on asmall rocky ledge between the wall and a stone pillar. To your right(north) you'll see a cave. Follow it until it terminates, where you'llfind a Skeleton on the floor with an Assault Rifle, a first aid box, anda wooden crate. On top of the wooden crate you'll find a Chinese Army:Spec. Ops. Training Manual. That's right, all that work for that. Nowyou can continue to search this area as normal. There's plenty of lootto be found, including a Nuka-Cola Quantum. When you're done, exit backto the Mall and head to the Lincoln Memorial.Lincoln Memorialo======================================================================o8) First decide whether you want to help the slavers, or the slaves.Ultimately the slavers will really just give you Caps for your trouble,while Hannibal will give you the Dart Gun Schematic.. a much better deal. Still, if you want to hear the Slavers out fast travel somewhere near the Lincoln Memorial, like the Mall Northwest or the MallSouthwest and head west over to the Lincoln Memorial. Get near the Memorial and a man named Silas will stop you. Be nice and he'll tellyou to go find Mister Walker, but not to set foot on the Memorial. Headup to the Memorial steps and circle around to the south, following thedirt path to a door leading to the Memorial Maintenence Room.Memorial Maintenence Roomo======================================================================o9) Find Leroy Walker and chat him up. He'll offer to pay you to go tothe Museum of History and find things pertaining to Lincoln so they canbe burnt. Can't have slaves getting funny ideas of freedom now, can we?If you give him Lincoln relics, he'll pay you Caps, notably 100 Caps(200 for a successful Speech challenge) for the Lincoln Memorial posterthe slaves want. If you want to side with the slavers you can acceptthe proposition, after which Leroy will offer you 100 Caps for infoabout the escaped slave leader Hannibal. If you squeal on Hannibalyou'll get 100 Caps, and the slavers will rush off to deal with theTemple of the Union. Journey to the Temple of the Union and, once theslaves are dealth with, you'll get grudging access to Paradise Falls.Not very rewarding, is it?<---------------------------------------------------------------------->10) On the other hand if you want to help the slaves, simply take out allthe slavers. Kill Leroy and loot the Memorial Maintenence Room for various bits of food, Nuka-Colas, and a Nuka-Cola Quantum on a metal shelf. Once outside you'll have to deal with a Memorial full of Slaversand some traps they've erected to keep the Memorial safe from intrusion.Still, they're not any tougher than a Raider, and easy prey for us thislate in the game.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***SCHEMATICS***Schematic - Dart Gun11) Once the Slavers are dealt with head back to the Temple of the Union.Give Caleb the poster he wants and talk to Hannibal, who will tell youto meet them at the Lincoln Memorial. In practice it takes them FOREVERto reach the memorial, so you might have to wait a while for them to getthere. You can now loot the Temple of the Union freely, although it isstill considered stealing to do so.. there's nobody here to catch you.Anyhow, once you and all the slaves reach the Lincoln Memorial talk toHannibal again to claim your reward and complete the quest. See? I toldyou we were practically done with the quest.MarMECH notes: After relocating the slaves to the Lincoln Memorial, I found a dead Scavenger on the second floor of the Temple of the Union, armed with a Fat Man and Mini Nuke.After checking this out, WarMECH isn't entirely correct. After the slaves have relocated the Temple of the Union spawns a random encounter,which can be one of many different events. -N<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Grognak the BarbarianTales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor12) If you want to score an extra book, head back to the Temple of theUnion and go south west until you see a highway. Go up one of the exitramps and you'll find that the shacks on the bridge are now occupied byRaiders. It was always possible to encounter a lone Enclave Soldier here, even before the 'invasion', but now you can expect a Vertibird tofly in and drop off some Enclave Soldiers. Once everything is deadsearch the makeshift shacks. On one of the tables you can find a copyof Grognak the Barbarian, and on another you can find a copy of Tales ofa Junktown Jerky Vendor.The National Archiveso======================================================================o13) Since we're already in the Mall, we might as well finish up thequest 'Stealing Independence'. Head east to find the National Archivesbuilding. Once inside head north around a wall to find two terminals,one being the National Archives Guess and Win! terminal, and the otherbeing the Prize Redemption terminal. Answer the eight questions correctly on the 'Guess and Win!' terminal and you'll be able to geta special fruit-flavored type of Mentats. If you continue to go northyou'll find a woman named Sydney behind a barricade. This is the way togo if you want to complete the 'Stealing Independence' quest, butnaturally I decide to explore the rest of the building first.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->
14) Head through a door to the west and through a small room into alarger room that is doubtlessly inhabited by Super Mutants. Kill themand head up some stairs to the south until you reach a room with moreSuper Mutants. Eliminate them and search the room for some RadAway, aStimpak, two grenade boxes, two mine boxes, and a first aid box. Oncedone, drop down the hole in the floor and loot this room as well, whereyou'll find a rigged terminal, a Stimpak, two ammo boxes, and a box ofMentats, as well as an Archival Strongroom we can't access yet. Once done head north to get back to the room we previously departed and explore the bathrooms to the west, each of which has a first aid box on the wall. Once that's done travel north down some stairs, stopping to grab a Combat Shotgun and some Shotgun Shells off a bookshelf.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Duck and Cover!15) Continue north down a hall way, stopping to search each of the twoclassrooms on your left. Both have school desks with minor loot in them, as well as normal desks with significantly better loot on them.Disarm the tripwire between the two classrooms to avoid becomingbetter acquainted with an engine than you want to be. At the end ofthe hallway you'll find a door to the east, opening into a library. Gointo the room and explore the north western corner to find a schooldesk half-buried in rubble, on top of which is a copy of Duck andCover! Explore the rest of the room, being wary of landmine as you go. Ignore the door to the south (it only contains a trap) and search one of the leaning bookshelfs in the center of the room to find four Pre-War Books on a shelf.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->16) Go east past a door to The Mall and disarm the tripwire between twobookshelves. Explore the rest of the library and grab the loot therein,including two ammo boxes, a first aid box, explore some cabinets, andopen a locked [Average] safe. Continue east and loot some tool boxers,a refrigerator, and a vending machine before exiting into a hallway.Head down a hallway to the south until the path splits. If you turneast, then north you'll find a door leading to the Memorial Sub-Basem*nt[Easy], which we might as well explore.Archives Sub-Basem*nto======================================================================o***SHEET MUSIC BOOK***17) This first room can be brutal if you don't take care of business quickly. Mess around, and the Super Mutant below is liable to get agood bit of a backup. Unless the thought of fighting a couple of Overlords and several Masters at one time appeals to you, do your bestto ensure that you kill whatever might be lurking in the first roomwithout alerting everything else. To this end, Paralyzing Palm comes inhandy once again. On a shelf along the south western wall you can find aSheet Music Book.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Duck and Cover!18) Head through the doorway to the south into a gas-filled room.Needless to say, discharging firearms in this room is not a good idea.That said, there are as many as a half-dozen Super Mutants lurkingaround, depending on if you met any resistance in the first room. Across the room to the south you'll find another room with three ammoboxes and a first aid box inside. Head down some stairs (or fall downthe hole) in the central room and head up some stairs to reach thedoor leading to the Archival Secure East Wing. Near it is a lockedgate [Very Hard], beyond which is a shelf with some Metal Armor, aMetal Helmet, a Mini Nuke, a Stealth Boy, and a copy of Duck andCover!. If you head through the door to the Secure Archival East Wingyou'll be in the area within which the Declaration of Independence isstored.. or you can finish up the National Archives and talk to Sydney.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->19) Once back in the National Archives, explore the room south of theentrance to the Sub-Basem*nt. Continue south up some stairs, go acrossa hallway to the west and go up some more stairs to reach a small office. Inside you'll find Administrator Berkeley's Terminal [Average],with which you can unlock a wall safe [Average]. Inside of the safeyou'll find five more Archive Prize Vouchers, which will let you naball the fruity Mentats you want.. or five more, in any event. Now thatwe're done with the National Archives, head into the rotunda room,carefully disarming all the mines Sydney has placed around. Once you'refar enough into the room a quest notification will pop up, 'Defend theRotunda'. Cue a group of Super Mutants to bust in. Despite theirappearance and gear, they are all unleveled, and quite easy to disposeof.. Never end a sentence in a preposition! It's easy to dispose ofthem. That's better. Talk to Sydney and she'll tell you that AbrahamWashington sent her to find the Declaration before you, and that youneed her help to get down the to Declaration.. it's not strictly true,but there's no harm in cooperating. When you're ready activate 'Sydney'sRemote Terminal' and ride the Secret Elevator to Archival Secure WingEast.***WEAPON INFO***Plasma Mines (Explosives)Maximum Damage: 169AP Cost: N/AAmmo: Plasma MinesClip Size: 1 (1 mine/shot)This is certainly not the first place you'll find a Plasma Mine, but itis the first place I can safely remember where you will find some forsure. The Plasma Mine is like a Plasma Grenade.. only a mine. You knowhow this works by now.Archival Secure Wing Easto======================================================================o20) Sydney is fair in a firefight, and you can heal her by giving herStimpaks as you go, but it's better to just tell her to wait back whileyou go destroy the robots crawling around this level. If she does bitethe big one, it's no big deal. Just be sure to grab her SMG off of her.Of course, there's also no reason to kill her for it, as you can obtainit through legitmate means later on. Head north to find a room with autility gate to the north and a hallway running west. If you have a high enough Science score (67 points, in this case), you can make a check to repair the faulty capacitor in the door release mechanism and open the utility gate. In any event, there's plenty of incentive to head west.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->21) Going west in practice is just a way to bypass the utility door, butthat doesn't mean there's not loot down here. You can defeat the robotspatrolling around with a bit of ease if you have the Robotics Expertperk, as with a bit of patience you can sneak up on them. The door tothe right [Average] is just a shortcut to avoid looping around.. whichkind of defeats the purpose of exploring this area. In the first roomto your left you'll find a skeleton near a mine box with a remarkablyintact Laser Rifle nearby, as well as some Microfusion Cells and aStimpak. In the second room on the left you'll find another skeletonwith a Laser Pistol nearby, as well as a Pulse Mine, an ammo box, and afirst aid box. Loop around to the east and you'll get access to theroom beyond the utility gate.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Lying, Congressional Style22) Go down some stairs to find a door to the north, beyond which you'llhave some options. Go through the doors [Average] to the west to getaccess to a small area defended by some turrets. It's worth the troubleto destroy those turrets, since this room contains five ammo boxes, a first aid box, a mine box, a grenades box, and copy of Lying, Congressional Style on a table near the Archives Security Safe, which itself contains the Bill of Rights.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->23) There's a door [Hard] to the east, but there's no real purpose tounlocking it, as it just provides an alternative route to areas you canalready access. Go to the north to find a room with some yellow cratesin it. Go down some stairs to the west to find a small room with a deadMercenary inside. Now head to the unexplored area to the north. Ignore the door to the Archival Strongroom for now and explore the area to theeast. You'll eventually stumble upon another locked door [Average], beyond which are some turrets guarding three ammo boxes, a mine box, agrenade box, and another archives security safe. This one contains theMagna Carta. You can now circle around to the locked door [Hard], or goback to the Archival Strongroom.Archival Strongroomo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor24) As soon as you enter you'll be approached by a barmy robot who thinks it is Button Gwinnett. Succeed at an [Intelligence] check and you'll identify Button as the second signer of the Declaration ofIndependence. If you do that you can use [Robots Expert] to shut downthe silly robot and end its shennanigans. Or you can convince the machine (with a [Speech] challenge) that you're Thomas Jefferson and thewar is over. Failing those options, you can just kill the robot and histurrets. Either way, once that's done loot the room. Button's SupplyDesks and Supply Wardrobes contains various ammo. You can also use theStrongroom Security Terminal to unlock the doors in this area, and inthe east wing. Head through the door to the north and open the threesafes to find various loot including the Declaration of Independence.There's also a copy of Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor on the table.Head through to door to the west when you've got everything you want andtake the Elevator to The National Archives. It's time to head back toRivet City and collect your reward.WarMECH notes:..that at Arlington Library, among the pointed out Restoration Supplies is an ink container; this is an item that may be used as part of a solution to the Stealing Independence quest, in the creation of a forged Declaration to satisfy the robot in a nonviolent way should the speech challenge fail.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->25) Abraham Washington is suprised-but not unhappy-to see you. Give himthe Declaration of Independence and he'll reward you with the promisedSchematic. You can also sell the Magna Carta for 100 Caps, and the Billof Rights for 125 if you wish. Either way, this quest is done. Now to deal with the remaining two side-quests in the main game, Agatha's Songand Reilly's Rangers. Both inevitably require us to travel to VernonSquare, one to find Vault-Tec Headquarters, and the other to find OurLady of Hope Hospital. Before we deal with that, lets grab the lootfrom the Ranger Compound.Freedom Street Station to Ranger Compoundo======================================================================oSequence of Events:{WLK038}1) Freedom Street Station2) Past Ghouls and Bear Traps3) Pennsylvania Avenue4) Wastelander Execution5) White House Plaza6) Penn. Ave/Georgetown Metro7) Another Port in the Storm8) Utility9) White House10) Scavenger's Abode11) Sewer12) The Alternate Route13) Penn. Ave/Seward Square Metro14) Seward Square15) Fun with Artillery16) Super Mutants vs. Talon Company Mercenaries17) Clearing Seward Square18) Feeding the Worm19) The Other Side of Anacostia20) Ranger Compound1) First head to Metro Central, which can be accessed via the MuesuemStation. From there head to the Freedom Street Station. This should bea fairly uneventful journey, considered we cleared out Metro Central along time ago. Freedom Street is another story. Head north across a bridge to find a Scavenger. There's plenty of stuff to steal here, particularly a copy of Tumbler's Today. Now for some optional exploration..<---------------------------------------------------------------------->2) Head down some stairs and make your way through two rooms to find atunnel to the south. Ignore the stairs to your left for now and headwest to find the room under the bridge that led to the Scavenger camp.Bypass the bear traps and go through two doors to the west to find aGhoul-infested sewer. Ignore the submerged door to the west and headnorth instead, turning west to follow the passage. If you follow thisroute you'll find a few bits of loot, some Ghouls, and ultimately reacha door leading to Vernon Square. It's a future destination of ours, andit might be worth it to head out and quickly grab the Vernon SquareStation map marker. Ultimately, however, we're not interesting inVernon Square just yet.Pennsylvania Avenueo======================================================================o3) Backtrack past the room with the bear traps and head up some stairsleading south. You'll soon end up in a metro entrance with more beartraps littering the floor, and a few Ghouls. Beyond that is the gateleading to Pennsylvania Avenue, an area briefly before mentioned, nowimmenently explored. This is a pretty safe exit to Pennsylvania Avenue,but there might be the odd Super Mutant crawling around, so be on guard.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->4) Head up west until you come to the back of a truck where you'll finda Super Mutant butchering Wastelanders. You probably won't be able tosave any lives, but you can kill the Super Mutant and loot its metalshelves for some ammo boxes and first aid boxes. There's also a bed inhere, in case you get tuckered out and need a nappy-bye.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->5) Now venture south to find some Brother of Steel Paladins fighting itout with Super Mutants. Save the Brothers, or let them deal with it ontheir own (it'll be easier to loot their ammo boxes if they're dead).Once done gaze westward to find the White House Plaza. From here we haveseveral places to explore. There's an unmarked Hotel the Brotherhood ofSteel Paladins are using as a barracks near the Penn. Ave Northwestarea (Penn. Ave/Georgetown Metro). Across the plaza from the aforementioned metro you'll find a manhole simply labled 'Utility'.The Penn. Ave/Georgetown Metro is optional, but we'll cover it first.Penn. Ave/Georgetown Metroo======================================================================o6) This metro connects Pennsylvania Northwest to Georgetown East, and isitself a perfectly legitimate means by which to reach Pennsylvania Avenue. In fact, it's shorter and safer than the Freedom Street route,but less rewarding. Loot the Nuka-Cola Vending Machine and Eat-O-Tronicand head west. Go down some stairs to find a seemingly abandoned 'camp'consisting of several beds. There's also an Assault Rifle and some 5.56Rounds on a table, some ammo boxes underneath the table, and some Nuka-Colas in a wooden crate. Shortly the inhabitants will show up, usually led by a Raider Guard Dog. Dispose of the three Raiders thatfollow and you'll have cleared the way to Georgetown.Hotel o======================================================================o***BOOKS***Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual7) Just south of the Pennsylvania Northwest map marker you'll find anunmarked Hotel that'll typically have at least one Brotherhood of SteelPaladin inside. They're not as nice as you might have come to expectfrom Brotherhood guys, if you want something in here, you're going tohave to steal it. Disarm the trip wire in the door way and search thelarge room beyond to find a Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual ona small table.Utilityo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Pugilism Illustrated8) Now head across the plaza to find a manhole leading to a sewersimply known as 'Utility'. Go north to find two doors, on to the rightand one to the left. Explore the room on the right first, which hasplenty of loot in it, including a copy of Pugilism Illustrated on atable. Now head across the hallway and go through the door that was tothe left. It'll eventually lead to two doors, one exits to PennsylvaniaAvenue, and the other leads to the Presidential Sub Level, which is inaccessible for now due to story-based reasons. Pop some Rad-X and headthrough the door to Pennsylvania Avenue.White Houseo======================================================================o9) As soon as the game loads you'll discover the White House, along withsome Ghouls that need smote. Kill them and head up the stairs to find askeleton near two packs of RadAway, three Mini Nukes, and a Fat Man.Once obtained, head back to the safety of the Utility. Go back throughthe Utility to the White House Plaza.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->10) Now, there are two paths we can take to get to Seward Square fromPennsylvania Avenue. First we can take the obvious route by going through the Penn. Ave/Seward Square Metro. The other route is througha sewer that lies between Pennsylvania Avenue North and Metro CentralHead back to Pennsylvania Avenue North (Freedom Street) and travel east.You'll find a chain gate fence with a rigged baby carriage behind it onone side of the street and a decline leading to a Scavenger Camp acrossthe street. If you feel frisky you can try and steal from their ammoboxes and first aid boxes. Continue east to find the manhole leading tothe Sewer on a sidewalk near some rubble, just across the street fromwhere the scaffolding ends.Sewero======================================================================o***BOOKS***Tumblers Today11) This area is inhabited by several leveled Super Mutants, although it's easy (and ideal) to fight them one at a time. Head down the tunnelto the north until it connects to another tunnel to the south. Switchtunnels and head west, entering the first door your find on your left.Go up some stairs to find three skeletons, one of which has a Laser Pistol, some Microfusion Cells, and the 'Hidden Stash Note'. Head backinto the tunnels and travel east until you find a niche in the wallon the northern side. Search it and you'll find five boxes with variousammo and grenades inside, as well as a copy of Tumblers Today on a cinder block. Head back west and cross back over into the northern tunnel. Continue west until you find a room with a ladder leading to Seward Square. You'll surface in an anonymous alley east of the Seward Sq. North Metro (aka Penn. Ave/Seward Square Metro.)<---------------------------------------------------------------------->12) On the other hand, if you want to go through the Penn. Ave/SewardSquare Metro continue to Metro Central, where you'll find a large number of Super Mutants. In the diner north of Metro Central you'll find a number of bodies to loot. East of Metro Central you'll find a Pulowski Preservation Shelter with an ammo box [Very Easy] just begging to belooted, and south east still you'll discover Pennsylvania Avenue East,aka Penn. Ave/Seward Square Metro.Penn. Ave/Seward Square Metroo======================================================================o13) Go through a doorway on the right and continue north west through some bathrooms. Go through a door to the south west where-if you'reunluckly like me-you'll find a Feral Ghoul Reaver waiting. Continuethrough some tunnels until you reach some offices which can, if nothingelse, be traversed with ease. Head through a doorway to the south eastto find the gate to Seward Square. Once again the official metro tunnelis the easier, safer, faster route, but also less rewarding.Seward Squareo======================================================================o14) No matter which way you took to get here, there's one littleproblem in your way. South west of the Seward Sq. North Metro you'llfind a Talon Company Mercenary with a Sniper Rifle on a bridge connecting two buildings. You can try to sneakily snipe him, or get upto him by entering the office building south of the metro. The lattercourse puts you dangerously close to Super Mutants in the plaza nearby,not to mention the bother of trying to sneak past him in the firstplace.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->15) Either kill him or sneak past him and enter the Office Buildingsouth of Seward Sq. North Metro. Make your way through the building(looting as you go, of course) until you find a door on the top floor leading to Seward Square, which will take you to the bridge the sniper was on. Grab the 'Seward Square Artillery' note and a group of Talon Company Mercs will show up below you to the west and get into a fight with some Super Mutants. If you want to be a bastard, hit them both with the artillery, or just let them duke it out. It's an amusing way to dispose of some Super Mutants, at least. The only problem is finding all the pieces after the strikes.. and the fact that Super Mutant Overlords take an ungodly number of hits to kill. When you're done showing Seward Square who the real boss is, loot the two ammo boxes and first aid boxes on the shelf near the switch and head back down.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Lying, Congressional Style16) Drop down and head west to loot the corpses left behind due to yourmerciless artillery strikes. If you head north you'll find anotherbatch of Super Mutants duking it out with Talon Company Mercenaries. Inmy experience, this tends to be an absolute route in favor of the SuperMutants. You'll also find a door leading to the Captiol Building EastEntrance, which I have no intention of exploring at this time. South ofthis door, however, along the Capitol Building you'll find a PulowskiPreservation Shelter, within which you can find a copy of Lying,Congressional Style.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->17) Get yourself ready for a fight and head back to the south east,where you'll find a large plaza occupied by Super Mutants and spannedby a bridge. They can be rather spread out, but the numerous Centaursare the fly in the ointment as they typically are good at sniffingout sneaking characters. Kill the Super Mutants and search the back of a truck to find a safe [Average] and a first aid box. If you follow thebridge to the north you'll find a street that usually has analignment-based encounter in it, either Regulators or Talon CompanyMercenaries.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->18) Continue across the plaza to the east, where you'll invariably heara loony complaining about the state of the world and rambling senselessly. Once you reach the far eastern end of the plaza head southuntil you find another street running east. Continue east until you finda road running north. Continue north until you find a small path to thewest, along which a Wastelander is cowering near a brick wall. Do NOT godown the alley, as the crazy Wastelander in the building has mines,grenades, and Mini Nukes wired to a detonater, and he will-if provoked-blow them up. There are two ways to deal with him. Either snipe him fromoutside of his blast radius, or succeed at a [Charisma] check andconvince the cowering Wastelander to go talk to the loon. If you killthe psycho, you're free to pick up all the undetonated munitions he'llleave behind. After the nutter was put out of our misery I was able tofind four Frag Mines and four Mini Nukes in my admittably brief search.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->19) From the alley head south east, persuing a new map marker whichwill turn out to be another entrance to the Anacostia Crossing Station.If you're late enough in the game an Enclave Vertibird will fly overhead and expel some Enclave Soldiers, who will be quick to pick a fightwith nearby Super Mutants. Deal with the situation however you see fit,but head east once the dust has settled to find a truck. In the back ofthe truck you'll find a dead Wastelander, his two ammo boxes, two firstaid boxes, and a rigged baby carriage.Ranger Compoundo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Dean's Electronics20) Backtrack to the west and head back up the psycho-adjacent road tothe north until you find some sand-bag barricades guarding a path tothe east. Continue east until you find the Ranger Compound. Don't beafraid to search the upper levels of the building before you go in, asthere are a total of five ammo boxes and two first aid boxes to be found. Activate the 'Ranger Compound Outer Terminal' to open the door.. that or pick the lock [Very Hard]. You can also get the note 'Search Party Log #2' here by perusing the terminal. Inside the compound you can get more info on the Rangers by searching Reilly's Terminal. Other than that, there's a bit of food, drugs, ammo, and the odd components around,as well as a copy of Dean's Electronics in the southern room with theshelves in the middle, the book is on top of the generator along thesouthern wall. Now that we've helped ourselves to the Reilly's stuff, we might as well help out her Rangers. One way to get to Our Lady of Hope Hospital is to head back through theMuseum Station down to Dupont Circle and go through the Dry Sewer, whichleads to the basem*nt of Our Lady of Hope Hospital.. but what's the funin going back through a place we've already explored? Instead, this walkthrough will take the route that allows us to explore the most areas along the way. Head over to Arlington Cemetery North and into Arlington Utility.Arlington Utilty to Our Lady of Hope Hospitalo======================================================================oSequence of Events:{WLK039}1) Arlington Utility2) DCTA Tunnel 014-B Potomac3) Swimming with 'Lurks4) Foggy Bottom Station5) Dupont Circle6) Sunken Sewer7) Metro Junction8) Vernon Square9) Vault-Tec Headquarters - Guest Relations10) Vault-Tec Headquarters - Corporate Offices11) Looting the Upper Levels12) Vault-Tec Headquarters - Administration13) Mainframe Level14) Masterbrain15) Mainframe16) Vernon Square Crater17) Sewer Entrance18) Super Mutant Sewer (with Radiation Sauce)19) Super Mutant Building20) Finishing Up Vernon Square21) Our Lady of Hope Hospital22) The Eastern Hall23) Looping Around24) The Dry Sewer25) Our Lady of Hope Hospital 2nd Lvl26) Statesman Hotel Mid Level27) Theo's Ammo Box28) Little Moonbeam's Father29) To the Elevator30) The Long Route31) Statesman Hotel Restaurant32) Statesman Hotel Roof33) Statesman Hotel34) Returning to Reilly35) Sydney's 10mm "Ultra' SMG***BOOKS***U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes1) This area is occupied by Raiders, and hence, not much of a threat atall. Follow the metro tunnel until you find a door to the north, whichwill eventually deposit you at a fork in the road. Head north up somestairs, then east up some more to find a room with a copy of U.S. Army:30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes on the metal shelf. If you continue up tothe north you'll find more rooms to loot, and if you head back to thefork and go east you'll eventually turn south and enter come cavernswith plenty of Raiders in them. Loot and fight your way south untilyou reach some sewers, where you'll find the door to DCTA Tunnel 014-BPotomac.DCTA Tunnel 014-B Potomaco======================================================================o2) Head south through a metro tunnel into another, longer metro tunnel.You'll notice the area has all the indicators of Raider activity, butalas, no Raiders. Scallops got 'em. Head east down the long metro tunnel, where you can eventually find a small dead-end area to the south, the exit to Georgetown, or more interestingly, you can follow the metro tunnel as it curves south.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine3) There are plenty of Mirelurks around, and plenty of Mirelurk EggClutches to loot. Go through a door to the east and continue past apartially flooded tunnel to reach a fork in the road. If you go eastyou'll find an entrance to the Foggy Bottom Station, so go south. You will reach a half-flooded series of tunnels, which eventually leadssouth into a fully submerged area. Save your game and put your swimminggoggles on. Swim down the tunnel and eventually you'll reach a doorleading to a room. Surface at the stairs and kill a Mirelurk. BesidesMirelurk Egg Clutches you'll find a D.C. Journal of Internal Medicineand some Stimpaks on the machinery in this room.Foggy Bottom Stationo======================================================================o4) From the entrance to the DCTA Tunnel 014-B Potomac head north,disarming a trip wire and taking the two neutered grenade bouquets asyou go. Follow the tunnel as it turns east and take the first left youfind. Behind a fence you'll find a Nuka-Cola Quantum sitting on a ledge. Now, I could go into great detail about this area, but what you really need to know is that it's filled with Raiders and that you're heading to the upper level, exiting to the north at Dupont Circle. You will find numerous components and odd valuables on the way, but nothing exceptional.Dupont Circleo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor5) Finally we come back to Dupont Circle, and like I mentioned before..it's not very interesting. It's crawling with Raiders, and in one ofthe ruined buildings you'll find a Pre-War Book on a bookshelf. Otherthan that, hit Lady Frumperton's Fashions for a copy of Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor, which is safely tucked away in a locked [Average]safe. Ignore the Dry Sewer for now (as it leads to the Our Lady of HopeHospital, which we'll get to later), but since the Sunken Sewer in thisarea doesn't lead anywhere we'll explore later, we might as well exploreit now.Sunken Sewero======================================================================o***BOOKS***U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes6) From the center of Dupont Circle (the fountain where all the Raidersand Frag Mines were) head north-east until you find a sewer entrancenear some debris. Pop some Rad-X, as this sewer is higly irradiated, andhead inside. As an irraditated sewer, there's going to be one of twotypes of enemies insids, Ghouls or Super Mutants. Unfortunately it'sthe former. Head south, then east into a chamber and exterminate theGhouls wandering around. Cross the catwalks in the center of the roomto find a stash along the northern wall consisting of some components,some Rad-X, a Scoped .44 Magnum, two ammo boxes, and a safe [Average].Best of all, on top of the safe is a copy of U.S. Army: 30 HandyFlamethrower Recipes. Now that we've searched Dupont Circle to our hearts content it's time to head north to find Metro Junction.Metro Junctiono======================================================================o***BOOKS***Grognak the Barbarian7) Metro Junction's size belies its simplicity, and the only real reasonto explore it is simply so that we can say we did.. and to grab the lonebook present in all this mess, a copy of Grognak the Barbarian on atable under the platform leading to Vernon Square. And the Tin Cans,which are every where in here.. for what it's worth. To the north westis an exit to Chevy Chase, and to the south west are two exits toDupont Circle. In the east and north east you'll find exits to VernonSquare. I prefer to exit out the north east.Vernon Squareo======================================================================o8) Ah, the second to last external area in the D.C. area to explore, andit's crawling with Super Mutants. What did you expect? You'll discoverVernon Square North when you arrive. Kill whatever Super Mutants are around while being careful to avoid the pressure-plate rigged to two Combat Shotguns just south of Metro Junction and head east to find Vault-Tec Headquarters. We might as well explore it, since we're here and all.Vault-Tec Guest Relationso======================================================================o9) You'll notice that this isn't a friendly place just by seeing thedead Super Mutants lying around. Of course, they're not leveled, sodon't give Vault-Tec security too much credit yet. You can explore thebathrooms to the west and the upstairs portion to the south west, butto get anywhere you'll need to head up the stairs and into the CorporateOffices.Vault-Tec Corporate Officeso======================================================================o10) There are plenty of robots in this level, and many rooms have holes in the ceiling from which robots on upper floors can be alerted to yourpresence. This is just one of many areas where sneaking comes in handy.Head up the stairs until you come to a split path. Go through the dooracross the hallway and into a room to the left, where you'll find numerous toolboxes, a first aid box, and a safe [Easy]. Make your wayeast until you find some stairs leading up.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Big Book of Science11) At the top of the stairs take a right, head down to the end of thehallway and take a left at a garbage can, then take another right to find a room with a Nuka-Cola Quantum on a bookshelf. Head east througha hole in the wall (avoiding the hole in the floor) to find anotherroom. On the eastern wall across from the entrance is a shelf with aBig Book of Science on it. Head back out into the hallway and continuedown another hallway to the west a short ways, taking the first rightinto yet another floor-holey room. Head to the north and creep alongthe edge of the room to reach the door on the other side of a largehole in the floor. Beyond you'll find a Stealth Boy, two ammo boxes,a first aid box, and a Laser Pistol. Head back out into the hallwayand continue west until you find another flight of stairs, which inthis case lead to the Vault-Tec Administration area.Vault-Tec Administrationo======================================================================o12) Immediately to the west will be an unleveled Turret that needs to beshot down. Head through the doorway to the north to find two terminals,a 'Turret Control System' [Average] which can be repurposed to suityour needs, and a 'System Operation Station 3' terminal, which is one ofthree terminals you need to access to shut down the masterbrain and/orgain access to the mainframe.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->13) Head to the south until you find some stairs leading up, at the topof which you'll find a leveled turret. Continue through a door to thewest to find the 'System Operation Station 1' terminal. Go back out intothe hallway and through the door on the right to find a 'Vault-TecEmployee Terminal', which is fairly useless, and some minor loot. <---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Grognak the Barbarian14) A unique Robobrain named 'Masterbrain' should be wheeling around by now. If you destroy it you can activate the remains and disable the rest of the security in the area, or you can go to the end of the hallway, head west, and enter the first door on the right to find the 'System Operation Station 2' terminal, which can be used to shut down Masterbrain.. you still have to go back and mess with the disabled robot to shut down the rest of security, however. Continue west until you find a hallway leading south. Enter any of the three doors on the right and head into the left-most office to find a copy of Grognak the Barbarian on a desk.