Most Power Forward Points for Each NBA Team (2024)

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Can you name the 10 Power Forwards who scored the Most Points for Each NBA Team?

By camjam05


300 Questions

114 Plays114 Plays

114 Plays


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")$ => {window.onClickObjective(reckoningQuestObjective.quest_number, reckoningQuestObjective.objective_number, reckoningQuestObjective.quest_id, reckoningQuestObjective.objective_id, $objective);});if (!window.mweb) {$j('#snark').hide();$objective.insertAfter($j('#gameOverMsg'));} else if (is_flagship_app_view) {$j('#snark').html();$objective.appendTo($j('#snark'));} else {$objective.appendTo($j('#reckoning .stats-wrapper'));}} else if (showSnark) {var snark = getSnark(userPct);var attachSnarkModalListener = false;if (snark !== '') {snark = ""+snark+"";if (!window.mweb) {if (false) {attachSnarkModalListener = true;snark += "";} else {snark += "";}}} else {$j('#snark').hide();}$j('#snark').html(snark);if(attachSnarkModalListener){ $j('#hide-snark-open-confirmation-modal').on('click', function () { var modalArgs = {title: 'Hide These Messages?',message: 'Are you sure you want to hide post-quiz messages?', onYes: function(remodal){ $j.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "/ajax/user_settings.php", data: {s: 0}, success: function(response) { if (response.success) { $j('#snark').hide(); remodal.close(); } else { if (response.responseJSON.message) { remodal.$modal.find('#confirmation-error').html(response.responseJSON.message); remodal.$modal.find('#confirmation-error').show(); } else { remodal.$modal.find('#confirmation-error').html('There was an error saving your preferences. Please contact feedback if you continue to see this issue.'); remodal.$modal.find('#confirmation-error').show(); } } }, error: function(response) { if (response.responseJSON.message) { remodal.$modal.find('#confirmation-error').html(response.responseJSON.message); remodal.$modal.find('#confirmation-error').show(); } else { remodal.$modal.find('#confirmation-error').html('There was an error saving your preferences. Please contact feedback if you continue to see this issue.'); remodal.$modal.find('#confirmation-error').show(); } } }); } }; SporcleLib.Modal._openConfirmationModal(modalArgs); }); }} else {$j('#snark').hide();}// Update get reckoning with playlist infovar playlistData;if (mweb) {playlistData = typeof window.playlist === 'object' && window.playlist.hasOwnProperty('games') ? window.playlist : null;} else {playlistData = window.Sporcle.gameData.playlist ? : null;}if (playlistData) {playlistReckoning(playlistData, userPct, false && !stopwatch);}$j('#playGameBar').addClass('reckoning');$j('#reckonBox').show();if (mweb) {/* mobile games only */$j('#reckoning-numright').html(numRight);$j('#reckoning-time').html(displayTime(timerSecs));if (stopwatch) {$j('#reckoning-time-title').text("Stopwatch");$j('#reckoning-time, #reckoning-score').addClass('timePast');}var checkToOpenFlorinPlayGoalModal = () => {if (userPct == 0) {return;}if (!florinsPlayGoalData) {return;}var openModal = false;if (florinsPlayGoalData.reward_claimable) {openModal = true;} else if (florinsPlayGoalData.curr_streak + 1 == florinsPlayGoalData.goal_days && florinsPlayGoalData.plays_today == 0) {// First play of the day, this should complete their play goalopenModal = true;}if (openModal) { window.SporcleLib.Modal.openFlorinPlayGoalModal({ // Fudge these values to be at the goal, since we haven't necessarily logged this play yet and it might be the 7th curr_streak : florinsPlayGoalData.goal_days, reward_claimable : true, plays_today : florinsPlayGoalData.plays_today + 1, goal_days : florinsPlayGoalData.goal_days, reward_amount : florinsPlayGoalData.reward_amount, })}}if (is_flagship_app_view) {let animations = window.animations;let hapticType = 'success';let completeMsg;let animConfig = {animationData : animations.checkmark,loop : true,playSegments : [[0, 30], [31, 75]]};if (userPct == 1) {animConfig.animationData = animations.perfectScore;animConfig.playSegments = [[0, 14], [15, 75]];completeMsg = "Perfect Score!";} else if (timerSecs == 0) {hapticType = 'error';animConfig.animationData = animations.outOfTime;animConfig.playSegments = [[0, 14], [15, 75]];completeMsg = "Out of Time!";} else if (_spks && !didGiveUp) {hapticType = 'error';animConfig.animationData = animations.bomb;animConfig.playSegments = [[0, 14], [15, 75]];completeMsg = "You Hit a Mine!";}window.SporcleLib.Modal.openModalFromTpl($j('#post-game-modal-tpl').html(), {show_loading : false,onInit : (modal) => {let $modal = modal.$modal; $modal.attr('id', 'postGameModal'); postGameAnim = lottie.loadAnimation({container : $modal.find('#postGameIcon')[0],animationData : animConfig.animationData,loop : animConfig.loop,autoplay : false});$modal.find('.modal-close').on('click', () => {window.continuePostQuiz();}); $modal.find('#completeMsg').html(completeMsg); $modal.find('#postPct').html(roundPercentScore(userPct));$modal.find('#postCorrect').html($j('#reckoning-score').text());if (snark) {$modal.find('#snark').html(snark);} else {$modal.find('#snark').hide();}setTimeout(() => {postGameAnim.playSegments(animConfig.playSegments, true);// if (hapticType) {// setTimeout(() => {// window.SporcleApp.api.playHaptic(hapticType);// }, 150);// }}, 150);},onClose : () => {// Need this delay because if we open a new modal right as the close animation finishes,// Then the modal events get confused and the "onOpen" callback never gets calledsetTimeout(() => {checkToOpenFlorinPlayGoalModal();}, 50);}});} else {checkToOpenFlorinPlayGoalModal();}}$j('#playGameBox').empty().hide();$j('#postGameBox').show();}function toggleshow() {showans = !showans;}function roundPercentScore(pctScore) {return _.round(100 * pctScore);}function updateBadge(userPct) {var earned = false;if (quizBadge && userPct > 0) { if (quizBadge.criteria && quizBadge.criteria.length) { var requiredCount = quizBadge.criteria.length; 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} } else if ( === 'day_of_the_week'){ var d = new Date(); if((d.getDay() == criterion.value && comparison === 0) || (d.getDay() > criterion.value && comparison === 1) || (d.getDay() < criterion.value && comparison === -1) ){ earnedCount++; } } else if ( === 'avg_percent' && typeof averageScore !== 'undefined') {var roundedUserPct = _.round(userPct, 2); //matches backend precision in badge trackervar roundedAvgPct = _.round(averageScore, 2);if((roundedUserPct == roundedAvgPct && comparison === 0) || (roundedUserPct > roundedAvgPct && comparison === 1) || (roundedUserPct < roundedAvgPct && comparison === -1) ){ earnedCount++; } }}); earned = earnedCount == requiredCount;} else {earned = true;}} if (earned) {quizBadge.condition_earned = true;quizBadge.achieved_count++; var spliceIndex = null;_(quizBadge.remaining_conditions).each(function(condition, index) {if (quizBadge.condition_id == condition.condition_id) {spliceIndex = index;}});_(quizBadge.conditions).each(function(condition, index) {if (quizBadge.condition_id == condition.condition_id) {condition.earned = true;}});if (spliceIndex !== null) {quizBadge.remaining_conditions.splice(spliceIndex, 1); 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' +'