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor15) Go back into the hallway and continue south. Either hack the 'TurretControl Terminal' [Average] or deal with the leveled turret beyond. Continue through a cell door to find the Vault-Tec Mainframe, from whichyou can download information on all the Vaults in the area.. 87, 92,101, 106, and 108. Head down the stair cases in the north western cornerof the area map to make a quick trip back down to the previouslyinaccessible side of Guest Relations. Search the tables in the northwest corner of the Guest Relations area to find a copy of Tales of Junktown Jerky Vendor.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->16) Once back in Vernon Square, head west to Vernon Square North, thenfrom there travel south west. Kill the Super Mutants you find and teach them not to suck by looting their ammo boxes and first aid box. Continue south between two buildings to find a large crater in the ground with a downed aircraft in the middle. Before we tackle that, however, headwest to find a sewer entrance to a.. Sewer Entrance. Sewer Entranceo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Dean's Electronics17) This place is a lot more rad-friendly than the crater we're about toexplore, so enjoy it. Disarm the trip-wire attached to a GrenadeBouquet before the first room and make your way to a locked door [Average]. In the room beyond you can find a copy of Dean's Electronicson a table. Now exit back to Vernon Square.Sewero======================================================================o***BOOKS***D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine18) To have any chance of exploring the crater you'll need to pop some Rad-X.. and possibly deal with the Super Mutants nearby. Quickly head down the pit to find a sewer entrance (leading to just a Sewer this time). Even with two Rad-X popped I was taking about 6 Rads per second as I approached the door, so it's no trivial amount of radiation we're dealing with here. Once you're in the sewer the rads are significantly less dangerous. Head down a tunnel to find a Super Mutant camp, wherein you'll find some metal shelves holding a variety of goodies. This haul includes a bit of chems, a Scoped .44 Magnum, a Stealth Boy, and a D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine. If you look around you can also find some dead Wastelanders, a Raider, and a Mercenary, but you'll have to weigh your greed with the practical need to get out of here before your Rad-Xwears off.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->19) Once out of the Sewer some Regulators/Talon Company Mercenarieswill spawn. There's also a building full of Super Mutants to the westwhich should be cleared and looted. If you didn't kill the SuperMutants off already, they should cheerfully set themselves on theRegulators/Talon Company Mercenaries. Once you're the last bipedstanding loot the Super Mutant-occupied building to the west, especially grabbing the loot in and around the locked safe [Easy]. Ifyou head to the top of the building and cross a bridge to another building to the south you'll get access to another small stash.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->20) From the Super Mutant building you can head south west to find the Vernon Square Station (Freedom Street Station). There's a Pulowski Preservation Shelter nearby with a Radiation Suit inside, but other than that there's little reason to go here save the map marker. To the south east you'll find the Statesman Hotel, which you can clear out now if you wish, but since you're imminently heading there as part of the Reilly's Ranger's quest, and your progress through the hotel is severely limited as of now, you might as well save it. In fact, our Vernon Square exploration is complete. The only thing left to do is hit the 'Our Ladyof Hope Hostipal', which is south of Freedom Street Station. There aretwo entrances from here, you can either head south through the ruinedbuilding connected via bridge to the Super Mutant-occupied building tofind a side door, or head south of the crater to find the main entrance.For the sake of argument, I'll assume you'll went into the sideentrance.Our Lady of Hope Hospitalo======================================================================o21) In this first room you'll find a safe [Easy] a Turrent ControlTerminal [Average], and a rigged computer. You can activate the turretsystem here to harass the distant Super Mutants, but you can't expectthe turret to do much more than that. If you head through the door tothe south you'll be adjacent to a large open room with several SuperMutants within. Fortunately the Super Mutants in this part of the questare mostly unleveled, and shouldn't be difficult for anybody with atwo-digit level. Once they're dead loot the room. There are three ammoboxes on a desk in the south east corner of the room, a Pre-War book onthe wooden receptionists desk to the west, and a host of other goodies.Be wary of the gurney near a pillar by the windows, as it has a liveFrag Mine on it, and the oxygen canisters nearby will detonate if themine does. You can also find a Grenade Bouquet in the woman's bathroomto the south.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine22) Ignore the stairs to the west and instead explore the east, whereyou'll shortly find the room containing the main entrance to Our Ladyof Hope from Vernon Square. Head south down a hallway, disarming arigged baby carriage as you go. Go through a locked door [Average] tothe east to find a room with a non-hostile Mister Handy and four firstaid boxes on the wall.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->23) Head to the end of the hallway and turn west when it ends. Go intothe first room on the left and search the table in the corner to find aD.C. Journal of Internal Medicine. The second room on the left containsa wall safe [Hard] which can also be opened by hacking the Nurse's Station Terminal 01 [Average]. In the next room over (Maintenance andSurgery) you'll find some stairs down which will eventually lead to asmall cache of goodies, including two ammo boxes and a mine box.Continue around the corner to find another wall safe [Hard], which canbe opened by hacking the Nurse's Station Terminal 02 [Average]. Theother rooms of this level have a bit of loot in them, and most all ofthem have a first aid box near the door, so loot at your leisure. Thehallway eventually leads back to the large northern room we cleared out earlier, leaving us with two options. We can go upstairs to findthe door leading to Our Lady of Hope Hospital 2nd Lvl, or downstairsto explore the admittably ancillary Dry Sewer. Since the Dry Sewer hasa fair bit of loot in it, it might be worth checking out. Let yourgreed (or lack thereof) guide you.Dry Sewero======================================================================o***BOOKS***Dean's Electronics24) In this first room there are several Super Mutants. There's alsoplenty of valuable (and often heavy) components strewn about. When donehead through a door to the south to find a sewer where a group of SuperMutants and Talon Company Mercenaries are fighting it out. Once dispatched you can explore to the east to find a bed with some trivialloot around it. The real fun is to the west, where you'll find anotherfight between the two groups, or at least the remains of one side oranother. Go through a door to the south to find a small maintenenceroom. Inside, on a metal shelf, is a copy of Dean's Electronics. To the west you'll find some minor loot strewn about, but the path is ultimately a dead end. Head north down a tunnel instead to find adoor, behind which are more Talon Company Mercenaries. If you continueon you'll reach the door leading back to Dupont Circle.Our Lady of Hope Hospital 2nd Lvlo======================================================================o***BOOKS***D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine25) Head down the hallway to the east, ignoring the door to the left fornow. At the end of the hallway you'll find another wall safe [Average],which can be unlocked by hacking the Nurse's Station Terminal 03 [Average]. Now backtrack and head into the room we bypassed earlier,killing whatever Super Mutants you find milling about. On one of thetables in this room is a D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine. Continuethrough the kitchen to the east, through another door to the east andup some stairs until you find a door leading to Vernon Square. Now youare outside on the second level of the Our Lady of Hope Hospital, andcan safely traverse the railing to the east to reach the upper levelsof the Statesman Hotel. Before you head off, however, now would be agood time to empty your inventory. There's plenty of loot in theStatesman Hotel, and it would be a shame to have to backtrack allthe way to the upper levels of the hotel to grab something you missed.Statesman Hotel Mid Levelo======================================================================o26) When ready cross from Our Lady of Hope Hospital to the StatesmanHotel, dropping down to the lower level to get access to the doorleading the Statesman Hotel Mid Level. As soon as you enter you'll findthat a hole in the floor is the only way to proceed further.. which means you're commited to finishing this quest once dropping down. Headthrough a door and down a hallway to the north before turning east anddisarming a trip wire. Grab the Grenade Bouquet and head through thedoor nearby.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->27) Continue exploring this level, generally heading south until you find some stairs up. On the stairwell you'll find the remains of poorTheo, as well as Theo's Ammo box. Continue upstairs until you find another tripwire near a door. Head upstairs and grab the Grenade Bouquetwaiting for you, then go through the door to the east. Go through a doorto the south and head through the level, generally going east, killingSuper Mutants along the way until you reach another flight of stairs up.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->28) Go up the stairs until you reach the next level. Head down a hallwayto the north and go through the door to the right to score some loot,including two ammo boxes and a first aid box. Explore the rooms acrossthe hallway to the west. On a bed you'll find a skeleton with the note'A Note from Little Moonbeam's Father', which you'll need to get Sydney's unique 10mm Submachine Gun. <---------------------------------------------------------------------->29) Continue down the hallway to the north until you find two doors leading west, the northernmost of which has a trip wire attached to a Grenade Bouquet in the doorway. Head to the west to find an elevator,which can be repaired by activating the 'Destroyed Elevator Panel' andhaving a high enough Repair skill. This elevator will take you up to theStatesman Hotel Restaurant, and it's a nice little shortcut. By now,however, you should know how I feel about shortcuts. The next step will cover the long route up to the Statesman Hotel Restaurant.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Chinese Spec. Ops. Training Manual30) Go west through a door, then north up a hallway until you find a staircase through a door on the left. When you reach the next levelcontinue down a hallway to the east and go in the first door to theright, where you'll find a Chinese Spec. Ops. Training Manual on a bookshelf. Go back out into the hallway and continue east to findanother staircase leading up. If you go south instead and through adoor to the right you'll find a small room with two first aid boxesand an ammo box. Go up the stairs, being careful to avoid a trapwire rigged to a grenade bouquet on one of the landings along the way up.Up the next flight of stairs you'll find a door leading to the Statesman Hotel Restaurant.Statesman Hotel Restauranto======================================================================o***BOOKS***Grognak the Barbarian31) Head west and disarm the pressure plate in front of the Nuka-Colavending machine and grab the grenade bouquet it was attached to.Continue west until the hallway ends, then turn west, going through aroom until you reach another hallway, running east/west. If you go eastyou'll find the elevator short-cut we bypassed earlier, and beyond thatlies the Alfresco Lounge, the main room in this level. If you go west..well, you'll get to the same place, you'll just get to kill some moreSuper Mutants along the way. There are plenty of Super Mutants loungingaround the.. uh.. lounge, a number of which are leveled, too, so somecaution is advised. Once they're dead, loot the central bar foralcohol, two ammo boxes, a Nuka-Cola Quantum, a copy of Grognak theBarbarian and the various bits of ammo that the Super Mutants have left behind. Head under the staircase in the south western corner of theroom to find a disabled Protectron and loot it for a Fission Battery.You're going to need this. Once obtained head up the stairs to thesouth east and from there head to the north, through a door, and ontothe Statesman Hotel Roof.Statesman Hotel Roofo======================================================================o32) Go around the corner and head south, following a trail of Super
Mutants as you go. You'll see and hear the sounds of fighting from theraised area to your west. Don't worry, it's scripted. When you approach a Ranger named Butcher will talk to you. Long story short, walking out is not going to happen, you'll need to get the express elevator working. To do so, you'll need a Fission Battery.. good thing we grabbed it on our way up, right? Ignore his request for now so you can talk to the Rangers, who will tell you how they survive. If you got Theo's ammo box you can give them some ammo, if you're nice like that. Once you're ready, repair the elevator with the Fission Battery, or talk to Donovan and let him do it. Either way, once that's done enter the elevator and get ready to roll.The Statesman Hotelo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor33) You'll ride the elevator down to the Statesman Hotel, where you'llencounter a few Super Mutants.. Unless you cleared the place outalready, in which case there will be even fewer Super Mutants (somespawn even if you killed the static ones already.) Even if you didn't, the Rangers should have no trouble decimating them, especially with your help. Kill them and head to the bottom floor, exiting out to Vernon Square. Once outside Reilly's Rangers should be able to make it back on their own.. especially with Vernon Square cleared out. Take the time to loot this level once the Rangers are gone. There's a locked safe [Average] behind the counter, and in an upstairs room in the north eastern corner of the area map you'll find a copy of Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor on a table. In the ajoining bathroom of the same room you'll find a rather militant skeleton in the tub with an Assault Rifle, nearby. There's also a pair of ammo boxes in this room.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->34) Go talk to Reilly, who will pay you for your success. She'll offeryou either a suit of Ranger Battle Armor, unique Combat Armor that gives bonuses to Luck, AP, and Small Guns, or Brick's Minigun, 'Eugene'. Given that I don't find Miniguns terribly useful (especially compared to Vengeance) I'd suggest grabbing the armor instead. It's resilient stuff, if Power Armor isn't quite your thing, Ranger Battle Armor works in a pinch. Either way, the quest is over, but Reilly willoffer you more work. They were scouting the D.C. ruins, and she'll payyou for every location you discover, which she'll download off yourPip-Boy. She'll give you a 'Geomapper Module', which you supposedlyneed to keep on you while mapping. Really though, it just takes upspace. Talk to Reilly again and she'll pay you for what you've discovered thus far-which is quite a bit. You can expect to get a prettyhuge amount of Caps for this, and by the end of the game when I finallyturned this in, Reilly paid me a whopping 6540 Caps for all the locations in the game. (Thanks to WarMECH for reminding me that I forgotto mention this stupidly lucrative quest.) When you're done pesteringReilly it's time to go and get ready to finally finish off Agatha's Song.. after we take care of some business with 'Little Moonbeam'.***WEAPON INFO***Eugene (Big Guns)Maximum Damage: 264AP Cost: AverageAmmo: 5mm RoundClip Size: 240 (has brief warm-up time but very rapid fire thereafter,fires 8-round busts in V.A.T.S.)Eugene is everything a unique weapon should be. It's 50% stronger withno obvious drawbacks. Unfortunately it's a Minigun, and even with itspower it's still no better than a normal Gatling Laser. <---------------------------------------------------------------------->35) Head back to the Museum of History and head into Underworld. The 9th Circle is where you'll find Sydney wasting her time. You'll find outthat she's an ammunition vendor now, and she typically has a fairlygood stock of ammo. Show her the note you found in the Statesman Hoteland she'll have over her 10mm Ultra SMG. Not a bad trade, eh?***WEAPON INFO***Sydney's 10mm "Ultra" SMG (Small Guns)Maximum Damage: 128AP Cost: Very LowAmmo: 10mm RoundClip Size: 50 (1 Round/Shot, full-auto, fires 4-round bursts in V.A.T.S)It has more than 50% more damage and ammo capacity than a normal 10mmSubmachine Gun, the same accuracy, and the same speed in V.A.T.S. Ifyou liked 10mm Submachine Guns, you're going to love this weapon. Youcan really argue against a unique version of an already powerful weaponthat is better in many important ways.Chaste Acres Dairy Farm to Vault 92o======================================================================oSequence of Events:{WLK040}1) Nuka-Cola Truck2) Old Olney3) Old Olney Sewers4) Prototype Medic Power Armor5) Heavy Ordinance6) The [Very Hard] Door7) Leaving Old Olney8) Vault 929) To the South10) Vault 92 Overseer's Office11) The Overseer's Stash12) Sound Testing13) Soil Stradivarius14) To the East15) Reactor Room16) Living Quarters17) Finishing Vault 9218) Raider Barn19) Agatha's Song***BOOKS***Guns and Bullets1) Compared to our previous outing, this will be a relatively shortjourney. Fast travel to Old Olney.. or near it, in any event, if you'retoo squeamish about potentially spawning in the middle of a pack ofDeathclaws. A good place to fast travel is Chaste Acres Dairy Farm, evenif it means killing a bunch of Raiders. From there head north west untilyou find a road. Specifically what you're looking for is a broken downtruck, which will be near a fenced-in red rocket idol. In the back ofthis truck you'll find about five Nuka-Cola Quantums, and many normalNuka-Colas, along with whatever is in the Nuka-Cola vending machines.If that's not enough loot for you, outside of the truck you'll find amail box, within which is a copy of Guns and Bullets.Old Olneyo======================================================================o2) Now continue on to Old Olney. There's a bit of loot scattered around,including a Laser Rifle and a Stimpak outside of city hall. There's also a note 'Nuka-Cola Accident Report' outside of a building south of cityhall. Old Olney is otherwise a pretty boring place, containing only itsSewers, which we should probably explore, don't you think? There aretwo sewer entrances, of which the one to the south west in an alley ispreferable. Not only is there a bit of loot mingled with the gore nearby, but the other entrance doesn't leave you with an option foregress unless you clear the Sewer out.Old Olney Sewerso======================================================================o3) And what do we find in the Old Olney Sewers? More Deathclaws. How dothey fit in here, exactly? Who knows. You have two ways to travel, northand south. Go south through a large metal door, then east through another door. Loot the first room on your left, which contains a workbench. <---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Duck and Cover!4) When you're done looting head back out into the hallway and go through the door on the right and through another door to the south tofind a dry sewer. In the middle of this room is a dead Brotherhood ofSteel Initiate wearing the unique Prototype Medic Power Armor. Whenyou're done taking the armor and looting the other bodies head through ahole in the wall to the south and continue to the end of the tunnel,where you'll find a skeleton who was apparently trying to tunnel out ofthe sewer with.. a spoon? Anyways, there's a copy of Duck and Cover!nearby.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->5) Head back to the tunnel you deviated from to the north, and continuenorth until you find a room with several beds in the middle. This is agood place to rest, if you are low on health from all the Deathclaws.There's a Missile Launcher on one of the bunk beds, and a Fat Manunder the wall-safe laden northern wall. Of course, there are the threeSafes [Average], with various goodies inside, and a Nuka-Cola Quantumnear an ammo box.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->6) Now head back to where you entered the sewers and head up to thenorth. Turn east when the tunnel ends and continue as far as you canuntil you come to a room with a locked door [Very Hard]. Open the safe[Average] in the counter on the eastern side of the room, then tacklethe [Very Hard] door. Beyond the door is a small room with variousloot inside, the best of which is a Mini Nuke and two first aid boxes.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->7) Leave the room and travel back west, turning right up the firsttunnel you find leading north. When this tunnel ends turn west. Ignorethe 'Ladder to Old Olney Underground', as this area is off-limits tous until we come back later, during Broken Steels' quests. Instead,take a right and head through a door to the north to find a smallroom with some goodies inside. There are three ammo boxes, two firstaid boxes, two tool cabinets, and numerous metal boxes. There's alsoa Utility Worker ID on the floor near a skeleton, if you feel likestarting up the Protectron. By continuing forward you'll find the wayout of the Old Olney Sewers that we ignored earlier. Ignore it againand head back the way you came.Vault 92o======================================================================o8) You'll find lonely Vault 92 north west of Old Olney. Once inside,you'll quickly notice that this Vault hasn't fared much better than theother vaults around the Capital Wasteland. Continue south into the Vaultand grab the Laser Pistol, Energy Cells, and first aid boxes on the table nearby. On another table near some computers you'll find the note'Professor Malleus Adio Log V92-01', and a Pre-War Book. A quick listento the tape will reveal that this Vault likely didn't save any lives.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->9) This level is large, filled with Bloatflies, and mostly boring. Itconnects to four areas, and by now the names should be fairly typicalVault fare to you. You can reach the Living Quarters by travelling southor west. The Reactor Room can be reached by going east or west. TheSound Testing room can be reached by travelling east and south. Lastly,and the route we're most interested in, the Vault 92 Overseer's Officelies to the south. Go south through a door, disarming the Frag Mine inthe doorway-a common feature of this Vault that you should be wary ofany time you cross a doorway. Go south through another door and cross the room to the south west, disarming the trip wire rigged to a shotgunas you go. After going through the trip-wire-trapped doorway you'll finda skeleton with a note 'Feedback Loops' nearby. Go down the stairs to find a large room. Go through a door to the south, around a corner, upsome stairs, and into a room to the south east to find a door leadingto the Vault 92 Overseer's Office.Vault 92 Overseer's Officeo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Duck and Cover!10) Go through the locked door [Very Easy] to the south to reach abarricaded room. Explore and loot the rooms to the north and south, inthe latter of which you can find a note 'Professor Malleus Audio V92-02'on a desk. Now go through the door to the west to discover the Overseer's office. You can activate Richard Rubin's Terminal and read upabout the Vault, which will spell out rather clearly how this Vaultcollapsed. On the desk nearby you'll find the note 'Professor MalleusAudio Log V92-03'. There are also three ammo boxes, a Laser Rifle on thebookshelf in the south eastern corner, a Pre-War Book and a copy of Duckand Cover! on the other bookshelf, and a Stealth Boy on the Overseer's desk.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor11) Head back to Vault 92 and go north to find a locked [Average] door.Beyond the door is a supply room, within which you can find some ammo,two ammo boxes, and a copy of Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor on thevarious metal shelves in the room. On a counter is a 'Supply Shop'terminal [Average], which unlocks a safe [Average] built into the counter.Sound Testingo======================================================================o12) Drop down to the lower level and head through a doorway in thenorth eastern corner of the map to find some stairs leading down toSound Testing. Go around the corner and down some stairs to the south.Go around another corner to the west to find a three-way split. In theroom to the north you'll find a Pre-War Book on a table. In the room tothe west you'll find, once you bypass the locked door [Hard] a supplyroom. Grab the goodies off the shelves, including the drugs and the Stealth Boy. There's also a wall safe [Average], that belongs to you,it just doesn't know it yet. <---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Nikola Tesla and You13) Go south to bisect another hallway running east west. Go east firstand grab the note 'Professor Malleus Audio Log V92-06' and the copy ofNikola Tesla and You from off the desk, then activate the 'Studio Computer' and select the option 'Open Recording Studio.' Now go down thehallway to the west and into the Recording Studio. Loot the wall safe[Easy] and grab the Soil Stradivarius off the table. Now we're ready togo back to Agatha.. once we're done exploring Vault 92, of course. Headback north up the stairs you came down. This time head east, furtherinto the Sound Testing Level, instead of going west, which will take youback to Vault 92.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->14) Go around the corner to find two hallways, one south, and one east.Since it loops around, it doesn't really matter which one you take. Forthe guide I'll go east first, and head into the door to the left and grab the Pre-War Book off the bookshelf. Continue to the east, ignoring the door up to Vault 92, instead travelling south. You'll find two doors opposite each other. Go through the door to the west and grab the 'Professor Malleus Audio V92-05' off the desk. To the east you'll find two Stimpaks and a Pre-War Book next to 'Zoe Hammerstein's Terminal'. Once that's all done and looted, head back up to Vault 92.Reactor Roomo======================================================================o15) You should now be on the eastern side of Vault 92. Head up to findthe door leading to the Reactor Room. Go around a corner and down twoflights of stairs to find that this level is partially flooded.. whichaccounts for the Mirelurks. If you follow the linear path of the levelyou'll end up simply finding the other door leading back to Vault 92.This level pretty much just contains some components, Mirelurks, andrads. Well, that was a waste of time. Once you reach the end of thelevel return to Vault 92, where you'll surface on the western end ofthe level. Enter the nearby door to the Living Quarters.Living Quarterso======================================================================o ***SHEET MUSIC BOOK***16) This area is more interesting than the last for no better reasonthan because you can mess around with the terminals outside the barracksand select the 'Noise Flush' options, which will kill any Mirelurks inthe area. That'll teach them to be sensitive to sound. Go south and giveit a try at the 'Men's Dorm Security Terminal.'Then dutifully loot theroom. Search the first aid box under the table in the first room, grabthe Assault Rifle from off the floor near the skeleton in the secondroom, go into the bathroom to the north and search the floor near a toilet to find a Sheet Music Book and finally search the storage closetto the south, where a rigged Shotgun trap obviously didn't save theskeleton within. Take its Laser Pistol, the Rigged Shotgun, search theammo box [Very Easy], the wall safe [Easy], and grab the note 'JonAdiglio's Note' and the 'Key Code to Data Storage.'<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine17) Now-as lazy as this may sound on my part-search the rest of thedorms, which aren't nearly as interesting or lucrative. When done, headsouth of the first male dorm we searched to find some stairs. Continuedown the hallway until you find a door to the south. Beyond you'll finda series of rooms, as follows. To the east will be a room with a'Security Terminal' near which is a Nuka-Cola Quantum. To the east is aroom with some Pulse Mines and Pulse Grenades on tables. To the south-east is the Data Storage Entry room, which can be accessed by hackingthe terminal [Hard], picking the locked door [Very Hard], or using thehandy-dandy key code we found earlier. Inside this room you'll find three ammo boxes, some drugs, Energy Cells, and Fission Batteries. Notimpressed, you say? Along the southern end of the main room you'll finda desk with the Professor Malleus Audio Log V92-04 on it, and in theroom beyond it to the south you'll discover a small clinic with a firstaid box, some medical supplies, the 'Laboratory Terminal', and a D.C.Journal of Internal Medicine. Best of all, once you're done looting thisroom, you're done with Vault 92. Time to return to Agatha.. well, after one more detour.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Dean's Electronics18) Leave Vault 92 and head west until you spot a barn in the distance.Kill the Raiders guarding it and grab yourself a copy of Dean'sElectronics that's on a metal shelf inside the barn. After I had lootedthe silo in the back, an Enclave Soldier and Deathclaw arrived. Iwatched them kill each other before I stepped in and stole victory fromthe survivor. Since there's an Enclave camp nearby, it shouldn't betoo surprising to see an Enclave Soldier out and about. The queer thingis, the Deathclaw was coming from the direction in which the Enclavecamp lies, and the Enclave Soldier was coming from the opposite direction. Hmm.. anyways, time to go back to Agatha. For real this time.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->19) It's been a while, but time has no bearing in video-game land. Grabwhatever Sheet Music Books you've found so far (by following this guideyou should have found several.) Give Agatha back her violin, in exchangefor which she'll give you the frequency to her radio station, allowingyou to listen to violin music. Of course, you could sell the violin toAhzrukhal at the 9th Circle for some Caps.. but there's a good reasonnot to do this, even if you already stole or used Speech to get Agathato let you loot her ammo box. Once Agatha has her violin talk to her again and give her the Sheet Music Books you've found. In return she'lldecide to give you 'more than just a pat on the back'. Do NOT be nobleand decline her reward, as she'll give you her husband's old pistol..which just so happens to be a unique Scoped .44 Magnum 'Blackhawk', which does some pretty hefy damage, indeed.***WEAPON INFO***Blackhawk (Small Guns)Maximum Damage: 68AP Cost: AverageAmmo: .44 MagnumClip Size: 6 (1 round/shot, semi-auto)A unique Scoped .44 Magnum, you should know this is going to be goodbefore I even write anything. It's 50% more powerful than its standardcounterparts with no downsides. What more could you ask for?Vernon East/Takoma Park Metroo======================================================================oSequence of Events:{WLK041}1) Vernon East/Takoma Park Metro2) Metro Dwelling3) Mirelurk Massacre4) All Quiet on the Eastern Front5) Takoma Park6) Factory, Top Floor7) Factory, Bottom Floor8) Ghoul Research9) Factory, Rear10) Takoma Industrial***BOOKS***Lying, Congressional Styile1) To get to Takoma Park you'll need to head through the Vernon East/Takoma Park Metro, which is east of the highly radioactive crater inthe middle over Vernon Square.. meaning you're going to catch some radsdiscovering this place if you haven't already. Once inside you'll want to head west until you find a ticket booth, upon the counter of whichyou'll find a copy of Lying, Congressional Style. Well, this place isoff to a promising start.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->2) Go around a corner and kill some Super Mutants. Go into the largemetro hub and kill more Super Mutants. Now if you head to the lowerlevel you'll be presented with an option. Go east to continue to TakomaPark, or go West to score some extra loot. If you go west head down onto the traintrack and disarm any Frag Mines you find as you go. On the rubble between the two barricades at the end of the western tunnel will be a rather obvious pressure plate rigged to a shotgun. Disarm it,take the Combat Shotgun, and head south to find a small dwelling,replete with a bed, a safe [Average], and a Nuka-Cola Quantum.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->3) Go back into the metro hub and take the tunnel east. You'll find thatthe path is liberally strewn with Mirelurks. Meander merrily amid themetro mercilessly mauling Mirelurks you meet. Um.. yeah, go east andkill everything in your path. There's not much to grab along the way,and you can tell that this place is boring when your FAQ writer startsto alliterate. You'll probably want to be sneaking before you exit toTakoma Park.Takoma Parko======================================================================o4) At first, all seems calm as you cautiously emerge from your metro.Head east and you'll notice that cars along the road are already aflame,which sort of indicates that you might not want to get too close. Soonenough they'll explode, and Super Mutants will begin walking downhillto the west. Three leveled Super Mutants are not pleasant, and althoughI have faith in my build, it doesn't mean we should throw tactics to thewind. The Super Mutant with the Missile Launcher should be the firstpriority, especially if, as in my case, the Super Mutant in question wasa Super Mutant Overlord. Also beware that there is an overturnedrigged baby carriage on the road, which you'd do well to avoid whilefighting. When you're done smiting Super Mutants head into Nifty Thrifty. This store has some minor loot inside, including the uniqueBaseball Cap "Takoma Park Little Leaguer Cap".<---------------------------------------------------------------------->5) You can now safely head up the hill to the west, grabbing the Nuka-Cola Vending Machine, refrigerator, and various food items scattered about as you go. Don't get too gung-ho, however, as there aremore Super Mutants to the north once you get on top of the hill. Killthem and loot their tent for a pair of first aid boxes and ammo boxes,and access to a bed. Continue up the hill to the north east until youreach a dead end, then head north through a house. Keep going past thefence to the north until you come to a large, fenced factory building.Super Mutants will skirmish with Talon Company Mercenaries, and if youapproach you'll discover Takoma Industrial.Factoryo======================================================================o6) I prefer to let the Super Mutants and Talon Company Mercenariesfight it out, and pick off the survivors. When you're done killing andlooting head into one of the many entrances, it doesn't really matterwhich. If you're dreading another lengthy area like the Red Racer Factory, don't fear. This factory is quite small.. comparitively. Firstgo up the stairs to the east to find-besides a Super Mutant-a doorleading outside. If you go outside you can find a small balcony with adead Talon Company Mercenary and his Sniper Rifle on it. Wee.. Now goback into the factory and head up the stairs to the west, then gonorth. For now ignore the central area, instead jump over the railingto the north and head down the ladder/ramp to reach a small landing.Go around the generator to find a Nuka-Cola Quantum in a wooden crate.Now go back to the south and explore the raised central area. You'llfind two ammo boxes and a first aid box, as well as a.. rigged computer.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Lying, Congressional Style7) The ground floor has plenty of.. Abraxo Cleaner.. Kill your way tothe northern end of the ground floor and turn east, heading up somestairs and through a door to another part of the factory. Loot your wayto the east and up some more stairs to find a small room with somebookshelves in it. On one of the bookshelves you'll find yourself acopy of Lying, Congressional Style.. as well as all the mundane lootyou can carry (and then some!) When you're done backtrack to the room tothe west and go up the stairs, exiting back to Takoma park via the northern most exit on the area map.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->8) When you get back outside you'll be behind the factory. Head downsome stairs and when you reach the ground travel along a narrow path tothe east, taking care to disarm a tripwire along the way. In the waterto the north you'll find a fallen support tower that can-with somefancy controller-work-be used to cross over to the ledge on oppositeside of the moat. Continue north between two buildings and turn eastuntil you find an irradiated 'pond' occupied by several Ghouls. Killthem and search the nearby shack. Isabella Prouds' terminal containssome information on the adventures of Isabella Proud and Jason, whowere attempting some research on the local Ghouls. Coincidentially,their bodies are to the north, near the lake. It's a good place toscore some chems and a few Radiation Suits. While you're looting, theGhoul Samuel will show up and introduce himself.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->9) When you're done profiting from the stupidity of Isabella Proud,return back to the moat and jump in. Swim up to some stairs to thesouth an exit near a tent short ways off. Inside the tent you'll find a dead Talon Company Mercenary, some beds, two first aid boxes, and two ammo boxes. Once you're done looting head south, up a ramp, and over a fence to return to the front of the factory.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes9) Head west past the front of the factory and go through a chain gate.You'll pass numerous trucks with ramps leading up to them, providing some cover for the fight that is about to ensue. On top of one of thetrucks you'll find a Talon Company Mercenary with the note 'Takoma ParkArtillery Note'. You remember Seward Square? Same idea. With this youcan bomb the Super Mutants in the parking lot to the west a few times to get a good first start. If you have a high Repair skill you can fixthe switch when it breaks, and if you're frugal you can do some seriousdamage to the Behemoth.. but seriously, with Paralzying Palm we don'treally need to sit around and cheese it to death. Once the Super Mutantsare dead, go explore the Auto Shop. There's some minor loot around, butthe thing to look out for is the copy of U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes on the desk behind the counter.Now we're done with Takoma Park.. only one place left, and one moreSuper Mutant Behemoth to put down. It's time to explore the CapitolBuilding. You can fast-travel there, but you might want to practicesome discression if you haven't been there in a while. Super MutantOverlords love to spawn there (as well as Enclave Soldiers, later on in the game), and this can cause your trip to end before it's even begun.The Capitol Buildingo======================================================================oSequence of Events:{WLK042}1) The Capitol Building2) Behemoth Battle3) Hall of Columns4) To the Middle5) To the South6) Conference Hall7) Back to the West Entrance8) The Capitol Building East Entrance***BOOKS***Nikola Tesla and You1) Clear your way up to the Capitol Building and head through the Doorto Capitol Building West Entrance. Ignore the door to the Capitol Building East Entrance and head to the north east to find a hallwayrunning to the east. There are numerous Talon Company Mercenaries around, and it's clear that, at least in this part of the building, theSuper Mutants have been successfully purged. Explore the room on theleft and exit back into the hallway via the door to the north east.Head down the hallway to the east and enter a room to the right. There is some Super Mutant Resistance to be found, but not much. Kill whatever red ticks you find and search the room for whatever minor loot is lying around. Head through one of the doors on the southern side of the room and through a locked [Hard] door and grab the loot within, including the copy of Nikola Tesla and You on the table.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes2) Now exit to the east, go down a hallway to the south until you comeinto a room that leads off in four directions, two of which are blocked.Go east to find a large room where all hell is breaking loose. Insideare numerous Super Mutants, including our last Behemoth, and someawfully brave Talon Company Mercenaries. Despite your initial inclinations, these Talon Company Mercenaries have every ability towin the fight against the Super Mutants.. or at least take down theBehemoth. This is mostly due to the fact that one of them carries aFat Man, which is the only instance I can think of where an enemy carries such a weapon. Obviously you should be sure to take this guyout, as the AI will have no qualms about launching a Mini Nuke at you.If you want to cause a little more chaos head through the door to theleft before the large domed room. It'll snake around to the north, thenthe east, eventually depositing you in a hallway north of the domedroom, where a 'Turret Control System' terminal [Average] awaits, allowing you to activate some Mark VI Turrets in the domed room. I findit easier to just prey on the Talon Company Mercenaries while they areengaged, as few of the Super Mutants (and certainly not the Behemoth)can persue you into the smaller hallways. Once they're dead loot thelarge domed room, where you can find a copy of U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes in the south eastern side of the domed room, on atable near some shelves. The shelves themselves are covered with loot,including a Mini Nuke. There also three ammo boxes and a grenade boxnearby.Hall of Columnso======================================================================o***BOOKS***D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine3) Now that the large battle is over, go to the east to find a series of offices with some minor loot inside. When you're done return to thedomed room and go south to find a hallway with a door on the leftleading to a staircase, which in turn will take you to the Hall ofColumns. As soon as you reach the Hall of Columns you'll hear moreTalon Company Mercenaries and Super Mutants fighting it out. I let themfinish, then go through the doors and clean up. Go through a door to the west and up some stairs to reach the bridge on which the TalonCompany Mercenary sniper was (or is) on. On the span across the hallyou'll find some .308 Rounds and a D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine onthe south-facing railing, and an ammo box nearby.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual4) Head up south past the bodies of Super Mutants until you reach a moreopen area with a deactivated Mark VI Turret. Grab the Assault Rifle, the5.56 Rounds, and the three ammo boxes on and around the table nearby andhead west past the some barricades to find a 'Turret Control System'[Average], and a door to the south. Do what you will with the terminaland head through the door to the south, where you'll eventually come toa locked [Hard] door to the right. This room is similar to the locked[Hard] supply room we found upstairs, insomuch that it contains manymetal boxes on and around metal shelves, and a book on a table. In thiscase it's a Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->5) Head back out into the Hall of Columns and continue south. You'llsoon find that the Talon Company hold on this place is fleeting, at best, as Super Mutants hold the southern end of the hall. Kill any youfind until you find a large room with more unleveled Super Mutants within. Eliminate them and head through a door to the south, then take aright and go down some stairs. Across the hall a Super Mutant and a Talon Company Mercenary will be shooting it out. Let them fight, or killthem both and show 'em how it's done. Loot the room across the hall tothe east of its meagre offerings, then go through on the eastern side ofthe room. Once through the door head east some more and go down some stairs on your left until you reach a door leading to the ConferenceHall.Conference Hallo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Lying, Congressional Style6) Go up the stairs, where you'll hear.. you guessed it, more SuperMutant on Talon Company violence. They just never learn. Cross the hallto the north to find a small and uninteresting room. There are threeways to go now. There's a door to the west [Hard], which hides anothertypical supply room, but, alas, no book. There are two doors to thenorth, one leads into the conference room after which this area isnamed and the other leads upstairs. Sneak into the conference room andkill whatever Super Mutants you find. If you can stealth-kill the onethat usually mills around down here without alerting the ones upstairs,you'll save yourself some hassle. Search behind the raised desks to find some Assault Rifles, a Frag Grenade, and two Ammo Boxes, the hallmarks of any free-speaking forum, and on the podium you'll find acopy of Lying, Congressional Style.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->7) Head through a door to the south and up some stairs to reach theraised area above the conference room. Now for some laziness on the partof your FAQ writer. Head west, then north, then east, clearing the roomsas you go. Most are decidedly uninteresting, and few threats remain toobstruct your progress. Head north through a room full of electronics,through a hallway, and up some stairs. Once upstairs go west to find adoor leading back to the Capitol Building West Entrance, where you'll again be greeted by the sounds of combat. Loot this upper level for whatlittle loot it has, then drop to the floor below and head west into thedomed room to find the new combatants who have spawned. Kill and lootthem and head back to the entrance. It's now time to explore the EastEntrance.Capitol Building East Entranceo======================================================================o***BOOKS***Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor8) And all is.. quiet.. Odd. Loot the room you're in and head south.Kill the Super Mutant who is hanging out and loot this room, too, beforeheading out the door to the east and into some barricade-laden hallways.Head south, then east, killing Super Mutants as you go. If you're careful, you'll realise that this entrance allows you to get behind muchof the Super Mutant defense, enabling you to stealthily kill them atyour leisure. Go into some doors on the left and empty them of loot andlife. You'll find plenty of alcohol around, and on one desk will be acopy of Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor, and on a cabinet nearby willbe a Pre-War Book. At the eastern end of the room you'll also find aNuka-Cola Quantum. Don't let the parallel hallway go unmolested, asthere are three ammo boxes and two Frag Grenades on and around a tablebehind a barricade. You can continue into a room to the east to find the exit to Seward Square, as well as an exit to the Presidential Metro,which is as of yet innaccessible. We're now done with the CapitolBuilding, and by that stroke, all of Fallout 3 save Little Lamplight,which we'll postpone until after the expansions.Now it's time to consider which expansion to do first? Of them, BrokenSteel and Point Lookout are the most involved. You also can bring thespoils from all the other quests and expansions into those two, whereasin The Pitt and Operation: Anchorage you cannot. So since we can'tbring anything with us to the previously mentioned quests, we might aswell do those first. At least there we can score some loot we CAN bringout with us. Which to do first is a matter of opinion, as you cannot,obviously, bring loot from one to help with the other. That said, ThePitt will grant you a variety of Perks which are useful in all followingexpansions, whereas Operation: Anchorage, short as it is, will not. Forthat reason I prefer to do The Pitt first. That and it's just a moreinteresting expansion than Operation: Anchorage.The Pitto======================================================================oSequence of Events:{WLK043}1) Finding Wernher2) Dressing the Part3) Preparing for the Pitt4) The Train Yard5) The Pitt Bridge6) Pitt Justice7) Mex's Shakedown8) Downtown9) Meeting Midea10) Midea's Quarters11) Milly's Request12) The Mill13) Armed and Ready14) The Optimistic Foreman15) The Steelyard16) Everett's Reward17) Upward Social Mobility18) Slaying Scabs19) Beating Brother Bears20) Killing the f*ck out of Gruber21) Audience with Ashur22) Uptown Girl (or Boy)23) Haven24) Moral Dilemma25) Siding with Wernher26) Wernher's Hideout27) Pitt Underground28) Lights Out29) Siding with Ashur30) Wernher's Last Stand31) A Bright New Day32) Either Way, the Ammo Press1) Turn on Wernher's Distress Signal and fast travel to SatCom ArrayNN-03d, or somewhere nearby and head north to find the broadcast towerWernher is using. When you get close enough Wernher will get attackedby several Pitt Raiders. Help him (or not) and afterwards he'll talk toyou. Long story short, he needs your help to seize some cure to healhis people and overthrow the ruler of the Pitt, Ashur. To do this, youwill need to disguise yourself as a slave by interrupting a slave dealover to the west. You'll notice some of the Pitt Raiders have some newRaider armor on them, unique to the Pitt. It's not unique in the grandscheme of things, but new garb is always welcome, even if most of it isjust edited Leather Armor and Metal Armor.Train Tunnelo======================================================================o2) Head west until you find the Train Tunnel, around which several Slavers are waiting with their slaves safely chained up. There areseveral ways to handle this. First, kill everybody around and grab theSlave Pen Key off of Ramsey. Second, steal the key from Ramsey, althoughonce the slaves get out you'll have to kill the Slavers. Third, pick thelock to the slave pen, which also involves having to kill the Slaversonce you're done. Lastly, buy the slaves off of Ramsey. Why pay when youcan save some good money by killing a few Slavers? And since you're going to have to kill them all anyways if you don't pay.. deal with itin the most logical way. Note that you don't have to actually SAVE theslaves, just as long as you get a slave outfit off of one of them. Notethe Terminator reference if you ask a slave for their clothes. "I needyour clothes. Give them to me. Now." Once obtained, loot the shacks nearby, one of which contains three ammo boxes. Head off to the east tofind Wernher, who followed you here all sneaky-like.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->3) Now Wernher implores you to get what supplies you need and follow him to the train tunnel. As he so points out, you'll never reach the Pitt without his directions. So much the worse for the Pitt, right?You can talk to Wernher and learn more about the Pitt now, but as forhis advice, you should do the exact opposite. Go back home and drop offEVERYTHING you have on you. Your drugs, your caps, weapons, ammo. Everything that can be stashed should be stashed.. save the Tattered Slave Outfit or Worn Slave Outfit you got from the slaves earlier. Makesure to remove your rads and detoxify yourself, should you need to. Youwon't be making a trip home for a while, best to set out strong, no?You also will want to make a 'safety' save game, as The Pitt can be, inmy experience, somewhat glitchy. It would be a good idea to keep a saveback in the Capital Wasteland at all times in case something goeshorribly wrong.. either a glitch, you catch too many rads, break thequest, or run into some other sort of complication. This way you'lllose a few hours of gaming, instead of a few dozen hours. Don't cry tome if you don't make a back up and something happens. It's officiallyin your hands now. Once you're ready fast travel back to the Train Tunnel and talk to Wernher, who is wating in the Pitt Tunnel, near ahand cart. To go to the Pitt activate the Hand Cart, where the game willwarn you that you will not be coming back to the Capital Wasteland untilThe Pitt is completed. When you're ready select the 'Travel to The Pitt." option.Pitt Train Yardo======================================================================o***QUESTS***Unsafe Working Conditions4) When you arrive you'll discover the Pitt Train Yard. Wernher will seepeople approaching and decide to do the talking. Follow him and Wernherwill have a short chat with a Pitt Raider before opening fire. Sinceyou're wisely unarmed, run into the truck bed to the west of Wernher andlet him settle things with his Scoped .44 Magnum, of which he's more than capable of. Once they're dead follow Wernher. You may be tempted tograb their loot, but trust me, you won't need it, and it won't do youany good to take it yet. Follow Wernher to a locked chain gate, which hewill open. Now he'll talk to you, and tell you that you'll be strippedwhen you enter The Pitt. You can ask him to give you a concealed knifeor handgun, but if they detect anything on you, this will be strippedtoo. Besides, with Iron First, we should be doing 20 or so damage withour fists. It's not great, but it'll be much better than the Switchbladeor pistol Wernher will give you, and it's enough to get started in ThePitt, anyways.The Pitt Bridgeo======================================================================o5) Head north east until you find The Pitt Bridge. This bridge iscovered with useless cars and landmines. One explosion here could causea chain reaction and be very bad for you. There are also some Wildmen inthe building nearby you'll want to avoid, so it would be a good time toput your stealth shoes on. Be wary of landmines and bear traps as youcross the bridge intially. Shortly on a Mole Rat will run out, beingpursued by some Vicious Dogs. Let nature run its course. You can eitherkill the Vicious Dogs, or avoid them. Continue north and stay hidden.Near the end of the bridge will be a platform spanning the bridge spires, on top of which a Pitt Raider keeps guard. Him and his SniperRifle. You really don't need to get him shooting at you. If crossing thebridge sounds like a chore... too bad. Don't try to swim across theriver, because you'll suffer around 300 Rads per second (beforeresistance) if you get wet. It's nice to know some things in Pittsburghhaven't changed.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->6) As you cross the bridge some Pitt Slaves will run out and promptlyget themselves blown up by the various mines lying around. If you didn'tget a slave outfit earlier, here's one more chance to get one. Also, if you find an object (like a car) to jump off of, you can clear thepartition on the eastern side of the bridge and go up a series of rampsto reach the sniper up top. There's no point in taking his gear now, butthere is a bed up top, and some Rad-Away, should you need it.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->7) Turn east down a new road and approach a fenced area. The guardswill open the gate an a bastard named Mex will come forward to dealwith you. If you're a slave, he'll check you for any.. contraband youmay have on you, and if you're dressed up as something else.. well, lets just say trying to be clever will just get you beaten up andenslaved, or turn the Pitt Raiders hostile against you, which we don'twant. So, accept your new lot as a 'slave' and head through the gate toDowntown. If you lost anything to Mex, you'll be able to get it backwhen you're done with The Pitt. Until then, it's going to remain in thecare of Mex. It's a wonder they didn't question you about the.. youknow.. the Pip-Boy on your arm? Ah well.Downtowno======================================================================o8) Assuming you dressed as a slave, you'll enter Downtown rather uneventfully. Right ahead a Pitt Raider will be questioning some slavesabout the recent breakout. He'll soon lose his patience and wax themall. Lovely. Continue north to find a pit where some slaves are working.One slave named Nola will heal you if you talk to her. I'd advise against getting too involved in looting just yet, as most of the junkyou pick up will just weigh you down. And, since, you know, there's noway to stash anything you find, you might as well just leave anythingbesides ammo, drugs, Caps, and useful arms and armor alone.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->9) Continue north and you'll get the chance to keep going north to theMill, or go east down an alley, where a slave named Midea will talk toyou, telling you to meet her at her house. Continue east, then north tofind an open area between the buildings. To the south you'll find Kai,who'll offer you some food that you'd probably be better off not eating.To the north you'll find Midea's Quarters.Midea's Quarterso======================================================================o10) Midea will tell you about some plan or another she has, but in themean time you've gotta blend in. This obviously means taking part in asuicide mission to gather Ingots in the Steelyard. She'll tell you aboutTrogs, and tell you that Marco in the Mill can get you a weapon, shouldyou need it. A Pitt Raider named Jackson will show up and interrupt you.If you listen to their conversation, you'll overhear that you need tocollect 10 ingots.. after reporting to the foreman in the Mill. If youwish you can talk to Midea some more after Jackson leaves. You know, ifyou get in trouble for not working.. why is Midea exempt? Anyways, she'll mention that 'the cure is the only thing that hasn't been infected'. This clearly shows that the cure is something living, or elsehow could it be infected? Just something to think about.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->11) Head back out into Downtown and head back south to the pit where theslaves were toiling. On your way you'll run into a purple-haired slavenamed Milly, who will ask you if you've seen someone named Wild Bill.She'll tell you that he went out into the Steelyard, and ask you to keepan eye out for him while you're there. Head north from the pit to find aslave working on a bus named Adan, who has given in to some sort ofstoic philosophy about his lot as a slave. puss*. Head into the Mill.The Millo======================================================================o12) Head west past the conspiring slaves, turning north past a fence-covered pit. One slave off to the side named 'Brand' will chat with you,asking where you're from. Succeed at a Speech challenge and he'llreveal that he's a rat. You can tell him all sorts of things about thelittle conspiracy you have going on, for which he'll give you twoStimpaks per tip. Considering your current situation, however, it justdoesn't seem like a good idea (logically) to help somebody who mightfoil your plan.. especially since a lot of the tip-offs rat you out aswell. Anyways, head north past a Pitt Raider named 'Bone', and turneast when you run out of north. <---------------------------------------------------------------------->13) Go up some stairs to the right and into a room, where you'll find Marco. He'll rather openly admit he's making illict weapons. Ask him for a weapon and you'll get yourself an Auto Axe, which is all the weapon you'll need for the Pitt, especially if you're not quite so strong with the Unarmed skill. As for me, my fists are doing 20 damage a hit and are much more V.A.T.S. friendly. Once done head out of Marco's room to finda Pitt Slave lying on the ground, obviously in pain. A Guard will showup to harass him ineffectually. Click on the slave and either heal him,or put him out of his misery. If you heal him the Guard will thank you.. in a fashion.***WEAPON INFO***Auto Axe (Melee Weapons)Maximum Damage: 64AP Cost: Very HighAmmo: NoneClip Size: N/AThe Auto Axe is a weapon in the same vein as the Ripper, it's a crappyweapon in V.A.T.S., but outside of V.A.T.S. just hold down the fire 
button and saw your enemies into oblivion. It's a fun weapon to use, andseems appropriate to use a steel-cutting tool to decimate your enemiesin the Pitt. Its base damage is understandbly high, and you reallyshouldn't need any other weapon during the whole of The Pitt. It is,however, awfully damn heavy, weighing in at 20 pounds. Note that theAuto Axe, Steel Saw, Man Opener, and Mauler can all be repaired withRippers.Abandoned Areao======================================================================o14) Now that we're done messing around in the Mill, head back to thefence-covered pit and go up some stairs to the west to meet Everett. Hewill talk to you when you get close, and command you to follow. He'lllead you into the Abandoned Area, introduce you to Trogs, and be generally optimistic about your life expectancy. He'll tell you to grabat least ten ingots, and promise to slip a little something your way ifyou do.So.. ah.. here's the part of the FAQ I've been dreading. How to guideyou in text to find all 100 Ingots. I'll do this step by step, leadingyou from Ingot cache to ingot cache, and tallying up the numbers as wego, so this will be a bit of a departure from how we've been doing things. Keep in mind that you don't have to get all 100 Ingots, butfor every ten you'll get some unique item from Everett.. and, you know,the achievements/Trophies that go with it.Steelyardo======================================================================o15) The Steelyard is filled with Trogs and, near the elevated blastfurnace, Wildmen. Still neither present too much of a threat, althoughyou may want to kill nearby Trogs just to get them out of the way sothey don't harass you while you're looking for Ingots. We'll grab allthe Ingots outside before we explore any buildings. Unlike in theprevious areas, I do suggest that you pick up everything you find, asyou will doubtlessly want to leave this place behind after your firstvisit. If you fill up, find a container in which you can stash yourloot until you return.Ingots1-2: Right ahead of you will be a dead Pitt Slave with an AssaultRifle, a Baseball Bat, and two Steel Ingots. At least you won't be unarmed, although in our case, we may just be more dangerous while unarmed, eh? Go south to find a fence, where some Trogs will be waiting. Since they can't do much about you yet, takethe time to shoot them with the newly-found Assault Rifle. Whywait until they can fight back?Ingots3-4:Head west up a ramp and onto the top of a bus. From there, jumpsouth into a truck bed. In the back of the truck are two moreIngots.Ingots5-6:Jump from this truck bed into the next, middle truck bed to findtwo more Ingots.Ingots7-9:Cross into the third truck bed and drop into a dumpster to thewest. In the dumpster are three more Ingots, along with the bodyof another Pitt Slave.Ingots10-11:Head north along the train tracks until you find an 'AutomatedMaintence' terminal [Hard]. Activate it and start up the fourProtectrons, who will help shoot down any Trogs, especially thebuggers on top of the trains. You'll bypass a door leading tothe Supply Plant as you go. Continue north until rubble blocksyour progress. You'll see a pile of gore near a dead Pitt Slave,along with two more precious Ingots. As you pick up the 10thIngot you'll gain the 'Auto Axpert' Perk, which increases yourAuto Axe damage by 25%.Ingots12-13:Now turn west and jump on the half-buried half-overturned redboxcar nearby. Travel south and jump from the red boxcar to ayellow boxcar. Follow the train south until you find two moreIngots on top of a yellow boxcar.Ingots14-16:From here head east over an improvised wooden bridge onto ared boxcar, and jump into the back of a truck. Inside you'llfind three more Ingots.Ingots17-18:Leave the train tracks behind and head back south, going upsome stairs just west of the dumpsters we visited earlier. Goup a wooden ramp onto a ledge and travel north over a brokenfence between the fence and a building turning west to findtwo more Ingots near some garbage cans.Ingots19-20:Go back south along the edge of the building and take somestairs to the west to reach the interior of the building. On ashelf you'll find two more Ingots, two packs of RadAway, and two first aid boxes. We now have enough Ingots to get two items from Everett.Ingots21-22:Head out of the building and continue south a short ways. Turnwest and run alongside the fence near the building you were just in until you find an open gate to the north. Go search thepile of tires near the building to find two more Ingots hidingbetween the tires and building. Ingots23-24: Go up the stairs over the tires and you'll find another deadPitt Slave at the top of the stairs. Go on the roof and turnwest, staying on the lower portion. Follow the roof to its western end, then find a lower roof portion to the west. Dropdown onto it to find two more Ingots on a large metal shelfnearby.Ingots25-26:Drop off the metal shelves onto the floor near the building andsearch the metal shelves where you found the last two Ingots.On a lower shelf are two more. We've now found a quarter of allthe Ingots.Ingots27-30:Head around the building to the north until you come to an alleyto the west. Keep going west until you discover two Wildmen fighting some Trogs. Let the battle resolve and step in to stealvictory from the survivors. Jump inside a nearby cart to findfour Ingots, an ammo box, and a first aid box. Everett now owesus three items.Ingots31-32:Continue north as far as you can and follow a building to theeast until restrained by a fence. Turn south until you find adead Pitt Slave with a Combat Shotgun, some Shotgun shells, andtwo Ignots near him.Ingots33-34:Return to the stairs you went up earlier, which led over thetires where we found two previous Ingots. East of the deadslave is a wooden ramp connecting to a fallen support. Traverseit and grab two more Ingots along the way.Ingots35-36:Kill the feasting Trog in the clearing between the buildingsnearby and drop down into the central area. Near a pile of gorewill be two more Ingots and a first aid box.Ingots37-38:Head up some stairs to the south to get back onto the roof youwere previously on and turn west to reach the end of the roof.To the south west you will spy another truck bed. Jump into it and claim two more Ingots.Ingots39-41:Jump out of the truck and head east down a ramp. You'll startcatching rads as you go, and at the end of the ramp is a deadPitt Raider with two ammo boxes and three Ingots near his body.Put on the Gamma Shield Armor (if for nothing else than for thefree Rad Resistance. And save your game before heading northinto the radiation. We can now trade for our fourth item.Ingots42-44:These are rads we don't need to catch. Save your game and explore the area filled with radioactive barrels in detail (this is where we killed the Trogs earlier, just after we found the Assault Rifle). Mark the location of the three Ingots and reloadas to obtain them quickly. Or just tough it out and take therads. There's also a dead Pitt Slave with an Assault Rifle inthere, if you just need another one.Ingots45-46:Head west along a fence, past some stairs, then turn to followthe fence when it turns south, then west again when you getthe chance. Keep going west past end of the building to thesouth, past two open gates to the north until your westwardprogress is terminated by a building. At this point turn southuntil you find some stairs to the west. Ascend the stairs toreach a roof, where you'll find Wild Bill's body. On him is aHead Wrap, the note 'Note from Wild Bill', and Wild Bill'sSidearm. Grab what you want, and take the two Ingots near hisbody.***WEAPON INFO***Wild Bill's Sidearm (Small Guns)Maximum Damage: 21AP Cost: Very LowAmmo: .32 RoundClip Size: 5 (1 round/shot, semi-auto)Wild Bill's Sidearm is a fun gun. It's not a very powerful one, but ifyou wanted to be a cowboy, this is as close as you'll get. It only holdsfive rounds, and uses the cheap .32 Round, but it fires fast, takes upfew Action Points, and is fairly accurate at a range.Ingots47-48:Go up another flight of stairs to find a Wildman abode. Kill thetwo Wildmen and grab the Ingots near the fridge. There are alsotwo mine boxes and a grenade box on top of the shack. There arealso beds inside, should you need to sleep.Ingots49-50:Head along a walkway to the east, opposite the shack. Follow therailing over and around a pipe. Note that when you cross to theeastern side of the pipe some Trogs will appear along theperpendicular pipe to the north and proceed to become a bother.Follow the path until you come to a building, where you'llproceed up some stairs to the buildings' roof. You'll noticethat the pipe you were following turns east. Get on the roof and jump onto the pipe and follow it east. Near the end of thepipe you'll find two Ingots, mixed in with some gore.We now have half the Ingots, and Everett needs to come up withfive items.Ingots51-54:Follow the pipe back west and get back on the building to thenorth we were briefly atop earlier. Once back on this roof,head west until you find some stairs running up to the south.Take them to reach another, higher roof. This is where this gamegives me problems, as some parts of this roof are invariablyglitched. The last two playthroughs a stretch of the roof to thesouth didn't clip.. or rather, my character simply fell throughthe roof, which is, needless to say, no fun. If this happens,shut off your console or close the program and restart. Thiswill force the extra content (expansions) to load again, andhopefully work properly. Instead of going south over a woodenramp, turn west and go between a building and a tower whereyou'll find several pipes connected to domes. Search the northwestern corner of this roof area to find a Trog chowing down ona Pitt Slave. Near the slave are two first aid boxes and fourIngots.Ingots55-58:Head south until you hit a fence, then follow it east. There'sa bit of painful backtracking we have to do. Fall off the roofto the east to land on another, much lower roof. Don't besurprised if you blow out both of your legs doing this. You are now on a roof to the south of where the Wildman shack with thebeds is. Look below you to the east to find another railingrunning east, parallel to a pipe. Drop down on that railing andhead east, with some large towers looming to the right. Searchthe concrete landing between each of the towers, which makenatural cubbys. In one you'll find two ammo boxes and a firstaid box. In the cubby adjacent to the fence that terminatesyour progress eastward you'll find a dead Pitt Slave with anAuto Axe and four Ingots nearby. Be wary of the Trogs whichwill spawn behind you when you approach.Ingots59-60:Head back north and jump off the railing onto a parallel pipe.From the pipe drop down within the fenced area and head westuntil you reach the wall. Near the wall behind some pipesyou will find another dead Pitt Slave with two Ingots nearby.Everett now owes us six rewards.Ingots61-72:Return east and jump on some machinery to find a wooden ramprunning over the fence. Go back to the otherside of the fenceand walk up the stairs back past Wild Bill and up into the Wildman shack and take a well-deserved rest on one of the beds.Continue until you reach where we left off, taking some stairsup to a tower and continue until you reach a large circulargrate landing. This place is crawling with Wildmen, and aleveled Turret. Try to sneak your way around to the west andfind the 'Turret Control System' Terminal [Average]. If youturn a Mark VII Turret on the Wildmen, you won't have a Wildman problem for long. Once done head up some stairs nearthe turret terminal and continue until you reach the top. Onceon top you'll find no less than a dozen Ingots and two firstaid boxes. For reaching the highest point in The Pitt,Everett now owes us a seventh item.Ingots73-79:Predictably some Trogs will crawl out of the woodwork.. orsteelwork, as the case may be, to bother us on our way backdown. Go down to the next landing, where the railing formsa square. Go to the eastern side of this level to find anarea with no railing over-looking a long ramp. Drop down ontothe ramp and make your way down until you reach the bottom.Turn north and jump out onto a balcony that is otherwiseinaccessible. On this balcony you'll find another seven Ingots.Ingots80-82:Jump down onto the roof below and make your way to the SupplyPlant, where the majority of the rest of the Ingots await.Ignore the inaccessible door to the north and head over to theeast, where you'll find a 'Turret Control System' Terminal[Average] near a door. You can activate the turret to fire onsome Wildmen and Trogs while they fight.. or not. Either wayhead through the radioactive room ahead and grab the threeIngots on the floor.Ingots83-90:Head through another radioactive tunnel to the north, stoppingto loot the shelves at the end before turning west into a room,dealing with whatever Trogs are in the way. Head down somestairs until you come to a split path. Go east into a shelterwhere you'll find another 'Turret Control System' Terminal[Average] which you can hack to bring a Turret to bear on theTrogs below. Grab the Frag Grenades and loot the first aid boxbefore going to the ground floor. Once on the ground floor headnorth past a couch and up some stairs. Disarm the tripwire infront of the bed and loot around before continuing through somedoors to the west. Keep going until you reach a shelf with someRad Away, Rad-X, a grenade box, and two first aid boxes. You can also hack the nearby Automated Maintence terminal if youwant some Protectron backup. Head through the northern-mostdoor and follow a tunnel laden with carts. None of the cartshave any Ingots in them, but at the end of the tunnel, pastsome Trogs, you'll find eight of them behind a dead Wildman,on top a pile of debris. We are now due for nine items, andonly ten more Ingots elude us..Ingots91-96:Go back out of the tunnel and go through the southern door now.You'll come to a locked door [Average] with a bunch of skeletonsoutside. There are Bobbypins strewn about the floor, so grab them and pick the lock. Read the terminal to find out whathappened.. or not.. and grab the drugs and ammo lying around.And, of course, the six Ingots.Ingots97:Leave the utility closet and head through the door to the south.Turn east and go up some stairs, stopping just long enough toloot the table at the top of the stairs. Go through a door tothe north and search the beside table to find another Ingot.You can also hit a nearby electrical switch to activate aBaseball machine. Head to the eastern side of the room, lootingas your little heart desires. Be sure to grab the unique AutoAxe off the bed, the cleverly named 'Man Opener'. Kill two Trogs chowing on some gore and head into the tunnels to the south. It would be wise not to cause any explosions along the way, since these tunnels are filled with gas. Flip an electrical switch to open the door back to the entrance room and leave the Supply Plant. ***WEAPON INFO***Man Opener (Melee Weapons)Maximum Damage: 64AP Cost: Very HighAmmo: NoneClip Size: N/AAn Auto Axe is good, but the Man Opener is better. What more do you need to know?Ingots98-100:Finally, head back to the Abandoned Area. Doubtlessly the Trogthat was hanging out around here earlier has found its way downto harass you. When you reach the door to the Mill turn to thesouth and go down some stairs. Go through a rent fence and turneast, where you'll find two carts. The upright cart contains thefinal three Ingots, which just proves that the Pitt Slaves andRaiders are lazy. We now have all the Ingots. Rejoice in yourachievement/trophy, and more importantly, go have a chat withEverett about the rewards he owes us..<---------------------------------------------------------------------->16) Everett will give you a reward for every ten Ingots you bring him.These are either weapons or armor, and range from interesting butuseless, to useful.. within the Pitt. Sure none of it is essential, butit is nice to have, and will make life easier for the rest of thisexpansion. As a note, I store my excess gear in the desk in the roomEverett is in.. just so I remember where, exactly, I keep my crap untilI can leave the Pitt and bring it home to Megaton/Tenpenny Tower. Therewards, along with a brief description, can be found below.o=======================================================o| Everett's Rewards*|o=======================================================o|Ingots| Reward||-------------------------------------------------------|| 10 |Laborer Outfit: A more useful version of the|| | Slave Outfits you've been wearing.||-------------------------------------------------------|| 20 |Filtration Helmet: A handy helmet with fair DR || | for its weight and Rad Resistance.||-------------------------------------------------------|| 30 |Steel Knuckles: The most powerful knuckles in || | the game. It makes our Unarmed even stronger. ||-------------------------------------------------------|| 40 |Metal Master Armor: A unique suit of armor that|| | is about as protective as Gamma Shield Armor,|| | but with Unarmed and Energy Weapons bonuses || | instead of Radiation Resistance.