' +'

' +'

' +'

' +'

').appendTo($j('body'));}if (hint) {var $afterContainer = $hint.find('.afterContainer');var $after = $hint.find('.after');// Set to max width before resize$afterContainer.css({width: '120px'});$;// Set tooltip text to hint$after.html(hint);// Get width of tooltip with textvar width = Math.ceil($after[0].offsetWidth) + 1;var leftShift = 0;if (mweb) {// Make sure the tooltip doesn't go off either side of the screenvar leftBound = 51;var rightBound = $j('body').width() - 71;var buf = 11;// Shift based on width of textvar shiftLimit = Math.max(width/2 - 20, 0);if (x < leftBound) {// Too close to left edge of screenleftShift = -shiftLimit;x = Math.max(x, buf);} else if (x > rightBound) {// Too close to right edge of screenleftShift = shiftLimit;x = Math.min(x, $j('body').width() - buf);}}// Set the position of the hint$hint.css({left: x + 'px',top: y + 'px',});// Set outer container size and position$afterContainer.css({width: width + 'px',left: '-' + ((width / 2) + leftShift) + 'px'});} else {$hint.hide();}}function getRandomColor() {var r = Math.round(Math.random() * 255);var g = Math.round(Math.random() * 255);var b = Math.round(Math.random() * 255);return 'rgb(' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + ')';}function hintTooltipIsDisplayed() {return $j('#hintTooltip').is(':visible');}function getCurrentHintText() {return $j('#hintTooltip .afterContainer .after').text();}// This is used to yield execution to the main javascript thread so that we can break longer running tasks into smaller tasks.// See here: yieldToMain () {return new Promise(resolve => {setTimeout(resolve, 0);});}async function runStartCode(stopwatch) {if (typeof gamePageIsLoaded != "undefined" && gamePageIsLoaded) {if (window.startTriggered) {return;} else {window.startTriggered = true;}if (typeof stopwatch !== 'undefined') {if (stopwatch) {window.selectTimerSetting('stopwatch');} else {window.selectTimerSetting('timer');}}// The `startGame` function does a lot, so we want to yield execution both before and after this call. Yielding before// will allow the existing task to finish, freeing up the runtime to move to the next thing in the message queue before startGame// executes. Yielding after will do the same, before we perform the rest of the actions related to starting a quiz.await yieldToMain();await startGame(1500);await yieldToMain();callSPHooks('postStart');}}function callSPHooks(name) {if (typeof _spHooks != 'undefined') {var hlen = _spHooks[name].length;for (var i = 0; i < hlen; i++) {_spHooks[name][i]();}}}


Quiz is untimed. Quiz plays in practice mode will not be counted towards challenge completion or badge progress.