||-------------------------------------------------------|| 50 |Metal Blaster: A very powerful unique Laser || | Rifle, expensive to maintain, especially far || | from home, it's still a good gun.||-------------------------------------------------------|| 60 |Bombshell Armor: Unique Ordinance Armor for the || | Big Guns and Explosives loving crowd. Gals can || | wear it for that genuine 'Tank Girl' look.||-------------------------------------------------------|| 70 |Leather Rebel: Unique Paingiver Armor, it has|| | good DR for its weight. Although it's not as|| | protective as Metal Master, its lack of an|| | Agility penalty helps balance it out.||-------------------------------------------------------|| 80 |The Mauler: A unique Auto Axe which is about 20%|| | stronger than the Man Opener.||-------------------------------------------------------|| 90 |Perforator: A unique Infiltrator, a type of gun || | found only in The Pitt. It's a fully automatic || | rifle with a scope. It's not as powerful as an || | assault rifle, but its versatility makes up for|| | it, in my eyes. ||-------------------------------------------------------|| 100 |Tribal Power Armor: Not as protective as other|| | Power Armor, it makes up for it in stats. The|| | +15 AP is one of the biggest AP boosts in the|| | game.|o=======================================================o*Note: Most of the armor here can be repaired with Leather Armor. Thenew Raider Armor can be repaired with Raider Armor from the originalgame. The Tribal Power Armor (and Ashur's Power Armor) can be repaired with regular old Power Armor.***WEAPON INFO***Steel Knuckles (Unarmed)Maximum Damage: 26AP Cost: Very LowAmmo: NoneClip Size: N/AA more powerful version of the Brass Knuckles.. they aren't any betterthan the humble Spiked Knuckles, however, but they attack much, muchfaster in V.A.T.S. Who can turn their nose up at seven attacks in asingle bout of V.A.T.S.?***WEAPON INFO***Metal Blaster (Energy Weapons)Maximum Damage: 68AP Cost: Very LowAmmo: MF CellClip Size: 24 (1 round/shot, semi-auto)A unique Laser Rifle with more than twice the damage of an ordinaryLaser Rifle. It's even stronger than A3-21's Plasma Rifle, making itone of the more powerful Energy Weapons in the game. The downside isthat it suffers from 'Terrible Shotgun Syndrome'. It is horriblyinaccurate at any meaningful range, meaning you will not be snipingwith it.***WEAPON INFO***The Mauler (Melee Weapons)Maximum Damage: 77AP Cost: Very HighAmmo: NoneClip Size: N/AThe Man Opener is good, but the Mauler is better. What more do you needto know?***WEAPON INFO***Perforator (Small Guns)Maximum Damage: 83AP Cost: LowAmmo: 5.56 RoundClip Size: 24 (1 round/shot, full auto, fires 2-round bursts in V.A.T.S)A unique version of the Infiltrator, which is itself a fairly rare gun.Anything said about the Infiltrator applies to the Perforator, with afew exceptions. The Perforator is about 10% more powerful than theInfiltrator, and is much more accurate at range. The downside is thatit fires slower, in and outside of V.A.T.S. Optimistically you could saythat this makes the Perforator more conservative, but in reality, itputs less fire down field than an Infiltrator. Note that the damagedoesn't reflect its relative strength increase over the Infiltrator due to the increases gained from Point Lookout perks. Note that this gun(and its more common counterpart, the Infiltrator) can be repaired bysalvaging Assault Rifles.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->17) Now it's time to return to Midea. On your way back you'll witness aslave getting chased down by a Pitt Raider. Report back to Milly andtell her about Bill. If you lie and say Bill's okay you'll get sixStimpaks, if you lie and invent a story about Bill's death Milly will(eventually) faint from the gory details you concoct. If you tell thetruth you'll get six Stimpaks. Midea will tell you about the next phaseof her plan. Armed and armored as you are now, there's really nothing in the Pitt you aren't a match for. Which is good because your next challenege is to fight a series of pit fights. Or is that Pitt fights?Either way, head outside after talking to Midea to hear Ashur talk. Hewill make a rather philanthropic speech. You'll be volunteered, andafter Ashur leaves you'll be charged with signing up for the fights withone Faydra, in the Mill. Head back to the Mill and head west until youreach the fence-covered pit again. Turn north and go through a gate,where a lady named Spook will bother you. Go through the door behind herand down some stairs until you find Faydra. She'll tell you the rulesin the arena: kill or be killed, once you're in, radioactive barrels aredropped in and you've got until the rads kill you to kill the otherfighters. You can grab some weapons out of the locker to the north, butnone of them are particularly good. When you're ready let Faydra know.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->18) The first round is against a 'bunch of other scabs'. Go into theHole and kill the other slaves, which will be armed with some PittRaider armor, Chinese Assault Rifles, and Combat Shotguns. You'll getaround 4-12 Rads per second, depending on where you are and what yourRad Resistance is.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->19) The second round is against the 'Bear Brothers' Grudd Bear and JohnBear. You have to watch out for the latter, armed as he is with a Deathclaw Gauntlet and Gamma Shield Armor. Once he dies, however, thatDeathclaw Gauntlet is yours, and the Pitt becomes even easier. Again,you'll get 4-12 Rads per second.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->20) Your last fight is Gruber, a former slave with a 'decent gun'.Well, it's somebody who made it through the arena themselves, so theycan't be that weak, right? Head on into the Hole and find out how wellGruber does against your new Deathclaw Gauntlet. Gruber did alright inmy game. He lasted two hits. Take his Infiltrator (the same kind of gunas Perforator) and his Gamma Shield Armor. Again, the rads top out at4-12 per second. Best of all, you've earned yourself the 'Pitt Fighter'Perk, and completed the quest 'Unsafe Working Conditions'.***WEAPON INFO***Infiltrator (Small Guns)Maximum Damage: 84AP Cost: LowAmmo: 5.56 RoundClip Size: 24 (1 round/shot, full auto, fires 3-round bursts in V.A.T.S)Even though we found the Perforator first, the Infiltrator is thenormal version of this gun. An Infiltrator is a mix between a Sniper Rifle and an Assault Rifle. It fills the same niche as the Scoped .44 Magnum, but in rifle form. That said, it's not as powerful as the Assault Rifle, and certainly weaker than a Chinese Assault Rifle. However, it makes up for it in versatility. You can use it at mid-range as a powerful full auto rifle, or use its zoom to snipe. It's fairly good at range in V.A.T.S., and really fills a niche few other guns can. In my mind it wins over the Scoped .44 Magnum due to its ability to fire continuously, giving it a certain spray and pray advantage that the Scoped .44 Magnum doesn't have. Also, it uses the cheap 5.56 ammo, which is a great improvement over the Sniper Rifle and the Scoped .44 Magnum.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***QUESTS***Free Labor21) When you exit the Hole a Pitt Raider named Krenshaw will show up andspeak to you, telling you that Ashur wants to meet you. Loot the footlocker in the room to recover the gear that Mex confiscated earlier.Leave the fenced-off arena area and head past where Marco is to find aman named Hammer standing in front of a now-opened gate. Continue pasthim through the gate, up some stairs to the east, and exit to Uptown.Uptowno======================================================================o22) Head east, then north up a ramp. In Uptown is where you'll find themore charismatic-and unique-Pitt Raiders. Talk to them to get a betterunderstanding of how things work in the Pitt.. you know, the other sideof the story and all that. A Pitt Raider named Lulu will give you somefood if you talk to her (and ask for it)and Phantom will give you someRad Away. There are also some elevated areas in Downtown you can reachnow, which includes Friday, who will sell you guns, ammo, and armor,and Harris who sells alcohol, drugs, and food. Of course there's also plenty of alcohol and drugs around, most of which coun't as stealing. You can also go explore the Abandoned Apartments, which contains somevaluable loot including a unique Chinese Commando Hat 'Hat of thePeople', and a Nuka-Cola Quantum. In my mind, however, this place ismore designed for lower characters who might need the wealth within tosurvive the Pitt. In all there's a lot to see and do.. but most of it isn't worth covering. Make your way to Ashur's palace on your own time.Haveno======================================================================o23) Continue past the metal sculpture of a chained human to discoverHaven and enter the door leading to the Haven Entrance. Head east upsome stairs and take an elevator up to Haven. Continue west where you'llfind Krenshaw and Ashur talking. After they're done talking Ashur willapproach and initiate dialogue. If you pick the third option, you'll start a fight. Pick options #1 or #2 to continue the dialogue, wherehe'll ask you if you know Wernher. Regardless of what you say you'llfind out that Wernher was Ashur's second in command, but fled after afailed coup. Which makes one wonder if Wernher wants to help the slavesbecause he's a good guy, or if he just wants to get in power, and isusing the slaves as a means to his end? Before the question can be answered Krenshaw will report that the slaves are revolting. Ashur willrun off leaving you to your own devices. You now how two fundamentalchoices, side with Ashur, or side with Wernher. Ashur's a tyrant, buthe at least pretends to have a goal to uplift the Pitt and restorecivilization, do the ends justfiy the means? On the other hand,Wernher is at least a liar, and at worst an aspiring overlord. Perhapswe should check out the cure before we make a decision?<---------------------------------------------------------------------->24) Go through the door to the south to find Ashur's room. Here you canhack his 'Turret Control System' Terminal [Hard], and open his safe[Average]. In the latter you'll find four Diary entries and two StealthBoys. The Diary entries are confessions to Ashur's daughter, Marie, soshe'll know who he really was when she grows up, in case somethinghappens. If anything will shed light on Ashur's character, it's thesetapes. Go back to the room where you met Ashur and head through thedoor to the north, where you'll eventually come across a research room.Search the Research Computer to discover-if you hadn't already figuredit out-that Ashur's daughter Marie is the cure Wernher wants so badly.Now it's up to you to decide whether to nab Marie and side with Wernher (Steps 25-28), or leave Marie behind and side with Ashur (Steps 29-31).***WEAPON INFO***Steel Saw (Melee Weapons)Maximum Damage: 39AP Cost: Very HighAmmo: NoneClip Size: N/AYou may find a Steel Saw on one of the slaves during the rebellion. TheSteel Saw is merely a version of the Auto Axe that hasn't been modifiedfor combat. As such, it's the weakest of the Auto Axe family.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->25) Take the baby and fight your way out of Haven. Once you reach Uptown you'll be joined in your fight by Pitt Slaves weilding AutoAxes, who will at least provide you with a distraction. All you potentially need to be wary of are Raiders with Miniguns, Scoped .44Magnums, and Sniper Rifles, due to their damage-dealing potential, ofwhich there are actually quite a few. Make your way back to Midea'sQuarters, where she'll tell you to take the baby to Wernher, who ishiding in the Steelyard.. which means you need to fight your way through the Mill. Once at the Steelyard head west to the WildmanShack (just past where you found Wild Bill). To the north of the shackis a door leading to Wernher's Hideout.Wernher's Hideouto======================================================================o26) Wernher will approach and iniatiate dialogue. He'll take the babyand reveal the last part of his plan: to allow the Trogs to kill theremaining Pitt bosses in Uptown. All you need to do is shut off thefloodlights and the Trogs will do the dirty work.. what's left of it,anyways, for you. If you use [Black Widow] you can convince Wernher togive you some ammo. In any event, he'll give you the Power Plant Key anda Stealth Boy and send you off on your merry way.Pitt Undergroundo======================================================================o27) Head back out into the Steelyard and travel to the Supply Plant. From there head north until you deadend at a train tunnel filled withdebris. Find a barrel with a fire inside of it, nearby will be a'Sewer Entrance to Pitt Underground'. What we have here is a linear trekthrough a Trog-infested building. There's minor loot to be found, afew Frag Mines (including several tricky ones hidden under trafficcones) but nothing that warrants an in-detail description. Make your waythrough the area until you find the 'Uptown Floodlight Controls'terminal. Access the terminal and shut off the floodlights. When that'sdone continue on through the door to Uptown.Note: If you decide to side with Ashur and end up killing Wernher andtaking his Power Plant Key, the 'Uptown Floodlight Controls' terminalwill instead be a broken terminal. Not only can you not trigger a Trogattack on Uptown in this case, but the door leading back to Uptownwill not open... simply put, you'll have to go back through the areato get out. No shortcut for you.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->28) Now Uptown is crawling with Trogs, which makes it only slightlymore inhospitable to us than it was the last time we were here. Nowwould be a good time to use your Stealth Boy. Around the corner you'llfind Ashur, whom you can kill and loot for his unique Power Armor. Nowyou just need to make it back to Midea. As you go the floodlights willfalter and Trogs will show up. It's possible to kill all the Trogs andspare a Stealth Boy.. it's not even difficult to do so. Either way,once you get near Midea's Wernher will talk to you, congratulating youon a job well done. This completes the quest 'Free Labor', and earns youthe Booster Shot Perk, which increases your Radiation Resistance. You can now do two more freeform 'quests'. Bring Scrap Metal to the AmmoPress in the Mill and you get create your own ammo. Also, Midea wantsTeddy Bears for Marie, for which she'll pay you 30 Caps a piece.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->29) Once you exit Haven Pitt Slaves will show up and begin attacking theRaiders with Auto Axes. You'll be given the mission to find out whereWernher is hiding from Midea. I prefer to let the Raiders and the Slavesfight it out.. more to loot later and all. Besides the Raiders haveeverything well in hand. After all, you are the muscle Wernher needed toultimately succeed. Talk to Midea and succeed at a Speech check to getWernher's location.. or kill her and take the note 'Wernher's Note toMidea' off her body. Either way, you're heading to the Steelyard.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->30) Once at the Steelyard head west to the Wildman Shack (just past where you found Wild Bill). To the north of the shack is a door leading to Wernher's Hideout.. it'll be guarded by a Pitt Slave, so you'll knowwhen you're there. Inside, Wernher will immediately go hostile. At alow level he might be challenging, with his high health and Scoped .44Magnum, but by now he's just another enemy, no more threatening than anEnclave Soldier or Talon Company Mercenary. Kill him and grab the Power Plant Key, which you can now explore.. if you want (Read Step #27). Otherwise head back to Ashur. Don't be afraid to use your WorldMap and fast travel, either. Yeah. You can do that.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->31) Ashur will congratulate you, and is generally optimistic.. if conservative.. about the future of the Pitt. Notice that he says "Nowthat we have Marie back.." I wasn't aware she went anywhere. Anyways,ask for a reward and you'll be given the Booster Shot Perk and you willget access to the Ammo Press. You can also give Sandra toys (Teddy Bears) for Marie at a rate of 30 Caps a pop.You might be wondering which choice to make? Regardless of what you doyou'll get the Booster Shot Perk, access to the Ammo Press, the abilityto bring in Teddy Bears for 30 Caps each, and continued access to theSteelyard and the associated rewards for collecting Ingots.. in case you somehow don't have 100 already. So what's the tie breaker? Sidingwith Ashur is much easier. You don't have to fight hordes of PittRaiders and Trogs, and you don't have to go through the Pitt Underground. You just march on straight to Wernher and you're done. Onthe other hand, killing all those Pitt Raiders means you get to loot all those Pitt Raiders, and stealing from Uptown will be much easieronce they're dead. If you side with Wernher, you get to kill more,loot more, and style yourself the 'Lord of the Pitt', although it hasno real meaning, since Wernher runs the day-to-day affairs. You alsoget Ashur's Power Armor, which.. well, it's unique. On the other hand,it involved kidnapping a baby and siding with a liar and a schemer overa cruel, but well-meaning tyrant. As far as I'm concerned, Ashur hasthe moral high ground, and Wernher.. well, you'll get to cause morecarnage and score more loot by siding with the latter. Neither choicesounds good? That's why it's called a moral dilemma.WarMECH notes:Regarding siding with Ashur: I did not find Werner immediately hostile when I went to kill him, though my gun was holstered. He initiated a conversation that allowed for a speech challenge that would allow him to leave peacefully after a brief verbal railing against everyone in particular. Of course if he leaves, he takes the Power Plant key with him. Also, siding with Ashur does not mean forsaking his specialty armor. I remember reading somewhere that if you plant a fully repaired Tesla armor, he would wear that and his would be available to steal. After some investigation on my own, I've found that you can plant ANY form of power armor as long as it is repaired to about 80% to achieve this effect. After hostilities conclude, plant it, exit his office area,return, and he should be wearing the new gear. Oddly enough, it does give bad karma even in planting the replacement.You can buy Power Armor from Friday in Downtown if you want to stealAshur's Power Armor. -N<---------------------------------------------------------------------->32) Now you're done with the Pitt, although there are still places toloot. Sure, there's not many unique things lying around, but there's more alcohol and Jet than you can shake a stick at. In particular searchthe Abandoned Apartments in the Uptown area, where you can nab a Nuka-Cola Quantum and a unique Chinese Commando Hat, 'Hat of the People'. It's in a room behind a locked [Very Easy] door. Search under a bedside table to find a floor safe [Average], within which you'll findthe hat in question. Also, if you don't care about karma you can go tattle little secrets to Brand over at the Mill. Even though everything is resolved, he'll still give you Stimpaks for your trouble. Grab asmuch loot as you want from the Pitt, make ammo on the ammo press, and trade Teddy Bears for Caps to your heart's content. When you're done, it's time to get ready to take on Operation: Anchorage.The Ammo Press in the Mill can produce ammunition from Scrap Metal, orit can convert one type of ammo into another. This only applies to 'standard' ammo, such as 5mm, 5.56mm, 10mm, .308, .32, .44, or ShotgunShells. There's always the chance of loss involved, so when pressinglarge amounts of ammo you might want to save/load until you get goodresults. Also, since you can sell Scrap Metal to Walter for betterrelative prices than you'd get from pressing the Scrap Metal, youshould probably just stick to converting ammo. Turning more common ammointo less common ammo will give you a lower rate of return. For example, if you can convert 50 10mm Rounds into 51-100 5mm Rounds, or3-10 .44 Magnum Rounds. As far as the Ammo Press is concerned 5mmRounds are the most common, 5.56mm Rounds, 10mm Rounds, and .32 CaliberRounds are next in line, and .308 Rounds, .44 Magnum Rounds, and Shotgun Shells are the most uncommon. Nonetheless, it might not bea bad idea to convert some generally useless 5mm Rounds or .32 CaliberRounds into something more useful, like 10mm, 5.56, .44, or ShotgunShells. Below is a list of the coversions from Scrap Metal to ammo,which should give you a general idea of how the different types ofAmmo are 'weighted' by the Ammo Press.o============o==================================o| Ammo Press |o============o==================================o| Material | Ammo Production|o============o==================================o| Scrap Metal| 11-25 5mm Rounds|o============o==================================o| Scrap Metal|4-10 5.56mm Rounds|o============o==================================o| Scrap Metal|4-10 10mm Rounds|o============o==================================o| Scrap Metal|3 or fewer .308 Rounds|o============o==================================o| Scrap Metal| 4-10 .32 Caliber Rounds|o============o==================================o| Scrap Metal|3 or fewer .44 Magnum Rounds|o============o==================================o| Scrap Metal|3 or fewer Shotgun Shells|o============o==================================oOperation Anchorageo======================================================================oSequence of Events:{WLK044}1) Aiding the Outcasts2) Bailey's Crossroads Metro3) Bailey's Crossroads4) Breaking the Super Mutant Siege5) Outcast Outpost6) The Simulation7) Awakening in Anchorage8) Anchorage Cliffs9) Securing the Sniper Rifle10) Claiming the Chinese Assault Rifle11) To the Cave Outpost12) Getting the Gauss Rifle13) Intel #114) Intel #215) Chinese Artillery Outpost/Intel #316) Intel #417) To the Artillery Storage Room18) Chinese Dragoons19) Artillery Overlook20) Command Tent21) The Trainyard/Intel #522) More Snipers..23) The Listening Post/Intel #624) Chinese Forward Base Delta25) Intel #726) Spider Drones27) Chimera Armor Depot/Intel #828) Battlefield Trenches/Intel #9 and Intel #1029) A Well-Earned Reward1) Merrily return home and re-equip yourself. You won't be able to useyour gear in Operation: Anchorage, but you still need to reach theOutcasts. Bring what you want, but you might want to travel light toavoid unnecessary trips back and forth. When you're ready pop on the'Outcast Distress Signal' and head to the Red Racer Factory. From herehead south until you find a door leading to Bailey's Crossroads Metro,which is just south east of a debris-covered metro entrance.Bailey's Crossroads Metroo======================================================================o2) Make your way through the metro, killing what few Ghouls there areto kill. There's some loot to be found, especially if you search groundfloor when you reach the large, central metro hub room. Ultimatelyyou'll reach Bailey's Crossroads.Bailey's Crossroadso======================================================================o3) When you emerge you'll hear the sound of furious fighting, as Brotherhood Outcasts desperately fight against encroaching Super Mutants. Help the Outcasts (or let them die so you can steal theirstuff) and exterminate the Super Mutants. At the top of the stairs youwill be introduced to Defender Morrill. Hopefully you haven't grownsoft in the Pitt, because the Super Mutants here are back in full form,including Super Mutant Overlords. Head north into an open area, thengo west up a hill of rubble, and south into a building.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->4) The building is, itself, crawling with Super Mutants, ranging fromnormal Super Mutants armed with Nail Bats to Super Mutant Overlords withGatling Lasers.. depending on your level. As you make your way in someBrotherhood Outcasts will start trouble on the other side. This will give you the ability to flank the Super Mutants and cause them some grief.. or let the two sides battle it out. Make your way through the building to the south, looting and killing as you go. When you emerge on the far side, you'll quickly discover the Outcast Outpost.Outcast Outposto======================================================================o5) Continue on to the Outpost and more Super Mutants will spawn in thebuilding behind you. Either head onward to the Outpost or backtrack andclear the new Super Mutants out of your building. Chances are DefenderMorrill won't be alive anymore, but if he is he should talk to you whenyou get near the Outpost. Head down the elevator, Morrill or no. TwoOutcasts can be overheard talking about the unaccounted for person riding the elevator. If you have problems with the elevator, simply hitthe electrical switch to ride back and up and try again. I know I havehad the gate outside of the elevator fail to open before. Head outside the elevator to meet Defender Sibley, who isn't the nicest of fellows. Play nice and he'll take you to meet the boss, Protector McGraw. Long story short, the Outcasts are trying to get at some goodies here. Unfortunately said goodies are locked behind a blast door they can't open. In order to open it, you need to complete a VR simulation of the liberation of Anchorage: Alaska. Why you? Because you have a Pip-Boy, which has the computer interface the Outcasts need. Before you head on, you may want to loo the place. The Outcasts don't mind if you take their stuff, and there's more than enough to fill up your inventory. Across the hall behind a locked [Easy] door you'll find a rather dead Gary 23. His mutilated arm suggests the Outcasts tried to remove his Pip-Boy at some point.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->6) When you're done looting and messing around, go find Specialist Olin.She'll gruffly give you a Neural Interface Suit and tell you to get inthe Simulation Pod. She could really do with some lead asprin. Make anew 'safety' save in case something goes wrong with Operation:Anchorage and get into the Simulation Pod. You are now commited tocompleting this expansion. None of your gear gets to go with you in thesimulation, but if you were a killing machine outside of the sim, you'll be a killing machine inside.. you just need to get more tools of the trade.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***QUEST***The Guns of Anchorage7) You'll be awakened by Sergeant Benjamin Montgomery, who will tellyou the score. Your job is to disable the Artillery Guns on themountain. Your gear is the rather protective Winterized Combat Armor,Winterized Combat Helmet, a Trench Knife, and a Silenced 10mm Pistol.These weapons just won't do! Ah well. Benjamin will climb off, leavingyou to your own devices. Congrats, you're in the army now! The job ofchoice for thousands of high school underachievers and misguided patriots! God bless the ol' U.S. of A! It's time to kill some Commies!Anchorage Cliffso======================================================================o8) Sneak over to the east a bit to discover the 'Cliffs' location, forwhat good it does you. Keep going until you find your first ChineseSoldier. Dispatch him with your Trench Knife to keep low profile. Don'tworry if his body falls off the ledge, it's not like you can loot themanyhow. Nearby you'll spot a goofy red 'Health Dispenser'. This is howyou will keep in tip-top shape during Operation: Anchorage. Just returnto one when you need healing and you're good to go.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->9) Head to the north west and go up some stairs, then turn north and goover a bridge, smiting any Chinese you find along the way. When you reach the far side of the bridge turn east and head up more stairs toeventually reach another landing. You now can go west or east. First goeast down some stairs to score a Sniper Rifle and find another HealthDispenser. Now go west into a building, killing the Chinese therein.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->10) You will now find a Chinese Assault Rifle, some Frag Mines and Frag Grenades, and an Ammo Dispenser. Your ammo, if you noticed, is set atcertain amounts by weapon type. You don't pick up more ammo from thedead, so this is your only way to replenish your ammo. You now have amelee weapon, a mid-ranged rifle, and a long-ranged rifle.. as well asa puny pistol. The point is, you now have options.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->11) Head west to go back outdoors and crawl along a building and onto alarge pipe. If you go north up a ramp you can find a Stealth Boy, whichyou are probably supposed to use to assist getting over the pipe to thesouth. Either way, make your way south over the pipe, then head up somestairs to the north. The stairs will double around and you'll eventuallyend up on top of the building on the southern side of the pipe. Continueup some more and you'll find a door to 'Cave Outpost.'Cave Outposto======================================================================o12) Continue forward until you reach a cavern, where you'll see anunfortunate paratrooper get killed by some Chinese Soldiers. Explore thesouth eastern corner of the room to find an ammo depot, which includesanother Chinese Assault Rifle, some Frag Mines, Frag Grenades, someMicrofusion Cells, and Health and Ammo Dispensers. On the floorunderneath where the Paratrooper was you'll find the Gauss Rifle.Continue more or less to the north, up stairs, up ramps, and througha building. Eventually you'll come to a room where a Chinese Soldierwill fall from the ceiling, cause of death: Sergeant Benjamin. The way back into the caves is now sealed, so head through a door to the eastto return to the Cliffs.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->13) Head north until you reach a platform, waxing some Chinese Soldiersas you go. On the platform you can now continue north, or turn south andgo down some stairs. Go south first and cross a pipe to the shelterbeyond. Inside you'll find a door [Very Easy] leading to a FieldStorage room. Inside you'll find a note 'Holotape - Bombardment', aChinese Terminal, and an 'Intel' suitcase. Return to the western sideof the pipe and continue your trek to the north.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->14) Continue north until you cross a bridge to reach a platform nearanother shelter. Immediately across the bridge is another Field Storageroom behind another locked [Very Easy] door. And again, you will find
a case of Intel inside, and the note 'Holotape - Goodbye'. After you'redone grabbing the Intel head outside again and cross a bridge to thewest to reach the shelter. Inside you will find another Ammo Dispenser,along with some Microfusion Cells and explosives. Continuing to the westwill provide for two options. You can cross a long bridge under firefrom bunkered Chinese defenders, or you can go through a door leading toa 'Cave Passage'. The Cave Passgae will take you up to some high groundnorth east of the bunkers. Either way, rush the bunkers and kill thedefenders. You'll discover the Artillery Overlook Entrance, for whatgood it does you. Head inside the Chinese Artillery Outpost.Chinese Artillery Outposto======================================================================o15) Head into the large room to the north and proceed to go east up aramp. Kill some Chinese Soldiers and continue going east until you cango no futher, from here turning north to discover a table full of loot,including a Sniper Rifle, two missiles, a Frag Mine, some MicrofusionCells, and an Ammo and Health Dispenser. Head up the stairs to the northand go through a doorway to the west to discover another locked [VeryEasy] door, beyond which you'll find the 'Holotape - Invasion', aStealth Boy, and another case of Intel.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->16) Head back to the west and travel north as far as you can go until you come across another loot-friendly table. Nearby is also a Terminal [Very Easy] which opens a door [Very Easy]. Inside are two Frag Grenades, an 'American Artillery Protocols' Terminal, and another Intel suitcase.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->17) Go up some stairs to the east and you'll find two more Frag Grenadesand another Health Dispenser on a crate. Continue east as far as you cango before turning north and heading through a room full of artilleryshells. Go up some stairs and through a door to the west, turning northto find another [Very Easy] door. Inside you'll find the 'Holotape -Overrun'. Turn around and head to the south, go around a corner, througha room, and up some stairs to the south. Here you'll find another ammoand health depot.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->18) Make your way east into another room full of artillery shells, thenturn north into a warehouse.. needless to say, the Chinese aren't shortof artillery ammo. Some Chinese Dragoons will drop from the ceiling andgo invisible. You can't V.A.T.S. them while they're cloaked, but you canspot them manually if you keep your eye open. Once the Dragoons areeliminated head up onto the railing and go through an elevated door tothe north. Go up some stairs and grab another supply depot beforeheading out the door leading back to the Artillery Overlook.Artillery Overlooko======================================================================o19) Now that you're outside you've got a pretty simple mission, blow upthe three artillery guns pounding your allied troops. Head over to the north where you'll find one artillery cannon. Kill the Chinese Soldiersin the bunker and proceed to plant the bomb. You now have 20 seconds toget outside the blast radius. Do so by continuing to the east up somestairs and proceed to the second artillery cannon. Plant the second bombonce all Chinese opposition has been silenced and head up a path to theeast, south east to find the third and final piece of artillery. Oncethis one blows the screen will white-out on you, and you'll appear infront of General Chase.Command Tento======================================================================o***QUESTS***Paving the Way20) Chase will give you your next objectives in Operation: Anchorage.You need to destroy two fuel tanks at a Chimera depot, clear out a listening post, and lastly, overload a pulse field. Wee. Talk toLieutenant Morgan to find out more info about your targets. Once youare done you can grab some Psycho lying about, and play with the terminals. Use 'Patterson's Terminal' to set up your strike team totake on mission with you. You can choose to bring an Infantryman, aGrenadier, a Missile Unit, a Sniper, a Mister Gutsy, and a Sentry Bot.Frankly, however, I prefer to go alone. You should also visit the'Requisition Terminal' and pick from one of four weapon loadouts,the 'Fire Team Package', which consists of an Assault Rifle, a CombatKnife, and 12 Frag Grenades, the 'Close Assault Package' which willdeploy you with a Power Fist, a 10mm Pistol, a Combat Shotgun, 8Frag Grenades, and 8 Frag Mines, the 'Sniper Package', which consistsof a Sniper Rifle and a 10mm Pistol, and finally the 'Heavy WeaponsPackage', which contains a Missile Launcher and a 10mm Submachinegun.I generally take the Close Assault Package, but the Heavy WeaponsPackage comes in handy once in a while. Grab the 'Holotape - I'm Okay'and leave the tent. To the east you will find the Quartermaster. Succeed at a Speech challenge and he will give you a Gauss Rifle and 8 Microfusion Cells. Also, be sure to pick up whatever package you chose. You can get as much ammo as you please from the Ammo Dispenser in this tent as you need it. If you head west you'll find the medical tent. Talk to Doctor Adami to get some more Psycho. There's also a Health Dispenser inside, if you ever need to use it.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->21) Go north to leave the base and once outside make your way to the east. Continue on until you reach some boxcars, where you'll see asoldier play chicken with a sniper and lose. Beyond the train there aretwo snipers and a Chinese Launcher who have eyes like hawks. Frankly,just using the Gauss Rifle is good enough to get rid of them. Even ifyou don't kill them outright, shooting them once with the Gauss Riflewill likely knock the snipers off their high ground. In the ruinedbuilding to the south east you'll find another Chinese Launcher, as well as an ammo depot. Near the doorway you entered the house you'llfind another case of Intel on a wooden crate.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->22) Leave this house and head north east to find some stairs leading to.. another ruined house occupied by Chinese. Kill them all and freea captive American Soldier before heading through a doorway to thenorth. Continue north until you come into a more open area with somecrates lying around. It would be advisable for you to not run in, asthere are four cloaked snipers just waiting for you to get into thearea. Use your V.A.T.S. button to sniff them out, or find them manually, then counter-snipe them with the Gauss Rifle. Continue tothe north east and turn the corner to the north to spot the ListeningPost. It's guarded by several Crimson Dragoons, and all things told,it's probably better to get their attention, then backtrack around thecorner. It sure beats running through Chinese Assault Rifle fire.Listening Posto======================================================================o23) Head up into the Listening Post, where your mission is to kill anyand all Chinese troops you find. Go into a room to the west and greasea Chinese Technician and a Crimson Dragoon. Go through a doorway to thenorth and kill the cloaked sniper in the eastern corner. Now go westup some stairs and into another room with three more Crimson Dragoons.There's also an Intel suitcase on a shelf on the ground floor. Goupstairs and through a door to the north, then turn west and follow thepassage until you come to a room. Inside are three cloaked snipers, anda much-needed depot. Go through a door to the east and follow the passage until you reach another room. Inside are two Crimson Dragoonsand another technician waiting to be slain. Go through a door to thesouth and back to Anchorage. Clear the roof of cloaked folks and you'llbe whisked back to the Command Tent.Chinese Forward Base Deltao======================================================================o24) Huzzah, one down, two to go. Leave the tent to see three soldierspose for a reporter, who takes the iconic photograph that later becomesthe statue on top of the Anchorage War Memorial. Head back outside ofthe back and head north west this time. You'll eventually discover theChinese Forward Base Delta, which consists of numerous tents occupiedby Chinese Soldiers. Still, at least you can see these ones. Kill theChinese and head into the camp. Pass through a tent to the west,activate a 'Chinese Terminal', and grab the loot lying around.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->25) From the tent head north west through another section of theChinese camp. This time they've got guys on watch towers. Yay. Notethe snowmen used by the Chinese as target practice. Priceless. Headinto the stand-alone tent east of the snowmen and grab an Intel case,continue through the tent to the north east and head north betweentwo buildings. You will find two American Soldiers being heldprisoner to the east with one Chinese Soldier standing guard. Wax him,free the prisoners, and grab the ammo lying around before continuingnorth.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->26) Continue on until you find a clearing with a frozen pond in themiddle. Spider drones lurk about, and will activate and move towardsyou if you get too close. They don't do much damage, and aren'tterribly fast, but they can be hard to hit. Continue following thelinear path, mowing down Spider Drones until you reach the ChimeraArmor Depot.Chimera Armor Depoto======================================================================o27) Outside of the depot gates are two towers with an armed guard inside. Snipe them with the Gauss Rifle and enter the depot. Head intothe depot when they are dead and go into the first building to thesouth, which contains all the ammo and health you'll need to route thisplace, not to mention an Intel case. Go around searching the entire basefor enemies. If you run across a Chimera tank, you'll find that it canbe fairly easily disabled with conventional firepower, so long as youdon't get too close. In the south western corner of the base you'll findanother building with loot inside. When you're ready to bid the base afond 'go to hell' plant the charges on the fuel tanks. Again, you have20 seconds to clear the blast radius, and again, you'll be whiskedmagically back to the Command Tent when you complete your objective.Battlefield Trencheso======================================================================o28) Now only the Pulse Field remains. The Close Assault package wouldcome in very handy for this part. Head out of the base again and headnorth, past the barbed wire and straight into the missile fire. You'llfind some stairs leading to a series of trenches shortly. Trenchesmight be hell, but you came prepared, right? At the first HealthDispenser you'll find another Intel case on top of a metal drum. Makeyour way through the trenches.. it's pretty linear and there's reallynothing you can do wrong. If it's Chinese, kill it. After a while you'llexit the trenches and start fighting through ruined buildings. Shortlythereafter a Vertibird will drop some Power Armored Soldiers to help,and by help, I mean do all the work. A handful of guys in T-51b PowerArmor with Miniguns is more than the Chinese can handle. They'll stopwhen they reach a field cackling with electricity, letting you tackleone last bunker. After that's down, head east to find a building, within which you'll find a switch which turns off the Pulse Field, andon a wooden crate nearby is the tenth and final Intel case. When thePulse Field is disabled it'll overload and light up the ground. When thelight show ends run north across the field to see your Power Armoredbuddies whip out some Fat Men and blast the defenses. Head through adoor into the Chinese HQ, where General Jingwei will talk to you.Succeed at a Speech challenge and Jingwei will commit suicide.. or ifthat fails, just kill him the old fashioned way. Congrats! You've liberated Anchorage, Alaska. A winner is you!<---------------------------------------------------------------------->29) The simulation ends and you exit the Simulation Pod, where ProtectorMcGraw will be waiting to congratulate you. Head down the hallway to thesouth where the Outcasts will be waiting. Access the 'Secure AccessTerminal' and open the blast door. When you enter the secure room Sibleywill protest the fact that McGraw is going to let you leave with someloot, and will attempt to mutiny. Smite the treacherous Outcasts andcollect your well earned loot, which includes.. well, pretty much allthe new stuff you saw in the simulation. There's the Gauss Rifle, theTrench Knife, Jingwei's Shocksword, Chinese Stealth Armor, and Winterized T-51b Power Armor, which is especially nice since, for somereason, it has ridiculously high hit points. The Chinese Stealth Armorwill create a stealth field effect around you (similiar to what aStealth Boy does) every time you enter Sneak mode. Since it has a fairlyhigh DR as well, it becomes my armor for the rest of the game.. since Ilike sneaking, and while wearing this armor you're almost impossible todetect. Oh, it also looks cool too. You can repair it with Recon armor,if the need arises. Another bonus about Chinese Stealth Armor is the fact that you can wear multiple headgear while the armor is equipped. Of mundane gear there's a Missile Launcher, 120 Energy Cells, two first aidboxes, a Mini Nuke, five Frag Grenades, two Frag Mines, a Pulse Grenade,two Pulse Mines, a Plasma Grenade, a Plasma Grenade, a Chinese Assault Rifle, 70 Electron Charge Packs, 70 Microfusion Cells, 25 Flamer Fuel, and two Missiles. Last, and perhaps least if you've been following thisguide strictly, you automatically get Power Armor Training by completingthis simulation. Now it's time to go challenge Point Lookout.***WEAPON INFO***Gauss Rifle (Energy Weapons)Maximum Damage: 110AP Cost: HighAmmo: Microfusion CellClip Size: 1 (1 round/shot)Another former Fallout 2 weapon making its way over to Fallout 3, theGauss Rifle has.. changed. Formerly it was a Small Gun, now it's anEnergy Weapon.. Anyways, the real story is.. this gun is kinda buggy inFallout 3. Sometimes it'll hit an enemy and do no apparent damage atall. It also is fond of knocking enemies down, and once knocked downyour chances of hitting them again in V.A.T.S. is nil. So, it's a snipeonly non-V.A.T.S. weapon. I just can't be bothered to bring it alongwith me. It's a shame, too, since it was my go-to gun in Fallout 2.***WEAPON INFO***Jingwei's Shocksword (Melee Weapons)Maximum Damage: 52AP Cost: AverageAmmo: NoneClip Size: N/AMore than twice as powerful as a normal Chinese Officer's Sword, Jingwei's Shocksword is simply an awesome melee weapon. It also doessome lingering damage when it hits, for added stabby fun.***WEAPON INFO***Trench Knife (Melee Weapons)Maximum Damage: 23AP Cost: Very LowAmmo: NoneClip Size: N/AThe Trench Knife is no better than the Combat Knife, and decidedlyweaker than Occam's Razor and Stabhappy.WarMech comments on Chinese Stealth Armor:I came to the conclusion that part of the glitchyness of my game came from donning the Chinese Stealth Armor, and have since adapted to a play style that does not rely on it. However, I cannot deny that it may have been an inconvenient set of coincidences that led to that conclusion. However, that fact that I have been able to simultaneously equip more than a dozen pieces of headgear while wearing it did not help in that assessment. The way that works is that you only get the damage resistance of the headgear the character is visibly wearing in the game, and Ledoux's Hockey Mask seems to trump all others. Remove it and usually some power helmet takes over, and DR changes accordingly. However, whatever status effects the equipment has does stack: if maxed at 10 Charisma, equipping three headgear with a -1 and two pieces with a +1, Charisma will adjust to 9. However, the only significant stacking comes from gaining radiation resistance, if that is worth the cost of the extra payload.I have personally not noticed much extra glitchiness from the ChineseStealth Armor, save for the fact that the game can occassionally lock upif you're sneaking (and thus have the stealth field from the armoractive) and go to look at your Pip-Boy. By the way, the Pip-Boy isunder the effect of the stealth field, too, which makes reading anythingon it somewhat annoying while the stealth field is active. Of course, Ialmost never wore more than one 'additional' helmet with the ChineseStealth Armor, which might be the source of WarMECH's woes. -NPoint Lookouto======================================================================oSequence of Events:{WLK045}1) Catherine's Plea2) Traveling to Point Lookout3) Point Lookout Pier4) House of Wares5) Wanted; Person of Interest6) Homestead Motel7) One Messed-up Motel8) The Spy's Password9) People's Bank of Point Lookout10) Recruitment Station11) Warehouse12) Swamp Notes13) Haley's Hardware14) Marguerite's Shack15) Truck Wreckage16) Turtledove Detention Camp17) The Morgue18) Trash Heap19) Sub Recovery Site20) SSN-37-1A21) Mission Complete22) Calvert Mansion23) Chinese Intelligence Bunker24) Desmond Under Siege25) Bravely Watching Cameras26) Sealing the West Wing27) The Quick Way Down28) Through the Wine Cellar29) Sealing the East Wing30) One Hell of a Fight31) Superior Defender1) Head over to the Riverboat Landing, which should have appeared onyour map once you got out of vault 101. Remember that? Ah, memories.It's along the shore south of the Citadel. Talk to Catherine, who should be wandering around in front of the boat.. provided Mirelurks haven't chased her off. She'll ask you to go find her daughter, Nadine, who ran off to Point Lookout after she was bit by the adventuring bug.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->2) Now go find Tobar the Ferryman. You can ask him about Point Lookout,Nadine, and some other topics, but what you're here for is a trip toPoint Lookout. Chances are it'll be less grand than he pretends, butafter crawling through all of D.C., how bad can it be? You'll need tobuy a ticket to cover your trip, and even at level 30 with 100 Barterit still runs 330 Caps. Of course, I have 150,000+ Caps by now, so it'snot really even an issue. Buy a ticket and rest on the cot on the boatand select the option 'Travel to Point Lookout'.Point Lookout Piero======================================================================o3) When you arrive you'll discover your first area in Point Lookout.Remember, find them all for a tropy or achievement! Talk to Tobar againand he'll mention some smoke he saw on the way in. You can also get himto tell you about the House of Wares shop, the Homestead Motel, and theCoastal Grotto. The obvious pull is towards the mansion.. but we'llhold off on that bit of questage for now and just have a loot aroundthe resort town.House of Wareso======================================================================o4) Head to the north east, looting as you please. Just keep in mind thatonce you fill up your inventory, you'll need to go back to the CapitalWasteland to drop stuff off.. which can get costly. Either that, orstash your accumulated loot somewhere on Point Lookout, and take it allback in bulk. You'll probably discover Pilgrim's Landing on the way tothe House of Wares. Talk to Panada, who plays a little gypsy act for youbefore selling you stuff. You can pretty much buy most of the non-uniquePoint Lookout gear from here, so we'll discuss the new weapons now.***WEAPON INFO***Axe (Melee Weapons)Maximum Damage: 37AP Cost: AverageAmmo: NoneClip Size: N/AIt does a fair bit of damage.. as far as Melee Weapons go, and isn'thorribly slow. Still, it's not really any better than a humbleSledgehammer, and certainly not up to par with the great Melee Weaponsfound in the other expansions to date.***WEAPON INFO***Double-Barrel Shotgun (Small Guns)Maximum Damage: 99AP Cost: HighAmmo: Shotgun ShellClip Size: 2 (fires both shots simultaneously)If you wanted a more.. rustic.. shotgun, this is it. It does absolutelyphenomonal damage, but fires painfully slow. Frankly, I'll just stickto the Combat Shotgun. Half the damage, twelve times the shots. ***WEAPON INFO***Lever-Action Rifle (Small Guns)Maximum Damage: 52AP Cost: AverageAmmo: 10mm RoundClip Size: 10 (1 round/shot)It's not even semi-automatic, being more in-line with the Hunting Rifle,but it's a powerful and cheap weapon to use. It's essentially a non-unique version of the Licoln's Repeater. It's not nearly as good, ofcourse, but if you were to come here early in the game just to fetchone of these guns, nobody would blame you. Of course, by now it's onlya curiousity, unless there happens to be some unique versions lyingaround..***WEAPON INFO***Shovel (Melee Weapons)Maximum Damage: 28AP Cost: Very LowAmmo: NoneClip Size: N/ASurprisingly fast, it does about as much damage as a Baseball Bat, or aCombat Knife. Yeah, it's not an awe-inspiring weapon, but it can be funto thwack a few enemies with a shovel, just to put them in their place.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->5) Head west from Panada and turn north when you run out of west. Onthe walls to your right you'll find some 'Wanted; Person of Interest'posters on the wall you can search to get some notes added to yourPip-Boy. Continue north up some stairs to find the 'People's Bank ofPoint Lookout' on your left, which might be worth looting in a bit.First, however, continue north to discover the Homestead Motel.Homestead Motelo======================================================================o***QUESTS***Velvet Curtain6) First things first, lets head into the Homestead Motel Office, whereyou can find some room keys (in case you're too lazy to pick the locks)and a locked [Average] safe in the back under a table with a televisonon it. Leave the motel and head north to find the unlocked door toRoom 1D. Inside you'll find some pretty suspicious stuff, and the'Safehouse Terminal' on the table just confirms the obvious. Aftermessing with the terminal you'll get the note 'Contact Tape' and thequest 'Velvet Curtain' begins. Search the Luggage Case on the bed andtake the 'Locker Key'. Time for you to finish what Dr. Jiang started.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->7) Well, I mean, eventually. Continue east to find Room 1G [Average].Inside you'll find the remains of a deal (or heist) gone wrong. Profitfrom their pain and leave. Circle around to the back of the motel tofind Room 1K [Average]. You'll find.. wow. Nothing good happened in this room. In the bathtub in the back you'll find the Pint-SizedSlasher mask. What a busy motel!<---------------------------------------------------------------------->8) Return to the boardwalk and head east, where you'll find somefootlockers near the closed vendor stalls. Open one of the lockers withyour motel-found key and grab the 'Box 1207 - Spy's Audio Password.' Now it's time to head over to the bank.People's Bank of Point Lookouto======================================================================o9) Behind the counter are two safes [Average] and [Hard]. After you havethem, search the Loan Officers Desk and grab the note 'Box 1191 -Password Backup' and play it in the vault to open the correspondingbox. Also play the 'Box 1207 - Spy's Audio Password' to open that box,too. You'll get some money and drugs out of the former box, and somemoney and the note 'Espionage Debriefing' from the latter. Listen to itand you'll discover that Jiang was supposed to blow up a disabledsurveillance vessel.. you just need to find out what happend to AgentYang.. so exit the bank, and head east into the Recruitment Station.Recruitment Stationo======================================================================o10) Head into the room behind the counter (to the east) and grab theMini Nuke off the desk. Search the 'DIA Officer's Terminal' and readthe 'Field Report - Yang Capture/Transfer', which will inform you thatWang has been transferred to Turtledove Detention Camp. Loot the lockedsafe [Average] and head out. There's one more place of interest aroundtown before we make the long trek to Turtledove.Warehouseo======================================================================o11) Head east and circle around the buildings to the south until youfind the door leading to the Warehouse. Note the rigged baby carriagein front. There will be more of them within. Four of them, to be exact,somebody was apparently having a grand old time creating these babycarriages of death. Disarm them and loot the shelves along the westernwall. You'll find some drugs, missiles, a Mini Nuke, and plenty ofAbraxo Cleaner and Tin Cans lying around.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->12) Now it's time to run to the far northern edge of the map. It's a bit of an expedition, I know, and there's a lot to see and do along theway. Still, I prefer to finish this quest before bothering with some ofthe more substantial Point Lookout quests. If you have the ChineseStealth Armor, you'll be able to sneak right past all the Swampfolkand Feral Ghoul Reavers.. if not.. just be prepared for some substantialresistance when you see red threat markers. Don't let the red-neckmutant look fool you, they're deadly.Haley's Hardwareo======================================================================o13) Go north until you find Haley's Hardware. There's plenty of lootoutside of his house, as well as the note 'Holotape Note' in front nearthe door talking about some light house lights. Inside there's more toloot, if you feel inclined to steal anything. Talk to Haley.. whoobviously isn't all right in the head. He certainly has an odd storyfor how he started the business. If nothing else, loot the safe [Average], as it has quite a bit of loot inside.Note: Here's an omission pointed out to me by Mr. Rose. As is typicalwhen I'm getting information from elsewhere, I tend to quote thesource so it doesn't look like I'm taking credit for their work."[You made] no mention of Haley's unique Repair bug, which raises hisskill by 5 points about once every trip, or after you've fast-traveledaway and back. The increase by absence duration isn't alwaysconsistent, but the effect builds very quickly in the course of athorough playthrough of the area, and Haley is soon able to repairanything and everything back up to peak condition (very nice forOperation: Anchorage items or other rare gear you don't have easy-to-come-by lesser versions to repair with)."Absolutely confirmed. I didn't mention this because I honestly didn'tknow about it. What, am I supposed to be omniscient? I didn't developthe damn game, and I sure don't skim the wikis.. but I do go back anddouble-check when I'm told that I'm wrong or that I missed something.To boost his repair score, all you need to do is leave his store, fast-travel to Point Lookout Pier, and return.. and sure enough, his repairscore will be five points higher. Despite Mr. Rose's warning of unpredictability, I had this work for me every time-without fail. -NMarguerite's Shacko======================================================================o***QUEST***A Spoonful of Whiskey14) Head north and slightly west to find Marguerite's Shack. She'll ask you to help her out, as she's apparently suffering from 'Orange Fever'.A Medicine check and a Speech challenge will expose her as a faker, buteven if you don't go that route, you'll end up at the same place:helping her brew some tonic. She'll offer you 300 Caps to get her the ingredients: 10 Refined Punga Fruit or 20 Wild Punga Fruit, 3 sacks ofYeast, and 6 Fission Batteries. If it sounds crazy, then you have noidea what crap gets put into some alcohol. Anyways, ask her about fixingup her still, which she'll pay you 100 Caps (or 200, with a successfulSpeech challenge) to do. I won't cover this quest in too much detail..or any, for that matter. Grab the stuff as you explore Point Lookoutand bring them back to Marguerite. Once done, give it a day to brew, and you'll get six bottles of Moonshine and 300 Caps.Truck Wreckageo======================================================================o15) Now for a slight detour. Head north east until you find an over-turned truck. We found a note about this outside of Hadley'sHardware, and it just won't do to leave it unfinished. Search the backof the truck to find a Lighthouse Bulb. Obviously, we'll find a use forthis later.Turtledove Detention campo======================================================================o16) Continue north west until you find Turtledove Detention Camp. When you arrive a group of Feral Ghouls will attack the robotic base defenses, and will almost certainly be crushed. With the Chinese Stealth Armor, I just wait out the fighting, and when the ghoulies are all dead, I simply sneak in and disabled all the robots, and kill the turrets. There are several different buildings in Turtledove, Bunkhouses A and B, Interrogation Rooms A and B, Administration, and the Morgue. For quest purposes, you should only be interested in the last area, but there's plenty of loot to be found in the other buildings, not to mention on top of the watch towers.Turtledove Detention Camp - Morgueo======================================================================o17) When you get into the Morgue, first kill the Feral Ghouls within.Once done, loot it of its medical supplies, then search the remainslocker listed 'TD-0181: Yang, Wan' and remove the tooth. Now, just toleave no stone unturned, head into the northern room and enter the'Manhole to Septic Tunnel Access.' Re-enact a scene from the ShawshankRedemption and crawl a quarter of a mile through filth to 'escape'Camp Turtledove.. and grab the loot along the way.Trash Heapo======================================================================o18) You'll surface just north east of the Trash Heap area. Grab theammo boxes and first aid boxes under the bushes near the manhole andhead south west to find the Trash Heap. Brave the heat (or pop a Rad-X)and grab the more useful junk from atop the trash heap, including anopen safe with a Mini Nuke inside, a pair of first aid boxes, a lockedsafe [Average], and a locked safe [Hard]. Sub Recovery Siteo======================================================================o19) Now you'll notice that our next location isn't exactly.. well, onland. Of course, a submarine isn't going to sink anywhere we can reachwithout a swim, so you might as well just fast travel back to the PointLookout Pier. Stash your crap and jump off the boat, swimming to thesouth east. When you discover the Sub Recovery Site swim underwater tofind your derilect target.SSN-37-1Ao======================================================================o20) After two-hundred years underwater, this sub has seen better days.The good news is, you don't need to worry about running out of air downhere, although honestly after two centuries under the water, I can'timagine there'd be anything worth breathing down here, Loot the lockedpersonal footlocker [Average] and grab the Chinese Pistol and StealthBoy off the front terminal before you access the Submarine OperationsTerminal. Initiate the self destruct sequence, then head to the enginein the back.. electricity and water, good mix.. and activate the 'Self-Destruct Switch.' Leave the sub and swim like hell for shore!<---------------------------------------------------------------------->21) Once the sub detonates your quest log will be updated. Time tohead back to the Homestead Motel. Still, while you're out here, youmight want to head up the hill to the north and discover the CalvertMansion. I mean, you're going to need to head here soon enough, whywalk all the way back if you don't have to? Re-enter Room 1D and accessthe Safehouse Terminal again, this time clicking on the 'ExtrationDetails' option. You'll be told to head to.. the Calvert Mansion. Gee,isn't it a good thing you went and discovered that location when youwere nearby? Grab the Cryptochromatic Spectacles from out of the toilettank and fast travel to the Calvert Mansion.Calvert Mansiono======================================================================o22) Head to the greenhouse west of the entrance to the mansion. Insideyou'll see four pedestals with urns on top, each with a different numberof stripes on them. Remember the password you were given? No? Good thingyou have this handy-dandy FAQ then. Activate the pedestals in order,depending on the number of stripes on each urn as follows: 1, 3, 2, 3,4, 4, 2. When you do this a hatch leading to a Chinese IntelligenceBunker will appear near the two-striped urn. Note that you can only seethese stripes if you're wearing the Cryptochromatic Spectacles.Chinese Intelligence Bunkero======================================================================o23) Head down the stairs and tell the password "Seraphim Descending" tothe Protectron. Follow it down some more stairs and flip an electricalswitch to gain access to the room with the 'Extraction Terminal' inside.Loot the room, as it contains plenty of Chinese gear, but most importantly, the Backwater Rifle on a shelf along the wall opposite theterminal. Access the terminal, and predictibly, you'll be screwed overby the Chinese government. Or rather, Jiang would have been. The roomwill flood with radiation and the door will seal. Take the term 'flood'loosely here. Activate the vent on the floor and, with a measly 30Repair score, disable it. Along the southern wall, behind some boardsare two Circuit Boxes, which you can disable with a hefty Science scoreof 71. If you don't have a Science score that high, you'll have to jumpon the footlocker in the corner of the room, jump on the yellow cratenearby, and run along the pipes in order to reach a hatch on thenorthern wall leading to a 'Runoff Pipe.' Either way, make your wayback to the bunker proper and loot it for all it's worth.. and it'sactually worth quite a bit. There's a number of guns-both Chinese andPoint Lookout varieties, no less than sixteen ammo boxes, and a MiniNuke on a shelf. So ends the Velvet Curtain, and our next move shouldbe pretty obvious.. now that we're standing here, why not explore theCalvert Mansion?***WEAPON INFO***Backwater Rifle (Small Guns)Maximum Damage: 57AP Cost: AverageAmmo: 10mm RoundClip Size: 10 (1 round/shot)Hello, there. It's a little over 10% stronger than a Lever-ActionRifle and one pound lighter with no downsides. If the Lever-ActionRifle was already looking appealing to you, than this should prettymuch seal the deal. Even Lincoln's Repeater will have trouble out-performing this gun. Especially if you've got a mind for economy ofuse.Calvert Mansiono======================================================================o24) When you get near the door, a friendly voice will pop up over theintercom and demand that you help fight off some Tribals. Well, whensomebody asks nicely.. Head inside and you'll find a Ghoul named Desmondfighting off a small horde of Tribals. They can be fairly tough..considering they're armed in what amounts to rags. After the firstgroup dies, follow Desmond to some monitors, where he'll tell you thathe thinks they're about to breach the inner wall. Follow him to the west and a wall will promptly explode, and a vanguard of Tribals willpour forth. Again, they've got a good bit of hit points, but unlessthey're armed with Lever-Action Rifles or Double-Barrel Shotguns, theycan't do much damage.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->25) Once those Tribals are dead, Desmond will respond to more Tribalscoming from upstairs. Follow him to the north and he'll tell you thatyou're on your own, and that he'll bravely watch the cameras. What didyou expect? Go north into a dining room, where a Tribal will wiselyfall from the ceiling, break the table, and proceed to attack you.Again, high hit points, low armor, but if they have a Double-BarrelShotgun they're capable of doing damage to you-even in V.A.T.S.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->26) Once they're dead, head through some doors to the west and turnnorth, going up some stairs. Continue east into a room, where someTribals will break through the wall. Kill them and go south through thebreach, loot the open trunk, which has two ammo boxes and five Stimpaksinside, then head through a door to the west. Continue south, ignoringthe room on your right, turn east, and continue up a hallway to thesouth, killing some more Tribals when they come. Enter a large roomto the west and Desmond will inform you that you've found the breach,beyond the half-destroyed door on the western side of the room. Equipa gun and shoot the red metal object beyond the door to cause anexplosion that conveniently seals the west wing.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->27) Head east into the hallway, where Desmond will show up just in timeto be useless. He'll tell you to follow him.. now we have to seal offthe east wing. Kill the Tribals near the door leading to the east wing.Desmond will run off again, leaving you to do all the work. Head east,then go south as far as you can until the floor falls out from underyou. You'll regain composure in the basem*nt. Loot the metal shelves to your right to claim two ammo boxes and a first aid box, thencontinue south.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->28) You'll reach a wine cellar, which plenty of wine lying around.Behind the wine racks you can find some chems. Head to the east andsome Tribals will bash open the door just in time for you to slay them.Continue up the stairs to the north, turn west, and then south. In theroom ahead of you, some Tribals will again burst through a door, givingyou something to kill, and a clear indication of where you're supposedto head next.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->29) Go through the door the Tribals kindly opened for you and into a rather nice office. Loot the first aid box on the desk and turn northuntil more Tribals show up. Kill them and continue north through thekitchen. You can loot the storeroom to the north, which has two ammoboxes and a first aid box inside, and/or continue through a door to the east. Follow the hallway and go south up some stairs. Continuesouth into a room with a pool table in the middle and kill some moreTribals. In the pool table room you'll find an ammo box, and if youhead through a door to the west you'll find another ammo box and afirst aid box on a desk. Through the door (or holes in the wall) tothe west you'll see another explosive tank. Shoot it and seal off theeast wing. Desmond will show up again through a previously inaccessibledoor and beckon you to follow him.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->30) Desmond will tell you to brace yourself, as a horde of Tribalsapproaches. You might want to take him seriously. Nobody is going toblame you if you pop some Psycho, Jet, and Med-X here. Of course, ifyou use that Chinese Stealth Armor to stay hidden, you can prettysafely just assassinate Tribals in V.A.T.S. Just keep an eye on yourhealth and try not to grab the attention of too many well-armed Tribals.Survive four waves of enemies, and you're gold.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***QUESTS***Walking with Spirits31) After the last Tribal is dead talk to Desmond, who tells you hedidn't even really need your help. Typical. Still, talking to him givesyou the Superior Defender perk, which pretty much increases your damageby five, and your damage resistance by 10, despite what the perk saysit does. Anyways, agree to help Desmond find out why the Tribals want him dead. He's a jackass, but it's not like you have anything better todo, eh? This starts the quest 'Walking with Spirits'.Coastal Grottoo======================================================================oSequence of Events:{WLK046}1) Coastal Grotto2) Ghoul Ecology3) Talking to Plik4) Plik's Safari5) Ritual of the Mother Seed6) Flooded Sinkhole7) Soil Survey Tape #28) Soil Survey Tape #19) Soil Survey Tape #310) USS Ozymandias11) Sacred Bog12) Ark & Dove Cathedral13) Nadine14) Tobar's Hobby15) Checking in with Desmond16) Wrecked Seatub17) Jamming the Voices18) Siding with Calvert19) Siding with Desmond20) Calvert Mansion Surprise21) Point Lookout Lighthouse22) Underground Lab23) Level Alpha Security Area24) Level Beta Security Area25) The Brain Room26) A Meeting of the Minds27) Blackhall Manor28) Religious Intolerance29) Ritual Site30) Siding with Obadiah31) Siding with Marcella32) Catherine's Reward1) I know we all want to march on gloriously onward and finish thisexpansion, but by now you should be prepared for detours in this FAQ.Fast travel to Haley's Hardware and head north across a river. On thenorthern side of the river, follow the coast north-east, staying onthe higher ground as you go. Quickly enough you'll be running along theedge of some cliffs. Your goal: Discover the Coastal Grotto area andhead on inside.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->2) Head on down the tunnel until you see Plik. Before talking to theGhoul, head through the door to the right to find a little room. ReadPlik's Journal on the table to get the 'Ghoul Ecology' perk, which issupposed to increase your damage by five against all Ghouls. Instead,it gives that damage bonus to everything. Wonderful! Grab the Mini Nukeand whatever else catches your fancy and talk to Plik.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***QUESTS***Plik's Safari3) Chat with Plik, who runs a sort of Ghoul safari. It's a bit of amistatement, as it's not really a safari as much as it is a deathmatch. For a mere 1,000 Caps you'll get the joy of fighting Ghouls.Fortunately, there are also prizes for winning, so we might as well.Pay the Ghoul, then head through the door to Plik's Safari.Plik's Safario======================================================================o4) Go across a bridge to find some other esteemed hunters. Odds are,they aren't getting out of here alive, but they will draw fire for awhile. Activate the switch on the concrete pedestal in the centralarea to start the Ghoul onslaught. Feral Ghoul Roamers, Glowing Ones, and Swamp Ghouls will come out several at a time. If you've gotChinese Stealth Armor, just stay hidden and kill them all with yourDeathclaw Gauntlet for one hell of an easy win. When they're all deadyour quest will update. Talk to Plik and you'll receieve the uniqueAxe 'The Dismemberer'.***WEAPON INFO***The Dismemberer (Melee Weapons)Maximum Damage: 42AP Cost: AverageAmmo: NoneClip Size: N/AIt's a slightly more powerful Axe.. I don't really see the point, unlessyou really like Axes.The Ark & Dove Cathedralo======================================================================o5) Well, that was a fun little diversion, but now it's time to headwest and discover the Ark & Dove Cathedral. Activate the intercom andsome fruitloop will tell you that you need to complete the Ritual of theMother Seed. Wonderful. Time to head off to find the mother of the PungaPlants, which is, of course, on the other side of the map. Makeindustrious use of your time and discover as many locations as possible.Flooded Sinkholeo======================================================================o6) If you're being diligent, you should find the Flooded Sinkhole area,which is west of Marguerite's Shack. This area is, in itself, of littleconsequence, but you can score some loot by heading west off the nearbydock and swimming down into the sinkhole, which contains three Safes[Average], [Very Easy], and [Very Easy], and a First Aid Box.. as wellas a whole lot of loose items that will float up as you get near..including a Nuka-Cola Quantum.Excavated Muck Holeo======================================================================o7) From the Flooded Sinkhole area head south east to find the'Excavated Muck Hole' (this is just east of Lil' Tyke Playhouse).Inside the Excavated Muck Hole, on a table you'll find the note 'Soil Survey Tape #2'. This will start the quest 'An Antiquated Land', whichprovides us with another diversion. Huzzah!<---------------------------------------------------------------------->8) Head north past the Trash Heap to find another Excavated Sinkhole.You'll know you're close when you start to find puddles of bubblinggoo. Yum. Head down the ladder to find the note 'Soil Survey Tape #1'<---------------------------------------------------------------------->9) Now continue west past the Jet Crash Site to find a third ExcavatedSinkhole. What will we find down here? Why, the note 'Soil Survey Tape#3, of course! Once you find this final piece of information, you'llget an update to the quest, directing you to travel to the USS Ozymandias. Well, sure, it's on the other side of the map, but what have you got to lose? Just think of it as an opportunity to discovermore areas.. or fast travel somewhere nearby.USS Ozymandiaso======================================================================o10) Cross the little islands and water to reach the half-submerged USSOzymandias and go down the 'Hatch to Belowdecks.' Once there, activatethe 'Bysshe Co. Terminal' and enter the Authorization Codes, thenselect the option to retrieve the expedition supplies. Exit the terminaland access the Expedition Supplies safe near it for some loot and-moreimportantly-the completion of the quest. Now it's time to head over to the Sacred Bog.Sacred Bogo======================================================================o11) Head through the door to the Bog Entrance and through another doorto the Sacred Bog. Once inside you'll find that this area is just alinear path through swamp water and small islands with the odd MirelurkHunter and Swamplurk along the way. At the end of your path you'll find one bizarre looking Punga Plant. Activate the Punga Seed Pods and getready for a ride. After you recover, head back through the swamp,where you'll experience some weird stuff.. Once you recover, you'll notice that you have a rather.. unsightly scar on your head. Hmm. Return to the Ark & Dove Cathedral.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->12) Once you arrive the gate will open and you'll be met by Jimson. Youwill recieve the 'Punga Power' perk and gain access to the fullCathedral. Talk to Jimson to learn about their leader-Jackson, who isin his 'Cavern of Communion', a hidden location. What are the odds thatwe're going to have track this guy down? Pretty good, I'd say. Go findCroatoa outside, and succeed at a Speech check and he'll hand over hisunique Shovel, the 'Fertilizer Shovel'. Now head on inside..after youpick as much Punga Fruit from the exterior as you wish.***WEAPON INFO***Fertilizer Shovel (Melee Weapons)Maximum Damage: 31AP Cost: Very LowAmmo: NoneClip Size: N/AIt's like the normal old Shovel, but with a bit more damage, and itdeals a fair bit of poison damage.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***QUESTS***Hearing Voices13) Inside you can find a woman named Woodrose. More interestingly youcan find Nadine, Catherine's long-lost daughter. She's sane, and moreimportantly-a somewhat new convert, so she's not completely full of crap like everybody else. Ask about Jackson and she'll tell you wherehe is, and give you a key that'll let you reach him. Not directly, mindyou, but by heading through some ship off the coast and reaching somecaverns under the Cathedral. Wonderful. She'll also fix your scar..provided you want to get rid of that unsightly gash on your character'shead and get your hair back. She'll tell you to meet her by theriverboat in a day or two when she finds out more about who sliced youall up. Lets do that first.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->14) Rest, run around, or whatever for a few days, then return to theRiverboat. Nadine will greet you, and tell you that Tobar is the crazyslicer, and that she's in charge of his boat now. She'll tell you to gointo the Engine Room (which, as you remember has been locked up untilnow) to deal with Tobar and to see the truth. Once inside, Tobar talksvery unbefitting a man in his situation. Afterwards he'll attack you,leaving you little doubt about what to do next. Kill and loot Tobar,then activate a 'Familiar Piece of Brain' on the table. So, you lost alittle grey matter, but at least you get your riverboat rides for freenow, courtesy of Nadine.