20,880 (1954-65)
9,730 (1984-95, 2004-05)
8,685 (1962-72)
7,644 (1978-84)
7,576 (2004-12)
5,768 (2017-23)
5,177 (2013-17)
4,309 (2001-04)
4,205 (1984-90)
3,707 (1995-04)
17,335 (1980-93)
11,386 (1996-03, 2004-05)
10,025 (1956-65)
8,766 (1960-73)*
7,783 (1977-85)*
4,282 (2007-13)
3,744 (1972-76)
3,384 (1993-97)
3,384 (1965-76)*
3,239 (2017-Current)
10,440 (1981-88)
6,930 (1990-95)
4,296 (2000-04)
3,670 (1997-02)
2,327 (2009-13)
2,180 (2005-07)
1,827 (2004-08)*
1,642 (1992-99)
1,566 (1993-96)
1,488 (2015-16)
7,405 (1991-96)
4,149 (2014-20)
3,946 (2019-24)
3,010 (2008-12)
2,247 (1989-95)
2,225 (1996-00)
2,096 (1998-02)*
2,002 (1998-01)
1,622 (1989-90)
1,449 (2004-09)*
11,004 (1968-77)
6,866 (1987-94)
5,824 (1979-85)
5,280 (2009-15)
4,266 (1974-79)
3,439 (2017-21)
3,314 (2010-14)
3,162 (1985-88, 2001-02)
3,152 (1967-69)
3,117 (1999-01)
7,257 (1988-94)
6,624 (2014-23)
6,309 (1986-95)
5,643 (1990-00)
3,488 (2004-08)
3,461 (1973-79)
2,831 (1979-82)
2,573 (2011-20, 2023-Current)*
2,523 (2010-12)
2,477 (1972-75)
27,174 (1998-2019)
6,464 (1981-86)
5,560 (1984-90)
3,121 (2016-23)
2,970 (2016-19)
2,824 (1986-95)
2,718 (2017-Current)
2,323 (1991-95)
2,116 (1993-96, 2002-03)
2,083 (1989-94)
6,442 (1995-97, 1998-02)
6,241 (1980-84)*
5,046 (2011-18)
4,553 (2004-11)
3,502 (2021-Current)
3,303 (1984-88)
2,531 (2017-21)
2,444 (1992-98)
2,418 (1978-80)
2,329 (1983-90)*
6,064 (1961-67)
5,872 (1992-97, 1999-00)
4,392 (1971-76)
3,321 (2004-09)
3,287 (1953-57)
3,147 (1959-64)
2,861 (2018-21)
2,684 (1960-65)
2,656 (2003-09)
2,421 (2009-14)
7,853 (1946-54)
7,052 (2012-Current)
6,052 (1953-61)
5,454 (2010-15)
5,225 (1980-89)
4,024 (2001-06)
3,968 (1974-77)
3,775 (1961-67)*
3,590 (1995-98)
3,042 (1991-94, 1999-00)*
11,422 (1970-81)
8,177 (1988-95)
5,597 (2007-12)
4,275 (1983-87)*
3,090 (1967-71)
3,017 (1996-00)
2,766 (1968-72, 1981-84)
2,619 (2000-05)
2,594 (1971-75)
2,334 (1999-02)
6,629 (2000-08)
6,380 (1981-89)*
6,081 (1991-00)
4,442 (1989-93)*
4,402 (1985-89)
4,035 (1997-06)
3,979 (2011-15)
3,618 (1977-81)
3,474 (2006-10)
3,078 (2017-22)
10,863 (2010-18)
9,336 (2001-08)
7,120 (1988-94)
5,871 (1990-98)
3,355 (1984-88)
2,854 (1973-76)
2,800 (1988-92)*
2,783 (1981-83)
2,648 (1997-00)
2,515 (2020-23)
10,063 (1949-59)
8,231 (1959-67)
7,789 (1985-93, 1999-00)
6,658 (2019-Current)
5,993 (1969-75)
5,906 (2004-11)
5,098 (1990-98)*
4,206 (2017-21)
2,816 (1981-88, 1993-95)
2,697 (1990-93)
9,261 (2009-17)
7,002 (2001-08)*
3,126 (2005-09)
2,602 (2019-Current)
2,293 (2015-19)
1,788 (2018-Current)*
1,656 (2008-13)
1,494 (1996-01)
1,482 (2021-Current)
1,275 (2020-24)
6,586 (2003-23)
5,473 (1988-94)
4,401 (2010-16)*
4,125 (2010-14)*
2,803 (1996-00)
2,491 (2008-10)
2,293 (2016-20)
1,660 (2005-07)
1,591 (1994-96)
1,371 (2003-04)