<---------------------------------------------------------------------->15) Now that we have more information about the Tribals, lets return toDesmond-seriously, follow the quest markers, folks. He's pretty ungrateful (we're surprised, really) and tells you to go find out moreabout the leader. So.. head back to the Ark & Dove Cathedral and headnorth east to find a Wrecked Seatub.Wrecked Seatubo======================================================================o***QUESTS***Thought Control16) Kill whatever Mirelurks you see around and activate the 'Hatch toSea Cave'. Go through the sea cave, where you'll see a lot of water androcks.. and a few Mirelurks. You don't have to fight a single thing onyour way. Once you get far enough you'll hear someone talking aboutdefeating Desmond, a jamming device, and so forth. Loot around while thevoice goes on, then when you're done looting, head north up a ramp andtalk to the Holographic Projection. Once the conversation is over thequest 'Thought Control' will start.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->17) Exit via the ladder to surface surprisingly close to the Ark & DoveCathedral. Head over to the Calvert Mansion and talk to Desmond, who will have another mission for you. In order to deal with his ancientrival he wants you to attach a Cogwave Jammer to the ferris Wheel inPoint Lookout. Simple, eh?<---------------------------------------------------------------------->18) So.. head back to Pilgrim's Landing and go north. As you approach the ferris wheel, Calvert will intrude on your mind and tell you to putthe jammer in the trash compactor instead. And here comes the choice-to help Calvert, or to held Desmond. Either way, you'll end up doingmostly the same thing. If you decide to help Calvert, simply go chuck the Cogwave Jammer into the trash compacter. Your new friend will congratulate you, and tell you to return to the Calvert Mansion. Again,since we're going to pretty much end up doing the same thing, and sinceCalvert screws you over, lets side with Desmond. If you side withCalvert anyways.. well, follow the same advice.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->19) If you stay true to Desmond (we just like abuse) go up to theferris wheel and install the Cogwave Jammer. Once the jammer is in placeCalvert will again intrude into your mind and complain and threaten..until the jammer blocks him out. Tribals will show up to avenge theirboss, including some assholes on the nearby roofs. Head back over tothe Calvert Mansion once the Tribals are all dead.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***QUESTS***A Meeting of the Minds20) When you approach the mansion it'll promptly explode and the quest'Thought Control' will end. Search your local map to find the entraceto the Panic Room. Inside is a rather angry Desmond, who will tell youthat Calvert is hiding out at the Lighthouse. Loot the place and headsouth of the Calvert Mansion to find the Lighthouse.. you can see it inthe distance. Just try and keep Desmond from getting killed by Mirelurks and whatnot on your way. That's right, you'll be babysittinghim for the rest of this quest.Point Lookout Lighthouseo======================================================================o21) Inside the lighthouse a door will open on the floor leading to theUnderground Lab area, but first.. lets install that stupid LighthouseBulb we've been carrying around. Climb up the stairs to the top and exit to the exterior of the lighthouse. Go up some more stairs andactivate the 'Lighthouse Mechanism'. What a good person you are.Underground Lab areao======================================================================o22) Head down a tunnel until you find a room to your left. If you betrayed him earlier, Desmond will be here, and he'll be none too happy that you betrayed him. Still, he'll try to make peace with you.. or you could just kill him. If you didn't betray Desmond, then he's obviously not going to be there, and your goal becomes keeping his dumb ass alivethrough the robots and turrets you'll face throughout this area.Whether you're siding with Calvert or Desmond, you'll have to fight your way through this place. You'll eventually come to a room with twoMark VIII Turrets inside. Hack the Turret Control Terminal [Average]or just destroy them, then flip the switch near the door on the westernwall to continue on. You might just want to forgo looting the placeuntil you're done with the quest nonesenese.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->23) Continue on through the hallways and smite a Robobrain Sentry youfind-which is considerably tougher than a normal Robobrain. You'll cometo a circular room with another high-powered turret inside. Kill itand activate the Security Bypass Terminal [Average] and open the locked door. If you go into the room to the south, you can find the Level AlphaSecurity Badge on a table. Once you pick it up a Robobrain Sentry willpop out of a cubby to the west and attack. Just another way ofaccessing the Security Bypass Terminal.. in case your Science isn'thigh enough.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->24) Continue a short way until you find another Security Bypass terminal[Average], which needs to be hacked in order to proceed.. or you cangrab the Level Beta Security Badge in the room west of the door. (TheRobobrain Sentry you killed in this part of the Lab also has a SecurityBadge.) <---------------------------------------------------------------------->25) Either way, go through a room, down a tunnel, kill a Robobrain Sentry and you'll find another circular room with Turrets. Once the way is cleared, go through one final door to find The Brain that is Calvert suspended in a jar in the center of a room.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->26) If you sided with Calvert, The Brain will be fairly happy to seeyou-of course, it won't matter, as he'll betray you and sick a groupof.. Protectrons.. on you. Smite them, then destroy the container theBrain is in to complete 'A Meeting of the Minds'. If you're with Desmond, the two of them will talk and you'll get the option to talk toCalvert, who will demand you kill Desmond. If you attack the Brain, Calvert's Protectrons will activate and attack.. which as you can seeabove is an inevitability. Attack the tube the Brain is in until isbreaks. After it does, Desmond will celebrate and permit you to lootthe place. A fine idea, that. I prefer to kill Desmond now, just toshow that nobody messes with this Vault kid and lives.. since he's anirrelevant character from this point on, there's no problem with disposing of him. Loot the Lab, read the fun little terminals, andhead back to Point Lookout. We've got one more pesky quest to do beforethis expansion is done. For a shortcut head west from The Brain's roomthrough two doors to find a small storage room. You can find the Microwave Emitter on a workbench in this room, and a ladder to theoutside for a quick egress.***WEAPON INFO***Microwave Emitter (Energy Weapons)Maximum Damage: 73AP Cost: AverageAmmo: Microfusion CellClip Size: 5 (1 round/shot)This weapon is deceptively powerful, as it's high maxmum damage is augmented by an exceptionally high bit of critical hit damage. It's gota small clip and takes up a moderate amount of AP to use in V.A.T.S., so it's reasonably economic. The only problem with this gun is it's damn hard to tell where it's aiming outside of V.A.T.S.Blackhall Manoro======================================================================o***QUESTS***The Dark Heart of Blackhall27) Head back to Pilgrim's Landing and travel north west until you findBlackhall Manor near the western edge of the map. Enter it and talk toone Obadiah Blackhall. He'll ask you to get a book for him in return forsome cold hard cash. who could refuse?<---------------------------------------------------------------------->28) Leave the Manor and some woman named Marcella will approach you andtell you that the book you've inadvertantly been sent after is noneother than the Krivbeknih-an evil book. Just because it's a religiousbook that differs from her stupid religion, she thinks she has theright to destroy it. Maybe she's afraid that the Krivbeknih has powerher bible doesn't? Don't let slimly religious nut tell you to destroyknowledge because they don't like it! Ah.. but anyways, the RitualSite is far to the east, south-east of Haley's Hardware. At least thisgives you another excuse to return there and boost his repair score,right?Ritual Siteo======================================================================o29) Inside the Ritual Site you'll find a series of caverns that areapparently uninhabited. There are some side passages where you canscore some extra loot, but aside from running around and grabbingeverything you see, you should find no trouble making it to a rathergrotesque sacrificial alter. Be sure to grab the Ritual Knife that'skindly stabbed into the corpses head! Behind this alter you'll find a Ceremonial Lectern. Activate it and take the Krivbeknih, at which point numerous Swampfolk will spawn and run down to search for their thief. If you've got Chinese Stealth Armor, you can just sneak out-or stealth-kill all the bad guys on your way out.***WEAPON INFO***Ritual Knife (Melee Weapons)Maximum Damage: 22AP Cost: Very LowAmmo: NoneClip Size: N/AYeah, we've seen knives before, and some with comparable damage. Butthe Ritual Knife is interesting for one reason: Its AP usage is surprisingly low. Without any items boosting my AP I was able to queuenine attacks with it in V.A.T.S., which frankly puts it in a league ofits own.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->30) If you head back to Obadiah Blackhall and give him the book you'llget 1000 Caps. Everybody is happy, right? Obadiah heads down into hisbasem*nt and starts doing occult rituals and sacrificing Swampfolk.If you want to side with Marcella, instead, head to the Disaster Relief Outpost.Disaster Relief Outposto======================================================================o31) There are a number of tents here that can be looted, but for questage, head into Marcella's Tent. The hostile Smugglers outside aren't a good sign, and sure enough, Marcella is dead inside the tent.Check her computer for instructions on how to destroy the Krivbeknih,which requires you to head down to the DUnwich building in the CapitalWasteland. Your big reward? You get to loot the locked [Very Hard]safe in her tent for some minor loot. I prefer just to give Obadiahthe book for the 1000 Caps, and pick the locked safe in Marcella's tentfor the double reward. And, I don't have to be part of religiousbigotry. If I feel bad about Obadiah's abuse of power later, I canalways just go back and kill him, too. That's it for Point Lookout.Finish exploring and finding all the areas if you're concerned aboutAchievements/Trophies, then head back to the Capital Wasteland. <---------------------------------------------------------------------->32) Talk to Catherine when you arrive, who will reward you for findingher daughter. It's not a huge reward, but 5 Refined PUnga Fruit and300 Caps is better than nothing. One more expansion to go before we getback to the Enclave.Mothership Zetao======================================================================oSequence of Events:{WLK047}1) Abducted!2) Boy, is My Ass Sore..3) Jailbreak!4) Archway of Life5) Sabotage For Sally6) To the Steamworks7) Some Help From Sally8) Through the Steamworks9) Engineering Core10) Plan B11) Unthawing the Past12) Cargo Hold13) Research Lab14) Engine Room15) Maintenance Level16) Waste Disposal17) General Chase's Overcoat18) Rinse, Wash, Repeat19) Samurai Sword20) Cyro Labs21) Small Cyro Chamber22) Large Cyro Chamber23) Elliot's Squad24) The First Generator25) Robot Assembly26) Alternate Routes27) The Second Generator28) The Hangar29) Alien Horde! 30) Preparing for the Space Walk31) Decompression Chamber32) Space walk33) Observation Deck34) Atomic Pulverizer35) Drone Cannon Ex-B 36) Destabilizer37) Experimentation Lab38) Biological Research39) Death Ray Hub40) Death Ray Control41) Our Lost Samurai42) To The Bridge!43) Mothership Showdown1) At the beginning of the game we got ourselves the quest 'Not of ThisWorld' upon exiting Vault 101. Now that I own the GOTY version of thisgame, we'll get on with this quest. Head back to Megaton and drop off all your non-essential gear. Yep, it's one of those types of expansions,you only get to keep what you can carry.. well, mostly. I keep only my Deathclaw Gauntlet and my Chinese Stealth Armor. Once you're ready, head to the map marker near the Greener Pastures Disposal Site (this is where you found the Alien Blaster in the original game.) When you approach thecrashed Recon Craft Theta, you'll be beamed up into an alien ship.Holding Cellso======================================================================o2) Watch the cutscene and.. um.. yeah. This is one of the weirder expansions, folks. When you're done being molested by the aliens you'llwake up in a cell, where some lady named Somah will chat with you aboutyour prediciment. At length she'll suggest a breakout scheme-the oldesttrick in the book, in fact. You two are going to fight, and when thealiens come to break it up you'll pounce on them-good thing your Unarmedis up to snuff, right? It's not REALLY the oldest trick in the book, Isuppose the oldest would be pretending a prisoner is sick, then jumpingon the guards-but they already did that in Dragon Age: Origins, youcan't expect Bethesda to copy-cat.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***CAPTIVE RECORDED LOG***Alien Captive Recorded Log #14Alien Captive Recorded Log #15Alien Captive Recorded Log #223) Agree to fight Somah and eventually a pair of aliens will show up tosubdue you. Pummel them to death and take their nifty Shock Batons. Exitthe cell and another pair of aliens will show up-again, they're not toostrong. You can activate some 'Release Mechanisms' to gain access toother cells. There's a Rivet City Security guard who isn't very helpful,but you can kill them for their armor if you don't mind losing somekarma. Continue to the east to find an oval shaped room and activate the'Controls' to download Alien Captive Recorded Log #15, Alien Captive Recorded Log #22, and Alien Captive Recorded Log #14.***WEAPON INFO***Shock Baton (Melee Weapons)Maximum Damage: 42AP Cost: Very LowAmmo: NoneClip Size: N/AThe most basic weapon in Mothership Zeta is the Shock Baton. It's afast, powerful melee weapon that does more damage for its AP use thannearly any other melee weapon. And it's not even unique!<---------------------------------------------------------------------->4) Turn around and explore to the west. In one of the cells you'll finda dead Enclave Officer, and further on you'll find your first 'HealingArchway', which will restore some of your health-provided you're injuredbelow a certain threshold when you walk through it. You won't get too many chances to sleep, so those will be the best way of restoring yourhealth without shooting yourself full of Stimpaks.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***CAPTIVE RECORDED LOG***Alien Captive Recorded Log #1Alien Captive Recorded Log #3Alien Captive Recorded Log #125) Continue west into another room, where you'll find more 'Controls'from which you can download Alien Captive Recorded Log #3, Alien CaptiveRecorded Log #1, and Alien Captive Recorded Log #12. Head through a doorway to the south, where you'll find a girl named Sally stuck in her cell. To achieve this goal, she'll ask you to blow up the generator to the south. Do this by activating the 'Control' and three 'Core Coolant Switches' will rise up. Activate all three of them and get away from the generator and watch it blow! <---------------------------------------------------------------------->6) Once the generator is destroyed an alarm will sound. Talk to Sally,who will claim to have seen a good bit of the alien ship. Accept herhelp and she'll crawl into a duct along the floor in the room to thenorth. Somah is pessimistic, but Sally comes through, and her ability tosqueeze into small places will prove invaluable throughout this expansion. Continue west to find a door you can't open yet. Alrighty.Turn south and enter a side-room and dispose of another alien. Here iswhere you'll find your gear, as well as a 'Switch' that opens the doorin the northern room. Continue through that door and on to the Steamworks.Steamworkso======================================================================o7) Sally will bid you to wait when you enter this level, as aliens patrol nearby. After a few moments the danger will pass, and Sally will talk to you again to formulate a plan to deal with the aliens. After getting your gear back you should be more than a match for the aliens-but if you want to indulge the story the operative plan is to give Sally a grenade, as she can sneak up behind the aliens. Your job? Distract them. Sneak up to the aliens and Sally should come through,dispatching all three of them with one well-placed grenade.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->8) Sneak opposite the now-dead aliens to the north and turn west. Sallywill warn you that more aliens are coming, and will endeavor to open adoor for you. Note that these aliens are tougher versions than you'veyet encountered, and as a general rule of thumb-shields are not a good sign. Energy Weapons seem to be the answer, and fortunately they're abundant.This level is pretty uneventful-there are aliens to kill and loot togather, sure, but there's nothing really essential that you can miss,and no real 'quests' to complete. So instead of leading you at lengthdown every hallway and into every room, I'll give you some general information and let you go at it.First, aliens with Shock Batons are about to start being joined by aliens with distinctive new weapons, namely the Alien Atomizer and theAlien Disintegrator. Once you get your hands on these new weapons, theywill serve you very well against your alien oppressors. That or justsneak around and smite them with the Deathclaw Guantlet.Second, look at the walls, as you'll often find shelves filled withalien junk. Sometimes, however, you'll find actually useful stuff:Alien Epoxy can be used from the 'Aid' tab of you Pip-Boy 3000, and likeWeapon Repair Kits in Fallout: New Vegas, it'll improve the conditionof your equipped weapons.Alien Biogel will heal you (HP +30), but you should use Stimpaks instead, as you'll soon find a way to upgrade it. Even better, just useHealing Archways.Alien Crystals come in large and small sizes, and I have to assume theyare just a form of currency. I certainly haven't found another use forthem.Alien Power Modules are ammunition for the new weapons you'll befinding. If you've conservative, you can end up with 3000+ by the endof this expansion.Thirdly, use Healing Arches to heal yourself as you take damage. You canmodify them to heal more (at the cost of them burning out after severaluses), but why give up unlimited, stable healing?***WEAPON INFO***Alien Atomizer (Energy Weapons)Maximum Damage: 54 AP Cost: Very LowAmmo: Alien Power ModuleClip Size: 20 (1 round/shot, semi auto)This gun is fairly powerful (especially for a one-handed energy weapon)and simply outcompetes both Laser and Plasma Pistols. Unfortunately,like all alien weapons its ammo isn't nearly as plentiful as conventional energy weapons.***WEAPON INFO***Alien Disintegrator (Energy Weapons)Maximum Damage: 92AP Cost: AverageAmmo: Alien Power ModuleClip Size: 100 (1 round/shot, semi auto)Somewhere between a rifle and a cannon, the Alien Disintegrator is asatisfyingly powerful weapon. It's not nearly as fast (in or out ofV.A.T.S.) as the Alien Atomizer, but it's damage per shot makes it anexcellent ammo conserver. Also, with a ridiculous clip size of 100,you'll really never have to reload in combat.You can hide in the side room and sneak up the passage to the west toengage a solitary alien, but my ambition is to kill all the alienspossible and take their juicy weapons. Sally will guide you around andask you not to kill Alien Workers, as they're not bad. Still, they're annoying, and I prefer to kill them just to get rid of the red-tickson my compass and to stop listening to them, karma be damned. Sally willgive you advice throughout the level-trying to steer you clear ofcombat, but I tend to only marginally pay attention to her-as I justsaid earlier, I want to kill everything. You'll encounter aliens (withShock Batons and Energy Weapons, some shielded, some not), SupportDrones-weak robots that only have a melee attack, and turrets along theway. Note that enemies in this level can respawn after continuing on andcompleting some quests. At least, I've had them respawn before aftermaking my way through most of the Engineering Core (and adjacent areas.)Continue until you reach the door leading to the Engineering Core.Engineering Coreo======================================================================o9) And so the escape continues. Head up some stairs and go through thedoor to the right. Near the door leading to the 'Decompression Chamber'you'll find Sally, whose efforts to use a 'Teleportation Matrix' leadingto the 'Observation Deck' have been thwarted. Obviously the aliens don'tlike you running around their ship. Fortunately, there's a plan B.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***QUEST***Among the Stars***CAPTIVE RECORDED LOG***Alien Captive Recorded Log #6Alien Captive Recorded Log #7Alien Captive Recorded Log #8Alien Captive Recorded Log #910) Go through a door to the south to enter into a large room witha door at each cardinal direction. Continue south through another door,as the other doors are inaccessible right now. Welcome to the stasisroom. She'll tell you that you need to get the 'space man' to go outside(as in, to outer space), which he can do since he's wearing a Spacesuit.The quest 'Not of This World' ends and 'Among the Stars' begins. Beforeyou wake 'the guy in armor' and the 'cowboy' up, activate the 'Controls'to get Alien Captive Recorded Log #6, Alien Captive Recorded Log #7,Alien Captive Recorded Log #8, and Alien Captive Recorded Log #9.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->11) Activate the 'Stasis Controls' and talk to the revived folks, including Elliott Tercorien, an army medic, Paulson, a cowboy, andToshiro Kago, a samurai-what a crew. Now, before we go on, lets addressthe obvious-you can kill Paulson and Toshiro for their unique clothesand gun with no real consequences. Elliott will stay around after theexpansion and give you stuff, so you might as well keep him alive-andyou can get copies of his unique Combat Armor later. Now that we'vecovered that, you'll notice the astronaut, Colonel Hartigan, did not make it. It seems you'll have to don the Spacesuit (which you should loot from the astronaut), but before your epic spacewalk you'll need toshut off three generators, which lie in the Hangar, Robot Assembly andthe Cryo Lab. Sally will tell you that the other areas of the ship are dangerous, and to take of the other adults with you. Toshiro Kago continues to be useless, but you can get Elliot to travel with you to the Cyro Lab, Somah will accompany you to the Robot Assembly area, and Paulson will go to the Hangar Bay. Sally will crawl off and get you access to all these areas-enjoy the freedom of choosing where to gofirst, it's about the only time you'll get such an option in thisexpansion.There are also a few more things your fellow escapees can do for you. Elliott can convert the Alien Biogel you've been finding (HP +30) into Adapted Biogel (HP +150), and Somah will repair your gear (for a price).Despite the cost, she's actually one of the best NPCs in the game, witha Repair Skill of 75. Note that the Biogel, like any other drug, usesyour Medicine skill to determine its potency.As another side note, as you kill aliens, gather loot, and explore,store you ill-gotten gains in the Engineering Core, as you'll be ableto return here often. It might not seem like a big deal right now, butonce you start messing with teleporters, you'll find yourself cut offfrom some areas. Bottom line is, if you store your stuff here, you'll beable to get back to it later.And finally, near the 'Teleportation Matrix to Observation Deck' you'llfind a Work Bench, should you really need to build something.Cargo Holdo======================================================================o12) Before I run off to search for the generators, I'm going to explorethe non-essential areas first, namely the Maintenence Level, the EngineRoom, and the Cargo Hold. I go to the latter first, as it'll yeild oneawesome weapon to use against the aliens. You'll encounter the typicalenemies, but you'll also encounter the Guardian Drone, a more powerfulrobot with a devastating main weapon, which it'll leave behind onceyou kill them. Clear the catwalks before making your way to the groundfloor, where you'll find.. well, a lot of junk mixed in with a good bitof ammo and weapons on the conveyor belt and shelves nearby. Continueon the conveyor belt until you find some shelves with no less than adozen ammo boxes on top. To the east will be some stairs, and easta little more is a table with 'Raid Underwood's Terminal' [Hard] ontop. Hack it and select the option 'Remote Unlock Safe'. Now head overto the south-eastern corner of the level to find Underwood's Safebeyond the disposal chute, mostly buried in some debris. Now that youhave it unlocked, open it and claim the unique MPLX Novasurge. ***WEAPON INFO***Drone Cannon (Big Guns)Maximum Damage: 187AP Cost: AverageAmmo: Alien Power ModuleClip Size: 1 (1 round/shot)The Drone Cannon is essentially an alien grenade launcher that firesballs of explosive energy. It bounces off walls and floors, and thiscan make it difficult to aim outside of V.A.T.S. Fortunately, it's notprohibitively slow in V.A.T.S.***WEAPON INFO***MPLX Novasurge (Energy Weapons)Maximum Damage: 94AP Cost: Very LowAmmo: Energy CellClip Size: 16This wonderful gun does stupendous damage, uses ammo that's cheap andplentiful, and gets off a lot of shots in V.A.T.S. What's not to like?Well, it fires somewhat slow outside of V.A.T.S. and it eats up tworounds of ammunition per shot. Still, these are minor gripes for what isundoubtably the best one-handed Energy Weapon in the game.. or at least the best one that has a renewable ammo source.Research Labo======================================================================o***CAPTIVE RECORDED LOG***Alien Captive Recorded Log #13Alien Captive Recorded Log #2113) You should go explore the Research Lab next, which is a small area that contains a few aliens and turrets, and another 'Control', which will get you Alien Captive Recorded Log #13, and later on you'll find Alien Captive Recorded Log #21. You'll also find evidence of thealien's rather disturbing veneration of robotic toy horse dolls. Okay..Return to the Engineering Core and make your way to the Engine Room.You'll probably have an encounter where your new pals have surrounded alone alien. They'll debate on what to do with the critter until Paulsonirrevocably ends the debate. You'll also notice as you explore andreturn to the Engineering Core that your buddies will make a mess of theplace. Can't us humans live anywhere without trashing it? Apparentlynot, but at least they'll dig up ammo and components while they'retrashing the place.Engine Roomo======================================================================o14) This level is populated by aliens, Guardian Drones, Support Drones,and turrets-pretty much everything you've faced in Mothership Zeta upto this point (and pretty much everything there is to face, period.) From the entrance continue along a linear path. Beyond a Healing Archyou'll find a small room which opens into a larger room which containsfive doors and a 'Control' you can activate and overload a turret tocause an explosion, or rewire to set as a proximity explosion. Why youwould ever want to do the latter, I have no idea. More importantly, gothrough the door to the south east and continue until you find a roomwith a container. On a metal object in this room you'll find the uniqueShock Baton, the 'Electro-Supressor'. Score. Make your way through therest of the level, killing aliens and their robots and taking theirstuff, safe in the knowledge that if you miss anything, it wasn'tunique.***WEAPON INFO***Electro-Suppressor (Melee Weapons)Maximum Damage: 42AP Cost: Very LowAmmo: NoneClip Size: N/AMore powerful and faster in V.A.T.S. than the normal Shock Baton, thisversion doesn't have the shock damage the normal types do. Still, I'lltake a faster weapon with more brute damage any day. Note that theElectro-Suppressor is not affected by the Xenotech Expert perk, whilethe Shock Baton is. This brings them to equal damage-the Elecro-Suppressor is faster, and the Shock Baton dealing shock damage being theonly differences.Maintenance Levelo======================================================================o15) And onward to the Maintenance Level, which can be accessed througha teleportation matrix just south of the door to Robot Assembly. Thislevel is completely unoccupied by aliens, just head west and loot what containers you can find. In a small room with a garbage-covered flooryou'll find Sally busily tinkering with something on the wall. Talk toher and when the conversation is over the 'room' you're in will beginto move. You can look out through a window to the north as you movethrough the ship in your little trash lift. At one stop you'll find atrio of aliens outside the lift. Kill them and Sally will crawl out toexplore. You, however, will go on a little unwanted journey of your own.Waste Disposalo======================================================================o16) After being deposited in a room full of garbage Sally will show upand continue to be unhelpful. Only one way to go now-through WasteDisposal. And is this level a mess. Well, first things first, watch outfor the pistons at work throughout, less you be crushed Sonic theHedgehog style. Not really, you'll just take some damage, but the threatis there! That said, head south of the entrance to this level to find araised platform with numerous crushing pistons. If you run past themto the east, you'll find two safes [Very Easy] and [Hard] and a FirstAid Box. Of course, if you were crippled in your fall earlier, thismight not be quite so easy. <---------------------------------------------------------------------->17) Follow a relatively clear walkway to the west to find a door,beyond which lies a room filled with pipes. There's not much foroptions in where you're going to go here, just head south-grabbing another safe [Average] and First Aid Box along the way-until you reacha door that opens into a tunnel running to the west. Continue down thetunnel, which thankfully has a Healing Arch along the way. In the roomat the western end of the tunnel will be a Guardian Drone. Some alienswill also show up behind you, so be on guard. Continue to the north,where you'll find a walkway that wraps around back south. Watch out formore aliens along the way, especially a pair of them who have higherground. To the east, off the walkway amidst the debris you'll find a'Military Footlocker' which contains the note 'Anchorage QuartermasterShipment' and the General Chase's Overcoat. For some reason, the audioof the note didn't work for me.. and the overcoat looked like WinterizedCombat Armor. Oh well.. Continue around the walkway into the room to thesouth, grab a First Aid Box on the ground and continue up some stairs tothe west.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->18) At the end of the stairs you'll find a force door, which Sally iskind enough to take down for you. Head south into a room with a piston,which can be disabled by activating a 'Control' and wait for Sally totake down the next force door before continuing south. Grab the FirstAid Box and the Safe [Hard] and continue into another room with apiston. This time aliens will attack you while Sally tries to get theforce door down, but two green men with Shock Batons aren't much bother.Head on into yet another piston-occupied room and repeat the process-you kill some aliens while Sally messes with the door.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***CAPTIVE RECORDED LOG***Alien Captive Recorded Log #1919) Head into another room with pipes and go west through a door to finda large room with several aliens inside. I swear that at least two ofthe aliens got smashed by pistons in my game. Kill them (or let themkill themselves). There are more in the room to the west (beyond theforce-field projector), but there's a Healing Arch to balance thingsout. Before continuing on, make sure you activate the 'Control' and getAlien Captive Recorded Log #19, as well as the various containers lyingaround. Go into the smaller room to the west, and then head through adoor to the south. Go up some stairs and kill an alien trying to harassSally, after which Sally will speak to you. Don't indulge her race,instead just head into a small storage room to the west and loot the eight First Aid Boxes lying around. Oh yeah, grab the Samurai Swordon the shelf, too. Wouldn't want to miss that, would we? Take theTeleportation Matrix back to the Engineering Core and like Sally said-let's never talk about this again.Now, if you've done things in order, a pair of aliens should beattacking your pals. It's nothing they can't handle, however. Moreimportantly, there will be a Power Fist, Minigun, and a Missile Launcherlying around the level, along with the usual compliment of ammo, drugs, and components. If you're an exceptional nice guy or gal, you can giveMr. Toshiro his Samurai Sword back.***WEAPON INFO***Samurai Sword (Melee Weapons)Maximum Damage: 41AP Cost: Very LowAmmo: NoneClip Size: N/AIf you're just infatuated with katanas, well, here you go. Jingwei'sShocksword outcompetes this weapon in all areas except AP consumption,but it might just be the fastest melee weapon for its AP consumption..unless you count the Shock Baton and the Electro-Suppressor, of course.Cryo Labso======================================================================o***CAPTIVE RECORDED LOG***Alien Captive Recorded Log #420) Go talk to Elliott Tercorien and ask him to accompany you throughthe Cryo Labs. Since I have a buddy in tow, I dispense with my usualstealth tactics and instead take up the Novasurge. Dispose of the alienwalking around near the beginning of the level and head to the south. Activate the 'Release Mechanism' before heading back north and going down some stairs. Go into a tunnel to the south and enter a room with some human junk lying around, three containers, a Healing Arch, and a 'Control' from which you can download Alien Captive Recorded Log #4.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***CAPTIVE RECORDED LOG***Alien Captive Recorded Log #221) Head back upstairs and go through a door to the west to reach acentral room with a Healing Arch in it. There are two cyro rooms, oneto the north and one to the south, and several aliens that need to beput down. You can activate a switch on either side of the room torelease some Raiders and Ghouls from stasis. In the southern room you'llfind a 'Control' from which you can obtain Alien Captive Recorded Log #2.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->22) When you're done messing around with the cryo rooms, head down atunnel to the west, which will eventually lead to.. a larger cryo room!Go into the side room to the west instead of the large cryo room to thenorth. From here you can activate a 'Switch' which will open severalcryo tubes, unleashing some Raiders and Ghouls on the aliens beyond.Activate the 'Door Controls' to open the room to the south, where youcan find a few containers and various human loot. Head into the largecryo room and finish off whatever is still alive within. Head down tothe lower level and loot some shelves on the northern and southernwalls to score some earth-loot. After your orgy of killing and looting,if you're nearly encumbered you might want to considering heading backto the Engineering Core to stash you loot. Just a friendly heads up.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***CAPTIVE RECORDED LOG***Alien Captive Recorded Log #11Alien Captive Recorded Log #1723) Continue through a doorway to the north and you'll eventually cometo an observation room where some aliens are dissecting Elliott's squad members. He doesn't take it well and will activate the 'Switch'in the room and proceed to attack the aliens. It's his one moment ofbravery in the expansion, and despite his resolution, he doesn't keepit up. Activate the 'Controls' to get Alien Captive Recorded Log #11and Alien Captive Recorded Log #17, then grab the human junk on thebenches before continuing on to the north, where two more of Elliott'sbuddies are trapped in stasis. Elliott will ask you for advice on whatto do, either get them out of stasis so they can fight the aliens-atleast for a little while, put them out of their misery, or if you succeed at a Speech challenge, he'll just leave them alone. What everyou do, do not just leave them there. Whether you choose to put themout of their misery, let them fight, or convince Elliott to leave themalone, you're going to want to get your hands on their WinterizedCombat Armor. This can be done by activating the 'Switch' in front oftheir pods. If you convince Elliott to leave them alone and thenrelease them, he'll get pissy, but there's nothing to be done about it.The best option is to revive them-temporarily. They'll last quite a while, and will help you clear the Cyrogenic Storage area to the north.Just be sure to grab their armor when they die. No matter what you do,Elliott will gather some cyrogenic compound, which he'll put to gooduse later. Head through the doorway to the north to continue on to thenext area.***WEAPON INFO***Cyro Grenade (Explosives)Maximum Damage: 11AP Cost: LowAmmo: Cyro GrenadeClip Size: 1 (1 Grenade/Shot)You gain these explosives by taking Elliott through the Cyro Lab andCyro Storage areas, after which he'll create a few every three hours.Their damage is paltry, but they have good range and they knock enemiesdown (by temporarily freezing them.) And I do mean temporarily. Theyjust don't deal much damage nor do the last terribly long, so they'renot all that useful.***WEAPON INFO***Cyro Mine (Explosives)Maximum Damage: 11AP Cost: LowAmmo: Cyro MineClip Size: 1 (1 Mine/Shot)Like all mines, the Cyro Mine is less useful than its grenade counterpart, and since I don't think Cyro Grenades are all that useful..do the math.Cyrogenic Storageo======================================================================o***CAPTIVE RECORDED LOG***Alien Captive Recorded Log #16Alien Captive Recorded Log #2524) To your west you'll find another 'Control' from which you'll obtainAlien Captive Recorded Log #25. There are also two Containers in thisroom, and through doors to the east and west you'll find Healing Arches,which will come in handy considering that to the north lies a huge cryovault crawling with aliums. Aliums? Isn't that from the Rugrats? Ah,now I'm showing my age. Continue on to the north and eradicate everynon-human you see. Note the 'Switches' in the room near cyro chambers.If you activate them, they'll unleash cyrogenic compounds which willfree anything nearby. It's fun, but not all that handy. I simply sneakaround and blast the aliens with my Novasurge, which for some reason isa very stealthy firearm. Elliott draws all the attention I need him to-and then some. If you want to shake things up, there are 'Switches' oneither side of the level which will unleash a pair of Super Mutant Overlords. Two unarmed Overlords aren't going to win against shieldedaliens with high-powered energy weapons, but it's fun anyways. Onceeverything is dead search the lower level for alien loot, and thesouth west corner for a 'Control' from which you'll recieve AlienCaptive Recorded Log #16. Once you're done looting head back upstairsand go to through some doorways to the north to find the generator. Samedeal as before, activate the 'Control', then activate the three 'CoreCoolant Switches' to blow the generator. Wait for the generator to blow,then activate a 'Switch' to activate a Teleportation Matrix which willtake you back to the Cyro Lab.Head back to the Engineering Core and ditch Elliott. He'll now endeavorto make you Cyro Grenades and Cyro Mines with the junk he found in theCyro Lab, and that itself is enough to recommend keeping him alive. Youwill also discover-if you're observant-that Kato has taken off. Thisoccurs whether or not you give him the Samurai Sword. Oh well. Lootwhatever new crap your friends have dug up, then get Somah to join youon your journey to the Robot Assembly area.Robot Assemblyo======================================================================o25) Upon entering Somah will take it upon herself to start messing withthe unpowered Teleportation Matrix in the room. She'll apparentlysucceed-at least she'll succeed in sending herself on a one-way tripto another part of the level. And she'll also succeed in setting off analarm, which will summon several drones for you to deal with. I merrilysneak behind them and shut them all down. Gotta love Chinese StealthArmor and Robotics Expert. After all the enemies are dealt with she'llimplore you to keep looking for the generator while she tries to shutoff the alarm. When you're done talking to Somah and cleaning up hermesses, loot around for some containers and various alien loot onshelves, one of which carries a hefty number of Alien Power Cells.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->26) On the ground floor, continue through a door to the north to reachanother large room. You know the drill, kill all the drones and turretsand loot the place. Once done, take the Teleportation Matrix to reachthe upper area where Somah is. She'll tell you that the aliens areclosing down the Teleportation Matrixes again, and will helpfullysuggest that you blast your way deeper into the Robot Assembly area.Loot this upper area before returning to the room you just teleportedfrom. In the north eastern corner of the room, along the wall past theassembly line, you'll find an 'Electronics Access Panel'. Activate itand select the 'Overload Assembly Line' option, then run away bravely.A section of the wall will conveniently explode, giving you access tomore of the Robot Assembly area. Fancy that.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->27) Go through the breach (once more, my friends!) in the wall and headnorth along the conveyor belt. In this room you'll find aliens andDrones, both in and out of stasis. On one of the aliens you'll find a'Drone Control Device', which you can use to free one Drone from stasis(at a time) and make them your robotic partner in crime. That or you canjust deactivate them and kill them for their juicy robotic loot. Eitherway. After you have the Drone Control Device it's business as usual:kill the aliens, take their alien loot, and make slaves of their alienwomen and children. Well, maybe not the last part, but I'm adamant aboutthe first two. After your enemies are dispatched and there's no possibleway Somah can do anything but get in your way, she'll show up. Head overto the east to find the generator you're after. Blow it up, and headwest to find a Teleportation Matrix which will take you back to the beginning of the level.That's two down and one to go, and for this last area-the Hanger-you canget Paulson to accompany you. You can, however, decide to be merciful and leave him behind. Why is this merciful? Maybe I just suck, but every time I drag him to the hanger, he gets killed by the swarms of aliens therein. Take him or not-but head into the Hanger regardless. This time the loot your fellows will uncover includes a Mini Nuke and a pair of Nuka-Cola Quantums.Hangaro======================================================================o28) Grab the container near the entrance and continue to the west intothe hangar room. Grab the two containers nearby and head down somestairs to the south, since a force door blocks your progress westward.Paulson will comment on the flying saucer and the 'tall shiney things'.Note that you can activate a Support Drone or a Guardian Drone on thelower level. Go up some stairs on the southern side of the hangar and kill two Aliens before turning west. Take down the force door in your way by activating a 'Control' (this takes down the force doors on bothsides of the level) and continue until you find a room with five'Pylon Controls', an alien, two containers, two healing arches, twodormant Drones, and a force door blocking our way to the west.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->29) Before you activate the control for the door to the west, makesure you're prepared. Once you activate the control, an alarm soundsand a horde of aliens and Drones will come from the eastern end of thehangar (beyond where the recon ship is docked.) The way the game wantsyou to handle this is by activating the Pylon Controls as the enemiesget near their corresponding pylons (Paulson's 'tall shiney things'mentioned earlier) around the spaceship. This will create a gravitational field that knocks down, injures, and hopefully knocks your enemies into the void beneath the ship. Unfortunately, you'revery vulnerable to attack while playing with the controls (hence thehealing arches) and so is Paulson, who doesn't have the good sense toback up so he can heal. If you're by yourself, you can simply hang outby the Pylon Controls and kill all the aliens while sneaking. Frankly,however, I'm a loot nut, and using the Pylon Controls destroys far toomuch alien gear for my liking. I hang out in the room with the PylonControls and kill the aliens below. Any that try to come up to me get ataste of Novasurge. If I get injured (which I will) I use the HealingArches. Either way, you can tell you're done when the hole under theflying saucer seals itself. If Paulson dies.. well, so much the worsefor him, make sure to take his outfit and gun. After the fight is over,go through the now-open doorway which caused all this trouble, andblow up the final generator. Also grab the loot off the shelves beforeyou leave, and loot the rooms east of the alien spaceship (where thealiens were attacking from earlier). How many aliens did we just kill?I can't say for certain, but I can count how many weapons I've collected, which should at least give us a ballpark figure:Alien Atomizers:x20Alien Disintegrators:x11Drone Cannons:x5Shock Batons:x8***WEAPON INFO***Paulson's Revolver (Small Guns)Maximum Damage: 57 AP Cost: AverageAmmo: .44 MagnumClip Size: 6 (1 round/shot, semi-auto)Another unique magnum, it fires fairly fast outside of V.A.T.S., and fairly slow in V.A.T.S. Unfortunately, it has no scope, and its damageis inferior to Callahan's and Blackhawk, making it the weakest of the.44 Revolvers. Certainly you didn't expect a 19th century sidearm to beterribly strong?<---------------------------------------------------------------------->30) Your buddies now will encourage you to get that Spacesuit on and step out into the void. First, loot around the Engineering Core for thelast time to turn up some ammo boxes, alien food, another Nuka-ColaQuantum, a Gatling Laser, a Laser Rifle, a Plasma Rifle, anotherButtercup toy, some Baseball Bats, and other mundane junk. Also notethat if you didn't do it already, you've lost access to the MaintenenceLevel. Get Elliott to make you some Cyro Grenades/Cyro Mines, getSomah to repair you gear, rest, stash your loot, whatever. When you'reready don your Spacesuit and head through the 'Airlock Door to Decompression Chamber.'Decompression Chambero======================================================================o31) Once inside you'll find a 'Switch' in front of you. Make sure yourSpacesuit is equipped before you activate it, or your head will explode.No joke. Continue through the door to the west to find some dead aliens.Evidence of our Samurai friend, or merely victims of decompression?Continue through the level looting dead aliens and containers as you go.Space Walko======================================================================o
32) Now you're in space. What else can possibly happen to this character? Anyways, there are three 'Exposed Panels' you need to activate to get the teleporter in the middle of the level to work. Don'ttry to head back to the Decompression Chamber or jump off the edge ofthe ship and you'll be fine-and ignore the aliens running around belowyou, they are as powerless to hurt you as you are to hurt them. Once allthree are activated the teleporter powers up. Stand in it to warp to theObservation Deck, and complete the quest 'Among the Stars'.Observation Decko======================================================================o33) Activate the 'Switch' to return to normal pressure. Then proceedthrough the door to the north, loot two containers, and activate the'Control' to bring the Teleportation Matrix online and allow your buddies to teleport in. This also allows you to teleport back to theEngineering Core, which is a good thing. Sally will open the door to thewest, allowing you to proceed into a room with an observation window onthe floor. I guess that's why this is the.. Observation Deck? Sally willgo crawl off to open another door, and the hologram of an angry alienappears over the observation window. The aliens will shoot a Death Raynear the Earth to try and scare you, after which Somah will chat withyou and give you your next mission-to deactivate the alien Death Ray.After the chatter is done continue to the west until you reach anotherdeactivated Teleporation Matrix. Again, it's up to you to turn it backon so the group can penetrate deeper into the ship. Your brave companions will wait here and let you bravely explore on your own.Weapons Labo======================================================================o34) Well, at least this area sounds promising, right? If I were going tokeep super awesome prototype alien guns somewhere, it would be in theWeapons Lab. Continue to the west to reach a room, then turn south. Asyou go, a Guardian Drone and an alien will appear in the two teleporterrooms to the north. Kill them and loot the containers and shelves inthis room. There's also a 'Control' you can activate to deal with theTurret near the entrance to this room. As the way south is blocked by aforce door, head into a tunnel to the west instead. Activate the 'Control' on the wall near the door to the north to get access to thisroom, which contains a dormant Guardian Drone, a container, some Epoxy, Alien Biogel, Alien Power Modules, Alien Power Cells, another Buttercup Toy, an Alien Atomizer, and the unique Atomic Pulverizer.***WEAPON INFO***Atomic Pulverizer (Energy Weapons)Maximum Damage: 57AP Cost: Very LowAmmo: Alien Power ModuleClip Size: 20 (1 round/shot, semi auto)First let me say that this gun is ridiculously fast. At 110 AP I was getting nine shots with it, which is just.. well, pretty incomparable.Aside from a minute damage boost, the only difference between this gunand the Alien Atomizer is its stupendously low AP consumption. Whichreally just makes it easier for you to blow through all your AlienPower Modules.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->35) Head back out into the hallway and continue west, then turn north,killing anything you come across. Follow the tunnel up some stairs, thenback around to the south. When you reach a split in the path head eastto reach a room with an alien, a healing arch, and a 'Control' whichdrops a force door below you. You now have easy access back to thebeginning of the level. Go down some stairs to the south, where moreenemies have erroneously though it would be a good idea to teleport.Kill them, loot the containers, and continue through a doorway to theeast to reach a large, multi-storied room. Go up some stairs to theeast to reach the upper level, kill a pair of aliens, and head througha doorway to the south (make sure to loot the containers on the upperand lower level, first!) You're now in the actual weapons' lab. Alongthe western wall are three 'Controls'. The one near the door opens thedoor (surprise) and each of the others activates an 'ExperimentalWeapons Drone' and summons some Brahmin for them to shoot at. Once thedisplay is over, deactivate the Drones and kill them for their uniqueDrone Cannons, 'Drone Cannon Ex-B'.***WEAPON INFO***Drone Cannon Ex-B (Big Guns)Maximum Damage: 187AP Cost: AverageAmmo: Alien Power ModuleClip Size: 1 (1 round/shot)You'll notice that the damage and the AP usage is the same as the ordinary Drone Cannon, as well as the value. So what's the difference?The explosive balls of energy it shoots don't bounce, which makes iteasier to control, if a bit less versatile. Not much of a uniqueweapon, you say? I agree.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***CAPTIVE RECORDED LOG***Alien Captive Recorded Log #2436) Now might be a good time to stash your newly accumulated loot. Whendone, explore the rest of this lab. There's a 'Control' you can activateto the east which will get you 'Alien Captive Recorded Log #24', andsome shelves to the south which hold Alien Power Cells, an Alien Atomizer, Frag Mines, Combat Armor, Tesla Armor, Alien Epoxy, PlasmaMines, Plasma Grenades, Alien Biogel, Pulse Mines, Pulse Grenades,a Gatling Laser, Large Alien Crystals, two more Alien Atomizers, Microfusion Cells, Energy Cells, a Plasma Rifle, a Plasma Pistol, andMetal Armor. After that, it's just about time to go back and stash moreloot! The other side of this lab also has an alien and an alien workerhanging out, as well as a Guardian Drone in stasis. Head through adoorway to the north to find a firing range. Yay! Grab the uniqueAlien Disintegrator, the 'Destabilizer' off a shelf and loot the container to the north. As for the ranges, there are two 'Controls' youcan activate to warp in targets. The southern one will warp in up tothree Brahmin, and the Teleportation Matrix nearby will take you downto the Brahmin. Sneak up to the northern 'Control' and activate it togate in some Raiders and a random high-powered enemy like an AlbinoRadscorpion, Deathclaw, or Sentry Bot. Let them kill each other, andwhen things die down, press the button again. After enough enemies havekilled each other you'll get the 'Xenotech Expert' perk. Of course, youcan kill the enemies below as the game probably assumes you'll do, butwhy waste ammo? When you're done, go stash your loot again, then headback into the weapons lab and go through a doorway to the east to reachthe Experimentation Lab.***WEAPON INFO***Destabilizer (Energy Weapons)Maximum Damage: 198AP Cost: LowAmmo: Alien Power ModuleClip Size: 100 (1 round/shot, full auto)Wow. What to say about this gun? First, it's twice as powerful as the Alien Disintegrator. Second, it's faster in V.A.T.S. Third, it's fully auto and fires very rapidly out of V.A.T.S. This is the Energy Weapon to get.. at least for short-to-mid ranged encounters. It tends to become inaccurate at long range.Experimentation Labo======================================================================o***CAPTIVE RECORDED LOG***Alien Captive Recorded Log #20Alien Captive Recorded Log #10Alien Captive Recorded Log #937) Upon entering this level wait for a moment and a pair of Alien Workers should enter the area you're in. Kill them and continue into aroom to the north. Turn west and continue through some more doorways past a table covered with the remains of a very dead Wastelander andsome Combat Armor and into a room with some examination recliners and an alien. Kill the alien and activate a 'Control' to obtain 'Alien Captive Recorded Log #20'. Head back south into the room with the grisly table and go through a door to the west. Continue down a hallway with four doors- the first three of which each leading to a room with modest alien loot on the tables and shelves. Pass through the first doorway to reach an observation room along the southern wall of which are windows from which you can view a containment room where you'll get your first glimpse of abominations. Loot the containers, activate the 'Control' along the northern wall to get 'Alien Captive Recorded Log #10', and finally blow the generator to take down the force field blocking the doorway to the west. This also unfortunately frees the Abominations in the room across the way, but no matter. Head through the doorway to the west, turn south, then head through a doorway to the east, and kill the Abominations any way you see fit. Loot the two containers and activate the 'Control' to get 'Alien Captive Recorded Log #9'. Now onlytwo left. Listen to it to confirm the fairly obvious, that the Abomination seem to be human-alien hybrids-and head back west until youfind your way to the Biological Research area.Biological Researcho======================================================================o***CAPTIVE RECORDED LOG***Alien Captive Recorded Log #1838) Activate the 'Control' to the right to gain access to the adjacentroom and score some Alien Epoxy. In the main hallway, continue throughanother doorway to the west to discover the large room that makes up themajority of this level, and into which many of the Abominations from thelast level ran. By now the Aliens here have been wiped out by theAbominations, so just clean up whatever Abominations are left and loot,as there's plenty of good alien crap lying around. In the northernmiddle part of the area map, on the upper level, you'll find a 'Control'that will get you 'Alien Captive Recorded Log #18'. In the southwesterncorner of the area map are a trio of Teleporation Matrixes, one whichleads to the 'Death Ray Hub' area. The other two are inactive-leading back to the Observation Deck, and to the Bridge. Hit the nearby'Control' to bring the Observation Deck online. Your buddies will wastelittle time teleporting in. As usual, they'll elect you to explore theDeath Ray Hub. Stash your loot and head on into the Teleporation Matrix.Death Ray Hubo======================================================================o39) Once you're here, the Teleportation Matrix you came through malfunctions. Typical. I guess you'll just have to find a new way back.Good thing you stashed your loot so you could carry all the spoils ofwar you're about to collect, right? Go east to find a pair of AlienWorkers. In the rooms to the south east and south west you'll find acontainer and a deactivated Support Drone. If you realign the sensorsand reactivate the robot, you'll get a rather weak buddy. Better thannothing though, right? Eh.. Continue through the door to the south and activate a 'Control' to open a door containing two containers and someother useful alien loot. Head back into the main hallway and continuearound to the east, through a room and to the north and into another,larger room. Inside are several aliens, some Alien Workers, and aTurret. There's also a 'Control' you can use to mess with the Turret.Kill the aliens and head to the eastern side of the room, where youwill find some stairs down. Go down the stairs and through some doorsto the east until you come to a room with force fields blocking yourway eastward. Activate a 'Release Mechanism' to take them down andcontinue down some tunnels, through more doors, down stairs, andeventually to a door leading to the 'Death Ray Control' area.Death Ray Controlo======================================================================o40) Head into the large room that makes up this level and kill thealiens within, then loot the container by the door. Near the door youentered this room from are two control consoles. The two 'Controls' onthe right move the Death Ray, and the 'Control' on the left with thebeam fires. It's possible to change the Death Ray's aim to fire on good'ol earth, which is just fun. When you're done messing around activatethe 'Control' near the 'Control' the fires the Death Ray. Activate itfour times to get all four generators to open up, then destroy them all.Some aliens will show up to try and spoil your fun while you sabotage their Death Ray, but they don't make 'em big enough or mean enough tostop us. Once the aliens are dead and the Death Ray has been disruptedhead through the doorway near where you entered this room (which wasblocked by a force field) to find a Teleportation Matrix to the LivingQuarters.Living Quarterso======================================================================o41) We're almost done now! Head on until you run into a force projector. Watch as an Abomination chases off an alien and the projector will turn off. Kill the Turret above the projector, loot a container, and head southward up some stairs. You'll come to a multi-storied room wheresome aliens have blocked off the upper platforms with some more forceprojectors. Jump off to the lower level and kill everything. Blow up the force projectors too, for being all smug and in the way! Just be sure to stand back, as they explode rather.. vigorously. Head througheither of the two doors to the south, go down some stairs, and go through another door to the east. Kill two aliens and blow up anotherforce projector blocking your way. Continue past the force projectorand down a tunnel until it splits, upon which head north. You'll finda dead alien in the tunnel and in a room at the end of the tunnel willbe your missing samurai, Toshiro Kago. And he's been busy. How the helldid he make it here and past all the aliens? It just goes to show, onesamurai is worth a cowboy, a medic, an astronaut, an ancient kid, awastelander, and a vault dweller any day of the week.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***CAPTIVE RECORDED LOG***Alien Captive Recorded Log #2342) Head back to the stairs leading to the living quarters and continuewest. Kill some aliens, deal with a deactivated Support Drone, anddestroy a pair of Turrets before continuing into a room to the west, inside of which are three more Turrets. These largely just serve toblow up and knock the loot lying on the tables around. Loot the roomand activate the Control to obtain 'Alien Captive Recorded Log #23',and an achievement. Continue through a doorway to the north to reachanother room with some aliens and a turret guarding a container within.Go through yet another doorway to the east to reach the far side ofthe force projector that blocked our way north earlier. Kill the aliensnearby and blow up the force projector for spite before continuingnorth up some stairs. In the room at the top of the stairs are twoTurrets, and beyond this room to the west is another multi-leveledroom. Kill the Abominations, loot the aliens, and head upstairs. To theeast is a room with some loot, and to the west you'll find theTeleportation Matrix leading to the Bridge. It's time to meet theCaptain of this ship.The Bridgeo======================================================================o43) Once on the Bridge head through the doorway to the north to enter aroom crawling with Aliens, including the Captain. If you're a sneakerlike me, you can just kill them all with the Deathclaw Gauntlet. Killthe Alien Captain and loot his body for the 'Captain's Sidearm'. Oncehe's dead your big floating holographic alien friend will show up againand yell some gibberish. Some aliens will show up to avenge their Captain, and when they fail your buddies will show up. Another alienmothership flies and, and it appears a duel is imminent. To the left ofthe captain's chair you'll see three controls called 'Power Distribution'. Of them, only the two on the ends matter. When the alienmothership is ready to fire on you (when your Death Ray is charging)hit the left-most switch the send all the power to your shields. Whenyour Death Ray is charged, hit the right-most switch to send all thepower to your Death Ray. To fire hit the 'Fire Control' button in frontof the captain's chair. Sally will direct the crew according to herold Captain Cosmo comics (where Jangles?!) Above your 'Power Distribution' controls you'll see a little graphic showing your shipin blue, with four green bars on top indicating your hull strength.One to three blue arches above the ships indicates your shield strength, and one to three blue arches by your Death Ray indicates yourDeath Ray strength. Their ship is indicated in red, following the samesystem. Try and fire when their shields are low, and keep your shieldsat max when not firing. This is really simple, and if you don't fallasleep you should be fine. Aliens will invade the bridge periodicallyand try to attack you, and at some point Toshiro Kago will show up ifyou gave him his sword back and met him in the Living Quarters. Nearthe end of the fight the aliens on your ship will disable your generators and more aliens will invade. Kill the aliens in the Bridgeand activate the four generators along the sides of the room andfinish the fight. Once the alien mothership blows up, you've justproven that you're the baddest person in this solar system.***WEAPON INFO***Captain's Sidearm (Energy Weapons)Maximum Damage: 47AP Cost: Very LowAmmo: Alien Power ModuleClip Size: 30 (3 rounds/shot, semi auto)While it doesn't possess much damage and it's not any faster than anAlien Atomizer, this gun in fact functions like an alien shotgun. Iteats up three round per 'shot' but fires mutliple beams each time youfire the trigger.You are now effectively done with Mothership Zeta, whether you like itor not. Most of the areas on the ship are sealed off, although you canreturn to the Engineering Core, for what it's worth. Sally, Elliott, and Toshiro Kago stay aboard the ship for good, while Somah and Paulson will both leave. Come back once in a while and ask Sally and Elliott what they've found. This is one way to get somewhat unlimited AlienPower Module ammo. It's not quick, nor is it plentiful, but it's betterthan nothing. Just don't pay attention to what the screen says theygive you, it'll list one thing, but you'll actually recieve severalitems.It's been a while since we've bothered with the main story, and if youforgot, we were supposed to investigate Little Lamplight to see if wecould find our way into Vault 87, which is supposed to have a G.E.C.K.I guess there's no point in trying to take Project Purity back if wecan't get it started, right? Head over to Little Lamplight secure inthe knowledge that there are no more distractions lurking to draw yourattention away from the Enclave.Little Lamplighto======================================================================oSequence of Events:{WLK048}1) Meeting with MacCready2) Directions3) Escorting Stick4) Bumble's Boogeyman5) Cave Fungus6) Zip and Knock-Knock7) Knick-Knack8) Picking on Princesss9) The Back Door10) Wazer Wifle11) Across the Bridge12) On Top of the Toilet13) Reactor Chamber14) Red-Light Mannequin15) Living Quarters16) Through and Over the Atrium17) Storage Room18) Test Lab19) Test Chambers20) Freeing Fawkes21) Getting the G.E.C.K.1) We've been here before, remember? It was during our first epicBobblehead hunt. Okay, we never went inside, but we should have atleast discovered it by now. Go inside and when you come to a barricadeyou'll be harassed by one Mayor MacCready, who is a bit of an ass.Either succeed at a Speech check (which by now should be cheese) or tellMacCready that you saved the kids from Paradise Falls. Remember that?Go on in and talk to MacCready about Vault 87, who will tell you that acheery place called 'Murder Pass' is the only route since some computerwas broken. By now, with our Chinese Stealth Armor and our uber stats,we have little to fear from any 'Murder Pass', but we can also go seesome kid named JOseph and see if we can't get the back door open. Still,you can get MacCready to open the way to Murder Pass.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->2) Now for some general directions, since most of the kids aren't kindenough to provide any. Just north of the entrance you can find theLittle Lamplight Office Building. Beyond that is a fork in the path.Going west will take you to the Great Cavern by going past the funguspits. Going north will take you to an opened central area where you canfind a Souvenir Shop, Restrooms, and another entrance to the GreatCavern. North of this you'll find Murder Pass. You know what? That not ahalf bad way to go through this area.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->3) Off to the side you'll see a boy named Sticky getting exiled forturning eighteen and becoming a mungo. Go outside and he'll try andsolicit and escort from you. He'll give you a Party Hat if you askedwhy he was wearing it.. for what it's worth. You won't get anything forhelping him out, but it's only a fast-travel away if you feel like doing it anyways.Little Lamplight Office Buildingo======================================================================o4) In this building-which doubles as the schoolhouse and hospital youcan typically find Lucy, who will heal you up. There are also two notesin the medical room 'Journal of Carrie Delaney, Entry 1' and 'Journal ofCarrie Delaney, Entry 2'. You can also find Bumble, a clumsy girl you can convince to come outside with you for wonderful enslavement purposes, should you succeed at a Speech challenge. Lure her outside and watch the Slaver Eulogy sent over go to work. You'll lose karma, of course, and if you go check up on Eulogy, you'll get the 'Boogeyman's Hood'.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->5) By the southern-most entrance to the Great Cavern you can findEclair (as well as a rotation of most of the Little Lamplighters). Talk to Eclair and ask about where the fungus comes from, then talk toMacCready again and either succeed at a Speech challenge to get yourselften pieces of Cave Fungus (and lose some karma) or succeed at a [Barter] check to bring MacCready two pieces of Strange Meat or Buffout forsome Cave Fungus.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->6) If you run into Zip you can trade some Nuka-Cola for Mutfruit. That'sright, trade an expensive item that can be used to make powerfulgrenades for useless fruit. I'll pass. If you run into Knock-Knock youcan tell her a story about your life so far. Souvenir Shopo======================================================================o***SCHEMATICS***Schematic - Bottlecap Mine7) Since the restrooms are pretty boring, visit the Souvenir Shop. FromKnick-Knack you can buy the Schematic - Bottlecap Mine. This should beour last Schematic in the game. Huzzah.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->8) You talk to Princess by the gate to Murder Pass, and you can getSammy to tell you why she's named Princess with a Speech check. Onceyou've started in on her, you can make a [Charisma] check to tell hershe has no friends and lose some karma. What's the point? Hell if Iknow, I'm just being thorough. We can go off to Murder Pass-but firstlets check out the Great Chamber.The Great Chambero======================================================================o9) Then there's Joseph, the teacher of Little Lamplight-and a barber.Ask him about the route to Vault 87 and he'll tell you that the computerthat opens the door to Vault 87 is broken. Ask him to turn the terminalback on, and he'll do so. Now you just need to succeed at hacking theterminal [Average] to get access to Vault 87. Well, that wasn't so bad,right?<---------------------------------------------------------------------->10) Before we head on out, there's a few more things to do. You can finda note on a pool table' . There's also Biwwy, who will offer to sellyou his 'Wazer Wifle' for 500 Caps. You can talk him down to 250 Capswith a successful [Barter] check. Now we're free to go to Vault 87. Wecan get into the Vault via The Great Chamber, but it's more rewardingto go through Murder Pass.***WEAPON INFO***Wazer Wifle (Energy Weapons)Maximum Damage: 40AP Cost: Very LowAmmo: Microfusion CellClip Size: 30 (1 round/shot, semi auto)Another weapon that's everything a unique weapon should be-more damage,better clip size, no downsides. We could have obtained it sooner, forEnergy Weapon fanatics, but frankly A3-21's Plasma Rifle is just better.Still, if you've got a thing for lasers, it's not bad.Murder Passo======================================================================o***BOOKS***U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes11) First, head west. You'll see a bridge in the distance with atripwire trap in front of it. Disarm the trap then head across thebridge, killing whatever Super Mutants you find along the way. Continuedown a ramp to the west until you find a small round table, on top ofwhich is are two first aid boxes and a copy of U.S. Army: 30 HandyFlamethrower Recipes. There are also two ammo boxes nearby.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor12) Go back to where you entered the level and head north until you cometo a large chamber. In this chamber you'll find a little shack. Aroundthe eastern side of the shack you'll find the entrance to the shack, for one, but more importantly a wooden ramp leads to a make-shiftbathroom. On top of the toilet tank you'll find a copy of Tales of aJunktown Jerky Vendor. <---------------------------------------------------------------------->13) Once you've got this book, there's more more minor loot you canscore. If you head west you'll find another large chamber where you'll find the staples of this level-Super Mutants guarding a few first aid boxes and ammo boxes. Along the way to the Reactor Chamber you'll find asmall vault room, where you can score a first aid box, three ammo boxes,a Nuka-Cola Quantum, and a Stealth Boy on a shelf. There's also a pressure plate rigged to a Grenade Bouquet near a desk in the room. Whenyou reach the northern end of the level enter to the Reactor Chamber.Reactor Chambero======================================================================o***BOOKS***Nikola Tesla and You14) Make your way up the linear path more or less to the north untilyou enter the vault and find some stairs to the west. Head down thestairs and take a left and go through a door. You'll find a mannequinwith a wooden crate in front of it, which in turn contains some Whiskeyand a copy of Nikola Tesla and You. If you continue to the north you'llfind the exit out to The Great Chamber, a bed, and a locked safe [Average].<---------------------------------------------------------------------->15) Backtrack to where you left off last and take the unexplored northpath now. Turn west and go up some stairs, killing some Super Mutants atthe top. Go into a room and go up some more stairs to the south toreach the Living Quarters. Once you enter the quest 'Picking Up theTrail' ends and 'Finding the Garden of Eden' begins.Living Quarterso======================================================================o***QUESTS***Finding the Garden of Eden16) Head east up two flights of stairs until you reach the large two-storied atrium room, a typical feature of almost every vault we've found so far. There are numerous rooms around here with some minor lootinside, but where you really want to go is through a door to the east.Go around a corner and up some stairs to reach the second level of thevault. On your left you'll find a locked door [Very Hard]. Of course wecan pick it by now, but there's really no point-we can just walk around.There are also some doors along the northern side of the hall, and theycontain a bit of loot, but nothing to get excited about.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOOKS***Pugilism Illustrated17) Go through one of the doors on the southern side of the hall to reach the upper atrium, which is populated by some leveled Super Mutants. Be cautious and make your way through the atrium and go throughone of the two doors to the south. If you go down some stairs to the east you'll find a room populated with more leveled Super Mutants andsome unimpressive loot. Go through a locked [Average] door to find asupply room, where you'll find a locked safe [Average] and a copy ofPugilism Illustrated and a Nuka-Cola Quantum on a shelf.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->18) Go west up some stairs and around some corners until you find a roomto the right, where you'll find more Super Mutants and a terminal[Average] that you can use to open a locked safe [Average], where youcan grab some medical supplies. Continue to the east until you find somemore stairs up, at the top of which you'll find a door to the Test Labs.Test Labso======================================================================o19) In the room to your right you can find a safe [Easy] and an ammobox [Hard], as well as some unlocked metal boxes and an ammo box. Continue past the Test Chambers, which include failed FEV Test Subjects.And by 'failed' I mean 'dead'. After you pass Test Chamber 04 go intothe room on your right to score some chems. <---------------------------------------------------------------------->20) Go past this room and you'll be talked to by a Super Mutant lockedin a room. Activate the Intercom and talk to Fawkes, who will tell youwhere the G.E.C.K. is and how to reach it. Unfortunately since you'renot a Ghoul or Super Mutant, you'll need the help of one to get past theradiation around the G.E.C.K. I don't see any Ghouls around, so we'regoing to have to help Fawkes. Go down the hallway to the east and bypassthe Isolation Rooms until you reach the end of the hall way, then takea right and head into a maintenence room. Kill the Super Mutants within,then either hack the 'Medical Wing Maintence Tunnel' to selectively open the Isolation Rooms (you want to open Isolation Room #5 to freeFawkes). Or you could activate the Fire Control Console to open themall. Note: If you want to be sure to get everything out of this level,leave Fawkes in the cell and go explore the tunnel opposite where theIsolation Chambers are. There are Super Mutants to kill and things totake, which will be easier without Fawkes bugging you. Whatever you do,before you go off after the G.E.C.K. (or allow Fawkes to do so, as thecase may be) I suggest you dump your inventory off at home. I madesure that the only items with weight I was carrying was my ChineseStealth Armor and my Deathclaw Gauntlet, for a weight of 30. Oh, anddon't miss this opportunity to grab Fawke's Super Sledge, which can beobtained by 'trading' weapons.***WEAPON INFO***Fawke's Super Sledge (Melee Weapons)Maximum Damage: 49AP Cost: HighAmmo: NoneClip Size: N/AIt's pretty much just a Super Sledge with a little more damage. Still,better than nothing.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->21) Behind a locked [Hard] door you can find a shelf with some Rad-Xand Rad Away and a locked [Average] safe. You can also hack the nearby'Lab Technician Terminal' [Average] to open the locked [Hard] door.Lead Fawkes until you come to the 'Chamber Terminal', upon whichhe'll take charge and run off into the radiation and bring back theG.E.C.K. Now you just have to escape the Vault, and all looks good until.. well, you'll see.Raven Rock - Level 3o======================================================================oSequence of Events:{WLK049}1) Interview with Eden2) Insubordination3) She Asked For It4) Bobblehead - Energy Weapons5) Abortion of Science6) Escape From Raven Rock7) Fawkes to the Rescue!8) A Call to Arms9) Sieging Project Purity10) Dealing with Colonel Autumn11) Alpha and Omega***QUESTS***The American Dream1) When you come to you'll be bothered by Colonel Autumn before good oldPresident Eden tugs the leash, requesting an interview with you. Well,at least he's nicer than his gorilla. Grab your crap out of the lockernearby and bravely head out into the complex.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->2) As soon as you exit you'll be bugged by an overly alert Enclave Officer. Either succeed at a Speech check, [Charisma] check, or [Strength] check to get him to bugger off. All seems good, but just alittle further on you'll hear Colonel Autumn override the President'sorder and turn the Enclave soldiers hostile to you. Oh well, you'll justhave to fight your way out. By now you should be fairly familiar withwhat the Enclave is capable of-and by now, we're well out of their league. You may also be tempted to grab everything you see, but practicesome restraint. You won't be coming back to this place, so one inventoryfull of loot is all you'll get-hence why you were told earlier to stashyour crap before coming here. Level 3 isn't very interesting, so makeyour way to level 2.Raven Rock - Level 2o======================================================================o3) There are two places of note on this map, both of which are on thewestern side. First, you can run into Anna Holt, former Project Purityscientist turned traitor. What are you going to do, kill her? Yes. YesI am. Who cares if I lose karma? I've killed her every playthrough sofar, and I don't see that changing-besides, her life is over already,she (and you) just don't know it yet. <---------------------------------------------------------------------->***BOBBLEHEAD***Bobblehead - Energy Weapons4) In the north western corner of the map you'll find Colonel Autumn'sroom, which has some goodies to loot. Unlock the footlocker [Average]near the bed to get the note 'ZAX Destruct Sequence'-yeah, you can seewhere this is going-then mess with the terminal [Average] and take downthe barrier to get at some more loot. Most importantly, grab theBobblehead - Energy Weapons from the table. If you go up to the ControlRoom without it, you won't be coming back. We now have all twenty Bobbleheads, and I now have a perfect character. Now head onward to theControl Room.Control Roomo======================================================================o5) When you arrive on the level, two Sentry Bots will turn on-and takedown-two Enclave Soldiers. Ah, power struggles. Continue on and head upan inordinately large staircase until you come face-to-screen withPresident Eden. There's a bit of chatter, but the skinny of it is thatEden wants you to start Project Purity and make sure it's not so.. pure.To him 'Project Purity' means purifying the people who drink the water,not the water itself. At the end of the conversation you can convinceEden to self destruct with a [Science] or a Speech check, or you canjust leave.. after you take the vial of Modified FEV Virus. Eden can'tforce you to use it, but he can force you to take it before letting youprogress.Raven Rock - Level 1o======================================================================o6) This level is just a gauntlet you have to run, with Eden's robotsturning on Autumn's Soldiers. At the least Eden's robots aren't hostileto you, so just make your way through the level. There's loot to begained, but nothing as vital as the bobblehead on Level 2. The only enemies that should really be able to trouble you are the two soldiersat the end, one of which carries a Gatling Laser and the other carries aMissile Launcher-hey it's more than enough to take out the Sentry Botsnearby. Kill them and escape Raven Rock.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->7) Once outside you'll find your buddy Fawkes, who makes good use of aGatling Laser to smite some Enclave Soldiers. If you're virtuous enough,you can convince Fawkes to join up with you, if not, the Super Mutantwill head off to the Museum of History. Either way, it's time to reportto Elder Lyons. Make sure you're healed, free of rads, and unencumberedbefore you go. I also stash all of my accumulated Bobbleheads, and watchwith glee as all twenty of them appear on my stand simultaneously. Wee!