13,765 (2013-Current)
5,840 (1984-89, 1995-96)
5,711 (2006-15, 2018-20)
4,817 (1993-97)
3,923 (2020-Current)
3,149 (1975-80)
2,612 (2006-09)
2,405 (1968-71)
2,403 (2014-18)
2,202 (1987-92)
15,343 (1995-07, 2015-17)
6,090 (2008-14)
3,967 (1992-96)
3,278 (1989-92, 1995-02)*
2,933 (1995-98)
2,357 (2020-Current)*
2,081 (2006-09)
1,937 (1991-94)
1,752 (2017-19)
1,643 (2013-20)*
8,504 (2003-11)
7,508 (2012-19)
4,002 (2019-Current)
2,927 (2019-Current)*
2,869 (2012-16)
2,554 (2002-06)
1,565 (2018-19)
1,036 (2010-14, 2018-19)*
1,028 (2014-18)
973 (2018-19)
8,318 (1956-62)*
7,528 (1988-98)
7,445 (2019-Current)
7,337 (1948-57)
6,957 (1968-74)
4,658 (1967-78)
4,491 (1964-74)*
4,042 (1959-65)
4,032 (2011-17)*
3,653 (1998-05)
10,148 (1989-97)
8,131 (1970-75)
8,028 (1983-88)
6,054 (2009-16)
4,460 (1978-83)
3,743 (1997-02)
3,273 (2007-11)
3,232 (2001-06)
2,342 (2006-09)
2,061 (1974-76)
4,545 (2014-21)
4,194 (2007-10)
4,030 (1994-99, 2001-03)
3,433 (1989-93)
3,241 (2022-Current)
2,672 (1989-95)
2,497 (1999-08)
2,273 (2004-12)*
2,148 (2009-12)
2,029 (2013-16)
17,210 (1949-64)
12,195 (1984-92)
7,078 (2007-14)
6,093 (1978-86)
5,046 (1975-78)
4,756 (2019-24)
4,282 (1964-72)
3,650 (1973-82)*
3,271 (2008-12, 2015-16)
3,177 (1965-72, 1974-76)*
8,430 (1981-88)
7,817 (1988-93)
6,556 (1992-96)
5,269 (2002-10)*
3,940 (2011-16)
3,360 (1969-72)
2,809 (1994-99)
2,746 (1974-78)
2,697 (2005-08)
2,560 (2009-14)*
Trail Blazers
11,997 (2006-15)
9,119 (1996-04)
8,882 (1971-76)
6,202 (2001-07)
5,677 (1989-96)
5,151 (1976-80)
3,903 (1982-87)
3,729 (1978-86)*
2,422 (2022-Current)
2,316 (1989-97)
9,107 (1963-69)
8,843 (1998-05)
6,808 (1989-94)
5,045 (1984-88, 1997-98)
4,463 (1949-55)
4,215 (1975-80)
4,124 (2008-15)
3,740 (1969-73)
3,315 (1955-58)
2,881 (1960-63)
14,689 (1997-16)
5,310 (2015-20)
5,181 (1989-95)
3,815 (1997-05)
3,460 (2006-16)
3,270 (1976-80)
3,195 (1976-82)
3,033 (1981-85)
2,372 (1985-89)
2,251 (2009-13)
8,875 (2016-24)
4,494 (2003-10)
3,957 (2009-15)
3,813 (2006-13)
2,699 (2018-Current)
2,073 (2013-17)
1,813 (2003-05)
1,644 (1999-01)
1,417 (2001-03)
1,365 (2021-23)
36,374 (1985-03)
6,821 (2004-10)
6,713 (2006-13)
6,366 (2011-19)
3,403 (1983-91)
2,969 (2022-Current)
2,901 (1977-79)
2,700 (2001-11)*
1,775 (1974-77)
1,666 (1979-81)
15,551 (1972-81)
7,052 (2004-10)
6,877 (1963-72)
4,040 (2021-Current)
3,460 (1967-70)
3,329 (2005-12)
2,951 (1988-93, 1996-98)
2,886 (1994-98)
2,630 (2016-19)
2,616 (1992-94)
Most Power Forward Points for Each NBA Team (2024)
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Article information

Author: Tish Haag

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Views: 5730

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (67 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.