<---------------------------------------------------------------------->8) You'll find everybody hanging out in the Laboratory, where Sarah ischomping at the bit to get at the Enclave. Tell Elder Lyons that theEnclave has the G.E.C.K., and whatever other knowledge you want toimpart. This news gives Sarah all the excuse she needs to mobilize theLyon's Pride-and Elder Lyons decides to send a little extra firepowerwith you. Lets hope this pre-war hunk of junk is up to snuff, eh? Sarahwill talk to you and inform you that you've been made an honorary memberof the Lyon's Pride, and give you either a suit of Power Armor orRecon Armor, depending on your preference.. Unless you turn down membership.. then you get a big fat load of nothing. When you're ready(and you already should be) tell Sarah. She'll give a little speech toher Pride before you head out, Liberty Prime will be activated, andthe quest 'The American Dream' ends.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***QUESTS***Take it Back!9) Head back out into the Courtyard and exit the Citadel. What comesnext is an assault on the Enclave-occupied Jefferson Memorial, whichinvolves fighting your way through the outskirts of D.C. Sound rough?Having a giant, nuke-tossing indestructible robot on your side shouldhelp, just stay out of it's way and pick off Enclave Soldiers as theopportunity arises. Once you reach Project Purity a throng of Enclave Soldiers will show up on the ramps outside. Once they're all dead head into the Jefferson Memorial.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***QUESTS***Project Impurity10) Now we can start doing things the way we're used to-by sneaking around and assassinating people with the Deathclaw Gauntlet. That youhave Sarah around to draw fire for you is just an added bonus. Fightyour way into the Rotunda-there's only a half dozen or so EnclaveSoldiers in the Gift Shop area-where you'll come face to face withColonel Autumn. You can let him tuck tail and run, or you can kill himhere. I have no idea why anybody would want to let him off, I suredon't. Autumn himself is cake, but he comes with two Enclave Soldiers,one with a Minigun, and the other with a Gatling Laser.***WEAPON INFO***Col. Autumn's Laser Pistol (Energy Weapons)Maximum Damage: 29AP Cost: Very LowAmmo: Energy CellClip Size: 30 (1 round/shot, semi auto)Stronger than a normal Laser Pistol, it's a little less accurate inV.A.T.S., but nothing to lose sleep over.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->11) You won't even have time to complete a celebratory dance whenDoctor Li will speak over the intercom, telling you that the purifierneeds to be activated, and quickly. The catch? There are lethal levelsof radiation inside, and whoever starts up Project Purity is a deader.Thanks, dad! Either send Sarah in, or go on yourself. If you've gotFawkes with you, you can volunteer the Super Mutant-who is, after all,immune to radiation. You've got another choice to make, beyond being selfless, you have to decide whether you want to put the Modified FEVinto the 'Auxiliary Filtration Input'. Inserting the Modified FEV is anevil act, of course (enough to cause you to go from Very Good Karma toNeutral.) Make your choice and watch the end of the game.Notes about the ending: I know you're all looking for some great advice, but most of this is just role-play. Frankly, however, since the game ends anyways if you sacrifice yourself without the expansions, and you survive if you do have the expansions, you just look like a chump for making somebody else go in there. Also, if you have the expansions the game seems to just ignore the fact that you spiked the water with FEV-or at least the effects that were shown in the ending simply haven't manifested themselves yet. At the most, spiking the purifier with FEV is just a way to get yourself a bunch of evil karma-it has no bearing on the upcoming Broken Steel expansion at all.Broken Steelo======================================================================oSequence of Events:{WLK050}1) Two Weeks Later..2) Purity Projects3) Officer Lepelletier4) Flushing Out the Ringleaders5) Splitting Jack6) Apostles of the Eternal Light7) Holy Light Monastery8) Spiking Salvation9) Investingating the Hustler10) Museum Authority Building11) Busting the Hustler12) Getting Up to Speed13) Rockland Car Tunnel14) A Prime Target15) Satellite Facility16) The Citadel Run-Around17) Those Are MY Deathclaws!18) Old Olney Underground19) Through The Ruins20) Old Olney S. Wilson Building21) Olney Powerworks22) Turning in the Tesla Coil23) The Last Mission24) Presidential Sub Level25) Securing the Breach26) Presidential Metro27) Adams AFB Metro Exit28) Adams Air Force Base Entrance29) Calling Down the Thunder, I30) Hitting the Hangers31) Calling Down the Thunder, II32) Adams Air Traffic Control Tower33) Looting the Air Field34) Mobile Crawler Base35) Stiggs and the Repair Station36) Sigma Squad!37) Launch Platform Base38) Hacking the Mainframe40) Launch Pad41) Satellite Control Tower42) Traitor's Treasure***QUESTS***Death From Above1) You'll wake up in the Citadel, being bothered by Elder Lyons. Talk tohim to find out that Sarah was injured by whatever happened at thepurifier, that the Enclave has been beaten back, the purifier is churning out clean water. Everything seems to be just peachy, except forsome distribution problems with the water, and the little question ofwhether you're going to help the Brotherhood finish off the Enclave.Tell Elder Lyon's that the Super Mutants are coming from Vault 87 togain some karma. The quest 'Death From Above' begins now, but before wetackle any of that official nonesense, there are some other things weshould do first. Continuous conflict with the Enclave my ass!<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***QUESTS***Holy WaterProtecting the Water WayThe Amazing Aqua Cura2) Scattered around you'll see bottle of 'Aqua Pura', as well as drumsand boxes of the stuff. Yep, this is what you and Dad fought and diedto get. Head over to Project Purity to see what's been going on sinceyou crashed two weeks ago. Inside the Jefferson Memorial Gift Shop youcan find Agincourt, who is as taciturn as usual, and Alex Dargon-ifthey are alive, of course. Talk to Sribe Bigsley, who will whine about the work he has to do. Offer to help him and he'll tell you about the bandit trouble the Rivet City guards have been having, as well as the unusually high rate of water consumption in Megaton. Also talk to him about selling the water, where you can either succeed at a Speech challenge or make a [Karma] check if you're good to get Bigsley to reveal that he's selling water to a Ghoul named Griffon. Once you've gotthose three quests, 'Protecting the Water Way', 'Holy Water', and 'The Amazing Aqua Cura', respectively, you should have filled up on all the new quests your little heart can desire. When you are done messing around here, head over to Rivet City.***MINOR SPOILERS***WarMECH notes:For the water caravans, if Megaton is destroyed, there is no cult based out of Springvale nor mention of the circ*mstance by the scribe. It simply no longer exists, although there is still a mention of it on hiscomputer. With Megaton still there, it may be worth going outside tosee an acolyte named Rosa give the water beggar a sample that ends upkilling him as a way to gain more information about the cult.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->3) Outside of Rivet City you'll find Officer Lepelletier, who willdirect you to go to Project Purity and bug Bigsley for free water. Gee,that can't be helping with Bigsley's insomnia, eh? Offer to help andyou'll be tasked with escorting a caravan to Canterbury Commons.Hopefully when you get attacked by the bandits you'll be able to findout more about them-with the ultimate goal of putting down the banditringleaders.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->4) Hoof it over to Project Purity, then follow the river north, stayingnear the coast. When you reach the Scavenger Shack under the bridgeconnecting D.C. to the Citadel you'll find the caravan already wellunder attack. Kill the attacking Metal Armor clad Bandits and loot them.All of them carry the note 'A New Meeting Place', which will conveniently point out their headquarters once you listen to it. I don'tknow about you, but I don't take kindly to parasites trying to make abuck off of the life work of my character's parents. Good or evil, thiswater is the legacy of your parents, and no two-bit bandits are going todecide who gets what!WarMECH notes:After clearing the ambush site under the bridge, a little further to the north prior to the raider camp is a grave, which houses Search Party Log 3. I know I had looked for it at an earlier part in the game but it wasn't there; so I'm not sure when it shows up.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->5) Fast Travel to Wilhelm's Wharf and talk to Split Jack. You can joinhis 'gang' by guessing the pass phrase 'Mirelurk Stew'. He'll give yousome Metal Armor and tell you to put it on-after all, any gang has towear matching suits. Once donned you can talk to him again and convincehim (with a Speech check) that he's not going to get paid to protectsomething that is being distributed for free. This pisses him off andhe decides to find a new gig-after him and his gang kill Grandma Sparkle. Once you join his gang, you can also challenge him to a fightfor control of the gang, so long as you feel confident in your abilityto kill him with a Combat Knife, a Lead Pipe, or a Nail Board, anyways.Of course, if you win, the gang goes hostile, so it's not much of a tactic. As far as I'm concerned, the best way to resolve this questinvolves killing the group of Bandits outright. Either way, once theBandits are gone head back to Rivet City and report to Officer Lepelletier. You won't get much in the way of a reward.. and by much, Imean you won't get anything. She'll refer you to Bigsley for yourreward. You know.. I can see why that guy is such a prick now. Talk tohim and you'll get a Gatling Laser, a Plasma Pistol, some Enclave PowerArmor and and an Enclave Power Helmet, as well as some Electron ChargePacks and some Energy Cells.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->6) Now I return home to Megaton to stash loot, rest up, and whatever.Or as a thinly vieled excuse to start the next quest. Once there, you'llfind a note 'Holy Water Pamphlet' on your door. Great, another cult hassprung up. I'll be honest here, I have no idea what happens if you blewup Megaton earlier. But for the rest of us, head over to Springvale.Holy Light Monasteryo======================================================================o7) Once you arrive at Springvale you'll find a new area, the 'Holy LightMonastery.' A loon named Brother Gerard will talk to you and give yousome 'blessed' Holy Water. Note that it has a fairly high Rad count.Drink it anyways and talk to him again, he'll talk about his order,eternal light, and the fact that the water is filled with 'Atom's Light.' That's right, these freaks are taking the Aqua Pura weall worked so hard to purify, and they're irradiating it! Ask to getinside the church and he'll tell you to visit their Tabernacle to catchsome Rads-by this he means go into the 'monastery' and activate theswitch to catch some Rads. If you disarm the two Radiation Traps, however, you'll disable this method of catching Rads. You canalternatively kill him and take his Monastery Key, or steal it fromhim.. or just pick the cellar door leading to the Eternal LightMonastery [Very Hard]. If you want to play along with the loonies, youcan also just go expose yourself to radiation at the alter. Once you'resick with Deadly Radiation Poisoning, go talk to Gerard and he'll giveyou the key.Eternal Light Monasteryo======================================================================o8) Once in the Cellar talk to Mother Curie III, who will tell you thatfour 'armored angels' gave her some Aqua Pura, and in her delusion-typical for religious folk-she misconstrued what was going on, and decided that it was a sign from her god. Instead of distributing thewater, she decided to spike it with radiation in an attempt to pass on'Atom's Glow'. By this, she means that the 'Holy Water' will turn peopleinto Ghouls (if they survive the radiation poisoning), something thatis apparently a good thing in the eyes of these people. There are threeways to go about resolving this quest, the most obvious of which issimply killing everybody. There are two unique Ghouls in the basem*nt,'Sun of Atom', and 'Atom's Champion' that serve to spice things up, but it's still not much of a challenge. If you have Deadly Radiation Poisoning, you can convince her that you're Atom's Prophet, and get herto stop spiking the Holy Water. Lastly, you can succeed at a [Charisma] check and convince her that people can't be tricked into salvation-they
have to willingly accept it. Either way, once the problem is resolvedand the Aqua Pura is no longer in danger of being re-irradiated bycultists, head back to Scribe Bigsley, who will give you 300 Caps foryour trouble.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->9) Two down, one to go. Head over to the Museum of History, where you can find a Ghoul named Griffon giving hawking his wondrous 'Aqua Cura'tonic. Listen to him sell his bottled water-it's apparently a cure foreverything-including balding and ghoulification, as well as an aphrodisiac. Talk to him and get yourself a free sample of Aqua Cura bysucceeding at a Speech challenge. Check it out in your inventory to findout that Aqua Cura-whatever it is-is actually less savory than AquaPura. Ask where he got it from and succeed at a Speech check, and he'll tell you he bought it from Scribe Bigsley-which we already knew. He'll stick to his guns and say that it reverses radiation damage to ghoul physiology, however. Point out that your Pip-Boy detects that it's actually irradiated and succeed at a speech check and he'll start out bythreatening you, then admitting he is just selling the Ghouls regular Dirty Water, and saving the real Aqua Pura to sell to Raiders, Slavers, and other folks the Brotherhood of Steel doesn't trade with. He'll endby trying to pretend he's actually not a bad guy, but by now we knowbetter. If you're evil enough you can succeed at a [Karma] check and getthe same information. He still won't divulge the location of his headquarters, so we'll need to head off to speak to Scribe Bigsley.Museum Authority Buildingo======================================================================o10) Scribe Bigsley will readily admit the selling the water to Grifonto fund other water deliveries, and divulge the location of the AquaPura dropoffs as the 'Museum Authority Building'. Head back to theMall to find this new location. Inside you'll find several Ghoul Guards,one of which has the note 'Griffons' Bottling Instructions'. You canalso find the note on a table near some bathtubs on the bottom level.Other than some spiffy Wigs, the only notable loot in here is a Nuka-Cola Quantum in the ladies bathroom on the top floor. Listen to thenote 'Museum Authority Building' and head back to Griffon.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->11) Tell him the gig is up. When you've got him by the balls, you cancoerce him into bribing you to keep quiet for 20% (160 Caps) of theprofits per week, or you can succeed at a Speech check to get 50% (400 Caps) per week. You can also just take a one-time buy out of 300 Caps.If you don't like the idea of buying him out you can force him to tellthe Ghouls that his Aqua Cura is bogus. It won't end well for Griffon,but you can loot his body for a solid 600 Caps. Lastly, you can tell himto just sell the real Aqua Pura. He'll agree to sell the real stuff, as selling to Raiders and Slavers was probably too much work anyways. Oncethis quest is done, it's time to head back to the Citadel and speak toScribe Rothchild and revive our struggle against the Enclave.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->12) Scribe Rothchild will show off his pretty orange map and bring youup to speed. If you didn't destroy Raven Rock, you'll discover that theBrotherhood-with Liberty Prime-took the liberty to destroy it for you.You'll also be informed that-contrary to expectations-the Enclave is notin disarray. Your job? Head to the Rockland Car Tunnel (west of theDunwich Building) and meet Paladin Tristan.Rockland Car Tunnelo======================================================================o13) Head through this area looting as you please until you run into Paladin Tristan. He'll tell you surprisingly little besides the factthat you're attacking an Enclave Relay Station. There's a good bit ofminor loot around, and numerous dead Enclave Soldiers around with theirloot on them. Continue to the Satellite Relay Station when you're ready.Satellite Relay Stationo======================================================================o14) The same rules that applied to the siege on Project Purity apply here-let the big stupid robot kill everything while you follow behind.You're more likely to be injured by a stray explosive lobbed by LibertyPrime than by any Enclave Soldier. Liberty Prime will assault the RelayStation, and for a while it seems that Liberty Prime is going to takecare of this mission all by itself. Until the Enclave plays its hand.I'm surprised nobody in the Brotherhood bothered to wonder if the Enclave wasn't retreating because the Enclave wasn't defeated? Anyways,mourn the loss of Liberty Prime, loot, or just head into the SatelliteFacility.Satellite Facilityo======================================================================o15) This area will be your largest fight with the Enclave since ProjectPurity, and this time you don't have a giant robot around to do all thework for you. On that note, however, you do have a squad of BrotherhoodPaladins, who will hold up fairly well provided you don't expect them todo all the work. Make your way through the area fight set-piece battlesas you go. Some of the Enclave in this area will carry superior firepower-Gatling Lasers and Miniguns-but they are still the exceptions,not the rule. Fight your way to the south, up one set of staircases, then down another. Most fights will only consist of two or three Enclave Soldiers at a time. You will have to curb your looting desires, however, as there are just more Enclave Soldiers here-and thus more Enclave gear-than you can hope to carry back. When you reach the third set of stairs you'll know you're almost done. When you reach the top of the thirdflight of stairs turn west and fight your way through one of the largersingle Enclave battles, then go through the large door they weredefending. Go through another door to reach a room containing the'Satellite Uplink Terminal', which is the goal of this whole assault.Activate the terminal and select the option 'Download Telemetry Data toUser Device'. Once, done, head through a door and up some stairs to thewest. Watch out for Mark VII Turrets as you go, and eventually you'llreach a door exiting back to the Capital Wasteland.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***QUESTS***Shock Value16) Now it's time to go back and talk to Scribe Rothchild, who isunderstandably upset that the robot he worked most of his life to rebuild is now slag. Hand the Enclave data over, then go hunt down ElderLyons. The Elder whines, then refers you back to Paladin Tristan, andthe quest 'Death From Above' ends, and 'Shock Value' begins. Talk toPaladin Tristan and he'll tell you that he needs you to head to OlneyPowerworks to retrieve a Tesla Coil-a vital component to a weapon theBrotherhood is working on that will help deal with Enclave Vertibirds.Talk to Scribe Vallincourt in the Citadel Laboratory to get a weaponthat will hopefully scrable the devices the Enclave uses to controlDeathclaws. I question how useful this is, as almost every Enclave-controlled Deathclaw I've come across has gone rogue and turned on theEnclave.. and every other edible-looking biped within sight. Still, since I use stealth it might help turn them rogue earlier and allow meto sit back and watch the two sides fight it out. <---------------------------------------------------------------------->17) You can go mess with the Enclave post south east of Old Olney inorder to gain a subservient Deathclaw chum for a few minutes, but sincethe thing will die once you get too far from the base, I don't bother.Head into Old Olney and head down into the Old Olney Sewers. Since we'vebeen here before, you can expect the sewers to be clear of Deathclaws,right? Wrong. Ah well. Kill whatever Deathclaws you must and make yourway to a ladder leading to 'Old Olney Underground'.Old Olney Undergroundo======================================================================o18) Once you arrive you'll be talked to by some Ghouls led by one namedWint. I have no idea why they're here. Maybe a flimsy excuse for why youmagically have access to this part of Old Olney now? Head south througha room and up some stairs, then when on the second level go north over a platform, then west. You'll find the bodies of Badger and Connelly, presumably the pals of Wint and Kidd. Go west through a doorand turn south until you find the bodies of Dunbar and Carl, the formerof which has a note 'Dunbar's Note', which explains why the Ghouls werehere in the first place. Head down the stairs to the west and into asewer tunnel. Cross the tunnel and head up a dirt ramp, where you'll hear the demise of Sanders and see his body fall down the ramp. This ispresumably the -S on Dunbar's Note. <---------------------------------------------------------------------->19) Go up the ramp where you'll reach a pre-war building that is occupied by a few Deathclaws. Make your way west until you reach a room with some cubicles along the eastern wall. Go down the holes in the floor to reach what can generously be called a cafeteria, where you canfind food items and cooking utensils in abundance, as well as a trappedbaby carriage. Go down to the next area-by all appearances a maintenance level-and continue westward until you find a hole in the wall blocked bydebris. A helpful Frag Mine will clear out the debris if you stray too close. Continue through the hole in the wall to find more basem*nt area filled with components we really don't need. And Deathclaws. Best not to forget the Deathclaws. Continue west to find a Cell Door [Average] which leads to some stairs, down which you can find a room where some sort of futile last stand was made. Take the Chinese Assault Rifle, the 5.56mm ammo, the Nuka-Cola Quantum behind the Ham Radio, and loot the first aid box and ammo boxes. Head back up stair and continue west, then turnnorth when you're able, then east when you run out of north. Go through this last room, kill a Deathclaw, and head up some stairs to the north to find a door leading-finally-to the Old Olney S. Wilson Building.Old Olney S. Wilson Buildingo======================================================================o20) Back to the Enclave again. Either they know you're after the TeslaCoil, or they're here hunting Deathclaws. The Deathclaw cage in thecenter of the level suggests the latter. In the middle of the level, onthe ground floor, you can find a pair of Mini Nukes on the ground. Ifthe Vertibird is annoying you, find a spot from which you can see it andshoot it a few times to encourage it to explode. To get through this level you need to get to the bottom level and head through a door to theeast. Go up some stairs and cross over a fallen GNR billboard, then cross what little floor remains to the north to find a door to the OlneyPowerworks.Olney Powerworkso======================================================================o21) Finally, we've reached our destination! Now to find that damn TeslaCoil. Head up the stairs and take a left to find a door that can onlybe unlocked by hacking a terminal [Very Hard]. If your Science skill isup to snuff, you can hack the terminal and be right at the Tesla Coil.I don't suppose I should just assume everybody has a Science score of 100 though, should I? *Sigh* Very well. For all you losers out there whostill can't build a character right despite my best efforts, head right and into a large room. Hack the 'Automated Control Terminal' [Hard] if you are able (and if you couldn't hack the last terminal I don't see why I should assume you can hack this one) you can shut off the robots in this area. If not, you'll have to resort to more violent methods. Head to the lower level and go through a door to the east, which will take you through some hallways until you wind up in a room to the south. Head up the stairs and deal with another robot-or hack another 'Automated Control Terminal' [Hard]. If you were able to hack the terminal select the 'Vent Radiation' option, if not, just tough it out and catch some Rads-alot of Rads. Either way, continue through to a room filled with electricity emitting machines and Sentry Bots. There's one last 'Automated Control Terminal' [Hard], near the eastern door, and a'Security Terminal' [Hard] near the western door. If you haven't figuredit out by now, it really pays to know some Science in this area. If you go through a door to the south you can squeeze through a rubble-filled hallway and into a bathroom filled with food items and a chess set comprised of Beer and Milk Bottles. Continue through the electrical-vats room and through a doorway to the west. If you didn't disengage the security system at the terminal by the door, you'll have to duke it out with a pair of Mark VI Turrets, or run down the hallway to the north and flip an 'Emergency Electrical Switch.' Go through the doorway to theeast to reach the room with the Tesla Coil in it. Head through anotherdoor to the north and go down some stairs to reach a small lab, whereyou can score some more precious Alien Power Cells. Hack the 'RemoteAccess Research Terminal' [Hard] and select the option 'Trigger Machine Failsafe' to make it safe for you to grab the Tesla Coil, or just go through the door to the east and grab the Tesla Coil while it's active and lose half your health. Now go back upstairs and exit via the ladderleading to Old Olney. At least we don't have to run all the way backthrough that crap!<---------------------------------------------------------------------->***QUESTS***Who Dares Wins22) Report back to Paladin Tristan at the Citadel, who'll take yourTesla Coil and send you off on your next mission. This time it's off toAdams Air Force Base, and of course you'll need to go alone. The quest'Shock Value' ends and the quest 'Who Dares Wins' begins.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->23) Make your way to the White House Plaza-good thing we discovered allthese areas earlier-and head down the 'Manhole to Utility', which normally takes use through some sewers to just outside the White House.Now that Broken Steel is installed and the quest 'Who Dares Wins' isactive we can head through a door opposite the one that leads to outsidethe White House and into the Presidential Sub Level.Presidential Sub Levelo======================================================================o24) Head through the utility tunnels westward until you reach a nicermetro area. Continue through the room to the south and go down twoflights of stairs, and through another room with a number of mostlydestroyed statues. Go north through a room with some subway tracksin them, through some double doors, and into another room with tracks.Follow the tracks east and be wary of Sentry Bots who will use thetracks to get around quickly. When these tracks end in debris, go souththrough a doorway and into a utility room, down some stairs, and intoanother metro tunnel. Turn west and search the ruined subway train to find a 'Senate Employee ID' on top of a suitcase near a skeleton, thenfollow the tunnel down to the east. Expect to run into some trouble inthe form of Sentry Bots and a Turret as you go. Near the end of thetunnel you find a room to your left, inside of which you can find M.A.R.Go.T.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->25) You can just ignore M.A.R.Go.T. and go through the door to thePresidential Metro [Hard]. If you talk to M.A.R.Go.T. you'll be askedfor identification, and if you fail to provide a satisfactory response,you'll be attacked by the Turrets in the room, a Mark VII and a Mark Vin my game. You can show your filched Senate Employee ID or succeed at afairly hard Speech challenge, or make a [Science] check to get themachine to play nice. Ask about the security breach and you'll find thatthe tunnels ahead have been infested by Ghouls. On the plus side,however, your dialogue with M.A.R.Go.T has marked you as friendly, soyou should no longer have to deal with security. The game makes it sound like you have to help the computer clear the security breach to get the subway train up and running again, but you don't. Head on into the Presidental Metro when you're done with M.A.R.Go.T. Presidential Metroo======================================================================o26) Head east to find a triangular junction in the metro, where a fairlylarge fight will occur. A number of Ghouls-both weak and leveled varieties will assault this area. The Sentry Bots and Turret are strong,but they won't hold all the enemies at bay. Yes, this means Feral GhoulReavers, so be in good form and ready to fight-or use Chinese StealthArmor and kill them all with a Deathclaw Gauntlet unobserved. Eitherway. Head down the tunnel to the south, where you'll witness some Ghoulsin a parallel track to the west get clobbered by a train. I thoughtthose weren't working? Go through a door to your left labeled as the'Equipment Room' and continue through it-grabbing a Nuka-Cola Quantumoff a metal shelf on your way-and into another metro tunnel to the east.Follow this tunnel south until you reach an area with red lights around.You should have secured the security breach by now. If you didn'tbother, you've really lost nothing besides the support of the robots against the Ghouls, which is moot now anyways. Head to the east andactivate the 'Power Box' to turn the power back on, which will get thetrains working and open the door to the west that leads to the CapitolBuilding. If you want to go back home and stash loot, heal, or whatever,head through the door leading to the Capitol Building East Entrance,which is just a quicker source of egress. Grab the note 'Sorry, MyDarling' off the bench as you go, while you're at it. If you're ready tocontinue on, board the head train and activate the 'Metro Console'.Note: If you listen to the note 'Sorry, My Darling' and head over tothe La Maison Beauregard Lobby in Georgetown you'll find a guy namedLag-Bolt, the brother of Lug Nut. Kill and loot him for Lag-Bolt'sCombat Armor, Lag-Bolt's Shades, the note 'Lag Bolt's Note', and Lag-Bolt's Suitcase Key. Open the suitcase on the pool table nearby to scorethe All-Nighter Nightwear. What is it with these guys and sexy clothes?Adams AFB Metro Exito======================================================================o27) Watch the wonderful fighting between the Ghouls and 'bots as youspeed off towards your destination. These metros are like sinking ships,once breached, it's inevitable they're going down. Ah well. You'll arrive in the Adams AFB Metro Exit. Don't worry, it's not a one-way trip. Head east up some stairs to find soem tunnels running north. Ifyou want to be sneaky, pick the locked door [Average] and hack the'Turret Control System' terminal [Average] to sick the Mark VII Turreton the Enclave. Or just force you way through. Either way, get past thebarricade and go upstairs to reach Adams Air Force Base.Adams Air Force Base Entranceo======================================================================o28) Head up the stairs to the north to discover this location, thenimmediately turn west to find a box behind a metal shack marked with theBrotherhood of Steel standard. Open the 'Resupply Crate' to get the note'Orders', an Electron Charge Pack x50, 50 Microfusion Cells, and theTesla Cannon. Oh, but we're going to have some fun with this. Why nottry it out against the turrets on the building up ahead? It's a greatlong-ranged weapon, especially if you find the target with V.A.T.S.before firing.***WEAPON INFO***Tesla Cannon (Energy Weapons)Maximum Damage: 136AP Cost: HighAmmo: EC PackClip Size: 1 (1 round/shot)A slow firing Energy Weapon cannon that does a huge amount of damage,with a fairly generous area of effect. Treat this weapon as a MissileLauncher with regards to friendly-fire, you sure don't want to blow upyouself or your allies! The best thing about this gun is it deals staticdamage for a while after hitting-even if you didn't directly hit yourtarget. Just like with any area-of-effect weapon, if you're going tomiss, shoot the ground next to an enemy instead of firing off a uselessshot into the air. There's some down-time between each shot, but theweapon still gets off two shots in V.A.T.S., and while I wouldn't consider it a go-to weapon in all situations, it sure is fun to messaround with. The best part of all is the fact that this weapon is ridiculously generous with ammo consumption, using merely one EC Packper shot. By this point in the game you'll have thousands of EC Packs,and perhaps hundreds of missiles (I literally had 50 times the EC Packammo as I had missiles.)<---------------------------------------------------------------------->29) Head between the buildings to the north east, behind some Enclavebarriers you can find a metal shack with a 'Turret Control System'terminal in it [Average], and nearby are some stairs leading up to theroof of the building. If you head to the north eastern edge of the roofyou can find an awning of an adjacent building to the east, upon whichlies a first aid box, some MF Cells, and a Mini Nuke. Head down somestairs on the northern edge of the building and cross to another set ofstairs to the north. Upon this roof you can find some first aid boxes,the note 'Sector 1 Artillery Note', and of course an 'Artillery Switch'you can use to call down the thunder. Once you're done abusing the Enclave defenses, head down the stairs to the east and enter theairfield adjacent to the hangers.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->30) Enter the first hanger and, if you want to have some fun, hack the'Deathclaw Pen Door' terminals [Hard] and sick the Deathclaws on theEnclave soldiers. Search the hanger to the east, where you'll find someEnclave Scientists. One of them has the note 'Flamer Fuel Stash Holotape' and the 'Fuel Stash Container Key'. In the hanger to thenorth east the most interesting thing is the Deathclaw you can release from captivity. Search the western wall of the hanger directly north from the one where you released all the Deathclaws to find your way in (ignoring the stairs up for now). Along the eastern edge of the interior of the hanger you can find a pair of Mini Nukes, one under a desk, and the other behind some filing cabinets.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->31) Now exit this hanger by leaving out the way you entered. Go up thestairs and continue north until you find a communications tower on theroof a building to the north. Kill the Enclave soldiers and Turrets youfind, then search the table to find the note 'Sector 2 Artillery Note'and another 'Artillery Switch.' Go down the stairs on the northern sideof the building and head into an alley to the west. Turn left, thenright and go up some stairs to find a cache of goodies on top of a roof,which includes a Ripper, two Psycho, an ammunition box, and three firstaid boxes. Head back to the hanger and across the road to the west,turning north to run between two destroyed hangers. Finally, we'renearing the Adams Air Traffic Control Tower. Disable the Turrets on theroof and kill whatever Enclave Soldiers are still lurking around. Firstthings first though. Head west of the Adams Air Traffic Control Towerand behind a 'small building'. Under some barrels and tires you'll findand Enclave Crate, which you can open thanks to your key. Inside is Fuel x400. You can also snipe Enclave Soldiers afield to the east from the roof if you wish. When you're done fooling around head into the Adams Air Traffic Control Tower.Adams Air Traffic Control Towero======================================================================o32) Head around the level you entered into and search under the desksto find a Nuka-Cola Quantum. Then head up the stairs and exit to AdamsAir Force Base. Continue going upstairs until you reach the top of thetower, where some Vertibirds will appear and fire missiles at you. No,they don't need to see you, they're just going to shoot into the tower.Take out your Tesla Cannon and deal with them. Once they're dead, activate the 'Enclave Field Research' terminal and select the option'Open Mobile Platform Loading Ramp'. Once done, exit the Adams AirTraffic Control Tower.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->33) Head over to the east to find the main runway of the Adams Air ForceBase. This is where the Brotherhood and the Enclave were duking it outwhile we were exploring hangers and whatnot, so needless to say there'sa bunch of loot strewn about. So, before we head over to the Mobile BaseCrawler, lets search our way down the runway to the south. There are dead bodies to loot, and truck beds to explore, as well as the AdamsStorage Facility. Inside of this area you can find the Rapid-TorchFlamer on a counter, along with ammo, Mini Nukes, and a Nuka-ColaQuantum, so it's worth checking out. Once you've sacked this building,it's time to head over to the Mobile Base Crawler.***WEAPON INFO***Rapid-Torch Flamer (Big Guns)Maximum Damage: 180AP Cost: HighAmmo: Flamer FuelClip Size: 60 (Continuous fire, fires 3-round gout in V.A.T.S.)Although the stats are identical on paper (or on screen, rather) theRapid-Torch Flamer seems to deal its damage quicker than a normal Flamer, perhaps in the same way Jack is superior to a normal Ripper? Ifyou like fire, you'll like this gun.Mobile Base Crawlero======================================================================o34) Activate the 'Replusion Field Control Panel' where you'll getseveral options. You can turn off the repulsion field if you have a Science score of 80, which is pretty self explanatory. You can set a timed charged if you have an Explosives score of 50 and make the panelexplode, but this is not advised as it leaves the repulsion field quasi-functioning, allowing you to pass through, but damaging you every timeyou do. Smashing the control panel is like the option above, but lesselegant. The panel will immediately explode-injuring you-and you'll haveto deal with a quasi-transparent repulsion field. I just turn the damnthings off.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->35) To the south is the 'Repair Station' where you'll find Stiggs, a robot mechanic who'll ask you not to hurt him. If you say you're going to hurt him, he'll run away and his robots will attack you. If you're nice, you can pump him for information about the upper levels. Also, if you have the [Robotics Expert] perk you can chat with him about the robots, and he'll tell you that you could take control of all the robotsin the facility by hacking into the mainframe. He's a nice guy, I lethim go. He'll take his robots, 'Sparky' and 'Hoover' with him.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->36) To the north you'll find a 'high security clearance' area. If you gotoo far some Enclave Squad Sigma soldiers will show up. If they'resupposed to by any stronger than normal Enclave soldiers, my DeathclawGauntlet couldn't tell the difference. There's also an 'Armory' herewhich is worth checking out. Other than this stash you can find plenty of components and other loot strewn about that you really shouldn't need anymore. At the northern end of the level you'll find some stairs leading to the 'Dormitory' and on the southern side you'll find a ladder leading to the 'Live Deathclaw' area.Launch Platform Baseo======================================================================o37) I prefer to enter from the Dormitory. From the door head west to find a Security Officer-whom possesses a 'High Clearance Keycard'.Continue west a ways to find an 'Enclave Doctor' in a bathroom. Kill herand take her Lab Coat. Now turn around and head back to where you entered the level. Continue down the hallway to the east and follow thetunnel as it heads south until you reach another Armory. Inside you'llfind the Armory Master and several leveled Turrets. Kill them and claimthe Armor Master's 'Precision Gatling Laser', then pick the locked door[Hard] if you want to loot the Armory, where you'll find more loot thanyou probably know what to do with. At least loot the ammunition boxes [Average], as they contain Alien Power Cells. The locked gun case [Hard]contains another Alien Blaster, identical to the one we found earlier.Some of the lockers also contain Stealth Boys, which are always handy.***WEAPON INFO***Precision Gatling Laser (Energy Weapons)Maximum Damage: 298AP Cost: AverageAmmo: EC PackClip Size: 240 (1 round/shot, full-autofires 8-round bursts in V.A.T.S.)Like a normal Gatling Laser but more.. precise? Beats the hell out ofme.<---------------------------------------------------------------------->38) Pick the locked door [Easy] leading to the Mainframe and circle around the room the door opens into to find some stairs. Go up thestairs and take a right immediately upon reaching the top. Activate the 'Security Terminal' to unlock all the exterior and interior doors, as well as the door to the Armory-which is moot to you if you're following me word-for-word. You can also hack the 'Robot Control Mainframe' [Hard] to either shut down the robots, turn off their targeting perameters, or, if you've got the [Robotics Expert] perk you can specifically set them to targe